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Tabuk City National High Grade

School: 10
School Level:

LOG Teaching
June 23, 2022/ 1:00-2:00 Quarter: Fourth

Objectives over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To

meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if
needed, additional lessons exercises and remedial activities maybe done
for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are using
formative Assessment Strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning
of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and
joy in learning the lesson. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the
curriculum guide.
A. CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of measures of
STANDARDS position.
B. PERFORMANCE The learner shall be able to conduct systematically a mini-research
STANDARDS applying the different statistical methods.
 The learner calculates a specific measure of position of the set of
data. M1SP-IVb-1
Specifically, the learner is able to:
1. determine the percentile of an ungrouped data;
2. solve percentile value of an ungrouped data using Tukeys Method and
Linear Interpolation; and,
3. make a comparison of the application of the two methods and relate in
real life situation.
Solving Problem Involving Measures of Position: Percentile of
Ungrouped Data
List of materials to be used in different days/lessons. Varied resources of
II. LEARNING materials sustain children’s interest of the lesson. Ensure that there is a
RESOURCES mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based
materials. Hand-on learning promotes concept development.
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Mathematics Learners Module First Edition for Grade 10 by Department of
Education, pp.376-378
3. Textbook pages
Probability and Statistics by De Anza College- Barbara Illowsky and Susan
Dean, pp. 209-217

4. Additional - the

Materials from note of Abdullah
Learning Resource

B. Other Learning Laptop

Resources LCD projector/T.V.,
Remind the learners of their class rules:
 The Golden Rule “Do not do to others what you do not want others
do unto you” (Respect everyone)
 Pandemic Safety Tips: wear your facemask, observe social
distancing and use your personal things.
 Raise your hand if you want to say something.

Let the learners have a review of the past lesson by identifying the
parts of quartile through this given images.

 What do you see on this picture?

 GROUP of people.

 What if these 20 members will be regrouped into five, how many

A. Reviewing groups can you make?
previous lesson or  There will be FOUR GROUPS.
presenting the new  What measure of position is divisible by four?
lesson  QUARTILE

Q1 Q2 Q3

 What if the group is divided into ten having 5 members in each

group? What measure of position is it?
 Decile
B. Establishing a  How many quartiles are there if the given data is divided into four?
purpose for the  Three
lesson  How many deciles are there?
 How do you find the quartile and decile of a given data?
 by dividing the data into four and ten; and,
 by using Tukeys Method, Mendenhall and Sincich
Method(for the quartile) and Linear Interpolation.
 Are these methods important in solving a problem? Why?
 Have you encountered any problem in life? How did you solve it?
 Will you share to the class how you got 100% of satisfying solution?

 What if this group of people be divided into one hundred, what

measure of position is it?
 Percentile
 Have you heard of the word “percent”? What grade have you
learned about percent or solving for percentage of a given set of
 Can you give example of set of data where you can apply solving
Find the percentage of the following scores in Mathematics given the
corresponding number of items.
Number of Items Scores
15 15
C. Presenting
examples/ instances 15 12
of the new lesson 20 18
20 20
10 9
10 7

Total of Scores: 81

 Percentile is a value on a scale of 100 that indicates

the percent of a distribution that is equal to or below it.
 It is the ninety-nine score points which divide a distribution into
one hundred equal parts, so that each part represents the data
D. Discussing new Example Problem 1.
concepts and Given average of fifteen grade 10 Jade learners (77, 76, 88, 85,
practicing 87, 78, 80, 95, 90, 83, 89, 93, 75, 78, 97), find P 20, P50 and P70 using the
new skills #1 Mendenhall and Sincich Method and Linear Interpolation Method.

 Arrange data in increasing order
75 76 77 78 78 80 83 85 87 88 89 90 93 95 97

k (n+1)
Use the formula Pk = to find the position of P20
Position of P20=
P20= = 3.2≈ 3

P20 is the 3rd element. Therefore, P20 = 77

Using the Linear Interpolation Method

Step 1. Subtract 3rd data from the 4th data
78-77= 1
Step 2. Multiply the result by the above obtained decimal part.
Step 3. Add the result in step 2 (0.2), to the smaller number.

Therefore, the value of P20=77.2

Using the data in example problem 1, let us interpret using bar graph.






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E. Discussing new
Percentile average
concepts and
practicing new skills The above graph shows that while the average is going higher, the
#2 position also is going higher.
 Within this class, identifying which position do you belong according
to your average grade. Are you satisfied with your position now?

