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Role of Geoinformatics in Development of

Disaster Management Information System

V.M. Bothale, A. N. Khobragade, S.B. Khandare, N.T. Srivastav

Director, Resources scientist, Associate Scientist, Associate Scientist

Maharashtra Remote Sensing Applications Centre

South Ambazari Road, V.N.I.T. Campus, Nagpur-440011 (M.S.)



Disaster management is continuous and integrated process of planning, organizing,

coordinating and implementing measures. GIS is powerful tool that acts as decision
support system in all phases of the disaster management cycle. In the conventional
system, multiple agencies prepare and maintain the records in event of disaster,
whereas District Collector is responsible for managing pre and post-disaster activities.
DMIS has been developed using state of the art technology in GIS environment for
effective utilizations of database. Spatial database on essential themes obtained through
high-resolution remote sensing data and compiled for each district of Maharashtra State.
Attribute data on demography and government core sectors have been assimilate in
DMIS at ease. DEM extracted from CARTOSAT play vital role in generation of slope
maps. The System highlights all shelter sites within buffer areas in the district and their
evacuation routes to reach the destination shelter locations. The information on critical
amenities could be avail at fingertips that helps in better damage assessment analysis
around affected villages. Customized software has been developed using prototyping
model of SDLC. System comprised of centralized database, user-friendly GUI and better
analytical tools for buffer analysis, mitigation strategies, risk estimation and vulnerability
mapping with special reference to flood. The system has been installed and operational
in fifteen districts of Maharashtra State along with Relief and Rehabilitation Department,
Mantralaya, Mumbai, whereas geographic extent is the State of Maharashtra. Successful
implementation of DMIS demonstrated innovative usages of geo-spatial technology
towards offering speedy & efficient services to the district administration and governance
of the State.


As per the directives laid under GOI-UNDP program, the Government of Maharashtra
(GOM) has a Disaster Management Unit (DMU), which prepares action plan to support
and strengthen the efforts of district administration for overall disaster vigilance of the
State. In view of preparedness, each district has evolved its own district disaster
management action plan (DDMAP). It is anticipated that these multi-hazard response
plans would increase the effectiveness of administrative intervention.

The underlying policy of the DDMAP is to protect life, environment and property while
ensuring mitigation of the disaster to the maximum extent possible, relief to those
affected and restoration of normalcy at the earliest. Essentially, communities draw their
support from the social institutions, administrative structure, and aspirations they
cherish. A systematic effort to put back the social life on its normal course with
necessary technology support and resources will contribute significantly to the resilience
of the community and nation. The policy aims at capacity building and prompt
utilizations of resources in a disaster situation through a partnership of the GOM, NGOs,

private initiatives and the community. In pursuance with this policy, DDMAP addresses
itself to strengthening the pre-disaster and post-disaster responses of various actors and
stakeholders including the “victims” of the disaster.

"Disaster management" means a continuous and integrated process of planning,

organizing, coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary or expedient
for prevention of danger or threat of any disaster, mitigation or reduction of risk of any
disaster or its severity or consequences, capacity-building, preparedness to deal with
any disaster, prompt response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster,
assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster, evacuation, rescue and
relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction. Disaster Management comprises all forms of
activities including structural and nonstructural measures to avoid (i.e. prevention) or to
limit (i.e. mitigation and preparedness) adverse effects of disasters in the pre-disaster
phase and post disaster stage like Response, Relief, Recovery, & Reconstruction.

Geo-informatics, in a GIS way, is a powerful tool that can assist decision-making in all
phases of the disaster management cycle. All disasters are spatial in nature i.e. the place
for their reference. The poisonous gas spread fumes across a city, cyclone affecting
coastal area, the flood affecting an area, the Tsunami hits a particular stretch of coast,
the earthquake has an epicenter, the train collides at a spot and an avalanche slides on a
slope. The disaster affects people, property and environment. So the effects are having a
non-spatial value, i.e. the number of people dead, affected, crop area affected etc. GIS
is tool for integrating the geographic (i.e. location) and the associated attribute data
pertaining to the location and its spatial relationship with numerous other parameters, to
carry out effective spatial planning, minimize the possible damage, ensure immediate
action when required and prioritize actions for long-term risk reduction.

