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Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

CIM Membership

Unit Title Planning Campaigns (2111)

Level/Award Level 4 certificate in professional marketing

Accredited Quality & It Experts Co. Ltd

Study Centre

Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

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Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

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Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

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Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

Table of Contents
TASK 1 the 5
Organization type 5
Organization size 5
The main competitors 5
Ribat Stakeholders 6
Key customer segment 6
The Theme: Acquiring new customers 6
TASK 1 (b) 7
The benefits of Structured approach for campaign planning 7
The components of a campaign plan 7
Role and benefit of using a creative brief in the campaign 8
The role of external agencies in campaigns 8
Task 1 (c) 9
Internal and External Environment analysis for Ribat university 9
External Factors 9
Internal Factors 9
SWOT analysis for Ribat University 10
Key issues arising from the internal and external analysis 11
The campaign Objectives 12
Key Campaign Messages. 12
TASK 2 (b) 13
All media to be used in the campaign 13
Communications mix 13
The integrated the element of the plan 15
resources required for each campaign element 15
Gannt chart 17
Engagement of company management and staff during the campaign
The elements we use for internal marketing 18
TASK3(a) 19
Methods and metrics used to monitor and evaluate the campaign
TASK3 (b) 21
The influence of undertaking a post campaign evaluation on the
campaign development in the future
References 22

Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

Word Count Analysis

Project 1 (a) 2 pages
1(b) to c 1427 words
2 245 words for task 2
3rd task 1380 words
Jul. – 2022 Submission

Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

Task One: Briefing Paper

Subject: Campaign Process.

Author: Marketing Executive

To: Marketing Manager

Date: 30/6/2022

Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

Task 1 Briefing Paper

(A) Organization’s background information
1.1 Organization Name:
Enmaa for Construction & Investment.
1.2 Organization information:
Enmaa for Construction & investment is a multinational real estate company located in
Khartoum, Sudan established in 2012.
Enmaa is an extension of the company Kirwan and it’s a Real estate investment &
Construction Company located in Cairo, Egypt, and established in 1997.

 Type of Organization:
it’s a private commercial (for-profit) real estate company. (B2C) &(B2B)
 Organization size:
Enmaa is a local organization (SME) it has around 100 employees and its capital is
approximately (52) million dollars it has more than 10 buildings and many more underway.
 Product & Services:
Enmaa builds and sells high luxury residential towers and ownership apartments in
 Customer base:
Enmaa is a (B2C), (B2B) type of company, focused on high-value customers living in &
outside of Sudan and it represents about 750K.
 Main competitors

Main Competitors

Mid Town
5% Wejha
2% 60%
11% Al-Zafir

Fig 1 Enmaa’s main competitors

1.3 Stakeholders
 Emma’s internal stakeholders include the following: staff members, employees, interns,
managers, board of directors and partners (Ibrahim Hagag, Mohammed Hussein and Asim

Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

Faisal), in the case of external stakeholders Enmaa has an economic or contractual

relationship with multiple governmental and commercial structures such as Housing and
Construction Fund (Governmental body), suppliers, investors, customers and shareholders.
1.4 Key customer segment
The latest population statistics for Sudan is (44,900,121) (Worldometer, 2021) Enmaa key
customer segment is upper-classmen or women living in or outside of Sudan

Geoghraphic •men or women living in or outside of sudan

•Gender : men or women

Demographic •Age : Above 18 years old

•Income : Upper Class
•Social Status : Both Single or married

•men or women leaning torward luxorios life near the nile

Behavioural •men or women who tend to like living in apartments instead of a house
•men or women who are interested in a long term investment in real

Fig 2 Enmaa key customer segment

1.5 Chosen theme: Acquiring a new customer segment
The core aim of the acquisition of the market is to attract customers who have never gotten
service from you however, acquiring a new customer is costly, depending on what industry
you’re in. Enmaa can target a new customer segment in its campaign to increase its market share
by 5%

Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

1.2.1 (B) The benefits of Enmaa taking a structured approach to campaign planning
To be clear, the best frameworks to use when to structuring the campaign plan are SOSTAC and
APIC, in our campaign plan, we will use SOSTAC® that developed by PR Smith. (commentator,
1.2.2 Components of Campaign Plan based on SOSTAC®
SOSTAC is a detailed framework for structuring a marketing campaign. The shortening stands
for Action, Strategy, Situation, Tactics Objectives, Control. SOSTAC® offers a simple, direct
framework for assessing your present situation, exploring different options and determining the
path of action.
 Situation Analysis - where are we now?
Our campaign plan begins with a situation analysis of your present situation if done properly,
following decisions about the strategy or tactics become more easy, as you will take them in the
light of understanding and the knowledge you will have of the current market, your potential
customers and the competitor motion Using PEST or SWOT analysis.
 Objectives – where do we want to be?
the objectives provide a valuable filter for where to commit your time, resources, and effort. they
also help you determine whether or not your plan has succeeded or failed All objectives should
be 'SMART -Achievable/Actionable, Measurable Relevant, Specific and Time-bound.
 Strategy – how do we get there?
This is how different components behind your communications strategy are the usage of P.R.
Smith's model TOPPP SITE, the acronym stands for Target markets, Objectives, Positioning,
Processes, Partnerships, and Tactical tools which explains more about the strategic component of
your campaign planning procedure and also leads towards tactical choices we have to make.
 Tactics – how exactly do we get there?
Tactics will cover the precise tools of your digital mix you plan to ensure use to accomplish the
main objectives of your marketing plan. That’s why this section must also try to identify the
market segments that you will want to reach for with your plan they fall into five main categories
Sales promotion Personal selling, Direct and digital marketing, Public relations Sales promotion
and Advertising,
 Action – what is our plan of action?
Start your campaign and begin all your hard work. The 5W method is important for that. We
will use the 5W method to confirm that your marketing campaign is complete and written for
the right audience – Who, When, Where, What and How this will determine the success of
your marketing campaign, regardless of Which channel it is going to be launched in. it
appears as the outcome of conscious, intelligent planning with proper execution.
 Control – how did we do?

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Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

The metrics in which the company will have to use to measure the marketing campaign success
ratio such as (CPC, ROMI, and ROI)
Also, there are Some additional advantages of the use of a campaign plan is:

 This will help marketers set SMART objectives, that are realistic and also clear goals
 this will define and make a strategy that will help to accomplish these goals
 this will help to apply the strategy to action by information in the actions and tactics
 this will improve on the way you will measure campaign success
 this will give marketer’s an overview about all of elements, and resources you will want to
consider when you start to build the marketing campaign
1.7 Creative Brief
The creative brief is the document that will explain the background of your objectives and
project for it to a creative team, designer, or agency, who will be working with you on it. You
need to provide the maximum amount detail as attainable to maximise the creative team’s ability
to form one thing substantive. ( CIM Marketing Experts)
The creative brief should include an executive summary,a marketing plan, a purpose, A
communication objective, a communication strategy, a target audience, a product history, a
competitor, A unique selling proposition, a user value proposition, messaging, timing, tone,
budget, and many other factors should also be considered.

value key information

Fig 3 illustration showing the Key Elements of a Creative Brief

1.8 Role of external agencies in supporting campaigns
The Relationships with external agencies is very important because they can add big value to
your campaign work or it will be an enormous drain on the resources and energy.

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Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

Ideally, you want to build long-term relationships so you gain benefits from the supplier getting
to understand the business, brand and your needs and way of working. Taking time to select the
right agencies is therefore critical. (CIM Marketing Experts)
External agencies will provide you with a variety of additional marketing services such as
design, video, animations, digital marketing, production, and even some small agencies connect
you with influencers. Full-Time marketing agencies will provide many services for both
traditional and digital marketing.

● Advantages and disadvantages of using agencies (CIM Marketing Experts)

Pro’s Con’s
Creativity Cost
Expertise Conflicted visions
Frees up resource Lack of relevant experience
Success Low Prioritization

(C) The Influence of Both Internal and External Environments On the Development of the
Campaign Plan for The Key Customer Segment.

1.9 External Factors

The external environment consists of customers, suppliers, local communities, investors and the

Enmaa PESTEL Analysis

Political Economic Social Technological

A change in the import has a very There is a group of Change the perspective
and export regulations significant people who think the of their behavior and
also the tax policy may impact, in 2021 the apartments are too start making reservations
affect your product average increase small and don't have and purchases online,
availability (building and rate in Sudan is much to fill their which will positively
finishing materials) amounted to be needs, and we will affect the campaign
resulting in delays, encourage them to
about 55 % that
which may negatively change their behaviour
compared to 2020
affect the campaign in the campaign.
this will for sure
affect the price of
the marketing
campaign budget
(Statista, 2021)

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Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976

This consists of political, economic, social, technological, ethical and legal factors in the macro-
environment that may affect Enmaa. This will help Enmaa identify new opportunities and threats
that may arise in the environment. This will also help Enmaa see where to focus its resources
during the campaign.

