Belo Monte HW

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MONTE HW.notebook
March 24, 2022

On the following 2 pages I have jumbled up some arguments FOR and AGAINST
the building of the dam.

1. Create a table and sort the arguments into the correct columns.

Arguments FOR the dam Arguments AGAINST the dam
Supporters of the dam say that many of the displaced people HEP so to make local people suffer in the name of the greater good
live in poor conditions and will actually benefit from being re‐ is an ill informed view. Brazil can no longer view HEP as a 'clean'
located. energy source which for years has been how the governent has
Brazil needs more energy but there are other sources of energy to justified it.

2. Circle the best argument FOR and argument AGAINST

Stretch yourself!:
'Assess the extent to which the Belo Monte dam is a good idea.'

1. Start by saying why some people say the dam is needed. 2.

Next explain some of the problems with the dam. 3. Conclude

(Overall, do you think the project should go ahead)

BELO MONTE HW.notebook
March 24, 2022
Arguments in favour and against the dam
Supporters of the dam say that many of the economy to grow without needing to rely on
displaced people live in poor conditions and will polluting fossil fuels. According to them would
actually benefit from being re‐ located. take 90 gas thermal powers stations to match the
However local people feel they cannot trust the dam. These would produce 90 mega tonnes of
government. Although they are poor now, they C02 a year.
fear the area they will have to move to will have stations will be needed therefore releasing less
even fewer prospects for them CO2, the flooding of the forest for the dam will
release large amounts of methane from decaying
organic matter which is a more potent
greenhouse gas (25x more).
Those in favour of the dam argue that the area
of the forest that will be flooded is relatively
Supporters say the dam is essential small compared to other causes of deforestation
such as cattle ranching.
Those against the dam argue its energy won't
Those against the dam claim the town of Altamira
benefit ordinary Brazilian people but will only next to the dam is already starting to grow as
serve big export industries such as aluminium people come in prospectively looking for jobs.
and steel e.g. Vale (world's 2nd largest mining They fear that
company). Why shoudl poor people have to move deforestation in the area will accelerate as
when they won't even get the benefits? people settle in the area for jobs.

The Xingu Alive Forever coalition argue that the

The President of Brazil's Energy Research
for meeting Brazil's growing energy needs. issue is not so much the area flooded as the area
As Brazil grows economically people use that will become 'dry'. The Dam will 'dry' 100km
more energy at home. Brazil also needs of forest in the Volta Grande (big bend)which
more energy for its growing industries. includes 4 indigenous lands and is currently
Without the dam they fear there will be relatively unpopulated and therefore pristine
powercuts. The Norte Energia
Those against the dam argue that consortium argue that the actual flood area is
while the dam might relatively small ‐ only 500km2 so the number of
mean less traditional power indigenous peoples
Company (EPE) argues the dam will allow the
forest. There is also an 'un‐contacted' tribe there
effected by the flooding of
who don't speak Portugese and are not well less.
represented. People in the 'dry' area are not the forest is miniscule. They argue the 'flooding
considered impacted by the dam as they are not of indigenous homes'
effected by the flood but the dry. In the flood argument is one hijacked by celebrities and not a
season the flow in the Volta Grande will be 80% real issue.

BELO MONTE HW.notebook

Many people though feel the compensation is buildings that people lose but the way of life
not enough because it is not just land and the river offers. Many people will have to
move to cities. always be water flowing people will still be
able to fish in the area and the natural habitat
won't be effected.
Local people also use the Xingu for navigation
but with the dams in the way they say it will
significantly add to journey times, especially in The Norte Energia
the dry season. consortium argue actual flood area is relatively
March 24, 2022 small ‐ 500km2 so the number of indigenous
peoples directly effected by flooding and
Environmentalists argue many fish species will
not survive without the seasonal flood and
won't be able to reproduce (done in flood
season) so people won't be able to survive
Local people who own land and
from fishing anymore. Businesses specialising
buildings where the dam is being built
in tropical fish are also worried they will lose
are being 'bought out' by Norte
out as some are unique to the Xingu river.
Energia so are being
compensated for being displaced.
While the direct area flooded may be small,
the indirect area of forest destroyed by
The government argue there will always deforestation could be a lot bigger. Studies
be water flowing around the Big Bend so by research group Imazon suggest the dam
navigation won't be affected. could lead to the indirect deforestation of
5,000km2 over 20 years after the
The government argues that because there will construction of the dam.

deforestation is tiny.
Brazil is a growing economy that needs

Brazil needs more energy but there are energy and many more people will benefit
other sources of energy to HEP so to make from the dam than will suffer. Not only will
local people suffer in the name of the the country recieve more reliable electricity
greater good is an ill informed view. Brazil but the economic growth enabled by
can no longer view HEP as a 'clean' energy supplying industry with electricity will benefit
source which for years has been how the the whole country through the trickle down
governent has justified it. effect.

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