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Evaluation of working conditions of women street

vendors of Karnataka before and after
Prof. Shashidhar Channappa, Dr. Veena K.N, Dr.V.J.Byra Reddy
Unemployment and poverty are inherent to any developing nation. Urban amalgamations attract
migrants from rural regions as an attractive employment destination. Most of these migrants lack
skill or education or both in securing a job in formal / organized sector and many such men and
women, among other occupations, take to street vending as entry costs of getting in to street
vending are very less. Though, street vending has been an integral part of the tradition and culture
of India; monetization of land and urbanization have created amorphous legal structures that treat
street Vendors as an aberration on the streets. Women, being the disadvantageous group in the
society, face double disadvantage in the profession of street vending.
Supreme Court of India, ın 2010, recognized street vending as a legitimate source of livelihood, to
legalize street vending and provide them the dignity they deserve. However, the studies on street
vendors post 2010 show that this recognition has not yielded commensurate benefits to the street
vendors and to particularly women street vendors. Demonitization – a step taken by the government
of India on 8th November 2016 – essentially to curb black money, did cause a lot of immediate
difficulties to many section of the society. This step is said to have augmented issues prevailing
around street vendors, and in this context, the study attempts to understand issues of street vendors
in totality.

Key words: Street vendors, Women, Employment, informal sector.

Prof. Shashidhar Channappa- Head, Department of Social work, The Oxford College of Arts,
Bangalore, India.
Dr.Veena K.N – Associate Professor, Dayananda Sagar Business Academy, Bangalore, India.
Dr. V.J.Byra Reddy – Professor, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India.

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1. Rationale of the Study

Street Vending has been an integral part of the tradition and culture of India, ever since the
civilization in India grew up to the nascent trading. Street vending in India is as old as the trade
itself. In the past, given very less pressure of population on the geographies, street vending was
either considered part of normal trade or was accepted as one of the ways of trading.
Unemployment and poverty are inherent to any developing nation. Urban amalgamations attract
migrants from rural regions as an attractive employment destination. Most of these migrants lack
skill or education or both in securing a job in formal / organized sector and many such men and
women, among other occupations, take to street vending as entry costs of getting into street vending
are very less. In the early 1900’s with the beginning of the monetization of land coupled with
increasing pressure of population on the geographies; out of necessity, vendors spilled over to
Now, these people – Street Vendors, belonging to Informal Sector of the Economy – form a huge
population by themselves. Women constitute a large number of street vendors in almost every city.
Some studies estimate that street vendors constitute approximately 2% of the population of a
metropolis. The total number of street vendors in the country is estimated at around 1 crore [10
million]. Urban vending is not only a source of employment but provides ‘affordable’ goods and
services to the majority of urban population. The role played by the hawkers in the economy as also
in the society needs to be given due credit but they are considered as unlawful entities and are
subjected to continuous harassment by Police and civic authorities1.

2. Historical and recent debates on informal economy:

Those who work on the streets or in the open air are visible informal workers. Other informal
workers are engaged in small shops and workshops that include repair works, scrap handling,
carpentry, weaving and tailoring; tan leather and stitch shoes; to name a few.
By definition, informal workers are invisible and the least visible of this invisible population is
‘women’ – they work both on-site and from homes. Home-based ‘informal’ workers are to be found
around the world. Casual workers in restaurants and hotels; subcontracted janitors and security
guards; day labourers in construction and agriculture; piece-rate workers in sweatshops; and

