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by Doug Hoff


Major Actions
Digits System

Major system toolkit v1.0.9

Preface .................................................................................... 1
The Major system.................................................................... 1
Major system learning ................................................ 2

The SEA-IT system ................................................................... 2

Document creation.................................................................. 3
Sources ........................................................................ 3
Organization................................................................ 4
Keyword selection ....................................................... 4
Subject selection ......................................................... 5

Stats ........................................................................................ 5
The keywords .......................................................................... 6
Default keywords ........................................................ 6
1-digit keywords........................................................ 10
2-digit keywords........................................................ 13
3-digit keywords........................................................ 36

Subjects by initial consonants ................................................. 87

p. i
Major system toolkit v1.0.9

The absence of a good design tool for building a set a mnemonic images with the Major system has
always been a problem. After building a basic one, I found that my images were able to be more visual
and I could create better stories that followed a theme with more options and used a better visual
sentence structure. This extended version should help you prepare what needs to be memorized
without the drudgery of compiling your own list.
If you have any questions, updates, or comments, you can contact me on the Art of Memory forum
( at @thinkaboutthebible. You’ll find updates as I make them on my
github account at

The Major system

The Major system is useful for an all-purpose way to convert numbers to digits from one digit to three
digits at a time. Larger numbers become combinations of smaller groups. The phonetic sounds are
mapped to each digit. About the only sound that you might want to skip is the Th sound as it is not really
a traditional mapping, but then you block out many options. Also, I have seen Th as a part of 8 but I
prefer it in 1 as in some of the original variations.
According to Seth Long, author of Excavating the Memory Palace, a French mathematician and
astronomer named Pierre Hérigone developed the technique in his Cursus Mathematicus in the 1630s.
However, it must be noted the Hérigone’s system is nearly identical to the Hindi Katapayadi system,
which dates to the seventh-century in India and was utilized by South Asian astronomers and
Johann Just Winkelmann, under the pseudonym Stanislaus Mink von Wennsshein, used it and is often
credited with the development of the phonemic system. A few variations were tried, for instance by
combining visual shapes, until in about 1820 Aimé Paris decided on the system that is in common use. In
the 1840’s a London memory expert from Poland, Major Beniowski, lent his name to the system. Then,
in the mid-70’s, a best-selling mnemonic book, The Memory Book, by the magician Harry Lorayne,
popularized it as something more than a way to do card tricks.
In the Major system, the number 2763 would be converted into neck and chime as possible keywords as
they follow the table’s conversion of consonant sounds to digits. Vowels (A, E, I, O, U), diphthongs,
aspirated sounds (H, W, Y) are added at your discretion to the middle, beginning, and end, allowing for a
wide range of like-sounding words.
The following are the English language conversions. Other languages will have additional letters and
sounds. The aspirated consonants of H, W, and Y (highway, if you need a mnemonic), are not included
and can be used for other purposes.
Major system conversion
Digit Sounds Reasoning
0 S, Z first leter of the number zero
1 D, T, Th one ver�cal stroke in the leter T
2 N two ver�cal strokes in the leter N
3 M three ver�cal strokes in the leter M
4 R last leter in the number four
5 L hold your le� hand up with fingers together, Roman numeral for 50
6 Ch, J, Sh upside-down lower-case g (so� g as in George), almost upper-case G

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Major system toolkit v1.0.9

7 G, K, Q two sevens make up the upper-case leter K

8 F, V script writen lower-case F
9 B, P mirror-image upper-case P

Major system learning

Go through the digits and commit at least one consonant for each digit to memory. Write the system
table down on paper. Then without looking, recall the mapping for each. Repeat the attempt to recall
the encoding several times. Correct yourself with your table. Then recall without looking while you are
going to sleep, the next morning, and a few times more in the day until you have it down, knowing all
the consonants without making a mistake and not taking too long.
Then see if you can recall the digit sounds backwards. During the following days, encode numbers you
see it in your head. Phone numbers, addresses, PINs, etc. The next step will be to learn some number
keywords, or visual words that are developed from the consonant sounds.
A reverse acronym by sound with all the 1-digit sounds in order is:
The new mayor will shake off a boss.

The SEA-IT system

Because the mind uses language to communicate, we tend to think in the patterns of language. The
pattern of a strong visual image is that of a sentence where a subject performs an action on another
thing. They are probably in a place that can be visualized and other details surrounding the scene are
helpful to describe. So, we have the elements of a strong image and an order of subject-action-item at a
minimum. It can also be called a visual sentence since it is directly related to the construction of a
sentence in English.
If the sentence makes sense, we can say that it has a narrative logic to it and because it follows an
expected pattern, it is easier to recall. The subject performs an action it is capable of, and it does it on an
object that seems likely the target of the action. It is also very likely that the subject has a preferred
place where the action takes place. Paul Bunyan has an affinity for sawing trees in a forest.
Memory athlete and neuroscientist Boris Konrad was surprised to find out that experimental evidence
using the VVIQ to gauge people’s ability to visualize was not correlated to how good you were at
memorizing. The hesitancy that this produced for people who believed it made people a worse
memorizer. What did make people better at mnemonics was the ability to create narrative logic or in
more simpler terms, how to tell a story. It wasn’t the pretty pictures they created in their brain; it was
the connections they made there. It wasn’t the IQ of the person either noting that anyone could benefit.
The acronym SEA-IT best fits a group of main five data types, but other systems cover many of the types
as well. Another acronym you might see is PAIL for Person, Action, Item and Location. PAO, which is
more of a competition type and therefore a simpler grouping, stands for Person, Action, and Object, and
is the most popular subject peg system.
There are only three unique primary visual word types, really, as the action is a tightly coupled
movement of the subject. Elaborations are about adding relevant detail to the three data types. The
item is a type of subject that is acted on. And the terrain provides a theme or the scenery for all the
action to take place in. Altogether, the types are:
• The subject – The one that initiates action against the item and can be real, imaginary, a
person, an animal, an anthropomorphic creature created from an inanimate item, or anything
else that can perform an action. The subject dictates the theme of the sentence to influence all
the other parts.

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Major system toolkit v1.0.9

• The elaborations – Any of the other four sentence parts can be made more memorable by
adding adjectives or as in the case of the action, an adverb. Common enhancements are
clothing, scale, weather, and superpowers. Multiple elaborations mean more keywords and
more storage.
• The action – This is the verb that works best with a direct object. A direct object is the item of
the action. An action is very closely associated with the subject because it is constrained by the
subject’s ability, familiarity of the subject performing that action, or difficulty in making sense
out of the subject perform the action.
• The item – The item can be like the subject but is on the receiving end of the action and should
be associated in some way with the subject. But it must receive action and not just be an
elaboration participating in the sentence. Use the test of action and reaction or cause and
effect to see if the item is reacting or being changed.
• The terrain – The background, scenery, or geographic place that the action is taking place in.
This is a distinct area that can contain multiple items but is most likely associated with the
subject. People find unique places or objects here described by features which are the basis for
the method of loci.
To chart it out I use a small table to see what goes where and fill in the blanks to understand the visual
images that are being created.
Visual sentence grid
Subject Ac�on Item Terrain
Subject’s elaboration Action’s elaboration Item’s elaboration Terrain’s elaboration

Psychology would call the SEA-IT organization of images with its elaborations of each data type
distinctive processing, which will facilitate artificial memory beyond the operation of either alone.
The Major System Toolkit has a unique feature not found in any other past compilations of keywords in
that the 1- and 2-digit entries are divided into these five categories of usage. Also, the subjects have
been further sub-divided into several more categories explained in the organization section allowing the
more advanced student select their preferred method of using different styles of rule-based peg systems
based on subjects such as the PAO system. The beginning student will find the default keywords more
useful to start with.
If you are interested in more information on this way of analyzing the mnemonic process, I plan on
releasing my The Memory Manual and the related Memory Manual Exercises in some form in the future.

