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Multiple Choice:

General Direction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only ONE
answer for each item. You have 3 hours to answer this test. Good luck!









1. Person who will involve both parties in a proceeding of ADR. It is usually in the first stage of
the proceedings?*


A. Mediator

B. Arbitrator

C. Concillator

D. None of these

2. It is the scientific study of human behavior or man’s external manifestation in relation to


a) Epidiomology

b) Criminal Psychiatry

c) Criminal psychology

d) Physical anthropology

3. It is the process by which individual reduce the frequency of their offending behavior as the
age increases.*


a. doing gender

b. aging out

c. criminal reduction

d. active precipitation

Correct answer

b. aging out

4. This refers to the act of killing a large number of people in a single violent outburst*


a. Road rage

b. serial killing

c. Mass murder

d. mass destruction

5. These are violent acts directed toward a particular person or members of group merely
because the targets share discernible racial, ethnic, religious or gender characteristics.*


a. Violent crimes

b. hate crimes

c. Copy-cat crimes

d. victimless crimes
6. Dispute Resolution originated in what country?*





D. None of these

7. The chinese form of dispute resolution is based on the ethics made by?*


A. Mao Tse Dong

B. Hu wei dong

C. Xi Jin Ping

D. None of these

Correct answer

D. None of these

8. This theory argues that intelligence is largely determined genetically; that ancestry
determines IQ; and, that low intelligence as demonstrated by low IQ is linked to behavior
including criminal behavior:*


a. Nature Theory

b) Psychological theory

c) Strain Theory

d) Labeling theory

Correct answer

a. Nature Theory

9. The theory which states that attachment, connection and link to society will determine
whether a person shall commit a crime or not:*

a. social control

b) social disorganization

c) social bond

d) social learning

Correct answer

c) social bond

10.  A police officer’s frustration in the realization of his ambition and goals in life both as an
officer of the law, and as a private citizen, can push him to a life of crime, as pointed out in this
particular theory.*


a. Disorganization Theory

b. Culture Conflict Theory vs Lower Class Culture”

C. Differential Association Theory

d. Strain Theory

Correct answer

d. Strain Theory

11. Based on greek mythology dispute resolution was being conducted thru?*


A. Lottery

B. Combat

C. Mediation

D. None of these

12. According to him, people with criminal behavior, should be prohibited from having children.*


a. Robert Dugdale

b. Henry Goddard

c. Charles Goring
d. George Wilker

13. Refers to the circumstances which attendant in the commission of a crime serve to increase
the penalty, without however exceeding the maximum of the penalty provided by law for the


a. Justifying

b. Exempting

c. Mitigating

d. Aggravating

14. Who dominates the proceeding in Litigation?*


A. Lawyers

B. Arbitrators

C. Parties

D. None of these

Correct answer

A. Lawyers

15. It refers to the study of the various agency of our government in charge of processing law
violators to ensure the protection of the society and maintenance of peace and order.*


a. Criminology

b. Criminal Justice

c. Victimology

d. Sociology

Correct answer

b. Criminal Justice

16. How the judge is selected in the litigation process?*


A. Thru Lottery

B. Thru Raffle

C. Selected by either Parties

D. None of these

17. The venue for the Binding Resolution Stage?*


A. Good Office

B. ADR office

C. Court

D. None of these

18. The ability to go on despite obstacles or oppositions.*


a. patience

b. perseverance

c. Endurance

d. Prudence

19. It the ability to moderate or to avoid something.*


a. prudence

b. fortitude

c. temperance

d. justice

Correct answer

c. temperance

20. The authority to make decisions without reference to the specific rules or facts, using
instead one’s own judgment.*

a. Discretion

b. prudence

c. Negotiation

d. conviction

21. A child left by himself without provisions for his needs/or without proper supervision falls
under what special category of a child?*


a. abandoned child

b. abused child

c. neglected child

d. dependent child

Correct answer

c. neglected child

22. Being an orphan, Pedro Basurero, roams the street 24 hours a day with no place to go,
surviving on foods given by kind-hearted people with no one to supervise him at his young age
of six (6). How do you categorize Pedro as a child?*


a. neglected child

b. independent child

c. Abandoned child

d. dependent child

Correct answer

d. dependent child

23. The CICL shall be entitled to the automatic suspension of sentence until the maximum age
of __:*


a) twenty-three
b) eighteen

c) twenty-one

d) twenty

24. From the moment a child is taken into custody, the law enforcement officer shall
immediately but not later than ____ hours after apprehension, turnover custody of the child to
the Social Welfare and Development Office.*


