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Table of Content
Chapter One: Introduction 7
A Thousand Year Empire
Mortal Society
Vampires in Rome

Chapter Two:
21 An Uncertain Reign
How Werewolves Were Van-
quished? 33
The Roman Family 10 History of Rome 24
The Society of Members 11 From Blood to Glory 24 Reign of Tullus Hostilius 34
Monarchic Rome 11 A Sea of Lies? 24 Lasombra Invasion 35
Republican Rome 11 Who is Tinia 25 Reign of Ancus Marcius 35
Rome on Fire! 11 No Leaders? No rules. 36
Religion 12 An Escape from Destruction 25 A Succession of Discord 37
How to Use this Book? 13 The Cainites’ Greatest Enemy 25 Sicilian Wars 39

References 14 Immortal Relations 26 The Government of Lucius 39

Collat’s Embrace 26 Collat’s Return 39
Names and Titles 15 Who Were the Enemies? 27
Names and Surnames 15 Stories about Romulus The Founding of the Roman
Name and Woman 15 and Remo 27 Republic 40
Other Kingdoms 16 Camilla’s Embrace 41

Population of Rome 16 Unifying Cities 28 The Eternal Senate 41

Mortal Life 17 Who Were the Immortals of Internal Collapse 42
How Did Roman Citizenship Rome? 29 A Burning Senate 42
Work? 18 Reign of Romulus 29 A Cold War in Rome 43
The Death of Romulus 30 The Peloponnesian War 43
Roman Senate 18 Reign of Numa Pompilius 31 Arthemis and Lysander 44
Roman Army 18 A Scare to the Immortals 31 Influence of
Republican Army 18 Awakened in Rome 45
Imperial Army 19 The Foundation of the Brother-
Roman Recruitment 20 hood of Rules 32 Collat, the Essential Leader of
The Legionnaire’s Hierarchy 21 The Death of Numa Pompilius 32 Rome 45
Camilla: Honor Guest 45
Rabbit Cage: Trap for Collat 46 and One Nights 64 The Pantheon 84
Collat’s Death 46 Corruption Crisis 65 Other Roman Buildings 85
Overpopulation 66
Titus Venturus Camilla, the Roman Colapse 66 Chapter Four:
Leader of the Eternal Senate 46 Public Enemies 67 The Rules of Rome 87
A Reformulated Senate 47 A Boiling City 67 Roman Hierarchy 87
Between Mage and Vampires 47 Loss of Resources 68 Eternal Senate 87

Vampire’s Curse: Awakened 48 The Fall of Rome 68 The Gerousia 87
Pyrrhic Wars 49 Introduction to Dark Ages 69 Influence Dispute:
The Beginning of the First Gerousia vs Senatus 87
Punic War 49 Chapter Three:

The City Within 71 Gerousia Titles 88
Romance Against All Odds 50 Eternal City 71 Eiren 88
Second Punic War 51 Climate and Daylight 71 Magistratus 88
A Curse of the Beast 51 Seven Hills of Rome 72 Adiles 89
Scipio Aemilianus Africanus 51 The River Tiber 73 Immune Maximus 90
Pretor 90
Tryphosa: Camilla’s Monarchic Rome 73 A Vast Hierarchy 90
Safeguard 52 Romulo’s Sanctuary 74 The Eternal Hunger 90
The Third Punic War
The End of Carthage
Roman Civil Wars
Mithraism in Rome
The Square of Mars 74
The Schools of Numa Pompilius 74
The Baths of Rome 75
The Amphitheater of Rome 75
How Did the Thousand Year
Hunger Affect the Immortals? 91
Methuselah Thirst Triggers 92
The Rise of Julius Caesar 55 Military Fields of Rome 76 Roman Prison 92
The Gallic Conquests 56 Circus Maximus 76 Other Reasons for the Curse 93
The Senate Against Camilla 56 Cloaca Maxima 77 Vampires and their Traditions 93
Rome’s Siege 57 A Powerful Family Influencer 94
Pater Patriae Titus Venturus Roman Republic 78
Camilla 57 Republic Square 78 Traditions in Rome 95
The Aqueducts 78 Seventh Tradition: the Beast 95

The Julius Claudian Dynasty 58 The Temples of Rome 79 A Lextalionis: Vox Populis 96
The Curse of Meneleus 58 Circus Flaminius 79 A New Position: Venatoris 96
Ventrue Influence 59 Centumviral Court 79
The Reign of Tiberius Caesar 59 Slums of Rome 80 Sect Organization in Rome 96
Cristo: o Filho de Deus 60 Farmlands 80 Senatus 96
Camilla’s Derangements 60 The Vatican Tombs 81 Inconnu 97

Caligula’s Empire 60 Walls of Rome 81 Tal’Mahe’Ra e Manus Nigrum 97

Claudius’ Empire 61 The Port of the Tiber 81 Order of Messengers 98
Nero’s Empire 61 The Egyptian Obelisks of Rome 82 Collectoribus Caim 98
The Great Fire of Rome 62 Saepta Julia 82 Cult of Typhon Trimegistus 99
A City Without Leaders 62 Cult of Mithras 99
The Government of the Five Imperial Roma 82 The Blood Whores 99
Good Emperors 63 The Forum Complex 82
Campus Agrippae 83 The Rites of Rome 100
The Orbem Mortale 63 The Coliseum 83 The Bacchanalia 100
Um Crescente Desespero 63 The Palace Complex 83 The Rite of Pluto 101
The Law of One Thousand Hadrian’s Circus 84 The Rite of Bleeding 102