As a part of said project, the development of Disaster Management Information System

(DMIS) was entrusted to Maharashtra Remote Sensing Applications Centre (MRSAC) by
government of Maharashtra at the initiative of Relief and Rehabilitation Department. The
project thrusts on requirements of the user department viz., Relief & Rehabilitation
Department and District Administrations in Maharashtra State.

Real time situation

In original system, District Collector is managing pre-disaster and post-disaster activities

with the help of several taluka level officers like Tahsildar, Police Inspectors/Police Sub-
Inspectors, Health Officer, Dy. Engineer (MJP), Dy. Engineer (Irrigation), Dy. Engineer
(PWD), Dy. Engineer (MSEDCL), Junior Telecom officer (Telecom Department), Taluka
Agriculture officer), Veterinary Officer, S.T. Depo Manager (MSRTC), Forest Officer
(RFO). As per the direction of District Collector, following are the standard operating
procedures for taluka/block level officers that assist in managing pre-disaster and post-
disaster activities.

While preparing integrated taluka level disaster management plan, following activities
are taken into consideration.
 Prepare detail map of disaster prone area of taluka comprising all
available amenities. Collect detail information about disaster history of
taluka, geo-physical condition, commercial details, rainfall, irrigation,
industries etc.
 Arrange boats as safety stands for disaster management.
 Check availability of office in-charge, staff, vehicles other equipments
(for rescue operation) in government offices.
 Assign duties to the officers in regional offices, tahsil office, Geo-
graphical section, and disaster management cell.
 Collect detail information of food grain Godowns and Ration Shops in the
 Avail detail information on communication media available in villages.
 Collect addresses and phone numbers of NGO

 Arrange trainings for taluka level officers for efficient operations during
 Nominate the competent authority as a control room in-charge at
various taluka.
 Need vulnerability analysis of disaster prone area on basis of weather,
rainfall, and disaster history of the same.
 Prepare action plan for preventive measures, remedies, and things
required for better rescue operation.
 Update previous village disaster management plan and taluka disaster
management plan.
 Locate safe buildings and safer places during village visit and train local
people with the help of DM officers, NGO and rescue teams.
 Arrange vehicles with loudspeakers for alerts at sensitive area.
 Make arrangement of vehicles for shifting peoples at safer places on
 Arrange the temporary residences and other related help for the peoples
who will be shifted at safer place on receipt of alerts.
 Arrange food and medicine at temporary camp for the peoples with the
help of local NGO and industrial area.
 Make necessary arrangement to help the peoples in pre-disaster with
the help of local NGO, industrial area, and donators.

Problems in conventional system

Study of existing system evolves into the facts that exhibit lacunae of the original
system. Some of these limitations are summarized as follows.

 In existing system, multiple agencies, which prepare and maintain the

records, are situated at distant geographically locations.
 Although, disaster management plan is being prepared manually. The
disaster management authorities find difficult to use the information
while implementation.
 The maps generated by conventional methods are not georeferenced.
Hence, disaster plan doesn’t allow to integrated spatial and non-spatial
data (i.e. demographic data).
 Maps used are not at uniform scale as well as not georeferenced,
hence restricts the efficient usage of maps.
 Current scenario of disaster can’t be visualized, as ground realities are
not available immediately with concerned officials due to lack of co-
 The facility dynamic analysis (e.g. buffer analysis, proximity analysis,
amenities availability and its distribution) could not be done because of
hard copy maps.
 Different analysis using geo-physical conditions is difficult and needs
more skillful manpower.

Why Geo-informatics is important for Disaster Management?

In the conventional system multiple agencies prepare and maintain the records. The
system of database generation and updations of records are ineffective. As a result, the
databases are not complete and updated. The spatial maps prepared by conventional
methods are not at uniform scale as well as not geo-referenced, which restricts the
efficient use of maps. Hence, the disaster plan does not allow integrating spatial and
non-spatial data. Considering these lacunae in the conventional system, it was decided
to develop GIS based Disaster Management Information System (DMIS), which saves
the time, reduce errors and minimize cost.