Enmaa’s Customer Analysis.

The customer is always right and in control, Enmaa needs to understand the customer’s
motivation as they want to satisfy their needs. When Enmaa understands the customer
motivation, then it will be easy to know what products they need at the time. This is easily
illustrated using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. (CIM Marketing Experts)

Fig 4 illustrates the Customer Motivation Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Enmaa’s Customer motivations

As explained in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Enmaa clients' motivation is a need for safety.
Maslow asserted that humans are motivated to satisfy basic physiological and safety needs, such
as food and shelter, before seeking to satisfy higher needs.

1.10 Internal Factors

Enmaa is a Commercial (B2B), (B2C) type of business it has a decentralized structure as there
are teams and departments Enmaa executives obtain some independence in choice making that’s
why decisions are much faster. with this, you will must know the realistic approach strategy you
will want to Enmaa to employ, estimated length and the resources you want to use in the

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• Fig 5 Centralised and decentralised structures

● Analysis Stakeholder

While using Mendelow’s stakeholder matrix we will analyze our stakeholder into separate
groups that are on based how much will they influence the marketing campaign and also how
interested they are in the marketing campaign (Academy, 2021).

Fig 6 Mandelow Stakeholder Analysis

1.11 SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis must help the business try and identify its internal weaknesses and
strengths, also any external opportunities and threats. when conducting the SWOT analysis, your
business will have the ability to identify problems in both the future and the present that will
need addressing eventually which, in return, will also help you to determine the business overall
strategy. (CIM Marketing Experts)

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Enmaa will use SWOT analysis to turn a company's opportunity into strengths and use those
strengths to unleash threats.

● Strength point:
Positive brand identity and local reputation.
wide sphere of influence.
Important links in the local business community.
● Weaknesses:
Less experienced team members move on to leadership.
● Threats:
Competitors are moving into neighbourhoods we currently control.
Demographic shifts take many former customers.
● Opportunities
Rebranding of the opportunity under the leadership of the new team.
Inventories of home sales rise, resulting in investment opportunities.
Opportunity to develop property management services.
Development of technical infrastructure for property management and leasing applications.
Be the team of choice for investors and first-time home buyers.

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TASK 2: Campaign Plan

Author: Marketing Executive

To: Marketing Manager

Subject: Planning Campaigns in Action

Date: 30 /6/2022

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TASK 2 Planning Campaigns in Action

(A) Context of Campaign, detailing:

2.1 Key issues arising from the internal and external analysis

Situation analysis showed you who your competitors are, where they position themselves and
how they are perceived by the target audience.

Enmaa has the second market share to the top with 22%, but the gap between Enmaa and the
main competitor Al-Hijaz 60% is very large, so Enmaa can add a new product to a new customer
segment with a low to medium budget High-level residential towers in less luxurious locations

2.1.1 Customer Behavior

Most of the Customers are very influenced by a multiple factors that center on the elements of
the marketing mix (place, price, people, process, promotion, physical evidence and product). The
location has become a big factor recently, and Enmaa is reviewing a selection of different
elements of places to build new residential towers in different areas in Sudan to ensure the needs
of all clients, especially those with low to medium budgets, are met.

2.2 Campaign objectives

The Enmaa objective in this marketing campaign is to build and create a new brand image by
placing “Everyone’s dream” residential towers as an affordable and convenient product choice
in the minds of key customer segments with a huge awareness rate of 75% by the begining of the
second quarter of 2023.

increase Enmaa market share by 5%

2.3 Key campaign messages

The basis of the communication campaign that you must present across all communication
activities is to influence your key target segment, a summary of what Enmaa wants the audience
to see and perceive which will make you distinctive in their minds.

❖ The campaign message

“Come Home to Your Dream”

• With Enmaa for Construction and Investment, own your dreams in the best areas in
Sudan with a down payment of only 25% and installments over 36 months.

