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On the basis of Project Report submitted by ROHIT, student of B.Tech (Civil),

I hereby certify that the Project Report Entitled “RAINWATER
submitted to Department of Civil Engineering, University Institute of
engineering and technology (UIET), MDU Rohtak in partial fulfillment of
requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in “Civil
Engineering” is an original contribution with existing knowledge and faithful
record of work carried out by him under my guidance and supervision. To the
best of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part or full for any
Degree or Diploma to this University or elsewhere.

Date :-

Er. Ravish Kumar

Asst. Professor
Department of Civil
University Institute of
engineering and technology
MDU Rohtak

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................
1. RAINWATER HARVESTING ............................................................................
Highlights Of Rainwater Harvesting .............................................................................................
Advantages Of Rainwater Harvesting ...........................................................................................
Need For Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting ...................................................................................
Significance Of Rainwater Harvesting..........................................................................................
Scope Of Rainwater Harvesting ....................................................................................................
History ...........................................................................................................................................
Studies Carried Out Globally ........................................................................................................
Studies Carried Out India ..............................................................................................................
Ground Water Scenario In Rohtak ................................................................................................
Components Of Rainwater Harvesting System.............................................................................
Rainwater Harvesting Techniques ................................................................................................
2. STUDY AREAS AND DATA COLLECTION ......................................................
Study Areas ...................................................................................................................................
Data Collection..............................................................................................................................
Rainfall And Climate ....................................................................................................................
3. DETERMINATION OF DATA .............................................................................
Rainfall Data and Runoff ..............................................................................................................
Storage Capacity Of Reservoir......................................................................................................
4. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................

Our hearts pulsate with the thrill for tendering gratitude to those persons who
helped us in completion of the project.

The most pleasant point of presenting a report is the opportunity to thank those
who have contributed to it. Unfortunately, the list of expressions of thank no
matter how extensive is always incomplete and inadequate. Indeed this page of
acknowledgment shall never be able to touch the horizon of generosity of those
who tendered their help tome.

We extend our deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to our guide Asst.
Prof. Er. Ravish Kumar, Department Of Civil Engineering, University
institute of Engineering & Technology, Maharshi Dayanand University
Rohtak for their kind attitude, invaluable guidance, keen interest, immense
help, inspiration and encouragement which helped us carrying out our present

It is a great pleasure for us to acknowledge and express our gratitude to our

classmates and friends for their understanding, unstinted support and endless
encouragement during our study.

Lastly, we thank all those who are involved directly or indirectly in completion
of the present project work.

At the rate in which India populace is expanding, it is said that India will
definitely supplant China from its number 1 position of most thickly populated
nation of the world after 20-30. These will prompt high rate of utilization of
most profitable regular asset; Water's subsequent in enlargement of weights on
the allowed freshwater assets. Old technique for damming waterway and
transporting water to urban zone has its own issues of everlasting
inconveniences of social and political. Keeping in mind the end goal to save and
take care of our day by daydemand of water prerequisite, we have to think for
elective save and generally less demanding mechanical techniques for
monitoring water. Rain water reaping is outstanding amongst other techniques
satisfying those necessities. The specialized parts of this paper are water
gathering gathered from housetop which is thought to be catchment territories
from all lodgings and Institutes departmental working at University Institute of
Engineering and Technology , MDU Rohtak . As a matter of first importance,
required information are gathered i.e. catchment zones and hydrological
precipitation information. Water gathering potential for the inns and workforce
flats was ascertained, and the tank limit with appropriate plan is being
considered. Volume of tank has been ascertained with most suitable strategy for
estimation. Ideal area of tank based on hydrologicalinvestigation.
Rain is a definitive wellspring of new water. With the ground zone around houses and structures being
solidified, especially in urban communities and towns, water, which keeps running off from patios and
rooftops, was depleting into low-lying territories and not permeating into the dirt. Consequently,
valuable water is wasted, as it is depleted into the ocean in the end. Rainwater gathering is a framework
by which, the water that gathers on the rooftops and the region around the structures is coordinated into
open wells through a channel tank or into a permeation load, constructed particularly for this reason.
Water is gathered straightforwardly or revived into the ground to enhance ground water stockpiling.
Water that is not removed from ground amid blustery days is the water spared.