National Policy For Urban Street Vendors,

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2020 625


temporary office helpers or off-site data processors. Conditions of work and the level of earnings
differ markedly among those who scavenge on the streets for rags and paper, those who produce
garments on a subcontract from their homes, those who sell goods on the streets, and those who
work as temporary data processors. Even within countries, the informal economy is highly
segmented by sector of the economy, place of work, and status of employment and, within these
segments, by social group and gender. But those who work informally have one thing in common:
they lack legal and social protection.
Over the years, the debate on the large and heterogeneous informal economy has crystallized into
four dominant schools of thought regarding its nature and composition, as follows:
• The Dualist school sees the informal sector of the economy as comprising marginal
activities—distinct from and not related to the formal sector—that provide income for the poor and
a safety net in times of crisis (Hart 1973; ILO 1972; Sethuraman 1976; Tokman 1978).
• The Structuralist school sees the informal economy as subordinated economic units (micro-
enterprises) and workers that serve to reduce input and labour costs and, thereby, increase the
competitiveness of large capitalist firms (Moser 1978; Castells and Portes 1989).
• The Legalist school sees the informal sector as comprised of “plucky” micro-entrepreneurs
who choose to operate informally in order to avoid the costs, time and effort of formal registration
and who need property rights to convert their assets into legally recognized assets (de Soto 1989,
• The Voluntarist school also focuses on informal entrepreneurs who deliberately seek to
avoid regulations and taxation but, unlike the legalist school, does not blame the cumbersome
registration procedures.
Each school of thought subscribes to a different causal theory of what gives rise to the informal
economy. In part, street vending falls in to all of the above four schools; however, it is possible to
recognize street vending to be, majorly associated with the ‘dualist school’.

3. Definition of Street Vendors:

Street vendors are identified as self-employed workers in the informal sector who offer their labor
to sell goods and services on the street without having any permanent built-up structure (National
Policy on Urban Street Vendors [NPUSV], 2006, p. 11). Various studies have confirmed the fact
that street vendors comprise one of the most marginalized sections of the urban poor. Street

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Vendors play a very dynamic role in the urban economy, providing necessary goods and services,
which are largely both durable and cost-effective, to average income-earning households at cheap
and affordable prices. In addition, they help many small-scale industries to flourish by marketing
the products that they manufacture (Bhowmik, 2001; Tiwari, 2000). Thus, they help to sustain the
urban economy, to a great extent, in terms of generation of employment and income, and provision
of goods and services.
The policy document on street vendors defines ‘Street vendor’ as ‘a person who offers goods and
services for sale to the public in a street without having a permanent built-up structure.’ There are
three basic categories of street vendors: a. Stationary; b. peripatetic and c. mobile, Stationary
vendors are those who carry out vending on a regular basis at a specific location, e.g. those
occupying space on the pavements or other public places and/or private areas either open/covered
[with implicit or explicit consent] of the authorities. Peripatetic vendors’ are those use who carry
our vending on foot and sell their goods and services and includes those who sell their goods on
pushcarts. Mobile street vendors are those who move from place to place vending their goods or
services on bicycle or mobile units on wheels, whether motorized or not, they also include vendors’
selling their wares in moving buses, local trains etc.

4. Women Street Vendors in India:

Women also, for reasons such as lack of education, financial need, family pressure or a combination
of all these, take to vending on streets. Being in an unorganized sector, lack of policies, law and
regulations, extortion and displacement, lack of civic facilities lead to certain difficulties while
Associations like National Association of Street Vendors of India [NASVI] and other local NGOs
work towards the protection of street vendor’s livelihood. In 2010, the Supreme Court of India,
recognized street vending as a source of livelihood, and directed the Ministry of Housing and Urban
Poverty Alleviation to work out on a central legislation [policy], and a draft of the same was
unveiled to the public on November 11, 2011. The key points of the draft bill were, protection of
legitimate street vendors from harassment by police and civic authorities, and demarcation of
‘vending zones’ on the basis of ‘traditional natural markets’, proper representation of vendors and
women in decision making bodies, and establishment of effective grievance redressal and dispute
resolution mechanism.