Phylosophical Morality 102 Beshter, the Divine 154 Inspire Greatness 181
Via Romanis 102 Salianna, the Bloodhound 158 Juda’s Mask 181
Via Adversarius 104 Deny Aphrodite’s Favor 159 Ignore Me 182
Via Noctis 106 Ianuarius 160 Moment of Grace 182
Via Sanguinus 106 Titus Venturus Camillus 162 The Indomitable 182
Selenius Quintus Godrico 164 King of the Hill 183
Roads and Philosophies 107 Mahzyar, Osiris’ Messenger 166 The Return of Heaven’s Gates 184

Hierarchy of Sins 107 The Seventh Chinese Brother 184
Ideological Differences 109 Chapter Six: Conquer the Beast 184
New Derangements 110 Power From Blood 169 Caine’s Sent 184
Coinage and Numismatics 111 Disciplines in Rome 169

Destroying Mortal Mind 169 New Dur-An-Ki Path 184
113 Disciplines Above 5th Level 170 Revised Discipline: Bardo 185
Generation 114 New Discipline: Sanguineum 190
Status 114 New Discipline Levels 170 What Are Amalgams? 195
Sect Prestige 115 Auspex 171
New Merits and Flaws 116 Dementation 171 Chapter Five:
Fortitude 172 Rome’s Scenery 199
Chapter Five: Potence 173 Conflict In Rome 200
Kindred Among Us 118 Chimestry 173 What Was it Like to Walk Through
Acanthi Meridius Octavius 118
Sigma, the Impartial 121
Eshmunamash, the Traitor 123
Meneleus, the Sorcerer 125
e Valeren 174

New Discipline Combination 175

Awaken the Incapable Fool 175
Rome? 200
Kindred Politics 201
Mortal Politics 201
Great Leaders and Immortals 202
Patroclus, the Rebel 127 Blood Information 176 Tema 203
Asusunamir, Laodice’s Diplomat 129 Burning Fury 176 Clima 205
The Slaughterer 131 Consume the Destroyed Soul 176 Chronicles of Nightfall 205
Balthazar, the King 133 Chain of Slavery 176
Lucius Aelius Sejanus 135 Controlled Reality 177 Supernatural Trumps 206
Wadjet, from Memphis 138 Chimerical Spy 178 Mortal Sorcery In Rome 206

Balthaz the Hated 140 Divinity Aura 178 Maturation and Aging 212
Cornelius Decimus 142 Domain of Shadows 178 Backgrounds 216
Romulus, the Founder 144 Song of the Mind 178 Constant Evolution 219
Mother of Us All 146 Iron Hearts 179
Callistheu, the Consule 148 Psychic Duplicate 179 Appendix A: Revised
Ehunashtar, the Wanderer 150 Rudimentary Stoicism 180 Combat 224
I Know. 180

Rewrite the Legend (Quimerismo) 152 Combat Maneuver 228

Tablet of Destiny 153 Hibernate 180 Blood and Tears 237
Sollemnia Vergilianus, the Artist 154 Spectral Puppet 180 Combat Example 242
Ahura Mazda’s Gift 181


“To be ignorant of what ocurred before you were born is to remain aways a child. For what is the worth of
human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”
- Cicero, Roman Politician and Orator

A Thousand Year
e right to succession of power by-election of a senate and not
by heredity.
Although mythological legends claim that Romulus, the
first King of Rome, was raised by a wolf and is one of the
Founded and evolved through the wars that it practiced descendants of the God of War and that he killed his brother
during its centuries of history, the Roman Empire became Remus after having determined the limits of his territory and
one of the best-known empires in the history of the world, established it as Rome, the reality is ignorance to historians
dictating the course of all of Europe and North Africa in a who analyze the empire’s progress from beginning to end.
period where there was no centralization of a single power, The history of this great empire is a mystery at its inception

like the power established by Rome. and certainty at its end.

It’s impossible that you’ve never heard the name of It was common for other nations to choose two growth
Rome if you’ve studied a little history. Its influence is such paths: economic or military. Rome decided on a military
that legislation, architecture, its alphabet, and the western potential before becoming an empire. Their policy of
languages we speak are still in vogue to this day. Even its expansion consisted of invading territory or annexing a city-
military means were used for millennia after the fall of state peacefully through agreements in which they would have

