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Article · March 2021


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2 authors:

Chetan Uttamrao Chavan Sonal Phanse

Gokhale Education Society's College of Education & Research, Mumbai

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Page Nos. 68-72


Mrs. Sonal Sandip Phanse*
Dr. Chetan Uttamrao Chavan**

Teacher and students shifted to new era of virtual education due to sudden blow of pandemic. Educational
institutions are struggling to find best mode of instruction to be follow dealing with online education. In this study
researcher employs comparative study on effectiveness of two forms of instruction i.e pre-recorded teaching content
and live online lecture for teaching content. Experimental study on Sample of 80 B.Ed. students was performed,
selection of 40 students in each group was done randomly.Achievement test based on content thoughtwas conducted
afterapplication of teaching method to see its effectiveness.On comparing Average score recorded from student’s
achievement test showthat student employed with pre recorded teaching scored little higher than online lecture
method.Analyzing further study shows mixed results, pre recorded teaching content was proved successful for
students who are academically good in studies.Study showed 40% student comes under excellent category in pre
recorded were as 20% of student following online lecture are excellent. Number of under achievers remain same
regardless of teaching content they follow. In fact, online lecture method proved successful to reduce number of low
achievers.This study showed that pre recorded teaching content is effective due to its flexibility, command over
content flow like stop, play, rewind etc. But it depends on student desire to learn as it is self-regulatory method of
learning. Student lack self-regulation get burdened with accumulated learning content resulting in low achievement.
Keywords: virtual education, prerecorded teaching, online lectures, teacher’s education.

INTRODUCTION have had to prepare and deliver their classes from home,
with all the practical and technical challenges this
Spread of infectious dieses like covid 19 halt the
entails, and often without proper technical support.
world and affected almost every aspect of living.
Effective teaching method considering distance
Education sector was affected most as face to face
education need research on urgent basis.
teaching practice is more reluctant in Indian education
system. According to the researchers, (Rieley, 2020) it The introduction of new educational
is uncertain to get back to normal teaching for uncertain technologies has felt like an urgent poke in the ribs to
period of time. As social distancing is preeminent at this many members of the academy. From clickers and in-
stage, this will have negative effects on learning class polling to interactive videos and self-paced
opportunities. Educational units are struggling to find instructional modules, the steady drumbeat of
options to deal with this challenging situation. These “innovate” has thumped across the literature and into
circumstances make us realize that scenario planning is our in-boxes (Bahnson & Olejnikova, n.d.2017). All
an urgent need for academic institutions. As per (Hodges thanks to new educational technologies which equip us
et al. 2020) Teaching staff of all backgrounds and ages to face this challenging situation. When we talk about
*Research Scholar - Shri J.J.T.University, Rajasthan
**Associate Professor & Guide - GES College of Education & Research, Parel, Mumbai
pre-recorded teaching content many researchers express focused group. Comparison between pre-recorded
different opinion for example, according to teaching content and online live lecture was done by
(Bahnson&Olejnikova, n.d.2017) Recorded instruction, following comparative method of research.
can be passive and isolating, but it can provide
In this research pre-recorded teaching content
flexibility in terms of timing and the opportunity to
refers to learning experience transmitted using online
repeatedly review presented material. availability of
content available on google, YouTube, educational
recorded lectures provides flexibility for those students
resources sites or these may recorded lectures by teacher
who are juggling the competing demands of work,
itself. This material must be available student at any
studies, and other commitments. Students do utilize the
time anywhere, also student could have command over
lecture recordings to review course content, revise class
its pace of flow of content like play, stop, rewind, replay
notes, clarify complex concepts, and work at their own
pace (Danielson, Preast, Bender, & Hassall, 2014). The
ability to pause or replay the recordings benefits Online lecture refers to real time lecture
students especially those who do not speak English as conducted by teacher live using digital platforms like
their primary or native language (Maynor, Google teams app, Zoom, duo etc. here student attend
Barrickman, Stamatakis, & Elliott, 2014, Ronchetti, live lecture by video conferencing.
2010). Sample: Sample of 80 pre service teacher was selected
OBJECTIVES OF STUDY: randomly. Sample was selected from three different
B.Ed. colleges located in Mumbai city. Sample was
1. To find achievement level of student adopted
divided evenly in two different group i.e 40 students in
live online lecture as mode of instructions.
2. To find achievement level of student
Tool: Achievement test was prepared by an investigator
adoptedpre recorded teaching content as mode
itself based on content thought. Two different objective-
of instructions.
based test questionerswere set for two different method
3. To compare average of scores recorded from of instruction. Student attempt 20 marks test using
both the forms of instructions. online google form. Each question carries 1 point score
for each correct option. All questions were compulsory
4. To find out effectiveness of both the method
to attempt.
on students’ performance.
Results: Score recorded from test was compared as per
norms for interpretation of level of achievement test
In this research investigator is making an made by investigator itself.
attempt to find out effectiveness of two different forms
of instruction in teaching. Here pre service teacher are
Table No – 1: Norms for interpretation of the level of achievement motive.
Sr Students using Pre-recorded Students using Online
Level Score Point
No teaching content Lecture Method
1 Excellent [20 - 17 ] 16 8
2 Good [16 -13 ] 14 22
3 Average [12- 9 ] 4 9
4 Low [8 - 5] 4 0
5 Extremely low [4 - 0 ] 2 1
Total 40 40