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The salient features of the act the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street
Vending) Act, 2014. Include - registration and identity cards, Town Vending Committee (TVC) and
a database of registered vendors, entitlement to a new vending site in case of Eviction and
Relocation and Civic Facilities.
Though, in essence the policy on ‘Street Vendors’, was drafted to address several issues and
concerns of vendors, they continue to face challenges and have not been effectively addressed.
Demonitization – a step taken by the government of India on 8th November 2016, abolishing the use
of 500 and 1000 rupee denominations, essentially to curb black money, did cause a lot of immediate
difficulties to many section of the society and particularly the unorganized sector. This is said to
have augmented issues prevailing around street vendors,

5. Methodology
There are studies conducted to understand Conditions of Working Life of Street Vendors in
Lucknow, The nature of deprivations and conflicts, the alleviating measures taken by the vendors
and community-based organizations, etc., there is a need to assess effect of demonetization on street
vendors. This paper intends to evaluate issues and concerns of Women Street Vendors. It also
evaluates the effect of demonetization on them. For this purpose, prior to demonetization, 235
women street vendors, vending in 3 districts of Karnataka namely Bangalore, Bangalore Rural and
Shimoga and post demonetization, 48 women vendors from three localities from Bangalore were
surveyed during May June 2017, using a well-structured questionnaire.

6. Results of the Survey on Street Vendors in Karnataka:

In the backdrop of the policy on Street Vendors and particularly, it’s implicit expression on Women
Street Vendors it is intended to discuss the results of the survey carried out to assess the issues and
concerns of women street vendors in Karnataka.

6.1 Prior Demonetization

6.1.1 Discussion on the Demographic profile of the women street vendor along with some of
their basic issues and concerns:
The tables provided as Annexures – 1 and 2 provide data on demographics of the surveyed
population; it could be read from the tables that 179 [76.2%] of the women street vendors of the

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total belong to Karnataka, 37[15.7%] of them belong to Tamil nadu and 17[7.2%] others belong to
Andra Pradesh, Whereas 2 out of these 235 women street vendors belong to other states of India.
One interesting aspect that could be noted from this data is that almost 23% of these vendors are
from Tamil nadu and Andhra Pradesh, who are part of the larger migrated populations from these
states into Karnataka. It is also heartening to note that; even a profession such as street vending
attracts migrants. The age profile of the respondents show that 81.7% of the respondents are in the
age group of 25 to 50 years, further this data shows a progressive decline of the number of street
vendors as the age advances, a possible indicator that ‘street vending’ is a job capable for the people
of the lower ages and not so for those who are older. This also brings out a point often discussed in
the literature of informal economy – that the total life cycle of a ‘job’ in the informal economy is far
shorter than the formal economy. The shorter life cycle of a job in the informal economy adds to
‘unemployment’ among the older population as well as the problems of ‘ageing’. The education
profiles of the respondents show that out of the 235 street vendors, 177[75.2%] of them have
education equivalent or lower than the 7th standard[7th grade] and the rest of the 28 of them have
education up to matriculation; none of the street vendors surveyed had education above
matriculation; a possible inference is that people in the informal sector with educational
qualification above matriculation would not take to street vending and may take up other better
employment within this sector. The family size of the respondents is surprisingly lower than what is
normally expected of the lower income families; with almost 62% of the women street vendors
living in family size up to 4 and up to 96% of them living in family size up to 7. One possible
attribute to such lower size of the families is that the street vendors surveyed for this study are from
slightly better off districts of Karnataka including the capital itself. The data on the number of
earning members in the family indicate that about 55 of the surveyed 235 women street vendors are
the sole bread winners of the family as against the popular belief that ‘men are the bread winners of
the family’; the reason for these women to take up street vending is to earn a source of livelihood
for the family. Another 150 women street vendor are accompanied by another earning member in
the family; the very fact that in spite of another earning member of the family these women have
taken to vending in the streets indicate that the ‘quantum’ of earning of the other earning member,
that, needs supplement and /or the other family member has taken to another occupation that
supplements the income of the women street vendor.
The annexure-2 of this paper provides data on other demographics and Descriptives about a few of