1. Less urbanflooding.

2. Straightforwardness in building framework in lesstime.

3. Monetarily less expensive in development contrasted with different sources, i.e. dams,
redirection, and soon.

4. Water collecting is the perfect circumstance for those regions where there is lacking groundwater
supply or surface assets.

5. Aides in using the essential wellspring of water and keep the overflow from going into sewer or
tempest channels, accordingly lessening the heap on treatmentplants.

6. Reviving water into the aquifers which help in enhancing the nature of existing groundwater
through weakening.


1. Recharge to groundwater and built up in ground water levels.
2. Rejuvenation of dried up wells.
3. Improvement in the yields of wells.
4. Improvement in the quality of ground water through dilution.
5. Helps in reducing inundation of roads and flood hazards.
6. Save future generations from water scarcity problem.
7. Reduce power Consumption.
8. Collection of roof top water in to a sump and recharge pit facilitates direct use of rainwater apart
from recharge to ground water. This helps in reducing the water bill and huge investments on
purchase of water through tankers in scarcity areas.
9. The structures recommended for rainwater harvesting area simple, economical and echo‐


• To meet the ever increasing demand for water
• To reduce the runoff which chokes storm water drains
• To avoid flooding of roads
• To augment ground water storage
• To reduce the soil erosion
• To supplement domestic water requirement during crisis
• To improve the quality of ground water


i) It is clean and free.

ii) It uses simple method and acceptable by society.
iii)It reduces flood and runoff volume.
iv) It is very essential for recharging the ground water and maintains the constantGround Water
v) Water can be used for various domestic and commercial uses which depends onthe area of
harvesting and method of harvesting.
vi) It saves water for the use in dry water underground.


RWH has a wider area of scope. A house, a society and a country can be benefitted with the technology
for life time. Its importance doesn't limit to the maximum use of rain water harvested from the roof in
wet season but also, it provide a amazing guidance to save the overflow of water into the ground and use
that water in dry season.

It can be summarized as:

i) Use of water for house hold purpose
ii) Saves good amount of money i.e. economic
iii) Construction of water recharge zone, pits, wells etc.
Water collecting and use frameworks have been utilized since antiquated circumstances and
confirmation of rooftop catchment frameworks go back to early Roman circumstances. Roman estates
and even entire urban communities were intended to exploit water as the chief water hotspot for
drinking and residential purposes since no less than 2000 B.C. In the Negev leave in Israel, tanks for
putting away overflow from slopes for both local and farming purposes have permitted home and
development in zones with as meager as 100mm of rain for each year. The most punctual known proof
of the utilization of the innovation in Africa originates from northern Egypt, where tanks running from
200- 2000m3 have been utilized for no less than 2000 years – numerous are as yet operational today.
The innovation likewise has a long history in Asia, where water gathering hones have been followed
back right around 2000 years in Thailand. The little scale gathering of water from the overhang of
rooftops or by means of straightforward drains into conventional jugs and pots has been polishedin
Africa and Asia for a huge number of years. In numerous remote provincial regions, this is as yet the
technique utilized today. The world's biggest water tank is most likely the YerebatanSarayiin Istanbul,
Turkey. This was built amid the lead of Caesar Justinian (A.D. 527-565). It quantifies 140m by 70m and
has a limit of 80,000 cubic meters


