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Which of the following nerves innervates the parotid gland?

a- facial
b- glossopharyngeal
c- maxillary
d- mandibular
Which of the following muscles of the soft palate is innervated by the mandibular nerve?
a- Uvula
b- Glossopharyngeus
c- Tensor veli palatine
d- Levator veli palatine
Which of the following nerves conveys the special sensory fibers from the 2/3rd anterior
part of the tongue?
a- hypoglossal
b- glossopharyngeus
c- chorda tympani
d- vagus
Which of the following arteries supplies the lower jaw teeth?
a- maxillary
b- lingual
c- facial
d- subclavian
Which of the following structures are not related to the vestibule of the mouth?
a- Parotid duct
b- Lingual frenulum
c- retromolar space
d- cheek
Which of the following masticatory muscles opens the mouth?
a- Medial pterygoid
b- Lateral pterygoid
c- Masseter
d- Temporalis
Which of the following structures is not related to the hard palate?
a- Maxilla
b- Palatine aponeurosis
c- Palatine bone
d- Greater palatine artery
Which of the following structure is not related to the posteromedial surface of the parotid
a- Styloid process
b- Carotid sheath
c- Medial pterygoid muscle
d- Stylohyoid muscle
Which of the following is not one of the intrinsic muscles of tongue?
a- Superior longitunal
b- Transverse
c- Genioglossus
d- Vertical
Which of the following is NOT correct related to the oropharyngeal isthmus?
a- bounded superiorly by the uvula
b- connects oral cavity to the oropharynx
c- posterior to the palatine tonsils
d- bounded inferiorly by the root of tongue
Which of the following structures is located at one of the walls of the orbital cavity?
a- Frontal bone
b- Parietal bone
c- Foramen lacerum
d- Stylomastoid foramen
Which of the following structures is not related to the mouth?
a- Zygomaticus major muscle
b- Procerus muscle
c- Risorius muscle
d- Levator anguli oris muscle
Which of the following structures is related to sphenoid bone when the skull is viewed
from norma frontalis?
a) Supraorbital foramen
b) İnfraorbital foramen
c) Superior orbital fissure
d) Medial pterygoid plate
Which of the folowing structures can be seen when the skull is viewed from its posterior
aspect( norma occipitalis)
a) Optic canal
b) Pteygomaxillary fissure
c) Infraorbital foramen
d) External occipital protuberance
Which of the following structures is located at one of the walls of the orbital cavity?

a) Frontal bone
b) Parietal bone
c) Foramen lacerum
d) Stylomastoid foramen
Which of the following structures is not related to the mouth?
a) Zygomaticus major muscle
b) Procerus muscle
c) Risorius muscle
d) Levator anguli oris muscle
Which of the following structures is related only to the infratemporal fossa?
a) Mandibular nevre
b) Maxillary artery
c) Palatine bone
d) Maxillary vein