Rome. The Roman Empire was one of the best structured the protection of Rome but provide their military in times
and studied empires in history, and with all the information of need or other resources as needed to strengthen Rome.
we have, we keep it to analyze and evolve everything that has While Carthage initially grew economically to become the
been built since that time. most powerful economy in the West, Rome grew militarily
to become the most powerful war machine of its time.
For history buffs, the Roman Empire began as a small
town on the Italian Peninsula in 753 BC, in a region known Rome begins its story told by a king who descends from the
as Lazio, between Etruria and the southern Greek states, God of War, and it is no wonder that many kings maintained
close to Sicily. This small town was a trading point between an expansionist behavior until the end of the empire’s days.
the Greek nations and the Etruscans (a name given to the From the beginning of history, even before it became the
citizens of the Kingdoms of Etruria) and developed along Roman Republic, the leadership format followed elections
the Tiber River, initially in a monarchical system with the that defined a figure who would be authoritative and who


the senators would believe would benefit Rome. Constantinople, the second capital of the Roman Empire
Between its foundation and 509 BC, the city of Rome that gave rise to the Byzantine Empire, which lasted for
organized with the city-states a set of kingdoms that obeyed over a thousand years. All in all, the Roman Empire, from
the supreme authority that was in the lead, according to its beginning, lasted for at least a millennium resisting
their treaties. In the 5th century BC, Rome became the the power of time until its imminent fall. Historians who
Roman Republic, and all cities followed the development consider the Byzantines part of Rome claim it lasted over a
and expansion as the centuries passed. millennium, reaching two and only indeed falling in 1453.

Rome faced several wars that could have destroyed

Mortal Society

its power. Still, the military investment was so powerful
that the legions of Roman soldiers came to meet almost Assuming that we lived in the time of the empire, like
every empire in Europe. The primal strategy of the most people, we would face unimaginable difficulties to
empire consisted of “stealing” not just the technologies survive at that time. The historical records have been very

but annexing the cultures of the kingdoms and other beneficial in showing us that Rome brought admirable
empires they conquered. technological advances, but also in teaching us that much
cost had to be charged to make this possible. Roman
Rome grew exponentially after the Pyrrhic Wars, not
society was not an example of humanity, kindness, and
stopping since its victory against the Greek king, Pyrrhus.
empathy for Roman citizens. Rome was highly elitist,
Not even Carthage, one of the empires equal to the power
ruthless, and violent. Enlightenment records show
of Rome, could face the Roman power and was equally
Rome as the apex of human society; however, culturally
annexed, having all its technologies and riches vastly
speaking, Rome was one of the worst places to have a
distributed through the vast territories of the republic.
life at the time.

The Roman Republic became an empire in its own
right after the rise of Augustus Caesar, one of the most
intelligent emperors of all time in the empire’s history.
The senate was still maintained, always under the power
Rome was mainly divided between citizens and non-
citizens. Roman citizenship was granted only to so-called
“free men,” but not all free men were considered citizens.
Citizens had the right: to be a subject of private law
of the Caesars (the name given to the emperors who ruled
known as “Ius Civile” (pronounced Jus Civile) and access
the Roman Empire as supreme authority), which caused
to public offices and the judiciary. Roman citizens were
dozens of disagreements, murders, and corruption.
also entitled to participation in political assemblies and
At the height of its territorial extension, it exercised tax advantages.
authority over more than five million square kilometers
Commonly defined by men, Roman society did not
and a population of around 70 to 88 million people, at
recognize women as citizens. Still, it could identify them

the time 21% of the world’s population. The Roman

as “free women” and free men: people born in Roman
structure held so many people and needs, and so many
territory and not enslaved people. The simplest way of
territories were under mismanagement that completely
thinking is that people were differentiated between free
ignored the pillars of the empire thanks to the corruption
and enslaved people in Roman society. Citizens were
of the senators that as time passed, the empire became
not considered equal and free, they were divided into
class categories. Participation in political-administrative
Enemies on all sides, a weakened economy, activities was restricted to a minimal portion of active

underinvested militaries, pestilence, corruption, too citizens. In addition, not everyone could hold political
many territories that no longer responded in time on all and administrative positions.
sides of the Roman Empire, and a loss of authority as
Roman citizenship indicated a political right. Generally,
the extent drifted further and further away from its own.
all patricians had Roman citizenship; part of the plebs and
The city of Rome culminated in its imminent downfall.
clients could have it if granted by some citizen authority.
With about thirty-five relevant emperors throughout
However, enslaved people could never even access this
its history, Rome fell in 476 AD, crumbling thanks to
right until they bought their freedom. The Romans
barbarian invasions (a name given to Roman enemies)
divided people into “four simple” castes, in addition
that mainly encompassed the Ostrogoths and Visigoths.
to freemen and enslaved people: patricians, plebeians,
Rome as we knew it ceased to exist. However, clients, and enslaved people.
some historians believe that its history continued in
The patricians were part of the Roman nobility.