Document creation
Many terms are my own in this list, but the majority were reviewed from other sources such as:
• The Berol System of Memory Training by Felix Berol (1872, 1918). Revised and supplemented by
William Berol, Director of the Berol Course.
• Numzi Peg Words –
• Memocamp’s proposed images
• (incorrect or unalphabetized, odd entries)
• (not alphabetized, odd entries)

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• (incorrect entries)
• (incorrect entries and
• and many suggestions came from the members of Art of Memory forum notably @Bateman
and @WilliamLoadsman -

Words with one Major system sound appear only in the one-digit section. Words with two Major system
sounds appear only in the two-digit section. And words with three or more Major system sounds will be
found in the three-digit section.
Subjects are types of people, animals, insects, or anything that is living but does not have a individual
name. Those that do have a real specific name are split into three categories:
• First only () - names commonly used in the Western world as a first name.
• One name () - names which are considered proper names and have no real last name include
mononyms, compound aliases, music group names, corporations, pet names, and uncommon
names that seem to follow name conventions. SpongeBob SquarePants and Malcolm X are
here. These names only have one conversion.
• First and Last names- real people who have first and last names or those fictional characters
representing real people with common types of names. Marge Simpson and O. J. Simpson
would be here, but Bugs Bunny would not. Names have three conversions here: first name sort
(), last name sort (), or first consonants of first and last name () which are only found in
the 2-digit section.
Verbs, such as making a noise like an exclamation, and nouns that result from the subject performing an
action, not directed towards an object are generally considered more of an elaboration because the
visualization would be better. (Hum is verb but is listed as an elaboration as is the words “ahem.”)
Terrains can be fluid between items and terrains but if the item is large enough to take in several visual
elements, it was placed subjectively in the terrain category. Events are usually terrains also such as a
wedding or a funeral. Outside features such as a mountain range or an oasis are better visualized as a
terrain rather than an item as well as rooms that you walk around in.
For quick use, the complete BOLDED, UPPER-CASED items are my default words. UPPER-CASED subjects
and terrains, found through 99, are also useful. Default keyword selection is based on the best possible
visual and starting consonant image with a preference for an item (LEAF vs olive). Keywords with similar
images are avoided as defaults.
A few rules are relaxed when few options are available.

Keyword selection
Words that have the most value to a mnemonic are those that present themselves with a vivid image.
Others that are strong concepts and can be associated with items or turned into substitute words are
also useful.
Words excluded from the sources are:
• extensions of other words such as a plural (see intro to 2- and 3- digit sections)
• words not in common use, archaic
• unusual place names (to me)
• very offensive words
• British or other regional slang excepting some common American slang
• dated terms

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• derivative words without much added meaning (desert – deserter, desertion)

• duplicate meaning of words (cab driver, cab man, cabbie)
• phrases unless especially visual and unique

Subject selection
Subjects were selected out of a large pool of eligible famous names. Those that seemed to be the best
types of candidates are those who
• are visual performing artists
• are cartoon/comic characters
• have had frequent TV appearances
• have distinct visual appearances
• have unique characteristics or historical importance
Subject selection is very subjective, and my list shows a bias towards American culture with most people
who rose to fame between 1970 and 1980 which was my heavy television and film viewing period. Also,
I tend to have vivid memories of music and include many musicians and composers.

15,130+ terms, 14,260 minutes (237 hours) editing.
700+ first names. 2,225+ proper names sorted in three different ways.

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The keywords
Default keywords
1-digit default keywords
saw, tie, knee, ammo, arrow, law, shoe, key, ivy, pie

2-digit default keywords

00 – sauce, suit, sun, semi, sari, sail, sushi, sock, safe, soap
10 – toes, tattoo, tin, tomb, tire, tile, dish, taco, dive, tape
20 – nose, knot, onion, gnome, wiener, nail, nacho, nuke, knife, knob
30 – maze, mud, muumuu, hammer, mail, match, mug, movie, map
40 – rose, rat, rain, rum, aurora, roll, roach, rake, raffia, rope
50 – lasso, light, lawn, lime, lure, lily, leash, lock, leaf, lip
60 – cheese, sheet, chain, gem, chair, shell, hashish, jug, sheaf, ship
70 – kiss, coat, canoe, comb, okra, glue, couch, cake, coffee, cab
80 – face, foot, phone, foam, fire, waffle, fudge, fog, fife, phobia
90 – peace, bed, pen, bomb, beer, bell, peach, bike, beehive, pipe

3-digit default keywords

00 – seesaws, zest, assassin, seismograph, scissors, sea salt, sausage, ice skater, sassafras, suspenders
10 – Hostess cupcakes, iced tea, Steinway grand piano, stamp, star, saddle, stage, steak, stove, stop sign
20 – sneeze, sandwich, son-in-law, snowman, sunrise, snail, snow shovel, snake, sunflower, snowboard
30 – Siamese cat, cemetery, salmon, swim meet, somersault, smile, Smashburger, smoke, semaphore,
40 – sea horse, sword, syringe, sermon, sorority, cereal, surgeon, circus, servant, syrup
50 – sliced bread, slot machine, sea lion, salami, celery, soliloquy, sledgehammer, slingshot, cell phone,
60 – ice chest, siege tower, session musician, Satchmo, seizure, seashell, situation room, sash curtain, ice
shavings, switchboard
70 – ski slope, squid, skunk, sewing machine, cigarette, skeleton, sketch, psychic, scaffold, scuba gear
80 – sophist, safety vest, siphon, sophomore, safari, swivel chair, sawfish, safecracker, C-5, softball
90 – spice rack, spider, sponge, submarine, soprano, zeppelin, ice pitcher, spaghetti, sepia photo, soap

00 – hot sauce, toast, dozen eggs, December, taser, tassel, daisy chain, desk, adhesive tape, dispensary
10 – tights, deadhead, titanic, totem pole, tater tots, tiddlywinks, tweed jacket, hot dog, tooth fairy,
20 – dance, dentist, tenant, dynamite, dinner, tunnel, dungeon, donkey, down feather pillow, twin bed

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30 – tombstone, tomato, diamond, edamame beans, tamarind, tamale, admission ticket, tomahawk,
autumn foliage, tambourine
40 – tourist, turtle, tornado, thermometer, dryer, water lily, trash barrel, truck, dwarf, torpedo
50 – telescope, headlights, talon, Dalmatian, dealer, taillight, toolchest, telegram, telephone, tulip
60 – headcheese, touchdown, tow chain, taj mahal, teacher, dish liquid, dishwasher, dishcloth, wood
shavings, dodgeball
70 – taxi, doctor, deacon, tachometer, tiger, tequila sunrise, dog show, dog kennel, dog food, teacup
80 – tofu soup, daffodil, headphones, dive mask, diver, devil, whitefish, dovecote, dove feather, out of
90 – tapestry, teapot, T-bone steak, tape measure, typewriter, table, tip jar, tobacco, two by four, top

00 – incisor, nest, incense, noisemaker, nose ring, wine cellar, incision, encyclopedia, encipher,
10 – handstand, want ads, Indian, windmill, hunter, noodle, nutshell, hand grenade, night vision goggles,
20 – union sign, Neanderthal, unknown soldier, anonymous, onion rings, nine-hole golf course, ninja,
nanny goat, onion field, nine planets
30 – numismatic dealer, nametag, honeymoon, anemometer, numerology, enamel pot, animation,
anemic, nymph, nimbus
40 – nurse, north pole, neuron, wine room, honor roll, narwhal, Norwegian cruise lines, honor guard,
nervous breakdown, unwrap
50 – wine list, newlyweds, nylon stockings, nail manicure, inhaler, nail hole, newly hatched chicks, nail
clippers, nail file, nail polish
60 – nachos, initiated few, engine, nacho mess, insurance, angel, initiation ceremony, injection, anchovy,
70 – onyx chess set, knockout, incantation, hangman, anchor, nuclear reactor, neck chains, honey
cocktail syrup, hangover, ink bottle
80 – navy seal, naphtha, infantry, November, university, anvil, invasion, infection, knife fight, knife
90 – knapsack, henna powder, knee pants, no pam, newborn, nebula, nuptials, napkin, unpaved road,
wine bubbles

00 – masseuse, mustache, Amazon truck, museum, miser, missile, massage, mosquito, misfit, misprint
10 – medicine, matador, mittens, medium, mattress, model, mouthwash, medication, mudflaps,
20 – mayonnaise, mandolin, minion, monument, miner, Mona Lisa, mansion, monkey, mine field,
30 – mimosa, mammoth, memento, meow-meow-meow, memorabilia, ham omelet, yam mochi,
mimeograph, home movies, Mumm bottle
40 – morse code, Mardi Gras, mermaid, mirror, emerald, marshmallow, market, morphine, marble
50 – molasses, mildew, Millennium Falcon, mailman, molar, molehill, mulch, milk, millefeuille, mailbox
60 – magus, machete, machine gun, matchmaker, mushroom, majolica pottery, magician, magic flying
carpet, match factory, matchbox car

