Rologue Nherit The Arth: Sample File

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“InherIt the earth”
That was the first thing they said to me, the first time I was “contacted.” In that moment a horrendous
revelation befell me. The world was not what it had always seemed. The life Iʼd led had been an illusion.
My job, my family, my dreams, they were all deceptions. All the reassurances that my parents and then
society made — that there was nothing to fear, that everything would be okay — were a lie.
What happened to me? What am I talking about? It all comes down to this: Monsters are real. They
exist. Iʼve seen them. e
I donʼt mean “people can be monsters,” or “the human dark side is monstrous” or “society creates
its own monsters.” Thatʼs all bullshit. I mean walking and in some cases living creatures, neither man
nor nature, exist, hide in the shadows and prey upon people. When you were a kid and afraid of things
under your bed or outside your window, you were right to be scared. They were there, watching, waiting.
As we grew up, we just turned a blind eye in a subconscious effort to remain sane, to refuse to believe
that creatures prowled the night. They do.
I donʼt expect you to believe me. Most people who visit this site write me off as a crackpot. Thatʼs
fine; they couldnʼt understand if they tried. Their mindsʼ own defenses and the influences that have been
imposed upon them for so long wonʼt let them believe. Better that they visit another site.

For those of you who understand, whoʼve seen what Iʼve seen, who know what I know… you have my
condolences. Weʼre trapped between people who shout us down, think us mad or turn their backs and
the very creatures responsible for it all — the hideous things we must face every day and every night.

You’re Not AloNe

But let me back up a bit, to assure you that youʼre among friends. I know what youʼre going through.

You canʼt look anywhere without seeing something that tears at your very soul — a grotesque walking
corpse, a shambling man-beast, a person you know to be dead, or some kind of spirit clinging to an un-
witting personʼs body. They hide or stroll among us, unnoticed by everyone. They pick and choose who
to kill and who to spare, who to save for later and who to devour now, and we have — or had — no idea
it was ever happening. But now we see it all the time, and the people we see poised to become victims
wonʼt listen. They refuse to believe us. And then, there they go, off to their doom.
Let me guess: Your family wonders whatʼs wrong with you; youʼre “agitated,” “freaking out.” Co-
workers avoid you these days; youʼre “unstable,” “acting weird.” Maybe youʼve already been fired; itʼs
hard to keep your job when you attack a “colleague.” Of course, no one believed you when you explained
what she really was. But then she knew you were on to her…. Perhaps youʼve been arrested recently
for assault, disturbing the peace or on weapons charges. Not even the police believe your stories, what
your victims really are, or why you attacked them. They want you in a cell or committed, where they and
other things have you within reach.
Sound familiar? Then hereʼs probably the most relieving thing youʼve read in some time: Youʼve been
right all along. Youʼre not insane. There are others like you. Youʼve found us. The bad part is, being sane
and right means that everything youʼve witnessed, everything youʼve feared, is real. Monsters exist.

the Imbued
There are others of us out here. Weʼve all struggled with the horrifying visions and incomprehensible
realities that you face. Weʼve all had to come to grips with what we know, what weʼve witnessed and
what weʼve become. I created this site in an effort to exorcise my own demons, to find a catharsis, but to
also reach out to others enduring the same torture. Youʼre welcome to join this list of peers, all of whom
search for answers to whatʼs real in the world — how it is that weʼve lived our entire lives ignorant of the
fact that monsters exist, that they control us and the
world like puppets on a stage.

thIs lIst e
This website and its list are intended as means for
helping the imbued come to terms with themselves,
We few on this list call ourselves the imbued — a
strange name, I know, but it seems to capture what
everyone has reported of their personal experiences.
Not long ago you were perfectly normal. Your life
the world and the truth. They are intended to help
carried on as it always had. Times could be tough,
people with our condition to understand themselves
and what appears to be the real reality. You may have money could be short, the future could look pretty
come here for the first time, desperate for answers or damn bleak. Then, for some reason, sometime
confirmation that this is how it is now. Or you may recently, things changed. Accounts vary, but every-
have come here for the first time after finding your one on this forum has reported events along these
own meaning, and now you need help to carry on. lines: A voice entered your head. It sounded like