In event of disaster, uniformity in approach and clear perception of the various issues at
hand will help to avoid undue complications. At the same time, the system needs the
coordination of different agencies from the field level to the central government.

Response to disasters, in the absence of a defined plan, would be arbitrary leading to
overemphasis of some actions and absence of other actions, which could be critical. The
objective of using Geoinformatics tools is to provide a quick and effective response in
emergency situations.
To ascertain the status of existing resources and facilities available with the various
agencies involved in the management of disasters in the district and make it an exercise
in capability building of district administration. This enables the district to face a disaster
in a more effective way and builds confidence across different segments of society. It will
be a positive factor for long-term development of the district.
Usually, District Collector is managing pre-disaster and post-disaster activities with the
help of several taluka level officers. Moreover, multiple agencies involved that are
geographically dispersed. In the event of disaster, it’s cumbersome to coordinate with all
these agencies. Hence, there arises need to have centralized support system that would
assists in managing all activities in disaster management.
While the system assumes an element of preparedness on part of the administrative
authorities, it calls for substantial involvement of the NGOs and private initiatives, too.
Community participation is one of the most effective inputs for the management of
disasters. Training of the community and key social functionaries thus become essential
elements for the successful execution of a disaster management system. DMIS persuade
the objectives of capacity building and community participation.
Concisely, developing a framework for proper documentation of future disasters in
vulnerable districts. Update critical information essential to a plan, critically analyze,
appraise responses, and recommend appropriate strategies on fingertips.
To provide user friendliness to the whole system, geo-informatics driven application
software may be developed using state of the art GIS and remote sensing technologies.
DMIS has been designed and customized with due consideration to the type of
information required by the response agencies at district emergency control centers and
also the skill level of the operating officials at the district level.

Methods and Materials

As per requirement of Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) under Relief & Rehabilitation
Department (GOM-Mantralaya, Mumbai) MRSAC was assign responsibility of devising
DMIS application to meet users needs. An effective way of using GIS technologies plays
vital role in decision-making systems in all phases of the development of DMIS. In
conventional way, pre-disaster and post-disaster activities are managed ineffectively.
DMIS is developed in GIS environment to overcome limitations of conventional system.

Resources database on various themes obtained through Remote Sensing data has been
compiled for all the districts of Maharashtra. Attribute data on Demography & Census,
and government core sectors have been integrated in DMIS. Multi-dimensional spatial
and non-spatial database has been generated in GIS environment .The layers used are;
railways, bridges, roads, buildings, elevation, drainage, vegetation, parks and grounds,
hospitals, libraries, cinema halls, schools (primary, secondary, higher secondary),
colleges, fire stations, hotel, Flood Prone Villages, Earthquake Prone villages, Epidemic
Prone Villages, Accident Prone Villages, Fire Prone Villages, PHC, Rural Hospitals, Cottage
Hospitals, Blood Banks, ST Depo, Police Stations, Fire Stations, Urban Centres, Rural
Centre, MIDC, Co-operative Industries, Sugar Industries, Chemical Industries, Spinning
Industries, Explosive Industries, Religious Places, Historical Places, Roads, Railways.
Bridge, River, Waterbodies, Drainages, Landuse, Forest, Geology, Watershed, Slopes,
Groundwater, Structures, Shelters, Worship places, Ashrams, Dharamshala, Godowns,
Marriage halls, Cinema halls, Cultural halls, Airport location, Boats-Mechanical Boats,
Non-Mechanical Boats, ST Facility, police station locations, Railway Stations, Blood Bank
locations, STD booth locations, Government Facilities like Gram Panchayat Building,
Community Hall, Library, Guesthouse, Government Hostel, Hospitals & Nursing Homes,
Sub-PHC, Rural Hospital, ZP Dispensary, Ayurvedic dispensary, Homeopathic dispensary,
Unani dispensary, Allopathic doctor, Homeopathic doctor, Ayurvedic doctor, Unani
doctors, Medical shop.

“Outline for Vulnerability Assessment”, prepared by CSSD/EMC has been used as the
basic instrument to gather district/taluka/village level information on above mentioned
themes. District Planning Officers (DPO) was instructed through GOM for sending district
information in data requirement sheet furnish to them (as per following figure).