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Enmaa Everyone's dream

(B) Prepare a detailed campaign plan that includes

2.5 ALL media to be used, including both online and offline tools

Media plan

A multi-channel campaign approach (combining offline and online media) allows the campaign
message to be effectively communicated, to create a holistic picture of the customer's journey,
and to increase significantly the chances of the campaign's success. The best way to increase the
chances of a successful campaign is to develop an effective media plan according to the contact
point and media habits of each customer's personality and target audience for the best campaign
outcome. (Medlar, 2021).

The explosion of digital media has changed the media landscape. The POE model shows that
media fall into three different categories.

Paid - advertising and promotion.

Owned - Your content and advertising.

Earned - Your audience or customers are advocates for you and share your messages or

Communication mix

 Advertising

There is no better tool than advertising to reach a large number of people at a low cost per

You can use advertising to increase awareness of your business and its services and products,
remind clients about you, inform people, promote discounts or special offers, create a preference
for your brand over your competitors, and counter competitors' claims and advertisements.
Repetition is essential to gaining attention and understanding your message, so Enmaa’s

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campaign must last for weeks or even months. Advertising comes in many forms including
television, radio, outdoor (billboards, posters), and print (newspapers, magazines, etc.).

Enmaa will also focus on billboards in crowded areas of Khartoum and free magazines as a way
to reach a larger audience. Television and radio are still one of the most important ways to
increase brand awareness and reach potential customers, so Enmaa will support campaign
growth with new TV and radio advertising commercials using external agencies outlining the
main message of the campaign.

 Public Relations (PR)

is commonly used to increase a business' awareness and profile. The press release is perhaps the
most popular PR tool - other PR activities include writing articles for magazines, letters to
newspaper editors, commenting on blogs or online forums, sponsorships, open days, product
launch events, and speaking at conferences. Enmaa will also participate in the Khartoum
International Fair and the Sudan Real Estate Exhibition, which includes a large number of

 Sales promotion

Promotions are marketing strategies used by businesses to increase interest or demand for their
products or services through temporary campaigns or offers. Promotions (or 'promos') can be
used for several different reasons, but the primary reason is to boost sales.

Enmaa can use a (No Down Payment) promotion or increase the period of its instalments as a
sales promotion to get new clients and increase sales

 Direct marketing

Direct marketing is one of your most effective communication tools, where messages are sent to
potential customers and customers with the goal of getting the target audience to respond to you
in some method.

Direct marketing includes email, direct mail, social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
text messages, and your website.

Enmaa will rely heavily on the use of social media (Facebook) and group messaging as a means
of attracting new customers. E-commerce and real estate marketing applications also play a large
role in the volume of sales, such as (the Sudan market).

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 Personal Selling

This can happen in person or over the phone. Selling face-to-face has the advantages of being,
engaging, direct and memorable, as well as enabling the salesperson to observe and assess the
customer's reactions. It is considered the leading communication tool to be used in B2C and B2B

Enmaa will use its headquarters as the main source in the sale process, and the sellers will also
target major companies in Sudan to be potential clients.

2.6 How elements of the plan will be integrated

The purpose of IMC is to transform communication from a noncontiguous continuous

variable process to a continuous comparative dialogue. According to Fill (2006), IMC can
be used more effectively and synergistically by embracing a more dynamic way of using
communication resources. (Jobber 2016)

In order to develop a communication strategy that is relational and coordinated, it is

necessary to combine the tools, techniques, messages, and media channels that are preferred
by the target audience (Fill, 2011).

Marketing campaigns for Enmaa can be successful when offline and online tools are
integrated. When using both tools, Enmaa can optimize the effectiveness of the campaign in
order to maintain and build loyalty to the different target audiences that it sells to.

To achieve a satisfactory mix of communication tools for the target audience, those
responsible for marketing communications must be skilled and responsible

In order for Enmaa to achieve integration, there must be complete alignment within the
management team. The sales team should work hand in hand with the marketing team as
well as the communication team.

The DRIP model explains this integration better and will enable Enmaa to implement the
integration of both online and offline tools and achieve the set goals.

drip model, which stands for; Discrimination, reminder, inform and persuade will be used
by Enmaa to be able to integrate online and offline tools.

 Differentiate: Enmaa was distinguished from other real estate companies that own mid-
budget residential towers, as it has high standards, and the goal was to secure 5% of the
expected market in 2023.

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 Reinforce: To further the brand's message, Enmaa has partnered with JOTUN and High-
Tech to demonstrate its quality, and colour versatility and enhance the smart housing

 Inform: To let people know about the brand, Enmaa will encourage the growth of social
conversations by educating people about the benefits of smart housing apartments in
short videos. Those who have blogged or tweeted about it are welcome to take a private
tour and test it out.