A. Nine

B. Eight

C. Seven

D. Six

25. If the offender is over nine years of age but under 18 years of age at the time of the
commission of the crime, he is often referred to as?*


A. Socialized delinquent

B. Truant

C. Criminal

D. Youth offender

26. Their degree of success or accomplishment depends upon the quality and type of education
they receive as well as on the treatment at home and in the community, their I.Q range from
about 50 to 75.*


A. Educable

B. Custodial

C. Borderline

D. Trainable

27. The parents or guardian of a working child is obligated by law to set up a trust fund for the
child which shall constitute at least ____ percent of the earning of the child.*

A. 20

B. 40

C. 30

D. 50

Correct answer

C. 30

28. Nami, frustrated on her boyfriend when she saw the latter kissing another girl, cries. This is
an example of what defense mechanism?*


a. Regression

b. suppression

c. Repression

d. Displacement

29. The science of classifying the physical characteristics.*


a. free will

b. positivism

c. atavism

d. somatology

Correct answer

d. somatology

30. Group of urban sociologists who studies the relationship between environmental conditions
and crime.*


a. classical school

b. chicago school
c. neo-classical school

d. positive school

31. It conceded that certain factors such as insanity might inhibit the exercise of free will.*


a. Classical theory

b. neo-classical

c. Sociological

d. positivist

Correct answer

b. neo-classical

32. It is the breakdown of social order as a result of the loss of order in a society.*


a. synomie

b) anarchy

c) anomie

d) chaos

Correct answer

c) anomie

33. “Manie sans delire” (madness without confusion)  This was the term used by Philippe Pinel
describing the personality that is characterized by an inability to learn from experience, lack of
warmth, and no sense of guilt better known as:*


a. psychotic personality

b. psychopathic personality

c. neurotic behavior

d. dementia praecox
34. The legal principle by which the decision or holding in an earlier case becomes the standard
by which subsequent similar cases are judged. It literally means “to stand by decided cases”.*


a. jus desert

b. stare decisis

c. story decisis

d. just stare

Correct answer

b. stare decisis

35. It states that individuals are deviant mainly because they have been labeled as deviant by
social agencies and others. The notion of deviance is not inherent in the act itself, but rather in
the reaction and stigma attached to the actor.*


a. Containment Theory

b. Theory of Imitation

c. Social Process Theory

d. Social Reaction theory

36. In case of a child in conflict with the law his age shall be determine. In the absence of proof
what principle shall be observed?*


a. He is presumed to be minor

b. He should prove his age

c. The Birth certificate should be produced pending such issuance he should be hold.

d. The testimony of the child should be enough to prove his age.

Correct answer

a. He is presumed to be minor

37. The crime of human trafficking shall be qualified when:*


a) the person trafficked is an elderly

b) the person trafficked is a woman

c) the person trafficked is a special child

d) the person trafficked is a child

Correct answer

d) the person trafficked is a child

38. This refers to any word or deed which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth
and dignity of the child as human being.*


a. Neglect

b. psychological abuse

c. sexual abuse

d. cruelty

Correct answer

d. cruelty

39. This refers to the use, hiring, employment and coercing of children as actors or models in
printed pornographic materials:*


a. indecent shows

b. child prostitution

c. obscene publication

d. child exploitation

Correct answer

c. obscene publication

40. Can the police act as neutral third person in the process of AMICABLE SETTLEMENT?*

A. No

B. Yes

C. Maybe

D. None of these

Correct answer

A. No

41. The body search of the child in conflict with the law must be done only by a law enforcement


a) who has initial contact

b) assigned to the case

c) of the opposite sex

d) of the same gender

42. Established usage or social practices carried by tradition that has obtained the force of law.*


a. customs

b. ceremony

c. courtesy

d. social decorum

43. According to M. Haralambos; a value is a belief that something is good and desirable.*


a. True

b. False

c. Partially True

d. Partially False

44. A type of defense mechanism whereby a person concentrates in area where he can excel.*

a. Displacement

b. compensation

c. Rationalization

d. fantasy

45. Human actions in relation to events taking place inside the body such as the brain and the
nervous system is known as:*