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the important variables considered for the study in the backdrop of the policy on street vendors.
From the data on the duration work, a very disturbing trend could be noted; that number of women
street vendors who have been vending for more than 10 years is 71[30.2%] and the number of
women who have been vending in the streets for 5 to 10 years is 51[21.7%] whereas the women
who have been vending in the streets for less than two years is 77[32.8%]. If one observes this trend
in the table, it is quite clear that these 77 women who have got into vending for the last 2 years are
the addition to the existing women street vendors, hence this clearly indicates that the number of
women who have taken to street vending is higher in proportion to those who were existing in last
10 years or more. Or this data might actually be indicating that though higher number of women
take to street vending they may not continue to do so; if this is true, the reasons for this would be
well worth knowing. As regard the duration of time that these women vend in the streets; an
interesting phenomena such as 65[27.8%] of the total of 235 women street vendors vend for 6 hours
or less in a day; making vending almost a part-time employment. On the other side of the spectrum;
the toil of street vending expressed in terms of 66[28.1%] of the 235 women street vendors vending
for more than 10 hours in a day. The rest of the women street vendors that is, 104[44.3%] of them
vend for anywhere between 6-10 hours in a day.
The frequency with which these women street vendors need to replenish their stocks vary from
Daily, Weekly and Monthly; while most of the women, 174[74.0%] out of the total 235 replenish
their stocks daily, inferring that they deal with perishable goods, 52[22.1%] replenish their stocks
on a weekly basis, whereas another 9[3.8%] women replenish their stocks monthly. So far these
women doing another additional job to street vending is concerned; 214[91.5%] of the women street
vendors out of the total 235 do not do another additional job, but exclusively engage themselves in
Street vending, whereas 20[8.5%] of these, do an additional job to Street vending to supplement
their incomes; may be these women are among those who work less than 6 hours per day.
One of the important provisions for these street vendors in the policy on Street vendors is the
provision of public toilet; as regards this provision, in the survey it was asked whether they have
access to a public toilet nearby, if not an exclusive access to the same; 56[24.7%] of these women
reported that they do haveaccess to public toilet facility, whereas a the majority of 179[76.2%] of
them reported as having no access to the public toilet facility near the place of vending.

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6.1.2 Additional following-up discussion based on the results on major issues and concerns of
the women street vendors:
The data from 235 women street vendors across the four districts of Karnataka was cross tabulated
to further understand their issues and concerns with particular reference to the policy on Street
vending by the honorable Supreme Court.

Table 1: Cross tabulation between the Place of Vending and Member of any Organisation
Place of Member of any organization
Vending Yes No Total
Bangalore Count 9 36 45
South % of Total 3.8% 15.3% 19.1%
Bangalore Count 5 53 58
North % of Total 2.1% 22.6% 24.7%
Shimoga Count 30 39 69
District % of Total 12.8% 16.6% 29.4%
Nelamangala Count 1 62 63
% of Total 0.4% 26.4% 26.8%
Total Count 45 190 235
% of Total 19.1% 80.9% 100.0%

The first of the cross tabulations to which the data was subjected was to evaluate if the place of
vending has any bearing on these women street vendors being members of any of the street vending
organisations. Table 1 representing this cross tabulation clearly shows that 190[80.9%] of these
women are not members of any of the organisations representing the street vendors; whereas
45[19.1%] of them are members of one of the organisations representing the street vendors.
Analyzing the data in the table further, indicates that among the four districts, in the district,
Shimoga the women street vendors are far more organized than the remaining 3 districts; with about
45% of the women street vendors from shimoga affiliating with one or the other organisations . It is
rather surprising to find that the women street vendors from the capital Bangalore are not as
organized as those of the district- Shimoga.