Sr. No. Data Required   Remark

1 Village/Town/City  
2 STD: Address & Ph.  
3 Railway Station: No.  
4 Police Station: No.  
5 Air Port/Air Strip : No.  
6 Port/Jetty: No.  
7 Post Office  
8 Community Culturalcentre  
9 Library:No  
10 Child welfare centre No.  
11 Bank : Name & Address  
12 Mahila Mandal : No.  
13 Whether Gram Panchayat office has independent building  
14 Veterinary hospital  
15 No. of Doctors in Vet. Hos.  
16 No. of Poultry Centre  
17 PHC : No. of Doctor/Nurse/Bed/Stretcher/Ambulance/Address & Ph.  
18 Sub-PHC : No. of Doctor/Nurse/Bed/Stretcher/Ambulance/Address & Ph.  
19 Cottage Hospital :No. of Doctor/Nurse/Bed/Stretcher/Ambulance/Address & Ph.  
20 Rural Hospital :No. of Doctor/Nurse/Bed/Stretcher/Ambulance/Address & Ph.  
21 Blood bank: Capacity/Address & Ph.  
22 Mobile Primary Health unit  
23 Fire Station : No. & Staff & Fire Equipments available  
24 No. of Health workers  
25 Private hospital : No. of Doctor/Nurse/Bed/Stretcher/Ambulance/Address & Ph.  
26 No. of Medical shop, Address & ph.  
27 Primary School: No. of Student/Teacher/No. of room/Address  
28 Secondary School: No. of Student/Teacher/No. of room/Address  
29 High School: No. of Student/Teacher/No. of room/Address  
30 College; No. of Student/Teacher/No. of room/Address  
31 Worship Place: Temple, Mosque, Church etc.  
32 No. of Godowns  
33 No. of Ashram  
34 No. of Dharamshala  
35 No. of registered fishing agencies  
36 No. of mechanical fishing boats  
37 No. of non-mechanical fishing boats  
38 No. of fishermen  
39 No. of Children (0-14 yrs)  
40 Aged Population (60 & above)  
41 MSEB: Substation Address & ph.  
42 STD facility: No. of Depo & bus  
43 No. of swimmers  
44 Collectorate/Nagar Parishad Control Room: Ph  
45 NGO/Voluntary Organization: Address & Ph.  
46 Factory/Industry: Type, Address  
47 Name, location & Capacity of Minor/Medium/Major Project/Dam  

NOTE: In case of Taluka & District level information mention Address & Ph. for all amenities

Customized software has been developed using prototyping model of Software

Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The System comprises of centralized database, user-
friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) and better analytical tools for Mitigation
Strategies, Risk Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping. The software has been extensively
tested before its packaging and deployment. Each district user is authenticated for
accessing data in DMIS.

The project designed using SDLC standards where prototyping model is adapted for
development of project. A user-friendly menu driven software developed in ArcGIS using
ArcObjects with Visual Basic 6.0. It has been designed and customized keeping in mind
the skill level of the targeted users at the district level. The methodology and database
has been customized for easy implementation.

A centralized system has been developed for each district for prioritizing hazards to use
in developing Mitigation Strategies, Risk Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping. DMIS
emphasis on GIS based decisions for providing speedy and efficient services such as

finding suitable shelter identification, suitable evacuation route, buffer analysis and
vulnerability risk analysis. The project also offers services needed for decision support
system and availability of necessary information at fingertips.

DMIS could be used for post disaster damage assessment because all amenities and
respective detail information is incorporated in the system. Number of boats in a village,
number of trained swimmer, population likely to be affected, etc. are important
parameters that available in the system for pre-disaster analysis.


The orthorectified images are created using CARTOSAT-1 data using image processing
techniques, sensor model, RPC’s Model, Control Points, distribution of GCPs to achieve
best results in planimetric as well as in height accuracy. Various DEM were generated
with 10m-grid spacing. CARTOSAT orthorectified satellite data for disaster prone districts
are analyzed for generation of base map as well as DEM. The logic for deciding
elevated/safest shelter locations is based on themes like Slope, Landuse, and Geology.
These three themes are amalgamated so as to calculate weighted ranks that indicate
vulnerability index.