a. Neurological

b. psychological

c. Cognitive

d. Humanistic

Correct answer

a. Neurological

46. Mathematical ability and English communication skills are examples of what type of human


a. Learned

b. inborn

c. Operant

d. both a and c

Correct answer

d. both a and c

47. In hostage situation, non-verbal communication which indicates openness and willingness to
listen can be shown by:*


a. a posture of folded arms in a dominant position

b. calmly repeating words of comfort and assurance

c. by not attempting to trick or lie

d. keeping arms open and with a gesture that you are willing to negotiate

48. When the disorder is characterized by chronic mental and physical fatigue and by various
aches and pains, it is considered as:*


A. Anxiety Disorder

B. Somatoform Disorder

C. Dissociative Disorder

D. Amnesia

49. It exists when the children are maltreated, raped or seduced; when children are exploited,
over worried or made to beg in the streets or public places, or when children are in moral
danger, or exposed to gambling, prostitution, or other vices.*


A. Physically Neglected Child

B. Emotionally Neglected Child

C. Psychologically Neglected Child

D. Sexually Neglected Child

Correct answer

B. Emotionally Neglected Child

50. The ideology of nationalism encompass a diverse range of forms, political cultural and


a. true

b. false

c. maybe

d. it depends

51. A place of residence whose primary function is to give shelter and care to pregnant women
and their infants*

A. Maternity home

B. Hospital

C. Rehabilitation center

D. Foster homes

52. When the target is free to the commission of crime.*


A. alone

B. Vulnerable

C. Fredoom

D. none of the above

Correct answer

B. Vulnerable

53. Brief summary of a research article, thesis or any in depth analysis of a particular subject
and it is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s purpose?*


A. Dedication

B. Introduction

C. Abstract

D. Acknowledgement

54. It is a gift of God that should be respected at all times by everybody including the


A. Privilege

B. Incentive

C. Benefit

D. Right

Correct answer
D. Right

55. A statue enacted by Congress, penal in character, which is not amendment to the Revised
Penal Code such as Republic Acts, Presidential Decrees and Memorandum Circulars.*


A. Common Law

B. Special Penal Law

C. Revised Penal code

D. Constitution

56. The ability to do whatever one wishes.*


A. Intelligence

B. Freedom

C. Intent

D. Dolo

57. Andrew, was a second year high school, is afraid of being enclosed in a small space, room
or closed places. This phobia is refers to____________.*


A. Claustrophobia

B. Hematophobia

C. Agoraphobia

D. Acrophobia

58. The people seeks pleasure and avoids pain is refers to?*


A. Classical Theory

B. Hedonism

C. Utilitarianism

D. None of these
Correct answer

B. Hedonism

59. Marie submits herself to humiliation, beatings, and other forms of physical abuse, for sexual
excitement. What type of paraphilia does she possess?*


A. Masochism

B. Martyr

C. Sadism

D. None of these

Correct answer

A. Masochism

60. It refers to unnecessary and unreasonable use of force in effecting arrest or abuse in the
manner of conducting search and seizure.*


A. Brutality

B. Negligence

C. Imprudence

D. Omission

61. What institution is being termed as the “cradle of human personality”?*


A. House

B. Community

C. Home

D. Church

62. It means a child Incapable of committing an offense or crime_____.*


A. Doli Incapox
B. Doli Incopax

C. Doli Incapax

D. Doli Inca Pas

Correct answer

C. Doli Incapax

63. The usual greeting rendered by uniform service upon meeting and recognizing person
entitled to do it. The most common form of courtesy in the PNP and Military?*