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The Pearson Chi-Square value of this cross tabulation 43.101at 3 degrees of freedom is significant
at 5% level of significance with p-value =0.000

Table 2: Cross tabulation between Member of any Organisation and Awareness of Right
to Roadside Vending
Aware on Right to Roadside Vending
Member of any Organization Yes No Total
Count 14 31 45
Yes % of Total 6.0% 13.2% 19.1%
Count 32 158 190
No % of Total 13.6% 67.2% 80.9%
Count 46 189 235
Total % of Total 19.6% 80.4% 100.0%

Further, it was intended to see if being members of any of the organisations help these women street
vendors to be aware of their right to roadside vending. The table 2 shows the cross tabulation
between membership with the any of the street vendor’s organisations with that of awareness to
roadside vending. The table clearly shows that general awareness about roadside vending is
abysmally low among the total of 235 surveyed women street vendors; with as many as 189[80.4%]
not being aware of their right to roadside vending while only 45[19.1%] of them being aware of this
right. It is surprising to note that two thirds of these women [31 out of 45], who are members of
organiztions representing street vendors are not aware of their right to street vending.
When this data is further analyzed, it is found that though the awareness of their right to vend at the
roadside is low among both members of the organisations and non-members; about 30% of the
members of street vending organisations are aware of this right whereas the same awareness among
the non-members is about 17%. Such analysis lends to the thesis that being members of the street
vendor’s Organisation help them on this awareness.

The Pearson Chi-Square value for the cross tabulation between the membership with the any of the
street vendors organisations with that of the awareness to roadside vending is 4.705 at 1 degrees of
freedom and the same is significant at 5% level of significance with p-value =0.030

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Table 3: Cross tabulation between Place of Vending and provision of Public toilet facility
Public toilet facility available
Place of Vending Yes No Total
Bangalore Count 23 22 45
South % of Total 9.8% 9.4% 19.1%
Bangalore Count 10 48 58
North % of Total 4.3% 20.4% 24.7%
Shimoga Count 21 48 69
District % of Total 8.9% 20.4% 29.4%
Count 2 61 63
Nelamangala % of Total 0.9% 26.0% 26.8%
Count 56 179 235
Total % of Total 23.8% 76.2% 100.0%

Besides awareness of road side vending and membership among street vendor’s organisations; the
data among the street vendors from these four districts of Karnataka was cross tabulated for
understanding the access to public toilets to these women with the place of vending. Table 3 shows
the cross tabulation between access to public toilets to these women with the place of vending. On
the lines of Descriptives observed with reference to the provision of public toilet facility to the
women street vendors the cross tabulation in table 3 clear shows that 179[76.2%] of these women
from all the four districts do not have access to public toilet facility. However, among the four
regions – Bengaluru, appears to have a better toilet facilities for street vendors whereas
Nelamangala, in spite of being a semi-urban region, 30 kilometers close to Bengaluru, appears to
have worst toilset facility to street vendors. The Pearson Chi-Square value for cross tabulation
between access to public toilets to these women with the place of vending is 36.305at 3 degrees of
freedom and the same is significant at 5% level of significance with p-value =0.000

6.2 Post Demonetization

6.2.1 Respondents’ Profile: The data collected post demonetization included 4% of women
respondents below 18 years of age, 17% above 50 years and remaining between 18 and 50 years.
again indicating that the profession of street vending among women is for the young. About 52%

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are illiterates and 13% have done education up to 10th standard indicating lower educational
attainment leading to street vending. More than 90% of respondent’s families are of 3 to 7 people.
About 75% are involved in street vending for more than 2 years. 98% of respondents indicate that
they invested more than Rs. 500 per week and as many as 48% invest more than Rs. 2500 per week.
Despite these investments, only 10% vendors earn more than Rs. 2500 profit per week.

6.2.2 Financial Literacy: An interesting observation on financial awareness of street vendors

indicate that about 77% of them have a bank account which was opened even before
Demonetization on 8th Nov, 2016 and the remaining 23% do not have a bank account. Among the
account holders, 27% have Jandhan account and 73% have Savings Bank account.

6.2.3 Impact of Demonetization:

Table 4: Opinion on effect of demonetization

Demonetization led to problems Count % of Total

Yes 43 91.5%
NO 4 8.5%
Total 47 100.0%

About 92 % of women street vendors indicate that they had difficulties after demonetization
whereas only 8% say that they did not face any problem due to demonetization and one respondent
has not answered. Some of the specific major problems are Reduction in the daily transactions and
Inability to buy house hold needs due to reduced earning.

