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Addis Ababa University


2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

December 2020
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Table of Contents
Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................. 1

Message from the President ................................................................................... 3

Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 5

1. Background to the Strategic Plan ...................................................................... 9

1.1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 9

1.2. The Need for Strategic Plan ....................................................................... 10
1.3. A Brief History of Addis Ababa University ................................................. 11
1.4. Review of Ethiopian Higher Education Sector ........................................... 12
1.5. Organization of the Document .................................................................. 13
2. Analysis of the Existing Situation of Addis Ababa University ......................... 13

2.1. Assessment of the External Environment – PESTL ..................................... 14

2.2. Assessment of the Internal Environment ................................................... 17
3. Resources (Human, Financial, Physical, Information) ....................................... 26

3.1. Human Resource ........................................................................................ 26

3.1.1. Academic Staff .................................................................................... 26
3.1.2. Administrative and Support Staff ....................................................... 26
3.1.3. Financial Resources ............................................................................. 28
3.1.4. Learning-teaching Resources .............................................................. 28
3.1.5. Research Resources ............................................................................ 29
3.1.6. Image and trust ................................................................................... 29
........................................................................ 29

4.1. Strategic Issues ............................................................................................ 29

........................................................... 30
5. Strategy Formulation .......................................................................................... 34

5.1. Strategic Intent .......................................................................................... 34

5.1.1. Vision .................................................................................................. 34

5.1.2. Mission ................................................................................................ 34

5.1.3. Core Values ........................................................................................ 34

5.1.4. Strategic Themes and Results ........................................................... 35

5.2. Strategic Goals .......................................................................................... 35

5.2.1. University Level Strategy ................................................................... 40

5.2.2. Parenting Strategy ............................................................................. 40

5.2.3. Academic Units Level Strategies ....................................................... 41

5.2.4. Students Career Development Strategy ........................................... 42

5.2.5. Shared Functional Strategies ............................................................. 42

5.2.6. ICT Strategy ....................................................................................... 42

5.2.7. HRM Strategy .................................................................................... 43

5.2.8. Innovation Strategy ............................................................................ 45

5.2.9. Research Strategy .............................................................................. 45

5.2.10. Financial Management Strategy ........................................................ 46

5.2.11. Procurement Strategy ........................................................................ 46
5.2.12. Community Engagement Strategy .................................................... 47
5.2.13. Communication Strategy ................................................................... 48
5.2.14. Quality Management and Assurance Strategy .................................. 49
5.2.15. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy .................................................... 50
6. Strategy Implementation ................................................................................... 52

6.1. Strategy Intervention ................................................................................ 52

6.2. Action Plan ............................................................................................... 53

7. Strategic Initiatives ............................................................................................. 111

8. Monitoring and Evaluation ................................................................................. 112

8.1. Strategic Focus ......................................................................................... 112

8.2. Critical Success Factors (CSFs) ................................................................. 112
8.3. ....................................................... 113

8.4. Monitoring and Modifying Strategic Plan ................................................. 117

8.5. Performance Evaluation ............................................................................ 118
9. Budget for the First Phase (2020/21-2025/26)
Implementation of the Strategic Plan ..................................................................... 119
List of Tables
Table 1. Opportunities and threats ..................................................................... 14

Table 2. Strengths and Weaknesses of AAU ....................................................... 18

......................................... 26

.............................. 27

............................................................. 27

Table 6. Academic staff by Academic Rank, Country of Origin and Gender ...... 27

..................................................................... 31

Table 8. Customer/Stakeholder Value Proposition ............................................. 32

Table 9. Strategic themes of AAU ...................................................................... 35

Table 10. Corporate goals of the strategic plan ................................................. 35

Table 11. Performance/potential grid to be used by colleges and institutes ..... 44

Table 12. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy ..................................................... 51

Table 13. Strategic intervention areas of the leadership of AAU ........................ 52

Table 14. Action Plan ......................................................................................... 54

Table 15. CSF, Objectives, KPIs, and Performane Indicators ............................. 114
Addis Ababa University 1

Acronyms and

AAU Addis Ababa University

Africa UNInet Africa Universities Network
ARUA African Research Universities Alliance
ASA Adaptive Systems Approach
AVP Academic Vice President
AU African Union
BSC Balanced Score Card
BU Business Unit
CSF Critical Success Factor
GALA Global Academy of Liberal Arts
ICT Information and Communication Technology
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MoSHE Ministry of Science and Higher Education
NPS Net Promoter Score
PESTEL Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological and Legal
PI Performance Indicator
SBU Sub-Business Unit
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat
VMOST Vision, Mission, Objective, Strategy and Tactics
VPASS Vice President for Administration and Student Services
VPID Vice President for Institutional Development
VPRTT Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer
from The President

Prof. Tassew Woldehanna

I am pleased to present the new Strategic Plan (2020-2030) for Addis

implementing a strategic plan with a vision that was stated bold and
clear to become “among the top ten pre-eminent graduate and
research universities in Africa“. The Vision has been fully realized
through the tireless efforts made by the university community in
general and that of the commitment of leadership. The performance
as witnessed by the remarkable improvement of its international
ranking turned out to be a sparkling success both in the views of the
university community and the stakeholders.

This new strategic plan, therefore, is developed based on the

experiences gained from the previous strategic plan and considering
emerging trends and developments nationally and internationally in
the context of the higher education. Extensive consultations of all
key stakeholders (both internal and external) and reviews of relevant
policy documents have been done in the process of this strategic

by continuously monitoring and evaluating the results of the plan.

Our vision for the period (2020-2030) is to “become a world class
university and the leading research university in East Africa”. In
launching this strategic plan, we are ushering in an exciting period

Institutional autonomy. The plan sets directions to elevate AAU to

a renown world-class research University and the most preferred
university in Africa. Hence our competition is becoming regional and
global and therefore request the university leadership, staff, students
and our stakeholders to scale up their efforts towards the attainment
of our vision as we did in the past. Furthermore, I request all academic
units (Colleges, Institutes and Departments/Schools) to cascade their
plan and align with this plan and identify their contributions clearly
towards the realization of the grand goals of this Strategic Plan.

I acknowledge and thank everyone who have been involved in the

draft document preparation and our students, faculty, staff, executive
leadership, alumni, Senate and Governing Board of Addis Ababa
University for their valuable engagements.

Prof. Tassew Woldehanna

President of AAU
Addis Ababa University 5

Executive Summary
Strategic planning for an institution is an important attribute of effective
leadership, especially in the context of the 21st century higher education
where competitiveness for resources and favorable attitudes of stakeholders
are essential for success. Cognizant of these sound institutional needs for
planning, Addis Ababa University has already made informed planning an
essential part of its academic culture to articulate its institutional intentions,
directions, and performances. Over the past couple of decades, the
university has developed rich experience of planning to best design its
academic programs and services and serve the society with the highest
possible standards and quality. This culture of informed strategic planning
demonstrates the high-level commitment of the university towards
accountability to the Ethiopian tax payers’ money, the principal source of its
overall funding and existence.

plan developed to effectively execute the goals set. AAU has endured all
challenges of time and constraints of resources and has managed to excel
in its academic performance and especially research, publications and
performance as witnessed by the remarkable improvement of its international
ranking as one of the best ten global universities in Africa. This improvement
in ranking turned out to be a sparkling success both in the views of the
university community and the stakeholders. As such the success of the
foregoing strategic plan is the outcome of the tireless efforts made by the
university community in general and that of the leadership in particular, to
fully realize the university’s vision that was stated bold and clear to become
“among the top ten pre-eminent graduate and research universities in Africa
by 2025”. AAU has thus learned a great deal both from the theoretical process
of developing a strategic plan and the practical successful implementation of
the same on the ground.

This new strategic plan, therefore, is developed based on the experiences

gained from the previous strategic plan and taking into account emerging
trends and developments nationally and internationally in the context of the
6 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

higher education sector. The fact that this plan is being developed at a time
when Addis Ababa University is considered as one of the research universities
in Africa by ARUA and recently recognized by the Ethiopian Ministry of
Science and Higher Education to be one of the national research universities
is an opportunity for the university to revisit its full readiness to meet all
the expectations bestowed on it. The new differentiation policy of higher
education states that research universities are “universities where the focus
is on research professors and graduate students conduct. These universities
can be research extensive and/or research intensive. They may be oriented
more towards graduate education, mainly Masters and PhD programs, but
with relatively limited focus on undergraduate teaching,” (MoSHE, 2019).
In terms of qualifying for a research university the policy document further
states that a university to become a research university should have 50% or
more PhD holders teaching and research staff and 30% or more PhD and/or
Master’s programs students (MoSHE, 2019).

This new strategic plan is designed to guide AAU as a research university

for the coming ten years 2020-2030 (to be implemented in two phases of

interfacing the same with the demands and needs of stakeholders both from
within and outside the university. The new plan, therefore, has come up with a
new vision for AAU: “being among the world class universities and one of the
leading regional research universities by 2030.” AAU is also embarking with
a newly crafted mission of a research university which is producing competent
graduates, pursuing problem-solving and knowledge-expanding research
outputs, and actively participating in scholarly community engagements in
order to contribute to national, continental, and global development.

the historical millstones in its academic milieu since its establishment. This
section depicts the need for timely strategic planning as well as the potential
risks of failing to do so would entail.

Section two makes an overall evaluation and analysis of the current situation

by capturing salient issues and processes that would receive the necessary
emphasis in the process. The evaluation and analysis were conducted by
assessing both the internal and external environments of the university
and the broader context of the Ethiopian higher education. Strengths and
weaknesses of the university and external opportunities and threats were
Addis Ababa University 7

interviews with the key stakeholders of the university. Document analysis and
review of legislations, proclamations, policies, and international conventions
were also carried out. The sources of the data rang from the broad academic
staff to that of the university’s top leadership.

Analysis of the data has led to the replacement of the previous missions and
goals to address the contemporary trends and developments in the higher
education sector. This section also considers the available and projected
resource capacity of the university in the design of the new strategic plan.

the new strategic plan developed is framed based on the results of the
data analyzed. These sections, therefore, depict the new strategic direction
of Addis Ababa University by introducing the new vision, mission, goals,

In addition to the vision and mission statements mentioned above, critical

Improving the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process and increasing

graduate employability; building AAU’s research capacity, producing

and innovation agenda that address society’s most pressing challenges;

and providing transformative and scholarly community engagement
are some of these important goals. Moreover, the list of goals further
includes strengthening university-industry/school linkage and stakeholders’
engagement and management; advancing good governance, effective
leadership and participation; expanding national and global partnerships,
networking and collaboration; and contributing towards the realization of
UN SDGs and AU Agenda 2063 in higher educations. AAU plans also to
provide opportunities and resources to attract, recruit, develop and retain
the highest caliber academic and administrative staff, and to put in place
and implement procedures and standards to assure the quality of education,
research and community engagement for the coming ten years.

The intent statements in these sections were developed and enriched

based on the analysis of the current context of Addis Ababa University
from the perspectives of various stakeholders such as students, faculty, the
government, and external stakeholders such as national and international
organizations. The strategic directions are differentiated into the university
level, academic unit level, and shared strategies. The shared functional
strategies address strategies for various functions such as ICT, human
8 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

community engagement, and communication strategies. Section four outlines

the overall framework for the implementation of the university’s strategic
directions introduced in section three. The key content of this section is the
detailed action plan developed as an instrument to implement the strategic
intents of the university. The action plan interfaces the strategic goals and
objectives with measurable performance indicators that would be easier
for monitoring and evaluating performance. These sections also comprise
actions that would facilitate the implementation of the grand university level
strategy. Some of the implementing tools described in this section include
stakeholders’ management and business process management.

Section seven, the last part of the strategic plan, is the monitoring and
evaluation part. It is needless to mention that a robust strategic plan should
be accompanied by a rigorous and dynamic check and balance or monitoring
and evaluation system so that it meets the targets in terms of success in
implementation and producing the desired impact and outcomes in the
community. The monitoring and evaluation part also underscore the fact that
checking accountability and transparency in governance and leadership is

the services provided by the University. This last section employs time-tested

university-level critical success factors and key performance indicators.

This strategic plan is supposed to help the university leap forward in assuming
its rightful and deserving high rank in regional and global academic position
as a research university despite the looming spread of the COVID-19
Addis Ababa University 9

1. Background to the Strategic Plan

1.1. Introduction

Modern and customer-oriented 21st century, institutions, higher academic institutions in

particular can best address the needs of their esteemed stakeholders provided that they
make a forward-looking plan to provide their services and products to their esteemed
stakeholders in a manner that preempts risks and failures. A strategic plan is an instrument
that enables an institution to cope up with uncertainties by making smarter choices
among competing priorities, take initiatives, create synergies, and set the course for

previous documents and identify what needs to be done, and design strategies that will
take the institution in the right direction.

This Strategic Plan of Addis Ababa University 2020-2030 is founded on the same
principles that underlie sound strategic planning such as the need to create and
sustain an enabling environment in which academic excellence (via teaching, research
and innovation), academic freedom, democracy, inclusiveness, autonomy, and highly

problem-solving and cutting-edge research and knowledge generation; and engage

the community for mutual transformation

The Plan is the result of an extensive participation from the University’s community and
lays groundwork to position AAU as a globally renowned research university describing
its academic and infrastructural capabilities and its skilled workforce to undertake
best graduate programs and state of the art research and community engagement
accomplishments. What is more, it contributes towards the full realization of the
University’s potential to explore and effectively utilize new opportunities needed to
achieve its vision. In this regard, the Plan has built on the lessons learned from the
achievements and challenges encountered in the course of implementing the former
(2023/24-2020) Strategic Plan.

Moreover, the Strategic Plan is aligned with the national direction of AAU being one
of the national research universities and with this regard highlights the institutional
capacities that will enable AAU successfully emerge as a popular preferred research and
graduate university.

Finally, since the time of drafting this strategic plan coincided with the time when the
10 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

COVID-19 Pandemic hit the Global community and Ethiopia hard, it was essential to
include coping mechanisms so that the University’s main functions would continue
running effectively in spite of the impact of the pandemic and remain resilient in the

1.2. The Need for Strategic Plan

In the course of its history, AAU has implemented several strategic plans. The last
strategic plan AAU was that of the 2023/24-2020. During the period of this last
strategic plan, AAU has enhanced its capacity and reputation for research, transformed
the undergraduate curriculum, increased the number of postgraduate programs and
enrolments, and become even more international, diverse and engaged. The University
has already achieved its vision of being among the ten preeminent research and graduate
universities in Africa in 2019, signaling its high capacity to leap forward to a new era of
success and accomplishments.

The Strategic Planning Task Force of AAU set up in January 2020 made a thorough
analysis of the context of contemporary higher education and reached the following
observations as an important step in developing the strategic plan.

First, students nowadays are not the same as students during previous generations, so
that the Addis Ababa University like any other forward-looking stakeholders-conscious
university should adapt itself to requirements and aspirations of the new generation and
the demands of the labor market. Students expect to learn using different teaching-
learning styles and strategies and in a system that addresses their personal preferences,
especially via technology. The demography of the student population is becoming
increasingly diverse and represents a broader variety of backgrounds.

Second, Addis Ababa University has recently been categorized by the Ethiopian Ministry
of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) as a research university on top of its earlier
recognition by ARUA as one of the research universities in Africa, where undertaking
research, establish regional wide center of excellences, and running graduate programs
are considered to be its prime missions.

Third, in light of the rapid changes and developments in all aspects of life, the university
must respond to the expectations of the government, stakeholders, the public at
country, regional and global levels.

Fourth, the COVID-19 pandemic is currently impacting on the conventional education

systems and higher education institutions are required to introduce new modes of
educational delivery such as a digital education system.
Addis Ababa University 11

An attempt has been made to address the above observations in the process of developing
this strategic plan through information and data collected using instruments such as
document reviews, interviews and focus group discussion (FGDs). A series of FGDs were
conducted with the University’s leadership, management, senior professionals, faculty
and students’ representatives. The reviewed documents are from internal sources (such
as annual plans, annual reports and the existing strategic plan) and external sources
(such as the Higher Education Proclamation 2019, the national educational roadmap,
the United Nation (Sustainable Development Goals) SDGs, the African Union Agenda

Findings and observations secured from the data collected were rigorously analyzed
to formulate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) of the
University’s core processes (strategic themes). A Baseline (2019/20) survey was also
conducted as part of the SWOT analysis and in order to use it for setting strategic
targets, objectives and performance indicators. The Plan has further been consolidated
through face to face and on-line workshops, discussions and public engagements with
the university leadership, management, senior professionals, high level experts and the
university community.

Building on the successful accomplishments of the previous plans, this new Strategic

its strengths, seize opportunities, remove weaknesses and mitigate challenges, and
take initiatives to achieve an all-round excellence in all the university’s programs and
functions to meet international standards and effectively respond to the dynamic and
complex societal needs and aspirations.

This Strategic Plan is designed with two complementary approaches in perspective;

namely, Balanced Score Card (BSC) and Adaptive Systems Approach (ASA). While BSC
is a planning and measurement tool that helps to focus on critical issues that have
ramifying effects on the whole system, ASA considers HEIs as complex and adaptive to
changing conditions. HEI systems have many diverse and specialized components which
continuously interact with each other leading to the emergence of new issues. They

interventions and positive feedbacks. Thus, in complex adaptive system, the whole is
more than its parts.

1.3. A Brief History of Addis Ababa University

AAU is a pioneer Higher Education Institute (HEI) in the country, established in 1950
as University College of Addis Ababa (UCAA) and later named as Haile Selassie I
University (HSIU), which in turn, renamed as Addis Ababa University in 1974. Some
12 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

universities including Haramaya University (the then Alemaya University), University of

Gondar, Bahir Dar University and Hawassa University.

Beginning with 33 students in 1950, as of June 2020 AAU has a total enrolment of
46,873 students and 8,762 staff (2,987 academic staff, 138 technical assistants, 4,497
administrative and 1,202 health professionals). It currently runs 73 undergraduate and
366 graduate programs (96 PhD, 210 Masters’ and 60 specialty and sub-specialty) in
its ten colleges, two technology institutes and 11 research institutes (four of which run
graduate programs) indicating that the university is heading to becoming a graduate
research university. AAU has introduced various research grants including Thematic
Research, Adaptive Research and Seed Grant as well as Women Research Grant (in
collaboration with SIDA) and the number of reputable journal articles and books
published has increased over the last years. In the meantime, MoSHE has recognized
AAU as a research university making research as the core function of the university.

