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Blow Room Line ---- Comparison of Rieter and Trutzschler

Blow Room Line

COURSE TITLE: Textile Technology -1





Uttara University



ID: 22471004

Batch: 12th

Semester: 1st

SUBMISSION DATE: 19th August, 2022


01 Introduction Of Blow Room And Blow Room Line

02 Objectives of Blowroom Section

03 Functions and Operations in Blowroom Section
04 Rieter Blow Room Line Illustration
05 Working Principle Of Rieter Blow Room Line
(i) UNIfloc A 12
(ii)Solid matter extractor A 49
(iii) Condenser A 22
(iv) UNIclean B 12
(v) UNImix B 76R
(vi) UNIclean B 17
(vii) UNIstore A 79R
(viii) Condenser A 21
(ix) Mixing bale opener B 34
(x) Solid matter extractor A 48 11
(xi) UNIstore A 79S
(xii) UNIblend A 81
(xiii) Mixing opener B 33
(xiv) Waste opener B 25
(xv) Combo Shield
(xvi) Vision Shield
06 Trutzschler blow room line illustration
07 Working Principle Of Trutzschler blow room line
(i) Portal Bale Opener BO-P
(ii) Multi Function Separator SP-MF
(iii) Trützschler cleaner system
(iv Trützschler opener system
(v) Dosing Opener FD-S
(vi) Fine Opener TO-C
(vii)Opener TO-T1
(viii)Opener TO-T1
(ix)MX-U: the flexible solution for every installation
(x)MX-I: the direct linkage
(xi)Trützschler T-SCAN TS-T5
(xii)Modular tuft blending system T-BLEND
(xiii)Installation controls and machine controls
(xiv)Installation Control LINECONTROL LC-I

08 Differences between Rieter & Trutzschler Blow Room Line

09 Conclusion
Introduction of Blow Room And Blow Room Line
Blow room:

The section where the supplied compressed bale is turn into a uniform lap of
particular length by opening, cleaning, blending or mixing is called blow room
section. It is the first steps of spinning.

The main tasks of blow room process are opening, cleaning, and blending of
cotton fiber tufts without overstressing of fibers. One important function of the
blow room is to disintegrate the fiber bales into a flow of very small clumps of
fiber, which are sufficiently small in size to be digested by the cards. About 40%–
70% trash is removed in the blow room section.

Blow room line

Blow room line consists of different machines and each manufacturer provides its
own line of machines. The sequence of machines in a typical blow room line is
shown in the Figure 1. Blow room starts on the left with a bale breaker, followed by
several cleaning units and a mixer, and is completed with a dust and foreign
matter extractor. The next step is carding.

In the latest blow room lines, the material from fine openers / cleaners is
transferred to the card directly by a fan through a chute feed system which is
attached at the back of the card. Figure 2 shows the latest blow room line in which
the structure is excluded and fine cleaner delivery pipes are directly connected to
the cards.

The sequence of machinery arrangement in the blow room process for a particular
process depends on the following factors:

 Fiber type
 Fiber characteristics
 Trash content
 Material throughput
 Mixing formulation

Objectives of Blow Room Section:

Objectives of a blow room line are as follows:

1. Opening: To open the compressed fibers up to very small tufts

2. Cleaning: To remove the impurities like seed fragments, stem pieces, leaf
particles, neps, short fibers, dust and sand
3. Mixing and blending: To make homogenous mixture of the material
4. De-dusting: To extract the dust if present
5. Uniform feed for card: To convert the mass of fibers into thick sheet called lap
which should be uniform length and width wise or to provide output in the
form of tufts of optimum size.

Functions and Operations in Blow room Section:

A. Opening
B. Cleaning
C. Dust Removal
D. Mixing and Blending
E. Even feed of material to the card

The VARIOline blowroom line of Rieter

The VARIOline blowroom line is the variable opening and cleaning concept from Rieter. The
machines are modular and configuration is tailored to the specific raw material and its properties.
The material is opened and cleaned in several stages. Every hour, VARIOline and the automatic
bale opener UNIfloc A 12 deliver the volume of raw material required for 2 000 kilograms of
carding line production – without compromising quality. The process is in perfect sync, from bale
opener to carding line.