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70 – magazine, maggots, magnet, homecoming, microscope, immaculate conception, mica sheet,

hammock hook, megaphone, makeup
80 – movie star, movie theatre, muffin, movement, movers, muffler, home facial, moving van, movie
fanatic, movie popcorn
90 – embassy, amputee, ham bone, wampum, umbrella, maple syrup, home page, hymn book, hemp
field, humpback whale

00 – Reese’s peanut butter cups, rooster, raisin, rosemary, rosary, wrestler, horseshoe, rose garden,
horse fly, raspberry
10 – artist, redhead, rotunda, art museum, earthworm, rattlesnake, artichoke, earthquake, artificial
flowers, root beer
20 – rhinoceros, reindeer, raw onion, ornament, runner, renewal of library book, orange, raincoat,
rainfall, rainbow
30 – war museum, armadillo, roman candle, roommate, armored truck, air mail, armchair, Armageddon,
earmuffs, Roomba
40 – rehearsal, reward poster, rear window, hair remover, row row row, rear license plate, Rorschach
inkblot, earring, rear view mirror, aurora borealis
50 – Rolls-Royce, roulette wheel, airline, Harlem globetrotters, railroad, railway line, relish, rolling pin,
werewolf, roly-poly
60 – register, ratchet wrench, urchin, hair shampoo, orchard, hair gel, rush job, airshaft, archbishop
70 – orchestra, rocket, raccoon, ringmaster, rocker, archaeologic dig, Yorkshire terrier, rocking chair,
rock fish, rugby ball
80 – harvest, raft, raven, roof materials, refrigerator, rifle, roof jumping, reviewing stand, revival, roof
90 – harpsichord, rabbit, ribbon, harp music, reporter, airplane, eruption, rib cage, rub off decal, harp

00 – Alsace white wine bottle, hailstone, lasagna, lace maker, laser, looseleaf 3-ring notebook, lace shop,
law school, wall safe, lesbian
10 – lighthouse, lie detector, lightning, litmus paper, ladder, ladle, holiday shopping, latkes, lady fingers,
light bulb
20 – lens, laundry room, linen, Luna moth, eyeliner, linoleum, lunchbox, link sausage, lionfish, linebacker
30 – limousine, helmet, lemon, lay member, hallmark card, limelight, lamb chops, lawmaker, lymph
gland, lumberjack
40 – walrus, lard, lorgnette, alarm clock, lower rows, laurel crown, large intestine, layer cake, larva,
50 – loyalists, loyalty card, lowlands, oil lamp, lily wreath, whale oil lamp, ululation, lilac, lily of the
valley, lollipop
60 – eyelashes, illegitimate child, Legion of Superheroes, lodge member, wheelchair, oil shale drilling,
logician, latchkey kid, luge federation, algebra
70 – Legos, alligator, lichen, locomotive, licorice, alcohol, luggage, log cabin, leaky faucet, helicopter
80 – lifesaver, leftovers, elephant, life magazine, liver, lava lamp, lifejacket, lifeguard, lava flow, life
90 – lobster, laptop computer, albino, album, library, label maker, elbow joint, lip gloss, leapfrog,

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00 – cheese sandwich, shoestring potatoes, jazz hands, cheese omelet, Jews’ harp, chisel, cheese
shredder, cheesecake, cheese fondue, cheeseburger
10 – geodesic dome, shade tree, chutney, sheet music, cheddar cheese, shuttlecock, cheat sheet,
shotgun, shut off valve, shotput
20 – chainsaw, chandelier, johnny on the spot, chainmail, general, chain link fence, gingerbread man,
junk, genuflection, June bug
30 – gym suit, geometry, gymnasium, gym mats, shamrock, gym leader, gym shoes, gym class, gym floor,
40 – gyroscope, chariot, geranium, shrimp, shower room, cheerleader, church, shark, sheriff, cherry pie
50 – shoelace, jelly doughnut, challenger rocket explosion, cello music, jewelry, chili lime shrimp,
geology display case, shell game, jellyfish, chili peppers
60 – hashish user, jiu jitsu, shoeshine, judgment, Cheshire cat, Jewish law, chow chow jar, choo choo car,
ash shovel, jujube
70 – jigsaw puzzle, chalk dust, chicken, washing machine, checkerboard, juggler, choke chain, Chicago
deep dish pizza, jackfruit, chalkboard
80 – watch face, chef hat, chef knives, chive mashed potatoes, chevron, chauffeur, shuffleboard, chief
justice, chef coat, chive flavored baked potato, Jiffy Pop popcorn
90 – gypsy, sheepdog, wishbone, chipmunk, shepherd, shoplifter, Egyptian, shoe box, ship FedEx,

00 – gas stove, ghost, casino, wax museum, geyser, castle, gas chamber, casket, goose feathers, gazebo
10 – quoits, katydid, kitten, catamaran, guitar, cattle, cottage cheese, cut glass, godfather, octopus
20 – concession stand, kindergarten, canyon, gunman, canary, kennel, ignition key, kangaroo, canvas,
guinea pig
30 – chemist, comet, kimono, chamomile tea, camera, camel, kimchi, kamikaze pilot, camouflage,
40 – Christmas, cardinal, carnival, groom, carrier pigeon, gorilla, garage, gargoyle, gravel road, carpenter
50 – eyeglasses, gladiator, clown, key lime pie, clarinet, ukulele, glacier, clog dancing, golf course, eclipse
60 – cachaça, gestapo, kitchen, cashmere sweater, catcher, eggshell, wig judge, coochie coochie coo,
cage fight, ketchup
70 – quicksilver, cactus, coconut, cucumber, cockroach, goggles, cookie jar, cuckoo clock, cockfight,
80 – cough syrup, cafeteria, coffin, caveman, caviar, gavel, coffee shop, coffee cup, coffee filter, coffee
90 – caboose, cowboy hat, cabin, cup match, cobra, cable car, cabbage, cupcake, cab fare, kebob

00 – physicist, fist, pheasant, face mole, visor, fossil, physician, fishhook, Vesuvius, Facebook
10 – footstep, voodoo doll, footnote, halftime show, feather, photo album, food chopper, vodka,
vaudeville, football
20 – fence, fountain, phone number, venom, vineyard, funnel, evangelist, fang, fanfare, fanny pack
30 – Famous Amos cookies, vomit, foam noodle, foam mattress, femur, family, foam cheese hat,
fumigator, foam finger, vampire
40 – Ferris wheel, fort, fern, fireman, fireworks, overalls, fortune teller, frog, firefly, fireplace

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50 – fleece, flood, flan, flamingo, florist, foul line, flashlight, flag, velvet, flipflops
60 – fisheyes, vegetarian, fishnet stockings, fish market, fisherman, fish oil, fish chowder, fishhook, fish
fry, fishbowl
70 – fox, avocado, Viking, vacuum cleaner, fingernail, fig leaf, vacation, fake Christmas tree, fake
fireplace heater, fogbank
80 – five-star rating, five-dollar bill, viewfinder, fife music, fever, favela, five cheese pizza, favicon, fee-fi-
fo-fum, fava beans
90 – VIP seats, wifebeater t-shirt, VPN, FBI most wanted list, fiber optic cable, VIP lounge, FBI show, vape
cartridge, vape flavored liquid, vape pen

00 – peace sign, post office, poison, basement, bus driver, puzzle, pasture, basketball, pacifier, baseball
10 – pedestrian, potato, button, peat moss, butterfly, battleship, bedsheet, bodyguard, petit fours,
20 – pencil, panda bear, banana, Panama Canal, happy new year, pinwheel, punch, binoculars, open
faced sandwich, pineapple
30 – bomb squad, palm tree, pimento, boom mic, boomerang, pommel horse, bombshell, pomegranate,
pomme frites, pump
40 – prisoner, parade, brain, pyramid, prairie dog, barrel, parachute, porcupine, perfume, barber
50 – policeman, bulldozer, balloon, blimp, ballerina, balalaika, Belgian waffles, playground, bullfight,
apple pie
60 – hope chest, beach towel, patient, pajamas, butcher, bachelor, beach chair, peach cobbler,
pitchfork, beachball
70 – boxer, bucket, bacon, pygmy, baker, buckle, baggage, peacock, back flip, backpack
80 – beef stew, beef tongue, puffin, pavement, beaver, buffalo, beef jerky, bifocals, buffet food, buffet
90 – popsicle, hippopotamus, baboon, baby monitor, pepper spray, bible, baby shoes, popcorn, baby
food, baobab