The University is led by a President who is assisted by four Vice Presidents and
three Executive Directors: Academic Vice President, Vice President for Research and
Technology Transfer, Vice President for Administration and Student Services, Vice

of College of Health Sciences (with the rank of Vice President), Director of Addis Ababa

Institute of Architecture and Building Construction.

Cognizant of the need to sustain and supplement the achievements of the previous
reform efforts and to keep pace with its prominence nationally and globally, the
University has embarked on designing this fourth Strategic Plan 2020-2030 in alignment
with the national plan and making AAU a world class university.

1.4. Review of Ethiopian Higher Education Sector

Higher education in Ethiopia began expanding in an unprecedented pace following

the coming into power of the Federal Democratic Government of Ethiopia in 1991
G.C. Encouraged by the relatively relaxed investment initiatives, the Education and
Training Policy issued in 1994, the new international trends in higher education, and the
Higher Education Proclamation 650/2009 (which was recently improved by Proclamation
Number 1152/2011), a sharp increase was felt in the expansion of the Ethiopian higher
education sector. A new dawn of expansion of universities broke farther and brighter.

While Ethiopia realized steady and rapid economic growth in the last two decades as
Addis Ababa University 13

tremendous expansion in creating access to citizens. Universities were opened almost

Following a national study on the education system of the country, a National Education
Roadmap was designed in 2019 to ameliorate the drawbacks that have fettered the
educational system and leap frog it to higher level with the to serve the age-old
societal needs. One of the important outcomes of the roadmap is differentiation of the

capabilities to effectively discharge their societal and epistemological responsibilities.

Accordingly, AAU is categorized in Research University group based on its academic and
research potential, performance and opportunities. The focus of Research Universities is
mainly on research and graduate programs. Hence, AAU will give priority to quality of
education and employability of its graduates while also enhancing its research capacity
to advance the frontiers of science and solve societal problems. It will admit manageable
number of students and prepare them with the requisite skills for the labor market and
creating jobs. AAU will work aggressively towards internationalization of its programs.

1.5. Organization of the Document

This Strategic Plan of AAU for the years 2020-2030 has major sections; namely,
background to the strategic plan, an analysis of the existing situation of AAU, resources,

monitoring and evaluation.

2. Analysis of the Existing Situation

of Addis Ababa University
An assessment of the internal and external environment is a critical stage to understand
the current situation of AAU in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats. PESTL framework is used for the analysis of the external environment.

The framework covers issues related to political, economic, societal, technological and
legal issues, which directly or indirectly impact the higher education sector. Vision,
Mission, Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics (VMOST) framework and other tools
are used for undertaking internal environments analysis.
14 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

2.1. Assessment of the External Environment – PESTL

The external environment has been analyzed in terms of opportunities (i.e., chances
that will bring positive impacts in) and threats (i.e., obstacles that can negatively affect)
AAU’s initiatives. The PESTL framework (Table 1) is used to organize the opportunities
and threats arising from political, economic, societal, technological, environmental and
legal issues.

Table 1. Opportunities and threats

S. No. Factor Opportunities Threats
Growing attention to higher
education by the government government regulations and
through the establishment of a policies that coerce institutional
new ministry, MoSHE, that man- freedom in academic matters
ages higher education sector. (e.g., MoSHE’s intervention in
curriculum development), ad
Conducive government policies, hoc letter to assign student
proclamations and strategies such beyond the legal and formal
as the national general education mechanisms and administrative
roadmap. -
man resource management)
Government readiness to broad-
en national free/scholarly commu- Harmonizing universities’ pro-
nity engagements grams and curriculum across the
country such an act inhibiting
- AAU to design its programs tak-
tion institutions based on mission ing its geographic advantages,
1 Political and AAU emerging as a research staff resource, and other factors
More preoccupation with quan-
Government commitment to opti-
tity/number of graduates than
mum budget and resource alloca-
their quality
tion for higher education
Risks and uncertainties being
Government’s commitment to
caused by the COVID-19 pan-
support AAU as a university of
universities so that AAU trains
teachers for other new universi- Political and national insecurities
ties. and instabilities
Introduction of exit exam for

AU agenda 2063 for resource

Addis Ababa University 15

S. No. Factor Opportunities Threats

Increasing employment oppor- Increasing cost of living

because of economic growth such Shortage of foreign currency

as industrial park development

Rising demand for problem solv-

ing research, innovative products Shrinking economic growth as
and consultancy services from a result of direct and indirect im-
stakeholders pacts of COVID-19 and emerg-
2. Economic ing pandemics
The launch of graduate loan
services Increasing graduate unemploy-
ment in some programs and
Availability of high potential for disciplines
public-private partnerships
High staff turnover due to push
Effects of globalization and re- and pull factors
gional integration
- Rising stiff competition from lo-
ulation in general education cal public universities to attract
students, solicit fund and grants
The creation of opportunity to at-
tract competent local and foreign Poor educational background of
students in some programs students and poor readiness

The rise of positive social attitude High unemployment rate of

towards higher education and its graduates
Looming challenges and risks
Increasing societal demand for in the education sector as a
education, research, scholarly result of the rapid expansion of
community engagements and COVID-19 infection.
3. Social
Substance abuse (drug abuse,
Increasing international net- chat, cigarette, alcohol, etc.),
working opportunities as a result and declining social norms and
of various governmental and ethical values
non-governmental initiatives
Staff brain drain
Greater commitment to SDGs
(quality, gender, sustainability,
health, etc.)

High demand for continuing edu-

cation and more revenue from the
16 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

S. No. Factor Opportunities Threats

Availability of open source and free -
digital resources (courses, soft- man resource in the market
ware solutions, up-to-date articles,
e-books, labs, computational Increasing digital (resources and
resources) for teaching and research skills) gap among students

Proliferation of platforms for new Misuse and abuse of technology

modes of delivery (like online and technological products
Limited ICT infrastructure in
Increasing demand for innovative capacity, coverage and service
Techno- technologies and products quality
Access to the use of telemedicine Insecurity in data management
for health services and mobile and reliability and validity of data

Power outrage and interruption in

Increasing number of ICT conver- the use of critical facilities such as
labs and ICT equipment

Emerging opportunity as a result of

emerging technologies in data-sci-

enabled solutions
Convenient geographic location: Unpredictable effect of climate
being located in the capital city, change and environmental deg-
which hosts international and re- radation
gional organizations
Poor sewerage and waste wa-
Massive infrastructural investment ter management/treatment and
in the city and the resulting de- increasing pollution
mand for new design and operation
principles (in architecture, construc-
tion, project management, land- -
ing staff mobility)

Environ- -
5 Conducive climate of the capital tion, and desert locust effect on
city the food security
Government’s interest towards
green economy, environmental pro-

Ababa, and the natural resources

Increased funding opportunity for
environmentally sustainable solu-

gence enabled solutions
Addis Ababa University 17

S. No. Factor Opportunities Threats

Push/trend to adhere to global
standards in local and FDI funded
The provision of new guidelines Lack of full autonomy and inter-
and directives in regulating univer- ventions – some aspects of na-
sity-run income generation business tional laws, institutions (like Civil
Service) and Higher Education
Conducive legal environment to run Proclamations are prohibitive for
demand-driven academic pro- growth and transformation
grams, research and community/
advocacy services
human resource, purchasing, job
Enabling legal environment to es- evaluation and placement, salary
6 Legal tablish relationships with local and scale, use of internal revenue, …)
international partners that inhibits the internal opera-
tions of the University
Membership of African Research
University Alliance (ARUA), Associ- External interference in the
ation of African Universities (AAU), implementation of JEG and poor
member of Global Academy of Lib- design of the JEG itself.
eral Arts (GALA), and Africa UNInet
Custom constraints for importing
educational equipment

2.2. Assessment of the Internal Environment

initiatives. Hence, the internal strength (i.e., areas that distinguish AAU and those which
it can capitalize on) and weaknesses (i.e., areas that AAU could improve or avoid) have
been assessed based on the FGD conducted with key stakeholders using critical success
factors and the alignment and appropriateness of the previous strategic intent using
Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics (VMOST) framework. Table 2
shows the strengths and weaknesses of AAU.
18 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Table 2. Strengths and Weaknesses of AAU

S. No Issues Strengths Weaknesses
Attractive brand, better visibility Inability to capitalize on the
and good reputation/image of the existing good image.
Ranking the 10th among African Low visibility of the opportunities
Universities in research and publi- and unique capabilities in the ac-
cations ademic and research arena to the
international community
Being the oldest and largest Lack of full autonomy – some as-
university in the country with rich pects of national laws, institutions
experience/resource in all domains (like Civil Service) and Higher Ed-
(staff, facility, enabling policies and ucation Proclamations are prohibi-
regulations built and developed tive for growth and transformation
over the years)
Wide-ranging networks and collab- Inability to fully utilize AAU’s alum-
1 General orations with local and international ni for resource mobilization, image
universities and partners building and solicit partnership
Good mix of experienced and
young staff committed to improve-
A preferred employer/university for
Free health service at Black Lion Limited capacity to treat non-com-
Hospital for all AAU staff municable diseases at Tikur Anbe-
sa Hospital
The availability of national museum
of Ethiopian studies, the natural
history museum. The national her-
debarum for tourism attraction and
biodiversity management
Leadership appointment based on Not fully communicating the
merit and competition. vision, missions and strategic plans
and inability to create common
and shared vision and values
among the University community.
Reasonable participation of women Low participation of women in
Leader- in top leadership. middle and lower lever manage-
ship ment positions
Collegial and committed leader- Incomplete devolution of power
ship (e.g., to equitably distribute to lower level units as a result of
resources and opportunities, take -
prompt action and manage large forcement mechanisms, and poor
number of staff) chain of command in decision
Addis Ababa University 19

S. No Issues Strengths Weaknesses

Establishment of new organiza- -
tional structure and management tion (for teaching and research)
systems, e.g., Human Resource schemes and incentives for staff
(HR), Finance, Registrar, Publication retention (internal revenue distri-
Management bution, catering services, wellness
facilities, housing, transportation,
day-care and schools)
Poor document and data manage-
Limited capacity to diversify inter-
nal revenue generation
Weak strategic executions, no
regular quality audit, undue focus
on non-value adding activities,
and weak coordination among
AAU units.
Incomplete academic freedom.
Inadequate short-term skill and
professional development train-
ings including computer skills,

Communication skills, and re-

search methods
Redundant/overlapping orga-
nizational structure - too many

administrative positions and

detached from full participation in
teaching and research.

and development as well as re-

duced initiative to introduce new/
innovative approaches
No clear communication channels
and dissemination strategy to work
with the public media.
Unplanned expansion and lack of
expansion plan.
Lack of full knowledge of the exist-
ing resources; little or no attention
to critical resources.
20 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Lack of inter-campus or intra

campus communication and
interaction among the student
community to instill the culture of
sharing views, manage diversity,
increase students’ participation in
AAU affairs, etc.
Inability to harness the power of
ICT and technology to automate
the system to improve most of
the activities (e.g., simple reports
are still being processed manually
while open source solutions are
already in place).
Inadequate audit/program evalua-
tion on the relevance of some pro-
grams: existence of out-of-date,
individuals-based, donor-driven or
duplicated programs.
Lack of robust education quality
management system; lack of a
coherent quality management
structure down to colleges and
academic units despite the dete-
riorating quality of teachers and

graduate programs (e.g., students

take unnecessarily extra years to
graduate in PhD programs).
Admission of high performing and Poor quality and less employability
disciplined students of graduates.
Admission of international student Few international students relative
to the total student population
both in the graduate and under-
Teach- graduate programs
3 ing-Learn- Good teacher-student relationship Sexual harassment and lack of
ing awareness of victims about the
presence of appeal mechanisms
Availability of special programs Occurrence of academic miscon-
- duct and dependence on peers
grams (cheating, plagiarism, and sub-
stance abuse
Addis Ababa University 21

Academic programs are subject to Lack of national program accredi-

continuous program review tation, coherent quality assurance
policy and internal quality audit
and quality control mechanism.
Admission of Foreign students has Poor observance of academic
increased calendar and progress mecha-
nisms (uniformity in registration,
instructor assignment, day-one-
class one, academic calendars,
class schedules, proper progress
of courses, consultation hours
implementation, course evaluation
and grading irregularities, course
sequencing, implementation
of practical aspects of courses,
teacher’s performance evaluation,
academic advising, availability of
Internship has become part of the Lack of student support services
undergraduate program such as information centers, lan-

loan services, extra-curricular activ-

ities, career development services

More emphasis on theory than on
practice in teaching such as labs,

practicum, externship; Poor univer-

sity-industry/school linkage.
Entrance exams are being given to
all graduate program applicants and students’ engagement in their
education; poor students’ learning
Many graduate students are attend- -
ing trainings abroad -
ries, digital library and housing
units) for PhD candidates.
Teacher-Student and Student-class- PhD students take longer time to
room ratio have improved (1:9 and complete their studies
1:30 respectively in 2018/2019)
Continuous assessment is practical Inability to engage students in
across many programs national and international issues.
22 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

S. No Issues Strengths Weaknesses

Tracing study of graduates of AAU Little or no stakeholder engage-
initiated ment in program and curriculum
design and implementation and
Job fair expo involving employers Duplication of undergraduate
and graduates has been conducted courses and programs in the grad-
uate programs
Several collaborative programs
from the United States, Australia,
Great Britain, Belgium, Germany,
and South Africa are opened in
AAU Chronic educational and research
lab problems
Availability of centers of excellence
to attract international students
Availability of Unique programs like
in visual and performing arts
enced academic staff staff in some disciplines.
Availability of young staff willing to Prevalence of high level of absen-
learn new approaches and harness teeism from class and low level
technology of staff engagement and commit-
ment in conducting classes timely
and regularly, conducting classes
and evaluations properly, and sup-
porting students
- More senior staff in management
sionals for teaching, student super- positions than on teaching and
vision and evaluation. academic activities.
Unnoticed dual employment of
academic staff outside of the
Academic University rather than focusing on
staff their day-to-day activities within
the University.
Prevalence of sexual harassments
of academic staff on their students
and presence of ethnically biased
treatment of students by academic
Presence of professors who do not
generate research grants for the
wider university and the participa-
tion of graduate students in their

professional knowledge and teach-

ing skills of some academic staff
Addis Ababa University 23

S. No Issues Strengths Weaknesses

Resource accumulated through- Inadequate classrooms, smart
out the history of the University classes, halls, and video confer-
enabling it to conduct effective encing facilities/platforms
teaching-learning and research
ployee services (transportation,
gym, cafeterias); poor job satisfac-
Growing investment on e-learning Poor management of shared
platforms development resources
structure facilities and services
and ICT) in the campuses
Lack of power backup, power
supply, especially to libraries and
Beautiful campus landscape and laboratories
scenic beauty
Poor ICT infrastructure, services,
skill and content management
Poor recreational services (cater-
ing, cafes, sport facilities, laun-
dries, beauty salons, etc.)

Presence of improved organization- Poor administrative functions and

al structure and system process –Prevalence of bureaucrat-
ic red-tape in internal processes,
istration poor procurement systems
support Availability of limited but expe- Lack of continuous professional
service rienced staff that can discharge development (CPD) for the sup-
6 (Finance, responsibilities and handle tasks port staff (via formal education,
procure- with diligence. trainings, motivational speeches
HRM, Shortage of committed and
facility capable workforce to implement
changes and new initiatives
Poor maintenance
24 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

S. No Issues Strengths Weaknesses

Lack of proper incentive pack-
ages (both in kind and cash) and
retention strategies such as - staff
housing, daycare and community
school, gym, theatres, consumer
cooperatives, healthcare, trans-
portation, cafeteria and catering
service, shopping centers, bonus,
proper distribution of internal
revenue, maintenance and garage
services for staff cars
istration Lack of proper reward and pun-
support ishment enforcement mechanisms
service IFMIS and ICMIS is fully custom- (lack of proper performance man-
6 (Finance, agement system).
procure- management
ment, High employee turnover and many
HRM, vacant positions
facility Engagement of employees in ac-
tivities outside of the University.
Lack of recognition of the contri-
bution of administrative staff to
the university and mismatch of
interest with the academic staff.
Lack of integrated information
management system (student,
management processes and enter-
prise resource planning.
Inadequate research funding and
economic, political and social affairs poor-quality graduate research
(e.g. the GERD negotiation) outputs
Increased number of publications Research outputs and innova-
tive products/ideas have limited
contributes to solving pertinent impact/contribution to national
problems and improvement of development.
AAU’s ranking.
7 and inno- High quality of collaborative re- As a research-oriented university,
vation searches limited number of research labs
exist for graduate research
Provision of publication incentives Lack of institutional research policy
to encourage research (from fund soliciting to closure).
Availability of research grants – Inadequate fund for graduate
adaptive and thematic research, research.
collaborative research, and female
staff research.
Addis Ababa University 25

S. No Issues Strengths Weaknesses

Not fully automated research
grants and calls gathering, dissem-
Poor research agenda setting and
Limited capacity for organizing
local and global conferences, sem-
inars, and workshops for dissemi-
nation and visibility
Lack of initiatives for crowd fund-
ing and commissioned research.
AAU has strong culture of produc-
ing high quality research output Lack of reliable and secured elec-
published in high impact factor tronic data repository system as
journals such as Science and Na- well as clustered high-performance
ture. Moreover, AAU staff has rich computational facilities to conduct
experience involving in world and state-of-the-art and computation-
regional wide research projects and ally intensive research.
7 and inno-
vation produce joint articles with interna- Lack of database for publication
tional scholars.
and research output management.

publication and conference partic-

AAU has research automation sys- ipation
tem called CONVERIS.
Bureaucratic red tape and inability
to use external fund (for travel,

Lengthy application and approval
process for thematic and adaptive
research and weak dissemination
of research outputs
Lack of research capacity building
Poor government research fund
allocation of the total AAU budget
Renewed interest for internship and Lack of research/knowledge com-
placement of a new structure to mercialization center
coordinate the activity.
linkage, Low contribution of staff to the
tech- community relative to expecta-
8 nology tions of latter.
transfer Availability of incubation center to
and Com- Weak university-industry set link-
cultivate and nurture innovation
munity age.
Engage- Weak culture of innovation and
ment technology transfer
26 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

3. Resources (Human, Financial, Physical, Information)

3.1. Human Resource

Addis Ababa University has a total of 8822 staff. These are 2987 academic staff, 138
technical assistants, 4495 administrative staff and 1202 health professionals.