UNIfloc A 12
The UNIfloc A 12 is positioned at the start of the VARIOline. The A 12 is an extremely robust and
stable new product. All VARIOline blowroom machinery is designed to support an impressive line
production performance of up to 2 000 kilograms per hour. Additional new products, such as the
condenser A 22, the high-performance fan A 46 and the solid matter extractor A 49, are geared
toward a high material throughput. The bale profiling system of the UNIfloc A 12 uses unique
technology. This technology delivers impressive production performance from the outset.

Waste Opener B 25
As raw material prices increase, economical production requires that waste can be fed back into
the blowroom process. The waste must be selectively and continuously fed back into the process
in small amounts. It is normally fed into the material flow immediately downstream of the
UNIfloc A 12. This guarantees a consistently good yarn quality. The waste opener B 25 processes a
diverse range of raw materials, tufts, slivers and opened roving from the blowroom and spinning
preparation production stages.

Mixing opener B 33
The mixing opener B 33 is typically located in the middle of the blowroom line and is supplied
with material from the previous machine via one or two condensers. For example, the B 33 is
positioned downstream of the UNIblend A 81 for the intermediate storage of the fiber blend in
multi-range mode. It then feeds the carding line. The storage volume of the B 33 is increased by
an intermediate storage unit. This results in reliable and continuous card production.

Mixing bale opener B 34

The mixing bale opener B 34 is usually positioned at the start of the blowroom process. The B 34 is
generally fed manually via a feeding table. The raw material of various bales is distributed across a
length of three to nine meters. Depending on the blowroom design, the mixing chamber and the
intermediate storage unit can also be filled by other blowroom machinery via one or two
condensers. Blowroom and carding waste can also be fed to the B 34. They can be correctly sorted
at the beginning or in the middle of the blowroom process. This reduces raw material costs.

Pre-Cleaner UNIclean B 12
One of the primary tasks in the blowroom is to remove trash and dust from the natural fibers
(cotton, linen, etc.). This is achieved in one pre-cleaning stage and in up to three fine-cleaning
stages. The pre-cleaner UNIclean B 12 is fed with microtufts from the UNIfloc A 12. The tufts are
fine-cleaned in the UNImix and UNIstore cleaning modules. In addition, a UNIclean B 17 is used
for the fine-cleaning of heavily contaminated natural fibers.

In the UNIclean B 12, double hooks pick up the material and mechanically pass it over the
cleaning grid five times. The raw material is then directed across the integrated dedusting
surfaces. The finest seed coat fragments and dust are mechanically removed. Cleaning is
performed without nipping points and is therefore very gentle on the fibers and also efficient

UNIclean B 17
The UNIclean B 17 is used as a fine-cleaning machine for heavily-contaminated natural fibers. It
processes up to 1 200 kilograms of fiber material per hour. It is typically located between mixing
machine UNImix B 72 or B 76 with cleaning module and the UNIstore A 79R. The B 17 cleans and
dedusts efficiently and gently. The pre-opened tufts are passed over the adjustable grid seven
times. For an improved cleaning effect, the tuft material is turned at the apex of rotation. The
tufts are not nipped, which protects the fibers. The optimum parameters for the height and
composition of the waste can be entered at the VARIOset. This ensures a high raw material yield.
If the line is operated with less heavily contaminated cotton, the B 17 can easily be bypassed. The
material is cleaned only to the extent required.