3D-visualization of disaster prone area is done using Digital Elevation Model (DEM).
Height information could be easily calculated using DEM, which is a major input for
deciding upon safest locations. DEM is built by processing CARTOSAT satellite images in
Image Processing Softwares. This model could be used for extracting 20m contours that
help in deciding locations on different elevations. Hence, locating shelter places of
higher elevations is not much complicated task. Instead, DMIS makes it possible by
calculating effectively the optimal evacuated route in case of disaster rescue operation.

In Pre-disaster planning, the information on vulnerable villages plays vital role for
deciding mitigation strategies. DMIS is versed with elegant feature of predicting villages
at risk making an allowance for predefined constraints of disaster management. The
System brings to light the flood prone villages within 1 km buffer along major rivers in a
district. DMIS supports user-defined criterion on Buffer Selection. Village list is filter out
by applying constraints of low line area within buffer marked. Low line villages are
evaluated on basis of scientific inputs from various research on weighted matrix
concepts, viz. Slope constraint below 3%. With due consideration of metrological
parameters like rainfall or weather conditions, the accuracy of the adapted process will
definitely improve. As result, flood prone villages could be highlighted easily on district

DMIS is more effective for damage assessment in post disaster event. Disaster prone list
so availed is not adequate for better analysis. Perhaps, demographic information must
be integrated with thematic database and aggregated on district level. Non-spatial data
on property and populations is incorporated in the system so as to analyses damages in
enhance way. Disaster prone villages with demographic details could foretaste
population at risk, which caters valuable feedback to district administration in event of
disaster. While framing mitigation strategies for any disaster, entire database needs to
compile at district level. DMIS gratify the said requirement at ease.

DMIS facilitates Collectorate for macro-level planning by means of availing information

on demography, critical facilities, or amenities at village level. The system highlights
issues on flood analysis at village level based on availability of critical facilities within 5
km buffer as well as all shelter locations within that buffer area. It also draws evacuation
routes so as to reach shelters locations.


Users are facilitates with printing disaster prone village names along with other details.
This module has additional provision of selecting any field name out of available fields in
desired thematic layer for better analysis. Report items (like village names) will
automatically send to default printer attached to your PC. It has scope for advance
setting for printing in “Report Properties” of Report Viewer Option. Data report
generation is achieved with Crystal Report tools.

(Fig-7: Data Report Generation Module)


This tool used to draw buffer when any one of the flood prone village is selected.
Besides, dynamic buffer analysis could be efficiently done on point and line features of
thematic layer. User can select size of buffer from drop down list control as per

requirement. Symbology of buffer drawn could be set with ease boosting cartographic

The other distinct features used in DMIS are; 3D-visualization of disaster prone area,
Display and Perform Overlay Analysis, evacuation route planning from flood prone
village, Proximity Analysis, Query by Attribute and Query by Feature for all the layers in
the districts. DMIS displays risk consideration areas that elaborate on vulnerability index
of disaster prone areas. Flood analysis at village level that shows spatial distribution of
disaster-affected villages along with total numbers and names of the villages. Latest
situations of post disaster can easily be visualized due to the availability of satellite
imageries of the study area. Ground realities known from Images helps in calculating
total affected area just within few days.

DMIS State Model can be easily apply to other states in our country just by replicating
same prototyping methodology. The feature of bilingual support takes DMIS to the
enormous degree of satisfaction for local citizens of the state viz. “Marathi” language for
Maharashtra State. The process for Integration of non-spatial attribute data in DMIS is
ceased awfully at ease. Village Census Code 2001 is used for data integration.

DMIS Implementation

While system design & development phase, data requirement sheets are circulated to
concern District Collectorate. Past disaster history as well as village or taluka level
details is incorporate into system whenever acknowledged.

Once design and development phases of the project over, one has to switch over to next
stage of system implementation as per Project Development Life Cycle. DMIS tackles
almost implementation issues like data availability, data formats, data integration,
software interoperability and its strengths/weaknesses, users changing requirements,
user’s GIS awareness, etc. Finally, User’s Manual for operating guidelines prepared once
rigorous system testing phase over.