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Table 5: Opinion on effect of demonetization on specific parameters

Parameters NA Disagree Agree Total
Daily Business transaction Count 3 3 13 29 48
reduced % of Total 6.25% 6.25% 27.08% 60.42% 100.00%
Count 3 3 25 17 48
Some days there was no
business % of Total 6.25% 6.25% 52.08% 35.42% 100.00%

Count 3 3 29 13 48
People wanted to buy but there
was no money / change % of Total 6.25% 6.25% 60.42% 27.08% 100.00%

Count 3 17 21 7 48
I had to give products on loan
% of Total 6.25% 35.42% 43.75% 14.58% 100.00%

I had no money to buy Count 3 15 21 9 48

products from whole sale
% of Total 6.25% 31.25% 43.75% 18.75% 100.00%
It was difficult to buy anything Count 3 6 13 26 48
for house hold requirements as
there was no earning % of Total 6.25% 12.50% 27.08% 54.17% 100.00%
In place of 2000 notes, small Count 3 6 13 26 48
demonization (like 50, 100,
200, 500) would help small % of Total 6.25% 12.50% 27.08% 54.17% 100.00%
business people
Count 3 2 35 8 48
Now it is better compared to
November and December 2016 % of Total 6.25% 4.17% 72.92% 16.67% 100.00%

Money is held by few Count 3 7 26 12 48

individuals and is affecting
business % of Total 6.25% 14.58% 54.17% 25.00% 100.00%

60% of vendors Strongly Agree that ‘Daily Business transaction reduced’ and 54% of vendors
Strongly agree that ‘It was difficult to buy anything for house hold requirements as there was no

About 88% vendors believe that ‘People wanted to buy but there was no money’ [on account of
lack of availability of cash among people] 87% of vendors had NO sales on some days, 62%

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2020 635


vendors did not have money to buy products from whole sale market, 58% vendors had to give
products on credit.

Only about 4% of vendors think that there is no improvement in the situation even after 6 months
after demonetization whereas 90% feel that there is improvement in the condition. A good 81%
opine that ‘In place of 2000 notes, small demonization (like 50, 100, 200, 500) would help small
business people’. 79% of vendors think that ‘Money is held by few individuals and is affecting

It is interesting to note that NONE of the vendors transact with any other forms other than cash.
Though there are vendors who use transaction mediums like Paytm or Bhim apps, none of the
women street vendors included in the study are using any such Apps.

When women street vendors were asked if the Small traders like them are in difficulty due to
government policy on money transaction, 2 respondents did not answer and therefore they did not
respond to any other parameter. Among the remaining 46 vendors 5 said there was NO problem and
therefore their responses for the parameters nullify. For the remaining 41 respondents, the level of
agreement for specific parameters are as below.

Table 6: Opinion on use of electronic medium

Level of I do not know how You feel

You are confident of
to use mobile or It is not possible to government should
Agreement You want to start doing better
other medium for do business without have informed about
any other business business in next two
money transaction hard cash demonetization in
Count % Count % Count % Count % Count %
Disagree 2 4.2 1 2.1 9 18.8 32 66.7 2 4.2
Agree 11 22.9 21 43.8 22 45.8 6 12.5 29 60.4
Strongly 28 58.3 19 39.6 10 20.8 3 6.3 10 20.8
Total 41 85.40% 41 85.40% 41 85.40% 41 85.40% 41 85.40%

About 81% of women ‘do not know how to use mobile or other electronic platform for transacting
money and 84% of vendors think ‘It is not possible to do business without hard cash’. Though
about 81% are confident of doing better in the coming months, 67% vendors feel ‘government

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2020 636


should have informed about demonetization in advance’ so that they could have prepared
themselves better. In spite of all hardships with the present business, 67% vendors do not want to
start any other business.