3.1.1. Academic Staff

Addis Ababa University has a total of 2987 academic staff, of which 4.25% are Professors,
39% are Associate or Assistant Professors and 56.6% are lecturers and below in academic
rank. Women comprise 16.2% of the academic staff, and this percentage decreases to
9.6% when the percentage of women assistant professors and above academic rank is
considered. Only 2.4% of the academic staff are expatriates. The academic rank of the
technical staff is low compared to the academic staff.

Academic staff Technical Staff

Educational level Quantity Total Quantity Total
Diploma 0 0 0 32 7 39
First degree 449 203 652 60 20 80
Master’s degree 1146 212 1358 4 1 5
Doctorate degree 746 47 793 0 0 0
Others 79 45 124 7 7 14
Total 2420 507 2927 103 35 138

3.1.2. Administrative and Support Staff

Only 38.3 % of the administrative staff have received higher education while and the
remaining are trained to diploma and lower levels.
Addis Ababa University 27

Administrative staff Black Lion Hospital Staff

Quantity Total Quantity Total
Educational level
Diploma 300 689 989 12 24 36
First degree 305 339 644 376 658 1034
Master’s degree 49 38 87 55 48 103
Doctorate degree 0 0 0 3 2 5
Others 826 1949 2775 11 13 24
Total 1480 3015 4495 457 745 1202

Job categories Quantity Total

Academic Staff 2420 507 2927
Administrative Staff 1480 3015 4495
Technical Assistants 103 35 138
Health Professionals 457 745 1202
Total 4460 4302 (49.09%) 8762

Table 6. Academic staff by Academic Rank, Country of Origin and Gender

Country of Origin Gender Pro- Cumu-
por- lative
Academic Rank Expa- F M Total
Ethiopian Total tion (%)
triate (%)
Professor 109 18 127 3 124 127 4.25 4.25
Associate Professor 298 23 321 17 304 321 10.75 15.00
Assistant Professor 824 25 849 112 736 848 28.39 43.39
Lecturer 1,193 6 1,199 233 966 1199 40.14 83.53
Assistant Lecturer 324 0 324 59 266 325 10.88 94.41
Graduate Assistant 53 0 53 30 21 51 1.71 96.12
Technical Assistant 116 0 116 30 86 116 3.88 100.00
Total 2,917 72 2,989 484 2503 2987 100.00

First Degree 15.18 %, Master’s Degree 38.36%, PhD. 32.97% others 13.49%
28 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

The human capital of AAU determines its success and the realization of its vision. In
recent years, AAU has also been utilizing the intellectual power of the strong Ethiopian
diaspora for teaching and advising.

3.1.3. Financial Resources

Addis Ababa University is a government funded University. It has received close to 2.6

The University also raises additional 600 million as an internal revenue and research
grants. The University has implemented Integrated Financial Management Information

Ababa University.

Government Funding: Even though there are government resource constraints

every year, education is still the major priority area for government budget

Internal Revenue: AAU generates substantial amount of revenue from internal

sources. However, the effort needs much improvement.

Grants: AAU gets substantial amount of grant funds from its strategic partners.
However, utilization and reporting needs improvement to maintain the trust and
the attention of donors as strategic partners.

Property/Physical asset: The physical assets or investment in infrastructure is

the result of effort made by Addis Ababa University for more than sixty years.
However, the buildings and the laboratory equipment are out of date and worn
out which require serious maintenance or replacement

3.1.4. Learning-teaching Resources

Learning-teaching is one of the core businesses of AAU. The University has been investing
in building and renovating classrooms, libraries and digitization of the learning teaching
environment. The University has 480 teaching classrooms across all its campuses and
40 smart classrooms. The University library has one central and 22 branch libraries. The
library has a total of 10,000 seat capacity, 248,000 in print books, 210,000 e-books and
more than 3,500 subscribed journals through Science Direct.
Addis Ababa University 29

3.1.5. Research Resources

The various colleges have modest teaching laboratories but not adequately equipped
for research. Though not adequate, research institutes have better laboratory equipment
where academic staff may conduct collaborative research. Most of the academic and

photocopy machines.

AAU provides research fund to its staff through various scheme including Thematic
Research, Adaptive Research and Women Research Grant (in collaboration with SIDA).
Academic staff win competitive international research grant for collaborative research.

blocks hindering completion of research activities on time.

3.1.6. Image and trust

AAU has been operating at global standards with world class academic staff since its
establishment. In addition to its immense contribution to the socioeconomic development
of the country, many prominent African leaders have studied in AAU. Its positive image,
both nationally and internationally has been well positioned. The leadership of AAU is
committed to work in maintaining this good image among stakeholders. Its location
in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia the third diplomatic center in the World,
confers it a geographic advantage for its prominence and visibility as a national heritage

indicates that AAU in one of the top 10 Best Global Universities in Africa, 13th in Africa
and 2nd in Sub Saharan Africa based on research performance in 2019.

Based on the SWOT analysis and the strategic intent of the university leadership, the

ten years using the data compiled from the various sources.

4.1 Strategic Issues

Strategic plan:

1. Institutional autonomy, Governance and leadership;

2. Teaching-learning access, relevance, quality and graduate employability;

3. Research capability and prioritization of agenda to stakeholders needs;

30 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

4. University-industry linkage, partnership and community engagement;

5. Internationalization (student, staff mix) and visibility;

6. Center of excellences and capacity development;

7. Information communications technology capacity, infrastructure development

and identity;

8. Total Quality Management and stakeholders’ satisfaction;

9. Alignment to national, SDGs and African Union (AU) agenda;

10. Talent management, equity and performance;

11. Internal revenue generation and resource mobilization;

12. Univer-city agenda and transforming engineering and technology


13. Home grown and collaborative PhD. Programs

AAU has been undertaking three fundamental functions namely teaching-learning,

research and innovation, and community engagement. The value propositions of

(Table 7) and their associations with the activities of the university.




Sense of


Extent of
as per the
of contact

Degree of
Degree of

the service
for request

direct ben-
University lead-
High High High High High High
Internal Stakeholders
Medium High High High High High
University staff

/MoSHE/ High High High High High Medium

Customers Students Medium High High High High High
Students Medium Medium High High Medium Medium
Public High Medium High High Medium Low
External Local commu-
Low High High High Medium Medium
Higher educa-
Low Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium
tion institutions
Medium Low Low Medium High Low
Donors and
High Medium Medium High High Medium
Stakeholders alumni
Addis Ababa University

University Board High High Medium High High Low

Table 8. Customer/Stakeholder Value Proposition
Required/ ex- Service/Product attributes
Customer /
pected product/ Relationship Image
stakeholder Function Quality Timeliness Price/Cost
Internal Customers
Produce competent
As per national/
graduates with en- As per pro- Reasonable Learner cen-
Quality global standard Compelling
Students trepreneurial skill, gram dura- and/or shared tered and
education and market institution
and up-to-date and tions cost inclusive
sellable knowledge
Internal Stakeholders
Accomplishing the Effective and
Collegial, par- Reputable
University lead- Quality leader- vision, missions, Throughout Good gover-
ticipatory, and and exem-
ership ship and cherished its operation nance
inclusive plary
Quality teaching Effective and As per their Compel-
Conducive working High perfor- Collegial /par-
University staff and administra- employment ling place
environment mance ticipatory
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

tive services contract to work

External Customers
Government As per national Credible
Knowledgeable, standard and As per the coun-
Mutually sup- devel-
/MoSHE/ Quality education skilled, and em- market demand Annually try’s civil service
portive opment
ployable graduates standard
MoE partner

External Stakeholders
Knowledge, skills Fitness - to -
Competent grad- - purpose
Employers Attractive/
uates, appropri- ciency and effec-
(businesses Continuous Market-based Partnership
ate technology tiveness in produc-
and industries) reputable
and knowledge tion and service
Fitness - to - Attractive/
University Cooperative
Good Governance purpose Continuous Cost effective
Board effective and responsive reputable
Competent grad- Alleviate national Suited to Public ac-
Public ethical, and Affordable Partnership
uates problems their needs ceptance
need based
Alleviate com- Addressing and Covered by
Need-based com-
Local commu- munity problems solving societal Suited to both the com- Mutually bene- Societal
munity engage-
nity through scholarly problems their needs munity and the acceptance
engagement university
Required/ ex- Service/Product attributes
Customer /
pected product/ Relationship Image
stakeholder Function Quality Timeliness Price/Cost
Skilled and knowl- Competent
Higher edu- As per their As per govern-
edgeable human Capacity building graduates, qual- Credible
cation institu- need and ment policy and Collaborative
and material and collaboration ity training and partnership
tions agreement agreement
resource sharing research output
Research and
meeting interna- Demand-driven
International Collaborative proj- As per the
tional expecta- and problem Sustainable Partnership Trust
community ects project
tions as stated in solving
SDGs, Agenda
2063, etc.
Financial support Research grants, Priority- As per govern-
Donors and Supportive and and col-
and experience scholarships, tech- Transformative and de- ment policy and
alumni partnership laborative
sharing nology transfer mand-based agreement
Addis Ababa University
34 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

5. Strategy Formulation

The major strategic intents of AAU of the previous strategic plan namely, vision, mission
and strategic goals have been analyzed and assessed. The phasing out strategic intents
were replaced by new strategic intents in light of new trends and developments in the
higher education.

5.1. Strategic Intent

5.1.1. Vision
Become a world class university and the leading research university in East Africa.

5.1.2. Mission
The mission of Addis Ababa University, as a research university, is to produce competent
graduates, pursue problem-solving and knowledge-expanding research outputs, and
actively participate in scholarly community engagements in order to contribute to
national, continental, and global development.

5.1.3. Core Values

AAU adheres to the following core values:

1. Excellence: The University commits itself to the attainment of the highest
standards in academic performance by delivering high-quality programs,
promoting excellence in research and scholarly community engagement,
and engaging the community in all university functions.
2. Innovation: The University promotes the development of innovative ideas
that are marketable and that address societal needs.
3. Academic freedom: The University upholds high academic freedom as its
core value; where all members of the university community exercise full right
for free expression of thought, scholarly dialogue, and fact-based ideas.
4. Responsibility and accountability: The University ensures academic and
non-academic responsibility and accountability through responsible decision
making and prudent management of resources entrusted to it.
5. Integrity and honesty: The University fosters honesty, integrity, fairness and
ethical and professional codes of conduct in its teaching-learning, research,
and managing of its resources.
6. Unity and inclusiveness: The University embraces inclusiveness and
promotes multicultural awareness, tolerance, unity, participation and equal
opportunity of employment, education and decision making.
7. Customer focused: The University strives to provide high quality services
Addis Ababa University 35

1.1.4. Strategic Themes and Results

Strategic themes are the critical matters that indicate the “Pillars of Excellence” through
which the University excels and creates value for customers and stakeholders by
decomposing its vision into operational components. Thus, AAU’s vision is decomposed
into four areas of excellence namely; Learning-teaching, Research and technology
transfer, Scholarly Community engagement, strategic partnership and resource
generation and management, and Good governance and diversity management. The
strategic Themes of AAU is given 9.

Table 9. Strategic themes of AAU

Strategic Themes Strategic Results
1. Excellence in learning-teaching Competent and employable graduates
2. Excellence in research, technology Cutting-edge and problem-solving knowl-
transfer and knowledge manage- edge and technology produced, adopt-
ment ed, adapted, managed and transferred.
3. Excellence in scholarly community Communities engaged, Society and
Engagement, strategic partnership,
and resource generation and man- self-reliance ensured.
4. Excellence in good governance -
and diversity management culturalism, and fairness realized.

5.2. Strategic Goals

This new strategic plan of AAU consists of 12 corporate goals, as presented in Table 10.

Table 10. Corporate goals of the strategic plan

S. No Goals Objectives
Design new demand-based and marketable programs
that increase students’ employability and global
Open demand driven graduate programs
Improve the effectiveness
of the teaching-learning Review current programs and curricula.
process and increase Develop professional capacities of the academic staff.
graduate employability.
Attract industry professionals and visiting professors for
graduate teaching and academic advising.
Improve the information/digital literacy of staff,
researchers and learners
36 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Expand learner-based tutorial programs and student

Improve student admission and course management
Introduce digital pedagogy and platform.
Provide evidence-based student academic progress to
enhance retention and completion.
Expand skills and practice-centered teaching and con-
tinuous assessment.
Expand Library Collections that support the teaching
Providing easy access to library resources and Services
Creating a strong and furnished Career Service Centre
Explore student career development planning
Develop and run programs that increase undergrad-
uate students’ global competencies and enhancing
employability and global competencies.
Develop entrepreneurship soft skills
Develop staff attraction and retention methods
Proportionally increase investment in research.
Increase and disseminate research output.
Strengthen research and publication reward systems.
Explore indigenous knowledge and wisdom, and
integrate it with conventional knowledge for solving
societal problems.
Develop capacity of centre of excellences and attract
visiting research professors.
Establish Research Methodological Center (RMC) under
Build AAU’s research
capacity, produce scien-
2 Develop centralized (national) data repository, sharing
knowledge frontiers. and high-performance computational systems.
Develop grant funding and graduate research fund
management systems (strengthen CONVERIS and link
to existing automation systems like IFMIS and ICMIS).
Improve the number of reputable local journals.
Initiate research seed-grant scheme.
Strengthen the capacity of research institutes to inte-
grate graduate studies.
Transform AAU press to publishing University research
Addis Ababa University 37

Expand and promote the Ethnographic Museum at IES,

Natural History Museum and the National Herbarium at
the College of Natural and Computational Sciences to
working on the promotion of Multiculturalism, biodiver-
sity management in AAU, Preserving Heritage, giving
scholarly community engagement, generating income
Update research priority areas that align with the na-
tional development agenda.
Design research and
innovation agenda that Expand thematic and collaborative research projects
address society’s most
pressing challenges. management system.
Undertake university-industry joint funded projects.
Identify priority areas for scholarly and impactful com-
munity engagement program.
Provide transformative ment/service.
4 and scholarly community
Improve the capacity of community engagement.
Implement the rubrics for Institutionalizing Universi-
ty-Community Engagement Framework
Expand scholarly community engagement programs.
Strengthen university- industry linkage.
Cultivate innovation culture and transfer of technology.
Expand annual project, research, and job-fair exhibi-
Strengthen university-in- tions with employers.
dustry linkage, technol- Make Tikur Anbessa Hospital a preferred medical tour-
ogy transfer and stake- ism and health sciences education destination
holders’ engagement
Reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS and other reproductive
health issues in University students, and staff members
Create alumni database and consolidate their involve-
ment in supporting university initiatives.
Secure institutional autonomy, Create a strong leader-
ship and management system to ensure transparency
and accountability
Ensure academic freedom/autonomy.
Enhance communication for sharing vision, mission,
Institutional autono- and core values among stakeholders and staff.
my, good governance,
effective leadership and Work towards image building.
Mobilize and attract external funding.
Establish performance management systems.

into consideration the unique nature of Tikur Anbessa

38 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Enhance the engagement of university employees in

university affairs.
Restructure the institutional structure.

ment, …)
Work towards internationalization of higher education


Expand national and Create collaborative platforms and run joint programs
global partnerships, with national and international universities/institutions
networking and collabo- Increase and diversify international student and staff
ration. exchange programs
Help towards the realization of UN SDGs key target as
regards higher educations
Improve gender equality and inclusion; and create
all-inclusive learning environment (irrespective of sex,
Contribute towards the age, race, colour, ethnicity, language, religion, political
realization of UN SDGs or other opinion, national or social origin, property
and AU Agenda 2063 in or birth, as well as persons with disabilities, migrants,
higher educations. indigenous peoples, and children and youth, especially
those in vulnerable situations or other status)
Revitalize the causes of pan-Africanism and promoting
key continental agendas through its involvement in the
African Research University Alliance (ARUA).

Provide opportunities and resources to attract, recruit,

develop and retain the highest caliber academic and
administrative staff.
Provide opportunities
and resources to attract, Advance good governance, effective leadership and
recruit, develop and democratization.
retain the highest calibre Open and expand further education and scholarship
academic and administra- opportunities for the staff.
tive staff.
ronment for employees.
Strengthened higher education training, leadership
development centre and research
Addis Ababa University 39

Introduce succession and replacement plans.

Revise the current recognition and reward system of
the university.
Develop and expand housing scheme for employees.
Diversify staff incentive schemes.
Reinstate AAU teacher licensing, relicensing, and con-
tinuous professional development programs.

Improve digital access to staff and students

Expand ICT-supported teaching and student manage-
ment systems
Expand ICT supported research
Develop and implement coherent and holistic ICT Gov-
ernance systems and Control polices
Expand and improve smart classrooms
Implement social networking system
Upgrade teaching, graduate laboratories and establish
core labs
Expanding Library Technologies to support the teach-
ing learning and research activities of the university
Invest in technology, Establish additional centers of excellence in nationally
physical infrastructure strategic areas.
10 and institutional facilities. Expand support for graduate students
Expand ICT usage in admin domains
Install electronic security systems
Create conducive classrooms, lecture halls toilets
Backup power supply and surge protectors
Improve water supply
Create conducive working environment, green and
clean campuses
Improvement in infrastructure to enhance teaching and
Encourage and focus on sustainable university core
income generating activities
Establishment of AAU endowment fund, and securing
40 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Ensure the quality of programs of studies at all levels

Maintain the quality of research and projects
Put in place and imple-
ment procedures and Maintain the quality of community engagement and
standards to assure the technology transfer
quality of education,
Maintain stakeholder satisfaction about the quality of
research and community
education and services delivered.

