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Deleuze and Race Edited by Arun Saldanha and Jason Michael Adams EDINBURGH University Press Chapter 2 ‘A Deleuzian jjtihad: Unfolding Deleuze’s Islamic Sources Occulted in the Ethnic Cleansing of Spain Laura U. Marks Deeply enfoded into the history of European though live the philoso- phy, science and culrure of the medieval Muslim word. Some of the ‘deepest of those folds were made in the Iberian peninsula, over a long period from the establishment of the fist Muslim caliphate in Andalusia in 756 to the expulsion of the last Muslims from Christian Spain in 1614, In these folds, Targue, lie the sources of many concepts central 0 Delewze's thought. Ithad i a selfrefxive Arabic noun derived from the ver jahada, ‘to serve to fight om which also derives the familiae oui had. Hiibad means to struggle within oneself, endeavour or inter- pres This chapter's tad isto unfold a place and time where Arabic philosophy throve; Muslims, Chrisiars and Jews engaged intense and lively collaborations; translators brought Arabic thought into Latin and Islamic euleuce shaped the nascent Europe. Those folds were seared shut in Spain in an ethni cleansing based an a notion of Christian nation- hood, in one of che st articulations of modem racism. Philosophy, 10, underwent an ethnic cleansing. ‘One of Deleaze’'s greatest contributions to contemporary shought was. to liberate the world concepeully from any kind of precrdained causal- ity, so that cates can be really immanent and we ean understand the ‘world as a constant becoming. Every being individuates according to immediate circumstance: this is life ia its magma-like diversity, What ‘guaranteas the feedom of becoming isthe wnivocity of being, being 28 2 contenlss, universal predicate. Delewe found numerous allies, iachud- ing Leiba, Spinoza and Duas Scotus in his ight against Platonisay 2 top-down detecminism in which che world i ultimately a represetation ‘of Ideas, These ales, in tur, relied on concepts developed in Isiamic philosophy. Their source, and theeefere Deleuze's, forthe concept of ‘the univocty of being ws Abu ‘Ali al-Hsaya ibn Sing (980-1037), che ‘great Persian philosopher who lived in Bukhara end wrote in Arabic. 52 Deleuze ond Race ike ober lassi hiker Ib Sin stage come wp with {concept of caus tht isnot representational, esponding t0 the astm concee of God as Being Beyond comprehension. Muse donot eomprse aac she vast and variegated body of ‘hough we might call ass Ini philosophy compos the work Sr Arn Festa, nda and Tekh thinkers (Sone ptr to her SF Arabi piloophy, deignaing a Hingis rther chan a cigious ola site, Both terms are seul) However, racism informed the way itopean thinkers consimeed Bncopen philosophy ax independent of fein rags arin Beal (987 hasbeen Sra hosphy radiated the Male Ester and North Acan aaa scree cholera Feropan tag. Lateedieval Chetan Shela sckonfedged what they borowe from Muslim philoso Seba aner European thinkers dsingentowsy claimed a dite: ink SZencen European and Greek though, diavowing the hundreds of imervening years of nae philosophy upon whic emerging European thought reed. The tern “enisane itl sugges that philosophy tas dead unsilit was reborn Europe. Much ofthe Islamic genealogy 3 Easopean though only een coming oi Saliba 2007), or clr tne Werner hierar, when they acknowledged Islamic cho: Si a a, claimed it only preserved Greek thought until Europeans Sud pn thi hands on i Burts historan ave been demons ig that Mamie schon errigued and sgnifcany developed Grek Med aad sb developed intel tains independent of Grek Tinlosophy, producing « speifeally Islamic body of thought; and That shone works were Known, trasaved and taken up by Earopean olan To deolonise European philosophy we eed 0 seiscover es [Bam land many other) origins, For Deeusan thinkers, decolone- tne pibnphy hus headed enc of Bisorcing the Pslosonhy of toning. “Th bad ofthis chape, then, requires visto Maslin Ansa and Chiat Span, Tw pint ou sore concep fo Tba Sn that, preipizously as Christian mon- archs gracually conquered Moslim-héd