This is the same with the employed individual like us, teachers, as we
get higher position, our compensation follows or our salary will go higher
 Can you recall your topic in Economics, “the law of supply?
It states that “at higher prices, sellers will supply more of an
economic good.”
Example: selling of plants at present

F. Developing Activity A. You’re my World

(Leads to Formative The scores of Miss World candidates from seven judges were
Assessment 3) recorded as follows:
8.45 9.20 8.56 9.13 8.67 8.85 9.17
 Using Tukeys Method,
1. find the 60th percentile of the judges scores; and,
what is the P35 of the judges scores?

Activity B. Puzzled? Complete Me……

Complete the Cross Quantile Puzzle by finding the specified measures

of position. Use linear interpolation.
(In filling the boxes, disregard the Across Down
decimal point. For example, 14.3 50(12+1)
should be written as
1 4 3 3. 1. P70

Given Scores: 5 7 12 14 15 90(12+1) 52(12+ 1)

22 25 30 36 42 53 65 4. 2.
100 100
1 2 3
6. P54 5. P90
4 5
65(12+1) 40(12+1)
7. 8.
100 100

7 8

Note: Group A will solve for Across and Group B will solve for Down then
fill the puzzle.

 In what ways can you relate Percentile in your real-life situation?

ICC Ritual/ Purpose Process

Ikalinga “Dawak” To heal the The dawak is done thru
(Taken from sick interview by the Mandadawak
the published person. among the family on the cause
research of of illness. The Mandadawak
Jessie Grace approach the ill person and
Martin, use certain oil while uttering
Entitled “A and casting her prayer,
MICRO- every Mandadawak has set of
ETHNOGRA spirit called Alungan that tells
PHY OF THE the illness of the person. The
DAWAK: family and the Mandadawak
HEALING then agree whether to cure the
RITUALS OF sick person or not. If the family
G. Finding practical THE agree, that will be the time the
applications of KALINGAS.) Mandadawak will request for
concepts materials to be used during the
and skills in daily ritual like pig but carabao can
living be requested during the rituals
depending on the strength of
the enemy.
The Mandadawak also
explains to the family what to
expect and what not to do
during the ritual.
On the last part of the
ritual, giving of gift to the
Mandadawak is done thru
dance by the identified family
member of the sick person
leaving hope to the family for
If the sick person will not
be healed, that will be the time
when the family will bring
him/her to the hospital.
 What is percentile?
H. Making  What are the methods that you use in solving percentile?
generalizations and  Using the Tukeys Method and Linear Interpolation, which method have
abstractions you found most accurate? Why?
about the lesson  In life, there are instances where we try to solve problems alone
rather than asking those experts in that particular problem.
I. Evaluating Read and evaluate the following problems using Mendenhall and Sincich
Learning Method and Linear Interpolation Method.
1. A coffee shop owner recorded the number of orders of the different
coffee drink in a day during peak season.

Coffee Variation Number of

Americano 10
Black Coffee 14
Café Au Lait 18
Espresso 13
Double Espresso 7
Latte 8
Macchiato 11
Long Black 12
Cortado 9

a. Find the P30, P45 and P90 in the number of orders?

b. How many orders belong to P20, P70, and P85?

2. Mr. Ling is an English teacher. He is interested in the reading speed

of his students. The following are the numbers of words his students
can read in one minute. 50, 25, 23,30,42, 20, 13, 16,16, 10, 12, 11,
11,11, 19.
a. Find the 60th percentile.
b. What is the 20th value in the data set.
Note: Set B will interpret the data using a graph.

Do you know the most popular Chinese zodiac legend?

According to this legend, the Jade Emperor made an order to

designate animals as the calendar signs. The twelve animals that arrive
first in the banquet shall be selected. On that day, the rat got up early and
rushed to the banquet. On his way, he met the ox and asked the ox to
carry him on his back. As the two were approaching the site, the rat slid in
J. Additional front of the ox, and became the first lucky animal of the Chinese zodiac.
activities for Following rat and ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey,
application or rooster, dog, and pig.

 Which belongs to the first 50% that arrived earlier than the rest of
the group?
 How many percent of the animals arrived later than the tiger?
a. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
b. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
c. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
d. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
e. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did they work?
f. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal of
supervisor can help
me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Mentor


Objective 1: YELLOW
Objective 2: GRAY
Objective 3: Can be observed during the discussion
Objective 5: PINK
Objective 6: Can be seen during the discussion
Objective 7: Given Learning Activities
Objective 8: Can be seen during the delivery of the lesson
Objective 9: GREEN

Objective 10: TURQUOISE

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