Recognized since the beginning of the empire as “Fathers
of Rome” (hence the name patricians and many others,
such as patriarchy, patricide, etc.), these were rich men who
were usually part of the Roman senate and exercised all
their powers. rights governing not only Rome but 16% of
the empire’s wealth. Simply by being a patrician, you could
be given posts by “heredity”, have appeals in the senate on
your behalf, and even very easily win most of the causes

you were interested in.
Patricians were landowners, nobles and not always had
military obligation. When they did, they received certain
benefits within the ranks of the military. Although the

Roman army was extremely hierarchical and functional,
a patrician did not always receive the same treatment as a
plebeian, and in the vast majority of cases, patricians did
not even want to risk wars. In addition, some of them had
religious rights, exercising priestly roles and influencing
the faith in Rome. Within the Roman Senate, there were
more than three hundred senators, of whom possibly
almost all were patricians.
The other class that formed Ancient Rome were the

e plebeians. These, in turn, were merchants, peasants, and

artisans. The commoners were people from cities conquered
by the Romans. Although they were free people, they did
not have the rights of citizens like commoners. Some
information reports that through corruption, few men
were able to buy their citizenship and these were usually
commoners. Commoners often had their own business,
were better off than most citizens, and generally owned
families. These owners were known as “Pater Familias”
(Father of the Family) and a vast number of people lived
with them.

Customers were servants but not slaves. They were among

those who had the least rights and benefits, being considered
the poorest class. Many worked to eat and received very
little for it. Clients often served patricians and plebeians.
Slaves had a similar level, with the difference that they did
not receive good treatment and were condemned to this

life, possibly never being able to leave it.

In part, slaves were survivors of Roman battles and often
these captives were children and women, who would work
on crops, inside homes serving or caring for other children.
Men capable of carrying swords were sold as gladiators or
for manual work and the elderly, if they were not executed
and had talents, were enslaved to teach the children of
patricians and plebs. The owners had all the rights over
these servants, including those of life and death. They
were not allowed to have a name, participate in political
life, own things they owned or marry. Eventually, if the

master was kind or if he liked one of his slaves, he could
give him manumission.
An “interesting” curiosity to know is that Roman
Children Abandonment and
citizens could become enslaved by incurring too much Violence
debt. This slavery had a time-limited on how much the Abandonment was justified in several ways. Any
debtor had to pay. This law (yes, it was a law that would disability seen by paterfamilias was seen as some
allow you to be a slave) was repealed in the third century curse or indignation. Harmful formations, defects,
BC, which made the possibility of Roman citizens being and birthmarks could cause this. In other cases, poor

slaves null and void. Nothing would stop customers and families were abandoned due to not being able to
commoners from being, however. raise their children, for having promised their assets
to their eldest children, and in extreme cases, even
Roman Family for doubting the fidelity of their wives.

The modern concept of a family is subtly far removed
The education of pre-adolescents (from the age of
from what the Romans believed a family was. The family
seven) was accompanied by a pedagogue who was
started with the leader, known as “paterfamilias” or Father
chosen to tutor the child. If not the pedagogue, one
of the Family. He represented the core and stability of
of the parents would play this role. The pattern was
the family. His wife and children were subordinates and
maintained: men educate men, women educate
his slaves, along with their children, carried his name,
women. The approach to education almost always
forming part of the family.
involved brutality and physical and psychic violence
Generally, women were educated to be wives and for both men and women. Beating children was
mothers (regardless of social caste). The responsibility considered acceptable and encouraged for “good

for the administration of houses, children, and enslaved
people was attributed to the women of families with good
financial resources. Women could never participate in
political decisions, nor could they enlist and participate
manners.” The same was true of hitting slaves. In
some cases, the pedagogues had sexual relations
(which were often forbidden) with their apprentices.
in the senate. There was an evident division: men taught
their sons to be Roman citizens after a certain age, usually
at ten years old, and women taught their daughters
the basic necessities like preparing food, sewing, arts, knew how to write and were tutored in managing
and others until their first period when they would be businesses. They were responsible for knowing agriculture,
considered a woman. astronomy, religion, mathematics, geography, and even
architecture because they believed they would play good

This life was considered luxurious. The plebs thought roles as adults when they knew this.
that women could work alongside their husbands,
always helping them manage the house. When single, Like women, children who did not come from wealthy
someone could even run their own business and grow families also suffered the consequences. Most did not
rich. The religion was influenced by women, who often know how to read and dedicated themselves to artisanal
strengthened the cults and were part of the followers and agricultural work, learning from slaves or their
who prayed for the Gods and Goddesses. parents. The paterfamilias had the right to abandon

children, which was a general characteristic. When left,

Some religious women’s groups were founded. One of children grew up on the streets cared for by enslaved
them, the College of Vestals, was composed of women who people or clients, and some ended up in crime, working
left their families between 6 and 10 to spend approximately as serfs, in prostitution, or in gladiatorial camps, where
30 years taking care of the temples and the faith, losing they believed they could have a dignified life if they
the right to marry. Unlike other women, Vestals did not earned enough.
have to obey their fathers or husbands, had the right to
sit in the best seats in gladiatorial fights, and were treated Children were not always taken so seriously. The games
with respect by the opposite sex. of the time also existed for all; generally, children always
had the “silly” behavior we see today. The difference is that
The children had a difficult life. Boys from wealthy they were not allowed to live their entire childhood from
families learned several languages (usually Greek and an early age because men and women saw the transition
Latin, sometimes Egyptian) from their teachers. They to adulthood earlier.