territories. In 1492, the army of the Castilian monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella ‘defeated che las Islamic caliphate, the Nasri, in Granada, That same fateful year, Columbus caried ut the monarchs" mission to find a new sea route to India, and Ferdinand and Isabell freed all Jews of Spain either ro convert or to be expelled. As a people without s nation to rally behind them, Jews were particualy vulnerable; already England, France, Scotland, Sweden and other countries fad expelled them (Harvey 2005; 17}. Probably because ofthe strength of Muslim nations ‘that could rallyto Andalusian Muslin’ aid, Ferdinand promised, in the 1492 terms of sucrender, that Muslims would be allowed to continve to ‘worship. But the Church in Spain quickly reversed this promise, On the excuse of a Muslim revolt in 1499, Archbishop Cisneros overturned the terms ofthe 1492 peace and declaced that all Muslims, lke Jews, must tither convert, be expelled or be sold nto slavery. Some Muslim xémin Istrators and businessmen made deals with the Castilian govemnment ro 68 Delouze and Roce convert and keep their positions, From 1500 to 1502, rural Mustins evoked against the conversion decre, and the Casilians besieged and ‘bombaaded theie villages, massacring residents and in one case blowing ‘pa mosque in which 600 women and children took refuge. Some ‘Macline were able to buy back their confiscated property at punist- ‘nly high price; if not, they had no recourse but to become slaves when their property was confiscated (bid: 34-42), ‘i the decades that followed, race and religion operated as covers fo the economic exploitation of Moslims, as of Jews. The state grad lly eriminalised every aspect of Muslim cultuze and disenfranchised ‘Miglins oftheir property. Christians moved into villages thar Muslims had evacuated, They took over fares and artisanal works Interestingly, aftr 1501, an ant-emigeation policy took hold, apparently because the State needed Muslim converes~ Moriscos, ‘litle Moors! ~a8 a tex base, Source of cheap labour and source of expertise in all kind of manufacture ‘Rath of detailed laws ised al the things that were now fosbidden, a8 salt accurately desribing Muslim practices: from halal meat to deco= ‘ating one’s akin with henna to bathing on Fridays (to prevent secret ‘worship in clandestine mosques) and Sundays (to prevent Morscos Tom secretly enacting Muslim devotions while attending church), Over the enaing century, Muslim ways went deep underground. Tn. 1504, the conquered Muslims of Spain received a deeply com: passionate message from a mut in Oran, Algeria. The ‘Oran fatwa Towed Muslins eo practise thie religion in secret through dissimla~ ‘ion Uagiyy, and gave them detailed suggestions a to how t0 go about fe Christians would test Muslim converts sincerity by forcing them to ‘ink wine and eat pork, practise usury, and mazry this daughters co ‘Christians; the Oran fatwa advises to do the deed but ‘Reject it in your heart (Harvey 2005; 63) To these and many way, the Spanish Muslims Tearned to be ceypto-Muslims. Appearing to erase their differences in lecordance with Christisn facalisation, Muslims enfolded their rl- fous and cultural ways s0 deeply as vo become imperceptible. Tn 1449, che government of Toledo declared the infamous doctrine of limpicza di sangre, ‘purty of blood, meant to distinguish the so- alld New Christians ~ Jews who had converted but now offensively Called marranos, pigs ~and the Muslims who had converted (Norseos, ‘Muejars), fom the “Old Christians’, who had supposedly never icee- mingled and descended straight from the Visigaths. Pope Nicholas V ejected this new statute becaute it made religious conversion impos- ‘ible. tn fac, the goal was not zeigious but political keep power in Catholic hands by keeping Jews and Muslims out of public office, And ADelouzian had 69 ‘puey of blood! was an impossible proposition = the beginning ofthe absurdity of modem racism, The people ofthe Iberian Peninsula had incermingled for censaries; in fact, Muslims had been encouraged by ‘heir religion to marty