Ultimately, this list is about communication, to your own, or maybe like the Word of God itself. Or
reassure and support one another and to share whatever maybe you were reading a newspaper or billboard
information we can about them. Together we stand. and for a fleeting moment the words changed right
Divided we fall. When you join the list, you remain before your eyes. The message was mysterious but
anonymous. No one, myself included, learns who or
where you are, and no one will as long as you remain
discreet in your posts. That said, share everything

you know and learn about them. Your knowledge

could mean the difference between life and death THE EARTH.”
for other members. Perhaps you received no message, but found
However, understand this: They could be among yourself in a dream, some kind of hallucination
us. These creatures already seem to pervade the in which terrible things appeared and happened.
world. It would naive of us to believe that they are Or you could have been assaulted by a piercing
not pervasive on the Internet, as well. The enemy sound, overcome by a nauseating stench or struck
may infiltrate this list, pose as one of us or simply by a profound sense that someone was dancing
lurk, as they do in all other things, and wait for signs
on your grave.
of some weakness to prey upon. So, learn what you
can from this list, but do not take it all as gospel. Whatever happened, that was just the begin-
One member’s information may save you. Another ning. The next moments were probably a blur, but
“member’s” may get you killed. all your senses were brought to bear on some kind
of creature, maybe even two or more, that appeared
out of nowhere or simply emerged from a crowd. You instinctively knew that this thing was not supposed
to exist, that it was evil incarnate and that everyone in its vicinity was in mortal danger. You could not
stand idly by. You could not simply gape. You had to do something!

It may have been that you were not alone. Although many people in the area may have been oblivi-
ous to what you saw, others responded to it as you did. Apparently, a handful sensed the same thing
you did. The crowd scattered at the commotion while you dove recklessly toward a creature you could
not identify, yet you knew could not be abided.
Thatʼs when you demonstrated The Power. By whatever means, you were imbued with strange
abilities. Though you never did anything like it before, you could now deliver hammer blows. You could
keep innocents from harm with a simple command. You could look to the creatureʼs very soul and know
its innermost secrets. And you could do these things as easily as you closed your hand, spoke aloud or
cast a piercing gaze.
When the red haze passed, the monster was driven off or destroyed, with no sign left of its existence.
In that moment of realization you probably fled the scene and denied what happened.
The truth is, you were “imbued,” chosen. The clarity, strength and passion to see reality for what it
truly is was granted or inflicted upon you. Curse or blessing, your life changed forever.
the herAlds
“I must be going insane,” you probably thought after hearing voices, having hallucinations and pull-
ing some bizarre stunts. Youʼre not crazy. All of the imbued have heard the voices and seen the signs.
We have labeled the source “Heralds” or “Messengers,” for lack of a better term, or simply to give the
complete unknown some kind of familiarity. The few of us who have found each other, whether through

word of mouth, on the streets or through the Internet, disagree about who or what the Heralds are. The
products of mass delirium? Collective unconscious lashing outward? God or some kind of deity? Aliens
broadcasting to certain people? A government plot to manipulate us and make us weapons? Or our
own subconscious minds responding to the anxieties of the world or perhaps its end? No one knows.
Yet the messages seem real enough, given that we have all experienced them. General consensus
on the Heralds and what they communicate holds that both are connected to our contact with monsters.

Messages seem to come to awaken us to the existence of horrific creatures, ones we feel compelled
to react to, and weʼre then somehow empowered with the tools to do so. Some imbued even claim to
have repeated contact with the Heralds, to receive further messages warning of impending danger or
confrontation with… what, the supernatural?
Are these Messengers or Heralds the ones responsible for what we witness, and for our freakish
abilities? Why do they choose us? What is our purpose? Why not explain themselves? Who are they?
We donʼt know. All we can do is guess and hope weʼre right.