1-digit keywords
Subjects ass, AUSSIE, hussy, Sioux, sow, whiz
 Asa, Izzy, Jose, Ozzy, Sue, Zoe,  Esau, Hosea, Isaiah, Woz,  Jose Feliciano, Ozzie Nelson,
Ozzy Osbourne,  Isaac Hayes, Hermann Hesse, Howard Hughes, Langston Hughes, Olivia
Elab. easy, hazy, hiss, hee-haws, icy, sigh, sooey, wheeze, wise, woozy
Actions ooze, owes, sway, say, see, sew, use, weighs
Items ace, assay, ease, essay, ewes, eyes, haze, Hi-C, highways, hose, ice, ouzo, SAW, sow, soy
Terrains HOUSE, sea, U.S.A., zoo

Subjects doe, Thai, widow, YETI, youth

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 Ada, Aida, Dee, Ed, Eddie, Hattie, Heath, Ida, Odie, Otto, Wade,  Dewey, E. T., Hiawatha,
Ice-T, U2, Woody Woodpecker, Yoda,  Eddie Albert, Woody Allen, Ed Asner, Eddie Cantor,
Ty Cobb, Wyatt Earp, Woody Guthrie, Woody Harrelson, Hedda Hopper, Heidi Klum, Heath
Ledger, Ada Lovelace, Ed McMahon, Yehudi Menuhin, Eddie Murphy, Ed Norton, Ed Sullivan,
Eddie Van Halen  Dennis Day, Doris Day, John Doe, Mary Baker Eddy, Edith Head, Jennifer
Love Hewitt, Barry White, E. B. White, Perry White, Shaun White, Vanna White, Elijah Wood,
Grant Wood, Andrew Wyeth, N. C. Wyeth
Elab. adieu, audio, hot, odd, haughty, howdy, wet, witty, wide, white, weighty
Actions add, aid, await, die, dye, eat, hit, hate, heat, hide, hoot, thaw, tie, tow, wed, whet, wade,
wait, whet
Items ad, aid, Audi, auto, day, dew, dough, doo, eddy, hat, head, heat, heath, hideaway, hood,
hoodie, hoodoo, hoot, hut, id, idea, oath, ode, oat, oath, tea, tee, thigh, TIE, toe, toy, wad,
watt, weed, weight, wheat, whit, wit, wood, yacht
Terrains Haiti, Idaho, Ottawa, Utah

Subjects gnu, Hawaiian, HEN, hyena, Hun, Iowan
 Ann, Anna, Annie, Hannah, Ina, Owen, Wayne, Winnie,  Noah,  Anne Bancroft, Han
Solo, Ian Fleming, Anne Frank, Wayne Gretzky, Ann Landers, Annie Leibovitz, Wayne Newton,
Annie Oakley, Ayn Rand, Ann Sothern, Noah Webster, Owen Wilson, Henny Youngman, 
Brian Eno, Daryl Hannah, Goldie Hawn, Benny Hinn, Bill Nye, Apolo Anton Ohno, Yoko Ono,
Bruce Wayne, John Wayne
Elab. ennui, hewn, new, one way
Actions annoy, gnaw, neigh, own, hone, know, wean, wane, whine, whinny, winnow, win, yawn
Items awn, eon, henna, hiney, honey, ion, KNEE, Uno, wine, yen, yuan
Terrains INN

Subjects emu, homey, MA
 Aimee, Amy, Emma, May, Mia,  Moe,  Maya Angelou, Mia Farrow, Amy Grant, Moe
Howard, Amy Irving, I. M. Pei, Amy Schumer, Emma Thompson, Uma Thurman, Mao Tse-
tung, Mae West, Amy Winehouse,  Yo Yo Ma, Elaine May
Elab. ahem, hum, moo, meow, om
Actions hem, aim, mow
Items AMMO, em, halm, ham, hem, hymn, May, mayo, maw, yam, whim, womb
Terrains HOME, Omaha, Maui

Subjects hare, heir, HERO, roué, whore
 Harry, Ira, Orrin, Ray, Roy,  Aaron, Eeyore, Ra,  Harry Belafonte, Ray Bolger, Ray
Bradbury, Ray Charles, Roy Clark, Aaron Copland, Yuri Gagarin, Uri Geller, Harry Houdini, R.
Kelly, Ray Kroc, Roy Lichtenstein, Ray Liotta, Roy Orbison, Harry Potter, Roy Rogers, Ray
Romano, Harry Truman,  Deborah Harry, Rachel Ray
Elab. airy, aware, awry, eerie, hairy, hoary, hurrah, raw, weary, wiry, wary, wry

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Actions err, hear, hire, hurry, roar, row, rue, wear, whir, worry
Items aerie, air, area, aria, array, ARROW, aura, ear, Euro, hair, harrow, hour, ire, oar, ore, Oreo,
ray, roe, roux, rye, war, ware, wherry, wire, year
Terrains Erie, RIO

Subjects eel, lawyer, owl, WHALE
 Al, Ali, Ella, Ely, Haley, Hal, Hélio, Leah, Lee, Leo, Lew, Lou, Louie, Ollie, Will, Willie, 
Aaliyah, Allah, Elihu, Louie,  Louis Armstrong, Halle Berry, Louis Braille, Yul Brynner, Al
Capone, Al Capp, Lou Costello, E. L. Doctorow, Will Ferrell, Lou Ferrigno, Ella Fitzgerald, Al
Franken, Lou Gehrig, Al Gore, Al Green, Lee Iacocca, Julio Iglesias, Al Jolson, Louis L'Amour,
Hal Lindsey, Louis Lumiere, Ali MacGraw, Elle Macpherson, Lee Majors, Lee Marvin, Willie
Mays, Ally McBeal, Willie Nelson, Al Pacino, Lou Reed, Lou Reed, Will Rogers, Al Roker, Ally
Sheedy, Will Smith, Leo Tolstoy, Eli Wallach,  Muhammad Ali, Kirstie Alley, Alex Haley,
Arsenio Hall, Monty Hall, Benny Hill, Faith Hill, Buddy Holly, Bruce Lee, Christopher Lee, Gypsy
Rose Lee, Robert E. Lee, Spike Lee, Stan Lee, Vivian Leigh, Olive Oyl
Elab. aloha, hello, hollow, holy, ill, low, woolly, willowy, wily, yellow, Yule
Actions ail, Aliyah, allay, allow, hail, haul, heal, howl, hula, lay, lie, yell, wail, wallow, waylay
Items aioli, ale, alloy, ally, aloe, awl, ell, eyehole, hail, halo, heel, hole, holly, hull, isle, LAW, lea,
leeway, lei, lie, loo, luau, lye, oil, wale, wall, weal, well, wheal, wheel, will, willow, wool, yawl
Terrains aisle, alley, hall, HILL, Hell, isle, Yale

Subjects CHIHUAHUA, jay, Jew, shah, witch
 Jay, Joe,  Jehu, Yeshua,  Joe Biden, Joe Cocker, Joe DiMaggio, Joe Garagiola, Che
Guevara, Ish Kabibble, Jay Leno, Joe Louis, Ho Chi Minh, Joe Montana, Joe Namath, Jay North,
O. J. Simpson, H. G. Wells, Joe Williams,  Arthur Ashe
Elab. ah-choo, ashy, huge, ouch, showy, shy
Actions age, chew, edge, etch, hitch, hush, itch, shoo, show, watch, wish, wash
Items ash, chai, chi, chia, chow, edge, hash, hatch, hitch, hedge, hootch, (rabbit) hutch, issue, jaw,
joe, joy, Ouija, SHOE, show, wage, watch, wedge
Terrains Asia