Very nearly 85 percent of the water falls specifically into the ocean and never achieves the land. The
little leftover portion that hastens on the land tops off the lakes and wells, and furthermore keeps the
waterway streaming. For each 50,000 grams of sea waterjust a single gram of crisp water is accessible to
humanity making it a rare and valuable product. Water covers around seventy five percent of the world's
surface. The aggregate volume of water has been evaluated to be in excess of 1400 million Km3,
enough to cover the whole earth with a layer of300 m profundity. Around 97.0% of this water is in the
seas. Of this 3.0% that is crisp, 79% untruths solidified in the Polar Regions. In this manner, all the rest
of the water in the lakes and streams, in underground repositories and in type of the dampness in the air,
soil and the vegetation, adds up to just about O.6% of the aggregate. Of this 0.6%, (that is fluid new
water), just 53 % is accessible as stream and lake water. Shockingly the salt water of the seasis a
definitive wellspring of crisp water on thisplanet.
Around 113,000 cu. km. of new water is created every year by the worldwide hydrological cycle, out of
which 72,000 cu. km. is lost to vanishing, leaving just 41,000 cu. km accessible for utilize.
India has an aggregate yearly accessibility of inexhaustible new water of 2.085 million m3, lower than
Brazil (6.949), Russia (9.465), Indonesia (2.530), the USA (2.478) and China (2.427). The conservative
utilization of water must be advanced both in the created and the creating social orders. Horticulture
represents 80 percent of all water use in the creating social orders.
India's per capita water accessibility in 2004 was 2000 m3 contrasted and 110,000 for Canada, 9900 for
US and 4400 for Japan. These nations have possessed the capacity to outfit vast parts of their water
assets through legitimate administration. Shockingly, we have not possessed the capacity to make
legitimate use of our water assets, prompting enormous water worry in numerous parts of India. Starting
today, the nation is encountering perpetual water deficiencies, and the influenced region is probably
going to increment essentially by 2025. We cannot stand to ignore the bona fide requirement for ideal
usage of water assets. Legitimate administration and usage of water assets have turned into a
noteworthy worldwide issue with huge ramifications for populace arranging, welfare, social solidness
Today because of rising populace and temperate development rate, requests for the surface water is
expanding exponentially. Because of this reality the wellsprings of water are being abused; which will
eventually bring about water deficiency all around the globe. Here is a pictorial investigation indicating
locales influenced by water lack in year 1990 and those which will be influenced by the water
deficiency by year 2025.

Water gathering is by all accounts an ideal swap for surface and ground water as later is worried about
the increasing expense and additionally biological issues. In this manner, water reaping is a savvy and
moderately lesser complex method for dealing with out restricted assets guaranteeing supported long
haul supply of water to the group. Keeping in mind the end goal to battle with the water shortage,
numerous nations began reaping precipitation. Real players are Germany (Biggest reaping framework in
Germany is at Frankfurt Airport, gathering water from tops of the new terminal which has a huge
catchment region of 26,800 m2), Singapore (as normal yearly precipitation of Singapore is 2400 mm,
which is high and most appropriate for water collecting application), Tokyo (as RWH framework saves
water which can be used for crisis water requests for seismic catastrophe), and so forth.


Today, just 2.5 for each penny of the whole world's water is new, which is fit for human utilization,
horticulture and industry. In a few sections of the world, nonetheless, water is being utilized at a
considerably speedier rate than can be refilled by precipitation. In 2025, the per capita water
accessibility in India will be decreased to 1500 cubic meters from 5000 of every 1950. The United
Nations cautions that this lack of freshwater could be the most genuine snag to creating enough
nourishment for a developing total populace, lessening neediness and ensuring the earth. Henceforth the
water shortage will be a basic issue on the off chance that it isn't dealt with now in its shelled nut
organize. Differentiating figures of water shortage in world between two course of events (1999 and
2025) are appeared in the figures. A portion of the significant city where water collecting has officially
executed is Delhi (Center for Science and Environment's (CSE) plans sixteen model undertakings in
Delhi to setup water gathering structures in various settlements and establishments), Bangalore
(Rainwater reaping at Escorts-Mahle-Goetze, Designed by S.Vishvanatha), Indore Municipal
Corporation (IMC) has declared a refund of 6 for every penny on property impose for the individuals
who have actualized the water collecting work in their home/cottage/building).
Rohtak region of Haryana situated on south eastern piece of Haryana state lies between 28 40' , 29 05'
north latitudes and 76 13' and 76 51' east longitudes. Total geographical region of the area is 2151 sq.
km.The district area falls in Yamuna sub- basin of Ganga basin, and is mainly drained by the artificial drain
No. 8 which flows from north to south. Jawahar Lal Nehru feeder and Bhalaut sub Branch are main canals of
the district. Bhalaut sub branch irrigate the area falling in Kalanaur, Rohtak and Sampla blocks. The Bhiwani
sub branch and Kahnaur distributary irrigates the areas covering Kalanaur, Meham and Lakhan Majra
blocks. Area under Canal irrigation is about 84193 hact. in the district. CGWB has carried out ground water
exploration besides other hydro geological and geophysical studies in the district.
The district is occupied by Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain of Quaternary age, and falls in
Yamuna sub -basin of Ganga basin. The Central Ground Water Board has drilled 6 exploratory
boreholes to delineate and determine potential aquifer zones, evaluation of aquifer characteristics.
The permeable granular zones comprising fine to medium grained sand and occasionally coarse
sand and gravel. Their lateral and as well as vertical extent is limited. The borehole data reveals
that clay group of formations dominate over the sand group in the district area. The bed rock in the
district area was encountered at a depth of 370.0 m at Hasangarh in Sampla block. The boreholes
drilled in the district were abandoned either due to bad quality of water or poor discharge. Ground
water in the district occurs in the alluvium under water table and semi confined to confined
conditions. Two to four granular zones with aggregate thickness from 23m to 52m are present in
the area up to bed rock. There has however been a successful well at Sondhi, Rohtak block,
tapping the zones27m-34m,37m-40m, and46m-52m. The discharge of the well was 870lpm at a
drawdown of 7.5m. The transmissivity ‘T’ value 207m2 /day was determined. Shallow tube wells for
irrigation use are generally constructed upto a depth of 20 m and are of cavity type. The discharge
of these shallow tubewells/ cavity wells range 360 -600 litres per minutes. Deep tube wells are not
constructed in the district due to increase in salinity with depth.