I feel silly writing that word, as if I defy everything sensible that Iʼve ever been taught… or perhaps
that forces have ever wanted me to believe.
After your initial exposure — the imbuing — you probably sought meaning in the experience, some
hope of explaining it all away and returning to the sheltered existence you used to lead. But there was
no escape, was there?
No matter how much you shut your eyes or turned away, you saw creatures everywhere: on the
street, on television, at work, on the subway, in the newspaper and, for some, God save you, in your
own homes!

All you wanted to do was get away and put a disturbing, inexplicable episode behind you. But they
wouldnʼt let you. The creatures were everywhere, despite your best efforts not to see. You had to make a
decision: Seek professional help, commit suicide, go mad or face what you hoped could not exist. If only
someone else could confirm what you were seeing, what you knew. But no one could. They thought you
were insane, looked at you askance and, you feared, spread word that you were trouble… that you knew.
Before long, trouble probably came to you. The police or doctors wanted to find a place for you, to
protect you from yourself, and to make sure you couldnʼt harm anyone else. Thatʼs when you knew there
was no one to turn to. These blind people, like the frantic crowds at the moment of your change, offered
no salvation. Although the others like you — others who did something that night — might….

You may have returned to the “scene of the crime” in search of the others who fought alongside you.
Maybe you hoped to be killed by a creature and laid yourself out as bait, only to find a kindred spirit rather
than an evil one. News stories about other bizarre events may have put you in search of other people
with similar experiences. Or you may have searched for answers online and found yourself here. But
finding others like you only confirmed that the creatures you saw were real.
We donʼt know where the monsters come from, but sporadic contact with the chosen from around
the world suggests that these things are everywhere. Maybe theyʼre born of our own sins. Perhaps weʼre
not at the top of the order as weʼve always believed — or been led to believe — and these abominations
are. Perhaps theyʼre older than humanity itself, some kind of superior race thatʼs always been here.
The fact that weʼve never seen these things before — and that most people still donʼt — seems to

lend credence to the theory that monsters have been around for a very long time. A new threat couldnʼt
be so pervasive, so insidious. A new threat couldnʼt already have human pawns, willing and unwilling.
(Yes, thereʼs evidence to suggest that some people have been exposed to monsters and work with them,
willingly or unwittingly. I personally have seen human agents of the “masters,” and these people have
incredible strength, probably granted as gifts for loyalty. Others report authorities including the police and
politicians under monster control; imbued have made the mistake of revealing themselves to creatures
only to find themselves arrested on false charges soon afterward….)

So, for our own preservation, we must assume that monsters are everywhere. They seem entrenched,
and they appear to have time on their side. But what are they? Frustratingly, we donʼt know that, either.
Our best guesses relate back to old stories and folk tales. Creatures that drink blood, people that can
change shape into animals and objects, witches and warlocks who can cast spells and invoke curses,
ghosts that haunt places and people. But are the old stories true? Do vampires and werewolves exist?
And if we hope to do anything about it, are the old tricks useful against them? Will a cross save your
life? Does garlic keep them at bay? Can they bear their own reflection? Or are the legends just as false
as weʼve always been led to believe?
Thereʼs only one way find out.
the huNt
One of the prevailing questions that arises after you come to terms with what youʼve seen and what
youʼve become is “Why?” “Why have I become this?” “What am I supposed to do?” Maybe the Heralds