When adolescence arrived, the child would spend more Roman territory, or at the end, when the Eternal Senate
and more time with the father, being tutored to take over is concluded. The immortals finally dispute Rome
the family business in the future. Critical thinking was among themselves, starting the expansions of the Roman
taught, and decision-making was rectified, so the learner Republic (S.P.Q.R).
(child) was ready when the time came. Absolutely everyone
had a role, and even children would have to choose the Secondi Capitulum: Republic of Rome
position or path they would follow. In some cases, their The republic was founded in 509 and ended its history
parents encouraged them to follow the branch of the in 27 BC when Augustus Caesar assumed himself as

family. In others, they had complete freedom as soon as emperor of the Roman Empire and no longer as supreme
they reached the age of sixteen. consul, dictator for life, or any other nomenclature that
the Romans gave to the leaders. In this way, vampires
Kindred Society were equally affected, although it varies depending on
how it impacted them.

The Fall of Rome setting is created to have as its primary
setting a story focused on 368 AD when the Eternal City The republican period is full of obstacles to the
is about to erupt into political crisis. While Vampire: the immortals of Rome. Significant events took place within
Classical Age builds on the tension between immortals the Eternal Senate (the prominent sect that governs the
and humans, Rome explores that tension generated Cainites of the city and, later, the Roman Republic), in
through centuries of disputes between Cainites with which the immortals could not reach a consensus. Enemies
each other and other supernatural creatures. Immortal of the Cainites grow as their decisions to expand Roman
society is conflicted and chaotic. rule continue; the city is often lost in its own choices
due to the thinking of the Cainites and the leaders of

The Storyteller may choose to use this book at any time
in the Roman setting, as the story in this book runs from
753 BC to the time mentioned above. Chronological
order, events, characters, environment, and any other
event can be molded entirely to what the Storyteller
the Eternal Senate.
Titus Venturus Camillus makes a negative and positive
revolution in the Eternal Senate, always disputing the
vacancy and control over the city and decisions of the
intends to include within her chronicle of the city of republic. Collat and Tínia, the leading figures that
Rome. Being such a vast terrain in terms of opportunities formalized Rome and even the Eternal Senate, disappeared
and stories, this book has room for such a feat. under Camilla’s control. Then the misunderstanding and
absence of dialogue collaborate for Cainites to conflict
Primis Capitulum: Kingdom of Rome with each other in a specimen of the Civil War, a few
A story set during early Rome can be an exciting years after the Carthage War.

method of introducing characters to the formation of The period of the Roman Republic was troubled. The
Roman ideals. While there was no immortal politics, as characters must perceive a much more present political
most Vampire Storytellers know, there was undoubtedly stake. There is no neutrality, and this type of figure is
diplomacy between humans, the enmity between not tolerated. The atmosphere of the Eternal Senate is
Awakened (mages, human sorcerers, etc.), and the Garou tense, and the characters will realize that constant changes
(Shape-shifters and Werewolves) that became challenges are happening. The leadership is inconsistent, and the
for the Cainites during that time. enmities grow more and more. During these centuries, the

Monarchical Rome began in 753 and ended in 509 Eternal Senate marks what Rome would become: political
B.C. both periods considered disputes between races and unstable chaos, incapable of making decisions that
of supernatural creatures, but which extended to the would actually save the Roman Republic.
immortals themselves as time passed. Unlike other cities, After the dissolution of the Eternal Senate, Camilla
Rome was designed to be led by Cainites. It’s not sure takes over as the first Pater Patriae of Rome and establishes
whether humans knew there were leeches or “Stryges,” the Traditions we know. The senate is rebuilt, and Camilla
as they called them, but humans certainly had a sense formalizes new rules in the face of all events, including
of distrust that nothing was purely natural. the formation of the Roman Empire.
A chronicle of this time can start from before Rome
(with Tinia unifying the vampires), to the formation of
Tertiu Capitulum: Fire in Rome!
the city and the supernatural creatures’ dispute over Although the Roman Empire lasted from 27 BC to

476 AD, the third chapter takes place exactly three years confusion. Thus, Tiberius Claudius Caesar’s investment in
after the story told in Vampire’s base book: the Classical the order of deadly Hunters who suspected the existence
Era is set! It is recommended that the Storyteller use this of supernatural creatures went unnoticed.
year as the setting (developed in this book) to start their A second curse appeased the city, believed to have
chronicles. been invoked by Meneleus, one of the powerful sorcerers
In AD 65, politics became unstable after a few years who survived the Fall of Carthage. The curse gradually
of peace. The vampires didn’t listen to Camilla. Instead permeated the minds of the immortals, who no longer
of allowing humans to rule themselves and immortals to intended to leave the city thanks to this magic, forever

be just spectators of the mortal advance, they decided trapping them in Rome. Nero’s madness after discovering
to judge them from the shadows and interfere in every that vampires really existed when he was almost murdered
decision they could. Faced with mental fatigue, emotional became fuel for the great fire that is Rome. A fire really
shock, weakening of her virtues, and unbridled nostalgia, transformed the city for days until it was put out. Camilla