 Persuade: Persuasion is a big challenge for consumers to change the idea of living in
apartments instead of a house. Enmaa will start a campaign on Twitter to share and show
the benefits of living in apartments. Set up a handle for @Enmaa-SD and the hashtag
#Nile_View. The topic is "Luxury Living" with a picture on Twitter of the view of the
apartments next to your home.

2.7 Resources required for each campaign element

Financial resources, people resources, and time are the three key resources required to
carry out the campaign.

Table (2:2) Campaign Resources) provides a detailed breakdown of the materials needed for
each communication component, identifies the expertise necessary for each work, and examines
our current resources to determine the luck. To cover the gap and ensure the success of the
campaign, we engaged an outside company to perform some of the duties listed in the table (2:2)
below for us.

Financial Resources Because Enmaa has established a decentralized organizational structure, as

was mentioned above, the campaign budget was determined by the management using the
Bottom-up budgeting method. The entire campaign budget, agency fees, and the cost of each
action are all detailed in Table (2:2).

Human resources are still lacking in several areas, such as: public relations manager; media
purchaser to some advertisements such as TV and magazine; video editor and photographer;
graphic designer. Enmaa has a well-trained personnel in the marketing department, and other
departments can handle the campaign.

Which task will be allocated to each agency is shown in Table (2:2).

Time: The plan time is two weeks beginning on September 17 and the implementation time is
three months beginning on October 1. The amount of time needed to perform each exercise is
shown in Table (2:2).

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Campaign Resources

Financial Resources Human Resources Time

Media plan skills needed per day

Digital Marketing

SEO 250$ SEO specialist\Content writer 8 days

content marketing (blog) 150$ Social Media specialist\Content writer 7 days

google ads 1,200$ Web marketing \ ads specialist 7 days

influencer marketing 1,300$ Public relations manage 10 days

landing page 200$ Web marketing specialist\SEO specialist 15 days

Public Relationship

beauty and faction Event 200$ Public relations \ Event coordinator 2 day

influencer marketing 650$ Web marketing specialist 15 days


Facebook ads 650$ Social Media specialist\ ads specialist 7 days

Instagram ads 750$ Social Media specialist\ ads specialist 7 days

TV 1,700$ copywriter \ video editor 21 days

Magazine 650$ copywriter \ photographer 15 days

Catalogue 300$ photographer \Content writer 15 days

Direct Marketing

social media 100$ Social Media specialist\customer service 8 days

Sales promotion

promotion code 400$ Web marketing specialist 7 days

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Agency fees 1,500$


2.8 Schedule of implementation

The most crucial aspect of the strategy is carrying out the campaign, and every action must be
monitored and controlled. In order to produce the highest result based on these criteria, the
project should be divided into tasks and then scheduled using a Gantt chart, taking into
consideration the budget and time in each task separately. Quality, cost, and schedule are the
three requirements for managing the plan once it has reached implementation.

To assist coordinate all campaign efforts, Enmaa's project manager uses project management
tools to summarize all tasks.

Table (2:3 ) Gantt chart displaying the following information: start time, planning time,
execution time, quality, and the individuals assigned to each work by code.

Web website developer; C.R. copywriter; S.M. social media professional; ADS.S. paid
advertising professional; agency External Agency

23 | P a g e
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Fig 7 Gannt chart

2.9 How will management and other staff members participate in the plan? Internal
marketing is equally as crucial as external marketing, and using it to inform staff members and
management about the organization's mission, goals, and current campaign motivates them to
strive towards these objectives.

Both internal and external marketing require a well-defined strategy for success as well as
information sharing throughout all organizational areas.

Enmaa conducted internal marketing in two distinct ways:

➔ Printing employee magazines comprising all of our products, highlighting the campaign's
message and employees’ main achievements.

➔ Design a presentation to inform managers and stakeholders about the campaign

Teamwork makes a dream work is an aphorism in Enmaa's work ethic. To integrate the roles of
management and other employees in plan delivery, Enmaa uses the RACI model. According to
Google, the RACI model is the model that allocates the level of responsibility for a project from

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start to finish. It brings structure to a cross-functional organisation. Successful companies in the

world like Tesla are implementing this model. Enmaa will adopt the model to show the level of
management and staff involvement in the campaign plan.