Which of the following structures pass between the scalenus anterior and scalenus medius
a- Nerves of brachial plexus
b- Phrenic nerve
c- Vertebral artery
d- Suboccipital nerve
Which of the following muscles form the medial border of the suboccipital triangle?
a- rectus capitis anterior
b- rectus capitis lateralis
c- scalenus posterior
d- Rectus capitis posterior major muscle
Which of the following structures is located at the anterolateral region of the neck?
a- Sternocleidomastoid muscle
b- Rectus capitis posterior minör muscle
c- Scalenus anterior muscle
d- Rectus capitis anterior muscle
Which of the following nerves innervate the muscles at the suboccipital region?
a- Posterior auricular nerve
b- Suboccipital nerve
c- Transverse cutaneus nerve of the neck
d- Supraclavicular nerve
Which of the following is innervated by the ansa cervicalis?
a- Scalenus anterior muscle
b- Rectus capitis anterior muscle
c- Sternocleidomastoid muscle
d- Infrahyiod muscles
Which of the following structures is located at the oropharynx?
a- Tubal tonsil
b- Pharyngeal tonsil
c- Palatine tonsil
d- Tuba auditiva
Which of the following structures is related to the nasopharynx?
a- The opening of the auditory tube
b- Piriform recess (fossa)
c- 5th cervical vertebra
d- 3rd cervical vertebra
Which of the following statements is correct for the laryngopharynx ( laryngeal part of
the pharynx)?
a- It continues with the oesophagus
b- It is located anterior to the second cervical vertebra
c- The tubal tonsil is located here
d- The palatoglossus muscle is located here
Which of the following doesn’t join nasal septum?
a) Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
b) Maxilla
c) Vomer
d) Septal cartilage
Which part of nasal cavity dose the maxillary sinus open into?
a) Supreme nasal meatus (spheno-ethmoidal recess)
b) Middle nasal meatus
c) Inferior nasal meatus
d) Superior nasal meatus
The optic canal located at which part of the orbital cavity?
a) Anterior
b) Lateral wall
c) Apex
d) Inferior wall
The palatine tonsil located at which of the following?
a) Oropharynx
b) Piriform recess
c) Hard palate
d) Nasopharynx
Which of the following is not related to suboccibital region?
a) Scalenus anterior muscles
b) Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle
c) Vertebral artery
d) Rectus capitis posterior major muscle
Which of the following is not related to the inner ear
a) Cochlea
b) Internal acoustic meatus
c) Tympanic membrane
d) Semicircular ducts
Which of the following related to pteygopalatine fossa?
a) Temporal fossa
b) Zygomatic arch
c) Parotid gland
d) Palatine bone
Which of the following structures is related to the mouth
a) Risorius muscles
b) glabella
c) procerus muscles
d) galea aponeurotica
Which of the following structures is located in both of the infratemporal and
pteygopalatine fossa?
a) Otic ganglion
b) Maxillary artery
c) Pteygopalatine ganglion
d) Lateral ptegoid muscle
Which of the following structures can be seen when the skull is viewed anteriorly
(normal frontalis)?
a) Hypoglossal canal
b) Trigeminal impression
c) Optic canal
d) External occipital protruberance
Which of the following is not found in the oral cavity proper?
a) Hypoglossal nerve
b) Vallate papilla
c) Opening of parotid duct
d) Hard palate
Which of the following is not relate to the parotid gland?
a) Retromandibular vein
b) Lateral pterygoid muscles
c) Facial nerve
d) External carotid artery
Which of the following is not related to the masticatory muscles
a) Medial pterygoid elevates the lower jaw when acting bilaterally
b) Lateral pterygoid depresses and protrudes the mouth when acting bilaterally
c) They are innervated by auriculotemporal nerve
d) Temporalis muscles pulls the lower jaw to its own side when acting unilaterally
Which of the following nerves innervate the muscles of expression?
a) Maxillary nerve
b) Ophthalmic nerve
c) Mandibular nerve
d) Facial nerve
Which of the following incorrect related to the tongue?
a) A sticking toungue out is mainly an act of genioglossus muscle
b) 2/3rd of anterior part is innervated by the mandibular nerve of the taste
c) The lingual tonsil is located in the root of the tongue
d) All of the intrinsic tongue muscles are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve
Which of the following is incorrect related to soft palate?
a) It forms majority of isthmus of the faucium
b) Palatine aponeurosis is formed by expanded tendon of tensor veli palatine
c) It attach to the posterior edge of horizontal plate of palatine bone
d) All of the soft palatine muscles are innervated by the pharyngeal plexus

TRUE Or FALSE questions

1- The subclavian artery is located at the root of the neck region (TRUE)
2- The vertebral ertery is located at the suboccipital triangle (TRUE)
3- The phrenic nerve courses on the anterior surface of the scalenus anterior muscle.
4- The rectus capitis lateralis muscle is one of the lateral vertebral muscles. (FALSE)
• Rectus capitis lateralis muscle
• Rectus capitis anterior muscle
• Longus calli muscle
• Longous capitis muscle
• Scalenus anterior muscle
• Scalenus posterior muscle
• Scalenus medial muscle
5- The oesophagus is one of the structures located at the root of the neck.(TRUE)
6- The sternocleidomastoid muscle divides the anteriolateral region of the neck into
two triangles. Namely anterior and posterior triangles (TRUE)
7- The lacrimal sac opens into the inferior nasal meatus through the sanolacrimal
duct (TRUE)
8- The coronea is one of the reflective media of the eyeball (TRUE)
9- All the parts of the ear located within the temporal bone (FALSE)

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