Camilla extinguished the flame of passion that kept the disappeared during the fire.
Senate orderly. The few decades after becoming Pater Vampires, attacked by mortals, realizing they are
Patriae were enough for Camilla to give up immortality. indeed trapped in a city, hungry and now leaderless,
When the Orbem Mortale (an order of human vampire find themselves in an entirely inconsolable situation.
hunters) came into being, and no one took it seriously, The immortals must find a way to survive, deal with all
the Pater Patriae was too skeptical of his creations to the problems they’ve managed to accumulate during that
make a decision. time, and reorganize the senate. And the worst: without
Due to one of the curses influencing Rome since even stepping outside the city of Rome.
the Fall of Carthage increasing the ferocity of the city’s

vampires, leadership becomes unbeatable to maintain.
A hunger plagues the immortals constantly, causing all
Cainites in the city to be unable to be fully aware of their
convictions, affected by the Beast within that causes them
Since Roman religion was based on a mixture of
Etruscan and Greek Gods, the Romans also rooted faith
Greek Gods Roman Gods God Title

Zeus Jupiter The King of Gods and Men

Poseidon Neptune The Ruler of the Oceans


Hades Pluto The Herald of the Underworld

Athena Minerva The Goddess of Wisdom, Justice and Craftsman-

Hermes Mercurius The Messenger of the Gods and Men, Leader of

Wealth, the Carrier of all Souls and God of Lies

Apollo Phoebus The God of the Sun, Archery, Health and Music

Ares Mars The God of War and Guardian of Men

Aphrodite Venus The Goddess of Love, Fertility, Beaulty and Desire

Dionysius Baccus / Líber The God of Wine, Fertility and Agriculture

Artemis Diana The God of Hunting and of the Moon


in these deities by establishing that the fate of everyone servants of other families. The patricians hardly suffered
and everything was ruled by the gods. The purpose of their such sanctions since most were believers in the mythology
religion was to secure divine cooperation and benevolence. of the Romans. In times of crisis, some essential sanctions
Prayer and sacrifice were used to propitiate the gods and were also applied to patricians.
were often performed in temples dedicated to particular
deities and presided over by priests (see flamen). How To Use This Book?
Among the Romans, the most influential priest was Vampire, the Classical Age: The Fall of Rome is a
always known as “Pontifex Maximus,” who commanded scenario that recalls and brings everything you need to

groups of priesthood known as “Augurs”. He practiced know about the city. Each chapter describes different
divination to determine that the Gods approved future characteristics of the city and how they can be used, how
actions. In this way, Roman religion and politics went they correlate and what is important to know.
hand in hand, in which the word of an influential priest
• The second chapter is related to the historical record

was worth as much as a member of the senate, but their
impacts were different. of Rome, such as the creation of the city, Eternal
Senate, organization of vampires, and characters
While a senator would influence a target politically, that mainly move the history of Rome. This chapter
on the matter and physical scale, the priest would impact gets closer to what actually happened in real life,
not only fame, the way the target is viewed, but also correlating the events with the immortals;
the citizen’s psyche. Receiving a sermon, being publicly
excommunicated, blessed, or any action he could make • The third chapter explores the region, geography,
other people know about the event was highly demoralizing neighborhood, places of influence, and city
or unnerving. Religious interactions changed the way functioning. These descriptions are functional

Roman citizens would respect and look at you.
The first Roman gods were the sky god Jupiter, the
god of war Mars and Quirinus (later known as Janos
to understand how the city is treated and how
Storytellers can use it in their chronicles;
• The fourth chapter describes the society of the
immortals within the city, bringing the laws,
Quirinus). Many other deities were “borrowed” from
Greek religion or associated with Greek Gods, and the charges, revised Backgrounds, new Merits and
stories woven into Roman mythology were often taken Flaws, the Paths of Morality, and others;
directly from Greek mythology. Domestic shrines were • The fifth chapter brings relevant characters to
dedicated to the ancestors or divine protectors, the Lares, use in your stories, secrets, cards, and essential
and Penates. Dead Roman emperors were also elevated descriptions. Among these figures, Tínia, Collat,
to the status of deities, and many were regarded with Camilla, and other important characters who

veneration and gratitude. appear in the city for a short time like Meneleus
Rome went through several deified disputes, first are involved;
introducing Greek religion in Roman format to citizens, • The sixth chapter complements Disciplines,
then facing Mithraism, and finally Catholicism. During bringing new combinations, new Disciplines, and
its thousand years of history, Rome was transformed and Sorcery entirely developed within the scope of the
converted into dozens of moments of empire and city. city of Rome;
Other religions were not well accepted, however!

• The last chapter introduces ideas for chronicles,

Only Roman citizens could worship their gods. Any descriptions of the city, and indications for a
deity not recognized as part of the Roman faith would coherent narrative in the Roman setting.
be worthy of repression by the Roman government and
the citizens themselves. Slaves had no right to their faith References
and adhered to the dedication of the family they served. Some of the best historical references can be seen in
Serving the other deities was liable to violence to these resources that we can acquire, consume and introduce to
men, such as whippings and beatings. The commoners our chronicles. This book absorbed much of this content
and clients could access their faith as long as they paid so that a historically cohesive writing was possible. Such
heavy tributes to the Romans. These citizens could suffer content is listed below both for Storytellers who want
punishments like slaves, in addition to hefty fines beyond to explore the lore of Rome and for any reader who has
what they could bear, and thus render services “for free” as this book in hand.