A. Bow

B. Shake-hands

C. Salute

D. Greetings

64. PNP Chief Kakarot did not make his promise to prevent crimes within 6 months.*


A. Humility

B. Word of Honor

C. Humble

D. Boastful

Correct answer

B. Word of Honor

65. Children who are vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of
personal, family and social circumstances are considered-*


A. Vulnerable Child

B. Abandoned

C. Child-In-Conflict with The Law

D. Child-at-Risk
Correct answer

D. Child-at-Risk

66. What is referring to an act, which is considered undesirable due to behavioral

maladjustment of the offender?*


A. felony

B. Crime

C. law

D. act

67. Some criminology theorists have linked physical characteristics with personality. Among
these theories is William Sheldon’s Somatotyping theory. He classified body physique into three
categories as the endomorphic, the mesomorphic and the ectomorphic body. Of the following
statements, which appropriately describes the mesomorphic?*


A. the twin and fragile with withdrawn behaviour

B. the muscular and hard physique

C. the attractive and beautifully shaped

D. the fat and soft body type

68. A personality disorder characterized by an inability to form social relationships and can be
classified as “loners”.*


A. Paranoid Personality

B. Schizoid Personality

C. Dependent Personality

D. Borderline Personality

Correct answer

B. Schizoid Personality

69. This refers to the inability to maintain achieve an erection*


a. frigidity

b. prostitution

c. exhibitionism

d. impotence

Correct answer

d. impotence

70. It deals primarily with the study of crime causation.*


a. Criminology

b. Criminal Etiology

c. Victimology

d. Criminal Sociology

Correct answer

b. Criminal Etiology

71. Human being learned that it was good for the welfare of the group that the privilege to
determine what is right and what is wrong was not left to each member of the group.*


A. Natural law

B. Divine law

C. Moral law

D. Physical law

72. The view that crime is a function of a decision-making process in which the would be
offender weighs the potential costs and benefits of an illegal act.*


A. Liberal Feminist Theory

B. Rational Choice Theory

C. Relative Deprivation Theory

D. Felicific Calculus

73. Intoxication when considered under the law is considered*


A. Alternative Circumstance

B. Maladaptive Behavior

C. Delinquent act

D. Anti social Behavior

74.  Under Social Control Theory stated that when children really supervise by their parents, a
child might not be able to influenced bad behavior.*


A. Belief

B. Involvement

C. Attachment

D. Commitment

Correct answer

D. Commitment

75. This theory focuses more on the individual and not on the crime and this theory believes that
punishment should fit the criminal and the crime committed.*


A. Strain theory

B. Positivist theory

C. Culture Conflict theory

D. Classical theory

76. Kathryn and Daniel right after their marriage decided to move to their own house refers to
what residence?*

A. Neolocal

B. Bilocal

C. Matrilocal

D. Patrilocal

77. A student watches TV instead of studying, saying that additional study wouldn’t do any good


A. Rationalization

B. Sublimation

C. Reaction Formation

D. Denial of Reality

Correct answer

C. Reaction Formation

78. What does it mean by “oblivion”?*


A. Forgiveness

B. Remember

C. Obey

D. Forgetfulness

Correct answer

D. Forgetfulness

79. Garry, a doctor, who because of frustrations forgets all of his past and takes an unexpected
trip to other country. He then, assumes a new identity. His name was then changed to John and
become fisherman. What do you call this Dissociative Disorder?*


A. Dissociative Amnesia

B. Dissociative Dementia

C. Dissociative Fugue
D. Both A and C

80. Andie was imprisoned for committing a crime of theft. She experienced adversities of having
been imprisoned. Upon her release, she never did it again because of fear of experiencing
again the hardships inside the prison. What kind of deterrence is this?*


A. Specific Deterrence

B. Individual Deterrence

C. General Deterrence

D. Both A and B

81. Among the following theorists, who claimed that Criminality is the result of emotional


A. Abrahamsen

B. Healy

C. Emile Durkheim

D. Bromberg

82. Dingdong Dantes is a thief who sees himself in the person of Robin Hood. He imitates the
acts of Robin Hood like stealing goods and money then gives it to the poor. This situation is
explained by:*