Strengthen engineering and technology educational

programs to support MEGA and quality infrastructures
demanded nationally and in East Africa.

for teaching and research

Build infrastructure and resources for teaching and
research to create conducive environment for research
and excellence (Including Univer-City).

Transform engineering Support the IoTs to develop enhanced partnerships

12 and technology pro- modalities with industry, public organization and inter-
grams national donors for need-based researches, Technology
and knowledge Transfer, and develop innovative prod-
ucts and Community engagement
Revenue generation by involving in huge and quality
infrastructure of private and public sector projects

special autonomy of the IoTs as per the Autonomy Di-

rectives and boost AAU’s contribution to the engineer-
ing, technological, and urban development of national

5.2.1. University Level Strategy

The basic University level strategy is that of growth strategy in the areas of teaching-
learning with increasing focus on post graduate programs, internationalization of AAU
by increasing foreign students and cross-border education, research, and community

The University and academic unit level strategies of AAU will be implemented in the

5.2.2. Parenting Strategy

Parenting strategy deals with the relationship between the HQ of AAU and its Strategic
business units (academic units) or/and business units as well as the relationships among
Addis Ababa University 41

Vertical relationships: The possible vertical parenting strategy is either

standalone or evaluative. AAU uses standalone parenting strategy for those
institutes and programs funded by donors. For others evaluative type of
relationships will be established. In evaluative type of vertical relationship,
all other organs under AAU will be given the maximum autonomy to execute
their strategic plans. However, strong performance management systems will
be established at AAU level. Based on performance management systems, the
necessary intervention will be taken including training, replacement of managers
and incentives for performance.

Horizontal relationships: This is the relationship among and between the

different organs in AAU. Horizontal relationships among the different SBUs/
BUs will be encouraged. Special focus will be given for horizontal relationships
in certain areas such as Black Lion Hospital and the different Schools and
Departments under College of Health Sciences as well as other SBUs/BUs.

5.2.3. Academic Units Level Strategies

The academic level strategies deal with how the different colleges, institutes and
schools in AAU can satisfy the specialized capabilities through service and product in
their particular unit.

For colleges/institutes focusing on teaching-learning process, the basic strategic

and global market labor force demands. These colleges/institutes shall consider
the emerging demand in their respective contexts and disciplinary areas, local,
national, regional and international dynamic needs.

For colleges/institutes focusing on graduate-level research and innovation, the

strategic focus is to conduct need-based and problem-solving research aligning
with the priority areas of the nation, and produce innovative services and
products (research outputs and technology) that are marketable.

For health services (Black Lion Hospital), the best strategic focus will be providing
effective health services to customers. Black Lion Hospital will also develop into
non-communicable disease hub for the region.

For community engagement, the strategic focus will be facilitating scholarly and

For research institutes and centers, the strategic focus will be operational
excellence and attracting collaborative research grant for problem solving
research outputs
42 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

5.2.4. Students Career Development Strategy

Addis Ababa University has formulated Students Career Development plan aimed at
increasing the employability of graduates- consistent with the direction of MoSHE. A
prudent strategy would be to realize an 80% and more than 80% employability of the
University’s graduate by the year 2025 by improving students’ soft skills, entrepreneurial
skills and career development through intensive trainings, career guidance, counseling,
job fairs, career weeks and other related activities deemed relevant to enhance the
employability of our graduates.

The Career Development Strategy will enable students to present and demonstrate their

on soft and entrepreneurial mind set up. They will also have more clarity on their career
path and will be in the position to meet the knowledge, skills and attitude requirements
of wage employment or self-employment. Thus, AAU will organize the services into a
formal and legitimate work center.
· Soft skill Development Center: AAU shall design strategies to enhance student’s
soft skill development (arranging and inviting gusts from industry and cooperative
· Entrepreneurship Skill Development Center: AAU shall design strategies to
enhance student’s entrepreneurship skill development (arranging and inviting
gusts from industry and entrepreneurship centers Stakeholders).
· Employability through Job-fair Center: AAU shall enhance student’s employability
linking students with industries through job fair.

5.2.5. Shared Functional Strategies

The different units/colleges and academic units of the University will develop their own
business strategies cascading from the University level grand strategic plan for effective
utilization of resources. There are certain centralized resources at the university level
such as ICT to be shared among the various academic units.

5.2.6. ICT Strategy

The available ICT services in AAU are limited to very basic web browsing, e-mail,
Registrar System, Integrated Financial Management Information system (IFMIS),
plagiarism test, e-learning, online entrance exam, research management, digital library,
smart classrooms, CONVERIS and limited performance appraisal.

As a research university, AAU is expected to garner high amount of data and conduct
computationally intensive research. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing AAU
to rethink new modes of course delivery and running its routine businesses.
Addis Ababa University 43

and services in terms of their service quality, coverage, and capacity. AAU shall encourage
online learning systems, install institutional email-based communication, design its ICT
policies (e.g., for electronic communication and approval of soft transactions), harness
open-source solutions and emerging technologies (like cloud computing), eventually
move to a single point authentication, authorization and accounting system. Realizing
the capital-intensive ICT investment, AAU shall craft mechanisms to utilize its staff and
students to come-up with homegrown innovative solutions. For that the ICT units shall
work hand-in-hand with the academic units.

5.2.7. HRM Strategy

In spite of progress registered in past years in the university’s overall growth, there is a
high level of staff disengagement including high level of absenteeism from class, failure
to strictly observe academic calendars, poor advising and low morale for a number of
internal and external reasons. The performance appraisal is not properly designed with
little objective for development. Some members of the teaching staff have even full-
time employment in other organizations.

As a very important phase in developing an effective human resource management

strategy, AAU will conduct an assessment of its current staff by immediate academic units

by college/institute heads using the performance/potential grid indicated in Table 11.

Table 11. Performance/potential grid to be used by colleges and institutes.
Box 5 Box 2 Box 1

Seasoned professional capable Does extremely well at current Consistently performs well in a
High of expanded role, but may be job with potential to do more; variety of assignments; superstar
experiencing problems that re- give stretch assignments to help employee. Big picture thinker;
quire coaching and mentoring prepare for next level problem solver; self-motivated.

Box 8 Box 6 Box 3

With coaching could progress May be considered for job en- Current role may still provide
within level; focus on stretch largement at the same level, but opportunity for growth/develop-
goals for this employee may need coaching in several ment; focus should be on help-
areas, including people manage- ing improve strategic thinking.

Box 9 Box 7 Box 4

Consider reassignment, reclas- Effective performer, but may Experienced high performer but
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

have reached career potential; try has reached of career potential.

Low from AAU to coach employee on becoming Still a valuable employee and
more innovative, focus on lateral can be encouraged to develop
thinking communications and teaching/
research skills

Low Medium High

Addis Ababa University 45

Once the report is consolidated at the University level, a series of actions will be taken
at individual level to enhance performance and competence through need-based
training, career development, coaching and mentoring. Staff incentive schemes will be
developed based on capacity and legal requirements.

5.2.8. Innovation Strategy

AAU uses open innovation strategy to assist the academic community, the business

processes, transfer and incubation.

5.2.9. Research Strategy

conduct impactful research due to resource and other infrastructure constraints imposed
by low government budget earmarked for research. The following strategies shall be
executed to improve the limitations.

· Research capacity building strategy: The duty of unit is to train and update staff
on common research tools including grant winning proposal writing, mobilize
the academic staff to develop collaborative research on the research priority
areas of University, raise awareness and capacity of academic and technical staff
on research ethics, data analysis techniques, research management, reference
management tools, and research and academic writing skills. The unit/center
will mobilize talented professional trainers from around the world including the
Ethiopian diaspora.

would be acquiring international announcements /calls, disseminating calls to the

AAU community using electronic outlets, coordinating proposals development,
and support staff to apply. AAU will develop donor map showing potential will
be approached with detailed proposals for funding to complement and support
its efforts.

· Research laboratories and core labs: Research laboratories will be strengthened

established to support graduate research running in each academic unit. Core
labs will be established in selected areas to avoid duplication of equipment and

by offering analysis services to national and regional research institutions.

· Project management strategy: One of the critical problems of AAU is low level
of fund utilization, poor reporting to donors and unclear engagement of major
46 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

· Social entrepreneurship research center: One of the most innovative approaches

for solving social problems using business approach is the development of social
entrepreneurs. To assist donors and social entrepreneurs in Ethiopia, AAU will
establish research center for social entrepreneurship.

· AI Research Centre: One of the critical elements in the fourth Industrial Revolution

will establish AI Research Centre by coordinating relevant academic units. As AI

in AAU. Its team members must be mobilized from various academic units. The
AI Research Centre, among others, shall be engaged in organizing relevant data
from multiple domains, identify and build capacity in computational hardware
and platforms, develop relevant rules and policies, build staff and student
capacity, solicit funders and partners, and coordinate high impact AI researches.

5.2.10. Financial Management Strategy

process for research projects. In order to mitigate such a chronic problem and bring

for appropriate research-based solutions for each constraint.

5.2.11. Procurement Strategy

processes. The capacity is extremely low and it is not responsive to the needs of the
different academic units. Therefore, the following interventions will be made to improve

· Decentralization of procurement except major purchasing: One of the most

of AAU, centralized procurement is unrealistic. AAU will need to decentralize

its procurement system. The researcher must be allowed to purchase up to
ETB 100,000 following government procurement procedures. For technical
procurement, AAU can outsource its procurement tasks. Capacity building may
also contribute for effective purchasing.

· Sourcing strategy: AAU may also develop a sourcing strategy by assisting and
capacitating the potential suppliers by focusing on critical and important inputs.
Addis Ababa University 47

5.2.12. Community Engagement Strategy Community Engagement

Community engagement, which comprises reciprocal scholarly activities designed to

impart growth and development both for AAU and community partners, is a core mission
of AAU and hence the responsibility of all academic units. AAU has issued a guideline
for community engagement in 2019 to emphasize its importance and its vital role of
AAU in advancing the public good and maintain its collaboration with communities
across the city, region, country and world.

AAU will therefore: -

· put the necessary governance structure in place to ensure a sustained Community

· Engagement by the various academic units of the University; cultivate a culture

of community engagement among university staff and student body;


· support academic units to assess core community needs and design, implement,
monitor and evaluate projects that engage and serve the community;

necessary for effective Community Engagement. Scholarly community engagement

AAU has an excellent standing to furnish scholarly community engagement both to
internal and external community.

The internal and external community may include but not limited to: -

· Women leadership development: There is a national effort for gender balance in

work to improve the competence of women to assume their deserving position in

in the community and effectively execute their responsibility in all spheres. AAU
will establish a leadership development center to assist the government effort to
effectively deal with gender issues.

· Consultancy: All types of consultancy services in all areas of its expertise including
management, engineering, legal, environment, health, etc. Due to lack of
48 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

competent local workforce, the huge nationwide investments are now designed
and constructed by foreign companies. AAU should contribute to reducing this
involvement by reorienting itself to handle high-end/high-tech tasks and collecting
its share from the huge investments.

· Commissioned research: Sometimes, there may be big surveys and research

projects beyond the capacity of individual employees and teams. AAU will be
engaged in commissioned research without crowding competition with small

· Database: AAU will start to maintain critical national data that may be required
by researchers, consultants, investors, small business operators and development
partners in certain nationally critical areas.

5.2.13. Communication Strategy

AAU has obtrusive weakness in communication practices both with the internal and

communicate relevant information to staff students. Another serious problem is that

AAU’s staff appear on mass media such as television programs to participate in interviews,
discussions and provide public speeches in areas outside of their specialization and
expertise raising credibility issues to the university. Television and other media interviews
need to be regulated. It may also develop database of its experts and provide the same
to the media consumption for possible interviews and professional analysis. AAU will
standardize its communication with stakeholders in the following manner :

· Email communications: email communications shall be standardized and

supported by policies. Some considerations while drafting the policies
may include that all formal email communications shall be done using the
University’s account. To keep the institutional memory, all appointees must
use formal email address opened in the name of their unit, and shall handover
the account upon completing their terms. All staff and students will have

· Professional dialogue: AAU shall design strategies to enhance professional

dialogue (arranging for academic presentations and ethical and moral

· Art: AAU shall utilize art to publicize its works and create a leisure activity for
its staff.

· Blogging: There must be a social media platform for University staff and
students for writing certain articles subject to editorial processes and
authorization. This opportunity may reduce the unregulated activism and
Addis Ababa University 49

engagement among university staff.

· TV: AAU will have its own TV programs where major trends and ideas will be
discussed based on expertise.

· Webinar on innovation and issues in trend: periodic discussions on

innovation or major trends may be organized by AAU.

· Branding strategy: AAU will invest in branding strategy with clear strategy
and documented plan.

· Website
periodically to communicate the news and views of public interest and
increase its visibility

· Effectively utilize the museum at the Ethnographic Museum at Institute of

Ethiopian Studies and Natural History Museum and the National Herbarium
at the College of Natural and Computational Sciences as showcase of the
unique capacities of AAU and promote the importance of the rich museums
for national identity and protecting biodiversity.

5.2.14. Quality Management and Assurance Strategy

As long as an organization sets its strategic plan for its corporate objectives and functions,
it also needs to introduce a strategic quality planning in order for the corporate goals to
be effectively realized. Even though Addis Ababa University has always had its strategic
plan, those strategic plans have never been interfaced with effective quality strategic
planning. AAU, will therefore, put in place viable quality management and assurance
plans that align with and support the realization of those corporate strategies and goals
mapped out in this strategic plan.

As a fundamental pathway, AAU’s quality assurance strategy underlines strict compliance

with at least the minimum standards and principles set by the Ethiopian Higher
Education Quality Assurance and Relevance Agency (HERQAA) nationally and by the
Bologna Process and Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European
Higher Education Area (SGQAEHEA) internationally in order to achieve high quality in

rigorous steps of cyclic accreditations (national and international and by all modes of
accreditation and accreditors) in order to keep abreast with time in terms of the high
quality of its educational programs and services and thereby maximize its capabilities of
being an internationally competitive and vibrant research university.
50 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

AAU will also follow both internal and external quality assurance mechanisms. The
internal quality assurance in turn will focus, guiding and controlling members of the
university community and the operation systems to strictly comply with the standards,
regulations, legislations and operational and performance frameworks of the university
while also continuously empowering the university community to develop a culture of
quality. Delivering high quality products and services is not a choice but a survival
issue to outcompete and satisfy the dynamic needs and aspiration of customers and
stakeholders and exert high impact on the overall societal development of the country
and beyond. In addition to the quality assurance mechanisms, effective internal quality
enhancement initiatives and activities will be put in place by the different academic and
research units of the university.
· In its efforts to assure quality, Addis Ababa University will strictly observe the
following international standards in order to secure international accreditation and
maintain strong internal quality assurance and enhancement system.

· Approval, monitoring and periodic review of programs and awards: AAU will
continuously develop and improve formal mechanisms for the approval, periodic
review, and monitoring of its programs and awards.

· Assessment of students: AAU’s students will be assessed using published criteria,

regulations, and procedures which are consistently applied.

· Quality assurance of teaching staff and continuous professional development:

AAU will develop a system to make sure that members of the teaching staff are

· Learning resources and student support: AAU will ensure that the resources
available for the support of student learning are adequate, appropriate, and
technologically up-to-date for each program offered.

· Information systems: AAU will ensure that relevant information is collected and
analyzed for effective quality management of its academic programs

Public information: AAU will regularly publish up-to-date, impartial and objective
information about the programs and awards it offers in order to meet the
standards of accountability to public quality demands.

5.2.15. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

Table 12 provides the goals and/or interests of each stakeholder/customer and
corresponding strategies to realize them.
Addis Ababa University 51

Table 12. Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

S. No Stakeholder/customer Goal/interest Strategies
Allocating adequate budget
Strengthening the university
1 Federal government and creating peaceful work-
in all its mission areas
ing environment
Providing appropriate policy
Ministry of Science and
Working collaboratively with guidance and helping to
2 Higher Education/Minis-
the university create international net-
try of Education
Working collaboratively
3 Ministry of Health with the College of Health well as knowledge and skill
Sciences of the university sharing
Facilitating the university’s Serving as a linkage be-
effort to work with the local tween the university and the
City Administration of
4 community and supporting local community; working to
Addis Ababa
the university as the need solve staff housing-related
arises problems
Enhancing the overall excel-
Providing timely and fair
5 University leadership lence and creating a condu-
cive working environment
Professionally developing
and offering high quality
Academic Working towards ensuring
teaching and transformative
quality in the all mission
community engagement;
staff areas
and conducting prob-
University lem-solving research

Developing administrative
Proving/working skilfully knowledge, skill, and integ-
with the leadership and rity
tive staff
academic staff
Acquiring saleable knowl- Working hard in every dis-
7 Students
edge, skill, and attitude cipline
Collaboratively working with Creating appropriate
Employers /businesses
8 university to enhance gradu- environment for internship
and industries/
ate employability programs
Working collaboratively with Creating relevant linkage as
9 Public
university appropriate
Creating relevant linkage as
Working collaboratively with appropriate and identifying
10 Local community
university possible areas of support
from the university
Working collaboratively with
Higher education insti- Sharing human and material
tutions from the huge experience of resources
the university
52 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

S. No Stakeholder/customer Goal/interest Strategies

Working collaboratively with Creating networks and shar-
12 International community
university ing knowledge and skills
Working collaboratively with Supporting the university
13 Donors and alumni university and improving the -
university’s status nerships
Working collaboratively with Create an alumni database
AAU alumni for resource for multiple alumni associ-
14 Alumni
mobilization, networking ations per academic unit or
and image building year of graduation.