In the Name of Rome: The Conquerors Who Formed the
Roman Empire, 2nd Edition (2020) by Adrian Goldsworthy.
inspiration for this book.
Invicta History. A specialized historical information
An excellent content that details and dissects the entire channel, which regularly publishes videos on YouTube
military, the political and social strategy of significant not only about the history of other civilizations but also
figures for the empire, honorably addressing Scipio delve deeply into Rome. Brilliant content that certainly
Africanus and the dictator for life, Julius Caesar. The added shape to this book.
author does a beautiful job of introducing, developing,
and deepening this militarized culture and brings the Encyclopedia Britannica ( e Ancient
History Encyclopedia (, two spectacular

reader an idea of how it is not easy to be in Rome at

such a troubled time. encyclopedias that bring truly valuable content, worthy of
use in historical fields. Both are supported by historians
Rome: The Story of an Empire (2017) by Greg Woolf. and researchers who sought to understand the past in
A valuable content that details Rome from different order to transmit such knowledge to us during modernity.
perspectives, covering everything from archeology, They were certainly very helpful.
cultural study to the historical course from classical
antiquity to the Middle Ages. Certainly, an in-depth Barbarian (2020), a drama series produced by Netflix.

study worth reading. Although it does not present the best plot, the accuracy
not only in representing the very Latin spoken among
SPQR: A History of Old Rome (2015) by Mary Beard. It the characters in the series (yes, the Romans say in Latin
is difficult not to mention this work, which includes the in this content!), Bárbaros shows how people considered
thousand-year history of one of the greatest empires in non-Romans were treated and how much this impacted.
the world, with a specialized depth of more than thirty In their lives. Not only that, it gives ideas to clearly
years of study by the author. This book is undoubtedly inspire your chronicles with an unprecedented barbaric
an excellent choice for anyone who wants to understand revolution.
the Roman advance through the centuries.
Roman Empire: Reign of Blood (2016 a 2018), a series
Constantinople by Night (1997), Fall of Carthage (2021), in documentary format produced by Netflix. One of
published by White Wolf. The most brilliant books, in the best contents for understanding and learning what
terms of history and textural organization, used as great


life was like in those times from different points of view family origin to which you belong. Families always used
and faithfully, without exaggeration. Certainly a valid male names and paid homage to the man, as they were
indication for consumption. governed by a “Pater Familias” or “Father of the Family”.
Roma (2005 a 2007), a drama series produced by HBO. This one had supreme authority in his house. Using the
Not only one of the best series produced about the Roman example above, “Júlio” (or Juliae) is clearly representing
Empire but also one of the most faithful historically his family background.
speaking. This two-season series addresses the height of The “cognomen” represented a characteristic belonging
the fall of Julius Caesar, especially showing how politics to the person, much more than a name. It’s exactly the

worked within the senate and how it could influence not same concept of Surnames that we had in the Middle
only the consul but the Roman people. Ages, where people were known for roles and profusions.
Gladiador (2000), por Ridley Scott. A great film Names like William Smith (blacksmith), Alan Wood
production that tells the story of a roman general betrayed (wood) or Jonathan Cooper (cooper) are good examples.

by Commodus and delivered to death, but who survives The cognomen is to classical antiquity what the surname
and becomes a gladiator, growing in combat at events was to the medieval era.
sponsored by high-caste patricians. Gladiator tells an During the period of the Republic and Empire, the
excellent revenge story, faithful to the time and holding surname was also passed from father to son, in order to
us to the plot in an unprecedented way. distinguish a specific family within the gens. As a rule,
the surname was chosen on the basis of a physical or
Names and Titles personality trait, sometimes ironically: Julius Caesar’s
cognomen (Caesar) means “hairy”, but he was bald, and
The way we know names today is configured in a Tacitus’s means “silent” in Latin, but he was a famous

very different way in relation to what was configured as
“correct” in classical antiquity, especially in the Roman

The act of naming often becomes a problem for

The Romans sometimes added a second cognomen,
called agnome (agnomen), to distinguish individuals
within the same family. Some agnomes were passed
Storytellers who seek realism and fidelity to the period from father to son, which established a sub-family within
they create their chronicles. Many names descend from a family. In some cases, the agnome was conferred for
Latin, due to the importance of the language and the the purpose of honoring an individual, as a reward for
influence that Rome built over the world, however there an important deed. For example, Scipio Emiliano was
are still several creations of modern names that would honored by the nickname “African” after his victory
not have applied at the time. against Hannibal Barca.