Subjects COW, hag, hake, hawk, hick, hog, koi, wacko, Whig, Wookiee, yak
 Guy, Hugo, Ike, Yogi,  Hawkeye,  Yogi Berra, Guy Fieri, Hugo Gernsback, Guy Lombardo,
Yoko Ono, Guy Ritchie,  Marvin Gaye, Francisco Goya, Buddy Guy, Tony Hawk, Ethan
Hawke, Victor Hugo, Danny Kaye, Francis Scott Key
Elab. aqua, coy, gay, oak, weak
Actions ache, caw, coo, echo, eke, hack, hike, hug, wag, walk, wake, whack, yack
Items Ca (Calcium), cue, egg, ego, haiku, hoagie, hockey, hook, KEY, oak, quay, queue, qi, uke,
wake, walkway, week, wick, wig, wiki, wing, wok, yoga, yoke, yolk
Terrains Hague, IKEA, Waco

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Subjects oaf, wife, waif
 Ava, Effie, Eva, Eve, Fay,  Eve,  Faye Dunaway, Eva Longoria, Eva Mendes, Eva Peron, 
Tina Fey, Pancho Villa
Elab. heavy, wavy, woof
Actions heave, huff, view, vow, weave, waive, wave, whiff
Items eve, IVY, foe, fee, hive, hoof, ova, pho, UFO, vow, wave, wi-fi

Subjects Abbé, ape, boy, BEE, boa, hippo, hobo, hubby, pa
 Abe, ,  Bea Arthur, Bo Derek, Bo Diddley, Whoopi Goldberg, Pee-Wee Herman, Abbie
Hoffman, E. B. White,  David Bowie, Bob Hope, I. M. Pei, Edgar Allen Poe
Elab. boohoo, Hopi, peewee, whoop
Actions boo, bow, buy, ebb, heap, hop, hope, obey, pay, pee, weep, whip, wipe, wop
Items app, beau, boa, bow, bough, buoy, eBay, hip, hobby, hoop, hub, oboe, paw, pea, pew, pi, PIE,
poi, web, whip
Terrains abbey, BAY

2-digit keywords
?0 – use a plural of a one-digit work (tie -> ties)
?1 – use past tense on one-digit word (tie -> tied).
?7 – add -ing to one-digit word (tie -> tying).
Use one-digit Elab. on one-digit keywords (5# = yellow, wool, oily).

Subjects sis
 CeCe, Susie, Zaza,  Zeus,  C. S. Lewis, Sissy Spacek,  John Philip Sousa, Patrick Swayze
Elab. sassy, saucy, Swiss
Actions assess, assize, cease, seize, size, S.O.S
Items icehouse, SAUCE, seesaw, souse
Subjects hayseed, host, Saudi, Sith, sot, stowaway, Swede
 Sadie, Sid, ,  Sid Caesar, Estee Lauder,  Erik Satie, Adam West, Kanye West, Mae West
Elab. hasty, pseudo, sad, seedy, sweaty, sweet
Actions cede, cite, hoist, oust, sate, seethe, sit, soothe, stow, swat, sweat, waste

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Items acid, aside, asset, city, eyesight, scythe, seat, Sea-Doo, seaweed, seed, set, settee, side, sight,
sod, soda, soot, stay, stew, sty, suede, suet, SUIT, swath, sweat, waist, waste, wayside, whist,
Terrains oasis, suite
Subjects assignee, son, swain, SWAN, swine
 Sweeney,  Snow White, Xena the Warrior Princess,  Usain Bolt, Sonny Bono, Zane Grey,
Sun Yat-sen,  Saddam Hussein
Elab. wizen, zany, Zen
Actions assign, ensue, hasten, hosanna, swoon
Items ozone, scene, scion, senna, sign, sin, sine, sinew, snow, SUN, zone
Terrains sauna, Seine, Sinai, Zion

Subjects sumo
 Sam, Sammie, ,  Osama Bin Laden, Sam Cooke, Sammy Davis Jr., Sam Goldwyn, Sam
Kinison, Sam Peckinpah, 
Elab. Assam, awesome, seamy
Actions assume, swim
Items asthma, psalm, seam, SEMI, sum
Terrains Siam, Samoa

Subjects czar, sawyer, SЕЕR, sire, sir
 Ezra, Sara, Sarah,  Ezra, Siri, Zorro,  Yasser Arafat, Zero Mostel, Sarah Palin, Ezra Pound,
 Georges Seurat
Elab. sore, sorrow, sour
Actions soar, sorry, swear
Items eyesore, hosier, SARI, sewer, soiree, sore
Terrains Sahara, Sierra, Syria

Subjects SEAL, sole, swallow, weasel, Zulu
 Celia, Hazel, Sal, Sally, Wesley,  Saul, Seal,  Sally Field, Sally Kellerman, Wesley Snipes,
Sly Stone, Sally Struthers, Sully Sullenberger,  Mort Sahl, Han Solo, Napoleon Solo, Thomas
Elab. sallow, selah, silly, slow, sly, zeal
Actions assail, hustle, sail, sally, seal, sell, slay, slough, sully, swell, wallow, whistle
Items cell, easel, SAIL, sale, sea wall, seal, sill, silo, slaw, sleigh, soil, sole, solo, soul, swill, wassail

Subjects Osage, sage

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, , , 
Actions assuage, eschew, swish, swash
Items ice age, ice show, sachet, sage, sash, sedge, sewage, siege, SUSHI, Swatch, switch
Subjects HUSKY, sea cow, sea hog, squaw, wise guy
 Isaac, Zach, Zeke,  Hezekiah, Psyche,  Isaac Asimov, Isaac Hayes, Isaac Newton, Isaac
Stern, Zig Ziglar, 
Elab. askew, husky, psycho, sick, soggy
Actions ask, husk, sag, seek, sing, ski, soak, suck, swig, swing, whisk
Items easing, hassock, house key, husk, ice hockey, icing, sac, sack, saga, sago, sake, sash, saying,
scow, ski, SOCK, swag, swing, whiskey
Terrains sky
Subjects HOUSEWIFE, Sufi, U.S.A.F
 Sophia, Sophie,  Sappho,  Sophia Loren, Sofia Vergara, 
Elab. savvy, suave
Actions ossify, save
Items SAFE, salve, sieve, sofa, S.U.V.
Terrains Savoy

Subjects asp, SPY, wasp
,  Aesop,  Zeppo Marx, Soupy Sales,  Frank Zappa, Dweezil Zappa
Elab. soppy
Actions sap, seep, sip, sob, sop, spew, swab, swap, sweep, swipe, swoop
Items hasp, hyssop, sap, SOAP, soup, sub, wisp
Terrains spa, subway, Swabia

 Daisy, Otis, Tess, Tessie, ,  Desi Arnaz, Dizzy Dean, T. S. Eliot, Dizzy Gillespie, Otto
Klemperer, Otto Preminger, Otis Redding,  Cameron Diaz, Tiger Woods
Elab. adios, daze, dizzy, hideous, odious
Actions adduce, douse, doze, tease, toss
Items dais, daisy, deuce, dice, DOS, dose, dry ice, Etsy, hiatus, hothouse, Otis (elevators), outhouse,
Terrains D.C., Hades, WHITE HOUSE, woods

