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Name: Gloriani, Katreena Ezra J.

Section: TM-

Being a national hero necessitates kindness, generosity, awareness, and

sacrifice. Rizal is aware that one must consider the people around them. Rizal had a
wide range of knowledge since he was a child. He simply wrote his thoughts as he
fought for the country's freedom, using his knowledge and intelligence. He never
insisted on engaging in any aggressive behaviors that could endanger people's lives.
He used his knowledge and wrote to educate the general public about what was
going on through his novels and articles. Rizal's writing helped our nation be heard.
With just his pen and paper, he was able to make Filipinos aware of what was going
on and made the perpetrators feel intimidated. He battled for the liberation of our
country without stepping on anyone and while being aware of his surroundings,
which is why he is our national hero. He gave his entire life without hesitation to
serving his country. He fought for our country's freedom without shedding any of his
own countrymen's blood.

If I were given a chance to voice out and could mentor students, I will use my
knowledge regarding the life of our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal and briefly discuss
his life and works. With this, they will understand the background of why Jose Rizal
became our national hero. The majority of teenagers, particularly in this day and age,
have little awareness of history. After I have briefly discussed the life of Dr. Jose
Rizal, I suppose that they will know about how Rizal made it to be a national hero.
Instead of telling my students to be like Rizal, I will rather tell them to learn from him.
As a result, they will be able to make sound decisions in a variety of situations.
Learning from someone rather than being like them is much better for me because it
allows a person to change their perspectives and mindset rather than being exactly
like them and controlling them.  I believe that we all have unique life experiences,
decisions, morals, and realizations that set us apart from one another. Having
something in common, such as the ability to learn from one person, such as Rizal,
will cause people to reconsider their choices.

Moreover, as a successful and influential cabin crew, I believe that traveling

domestically, particularly to historical structures such as museums, will aid in training
them to become competent professionals as well as socially concerned and
nationalistic citizens. They will become more knowledgeable about the history and
will be able to refresh and influence their minds in terms of beliefs and perspectives
when they have a thorough understanding of Philippine history. They will not only
learn about Philippine history, but they will also learn to love and cherish it. As
Philippine history continues to sink, I believe that being able to bring it back will
refresh the minds of Filipinos and teach them to appreciate the country and national
heroes, like Dr. Jose Rizal. Furthermore, I will remind my students to simply love our
culture in simple ways and embrace our history by supporting communities, assisting
other Filipinos, promoting our history, and simply remembering them.

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