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Bicol University

College of Education
Daraga, Albay
2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021


BEED 2-3 Course Professor


May 18, 2021

I. Learning Objectives:
Upon completing the lesson, 90% of pupils should be able to do the following
a. identify sources of light accordingly;
b. classify sources of light into natural and artificial; and
c. tells the difference between natural and artificial sources of light

II. Subject Matter: Sources of Light

Materials: power point presentation, laptop, monitor, pictures or
real objects of sources of light
References: K-12 Learner’s Materials Science III, Science & Health
Textbook III p. 105-111, Science III Teacher’s Guide
Science Concepts: Sun is the main source of light on Earth.
Science Processes: Classifying, Observing & Inferring
Values Integration: Valuing different sources of light

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity


1. Greetings Good morning, teacher (with

Good morning (with hand gesture) hand gesture)
Good morning (with hand gesture) Good morning, classmate (with
Good morning class (with hand gesture) hand gesture)

We’re doing good, teacher.

How are you today? Thank you for asking.
It’s good to know.

2. Prayer Almighty Father, we praise and

Let us all stand and pray. thank you for this day, watch
Please lead the prayer. over us as we go about our
works and studies from thy
bounty through Christ, our Lord.
Bicol University
College of Education
Daraga, Albay
2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021

Thank you, teacher.

You may now take your seat class.

3. Checking of Attendance
Class, who is absent today? None, teacher
Very good. Thank you class.

4. Motivation
Let’s observe the pictures.

What are the things hold by men in the Men holds in the picture are
picture? candle, lamp and bulb.

What do you think gives off by those things? The candle, lamp and bulb are
gives off light.

Thank you class.

Now, we will fill out this KWL Chart (Students will fill up the KWL
individually. Afterwards, you’ll discuss it in chart then discuss it in the
the class. class.)


1. Lesson Presentation
Can we name these things that give off Yes, teacher.
Bicol University
College of Education
Daraga, Albay
2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021

Okay, in letter A, what is it? In letter A the thing in the

picture is Sun.
Okay, in letter B, what is it? In letter B the thing in the
picture is moon.
Okay, in letter C, what is it? In letter C the thing in the
picture is bonfire.
Okay, in letter D, what is it? In letter D the thing in the
picture is candle.
Okay, in letter E, what is it? In letter E the thing in the
picture is bulb.
Okay, in letter F, what is it? In letter F the thing in the
picture is flashlight.

Alright! Very good class. Now, identify other

things that give off light aside from the things
we identify earlier. Please write them down
in your notebook. I will only give you two
minutes to do it.

2. Group Activity
Now, let’s proceed to our group activity.
Before you enter the classroom earlier, all of
you pick a piece of paper there is three
colors; the blue, red and green. Now, when
you got the blue paper, please look for the
others who got the same color as you have
the same with the others.

In a count of 20 seconds, you should be

already formed your group.
Since, you already in a group. All you have
to do is to combine all your answers and
write it in the table below.

Artificial Sources Natural Sources

of Light of Light

Do you understand, class? May I call

someone to share what you understand to Teacher. May I?
my given instruction?

Yes, go ahead please. Teacher, we will do is to

combine our answers then
classify into artificial and natural
sources of light.
Okay, very good, that’s correct.
Please use the format I shown to you. Then,
write it in a manila paper which I already
give you earlier. Please don’t forget to
Bicol University
College of Education
Daraga, Albay
2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021

choose your two presenters. I will only give

you 10 minutes to finish your work. Good

3. Output Presentation
Okay, let’s have the group presentation
each group will have 3 minutes to discuss
their answers.
Let me remind you class, you can ask
questions to the presenters.

Okay, group 1 are you ready?

Wonderful. Let’s start. Yes, teacher. We are all set.

Very good. Thank you, group 1.

Do you have any question? (Other group will ask questions

based on the presentation of
the presenter.)
(Teacher should modify some information
that may cause confusion to the students.)

Next, group 2. Please present your output.

Very good. Thank you, group 2.

Group 1 and 3, do you have any question?

(Teacher should modify some information (Other group will ask questions
that may cause confusion to the students.) based on the presentation of
the presenter.)
Okay, group 3 it’s now your turn.

Very good. Thank you, group 3.

Any question from group 1 & 2?

(Teacher should modify some information

that may cause confusion to the students.)


1. Discussion

Okay, class let us clarify the information that

you have presented. A light source is
anything that makes light, whether it’s
natural and artificial. There are different
sources of light

What if there is no light, in our surroundings No, teacher because we can’t

will be totally dark do you think you can see see things without light.
Bicol University
College of Education
Daraga, Albay
2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021

Yes, correct without light sources we could

not see the world around us, however not
every object we can see is a light source.
Many objects simply reflect light from a light

What is the difference between natural light The difference between natural
from artificial light? sources of light it can be found
in nature, these are not man-
made while artificial sources of
light are man-made.

Okay, very good class. There are different

things that give off light. There are natural
and artificial (man-made) sources of light. (Pupils may add some
Sun is the main source of light on Earth. examples of things which are
However, Moon may look like a natural reflecting light.)
source of light at night but it is actually
reflecting the light from the Sun.

I will give an example of things that look like

they are sources of light but actually
reflecting light only. These are disco, mirror,
glitter ball, etc.

Remember this! Light Sources is an activity

that invites people to investigate where light
comes from, how it travels and how it can be
used, before they use the power of light to
explore the Universe!

Okay, class let’s watch this short video bout

sources of light. Then teacher will ask the (Pupils will share through
learners, what information did you get in the discussing it in class.)


1. If there’s no ultimate source of light what When there’s no ultimate

will happen to the people, plants and source of light, maybe we are
animals? not healthy because sun can
also give vitamins that benefit
by people, plants cannot be
grow well and animals can die
easily because they might not
see their enemy. People may
not see things around them.
2. How is it important to all of us the
sources of light? The sources of light is really
important to us, it gives us to
see all the things around us.
Bicol University
College of Education
Daraga, Albay
2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021

3. As a pupil, how you value different

sources of light? As a pupil, we must value the
different sources of light like we
save using it and if necessarily
we didn’t use it for unimportant
Pupils will play a “Pinoy Henyo”.
The opponent will be the one put the words
written on a strip of paper on the pupil’s
forehead (group representative who will
guess the word).
Pupils can write the words and must check
first by the teacher if the word is sources of
The representative who will guess the word
could asks other members first by artificial or
His/her co-members can only respond with
yes, no and maybe.
All the words to be guessed are sources of
The group who got the highest score will be
the winner.

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