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Subjects dad, daddy, deity, dodo, dude, hothead, idiot, TOAD, tot, towhead, twit
 Edith, Ted, Teddy, Theda, Todd,  Diddy, Dido, Toto,  Theda Bara, Ted Danson, Edith
Head, Ted Knight, Ted Koppel, Todd Rundgren, Ted Turner, Ted Williams,  Jacques Tati,
Desmond Tutu
Elab. dead, dotty, doughty, dowdy, taut, tidy, tie-dye, tight, toot, wide eyed
Actions audit, dote, edit, ideate, tote, tout, tweet
Items D-Day, data, date, death, debt, deed, DEET, diet, dot, doubt, dud, duty, duet, etude, hide-out,
oddity, Tata, TATTOO, teat, thought, thud, tide, tit, today, toddy, tooth, Toyota, tutu, tweed,
white-out, width
Terrains Tahiti, Tate
Subjects dean, teen, TUNA, twin
 Aiden, Dan, Dana, Danny, Dane, Dean, Diana, Diane, Dinah, Dino, Dionne, Don, Donna,
Duane, Edna, Edwin, Ethan, Tina, Tony,  Houdini, Odin,  Don Adams, Diane Arbus, Dan
Aykroyd, Tony Bennett, Dan Blocker, Dyan Cannon, Dana Carvey, Tony Curtis, Danny DeVito,
Don Draper, Don Drysdale, Danny Elfman, Tina Fey, Danny Glover, Tony Hawk, Ethan Hawke,
Dwayne Hickman, Don Ho, Whitney Houston, Don Imus, Dean Jagger, Dwayne Johnson, Dean
Jones, Donna Karan, Danny Kaye, Diane Keaton, Don Knotts, Dean Martin, Idina Menzel, Toni
Morrison, Tony Orlando, Donny Osmond, Dan Quayle, Tony Randall, Dan Rather, Donna
Reed, Don Rickles, Diana Rigg, Tony Roberts, Diana Ross, Dinah Shore, Tony Soprano, Tony
Stark, Dean Stockwell, Danny Thomas, Tanya Tucker, Tina Turner, Dionne Warwick,  Dizzy
Dean, James Dean, Jimmy Dean, Celine Dion, Faye Dunaway, Barbara Eden, Joseph Haydn,
Harry Houdini, Lauren Hutton, Mark Twain, Shania Twain
Elab. downy, tawny, heathen, tan, thin, tiny, tony, twain
Actions attain, attune, atone, deny, deign, dine, don, dun, tune, tween
Items dawn, din, down, Downy, dune, hoedown, iodine, tahini, TIN (can), tine, ton, tone, town,
twine, tune
Terrains Eden, Taiwan
Subjects dame, duma
 Adam, Dom, Tammy, Tim, Tom, Tommy,  Adam,  Tim Berners-Lee, Tom Brady, Tom
Brokaw, Tim Burton, Tom Clancy, Tim Conway, Tom Cruise, Tim Curry, Dom DeLuise, Tom
Hanks, Tom Jones, Tom Lehrer, Adam Levine, Demi Lovato, Tim McIlrath, Tom Mix, Demi
Moore, Adam Sandler, Tom Smothers, Adam West, Tammy Wynette,  Fats Domino,
Alexandre Dumas, Marisa Tomei
Elab. dim, dumb, tame
Actions damn, deem, teem
Items ATM, atom, autumn, dam, demo, dime, dome, Doom, dummy, Edam cheese, edema, idiom,
item, team, theme, thumb, thyme, time, TOMB, tome
Subjects adder, author, batter, deer, dory, hydra, otter, trio, tyro, WAITER, widower

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 Audrey, Drew, Heather, Terry, Woodrow,  Atari, (John) Deere, Dior, Thor  Tyra Banks,
Drew Barrymore, Terry Bradshaw, Drew Carey, Teri Garr, Teri Hatcher, Audrey Hepburn,
Terry Southern, Tori Spelling,  Gene Autry, Nancy Drew, Henry David Thoreau
Elab. dear, dire, dour, dry
Actions adhere, adore, draw, dare, dry, tarry, tear, throw, try, wither
Items Atari, attire, diary, door, dowry, ether, heater, heather, odor, tar, tare, tear, theory, tiara,
tier, TIRE, Torah, tour, tray, tree, tower, udder, water, weather
Terrains dairy
Subjects OUTLAW
 Adele, Dahlia, Dale, Dolly, Doyle, Ethel, Thalia, Tillie,  Adele, Othello,  Dale Carnegie,
Dale Chihuly, Dale Earnhardt, Dale Evans, Dalai Lama, Ethel Merman, Dolly Parton, Della
Reese, Telly Savalas, Twyla Tharp,  Salvador Dali, Robert DeLeo, Michael Dell, Bob Dole, Keir
Dullea, Billy Idol, Peter O'Toole
Elab. dally, dual, dull, tall, tallyho
Actions addle, deal, delay, dole, duel, dwell, huddle, idle, outlaw, tally, tell, toil, yodel, waddle,
whittle, wheedle
Items auto wheel, dahlia, dal, dale, deal, deli, dial, dill, doily, doll, dowel, duel, ideal, idol, idyl,
outlay, tale, tail, tallow, TILE, till, toil, toll, tool, towel, tulle, twill, wattle, whitlow
Terrains hotel, Italy
Subjects attaché, doge (meme)
,  Dodge,  D. H. Lawrence, 
Elab. Dutch, thatch, Yiddish
Actions attach, dash, dodge, douche, teach, touch, touché, twitch
Items adage, adagio, attaché, DISH, ditch, duchy, tai chi, tajine, tissue, towage, tush, wattage,
Subjects dog, DUCK, duke, haddock, thug, tick, tyke, whiting
 Dick, Doc, Doug, Duke, ,  Dick Cavett, Dick Cheney, Dick Clark, Duke Ellington, Dick
Grayson, Doug Henning, Doc Holliday, Doc Severinsen, Dick Smothers, Dick Tracy, Dick Van
Dyke,  Edgar Degas, George Takei
Elab. teak, tech, thick, tiki
Actions attack, decay, decoy, dig, tack, take, talk, thwack, tuck, tug
Items attic, deck, decoy, dike, dock, headache, heading, outing, tack, TACO, tag, toque, toga, tug,
Terrains The Hague, Tokyo, wedding
Subjects diva, dove, THIEF
 Dave, Davy, ,  Dave Brubeck, Dave Chappelle, Davy Crockett, Davy Jones, Dave Ramsey,

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Elab. daffy, deaf, tough

Actions defy, deify, dive, divvy, doff, edify
Items DIVE, duvet, eau de vie, heat wave, taffy, tiff, toffee, tofu, TV
Subjects tabby
 Debbie, Dobby, Toby, ,  Debby Boone, D. B. Cooper, Tobey Maguire, Debbie Reynolds,
A. W. Tozer,  Johnny Depp
Elab. deep, dippy, taboo, tubby
Actions dab, daub, dip, dub, dupe, tap, tape, tip, type
Items adobe, debut, depot, dip, doo-wop, doobie, dope, tab, tap, TAPE, teepee, tibia, tip, top,
toupee, TP, tub, tuba, tube, typo
Terrains Dubai, Ethiopia, Utopia

Subjects highness, NASA, niece
 Eunice, Hans, Inez,  Horace,  Hans Brinker, N. C. Wyeth,  Gregory Hines, Jesse Owens,
Marlon Wayans, Amy Winehouse
Elab. heinous, nice, nosey, uneasy, unwise
Actions annoy, ionize, wince
Items anise, anus, gneiss, gnus, henhouse, nausea, news, noise, noose, NOSE, ounce
Subjects ANT, aunt, gnat, hind, Hindu, hound, knight, NATO, Nazi, newt
 Andre, Andrea, Andrew, Andy, Annette, Nadia, Nita, Wendy, ,  Nadia Comaneci, Andy
Gibb, Newt Gingrich, Andy Griffith, Andy Kaufman, Andy Rooney, Andy Warhol, Andy
Williams, Wendy Williams,  Helen Hunt, Gladys Knight, Ted Knight, Tammy Wynette
Elab. Indy, knotty, naughty, neat, nude, one eyed, windy
Actions endow, haunt, hunt, knead, knit, need, nod, wend, unite, untie, undo, want
Items annuity, anode, ante, end, hand, henna tea, hint, Honda, Hyundai, honeydew, hunt, junta,
KNOT, net, night, nightie, node, note, nut, unit, unity, wand, wind, window, wound
Terrains India
Subjects nanny, ninny, NUN
 Nan, Nina, Winona, , ,  Kofi Annan
Elab. inane, nano, neon
Items ONION, naan, noon, union

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Subjects enemy, GNOME (alive)
 Naomi, Norma,  Nemo,  Naomi Campbell,  Leonard Nimoy
Elab. numb
Actions name
Items anemia, enema, GNOME (statuary), name
Terrains Nome, ‘Nam

Subjects owner, winner
 Henry, Nora,  Nero,  Henri Cartier-Bresson, Honoré Daumier, Henry Fonda, Henry Ford,
Henry Gibson, Norah Jones, Henry Kissinger, Henry Mancini, Henri Matisse, Nora Roberts,
Anwar Sadat, Henry Winkler,  O. Henry, Patrick Henry, Peter Nero
Elab. inner, near, narrow, noir
Actions honor, inure
Items Nair, WIENER, winner
Terrains Norway, winery

