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Legal med.

 This refers to the offender’s pattern of committing a crime. 


A. modus operandi

B. motive & intent

C. profiling

D. characteristics

 It is defined as the procedure for collecting, recording, organizing and preserving all various information
gathered in an investigation.


A. investigation

B. trial preparation

C. case screening

D. case management

Correct answer

D. case management

 It is the testimony of a witness reduced to writing under oath or affirmation, before a person
empowered to administer oaths, in answer to interrogatories and cross interrogations submitted by the
party desiring the deposition and the opposite party.


A. testimony

B. deposition

C. affidavit

D. statement

 The following are the elements of the crime of homicide, EXCEPT:


A. the accused killed a person without any justifying circumstances

B. the accused had the intention to kill which is presumed

C. the killing was not attended by any qualifying circumstances

D. the killing of the persons is neither parricide, murder nor infanticide

 During the conduct of special crime investigation, it becomes a widely used tool in determining the
success of criminal investigation. 

A. proximity factors

B. probability factors

C. propinquity factors

D. solvability factors

Correct answer

D. solvability factors

 It involves gathering and preparing the raw material for a court or hearing, and can include evidence
gathering, forensic investigation, private investigations, evidence analysis, and preparing witness

A. case management

B. court preparation

C. trial preparation

D. case preparation

Correct answer

C. trial preparation

 It is the taking of personal property belonging to another, and with intent to gain, by means of violence
against, or intimidation of any person, or using force upon things.

A. robbery

B. theft

C. brigandage

D. hijacking

It is made by the investigator at the crime scene. It needs not to be drawn to scale, but the proportions
should be approximated and the appropriate measurement of dimension shown.


A. projection sketch

B. final sketch

C. rough sketch

D. all of these

It is entitled as an “Act Defining Certain Rights of a Person Under Custodial Investigation, Prescribing
Penalties for the Violators Thereof, and for Other Purposes.


A. RA 9262

B. RA 7438

C. RA 7659

D. RA 8553

This is an act or an instance of following up, as to further an end or review new developments of
an investigation earlier conducted, or it is a process of digging up the preliminary earlier


A. follow-up investigation

B. continuing investigation

C. concluding investigation

D. any of these

It may be defined as an articles and material which are found in connection with an investigation and
which in establishing the identity of perpetrator or the circumstances which the crime was committed,
or assist in the discovery of facts. 


A. physical evidence

B. clue materials

C. minute objects

D. minute details

In administrative case designations as considerations in case management, it means that all available
leads has been exhausted but the case has not been brought to a conclusion and investigative efforts
may resume.


A. follow-up investigation
B. suspended investigation

C. initial investigation

D. none of these

This is an “Act Defining and Penalizing the Crime of Plunder.”



A. R.A. No. 7080

B. R.A. No. 7008

C. R.A. No. 8770

D. R.A. No. 7800

Correct answer

A. R.A. No. 7080

Passageway from one building to another or through or around a wall in approximately the same floor


A. vertical exit

B. diagonal exit

C. emergency exit

D. horizontal exit

Correct answer

D. horizontal exit

Evidence that can link the perpetrator to the crime scene or victim is of two kinds, the first is evidence
taken deliberately or accidentally from the crime scene, and the second is: 


A. tracing evidence that lead to the identity of suspect

B. physical evidence brought to and left at the crime scene

C. circumstantial evidence to prove the commission of the crime

D. associative evidence found at the crime scene

Correct answer

B. physical evidence brought to and left at the crime scene

In this type of crime scene, one searcher is assigned to each subdivision of a quadrant. Depending on the
size of the area, it is divided into quadrants and then each quadrant is cut into another set of


A. strip method

B. spiral method

C. zone method

D. wheel method

It is otherwise known as the “The Anti-Rape Law of 1997.” 


A. RA 7659

B. RA 8353

C. RA 9262

D. RA 8294

Correct answer

B. RA 8353

It is the branch of forensic science which concerned with the recording, scientific examination, and
interpretation of the minute details to be found in physical evidence


A. criminalistics

B. forensic science

C. instrumentation

D. police science

It is characterized as a “structured group of three or more persons existing for a period of time
and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offenses.


A. organized crime

B. syndicated crime

C. notorious criminal

D. transnational crime

This kind of evidence links the suspect to the crime scene or the offense, i.e., safe lining found in a
suspect’s shoe or the broken headlight glass found at the scene of hit-and-run.


A. material evidence

B. circumstantial evidence

C. direct evidence

D. associative evidence

Correct answer

D. associative evidence

This refers to the number of persons who handle the physical evidence between the time of commission
of the alleged offense and the ultimate disposition of the case should be kept to a minimum.


A. protecting evidence

B. chain of custody

C. evidence preservation

D. securing evidence

It is the most universally used and most adaptable method of crime scene recording, and it is applicable
in all types of crimes.

A. sketching

B. note taking

C. all of these

D. photography

These are properties for which ownership itself is a crime, e.g., illegal drugs, smuggled goods,
and any other properties subject of the offense.


A. contraband

B. prohibited articles

B. illegal items

D. assets & net worth

As provided in the Revised Penal Code, robbery is divided into two different classifications, one is
robbery by the use of force upon things, and the other classification is:


A. robbery with violence, or intimidation of person

B. taking of personal property belonging to another

C. with intent to gain and to possess the property

D. pre-conceived plans and unexpected opportunity

This Act shall be known as the "Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008."