6. Strategy Implementation

6.1. Strategy Intervention

The leadership of AAU is expected to employ holistic approach in the execution of
the strategy since partial treatment will produce limited success and may not lead the
university to excellence. Hence, the leadership will give due attention to the following
seven areas of intervention(7S’s). Table 13 provides the strategic intervention areas of
the leadership of AAU.
Table 13. Strategic intervention areas of the leadership of AAU.
S. No Interven- Descriptions Current situation in Possible actions
tion Areas AAU
Formulate communi-
They are either not cation strategy so that
Shared The guiding cherished
communicated or shared vision, mission,
values principles that direct
1. accepted by staff. goals, and values be-
(central the AAU’s behavior at
They are not shared come guiding principles
variable) all levels.
among staff. in AAU at all levels of
decision making.
AAU’s culture, usual-
ly described as ‘the AAU uses relatively
Shift towards more of
way things are done centralized decision
2. Style decentralization and
around here’ such making in support
as centralization and areas.
Formulate and imple-
The people in the There is no ade- ment talent manage-
University, their talents quate information ment strategy in AAU.
3. Staff
and the way they are about staff potential Differentiate staff based
developed. and performance. on potential-perfor-
mance matrix.
Addis Ababa University 53

S. No Interven- Descriptions Current situation in Possible actions

tion Areas AAU
There is no solid
information but poor
Conduct training needs
English language
The competencies assessment and formu-
and research compe-
and capabilities of late skills upgrading
4. Skills tences of staff. Little
the University and its strategy at all levels by
investment in com-
people. establishing Training and
puter and leadership
Development Center.
skills development
of staff.
AAU dominantly
Change the structure
uses functional struc-
to Divisional Structure
The way in which ture in the support
with strong performance
5. Structure AAU’s activities are wing. This is not
management systems
managed. appropriate for big
at HQ and the different
organizations such
as AAU.
Assign competent
managers and leaders
Poor execution of
to key positions with
6. Strategy has to achieve its strategies. There is
full empowerment and
objectives. no strategic focus.
resources for improving
Start process map-
Weak internal
ping and improvement
processes in many
aiming at improving
areas such as HRM,
All the systems that internal processes using
7. Systems Finance, Procure-
direct AAU’s activity benchmarking Estab-
ment, Information
lish process council for
systems, Project
decision making related
to process.

6.2. Action Plan

An action plan is a plan that contains enough detail to achieve an objective or goal.
This typically includes an outline of goals, objectives, measurements, action steps and

in Table 14.
Table 14. Action Plan
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Strategic Goal 1. Improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process and increase graduate employability 2017

Design new Conduct needs Number New Regular AVP 216 4 4 5 5 5 15

demand-based assessment and de- programs opened
and market- velop new programs (MSc/M. A)
able programs
that increase Number New Extension AVP 54 - 1 1 1 1 10
students’ em- programs opened
ployability and (MSc/M. A)
global compe- Number New Distance Ed- AVP 11 - 1 2 2 1 5
tencies. ucation programs
opened (MSc/M.
Number New Regular AVP 98 3 3 3 3 3 12
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

programs opened
Develop and run Number Online programs AVP 1 0 1 1 1 1 15
an online graduate run

Open demand Assess and validate Number Programs opened AVP 2 1 1 1 5

driven gradu- the appropriateness
ate programs of proposed pro-
Review current Form program review Number Reviewed pro- AVP N/A 5 8 12 12 12 20
programs and committees grams
Organize stakehold- Number Workshops AVP N/A 5 5 5 6 6 15
er workshops and
review programs
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Develop Diagnose capacity Number Diagnosis of gaps AVP N/A 2 2
professional gaps
capacities of
the academic Select highly quali- Number Trainers AVP N/A 10 10
Prepare training Number Training materials AVP N/A 2 2
Offer the training Number Trainings offered AVP N/A 2 2

Trained staff AVP N/A 200 200 200 200 500

Facilitate academic Number Revised and AVP 1 1

staff promotion developed
procedures for
promotion and
Offer staff English Number Staff trained AVP N/A 50 50 50 50 200
language improve-
ment training
Run Continuous Number Staff trained (CPD) AVP N/A 300 300 300 300 500
Professional Devel-
opment Programs
and HDP
Number Staff trained (HDP) AVP 2500 120 120 120 120 120 1000

Work with colleges Percentage Academic staff AVP 25 50 75 85 95 100 150

to increase the staff assessed using
assessment scheme online system
and system
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Recommend and Percentage Academic staff AVP NA 25 50 75 100 100 200
support upgrading trained on peda-
training for academic gogical courses
staff members based
on assessment result
Maintain effective Percentage Academic Staff AVP 100 100 100 100 100 100 250
Academic Staff Pro- Promoted
Development of Staff Number Programs opened AVP 0 1 1 1 1 1 5
Development Plan
Attract indus- Create global part- Number Partnerships AVP 1 1 1 1 1 5
try profession- nerships created
als and visiting
professors Number Professors invited AVP 0 4 6 8 10 12 100
for graduate Invite professors
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

teaching and
academic ad- Sign Memoranda of Number MoUs signed Presi- 25 5 10 10 15 20 50
vising. understanding with dent
relevant industries
- Number Professionals AVP 0 4 6 8 10 12 10
fessionals invited
- Number MoUs signed AVP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
nancial supporters on
inclusion of students
with disabilities
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Improve the Prepare and update Number Manuals prepared AVP 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
information/ information/digital and updated
digital literacy literacy training
of staff, re- manuals
searchers and
learners Conduct information/ Number Participants in- AVP 200 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 500
digital literacy and volved
orientation to users
Conduct training on Number Researchers AVP 0 400 400 400 400 400 300
identifying Predatory trained
Publish research per- Number Reports published AVP 2 2 2 2 2 2 5
formance regularly to
assess its rank
Conduct digital Number Students trained AVP 0 200 300 400 500 600 2000
literacy training on
the use of social
networks sites for
Increase JAWS Number Students with dis- AVP 30 50 50 50 50 50 100
supported computer abilities trained
training for students
with disabilities
Expand learn- Identify low- per- Number Students identi- AVP 0 - 200 200 200 200 300
er-based tuto- forming and interest-
rial programs ed students
and student
services. Select instructors and Number Tutorials conduct- AVP 40 40 40 40 100
offer tutorials ed
Students tutored AVP 500 500 500 500 1000
Addis Ababa University
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Offer language pro- Number Students trained AVP 0 250 250 250 250 1000

Improve stu- Facilitate compensa- Number Compensated AVP N/A 100% 0 0 0 0
dent admission tory classes missed classes - Regular
and course due to COVID 19
management Number Compensated AVP N/A 240
systems. classes -under-
graduate exten-
Administer entrance Number Exams adminis- AVP 0 2 2 2 2 2 5
exams for new appli- tered-TLSO/Test-
cants ing Center
Number Exams adminis- AVP 3 1 1 1 1 1 5
tered-CDEO-Ex- rounds
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Number Exams adminis- AVP 3 1 1 1 1 1 5

tered-CDEO-Dis- rounds
Improve admission Number Admitted and AVP 45 100 100 100 100 100 500
and assigning pro- Assigned students
cess of students with with disabilities
disabilities and convenience
on learning
Provide orientation Number Training sessions AVP 0 1 1 1 1 1 5
and mobility training conducted
for new students with
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Determine intake Number Students newly AVP 3551 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 15000
capacity admitted (Under-
graduate Regular-
Percentage Students newly AVP 36 38 38 40 40 45 50
admitted (Under-
graduate Regular
- Female)
Number Extension AVP 3045 - 1500 1200 1000 800 2000
students newly
admitted (Under-
graduate Total)
Number Extension AVP 400 - 615 516 640 400 2500
students newly
admitted (Under-
graduate Female)
Number Students newly AVP 2171 2300 2350 2400 2400 2400 25000
admitted (MSc/
M.A - total)
Number Students newly AVP 390 400 450 500 550 600 15000
admitted (MSc/
M.A - female)
Number PHD admission, AVP 480 500 550 550 600 600 1200
including Home
grown PHD pro-
grams (HCCP)
Number Students newly AVP 140 150 175 175 200 250 800
admitted PhD -
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Number Extension AVP 3731 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 17000
students newly
admitted (Gradu-
ate- total)
Number Extension AVP 310 640 680 740 820 920 4500
students newly
admitted (Gradu-
ate Female)
Number Distance edu- AVP 1124 485 515 575 635 665 9000
cation students
newly admitted
(Graduate- Total)
Number Distance edu- AVP 310 155 175 213 260 306 4500
cation students
newly admitted
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

(Graduate- Fe-
Accept female schol- Number New female stu- AVP 200 200 200 200 200 200 1000
arship applicants and dents admitted
conduct screening
Accept disability Number New students AVP 15 15 15 15 15 15 150
scholarship appli- with disabilities
cants and conduct admitted
Facilitate orientation Number Orientations given AVP 2 2 2 2 2 2 5

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Introduce dig- Conduct virtual/on- Number Programs where AVP 7 7 8 10 12 13 50
ital pedagogy line/e-learning teach- teaching-learning
and platform. ing and learning is virtual/on-
Implement virtual/ Number Programs with AVP 11 7 7 8 9 11 30
online/e-learning ad- electronic advis-
vising and feedback ing
Practice virtual/ Number Programs with on- AVP 7 8 9 11 13 14 50
online/e-learning line assessment
assessment programs
Carryout virtual/ Number Programs with AVP 7 8 9 11 13 14 25
digital presentation digital presenta-
programs tions
Provide evi- Organize and analyze Ratio Retention rate AVP NA 1 1 1 1 1 5
dence-based data on retention (overall and per
student aca- program)
demic progress
to enhance Organize and analyze Ratio Completion rate AVP NA 1 1 1 1 1 5
retention and data on completion (overall and per
completion. program)

Completion rate AVP NA 1 1 1 1 1 5

Encourage and facil- Number Research AVP 0 1 1 1 1 1 5
itate research-based
support for students report and sup-
with disabilities port strategy ma-
terial developed
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Develop inclusion Number Inclusion policy AVP 0 1 1 1 1 1 5
policy for students document and
with disabilities and survey report,
survey its implemen-
Expand skills Revisit modules for Percentage Modules in differ- AVP NA 10 30 60 80 100 200
and prac- skills-centeredness ent programs
teaching and Implement practi- Percentage Practicum/Intern- AVP 50 60 60 70 70 70 100
continuous cum/internship ship programs
assessment programs
Implement continu- Percentage Modules within a AVP 70 80 90 100 100 100 100
ous assessment in all program
college curricula
Expand Library Digitize E-books, Number E-books, Jour- AVP 230,004 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 100.0000
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Collections local journals, disser- nals, thesis

that support tations and thesis digitized
the teaching
learning Subscribe E-books Number List of books and AVP 0 3000 4000 5000 7000 7000 1500
journals sub-
Collect Multimedia Number Resources col- AVP 1000 3000 4000 5000 5000 5000 15000
resources lected
Subscribe e-journals Number Journal titles sub- AVP 3500 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 8000
Increase open access Number Accessible Open AVP 20,000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 200000
Journals journals
Increase Raw Re- Number Datasets in- AVP 0 2000 3000 3000 4000 4000 150000
search Data creased
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Provide easy Conduct user ed- Number Staff and student AVP 4000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5000
access to ucation about the trained
library resourc- library resources and
es and Services services
Catalogue and classi- Number AVP 170,000 5000 5000 6000 6000 8000 20000
fy the existing library and catalogued
Conduct training Number Staff and student AVP 1200 100 100 100 100 100 1700
on research intelli- trained
gence software and
Plagiarism detection
Conduct training on Number Staff and student AVP 50 100 200 200 150 100 800
Reference Manage- trained
ment software, Data
management tools,
Journal indexing
Provide dedicate Number Spaces provided AVP, 70 5 10 10 15 10 25
spaces for Collabora-
tive Research Library

Equip the library Number Computers and Library 250 100 120 120 120 120 500
with computers and laptops set
Create a Number AVP 15 2 3 3 2 2 10
strong and fur- and availability
nished Career career persons of professional
Service Center career staff
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Explore stu- Assist undergrad- Number Graduate stu- AVP 1500 1000 1100 1800 2000 2500 5000
dent career uate students with dents assisted
development all aspects of career
planning development and
Develop and Conduct needs as- Number Materials devel- AVP 1 2 3 3 4 4 15
run programs sessment and devel- oped
that increase op soft skills training
undergradu- materials
ate students’
global com- Introduce entrance Number Selecting best AVP 1 1 1 1 1 5
petencies exam for all under- students for all
and enhance graduate student undergraduate
employability admission programs
Develop effective job Number Strategies devel- AVP 1 1 1 1 1 5
search strategies for oped
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

competitiveness and

Provide extra-curric- Number Trainings offered AVP 0 4 5 6 6 7 10

ular training on soft
skills Number Students trained AVP 0 3000 3500 4000 4000 4500 10000

Provide Career Coun- Number Students coun- AVP 0 50 100 125 150 175 500
seling and assess- seled and as-
ment for all under- sessed
graduate students
Provide training and Number Students trained AVP 0 10 13 15 20 25 120
support to special and supported
abled (disabled)
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Develop en- Assess students Number Assessments con- AVP 0 2 2 2 2 2 5
trepreneurship need, interests and ducted
soft skills skill gaps
Select highly quali- Number Trainers selected AVP 0 3 3 4 4 4 20

Prepare training Number Training materials AVP 1 2 3 3 4 4 25

materials prepared
Provide training Number Students trained AVP 0 200 300 400 500 550 2500
to undergraduate
Increase student number Student union VPASS 1 3 3 5 5 10 20
participation in extra strengthen, sport,
and co-curricular and other clubs
activities expanded
Develop Organize career Number Organized events AVP 0 25 28 32 40 45 100
industries week, expo and job
and employ- fairs
er attraction
and retention Offer tailored ser- Number Tailored services AVP 0 5 3 4 5 6 20
methods vices to employers offered
including advertising
and promotion of
vacancies on and off
campus recruitments
and selections and
Prepare awareness Number Awareness AVP 1 1 1 1 1 5
creation environ-
ment with employers creation sessions
regarding career conducted
Addis Ababa University

development service

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Sign MoUs with Number MOUs Singed AVP 3 3 3 4 4 5 15
collaborative organi-
Create employment Percentage Graduates em- AVP 60 70 75 80 83 85 90
opportunities to ployed
Carry out a tracer Number Study Report AVP 1 1 1 1 1 1 5

Proportion- Increase the annual Ratio Size of budget VPRTT 64 M 120 M 200 M 250 M 300 M 350 M 700 M
ally increase research budget. allocated
investment in
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Increase and Increase the number Number Researches arti- VPRTT 1600 2200 3000 3500 4000 4500 10000
disseminate re- of research publica- cles published
search output tions in reputable
journals and confer-
ence proceedings.
Organize national Number Dissemination VPRTT 10 30 50 60 60 70 1000
and international workshops/semi-
seminars, confer- nars organized
ences, and work-
shops to disseminate

Strengthen Strengthen publica- Number Publication VPRTT 1600 2200 3000 3500 4000 4500 10000
research and tion incentive
publication re-
ward systems Award researchers Number Awards made VPRTT 0 3 5 5 5 7 10000
who published in
reputable journals.
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Award researchers Number Awards made VPRTT 0 5 5 7 7 7 20
who generate grants
Award women re- Number Awards made VPRTT 0 2 3 5 5 5 20
Explore Identify indigenous Number Applications of VPRTT 0 1 2 3 5 5 15
indigenous knowledge practi- Indigenous knowl-
knowledge tioners. edge to solve
and wisdom, practical problems
and integrate
it with con- Link with appropriate Number Links formed VPRTT 0 1 2 3 5 5 30
ventional AAU researchers.
knowledge for
solving societal
Attract visiting Number Professors visited VPRTT 10 15 20 25 30 35 10020
research pro- request from college/
fessors department
Amount Revised fee rate VPRTT $300 $300 $300 $500 $500 $500 $500
Number VPRTT 10 15 20 25 30 35 10020
create enabling envi- for professors
Provide accommo- Number Accommodations VPRTT 10 15 20 25 30 35 10020
dation reserved for pro-
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Establish Re- Establish RMC and Number Centers estab- VPRTT 0 - 1 - - -
search Meth- coordinator recruit- lished
odological ment
Center (RMC)
under Research Provide trainings Number Trained staff VPRTT 60 800 800 60 60 60 500
based on demand
(Proposal writing;
Research Ethics; Soft
skills (statistics, refer-
ence management))
Develop Prepare database at Number Database centers VPRTT 0 2 2 3 4 4 5
centralized center and college established
(national) data levels VPID
sharing and Standardize data Number Formats standard- VPRTT 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
high-perfor- collection formats ized
mance com-
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Acquire high perfor- Number HPCs obtained VPRTT 0 - 1 - - - 3

putational mance computing
systems (HPC) VPID

Develop grant Prepare policy Number Set policy for VPRTT 0 - 1 - - - 1

funding and funding scheme
research fund Conduct donor Number Donor map pre- VPRTT 0 - 1 - - - 1
management mapping pared
systems Open call and pro- Number Grants provided VPRTT 0 0 3 5 5 5 25
(strengthen vide grant
link to existing
systems like
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Improve Provide technical and Number Accredited and VPRTT 18 18 20 20 21 22 40
number of reputable local
reputable local existing journals journals
Evaluate existing Number Assessment/year VPRTT 18 1 1 1 1 1 5
Encourage launching Number New journals VPRTT 18 2 2 2 2 2 10
of new journals launched
Encourage local jour- Number Journals regis- VPRTT 3 2 2 2 2 2 20
nals to be indexed in tered
international data-
base (e.g., Scopus)
Initiate re- Open a call, review, Number Grants reviewed VPRTT 0 10 20 20 20 20 40
search seed- and award and awarded
grant scheme

Strengthen Review research staff Number Promotion guide- VPRTT 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

the capacity promotion scheme line reviewed
of research in-
stitutes to inte- Provide resources for Number Resources provid- VPRTT 0 11 20 20 20 20 100
grate graduate research ed (in million Birr)
studies Integrate graduate Number Programs started Insti- 7 1 1 2 2 2 10
programs in research tutes
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Upgrade Take an inventory of Number Inventory carried AVP 0 1 - - - 5
teaching, grad- existing labs out. and
uate labs and VPRT
establish core
labs Upgrade teaching Number Facilities upgrad- AVP 0 - 1 1 - 5
and diagnostic labo- ed and their level and
ratories. of upgrading. VPRT
Upgrade and estab- Number Labs upgraded AVP/ 5 5 5 5 5 5 25
lish PhD research labs VPRT
Establish core labs Number Labs established VPRT 0 - - 1 1 1 5

Transform AAU Publish university Number Published re- AAU 2 5 5 5 5 5 5

press to pub- research works search outcomes Press
lishing Univer-
sity research
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Strategic Goal 3. Design research and innovation agenda that address society’s most pressing challenges.