have a specific goal for us. Maybe the imbuing is completely random. Maybe weʼre supposed to decide
our own fate.
If your feelings and ethics are anything like mine, there can be only one purpose for our change. We
canʼt be made to witness what we do, to possess the abilities we do and to have the knowledge we have
without reason. Thereʼs too much coincidence involved for the change to be purely random. When I walk
the street and see figures lurking in the shadows, picking people out like candy behind glass, my soul al-
lows only one response: to fight back. I cannot sit idly by while innocent, unaware people are manipulated
and slaughtered. I couldnʼt stand by the moment I was changed, and I canʼt do it now. Nor, probably, can
you. You wouldnʼt have come in search of this site if you hadnʼt sensed some purpose. What you needed
was reassurance that fulfilling that purpose was the right thing to do.
The members on this list call our perceived purpose “the hunt.” We dedicate ourselves to learning the
truth, and to stalking and perhaps destroying monsters. Of course, you donʼt have to be on some glorified
mailing list to have made the same commitment. Before you arrived here, you might have accepted this
imperative, too. “The hunt” simply means knowing that monsters are inherently wrong. It means finding
them, shadowing them, learning about them and ultimately confronting them. Some hunters believe that
creaturesʼ destruction is the only answer. Others express concern that monsters may be the products
of people gone wrong, that killing them damns a soul. They hope (and fear) that some small glimmer of
humanity lingers in these creatures and should be recovered if any good is to be accomplished. Your
approach to the hunt is your own, something you have to rationalize according to your own sensibilities.

But however you approach it, you must do what you believe is right in your heart, or the things we have
to do may one day turn you into one of them.

Is thAt All?
Some hunters grimly believe that facing and dealing with monsters is the be-all and end-all of the
imbuing and our existence (I would say theyʼre content with this purpose; none of us could ever be

content with our new lives). Yet is that our full extent?
I said earlier that the events of our imbuing are too coincidental to be random. Pure chance cannot
account for why we suddenly see the world differently and why we manifest strange abilities. Maybe if the
change happened to only one person in the whole world, then maybe it could be random. But it doesnʼt,
and it isnʼt. The change affects people everywhere, apparently often in small groups at the same time.
No, thereʼs a bigger game being played, even if we canʼt perceive the players.
The only answer I can accept for now is that we are pawns of greater forces, powers that seek to
accomplish a goal, great or small, and that turn to mankind to see it done. Whether thatʼs a compliment
or a slander, a blessing or a curse, I canʼt say. Yet when I, other imbued, and perhaps even you sense
that we have a moral responsibility, that we must respond to the monsters we see, I must conclude that
we pursue a greater good. We have been changed, and we dedicate our new selves to serving and
protecting humanity, regardless that family and friends donʼt understand or appreciate it. Maybe itʼs that
simple resolve, the need to make the world better, that makes us candidates for the imbuing.
The first words I received from the Messengers were “INHERIT THE EARTH.” Iʼve thought about
those words constantly in the few months since my change. They still have no more logical meaning
than they did in the context I heard them, but I suspect that they garner intuitive meaning as I hear of

more hunters and meet some for myself. We have a purpose, and it revolves around gaining a world of
our own, free from monstrous oppression and maybe even from whatever forces taunt us with libera-
tion. For those who would eradicate every monster, regardless of any spirit or soul it might possess,
perhaps that world is the one we know — or thought we knew — and it should be reclaimed. For those
who hope to preserve whatever good they can find among creatures, perhaps that world is the next, in
which salvation and goodwill shall be rewarded and all the deserving will be free.
As for me, I canʼt say for certain what it is we strive for. Despite our persecution and domination by the
unknown, I must believe that mankind is capable of extraordinary feats and virtue — take this amazing
tool on which people scattered worldwide communicate with ease. Even when burdened by the yoke,

we prove capable of compassion and ingenuity. Although monsters appear to be everywhere, so are we,
and we apparently are in greater numbers. Itʼs our diversity that makes us strong. Itʼs our courage that
gives us the strength to go on — and now to fight back. I have to believe that somewhere in the midst
of our potential is a world worth having, and that can be enjoyed free of any monstrous touch.
Good luck
Those are all the words I have. I claim no special insight or wisdom, but I create this site and offer
these thoughts because my heart tells me itʼs the right thing to do. In a world like this, what else can
you trust? I hope this all proves helpful and offers guidance. Thatʼs the least we can do for one another.
God protect.


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