Depending on where the characters are, names like Example: Publius (prenomen) Cornelius (gentile)
Patroclus, Diogenes and Gaius would be appropriate, Scipio (cognomen) Aemilianus Africanus (agnome).
but Jonathan, Hendrick or Job are not. The following
pages include tables with sections of authentic names, When a man was adopted into another family (often
grouped by languages that both players and Storytellers the case, even into adulthood), his name became his
can use to name their characters or as a reference. father’s full name, with a cognomen added to indicate his
original family. For example, Mamerco Aemilius Lepidus

Nomenclature and Surnames Livianus, originally the son of a certain Livy and adopted
Currently, the concept regarding surnames that we by the Aemilius Lepidus (Aemilii Lepidi).
have is entirely different from the nomenclature we had
in classical antiquity. In Rome, it was common to have
Names and Women
the forename, gentile name and cognomen. Women received the gentile name of their parents in
the feminine gender. For example, the daughter of Gaius
The “praenomen” was a nomenclature that was little Julius Caesar was named Julia. If it was necessary to make
used in everyday life and not very important. It is what we an additional distinction, the genitive of the father’s
now know as the “name”. One of the greatest examples cognomen (Césaris, in the case of Caesar’s daughter:
is “Gaius Iulius Caesar” (Gaius Julius Caesar), where Júlia Césaris) or that of the husband followed the name.
“Caius” is Caesar’s first name. If there were two daughters, one was Maior (Major),
The “nomen gentile” or gentile name configured the the other Minor (Minor). A family with more than two

daughters was given an ordinal number: Cornelia Quinta had between 10,000 and 20,000 mortal inhabitants. The
(Cornelius’ fifth daughter). At the end of the Repu-blic, first vampires in the city contributed to this population
women had already adopted their father’s surname in the advance as part of the ambitious plans of Romulus and
feminine: Metela Crasso, daughter of Q. Cecílio Metelo the other kings who invaded, conquered new tribes, and
and wife of P. Licínio Crasso. instigated mating between mortals.
Men could also be named by numerals, like Quinto By placing his chronicles in the first chapter of Rome,
Fabiano Metelo Crassus. The first name would indicate in about 535 BC, with the disputes between mortals,
that he is the fifth son of Metellus’ line. wizards, and vampires, the population growth is much

greater than in most cities of the time. Rome has around
Other Kingdoms 35,000 residents.
In other regions, such as Greece and even Carthage,
The second chapter considers that Rome had about
surnames were applied differently. In several situations,
150,000 mortal inhabitants. This population doubled

many surnames originated from professions, places of
at the beginning of the second Punic War, as Rome
birth or residence (called toponyms), nicknames, physical
conquered more and more territories with its unbridled
traits and even as a way of honoring the father (called
expansionism. The vampire population was still tied to a
patronymics). Other ancient peoples are influenced by
limit of 35 immortals within the confines of Rome. Of
the same behavior, however the Ro-man Republic became
course, some vampires kept secretly hidden within the
one of the pioneers in functionally organizing (in the
perimeters of the great city and fled when discovered.
molds of the ti-me) a nomenclature based on family and
In other cases, the Eternal Senate turned a “blind eye”
other characteristics.
to relatively important immortals.
Example: Platon (toponym), gios tou Aristocnes (father’s

name) tis Athínas (region where he was born or lived) [Plato,
Son of Aristocnes, of Athens].
Using the example of Plato, his name points to a physical
characteristic (broad shoulders; Plato or Platon carried
When Carthage fell, and Rome assumed an essential
role in Mediterranean politics, the number of mortals
living in the city exceeded 450,000. Gaul’s conquests
were so influential that this number of mortals reached
600 thousand at the end of the first century BC. It is
that meaning), who was a son or ancestor of Aristocnes not for little reason that the Roman Republic had one
and belonged to Athens or came from the region. In of the greatest armies in the world and that throughout
many similar situations, this name enforcement metric its territory, millions and millions of people lived under
was instituted. More “recent” examples can be used in the rule of the republic.
the same way as “Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci” (Leonardo,
The city of Rome was massive before the rise of
Son of Ser Piero, from the city of Vinci) or “Leonardo Il
Augustus Caesar. When he became the first emperor

Florentine” (Leonardo, from Florence).

of Rome, the city had about 1,300,000 (one million
three hundred thousand) inhabitants. Vampires had
Rome Population increased the number of immortals accepted in the town
As the republic expanded, more and more people to 45 because it was no longer possible to hold so many
visited the city of Rome to stay. Known throughout the people under the immortal influence without relatively
Mediterranean, the city was one of the most famous in high numbers. There were so many people that Rome
had room for the growth of sects and opponents like the

Europe and North Africa. No wonder roads were built in

a way that spawned the saying “all roads lead to Rome.” magicians themselves.
After Carthage, Rome grew so much that its population When placing his chronicle in the last chapter, during
exceeded the limits of what was acceptable for the time. the government of Nero, consider that Rome has about
The city became one of the most populous in the world, 1,650,000 (one million, six hundred and fifty thousand
going from two million inhabitants in the first century inhabitants or more). Rome is close to its peak in
after Christ. However, Rome was not always like this. population and will probably reach 3,000,000 million
The beginning was troubled, but it had enough space inhabitants soon. It is believed that Rome could have
for many mortals to inhabit the city. reached four million were it not for all the financial,
health, and economic crises that the city has gone through
When Rome was founded, its population was too
during its millennium of history.
large. Under Romulus’ rule, it is estimated that Rome


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