Update re- Review research Number Updated policy VPRTT 1 1 1

search priority policy
areas that align
with the na- Update research Number Updated priority VPRTT 1 1 1
tional develop- priority areas areas
ment agenda Review research Number Updated manual VPRTT 1 1 1
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Expand Increase the capacity Number Commissioned VPRTT 1 10 10 10 10 10 50
thematic and of AAU to attract researches attract-
collaborative international research ed/requested
research proj- grants.
Open a call, review, Number Thematic research VPRTT 46 50 60 70 70 70 500
and award projects reviewed
and awarded
Establish a Customize research Number Platform custom- VPRTT 0 1 - - - 5
research grant management plat- ized
strong project
management Open a research Number Research grant VPRTT 0 1 - - - -
Terms of Reference
Provide sustainable Number Vehicles made VPRTT 0 5 5 10 10 10 20
logistics services available
through rental to
research projects
Undertake Identify research top- Number Jointly-funded VPRTT 0 1 3 5 5 5 15
university-in- ics for joint funded projects
dustry joint project and link to
funded proj- AAU staff
Select ideas for incu- Number Incubation ideas VPRTT 0 1 2 4 5 5 10
bation chosen
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Strategic Goal 4. Provide transformative and scholarly community engagement

Identify Identify community Number Priorities identi- VPRTT 4 8 10 12 14 15 60

priority areas engagement priority
for scholarly areas
and impactful
community Support community Number Community VPRTT 8 16 20 24 26 30 100
engagement engagement pro- engagement pro-
program posals posals supported
Start satellite com- Number Active satellite VPRTT 1 3 4 5 7 10 30
munity projects community proj-
ects run
Initiate community Number Active community VPRTT 0 1 4 6 8 10 20
engagement centers engagement cen-
ters available
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Number Financial sources VPRTT 0 3 4 6 8 10 10

sources to pro- sources
vide communi-
ty engagement Prepare grant pro- Number Grant proposals VPRTT 0 4 6 10 12 15 50
posals prepared
Size of collected % Size of collected VPRTT 0 3 6 9 12 15 25
grants grant (in ETB)
Improve the Prepare capacity Number Community VPRTT 0 100 200 300 400 500 1000
capacity of building training for engagement pro-
community external stakeholders viders (External)
engagement trained
Prepare capacity Number Community VPRTT 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 5000
building training for engagement
AAU staff providers (AAU)
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Introduce new com- Number New programs VPRTT 0 3 4 5 6 10 10
munity engagement introduced
Identify staff who will Number Staff who provid- VPRTT 150 200 250 300 400 450 1000
provide free service ed free communi-
ty engagements
Identify students Number Students who VPRTT 750 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 1000
provided free
community en-
attachment (service gagements
Implement Prepare rubric doc- Percentage Copies of the VPRTT 0 75 1000 - - 100 100
the rubrics for ument rubric printed
izing Universi- Train academic staff Number Academic staff VPRTT 0 1400 400 200 2600 3000 5000
ty-Community on the document trained
Engagement Recognize the aca- Number Academic staff VPRTT 0 140 180 200 260 300 500
Framework demic staff received credit
Expand schol- Reorient the existing Percentage Staffs reported to VPRTT 0 20 40 60 80 100 100
arly community non-professional engage in profes-
engagement community engage- sional community
programs ment services.
Revitalize innovative Number Task force estab- VPRTT 0 1 - - - - 1
community engage- lished
ment taskforce.
Tap research outputs Number Research outputs VPRTT 10 15 20 25 30 35 100
deliverable to the delivered
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Establish Creative Percentage Audiences for VPRTT 25 90 95 `100 100 100 300
Team AAU owned
satellite television
Establishing & Form Number Facilities estab- VPRTT 0 1 - - - 1
Production and lished
Distribution of Pro- Number Products distrib- VPRTT 0 50 50 50 50 50 200
duction uted
Boost Project based Number Services improved VPRTT 1 4 6 8 9 10 20
community engage-
Support satellite Number Satellite com- VPRTT 0 10 20 30 40 50 100
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

community services munity services

through ‘Urban Agri- offered
Strategic Goal 5. Strengthen university-industry linkage and stakeholders’ engagement and management.

Strengthen uni- Establish AAU-In- Number Links established VPRTT 1 20 20 20 20 20 50

versity- indus- dustry Forum and and maintained
try linkage maintain the linkage
with the industry
Organize universi- Percentage Functionality, VPRTT 0 10 20 20 20 20 50
ty-industry linkage coverage, and
database to provide timelines of the
evidence-based database
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Conduct indus- Number Industry-spon- VPRTT 0 4 6 8 10 12 50
try-sponsored and/ sored and jointly
or joint adaptive conducted adap-
researches tive researches
Facilitate training and Number Consultancies and VPRTT 0 4 8 12 16 20 40
consulting services trainings provided
redirected to the
needs of the industry
Run industry-tailored Number Industry-tailored VPRTT 0 5 10 15 20 20 30
programs/curricula programs run
Administer and Number of students, academ- VPRTT 2215 2250 2750 3000 3250 50 15000
expand internship, programs ic staff, & industry
externship, and linked staff exchanged 0 5 15 20 25 20 60
practicum programs
0 0 10 15 20 20 35
across disciplines
Support colleges and Number Joint meetings VPRTT 0 4 4 4 4 4 15
institutes for strong held with asso-
university-industry ciate deans for
linkage and technol- Research and
ogy transfer Technology
Cultivate inno- Conduct innovation Number Innovation work- VPRTT 0 4 4 4 4 4 15
vation culture workshops through shops/meetings
and transfer of strengthening inno- conducted
technology vation hubs
Organize competi- Number Innovators award- VPRTT 0 3 3 3 3 3 12
tion among students/ ed
young Ethiopian
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Administer periodic Number Innovations VPRTT 0 20 25 30 35 35 120
innovation compe- admitted to the
titions to increase TBICs
technology innova-
tion incubations and
Facilitate the provi- Number Patent rights reg- VPRTT 0 4 5 5 6 8 10
sion of patent right istered
and licensing service
Commercialize suc- Number Start-ups commer- VPRTT 0 3 5 6 8 10 12
cessful start-ups from cialized
incubation centers
Increase the level of Percentage Annual budget VPRTT 0 10 15 20 30 50 70
investment for inno- assigned to UILTT
vation and technolo- activities
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

gy transfer

Organize national Number Innovation work- VPRTT 0 1 1 1 1 1 5

and international shops conducted
seminars and work-
shops to strengthen
collaboration for
Expand an- Organize project Number Project exhibitions VPRTT 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
nual project, exhibitions
research, and
job-fair exhi- Organize research Number Research exhibi- VPRTT 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
bitions with exhibitions tions
employers Organize job-fair Number Job-fair exhibi- VPRTT 1 2 2 2 2 2 10
exhibitions tions
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Invest in diagnostic Number Equipped facilities AVP 55 189 61 41 40 28 160
and therapeutic med-
ical equipment.

Train staff in specialty Number Staff trained AVP 50 10 10 10 10 20

and subspecialty.
Increase enrollment Number Students enrolled AVP 50 10 10 10 10 100
of foreign students
Make TikurAn- in postgraduate
bessa Hospital trainings.
a preferred
medical Solicit for funds to Number Secured fund AVP 0 5 1 1 1 1 5
tourism and build specialty hospi-
health scienc- tals at the expansion
es education land acquired.
Strengthen existing Number Partnerships AVP 30 10 10 10 10 10 100
partnerships and established
forge new ones with
local and internation-
al partners.
Diversify and increase Number Secured fund AVP 0 3 3 3 3 3 15
revenue sources
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Reduce the Increase awareness Number Orientation of Presi- 4 4 4 4 4 16
impact of HIV/ about HIV/AIDS and new students dent
AIDS and other reproductive health
reproductive issues among AAU Number Educational mate- Presi- 2 2 2 2 2 10
health issues leaders, students and rial distributed dent
in University staff.
students, and
staff members Support and Number Trainings offered Presi- 2 2 2 2 2 10
strengthen planning dent
and implementation
of HIV/AIDS and
reproductive health
issue interventions at

all Colleges and

Support improved Number Condoms distrib- Presi- 12 12 12 12 12 50
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

access to HIV/AIDS uted dent

and reproductive
health care services. Number Testing of HIV/ Presi- 2 2 2 2 2 13
STIs, treatment dent

Create alum- Create database Percentage Alumni registered VPASS 0 10 30 50 50 100 100
ni database
and consol-
idate their
in supporting
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Strategic Goal 6. Advance good governance, effective leadership and participation.

Create a Submit and Secure Number Government presi- 1 1

strong lead- University autonomy granted full insti- dent
ership and charter tutional autonomy
management to AAU
system to
ensure trans- Number Policies, proce- presi- 1 1 1
parency and dures, structure, dent
accountability placements
designed and
Provide relevant Number Improved stra- Presi- 0 5 5 5 5 5 5
training to Board tegic decision dent
members making
Provide relevant Number Improved stra- Presi- 0 4 4 4 4 4 4
training to senior tegic decision dent
leadership making
Introduce Executive Number Number of evalu- Presi- 1 1 2 2 2 2 4
Management perfor- ations per year dent
mance appraisal
Ensure aca- Promote profession- Percentage Staff engaged Presi- N/A 20 20 20 20 20 100
demic freedom alism among staff dent
Develop staff code of Number Code of ethics Presi- 1 - - 1 - - 1
ethics guideline dent
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Enhance com- Use different Number Channels used Presi- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
munication for channels for shared to create shared dent
shared vision, mission and values vision, mission
mission, and among staff and values
core values
among stake-
holders and
Work towards Formulate branding Number Strategy devel- Presi- 0 1 - - - 1 1
image building strategy oped dent
Expand and Restructure Ethno- Number Policy developed VPRTT 0 1 - - - - 1
promote Mu- graphic Museum at to expand and
seums IES, Natural History promote
Museum and the
National Herbarium
at the College of
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Natural and Compu-

tational Sciences
Mobilize and Develop donor map Number Presi- 0 0 1 - - 1 1
attract exter- dent
nal funding
Funnel donors Number Major donors Presi- 0 1 1 1 1
Approach donors Number Proposals accept- Presi- 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
with solid proposal ed dent
Establish Revise plan to evalu- Number Plans revised Presi- 1 1 1 1 1 1
performance ate performance dent
systems Measure staff perfor- Number Appropriate ac- Presi- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
mance tions taken dent
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Evaluate perfor- Number Senior manage- Presi- 1 1 1 1 1 1
mance for senior ment, directors dent
management, direc- and deans evalu-
tors and deans ated
Publish AAU annual number Up to date and re- Strate- 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
abstract of facts liable data about gic plan
AAU will be avail-
able for decision
makers and other
Establish Establish private Number Patients served VPRT - - 1 - - - -
governance corridor service

systems that Initiate change man- Number Tools implement- VPRT - 1 - - - - 1

takes into con- agement ed
sideration the
unique nature
of TikurAnbes- Develop process Number Processes im- VPRT - 1 1 1 1 1 5
sa Hospital mapping proved
Enhance the Establish suggestion Number Suggestion boxes Presi- 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
engagement systems available dent
of university
in university Establish grievance Number Grievances han- Presi- 100 100 50 40 30 20 10
affairs handling process dled dent
Establish open door Number of Visitors to Execu- Presi- 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
policy visitors per tive Management dent
Restructure Change functional Number Structures revised Presi- 0 1 1 1
the institution- structure to divisional dent
Addis Ababa University

al structure structure

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Improve the Establish process Number Process councils VPASS 0 1 - - - - 1
council established
of the inter- Implement root Number Projects investi- VPASS 0 1 1 1 1 1 5
nal processes cause analysis gated
Automate processes Number Processes auto- VPASS 0 1 1 1 1 1 5
procurement, where possible mated
facility man-
agement) Outsource where Number Activities VPASS 2 1 1 1 1 1 5
Work towards Participate Inter- Number Meetings partici- Presi- 3 2 2 2 2 2 5
international- nationalization of pated dent
ization of high- Higher Education
er education forum by MoSHE
Network with inter- Number Contacts created Pres- 0 2 4 6 8 10 20
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

higher education

Attract international Number Students enrolled Pres- 100 100 200 250 250 250 500
student exchange ident

- Pay employees’ Time Salary paid VPASS 5 days 5 5 5 5 5 Real time

cient and effec- wages between days
tive Budget 26-30 every month.
and Finance
Service Time Report VPASS 15 days 10 5 5 2 1 Real time
monthly report.
Provide payment Time Payment to sup- VPASS 10 days 10 5 5 5 5 Real time
within 5 days as pliers
requested from pro-
curement directorate.
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Implement program Time Budget distrib- VPASS 5 days 5 5 5 5 5 Real time
budget system. uted to budget
Distribute budget Time Budget distrib- VPASS 5 days 5 5 5 5 5 Real time
program timely to all uted to budget
budget centers. center

Collect 10% internal cash Amount collected VPASS 1 billion

revenue; and 20%


Maintain IFMIS Percentage Reliability VPASS 90 100 100 100 100 100 Real time
- Procure using pro Number Procurement VPASS 15 15 10 10 5 5 Real time
cient procure- forma and direct pur- transactions ac-
ment services chases as determined complished
by Management.
Execute national and Number Total contract that VPASS 20 18 18 20 20 20 On de-
international open were awarded mand
Control and adminis- percentage Effective contract VPASS 100 100 100 100 100 100 On de-
trate contracts utilization mand
Outsource manage- Number Services out VPASS - - - - - - 2
ment of non-core sourced
student services (dor-
mitory, catering)
Maintain IFMIS Percentage Reliability VPASS 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

- Deploy parking lots Number VPASS 14 4 4 4 2 2 10
cient and effec- system
tive transport
service Implement a vehicle Percentage Reliable system VPASS 0 100 100 100 100 100 100
tracking system
Work to get annual Number Number of cars VPASS 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
insurance coverage insured
and Bolo for cars
Work calibration Number Cars calibrated VPASS 65 100 200 300 400 500 1000

Process to buy cars Percentage Available trans- VPASS 70 80 90 95 100 100 100
and car washing port system
- Repair classrooms Percentage Comfortable for VPASS 80 90 100 100 100 100 100
cient and effec- internal facilities teaching and
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

tive facility learning

Provide generator Percentage Reliable generator VPASS 80 90 95 98 99 100 100
maintenances service
Repair elevators Percentage Reliable elevators VPASS 50 70 80 90 100 100 100

Allocate vacated number Houses allocated VPASS 402 600 700 800 900 1000 3000
houses to staff
Maintenance build- Percentage Fully function VPASS 60 70 80 90 95 100 100
ings building
Offer garden land- Percentage VPASS 80 80 90 95 98 100 100
scaping services
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

- Dispose unusable Percentage Cars disposed VPASS 50 70 80 90 95 100 100
cient property cars
Register assets Percentage Asset registered VPASS 50 70 80 90 95 100 100

- Provide catering Number Students served VPASS 11,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 -
cient student services
Provide dormitory Number Students served VPASS 18,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 -
Provide health Number Students served VPASS 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 30,000
Strategic Goal 7. Expand national and global partnerships, networking and collaboration.