Depth to Ground Water Map of Rohtak in June 1981

Depth to Ground Water Map of Rohtak in June 2011


A water gathering framework includes parts for - transporting water through funnels or depletes,
filtration, and tanks for capacity of reaped water. The regular parts of a water collecting framework are:-

1. Catchments: The surface which straightforwardly gets the precipitation and gives water to the
framework is called catchment zone. It can be a cleared region like a patio or yard of a building, or
an unpaved zone like a garden or open ground. A rooftop made of fortified bond concrete (R.C.C),
excited iron or layered sheets can likewise be utilized for water gathering.

2. Coarse Mesh: It keeps the section of flotsam and jetsam, gave in the rooftop.

3. Drains: Channels which encompasses edge of a slanting rooftop to gather and transport water to
the capacity tank. Canals can be semi-round or rectangular and for the most part made locally from
plain aroused iron sheet. Drains should be upheld so they don't hang or tumble off when stacked
with water. The manner by which canals are settled basically relies upon the development of the
house, for the most part iron or timber sections are settled into the dividers.

4. Conduit: Conduits are pipelines or channels that convey water from the catchment or housetop
zone to the collecting framework. Generally accessible courses are comprised of material like
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or electrifies press(GI).

5. To begin with flushing: A first flush gadget is a valve which guarantees flushing out of first
spell of rain far from the capacity tank that conveys a moderately bigger measure of
contaminations from the air and catchment surface.
6. Channels: The channel is utilized to expel suspended poisons from water gathered from housetop
water. The Various sorts of channels for the most part utilized for business design are Charcoal
water channel, Sand channels, Horizontal roughing channel and moderate sand channel.

7. Tanks: There are different alternatives accessible for the development of these tanks regarding the
shape, estimate, material of development and the situation of tank and they are:- Shape:
Cylindrical, square and rectangular. Material of development: Reinforced bond concrete (RCC),
stone work, Ferro concrete and so forth. Position of tank: Depending ashore space accessibility
these tanks could be built over the ground, somewhat underground or completely underground.
Some support measures like purification and cleaning are required to guarantee the nature of water
put away in the holder. In the event that collected water is chosen to energize the underground
aquifer/store, at that point a portion of the structures specified underneath are utilized.

8. Revive structures: Rainwater Harvested can likewise be utilized for charging the groundwater
aquifers through reasonable structures like burrowed wells, bore wells, energize trenches and
energize pits. Different energize structures are conceivable - some which advance the permeation
of water through soil strata at shallower profundity (e.g., revive trenches, penetrable asphalts)
while others lead water to more prominent profundities from where it joins the groundwater (e.g.
revive wells). At numerous areas, existing structures like wells, pits and tanks can be adjusted as
revive structures, killing the need to build any new structures. A portion of the few regularly
utilized reviving techniques are energizing of burrowed wells and surrendered tube wells,
Settlement tank, Recharging of administration tube wells, Recharge pits, Soak ways/Percolation
pit , Recharge troughs, Recharge trenches, Modified infusion well.