A. R.A. No. 9145

B. R.A. No. 9541

C. R.A. No. 9415

D. R.A. No. 9514

It is hearsay evidence, and it is also known as an ante-mortem statement. 



A. allegations of facts

B. hearsay testimony

C. dying declaration

D. material evidence

Option 3

It is asking question to person who is believed to possess knowledge that is of official interest to the
investigator, and who is cooperative in the conduct of investigation.


A. investigation

B. interview

C. intelligence
D. information

This type of sketch of the crime scene of a room is like drawing of a cardboard box whose edges have
been cut and the sides flattened, and it is also called, exploded sketch.


A. crime scene sketch

B. cross-projection sketch

C. draft sketch

D. plain sketch

Correct answer

B. cross-projection sketch

It is the investigation of cases that are unique, and often require special training to fully understand their
broad significance. 


A. robbery & theft investigation

B. rape & sex crimes investigation

C. homicide & murder investigation

D. special crime investigation

 It is a criminal act more particularly described as the unlawful taking and carrying away of a person by
force or fraud and against his or her will for purpose of extorting ransom.


A. kidnapping
B. abduction

C. hostage taking

D. illegal detention

 These crimes are often referred to as “__________,” because victims are unlikely to report the crime to
the police or law enforcement agencies, e.g., gambling, prostitution, and dangerous drugs.


A. violation of penal code

B. violation of special laws

C. crimes against person

D. victimless crimes

It is an investigative practice of placing the suspect within a group of people for the purpose of being
viewed by eyewitnesses. 


A. police line-up

B. identification parade

C. all of these

D. none of these

Correct answer

C. all of these

It shall mean any act of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting, procuring workers, and
promising or advertising for employment abroad, whether for profit or not.

A. employment agencies

B. illegal agencies

C. illegal recruiters

D. illegal recruitment

It is unlike the investigation of other types of crime in that it is proactive instead of reactive; and the law
enforcement does not anymore simply respond to the scene after the crime has been committed.


A. special crime investigation

B. investigation of organized crime

C. miscellaneous field investigation

D. crimes against person investigation

It is the skillful questioning of persons who are uncooperative in the conduct of investigation or those
who reluctant to divulge information in his possession which are pertinent in the conduct of


A. interrogation

B. questioning

C. all of these

D. examination

It is a term used to describe the confiscation of assets, by the state, which are either, i.e., the
proceeds of crime or the instrumentalities of crime, and more recently, terrorism.


A. sequestration

B. escheating

C. asset forfeiture

D. all of these

Any act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard.



A. controlling

B. abatement

C. fire fighting

D. preventing

Correct answer

B. abatement

It is the unlawful killing of any person.



A. homicide

B. murder
C. parricide

D. infanticide

Correct answer

A. homicide

This is an “Act Defining the Crime of Money Laundering, Providing Penalties Therefore, and for Other


A. R.A. No. 9610

B. R.A. No. 9160

C. R.A. No. 9106

D. R.A. No. 9061

It is an activity that collects facts to accomplish the three fold aims, i.e., to identify, to locate the
guilty party, and to provide evidence for his guilt.


A. investigation

B. crime investigation

C. crime scene search

D. criminal investigation

It is otherwise known as the “Anti-Wire Tapping Law.”


A. RA 4200

B. RA 4002

C. RA 2004

D. RA 4020

It is a self-incriminatory statement by the subject falling short of an acknowledgement of guilt. It is an

acknowledgment of a fact or circumstance from which guilt may be inferred.


A. confession

B. acknowledgment

C. admission

D. self-incrimination

It is the taking, with intent to gain, of a motor vehicle belonging to another, without the latter’s consent,
or by means of violence against of intimidation of persons, or by using force upon things.


A. carnapping

B. motor vehicle theft

C. all of these
D. joy riding

It the place where the essential ingredients of the criminal act took place, and this also includes the
setting of the crime and also the adjoining places of entry and exit of both offender and victim.


A. place of crime

B. locale of crime

C. all of these

D. crime scene

It is a file of photograph of arrested individuals which usually includes full-face and mug shots along with
detailed physical description of subject persons.     


A. roques gallery

B. modus-operandi file

C. fingerprint file

D. index card file

Historically, the use of maps, models and sketches preceded the practice of __________ the crime
scene, and it has become an indispensable tool of the criminal investigator


A. note taking
B. sketching

C. video-recording

D. photographing

Correct answer

D. photographing

In bringing rape victim at the hospital, the procedure will accomplish two primary objectives in
treating the victim, one is to treat the victim with physical injury, and the other is: 


A. to be immediately interviewed by the investigator

B. to collect evidence of investigative significance

C. to provide emergency medical attention

D. to undergo professional psychological counseling

It is money, price, or consideration paid or demanded for redemption of a captured person or persons, a
payment that releases from captivity.


A. ransom

B. financial consideration

C. monetary consideration

D. none of these

It is the observation of the intelligence collection agencies of its activities by the opposition for purposes
of determining whether they are under surveillance, casing or any other forms of collection of


A. technical surveillance 

B. counter-surveillance

C. moving surveillance

D. counter-intelligence

Correct answer

B. counter-surveillance

It is the scientific examination of minute details of physical evidence, application of laboratory

equipment and methods of forensic science in the detection of crime.


A. forensic science

B. criminalistics

C. instrumentation

D. police science

Correct answer

C. instrumentation

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