Subjects in-law
 Neil, Nell, Nellie, Noel, ,  Neil Armstrong, Neil Diamond, Neil Sedaka, Neil Simon, Neil
Young,  Ryan O'Neal, Shaquille O'Neal, Eugene O'Neill
Elab. annual, noel, unholy
Actions anneal, annul, inhale, kneel
Items inlay, knell, knoll, NAIL
Terrains Nile

Subjects WENCH
 Angie, , ,  Ogden Nash
Elab. new age
Actions enjoy, gnash, nosh, nudge, unhitch
Items haunch, hinge, hunch, inch, NACHO, nausea, niche, notch, winch
Subjects INCA, eunuch, Yankee
 Hank, Nick, Nicky, Winky,  Enoch, Nike, Nokia,  Hank Aaron, Hank Ketcham,  Burt
Young, Neil Young
Elab. honk, oink, young, unique
Actions hang, nag, nick, knock, unhook, unyoke, wink, yank
Items ankh, awning, ink, inning, gnocchi, hank, hankie, hunk, knack, neck, nook, NUKE, wing
Terrains Hanukkah

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Subjects envoy, KNAVE, Navajo, navy, nephew
, , , 
Elab. naive
Actions envy, inveigh
Items KNIFE, nave, Nivea, nova
Subjects HONEYBEE, newbie
, , , 
Elab. unhappy, Napa, nappy
Actions nab, nap, nip
Items nape, nib, KNOB (door), nub
Terrains Nubia

Subjects Messiah, moose, MOUSE, muse
 Amos, Mazie, ,  Missy Elliott, M. C. Escher, M. C. Hammer,  Don Imus, William H.
Macy, Willie Mays, Lionel Messi
Elab. amiss, messy
Actions amass, amaze, amuse, miss, muss
Items alms, hamza, hummus, humus, mace, maize, mass, MAZE, mesa, mess, miso, moss, mousse
Terrains Y. M. C. A.

Subjects MAID, mate, M. D., Meta, moth, mutt
 Emmet, Matt, Matthew, Maude,  Madea, Matthew,  Matthew Broderick, Matt Damon,
Matt Dillon, Matt Drudge, Matt Groening, Mata Hari, Emmett Kelly, Matt Lauer, Amedeo
Modigliani, Matthew Perry, Emmitt Smith,  Walter Matthau, Dwight L. Moody
Elab. amity, humid, mad, May Day, mighty, mod, moody, muddy
Actions emit, mate, meet, mete, mute, omit
Items mat, Mai Tai, mead, meat, media, mite, mitt, moat, mode, mood, motto, mouth, MUD, myth
Terrains meadow, Midway

Subjects highwayman, human, man, MINNOW, woman, yeoman
 Minnie, Mona,  Minnehaha,  Minnie Pearl,  Edouard Manet, Herbie Mann, Thomas
Mann, Ho Chi Minh, Claude Monet, Sun Myung Moon
Elab. amen, humane, immune, main, Mayan, mean, mini
Actions moan
Items ammonia, hominy, mane, mania, manna, menu, minnow, money, MOON, omen

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Terrains Maine, mine

Subjects imam, mama, mammie, MIME, mom, mummy
 Mamie, Mimi, ,  Mayim Bialik, 
Elab. ahem ahem, meow meow, moo moo, mum, yum yum
Actions maim
Items Emmy, mahi-mahi, mayhem, memo, mum (flower), MUUMUU
Terrains Miami, MOMA

Subjects amour, emir, mare, MAYOR
 Maria, Marie, Mario, Mary, Murray, Myra, Omar,  Homer,  Marie Antoinette, Maria
Callas, Mariah Carey, Mary Cassatt, Mario Cuomo, Marie Curie, Mario Lanza, Mary Leakey,
Mary Magdalene, Mary Martin, Maria Montessori, Marie Osmond, Mary Pickford, Omar
Sharif, Homer Simpson,  Armand Hammer, M. C. Hammer, Rose Marie, Golda Meir, Demi
Moore, Dudley Moore, Garry Moore, Mary Tyler Moore, Michael Moore, Roger Moore,
Arthur Murray, Bill Murray
Elab. Māori, mere, merry, mohair, moiré, more
Actions mar, marry, mire
Items emery, HAMMER, humor, Hummer, marrow, mower, myrrh
Terrains moor

Subjects mole, MULE
 Amelia, Emily, Mel, Milo, Molly, ,  Mel Blanc, Emily Bronte, Mel Brooks, Molly Brown,
Miley Cyrus, Amelia Earhart, Emilio Estevez, Mel Ferrer, Mel Gibson, Mahalia Jackson, Mel
Tillis, Mel Torme,  Dorothy Hamill, Mark Hamill
Elab. Malay, male, mellow, mealy
Actions mail, maul, mill, mull
Items email, MAIL, mallow, meal, melee, mile, mill, milo
Terrains mall

Subjects MAGI
 Madge, Mitch,  Maharaja,  Mitch Kapor, Mitch Miller, 
Elab. Amish, macho, mushy
Actions mash, mooch
Items homage, image, mash, MATCH, mesh, mochi, mush
Subjects amigo, macaw, Mohawk
 Mac, Maggie, Meg, Megan, Micah, Mickey, Mike, ,  Mike Connors, Mike Douglas,
Mickey Gilley, Mike Huckabee, Mick Jagger, Mickey Mantle, Mike Myers, Mickey Rooney,
Meg Ryan, Mickey Spillane, Mike Tyson, Mike Wallace, 

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Elab. mag, eek, muggy, mohawk (haircut)

Actions make, mock
Items hammock, mic, mica, mocha, muck, MUG, omega
Terrains Mecca, Wyoming

Subjects IMF, MAFIA
, , , 
Elab. mauve
Actions move
Items Humvee, MOVIE, muff
Terrains Mohave

Subjects imp, mob, M.P.
,  Moby, , 
Elab. wimpy
Actions mope
Items amoeba, amp, hemp, hump, MAP, mop, myopia
Terrains Moab

Subjects heiress, HORSE
 Harris, Iris, Reese, Rose, Rosie, Ross,  Eros,  Rosie Grier, Rose Marie, Rosie O'Donnell,
Rosa Parks, Ross Perot, Reese Witherspoon,  Della Reese, Condoleezza Rice, Betsy Ross,
Diana Ross
Elab. racy, rosy, hoarse, worse
Actions arouse, arise, erase, harass, race, raze, rise, raise
Items air hose, hearse, heresy, iris, orzo, race, rice, ROSE, ruse
Terrains high-rise, warehouse, Warsaw

Subjects wraith
 Art, Harriet, Howard, Red, Rita, Rod, Rudy, Ruth,  Herod, Ruth,  Red Buttons, Ruth
Buzzi, Howard Cosell, Redd Foxx, Aretha Franklin, Art Garfunkel, Rudy Giuliani, Howard
Hawks, Howard Hughes, Arte Johnson, Art Linkletter, Roddy McDowall, Harriet Nelson, Rita
Rudner, Rod Serling, Red Skelton, Rod Steiger, Howard Stern, Rod Stewart, Art Tatum, Rudy
Vallee, Ruth Westheimer,  Curly Howard, Moe Howard, Ron Howard, Shemp Howard, John
Hurt, William Hurt, Donna Reed, Lou Reed, Lou Reed, Rex Reed, David Lee Roth, Philip Roth,
Babe Ruth, Burt Ward, Frank Lloyd Wright, Orville Wright, Steven Wright, Wilbur Wright,
Trisha Yearwood
Elab. arid, hardy, hearty, horrid, irate, ready, rowdy, ruddy, rude, wayward, weird, wired, wordy,
worthy, writhe

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Actions aerate, erode, herd, hoard, hurt, raid, rate, read, redo, rid, ride, riot, rot, rout, serrate, write
Items aorta, arrowhead, art, award, earth, hair dye, heart, hearth, horde, radio, raid, raita, RAT,
rawhide, redeye, reed, ride, riot, rite, rod, root, rote, route, rut, wart, word, worth, writ,
wrath, wreath, yurt
Terrains road, RODEO, ward, yard
Subjects heroine, heron, rhino, runaway, wren
 Erin, Ernie, Irene, Irwin, Rene, Ron, Ryan, Warren,  Rihanna,  Warren Beatty, Warren
Buffett, Rene Descartes, Ron Howard, Ernie Kovacs, Rene Magritte, Ryan O'Neal, Ryan
Seacrest, Renée Zellweger,  Hank Aaron, Jean Renoir, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Andy Rooney,
Mickey Rooney, Meg Ryan
Elab. horny, irony, yearn
Actions earn, iron, rain, reign, renew, ruin, run, warn
Items hernia, heroin, horn, iron, RAIN, rein, ruin, rune, runway, urine, urn, yarn
Terrains arena, Iran, Rhine, Rhone, Reno, warren