The Plan Delivery

The Marketing Manager of Enmaa can present the plans to the members of the board of
directors, management, heads of departments and other employees as follows

 video conferencing

Enmaa can use multiple tools like Skype, zoom, and google meet and teams are to be informed
of the campaign plan.

 Email messages

Email remains one of the most popular and reliable ways to communicate with employees,
and Enmaa can also use digital stickers as a way to share details for employees and

 Meetings and presentations

 Internal Marketing

In an internal marketing plan, the staff are the customers, and the plan or change is the ‘product’
we wish to market to them.
Obtaining internal stakeholder support is essential to successfully execute a marketing plan as
part of your action planning. Kotler asserts that the marketing effort has three components:
external marketing to customers, internal marketing to employees to gain their support, and
interactive marketing to ensure a pleasant interactive interaction between frontline personnel and
customers. (CIM Marketing experts)
Enmaa will start its campaign with its employees and crew in proportion to the main target
segment of the new product Using digital and print letters to encourage them in the buying

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Task 3- Report

Topic: Campaign Success

From: The Marketing Executive

To: The Marketing Manager

Date: 30/6/2022

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(A) Recommended methods and metrics for use in campaign monitoring and evaluation

The marketing team should keep an eye on the campaign as it is being implemented and review
it once it is finished. To assist the team in doing this, we have selected the most pertinent KPIs,
with a few for each channel: -

Google Analytics, Instagram, and Facebook

The metrics' data will be provided via this tool. It will assist the marketing team with
comprehending information regarding users of the Enmaa website and social media platforms. It
will display the responses of online users to the campaign. Google Analytics will monitor social
media pages like Twitter retweets and Likes on Facebook to check the content of Enmaa's
campaign, according to CIM (2019).

Impression, click, and conversion rates are the three main factors to take into account in paid
advertising. Each one has a matrix that can be measured, and platform insights have been used to
track and assess the campaign.


1. (CTR) Click-through rate is calculated as click-through rate = impressions/clicks.

2. Conversion rate: Clicks / Conversions

3. CPC = Clicks/ Cost

Customer feedback

is a clever way to keep an eye on Enmaa's campaign. Customers' responses to online surveys
about the campaign were shared with them, but so were online and offline reviews and customer
sentiments that allowed marketers to assess the campaign's activities. Focus group interviews
also provided valuable feedback as they elicited information from the participants.

Net Promoter Score

is a statistic for measuring customer loyalty that asks directly: "How likely are you to suggest our
business, product, or service to your friends and associates?"

is a statistic for measuring customer loyalty that asks directly: "How likely are you to suggest our
business, product, or service to your friends and associates?"

Most typically, a 0 to 10 scale is used to grade this response. The likelihood of growth increases
as the score rises. Passives, critics, and supporters are the three categories of responses. The
number of critics is subtracted from the number of promoters to produce the NPS score.

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We ask the customer if they would like to recommend it. Enmaa rated her brand in college from
(0 to 10)

Site and landing page SEO optimization

The most effective way to measure and monitor SEO is to check organic site traffic, and there
are metrics to use


1. Organic website traffic.

2. A measure based on MRR.

3. Cost per click (CPC).

4. Click-through rate (CTR)

5. Return on advertising spend (ROAS).

6. Bounce rate (Riserbatos, 2021)

In the assessment phase, the media effectiveness team will ascertain the real number of viruses
(reach, GPR, OTS, frequency, etc.) estimated before analyzing which channel was more
successful in reaching important customer segments with campaign messaging. The following
should be taken into account by the business when evaluating ICM across all channels:

Metrics: -

● Voice Sharing: The team will determine how much we spend on the total spend of the
promotional mix virus in the market.

● Recall: The team will conduct a brand awareness test to measure visual acuity and control

● Response rate: The team will consider redeeming the promo code and other online activities
to gauge how many people are responding to the campaign message

● Redemption rates: Calculate the total token redeemed from a single origin generated

● Reach: The total number of people who reached the promotion in 3 months

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The following are the benefits of campaign measurement on Enmaa;

Tracking is the process of keeping tabs on a campaign's execution, advancement toward its
objectives and goals, and external elements that are important to it, such as emerging
opportunities and hazards.

Real-time monitoring of digital marketing communications is now a feature, for instance,

Google Analytics refreshes information every single moment so that the marketing team can
quickly determine whether online promotions are successful and, if not, switch to a campaign
strategy that saves the firm money.