UNIblend A 81
A yarn derived from a raw material that has been blended using the UNIblend A 81 has a
uniformity that cannot be achieved by any other blending method. The benefits are: • even dyeing
of woven and knitted fabrics, • improved running characteristics of the yarn on end-spinning
machines, • higher yarn strength and • improved running properties of the yarn during weaving
and knitting

UNIstore A 79
The UNIstore A 79 is fed from the upstream machine via a dust extractor or condenser. The
material enters the UNIstore storage module first. This module forms a material store (buffer) and
then feeds the S or R module. The A 79S version is used for opening man-made fibers and the A
79R version is used for opening and cleaning natural fibers. The material is dedusted as it enters
the dust extractor or the perforated cylinder of the condenser. It is then gently opened and/or
cleaned. VARIOset can be programmed to use the most economical settings for each fiber

Condensers A 21 and A 22
Condensers can be deployed at various positions in the blowroom line to achieve optimum air
conditions for the downstream machines. The fiber tufts hit the perforated drum located in the
condenser at high speed. The tufts are freed of dust (including fine dust) and dirt particles (trash).
Dust and trash are fed to the blowroom filter unit with the exhaust air. The A 21 is positioned
upstream of the card and can also be used on mixing opener B 33 and mixing bale opener B 34.
The A 22 is designed specifically for high-output production lines of up to 2 000 kilograms per
hour. It is used immediately downstream of the UNIfloc A 12. The good quality of the tufts after
dedusting has a positive effect on the end spinning process. This is primarily apparent with rotor
spinning, but also in yarn processing

Solid Matter Extractors A 48

The A 48 is installed in the blowroom, downstream of the mixing bale opener B 34. It is ideal for
processing smaller production quantities.

Solid matter extractor A 49

The A 49 is positioned downstream of the UNIfloc A 12. Heavy particles are reliably separated out
via aerodynamically optimized conducting and extraction elements. Fiber waste is minimal as a
result. The modular construction means that the A 49 can be installed in any blowroom line.

Working Principle Of Trutzschler blow room line

Portal Bale Opener BO-P
25 – 45% less space requirement due to the larger working width.

The concept of the portal with a larger working width significantly saves hall space. To make
optimal use of the space, the BO-P can also be positioned close to the wall with free access to the
bale lay-down area. In addition, the new bale lay-down on only one side considerably simplifies
the bale logistics in the spinning mill. The long bale lay-down area can be flexibly used. The areas
can have different lengths. This, for instance, can be beneficial to span an unattended night shift
or weekend. As shown in the adjacent example, the new Bale Opener BO-P requires 26% less
building space than the BO-A when using 66 bales in the bale lay-down

Multi Function Separator SP-MF

1. Suction When applying conventional solutions, condenser and fan always operate at highest
output level to ensure reliable material transport even at the furthest point. With Trützschler, the
fan operates only at the currently required performance, depending where the Portal Bale Opener
BO-P or the Automatic Bale Opener BO-A is running at the time. Energy costs are considerably
2. Heavy part separation Optimal efficiency at minimal loss of good fibers during the separation
of heavy parts is ensured by a special fan speed control. The heavy parts are automatically
discharged into a waste container.

3. Air separation and dust removal In conventional systems, the entire air flows from bale opener
to filter system. To increase efficiency, Trützschler is using an integrated air-volume separator in
addition to dust removal. It directs only a small amount of air into the filter, which can be
designed for approx. 3,000 m3/h less, resulting in significant savings in energy costs compared to
conventional installations.

4. Fire protection In order to reduce fire damage, the machine is equipped with sensors. They are
connected to the installation control.

5. Metal separation Cleaners and cards are securely protected against metal parts: An electronic
sensor surrounds the fiber channel and detects metal parts in the SP-MF. The subsequent
extraction flap is a special Trützschler development; since it is actively moved, it responds quickly
in both directions. The customary wear-intensive spring pre-tensioning is no longer required.

6. Waste re-feeding Soft waste, such as opened card and draw frame slivers, can easily be re-fed
without the usually required fan: It is sucked up together with the main material flow. Thus, it
passes through the entire machine and is also checked for heavy parts and metal particles.

Trützschler cleaner system

Optimal economic efficiency, even at more than 1,000 kg/h

The decisive factor for efficient cleaning is working at the optimal point between degree of
cleaning and economic viability.