On Comparing Average scores recorded from little higher thanaverage score of lecture method scored
both the group showed little but significant difference 14.02. This shows that prerecorded proved effective to
between two forms of instruction. Average score of enhance student’s performance over online live lecture.
prerecorded teaching content appears to be14.3 which is
Graph No. 1 – chart comparingaverage scores of two forms of instruction.
Table 2 – Achievement test scores comparing table.
Student Student
ofpre- Percentage
Sr Score adopted adopted
Level recorded of online
No Point pre online
teaching Lecture
recorded lecture
1 Excellent [20 - 17 ] 16 40 8 20
2 Good [16 -13 ] 14 35 22 55
3 Average [12- 9 ] 4 10 9 22.5
4 Low [8 - 5] 4 10 0 0
5 Extremely low [4 - 0 ] 2 5 1 2.5
Total 40 100 40 100

Graph No. 2 – chart comparing score percentage of two forms of instruction.

Analysing further study showed mixed strongly believes that Live lectures will provide more
results.Though overall results showpre-recorded content structured learning schedules and may help in better
superior to online lecture but detail observations are management of students’ workload (Ranasinghe, L.;
appeared to be different. Pre-recorded method proved Wright, L.2019). considering this we can say that online
successful for students who are academically smart. live lectures can be more interactive and connected as
Study shows excellent category flourished with the
compare to pre recorded which is more isolated and
points of 40% in pre-recorded whereas it also produces
passive in nature. Facial expressions, eye contact and
more under achievers almost 15 % altogether. In case of
online lecture excellent category faces big blow with live interaction of teacher keeps student engaged. Even
20% but has very low number of under achievers. Apart in this study results obtained from scores of live lectures
from this number of Good and Average category are more uniform. hence, we can see maximum students
students are more in number employed with online comes under good and average category. It also
lectures compared to pre-recorded. This shows lecture minimizes low achievers; this shows live lecture are
method are creating uniform results to majority of more beneficiary for low achievers.
This study was conducted on the basis of only
Resultsappeared from this study concluded post test design. Sample was selected randomly as per
thatpre-recorded teaching content proved beneficial for
convenience of researcher. Lack of equalisations of
students who are academically motivated. As it requires
sample might impact results of study. Some students are
more self-regulation, planning and readiness to consume
learning experience. On other hand students lacking actual smarter and disciplined, will perform well
self-regulation faced burden of accumulated content if regardless of mode of instructions received. Similarly,
not learned regularly, this affects their performance in with low achievers as well.Also, effectiveness of lecture
academics. According to study conducted by (Brockfeld depends more on teachers presentation and style of
et al.2020) video lectures for initial delivery of teaching, this also could affect performance of student
information would be very effective, and these may be particularly. In case of online learning technical issues
given importance equal to that of face-to-face lectures. like week network, accessibility of online content, low
t. As the results of study conducted by (Syynimaa, 2019) equipped in gadgets can also create problems while
clearly indicates, using pre-recorded lectures had a learning.
small, but significant, effect on grades. Also, student
satisfaction was slightly higher. Benefits of videos In spite of these limitation this study can suggest
depends on types of videos (Williams et al., 2012); If some the implications, as per observations of (Bos et al.,
videos are complementary, they are valuable, if they are 2016), recorded lectures have added value for learning
used to substitute the lectures, they are not. The most objectives that deal with developing a knowledge base,
important benefit of pre-recorded video is that student but only if these recordings are used sparingly and with
can learn teaching content at their own pace of learning. restraint. For learning objectives that deal with higher
Student have command over running video, they can use
order thinking skills, recorded lectures seem to offer less
options like stop, play, rewind and also can listen to it
value, though neither do face-to-face lectures. From this
statement we can conclude that teacher must cater
This study also shows that pre recorded method individual difference quality among students and plan
was not proven to be beneficiary for low achievers. according to needs of the students. Dependence on
Reasons behind it could be they are more comfortable in single method of instruction is not a good idea for all the
face-to-face interaction though it is online form. Indian students in fact, accurate blending of two or more
context of education is more habitual to lecture mode of different mode of instruction keeping in mind student’s
instructions. It is difficult for student as well as teacher requirement and capability to absorb information could
to adopt new method of learning as it required more be more beneficial.
discipline and self-motivation to learn. Some researcher
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