7. Conclusions:
It is quite evident from the analysis above that these women street vendors still face a lot of issues
and concerns particularly with respect to; working hours, public toilet facility, awareness about
organisations that work for them and particularly membership to these organisations and about their
rights on street vending. Further from the foregoing discussion it could be concluded that these
women are generally illiterate and take to street
vending mostly to supplement and /or compliment incomes for livelihood of their families. Some
of them [as many as over 20% of these] are the single workers in the family and street vending is
the means for them to subsist their families and also that they are the breadwinners of the family.
Quit a few of these women[as many as 8%] do take up additional employment as street vending
alone does not provide enough incomes to take care of their families requirements.
The most important conclusion that could be derived from this study is that the policy on street
vending is a non-starter in making lives of the street vendors a little comfortable than however
cruel-some it is now as it has been for many years. Particularly women street vendors are doubly
disadvantaged as it is natural for them to not only earn livelihood for their families but also rear
their families to a meaningful existence.
Demonetization has definitely affected street vendors. Further, its impact was seen in many
different expressions, such as lack of demand, as people did not have cash to purchase goods and
services to lack of cash on the street vendors part to replenish their stock to sell goods and services.
One of the somewhat positive impact of deminitization has been that of forcing street vendors to
sell goods on loan to their loyal customers and thereby promoting social capital among them.
One of the major objectives of demonetization, which of digitalizing economy does not seem to
have metalized, at least with respect women street vendors; as even after six months of
demonetization – the idea of digital cash has not caught the imagination of women street vendors.
One of the puzzles of demonetization that has caught the imagination of the public throughout the
country is the purpose of issuing a denomination of Rs.2000/- currency in place of demonetized
denomination of Rs. 1000/-; also seem to remain a puzzle with the women street vendors.

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2020 637


Overall, like the general public of India, resonating that the situation has normalized 6 months after
demonetization even street vendors feel that the cash flow situation has normalized.



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RNI- RAJBIL 2009/29954; VoL. IV * ISSUE- 45

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2020 639


Annexure – 1: Demographics of the Surveyed population

Variables Descriptors Frequency Percent
Location of Bangalore North 45 19.1
Vending Bangalore South 58 24.7
Shimoga / 69 29.4
Nelamangala 63 26.8
Total 235 100.0
Native State Karnataka 179 76.2
Tamilnadu 37 15.7
Andra Pradesh 17 7.2
others 2 .9
Total 235 100.0
Age[ Years] 18 to 25 6 2.6
25 to 32 65 27.7
32 to 40 71 30.2
40 to 50 56 23.8
50 and above 37 15.7
Total 235 100.0
Education Illiterate 98 41.7
Up to 7th 79 33.6
Metric / up to 58 24.7
10th standard
Total 235 100.0
Number of Up to 2 23 9.8
individuals 3 to 4 122 51.9
in family 5 to 7 79 33.6

More than 7 11 4.7

Total 235 100.0
Number of Me alone 55 23.4
earning 2 150 63.8
members in 3 29 12.3
family More than 3 1 .4
Total 235 100.0

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2020 640


Annexure – 2: Demographics and Descriptives on few

important variable of the Surveyed population

Variables Descriptors Frequency Percent

Duration of Less than 2 36 15.3
present 2 to 5 77 32.8
work [years] 5 to 10 51 21.7
More than 10 71 30.2
Total 235 100.0
Working hours Up to 3 10 4.3
per day 3 to 6 55 23.4
6 to 10 104 44.3
More than 10 66 28.1
Total 235 100.0
Frequency of Daily 174 74.0
replenishment Weekly 52 22.1
Monthly 9 3.8
Total 235 100.0
Storage place for House 162 68.9
remaining goods Place of 73 31.1
Total 235 100.0
Doing additional Yes 20 8.5
job No 215 91.5
Total 235 100.0
Public toilet Yes 56 23.8
facility No 179 76.2
Total 235 100.0

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2020 641

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