Cleaner system:

• Optimal opening and cleaning combined with extremely gentle fiber treatment, even at 1,000
kg/h and more

• Freely selectable degree of cleaning by means of individually adjustable cleaning elements at any
time, even during production

• Perfect adaptation to every cotton by means of specially developed needle and saw tooth rolls •
Rapid raw material adaptation by means of infinitely variable roll drives

• Clean machine thanks to direct suction, allowing processing of even sticky cotton

• Greater yarn quality and improved running behavior in spinning through specific permanent
dedusting of the cotton

• Reduced maintenance outlay due to belt drives and maintenance-free motors

• Permanent monitoring and precision control by means of integrated Trützschler micro-

Trützschler opener system

The Trützschler openers offer perfect solutions for every application: From universal opener for
all fibers ≤ 130 mm to special openers for PES/Viscose/Acrylic and other man-made fibers Other
individual requirements can be realised by different opening rolls.

Dosing Opener FD-S

• High performance opener for all fibers

• Three different opening rolls for each material and each application

Fine Opener TO-C

• Man-made fibers

• Direct feeding through a Universal Bale Opener BO-U

• Ideal for direct feeding, i.e. of a card or small card group

Opener TO-T1
• PES/viscose/acrylic as well as cotton and man-made fiber blends

• For almost all fibers in the man-made fiber short staple spinning mill

• Maximum fiber protection

MX-U: the flexible solution for every installation

The Universal Mixer MX-U is ideal for the feeding of two parallel cleaners. The tufts reach the 6
or 10 trunks of the mixers via a fan. In contrast to Mixer MX-I, suctioning of the mixing duct takes
place directly below the opening rolls. The MX-U uses the injected transport air for conveying the
tufts to the downstream machine and requires no filter capacity

MX-I: the direct linkage

Its direct coupling with a cleaner or opener makes the Integrated Mixer MX-I ideal for compact
installations. The mixing chambers are fed from the top by the directly attached fan: Low-
maintenance rotating flaps forward the material in sequence to all the trunks. In the lower section
of the trunks it is passed to a mixing conveyor belt via delivery rolls and large dimensioned
opening rolls: Material layers from all the trunks are stacked in sandwich format and uniformly
fed to the downstream cleaner
Trützschler T-SCAN TS-T5

Reduced loss of good fibers and lower air requirement The controlled flow in the flat and wide
fiber channel distributes the tufts evenly over the width. The selective response of one of the 48
valves ensures that only a minimum amount of good fibers is separated. Compared to other
systems, this results in annual material savings of 20,000-50,000 US$. The permanent speed
measurement of the tuft flow also makes it possible to reduce the response time of the nozzles to
a minimum. As a result, the compressed air requirement is only approx. 20 % of that of other

Modular tuft blending system T-BLEND

Blending quality newly defined Usually the CV value is mentioned as quality parameter. However,
the mass content of each fiber type in the total weight is even more relevant for the blending
accuracy. Hence, Trützschler uses specially developed precision scales to measure the mass and
not the volume. During each weighing, the small difference to the setpoint is captured and
compensated fully automatically during the next weighing. The adjacent diagram shows the
serious deviation between CV value and setpoint.

Installation controls and machine controls

Installation Control LINECONTROL LC-I

The LINECONTROL LC-I coordinates the functions of the individual machines and thus fully
automatically controls the material transport of the total installation. Malfunctions in the
installation or in individual machines are graphically displayed, thus allowing quick and specific
reactions. All safety-relevant functions such as emergency stop and door safeties are hardware-
wired, ensuring a particularly high level of fail-safe per The Electronic Installation Control LC-I is
optimally suited for coordinating individual machine controls. It uses modern intelligent network
technology and offers maximum functional safety and reliability:

• Simple commissioning

• Easy operation on color touch screen

• High amount of display information

• Use of international standards

• Open system

• Minimum cabling

• Same spare parts as machine controls

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