Chestan and Jewish women, while Christians had converted to Islam to obtain acces to power. Many Muslims were descendants of Christiane who had exnverted. Many other minorities Inhabited the peninsula: Arabs, Berbers, people of Gothic and Roman lescent, black Africans and s0 on. I was impossible to detect a pet~ Son's ‘race’ By skin colour or facil features alone ~ which is why the Ign had or examin me's ores Bare 2005: n'a fantasy of ethnic pari, the Castlians disingencously but famously called their war on the Muslims the Recomuista,‘Reconquest™ suggests a return t0 Visigohic times, an impossible and sucely undesit- ‘ble disentangling of the rich cultual weave of Andalnia. Instead, ‘the emergent Chistian Spain of the fifteemh and sixteenth ceneuries slbsorbed the best of its Jewish and Muslim heritage, while its rulers Senetioned massacre, relocation and deporation of Jews and Muslims.” Conclusion eren 1609 and 1614, Spain expel al cemaning Musing unde bral conens. More tan hun sowsand Maslin did ether trig explo, ding sh pase by land or, oF the hands {teow Mastne whan they land North Afric (Majid 2009: 40), Spain was alas eicaly ean’ ~ hgh the Spanish and Portugues se nud eet ey of hed a co co atrnioes gous onder, slitar? orders aol her oxgnstions rors ine tests rue ther polos had wo sab t= Thou im thor anu. Of cou, hs was open abuse In 1618, hola enaked hat tbe cegaed at of noble or pure tod, you needed iter to have no “enemies o 0 be sch enough t buy false witnesses, ores ro be of such ‘hncute origi that nobody knew were you had come frm if you wet ‘ompletely unknow you could pass for an Old Christian. (ited in Prez 2008: 55) ‘The Inquisition gave Spaniagds other worties too, the Edict of Fai listed heresies including possession of works of Judaism, Lather, Quranic texts, and after 1738, feemasoney. This las i provocative ven freemasoney’scrypto-heritage cf Islamic hermetic traditions. 70 Deleuze and Race What ein of se Nn and Jewish hve of Cain Spanish philosophy and calute would be most homogenised within hs story at could ore sukoamedweld be ude. The ‘Rserte) mull of Andalusit log ped of brian eultural cichange gave way fo repulive ei vile, neuote peetations whe Chsdan purty aad perverted version of Andalusian inl eal promise “The ni cnsing of Main nd Jews fom Spin and emergent Ccriian nao? expargaton of hie hlami itll 08 ashe Sood arptre in what we hve dacoveredt be have tei been 2 coninuty in plewopy. Eventhough amie pilsophy passed ‘eectey though the rantason botlenck of edvcntury Toledo sd Chnsan witweshings it forever shape posh ei ia Europea she way tomhar cll Pench theory’. Dreaming that evens bleh hve gone sneer yay, itagine how ch moder philosophy ‘Binh hve bee Weer European std amie philosophies bad mai {Sed conc, Ifonly Dele ad bre blr cngage wi the thought of Mult Sed! I Lebnz had ad ice irene wi ama ite thoughts» Whitehead wih kali shenlogy and Delevan th onmenporary Maslin scholars ke Mahar Arkoun. May these Smeg stimulate new bocomings! For Delewans ave exciting, produce act of wong sl infront of ther of unig the el eanstions with he ich hetry of Mac thouah and o invent new Notes 1. Ran Ln nb empty of iene Sele cae ae te ene ce elke ss a na ee ge de Supper act oy 300 HSTATSMinat nie agi mee Seed ee ah bs a ee aa to be tock of cnmitcadon beer cola of rae ee ed kone etl ee Spe pane sisi che ese 2. Joa Cee ian REA ihe Gh tom acne Se ee sea a onl ste i an Mesguaiet cedert ant arden ough wo see oats Soon ESE ner Sn oe ec Fie Sid Sadan tara 5 Betas ae te oes fo mpi minnie Stan n Ton Sint thsughty or Mocewsdpe aime sce Spach 2010} and Gutas (ova A Deleuzion fihad 71 6; Aa Rare 20532 poi a hs anon ment da india (tatoos gests i a den comrney rpg turin Wane ope 7 for hte HS TN as ey teed of te Send SEATS Algentiigeiengee ya ienchee ence st fone ponent Fi ie ty oan toe explo Tar even 606 ad 00 or 9S tt pul pens oe apne ees ae eo hos hy eee oan Spi nga References Aksoy 8. (2009) ‘The Al-Gharl conspiecreflectons ontheiter Medireanean ‘imenson of Maric nla histo inY. 1. 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