There are two fundamental procedures of rainwater harvestings:
1. Storage of water on surface for sometime later.
2. Revive to ground water.

The capacity of rain water on surface is a customary procedure and structures utilized were underground
tanks, lakes, check dams, weirs and so on. Energize to ground water is another idea of rain water
collecting and the structures for the most part utilized are:-

1. Pits:- Recharge pits are built for energizing the shallow aquifer. These are built 1 to 2 m, wide and
to 3 m. profound which are inlayed with stones, rock, coarse sand.

2. Trenches:- These are built when the penetrable strata is accessible at shallow profundity. Trench
might be 0.5 to 1 m. wide, 1 to 1.5m profound and 10 to 20 m. long depending up accessibility of
water. These are refilled with channel materials.

3. Dug wells:- Existing burrowed wells might be used as revive structure and water should go
through channel media before putting into burrowed well.

4. Hand pumps:- The current hand pumps might be utilized for reviving the shallow/profound
aquifers, if the accessibility of water is constrained. Water should go through channel media before
redirecting it into hand pumps.
5. Recharge wells:- Recharge wells of 100 to 300 mm. distance across are by and large built for
energizing the more profound aquifers and water is gone through channel media to abstain from
gagging of revive wells.

6. Recharge Shafts:- For energizing the shallow aquifer which are situated beneath clayey surface,
revive shafts of 0.5 to 3 m. distance across and 10 to 15 m. profound are developed and refilled
with stones, rock and coarse sand.

7. Lateral shafts with bore wells:-For energizing the upper and additionally more profound
aquifers sidelong shafts of 1.5 to 2 m. wide and 10 to 30 m. long contingent on accessibility of
water with maybe a couple bore wells are developed. The sidelong shafts is in layed with rocks,
rock and coarse sand.

8. Spreading procedures:- When penetrable strata begins from top then this strategy is utilized.
Spread the water in streams/Nalas by making check dams, nala bunds, bond plugs, gabion
structures or a permeation lake might be built.

Strategies for manufactured revive in urban territories :

1. Water spreading

2. Recharge through pits, trenches, wells, shafts

3. Roof best gathering of water

4. Road best gathering of water Initiated energize from surface water bodies

Components of Consideration
1. The catchment zone and capacity limit of a framework are generally little. There is an awesome
variety in climate. Amid a drawn out dry spell, the capacity tank may become scarce.

2. Maintenance of water gathering frameworks, and the nature of gathered water, can be troublesome
for clients.

3. Extensive improvement of water reaping frameworks may decrease the wage of open water

4. Rainwater collecting frameworks are frequently not some portion of the construction regulation
and need clear rules for clients/engineers to take after.

5. Rainwater use has not been perceived as an option of water supply framework by the general
population segment. Governments regularly do exclude water use in their water administration
arrangements, and residents don't request water usage in their groups.

6. Rainwater capacity tanks might be a risk to kids who play around it.

7. Rainwater capacity tanks may consume up profitable room.

8. Some improvement expenses of bigger water catchment framework might be too high if the
expenses are not imparted to different frameworks as a feature of a multi‐purpose arrange
Learning from these favorable circumstances and hindrances, the choice to utilize water as another
water source ought to be talked about among national/client gatherings and government water


As discussed earlier in the section of introduction – importance of rainwater harvesting at UIET, we
clearly came to know that all the advantages which we can draw out by implementing this small but
highly efficient technique in the campus. Thus to increase the potential, benefits of this system and draw
maximum advantages from it, we need to have large rooftop areas which will be going to act as
catchment areas. More the catchment areas more will be the surface runoff and thus more will be the
amount of harvested water.
Month-Wise Average Rainfall (mm)for the last 05 Years in the Rohtak district:


The climate of Rohtak district can be classified as subtropical monsoon, mild &dry winter, hot
summer and sub-humid which is mainly dry with very hot summer and cold winter except during
monsoon season when moist air of oceanic origin penetrates into the district. The hot weather
season starts from mid March to last week of the June followed by the south west monsoon which
lasts up to September. The transition period from September to November forms the post
monsoon season. The winter season starts late in November and remains upto first week of
The highest rainfall (1004 mm) in the district was held during the year 1995 and the lowest (231 mm)
was during 1999.The normal annual rainfall in Rohtak district is about 592 mm spread over 23
days. The south west monsoon sets in the last week of June and withdraws towards the end of
September and contributes about 84% of the annual rainfall. July and August are the wettest
months. 16% of the annual rainfall occurs during the non-monsoon months in the wake of thunder
storms and western disturbances.