Create col- Stage/organize Number Symposia work- Presi- 2 2 2 2 2 2 10

laborative regional and inter- shops and confer- dent/
platforms national symposia, ences organized
and run joint workshops and con- VPRTT
programs with ferences.
national and
international Increase the number percent of Joint research Presi- 50 60 62 63 64 65 70
universities/ of joint publications publication articles published dent
institutions and projects (re- and project works
search articles and done
research projects)
Open new national Number Newly opened Presi- 10 12 13 14 15 16 20
and international col- joint programs of dent
laborative academic studies
programs of studies
Open new branches, Number Newly opened Presi- 1 1 1 1 2
outreach centers and outreach centers dent
Addis Ababa University

campuses overseas. and campuses


Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Increase the number Percentage Increase in enroll- Presi- <0.001 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1
of international stu- ment rate dent
dent enrollments
Increase and Increase the number Number Visiting interna- Presi- 10 15 15 15 15 15 100
diversify of student exchanges tional students dent
international increased
student and
staff exchange Increase the number Number Visiting scholars Presi- 5 15 15 15 15 15 100
programs of international visit- and professors dent
ing professors
Strategic Goal 8. Contribute towards the realization of UN SDGs and AU Agenda 2063 in higher educations

Help towards Align AAU research Percentage AAU research Presi- 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
the realization to SDG aligned to SDG dent
key target as
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

regards higher Review education Number Review report Presi- 0 1 1 1 1 1 5

educations programs to meet dent
global standards and
Quality assurance
Integrate sustainable Percentage Programs with Presi- 0 10 10 10 10 10 50
development and issues of sustain- dent
global citizenship able develop-
goals in the under- ment and global
graduate curricula citizenship
Improve gen- Increase the partici- Percentage Women in leader- Presi- 15 16 17 18 19 20 40
der equality pation of women in ship positions dent
and inclusion; leadership
and create
all-inclusive Increase the partic- Percentage Women participa- Presi- 30 33 34 35 36 40 50
learning envi- ipation of women tion at all pro- dent
ronment in all program of grams of studies
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Increase male – fe- Ratio 60 – 40 % gender Presi- 80-20 78-22 75-25 70-30 65-35 60-40 50-50
male academic staff mix dent
Overhaul university Percent- Diversity and AVP 1 5 10 30 50 70 100
facilities for disability age gender sensitivity
and gender sensitive- facilities
Revitalize Strengthen AAU in- Number Joint research Presi- 2 2 1 2 1 2 5
the causes of volvement in ARUA, grant with ARUA dent
pan-Africanism GALA, AAU, Africa
and promote UNInet
key continen-
tal agendas Maintain the mem- Member- Contribution for Presi- 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000
through its bership of AAU in ship Fee the membership dent/
involvement ARUA and other simi- VPRTT
in the African lar memberships
Research Uni-
versity Alliance
Strategic Goal 9. Provide opportunities and resources to attract, recruit, develop and retain the highest caliber academic and administrative staff

Improve over- Develop career plan Number Career plans de- AVP/ 0 1 - - - - 1
- veloped VPASS
cation index
Identify funding Number Fund secured AVP/ 20 25 25 25 25 25 50
sources VPASS
Allocate fund from Percentage Fund allocated AVP/ 0 5 10 10 10 10 30
internal revenue for VPASS
staff development
Hire only PhD Percentage PhD holders em- AVP/ 31 5 5 5 5 5 80
Addis Ababa University

holders ployed VPASS


Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Collect and follow up Percentage Performance of AVP 50 75 100 100 100 100 100
staff development colleges as per
Provide oppor- plan of colleges/in- their staff devel-
tunities and stitutes opment plan
resources to
attract, recruit, Encourage and fol- Number Staff members AVP NA 25 50 75 100 100 200
develop and low-up staff enrol- enrolled in local
retain the ment in graduate by PhD programs
highest caliber respective academic
academic and units
Distribute and Number Staff members on AVP NA 100 100 100 100 100 200
support units on scholarship
PhD degree schol-
arship opportunities
provided by collabo-
rating countries and
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Work with Ministries Number Staff members AVP NA 100 100 100 100 100 200
to acquire more enrolled in PhD
scholarship for PhD programs
and Post-Doc pro-
grams Number Staff members en- AVP 2 5 10 15 20 25 200
rolled in Post-Doc
Assist the employ- Percentage Expat staffs re- AVP NA 100 100 100 100 100 100
ment and contract cruited
renewal of expatriate
staff Percentage Expat contract AVP 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Advance good Improve staff com- Percentage Complaints /griev- AVP 75 100 100 100 100 100 100
governance, plaint and grievance ances handled
effective handling system
leadership and
democratiza- Timely managing Percentage Staff members AVP 85 95 100 100 100 100 100
tion staff teaching and with excess and
research load under load per
Maintain up-to-date Percentage AVP 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
(printed or online)
Open and Develop staff devel- Number Staff development AVP 0 1 - - - - 1
expand further opment plan plans prepared
education and
scholarship Establish joint PhD Number Joint programs AVP 3 1 1 1 1 1 10
opportunities programs opened
for the staff Increase education Number Staff trained and AVP 61 12 12 12 12 13 50
opportunities for educated (both
admin staff PG & UG)
Create condu- Number VPASS N/A 500 500 500 500 500 1000
cive working furniture’s
conditions and
- Number Clean and ade- VPASS N/A 50 50 50 50 50 100
ronment for quate restrooms
Strengthen Equip the center with Number Resources ad- AVP 1 1 - - - 1
higher educa- human and other equate for the
tion training, resources purpose
development Conduct training Number Packages set AVP 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
center and needs assessment
Addis Ababa University


Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Design packages Number Training manuals AVP 0 10 10 10 10 10 10
Select trainers Number AVP 0 20 20 20 20 20 50
Conduct training Number Sessions conduct- AVP 0 40 40 40 40 40 120
Evaluate training Number Effect of training AVP 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Revise the Revise training fee Number Revised fee and AVP 1 1 - - - - 1
current rec- and payment rates payment guide-
ognition and for extension and line
reward system distance education
Develop merit based Number Reward scheme AVP NA 1 - - - 1
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

rewarding scheme
and innovation in -
teaching and re- Staff rewarded AVP NA 23 23 23 23 23 120

Introduce service Number Award Provided AVP NA 2 2 2 2 2 50

year award (1 male and 1
Develop and Establish loan facili- Number Loans secured VPASS N/A 1 2 3 4 5 10
expand hous- ties with banks
ing scheme for
employees Strengthen Credit Number Fund allocated VPASS N/A 1 2 3 4 5 5
Strengthen housing Number VPASS N/A 1 2 3 4 5 10
project with fulltime organized
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Provide housing units Number Houses provided VPASS 100 100 100 100 100 1000
to staff members
Diversify staff Engage staff in Number Rewards given VPASS 100 100 100 100 100 1000
incentive income generating
schemes activities
Strengthen consumer Number Cooperatives VPASS 1 - - - - - -
cooperatives of AAU strengthened

Conduct periodic Number Audit report pre- AVP 0 1 1 1 1 1 5

AAU teacher Audit Promotion Pro- Number Audits completed AVP- NA 50 75 100 100 100 100
licensing and cess at college and ASA
relicensing Institute Level
Include teacher li- Number Revised promo- AVP NA - - - - - 1
tion criteria
promotion criteria
Improve the Attract, hire and Number New employees VPASS/ 8762 430 100 100 100 100 500
retain more knowl- HR
effectiveness edgeable staff
of HR
Expand employee Number Types of incen- VPASS/ 3 4 5 5 5 5 10
incentives tives provided HR
Identify and provide Percentage Trainings provided VPASS/ 20 35 40 50 60 80 100
training HR
Work to provide Percentage Improved number VPASS/ 1 10 20 30 40 50 100
house for staff of staff owned HR
Launch electronics System e-attendance VPASS/ 0 100 100 100 100 100 100
attendance installation system procured HR
Addis Ababa University

and installed

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Review service de- Time People served in VPASS/ 1 day Real Real Real Real Real Real time
livery standard and time HR time time time time time
Maintain ICSMS Percentage Reliability VPASS/ 80 90 100 100 100 100 100
system HR

Strategic Goal 10. Invest in technology, physical infrastructure and institutional facilities.

Improve digital Provide reliable and Number Computer and VPID 4 9 11 14 18 21 30

technology broadband connec- lecture rooms,
access to staff tivity to staff and
and students Students dormitories, and
WiFi Hotspots
Increase staff access Percent Gadgets distrib- AVP 60 70 80 90 100 100 100
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

to technology (lap- uted and

tops, tablets, print- VPID
ers, projectors, …)
Provide high and Number Student Comput- VPID 2 - 6 14 18 28 28-35
reliable end desktop ing Centers and
computing facilities AVP
to students
Conduct ICT litera- Number Trainings conduct- VPID, 0 10 30 50 70 80 100
cy and technology ed AVP,
adoption classes for VPRTT,
staff and students VPASS
Access to reliable Percentage Students and VPID 40 60 70 80 90 100 100
institutional email staff with email
services to staff and account
students with varying
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Expand Expand/implement Number Reliable informa- AVP 50 60 70 80 90 100 100
ICT-support- open source stu- tion availability and
ed teaching dent management VPID
and student system (SMS) (to
management manage day-one-
systems class-one, instructors’
assignment and
class attendance,
course progress and
student’s evaluation
status, …)
Expand the use of Number Courses using the AVP 36 36 42 54 66 69 80
open source learning system
management system
(like Moodle)
Prepare policies for Number Policies for virtual/ AVP 0 1 - - - - 5
virtual/e-learning online/e-learn-
platforms ing, evaluation,
Access to digital Number Library resources Library 10 15 15 15 15 15 50
teaching materials, digitized
conference proceed-
ings and journals
Expand the Provide compute and Number Data Center VPID 2 11 12 14 16 17 17-20
support of ICT storage facilities to facilities equipped
to research staff and students with core IT Infra- VPRTT
Provide advanced Number Advanced data VPID 0 - 1 2 3 4 4-6
data processing processing and and
facilities, high end in- supercomputing VPRTT
Addis Ababa University

novation center and facilities and

software software

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Develop and Develop policies Number Policies devel- VPID 0 60 80 100 100 100 100
implement for ICT facilities oped
coherent and and services (e.g.,
holistic ICT internet access, email
Governance services, student and
systems and learning manage-
Control polices ment systems) access
and authentication
Implement policy for Number Academic units VPID 0 - 1 - - - 1
website service and implementing the
administration policy
Implement digital Number Increase in PhD AVP 0 - 1 - - - 1
graduate (main- graduation/com-
ly PhD) students pletion VPID
support, progress
monitoring and
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

system for improved

Expand and Expand and improve Number Smart classrooms VPID 80 80 100 120 120 150 150 -200
improve smart smart classrooms and
classrooms AVP
Implement Multi Me- Number Studios VPID 0 - 4 8 12 16 16-20
dia Studios for Digital
Content Production
Equip classrooms Percentage Equipped class- VPID 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
with necessary ICT rooms
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Implement so- Establish electronic Number Electronic boards VPID, 3 9 15 25 30 40 50
cial networking information dissemi- implemented AVP
system nation system in each
Create social Number Groups created VPID 1 2 2 2 2 2 5
networking groups and total mem-
(e.g., Facebook and bers
Set tracer study Percentage Graduates AVP 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
system engaged in the
Expand Library Upgrade and in- Version The version of the AVP KOHA KOHA Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent
Technologies tegrate the library software to be 3.22 19.00 Ver- Ver- Version Version Version
to support automation system upgraded sion sion
the teaching with other university
learning and systems
research ac-
tivities of the Implement library Version Branch libraries AVP 0 6 2 2 2 2 14
university security system
Upgrade Digital Version The version of the AVP Green- Dspace Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent
Library System software to be Stone 7.0 Ver- Ver- Version Version Version
upgraded 3.8 sion sion
Upgrade the thesis Version The version of the AVP Dspace Dspace Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent
and dissertation software to be 6.3 7.0 Ver- Ver- Version Version Version
repository upgraded sion sion
Upgrade Open Jour- Version The version of the AVP OJS OJS 3.0 Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent
nal Platform software to be 2.43 Ver- Ver- Version Version Version
upgraded sion sion
Develop Federated Number System AVP 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Addis Ababa University

Discovery Platform

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Establish addi- Number Centers estab- VPRTT 0 0 - - - - 1
tional centers Intelligence centers lished
of excellence of excellence
in nationally
strategic areas.
Expand sup- Provide residential Number Residential units VPASS N/A 200 200 200 200 200 500
port for gradu- facilities for PhD
ate students students.
Provide working of- Number VPASS N/A 200 200 200 200 200 500

PhD students.
Expand ICT Open source ICT Number Solutions imple- VPID N/A 1 1 1 1 1 5
usage in admin solutions to auto- mented and
domains mate processing in VPASS
AAU (such as plan,
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

performance reports)
Consolidate the use Number ICT tools used/ VPID N/A 1 1 1 1 1 5
of ICT and data gen- implemented and
eration in the admin VPASS
wing (procurement,
human resources and
facility management)
Introduce digital Number Availability and VPID N/A 1 1 1 1 1 5
integrated quality reliability of the and
management and system VPASS
monitoring systems
to all university func-
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Install elec- Install security camer- Number Security cameras VPID N/A 5 5 5 5 5 5
tronic security as with face recogni- installed in all
systems tion in all campuses. campuses
Create con- Renovate classrooms Number Classrooms reno- AVP N/A 100 100 100 100 100 100
ducive class- and lecture halls vated
rooms, lecture
halls toilets Renovate toilets and Number Toilets renovated AVP N/A 50 50 50 50 50 100
check their proper
Backup power Install backup power Number Backup power VPID 2 11 12 14 16 17 17-20
supply and supply system in supplies installed and
surge protec- critical infrastructures VPASS
tors (like data centers,
computer labs, librar-
ies and clinics)
Install surge pro- Number Surge protectors VPID N/A 1 1 1 1 1 5
tectors in critical installed and
infrastructures VPASS
Encourage using Percentage Energy generated VPID 2 11 12 14 16 17 17-20
renewable energy from renewable and
sources sources VPASS
Implement energy Percentage Energy expendi- VPID 2 2 4 6 8 10 10 - 15
saving mechanisms ture reduced
Improve water Ensure uninterrupted Number Availability of VPID 2 2 4 6 8 10 10 - 15
supply supply of water to all water supply
facilities and alternative
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Create condu- Beautify campus Number Campuses beau- VPID 1 2 4 6 8 10 10-18
cive working landscape and scenic
environment, beauty
green and
clean campus- Prepare master plan Number Master plans VPID 4 6 10 14 16 18 25
es for each campus available
Study heritages and Number of Documents pre- VPID 3 5 8 12 - - 25
documentation campuses pared
Improvement Complete going Percent Constructions VPID 40 70 100 100 100 100 100
in infrastruc- constructions completed
ture to en-
hance teaching Start up and process Number Projects designed VPID 3 9 12 15 18 20 20 -
and learning new design projects
in different campuses
Complete design Number Construction is on VPID N/A 5 9 12 15 17 20 -
and readied for new progress
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Complete ongoing Number Maintenance VPID N/A 6 19 28 36 44 50-70
maintenance works completed
up to provisional
Start new mainte- Number of Maintenance VPID N/A 17 25 33 41 50 50 - 80
nance work projects work in progress
resulting in better
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Encourage Follow up and report Percentage Increased revenue VPID 5 10 15 20 25 30 50
and focus on revenue collection of recurrent
sustainable from teaching learn- budget
university core ing activities income
income gener-
ating activities Ensure the establish- Number Increased revenue VPID 0 1 2 5-10
ment of new business
Follow up and mon- Number Increased revenue VPID 0 1 1 1 1 1 5
itor the performance
of non-academic
income sources
Approve endowment Number The policy is VPID 0 1 - - - - 1
policy by the AAU approved by the
Establish AAU board AAU Board
fund, and se- Strengthen the proj- Number Employee hired VPID 0 - 10 - - - 2

Establish endowment Number Board of trustee is VPID 0 - - 1 - - 1
board of trustee established
Conduct study and Number Study and work- VPID 0 1 1 1 1 1 5
organize workshop shop organized
Coordinate ICT and Number VPID 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
External relation and pages are pro-
produce informative duced
Work for long term Number Proposals are VPID 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
drafted, Fund is
Addis Ababa University

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Strategic Goal 11: Put in place and implement procedures and standards to assure the quality of education, research and community engage-
Ensure the Develop/revise qual- Number Framework devel- Presi- 1 -- - - - 1
quality of ity audit framework/ oped dent
programs of policy/guidelines for
studies at all AAU
Conduct pre-pro- Number Programs audited Presi- 0 3 6 9 11 14 30
gram opening quality dent
audit/external to col-
leges as per devel-
oped framework
Conduct process Number Programs audited Presi- 0 3 6 9 11 14 28
audit /on-going dent
Undertake outcome Number Programs audited Presi- 0 1 2 3 4 5 12
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

audit /graduates dent

Introduce relevant Number Tools implement- Presi- 0 - 1 2 3 4 9

international higher ed in varieties of dent
education quality programs and
assurance tools (both functions; tools
statistical and qualita- such as ESG,
Quality Code,
of programs and uni- ISO 9004, EFQM
versity functions to Excellence, ELIR,
ensure international CAF Education.
standards of quality.
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Maintain the Develop AAU re- Number Quality audit Presi- 0 1 - - - - 1
quality of search, Quality audit developed dent
research and framework
Conduct thematic Number Thematic re- Presi- 0 1 2 3 4 5 20
research quality audit searches audited dent
Undertake adaptive Number Adapted research- Presi- 0 1 2 3 4 5 20
research quality audit es audited dent
Carry out seed grants Number Seed grants Presi- 0 1 2 3 4 5 20
audit dent
Undertake external Number External grants Presi- 0 1 2 3 4 5 18
grant audit/evalua- audited/evaluate dent
Maintain the Design quality audit Number Framework devel- Presi- 0 1 - - - - 1
quality of framework for tech- oped dent
community nology transfer and
engagement community engage-
and technolo- ment activities
gy transfer
Conduct quality Number Audited incuba- Presi- 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
audit and control to tion centers dent
selected incubation
Conduct quality audit Number Community Presi- 0 1 2 3 4 5 20
to selected scholarly engagement dent
community engage- activities audited
ment activities: and evaluated
Maintain Undertake annual Number Surveys under- Presi- 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
stakeholder’s student on-line satis- taken dent
satisfaction on faction survey
the education-
Undertake employer Number Surveys under- Presi- 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
Addis Ababa University

al and services
quality of AAU satisfaction surveys taken dent

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Undertake staff satis- Number Surveys under- Presi- 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
faction survey taken dent
Undertake profes- Number Credential au- Presi- 0 3 6 9 11 14 150
sional quality audit dited dent
on AAU academic
staff (Academic cre-
dential and promo-
tion audit)
Review the teaching Number Academic units Presi- 0 3 6 9 11 14 75
/staff load assign- reviewed dent
ment procedures and
processes of selected
colleges and depart-
ments as per AAU’s
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Meet external Undertake indepen- Number Programs exter- Presi- 0 - - 5 5 5 10

quality stan- dent quality audit; nally audited dent
dards and en- evaluate randomly
sure relevance selected MA/MSc
of programs and PhD programs
and avoid by an external quality
duplication insurer/consultant/
Apply for inter- Percentage Programs accred- 0 - 1 2 3 4 5
national accredita- ited
tion for randomly
selected graduate
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Undertake Employ new experts Number Experts employed Presi- 1 3 - - - - 6
in quality manage- dent
development ment, assurance,
for the newly audit, program ac-
established QA creditation, program
evaluation, and edu-
cational information
Strategic Goal 12. Transform engineering and technology programs.

Strengthen Develop and Number Programs AVP 4 7 9 11 13 15 20

engineering Strengthen regular launched and ED/
& technology and tailored curric- SD
educational ula by identifying
programs to skill gaps for imple-
support MEGA menting specialized
and quality infrastructure devel-
infrastructures opment areas and
(dams, road urban and regional
construction, development issues
industrial that are nationally
parks, chemi- relevant and having a
cal industries, high impact.
health-care sys-
tem, ICT, River Revise and/or Percent- Programs revised/ ED/ 40/6 30/12 30/10 -/12 -/8 -/8 100/20
Development, develop limited age/Num- developed SD and
water sup- curricula to address ber AVP
ply systems, the specialized needs
liquid and solid and particularly
waste treat- attract International
ment plants, students.
and others)
Addis Ababa University

nationally and

in East Africa.

Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-

Measure indicator line 2022

Enhance the qual- Number Home-Grown/ ED/SD 5 4 4 4 4 5 16-20
ity of Engineering, Sandwich pro-
Architectural and city grams/
development PhD
education programs
by strengthening
collaboration with
partner Universities,
such as Home-grown
PhD programs.
Sustain and further Number Number of center ED/ 1 2 2 2 2 2 6-10
strengthen the exist- Excellences SD and
ing developments of VPRTT
Railway engineering
excellence center
and further establish
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Centre of excellence
in AI and Cyber
Security, with further
aim of attracting In-
ternational Students.
Consolidate intern- Percentage Institution of In- ED/ 100/10 100/10 100/ 100/ 100/80 100/ 100/ 100
ship and entrepre- ternship programs SD and 30 60 100
neurship into the UG/PG AVP
undergraduate and
graduate curricula.
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Collaborate with Number Membership ED/SD 1 2 2 2 2 2 8-10
global associations
like African and
Global Engineering
Deans Councils,
Cities Alliance, UN
others for partnership
and resource mobili-
Support to establish Percentage Establish the ED/ 10 50 100 - - - -
Engineering, Archi- Center SD and
tectural and city de- Presi-
velopment Education dent
centers for quality
Support to accredit Number Accredited pro- Pres- 0 4 10 10 10 10 30-40
some of the engi- grams ident
neering and city de- and ED/
velopment programs SD
to set direction for In-
ternationalization and
create opportunities
to attract students
from east Africa and
Address the Aggressively work Number Secured PhD ED/SD 60 30 30 20 20 20 40-60
critical short- on staff capacity by Scholarship
age of quali- further scholarship
and expanding local
staff for home-grown and
teaching and collaborative PhD
Addis Ababa University

research programs
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Ensure that all non- Percentage PhD enrollment of ED/SD 20 30 45 60 75 90 98
PhD holder staffs faculties without
are enrolled in the terminal degree
PhD programs and
put in place evalu-
ation mechanisms

to retain and attract

competent and high-
ly competent and
Implement strict Number Guideline estab- ED/SD 0 1 - - - - 1
progress monitor- lished
ing mechanisms to
ensure timely com-
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

pletion of graduate
Employ competent Number Employed indus- ED/SD 0 5 5 5 5 5 25
and highly expe- try professionals
rienced industry
professionals for
graduate teaching
and advisorship
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Create quality-critical Number Programs ED/SD 6 6 8 12 12 12 30
mass faculty pool in
each of the engi-
neering programs to
support the critical

academic staff in the

other IoT’s of the
country for sustain-
able human resource
development in
engineering and
Build infra- Accelerate the Percentage Implementation Pres- 2 10 20 30 40 50 100
structure and planned (by PM Dr. of the re-develop- ident
resources for Abiy) expansion of ment plan and ED/
teaching and University and AAiT SD
research to in the secured plot
create con- of land
ducive envi-
ronment for Expand research and Number Upgrade of UG ED/SD 0 2 4 6 4 3 10
research and undergraduate labs labs
excellence Establish core na- Number Establishment of ED/SD 0 - 2 2 2 2 8
tional laboratories for Core research lab
Collaborate with Number Establishment of ED/SD 0 - 1 1 1 1 5
MoSHE, MiNT, Key Testing Labs
MoUD and others
to establish Key
Testing Laboratories
to conduct Quality
large- and small-
Addis Ababa University

scale testing facilities

for the nation and
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Build up-to-date Percentage Up to date ICT VPID 20 60 100 - - - -
ICT infrastructure infrastructure and ED/
which will support SD
the teaching-learning
process and research.
Enable IOTs form industry, public Number Partnership agree- ED/SD 30 20 20 20 10 20 40-60
to develop organization and ments
enhanced international donors’
partnerships ties and increase
modalities with opportunities to col-
industry, public laboratively develop
organization solutions – harness
and interna- the opportunities of
tional donors PPP partnership
for need-based
researches, aggressively work Number Technology ED/SD 0 8 8 10 10 10 50
on technology and Transfer
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

and knowl- knowledge transfer
edge Transfer, to support the public
and develop and private sectors
innovative as well as industrial
products and development of the
Community country, by incubat-
engagement ing Technology and
knowledge transfer
Strengthen proactive Number Instituted Com- ED/SD 0 1 2 1 1 2 4
community engage- munity engage-
ment and outreach ment programs
Develop innovative Number Products trans- ED/SD 0 1 1 1 1 1 10
products that create ferred to Industry
economic value
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Establish Innovation Percentage Establishment of ED/SD 10 60 100 - - - -
Centre for nurturing the innovation
talents in the nation center
with the aim of creat-
ing innovation culture
Support engagement Number trans-disciplinary ED/SD 2 2 2 2 2 2 8
in trans-disciplinary Engagement
academic units within
and outside IOTs for
product develop-
Revenue gen- Develop additional Number Amount in Birr ED/SD 0 100M 150M 150M 150M 200M 1 billion
eration by in- revenue streams
volving in huge through consultancy
and quality activities (involve
infrastructure in economically
of private and relevant and high-
public sector end national and
projects local government as
well as private sector
projects), providing
trainings to meet
strategic priorities
Tuition fee from Number Amount in Birr AVP 10M 10M 20M 20M 20M 25M 150M
students (national and ED/
and international SD
particularly from east
and other regions of
Addis Ababa University
Objectives Activities Unit of Performance Owner Base- Target 2018-
Measure indicator line 2022

Attract funds by writ- Percentage Amount in USD ED/SD 0.8M 1.5M 1.5M 2.5M 2.5M 4M 20M
ing grand proposals
in engineering and
technology capability
strengthening and
building as well as
urban development
Establish a Establish a gover- Number Directive Pres- - 1 - - - - -
governance ident
system taking the and ED/
system taking special autonomy of SD
the special Institute of Technolo-
autonomy of gies in the country
the Institute
of Technolo- Support IOTs cost Percentage Cost center status Pres- 0 1 - - - - -
center a cost center ident
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

gies (AAiT and

EiABC) as per directly linked with and ED/
the Autono- Ministry of Finance SD
my Directives for better resource
and boost the mobilization.
contribution Implement an ac- Version The version of the Presi- - 1 - - - - -
of AAU to the countability system software to be dent
engineering, that matches the upgraded
technological, autonomy
and urban
key inputs of
national devel-
Addis Ababa University 111

7. Strategic Initiatives
Initiatives are actions, processes, projects and plans that will help an institution in
meeting its strategic goals. After considering a multitude of initiatives in the context of

with its strategic goals.

1 Admission to ALL AAU programs (UG and PG) based on Entrance Exam only
2 Ensure the quality of academic, research, community engagement programs of studies

3 Respond to MoSHE Home grown collaborative PhD. Programs by hosting twenty

4 Transform AAU press to publishing University research works

5 Identify and develop center of excellences in Unique areas
6 Establishing Ethical Review Board and implement article publishing as mandatory for
graduate program students
7 One Health program focused on integrating Human-animal disease studies
8 Collaborative PhD. and MA Programs with international Universities and Upgrade 40
PhD. programs to African level in collaboration with ARUA
9 Establishing aand strengthened Higher education research and leadership training
10 Medical City initiative by College of Health Sciences
11 Univer-City initiative to create educational and Cultural Hub
12 Diversify and increase internal revenue by establishing enterprises and other sources
13 Automation of University activities through integrated system
14 -

training halls, libraries, museums, , sport complexes, workshops and toilets
16 Dormitory for graduate program students( priority to students outside AA)
17 Establishment of AAU alumni
18 Mapping and establishing Public-private-partnership (PPP)
19 Opening Online graduate programs
20 University-wide program review and institutional audit for quality and relevance
21 Secure Institutional autonomy and conduct institutional Reform
23 Establish core science lab
24 Academic Programs internationalization and accreditation
112 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation

8.1. Strategic Focus

The strategy at the University level answers the basic question of “How do we
structure the overall University so that all of its parts create more value together than
they would individually?”. On the other hand, Cost Center strategy is concerned with
competing successfully in individual industry and it addresses the question “How do
we win in the industry of operations”? This strategy needs to be linked to the strategic

The Colleges, Centers and Schools or academic units should focus on making tactical
decision such as improving curriculum design and executing teaching approaches
based on the growth strategy of the university level. The Cost Centers must also work
in ensuring quality of services through engagement of staff at all levels in continuous
improvement of processes using selected tools such as benchmarking, Kaizen, root
cause analysis.

Functional strategy is a team level strategy for achieving certain objectives based on
critical success factors and key performance indicators. It deals with how individual and

However, there must be key performance indicators for the CSFs to measure how all
work units are contributing for overall performance of the university.

and key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to determine measures of university

the university considers vital to its success, like a dashboard to a vehicle’ driver. They are
typically broad-brush statements such as ‘customer service’ or ‘low costs’. Two types of
CSF have been considered as general approach; namely, Industry Wide Critical Success

8.2. Critical Success Factors (CSFs)

Since different organization manifest some degree of uniqueness in their mission and

indicators for opportunities, activities or conditions

required to achieve the objective within an organization in achieving the successful
Addis Ababa University 113


The CSF of AAU are proxy indicators which show the efforts of the AAU community in
all areas of its operations. It is essential that the courses of actions which the leadership

adherence to CSFs will have a huge impact on the degree to which AAU is successful
and effective in reaching strategic goals within the mission and is crucial in gaining a
competitive advantage. Excellence may be achieved by 2030 given the journey towards
excellence considers a holistic approach. Table 15 indicates the critical success factors,
objectives and key performance indicators of AAU.

As measurement capacity of AAU and its performance management system improve

upon ability to generate information from the systems. AAU will be able to reach at
knowledge management systems at the end of this strategic planning period with the

developed will guide the performance of AAU due to the persistent efforts of leadership,
management and employees at all levels.
Table 15. CSF, Objectives, KPIs, and Performane Indicators
Strategic deployment Period

Critical Success
Objectives Key Performance Indicators


Provide sustainable and effective Leadership quality improve-
strategic leadership to the entire ment (thinking and acting) and
1 1 1 1 1
University and its organs for ex- solve the backlogs and current
cellent performance by 2025. problems
Create effective leadership and
management competences for
Effective strategy execution
Leadership and execution of strategies in the 15% 15% 15% 15% 15%
and performance improvement
Governance entire University and its units by
Increase the revenue sources
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Diversify internal revenue scheme and collect 30% of its budget 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%
30% by 2030
Restore academic freedom and
Become Chartered University 1 1 1 1 1
institutional autonomy
Achieve a net promoter score of
Net Promoter score measured
50% or more from employees
Human Resource the satisfaction and loyalty
by 2025 as measured using Net 0% 10% 25% 35% 50%
Focus of employees on a quarterly
Promoter Score (NPS). (Note that
75% is world class achievement).
Achieve a net promoter score of Net Promoter score measured
Clients/Student 40% or more from students and the satisfaction and loyalty of
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
Focus employers by 2024/25 as mea- employees and employers on a
sured using NPS semester bases
International Student popula-
2(%) 4(%) 6(%) 8(%) 10(%)
tion (%) reaches 10% by 2030
Achieve 10% international stu- Number of branches opened
dent population ratio by 2024/25 outside Ethiopia to neighbor- 2 2 2 2 2
ing countries
Transform AAU to a culture of Average staff consultation
2 3 4 5 6
Teaching-Learning student orientation by 2024/25 hours per student per semester
Number of processes improved
4 6 8 10 12
(related to student service)
Programs reviewed rigor-
Number of programs reviewed 5 16 24 30 35
PhD Students Programs Number of andmision includ-
500 550 550 600 600
increased ing home grown Phd (HCCP)
1 1 1 1 1
Implementation of ERP for
1 1 1 1 1
internal processes

Achieve ICT transformation and ICT used for innovation 1 1 1 1 1

its use for strategic role in driving Establishment of Knowledge
ICT 1 1 1 1 1
innovation and transform learn- Management systems
ing by 2025.
Staff training on selected appli-
1 1 1 1 1
Investment in ICT computing
1 1 1 1 1
Amount of investment in infra-
1 1 1 1 1
Achieve adequate investment in structure increased
infrastructure building and main-
Investment in maintenance
Infrastructure tenance for improving quality of 1 1 1 1 1
Addis Ababa University

teaching-learning process and

research by 24/25. Additional space due to invest-
1 1 1 1 1

ment created

Achieve 50% gender ratio in the % female academic staff in-

student and 35% academic and creased from 16.3% to 35% by 5 5 5 5 5
research female staff population 2030
by 2025. % female students proportion
at (undergraduate, graduate
Achieve 75% PhD academic staff and post graduate levels re- 5 5 5 5 5
composition by 2024/25. spectively) increase to 50% by
Performance Re- 2030
Achieve publications of two % academic staff mix reaches
5 5 5 5 5
peer-reviewed articles per aca- 5:20:75 by 2030
demic staff per year by 2025. Publication of average peer-re-
viewed articles per academic 1 1 1 1 1
Increase internal revenue to 30 % staff per year
of the recurrent budget through Revenue generated from inter-
20% 25% 30% 30% 30%
nal sources reach 30% by 2030
Research increased 20 40 60 80 100
A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Increase the number of research Publication increased by 20%

20 40 60 80 100
Research and publication by 100% by each year
Conference/workshop in-
20 40 60 80 100
creased by 20% each year
Academic staff engaged in 3
Community Number of accomplished
credit hours scholarly community 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Engagement community engagements
engagement activities per year
Number of joint projects initiat-
University Industry University and Industry partner-
ed and accomplished by PPP 20 50 70 100 200
Linkage ship
and/or PP increase
Addis Ababa University 117

The greatest source of sustainable competitive advantage for AAU is its investment on
the staff at all levels through capacity building or human capital development through
cost effective and judicious need-based training. Great effort will be exerted on training

training is expensive, it will be need based.

8.4 Monitoring and Modifying Strategic Plan

Risk and Disaster Management system will be put in place to identify and avoid the
emergence of undesirable issues or to mitigate them at early stage. The basic tenet of
the risk and disaster management system is building resilience, reducing vulnerability
and disaster preparedness because the external environment is often dynamic, complex
and unpredictable.

Managing opportunities also needs preparedness. Threats could disappear and new
opportunities could be captured as they opportunities emerge. Weaknesses could also
be removed and new strengths could emerge. Such dynamic trends will be monitored
and managed by the able capacity of the University top management.

Progress towards achievement goals and accomplishment of the action plan will be
monitored regularly. The Strategic goals will be re-evaluated and objectives updated
every year based on the progress made, obstacles removed with the dynamic
environment in perspective. Positive developments in the economy, changes in national
priorities, or changing demand patterns of the target market will also be monitored.
For this, the top leadership of AAU will be at vantage point to quickly capture the

and take pertinent actions.

Targets and thresholds align the measurements of AAU and the different units with the
corporate objectives and initiatives and help gain leadership support to integrating
quality into daily processes. Although the strategy by necessity has top-down approach,

how each will ensure quality and achievement of the overall Corporate objectives.

Target and thresholds need strong governance to make a lasting contribution to AAU.

continue to make effective decisions about what should be measured, how data should
be collected and analyzed, and what actions to take based on measurement results.
Hence, measurements are focused on value-added activities and strategic objectives so
118 A Ten-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2030 / 2013 - 2022 E.C.

Thresholds for all performance targets

Red (Below Yellow (Satisfacto- Dark Green (Excel-
Satisfactory ry) lent)
<79% (80 – 89) % (90 – 99) % >=100

8.5 Performance Evaluation

Top management approves a series of programs and supporting operating budgets
for the Cost Centers during implementation of the strategic plan. Actual expenses are
contrasted with planned expenditures, and the variance is assessed. This is typically
done on a quarterly basis at the Cost Centers and semi-annually at the AAU level. Other
issues that are subject to evaluation may include periodic statistical reports summarizing
data on such key factors as problems solved, labor turnover, and student performance,
research performance, community engagement, stakeholder engagement, revenues
generated, grants received, investment in new projects, articles published in reputable

responsibility centers for performance evaluation.

The center will use resources (measured in terms of costs or expenses) to provide a

plan AAU will have built the capacity to perform regular strategic audit every two years.
9. Budget for the First Phase (2020/21-2025/26) Implementation of the Strategic Plan( in Birr)
Budget 2013(2019/20) 2014(2020/21) 2015(2021/22) 2016(2022/23) 2017(2023/24) 2018(2024?25)
description Government Internal Government Internal Government Internal Government Internal Government Internal Government Internal

All programs
2,499,815.00 91,746.00 2,999,778.00 305,966.70 3,599,733.59 391,637.38 4,319,680.31 499,337.65 5,183,616.38 669,699.91 6,220,339.65 845,936.73 27,627,287.30

1,699,815.00 91,746.00 2,039,778.00 305,966.70 2,447,733.60 391,637.38 2,937,280.32 499,337.65 3,524,736.38 669,699.91 4,229,683.66 845,936.73 19,683,351.34

800,000.00 - 960,000.00 - 1,151,999.99 - 1,382,399.99 - 1,658,879.99 - 1,990,655.99 - 7,943,935.96

Program 1: Administrative

392,864.84 25,518.12 471,437.81 70,715.67 565,725.37 90,516.06 678,870.44 115,407.98 814,644.53 154,782.46 977,573.44 195,514.69 4,553,571.41

800,000.00 - 960,000.00 1,151,999.99 1,382,399.99 1,658,879.99 1,990,655.99 7,943,935.96

Program 2: Teaching Learning

956,855.52 50,831.96 1,148,226.62 172,233.99 1,377,871.95 220,459.51 1,653,446.34 281,085.88 1,984,135.61 376,985.77 2,380,962.73 476,192.55 11,079,288.42

- - - - - - - - - - - -
budget -

Program 3: Research and Development

77,121.71 4,890.42 92,546.05 13,881.91 111,055.26 133,266.31 22,655.27 159,919.58 30,384.72 191,903.49 38,380.70 893,774.27
budget 17,768.84

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Program 4: Community engagements

272,972.93 10,505.50 327,567.52 49,135.13 393,081.02 62,892.96 471,697.22 80,188.53 566,036.67 107,546.97 679,244.00 135,848.80 3,156,717.24

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Addis Ababa University

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