A. Differential Imitation Theory

B. Differential Association Theory

C. Differential Social Organization Theory

D. Differential Identification Theory

83. It is concentrated in the scientific analysis of the causes of crimes.*


A. The reaction towards the breaking of laws

B. The breaking of laws

C. The making of laws

D. All of them

Correct answer

B. The breaking of laws

84. Larry, a certified businessman and a bachelor at the age of 32 is qualified to adopt a child,
what should the age of the child that he can adopt?*


A. 17

B. 19

C. 16

D. 18

85. Crisis came from Greek word crisis, which means ______. As defined by Funk and
Wagnalls, crisis is a turning point in the progress of an affair or a series of events.*


A. Separate

B. Sudden

C. Dipping

D. Plunge

Correct answer

C. Dipping

86. Something offered or given to a person in the hope of influencing that individual’s views or
conduct. Police bribes can include monetary payoffs to protect illegal activity, sell information on
criminal investigations, remove criminal files, or alter testimony in court.*


A. Gift

B. Bribe

C. Grease money

D. Favor
Correct answer

B. Bribe

87. This theory argues that intelligence is largely determined genetically; that ancestry
determines I. Q.; and, that low intelligence as demonstrated by low I. Q. is linked to behavior
including criminal behavior.*


A. Nurture theory

B. Nature theory

C. Psychological theory

D. Biological Theory

Correct answer

B. Nature theory

88. Cesare Lombroso, together with his two students _____ and _______  advocated the
Positive/Italian School of Criminology.*


A. Edwin Sutherland; Donald Cressey

B. Cesare Beccaria; Jeremy Bentham

C. Enrico Ferri; Rafaelle Garofalo

D. W.A. Bonger; R. H. Goddard

89. The modern day serial killer who was jilted and later developed hatred for woman.*


A. Mananabas

B. Jack The Ripper

C. Ted Bundy

D. John Wayne Gacy

Correct answer

C. Ted Bundy
90. According to this theory Patriarchy/male domination as the main cause of crime.*


A. Labeling Theory

B. Postmodern Theory

C. Feminist Theory

D. Peacemaking Theory

Correct answer

C. Feminist Theory

91. Republic Act 9344 made it clear that status offense is no longer treated as criminal and shall
not be penalized. We call this process as:*


A. Decriminalization

B. Suspension of sentence

C. Criminalization

D. Diversion

Correct answer

A. Decriminalization

92. Which of the following does not belong to the group?*


A. Starvation

B. Immurement

C. Dehydration

D. Maiming

93. This is a term applied for a specialist in the study of disorders, sometimes interchangeably
used with psychiatrist.*


A. Physical appearance
B. Psychologist

C. Psychiatrist

D. Sociologist

94. Arnold has been bullied all through his early years because he is an introvert person, but
smart and intelligent wherein he excels in his academic grades and skinny. This is the
manifestation of.*


A. Endomorphic

B. Dysplastic

C. Mesomorphic

D. Ectomorphic

95. Are those crimes committed against individuals, particularly against their chastity, but which
do not produce danger or prejudice common to other members of society.*


A. Public crimes

B. Felony

C. Private crimes

D. Infractions

96.  The theory in which reformation is based upon, on the ground that the criminal is a sick


A. Classical Theory

B. Neo Classical School

C. Sociological Theory

D. Positivist Theory

Correct answer

D. Positivist Theory
97. Criminology changes as social condition changes. This means the progress of criminology is
concordant with the advancement of other sciences that has been applied to it. This means that
criminology is _____.*


A. Excellent

B. Dynamic

C. Progressive

D. Applied Science

98.  Creating an ideal impression of a person, place or object by emphasizing their positive
qualities and neglecting those that are negative.*


A. Idealization

B. Fantasy

C. Altruism

D. Reaction Formation

Correct answer

A. Idealization

99. Sexual gratification and excitement by wearing clothes and acting the role of opposite sex.*


A. Frottage

B. Transvertism

C. Hypoxyphilia

D. Mysophilia

100. This is where both parties need to present by a lawyer similar to the Pre Trial in the rules of
Criminal Procedures?*


A. Early Neutral Evaluation

B. Concillation

C. Mini Trial

D. None of these

Correct answer

A. Early Neutral Evaluation

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