Normal Annual Rainfall 592 mm

Normal monsoon Rainfall 499 mm
Mean Maximum 40.5ºC (May-June)
Mean Minimum 7ºC
Intensity of Rainfall 20mm/hour

Runoff coefficient
Runoff coefficient for any catchment is the ratio of the volume of water that runs off a surface to the
volume of rainfall that falls on the surface. Runoff coefficient accounts for losses due to spillage,
leakage, infiltration, catchment surface wetting and evaporation, which will all contribute to reducing
the amount of runoff. Runoff coefficient varies from 0.5 to 1.0. In present problem statement, runoff
coefficient is equal to 1 as the rooftop area is totally impervious. Eco-Climatic condition (i.e. Rainfall
quantity & Rainfall pattern) and the catchment characteristics are considered to be most important
factors affecting rainwater Potential.

As per manual of artificial recharge of ground water ,Government of India Ministry of Water
Resource Central Ground Water Board. Given below the table showing the value of runoff
coefficient with respect to types of surface areas:-


Residential 0.3-0.5
Forests 0.5-0.2
Commercial & industrial 0.9
Parks & Farms 0.05-0.3
Asphalt or Concrete Paving 0.85
Road Surfaces 0.8-0.9

Runoff Coefficients of Different Surfaces:-


Roof Conventional 0.7-0.8

Roof Inclined 0.85-0.95
Concrete /Kota paving 0.6-0.7
Gravel 0.5-0.7
Brick Paving 0.7
Institutional water demand =35LPCD
Area of terrace (inner to inner) = 3050.8 m^2
Total population in building =707
Total water demand required per day =
707*35 = 24745 L/D
Total water demand required per month=
24745*30 = 742350 L/M (742.35m^2)
Total water demand required per year=
742.35*12 = 8908.2 m^2
Rainfall data of Rohtak city taken from the IMD (Indian metrological department)

Rainfall data and runoff

Rainfall data and runoff volume per month is calculated as, depth of rainfall in a month multiply with the
catch area of building terrace (inner to inner) after deduction area of parapet wall.

➢ Year 2016:-

Volume of water in m^3

Rainfall depth in mm
➢ Year 2017:-

Volume of water in m^3

Rainfall depth in mm

➢ Year 2018:-

Volume of water in m^3

Rainfall depth in mm
➢ Year 2019:-

Volume of water in m^3

Rainfall depth in mm

➢ Year 2020:-

Volume of water in m^3

Rainfall depth in mm
Average depth of rainfall and volume of runoff catch by terrace and analysis and calculate the excess and
deficit water demand required after use of rain water which is collected by terrace
Storage capacity of reservoir
Storage capacity required of store the water during rainfall and store extra water required during requirement.
USING ANALYTICAL METHOD (Month supply and demand)
As per analytical method volume of storage tank capacity is required = 706.42 m^3
As per demand and supply the storage tank capacity required = 842.6 m^3
Then adopt maximum value to ensure the safety, no overflow during peak
Storage tank capacity = 842.6 m^3
Assume free board provide to tank = 1m
Assume depth of storage tank = 4.5m

Then, plan area required for storage tank

=187.24 m^2
Provide plan area of storage tank = 190 m^2
Provide two tank having same volume
Then, plan area of each tank = 95 m^2
Assume L:B =2:1
B= 95/3
B= 31 m L= 62 m
If roof top rainwater harvesting project is implement than the 60% of total demand
(ANNUAL) can be full fill by the rain water catch by the roof of the building.
In the months of June, July, august, September andOctober in these month 100% demand is
full filled by rain water only.
In remaining month other than stated above we need to full fill our demand from external
water resource other than rain water.

Total volume of rain water annual= 5403 m^3

Total volume of water required annual= 8908m^3
Size of each storage tank provide= 62*31 m
Number of storage tank provide= 2
Depth of tank provided =4.5 m
Free board provided= 1 m
Total population in the building= 707
Note – 60% annual demand is full filled by rain water.

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