DMIS is build upon the requirement laid by Relief & Rehabilitation Department for the
entire Maharashtra State. Team member initiates customization of DMIS as soon as
MRSAC received the confirmation from concern Collectorate. Thereafter, system testing
started for meeting district specific requirements. In parallel, Photogrammetry team
directed to build DEM for the District. Meanwhile, other team member accomplishes the
task of generating demographic MS-Excel files from national census database. At last,

system integration gives rise to single application unit. Final application is then send for
CD/DVD writing to Technical Assistant. Simultaneously, User Manual’s hard copies were
generated and kept ready with proper binding. The scientist who has created respective
district database was put in order to prepare MS-PowerPoint presentations for training
purpose. A team of core scientist and IT system person were deputed for carrying out
installations and training of DMIS.

The Relief & Rehabilitation Department has overall control on DMIS implementation. This
department coordinates with District Administration for smooth function of DMIS.
Respective District Collectors look after data updations and maintenance part of the
system. Perhaps, updations of thematic layers would still keep back with MRSAC, subject
to availability of professionally trained personnel on behalf of District Administration. The
need based training sessions could be arranged in premises of MRSAC as and when
demanded by users.

The major success indicators of DMIS are record/database maintenance and decision
support. Before Implementation of the project, records were maintained by different
agencies wide spread geographically, whereas entire records and maps make available in
GIS environment at centralized single location. Consequently, information availability in
time helps district administrators to manage disaster proficiently. Decision support in
early system was human dependant, however DMIS takes advantage of being system
dependent for better decision support. This reduces human errors drastically and
improves the accuracy of output in return.

In former system, limited user could participate while analyzing situations using maps.
Multiple agencies could be involved while making crucial decision in event of disaster
because of availability of scale independent digital maps. Overlay analysis would be a
added feather in the cap. DMIS reached to the maximum number of users as compared
to conventional system. Human efforts are radically condensed with the implementation
of this system. DMIS aid the GIS based decisions for providing speedy and efficient
services through elegant features of integrated solutions, knowledge based decisions,
and inter departmental linkage.

Successful implementation of DMIS module has imparted strong confidence for exploring
newer areas for development of various other decision support systems. It serves the
mandate of the Centre to promote the use of Remote Sensing and GIS to support the
district administration.


Despite the genuine human efforts, the rise in socio-economic victims of disaster impact
draw attention towards organized, persistently, and efficiently managing the disaster
events. Recently, it is obvious that enormous critical information has been generated
using state of the art technologies like Remote Sensing, Image Processing, and Geo-
informatics. It implies that a large section of stakeholders involved in Disaster
Management need to be trained to utilize optimally this sensible technical information
disseminated by various State and National agencies. It is important that organization
involved in Disaster Management institutionalize the mechanism to assimilate and
propagate such crucial information to all actors during crisis time. This will assist in
every phase of Disaster Management starting from Preparedness to relief rehabilitation.
Moreover, it will improve the delivery mechanism and mitigation measures would be well
focused. Furthermore, in recent years there has been tremendous advancement in Earth
Observation capabilities, thereby making it imperative to get abreast of new technologies
and its application potential in disaster management.

DMIS is scalable to apply to other states in our country just by replicating same
prototyping methodology. DMIS is scalable for support in any Indian languages (e.g.
Marathi for Maharashtra). Presently implemented at 15 Collectorate in the State. The
same model can be extended to the departments dealing with Disaster Management
Operations by means of spatial and non-spatial databases.

The software can incorporate new requirements at ease and hence is capable of
sustaining in its support for data updations. Considering reliability factor, new system
must run in parallel to earlier system.

Relief and Retaliation Department, Government of Maharashtra has sponsored the

development of DMIS System. If web version of DMIS is designed and implemented in
future, then it can be linked to official website of Government of Maharashtra as well as
Emergency Operations Centre, Mantralaya, Mumbai.


1. Ian Heywood, Sarah Cornelius, Steve Carver, “An Introduction to Geographical Information
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7. Papers published in ISPRS Orange Book publications during ISPRS/ISRS Commission IV
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