Metrics help limit internal politics, particularly across the jobs of the people who do their job
best. The roles make the outcomes obvious, so it differentiates the contestants from the actual
performers who assist HR in the rewarding process.

Since marketing departments in Enmaa have frequently been criticized for spending excessive
amounts of money to accomplish their objectives, they must be able to demonstrate and quantify
the effects of their efforts. Most of the measures listed above assess ROI.

Enmaa benefits from this process by gathering data, expertise, and insights that may strategically
assist decision-makers in how maintaining the company in a fiercely competitive market.

(B) The influence of undertaking a post-campaign evaluation on the campaign development

in the future

Every campaign should include an evaluation of its accomplishments and difficulties. Such
open-minded thinking can continuously strengthen your potential for advancement or
development in the future and get you ready for future campaigns.

Enmaa views the campaign as a phase in the organization's development rather than just
an "event" with a start and conclusion after using the evaluation tool. We may observe how
one stage influences the phases that come after it.

While evaluating the campaign, the marketing team at Enmaa collects data and feedback
from the employees who participated in the campaign. Then the data and comments are
analyzed. With this in mind, The team presents a brief written report with recommendations
for action in the post-campaign context and lessons learned to help shape the following

Regardless of your current outcome, in this step, you must be ready to perform the procedure
and the entire process again. Make sure to make your next campaign bigger, more effective,
and more insightful.

29 | P a g e
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Customer feedback evaluation

Based on client feedback, the campaign's effectiveness for Enmaa will be assessed.
Favorable comments and positive word-of-mouth recommendations from the community will
validate the campaign's effectiveness and may be examined afterwards for potential future

Sales revenue growth from contract customers

This is an additional strategy to guarantee the campaign's success. This suggests that they are
making larger purchases, achieving the objective of gaining additional clients. Increased sales
income demonstrates that Enmaa can employ this campaign again in the future.

How profitable the campaign was (level of ROI)

This will demonstrate the campaign's success. Once Enmaa’s marketing team has invested
resources in putting Task 2's goals into practice, it will be clear that doing so was not a waste of
development funds and that it can be repeated in the future.

The Balanced Scorecard

This makes it easier for Enmaa to evaluate the business' success using both financial and non-
financial metrics. Using the Balanced Scorecard will help Enmaa align its operations with the
company's goal and vision..

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Fig 8 Balanced Scorecard

Advantages of a balanced scorecard
 Assists in connecting the long-term objectives to the work we conduct on a daily basis at the

● Prioritizing projects and measuring and controlling these activities

The balanced scorecard has five interactive parts.

● Its core is vision and strategy

● Financial Perspective: Taking into account all your financial aspects that help achieve the
strategic plan

● Customer Perspective: Enmaa consistently strives to put the consumer first.

● Internal processes: is to comprehend the process that the campaign needs to improve.

● Internal campaign learning growth: the resources and training we'll require for our
campaign's future

Marketing dashboard

is a visual reporting tool that reports on campaign success and displays important campaign
metrics and KPIs. The primary goal of utilizing this dashboard is to deliver data to pertinent
stakeholders of marketing companies in summary and techniques to support strategic and
operational decision-making – in an industry. (Healey, 2021 ).

In the campaign, the project team utilized Google Data Studio linked to Google Analytics, the
corporation's CRM, and other relevant data (such as social media exposure, and homepage) that
deliver information to the employees and stakeholders in a manner that is easy to analyze and
extract crucial insights that assist assess the performance of the campaign. This gives a clear
picture of advantages that future campaigns would accomplish.

The campaign dashboard includes data that shows the situation as it is right now and progress
reports on three levels, including

 The method we employed Measures that demonstrate the campaign's success in achieving its
goals (ROMI, ROI)
 Operational: Monitoring the marketing plan
 Tactical: Monitor campaign elements.

31 | P a g e
Planning Campaigns (2111) Membership number: 40096976


Mourant, A. (2018) Why internal marketing is as important as external. CIM Content Hub, 7

CIM (2016) SOSTAC®. Marketing Expert Topic Guide.

CIM (2016) Environmental analysis checklist. Marketing Expert Topic Guide.
CIM (2016) Measuring return on investment in communications. Marketing Expert Topic Guide.

CIM (2016) Measuring the return on communication spend. Marketing Expert Topic Guides.
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