Subjects army, harem, RAM, worm
 Irma,  Romeo,  Erma Bombeck, 
Elab. warm, roomy
Actions harm, ream, roam
Items arm, aroma, ream, rhyme, rim, rime, room, RUM, rummy
Terrains Rome

Subjects harrier, war hero, WARRIOR
, , , 
Elab. hurrah hurrah, rah rah, rare, rear, wiry hair
Actions roar
Items arrear, AURORA, error, horror
Subjects earl, ORIOLE
 Aurelia, Earl, Errol, Raleigh, Riley, ,  Errol Flynn, Arlo Guthrie, Earl Klugh, Oral Roberts,
Earl Scheib,  Bill O'Reilly, George Orwell, Andy Warhol
Elab. early, royal, aural, oral, aerial, real
Actions hurl, rely, rile, roll, rule
Items air hole, aril, aureole, hair oil, Harley (motorcycle), rail, railway, rally, reel, relay, rill, ROLL,
rule, whirl, whorl
Subjects rajah, ROACH, wretch

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 Archie, ,  Reggie Jackson, Rush Limbaugh,  Barbara Hershey, Christina Ricci, Buddy
Rich, Lionel Richie, Guy Ritchie, Max Roach
Elab. Irish, rash, rich, harsh
Actions arch, rage, reach, retch, rush, urge
Items arch, rash, ratio, ridge, rouge, ROACH (marijuana)
Terrains ranch, Russia

Subjects HERRING, orc, rake, rogue, rook, rookie
 Eric, Rick, Ricky, Rocco, Rock,  Rocky, Rogue,  Rocky Balboa, Eric Burdon, Erik Estrada,
Ricki Lake, Ricky Gervais, Rock Hudson, Erica Jong, Rocky Marciano, Rick Moranis, Rick
Nelson, Erik Satie,  Diana Rigg, Chris Rock, Dionne Warwick
Elab. heroic, rocky, eureka
Actions argue, hark, reek, irk, rake, work, wring, wreck
Items arc, ark, arrack, earache, orgy, rack, rag, ragout, RAKE, reggae, rig, ring, rock, rookie, rug,
Terrains Uruguay
 Harvey,  Raffi,  Harvey Fierstein, Harvey Keitel, Harvey Korman, Harvey Milk, Ravi
Shankar,  Paul Harvey
Elab. au revoir, rough
Actions arrive, horrify, rave, review, riff, rove
Items RAFFIA, roof, RV
Terrains rave, reef, wharf

Subjects Arab, harpy, RABBI, rep, rube
 Herb, Herbie, Reba, Rip, Rob, Robbie, Ruby, ,  Herb Alpert, Herb Caen, Rube Goldberg,
Herbie Hancock, Herbie Mann, Harpo Marx, Robbie Roberts, Rob Zombie,  Wyatt Earp
Elab. ripe
Actions rap, rape, reap, rip, rob, rub, wrap
Items hair bow, harp, heap, herb, orb, rib, robe, ROPE, rub, ruby, rupee, warp, war whoop
Terrains Europe

Subjects Allies, Holy See, lassie, LICE
 Alice, Elias, Eliza, Elsie, Les, Lewis, Lisa, Liz, Lizzie, Louis, Louise, Lucy, Wallace, Willis, 
Lassie,  Lizzie Borden, Luis Bunuel, Lewis Carroll, Alice Cooper, Louis Farrakhan, Lois Lane,
Lucy Lawless, Louis Leakey, Liza Minnelli, Louis Pasteur, Les Paul, Wallace Shawn,  C. S.
Lewis, Carl Lewis, Daniel Day Lewis, Jerry Lewis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Shari Lewis, Sinclair Lewis,
Joe Louis, Mike Wallace, Orson Welles, H. G. Wells, Bruce Willis

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Actions lease, lose
Items alehouse, alias, lace, LASSO, lease, loss
Terrains Wales, wheelhouse
Subjects lad, lady, lout
 Elliott, Hilda, Lidia, Lloyd, Lottie, Lydia, Walt, ,  Lloyd Bridges, Wilt Chamberlain, Walt
Disney, Elliott Gould, Walt Whitman,  T. S. Eliot, Cass Elliot, Missy Elliott, Billie Holiday, Doc
Holliday, Ray Liotta, Christopher Lloyd, Harold Lloyd, Oscar Wilde
Elab. aloud, elite, hold, late, lithe, lewd, old, wild
Actions alight, allot, elate, elude, lead, let, load, loathe, wheedle, halt, land, loot, weld, wield, wilt,
Items alto, eyelid, eyelet, health, hilt, holiday, Iliad, islet, laity, land, lathe, layout, lead, lid, LIGHT,
lode, loot, lot, lotto, lute, wallet, wealth, welt
Terrains Hollywood
Subjects alien, LION, loon
 Alan, Allen, Elaine, Ellen, Elwin, Helen, Helena, Lana, Lenny, Leon, Leona Lewis, ,  Alan
Arkin, Lenny Bruce, Ellen Burstyn, Lon Chaney, Ellen DeGeneres, Allen Funt, Allen Ginsberg,
Alan Greenspan, Helen Hunt, Alan Jackson, Helen Keller, Alan King, Elaine May, Helen Mirren,
Elon Musk, Leon Russell, Allan Sherman, Leon Trotsky, Lana Turner,  Steve Allen, Woody
Allen, Lois Lane, Jay Leno, Sergio Leone
Elab. Aeolian, align, alone, elan, lone, loony, woolen
Actions align, lean, loan
Items lane, LAWN, lien, line, loan, loin, ulna
Terrains Halloween

Subjects LAMB, Limey, llama
 Alma, Elmer, Lamar, Liam, William,  Elmo, Will I. Am,  William Burroughs, William Hurt,
Liam Neeson, William Penn, William Safire, William Seward, William Shakespeare, William
Shatner,  Dalai Lama
Elab. lame, loamy
Actions loom
Items elm, helium, helm, ilium, limb, LIME, limo, loam, loom
Terrains Alamo, Lima

Subjects healer, LAWYER, liar, whaler
 Hillary, Larry, Laura, Leroy, ,  Larry Bird, Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Lara Croft, Larry
David, Larry Fine, Larry Flynt, Larry King, Hilary Swank,  Edmund Hillary, Bert Lahr, Matt
Lauer, Norman Lear, Dennis Leary, Timothy Leary, Peter Lorre, Fats Waller
Elab. leery
Actions holler, leer, lure

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Items allure, layer, lore, lorry, LURE, lyre

Terrains lair
 Layla, Lily, Lola, Lowell,  Lulu,  L. L. Bean, Lyle Lovett, Lily Tomlin, 
Elab. hallelujah, ill will, loyal, oo-la-la
Actions lull
Items hell hole, LILY, oil well, whale oil
Terrains Lille, Valhalla, Walla Walla

Subjects LEECH
 Algie, Alicia,  Elijah, Elisha,  Leo G. Carroll, Elijah Wood,  Robin Leach, Raquel Welch
Elab. lush, Welsh
Actions allege, lash, latch, leech, lodge, welch
Items elegy, eulogy, eyelash, haulage, high heel shoes, lash, latch, LEASH, ledge, luge
Terrains lodge, loggia

Subjects ELK, lackey, whelk
 Alec, Luke, Olga,  Hulk, Luke,  Alec Baldwin, Oleg Cassini, Hulk Hogan, Luke Skywalker,
Lech Walesa,  Veronica Lake, Louis Leakey, Mary Leakey, Eli Wallach, Lawrence Welk
Elab. alike, lucky
Actions lug, lag, leak, lick, like, look
Items hillock, hollyhock, hulk, ilk, league, leek, leg, lingo, LOCK, log, luck, oil wick, `
Terrains lake

Subjects elf, WOLF
 Levi, Liv, Olaf, Olivia,  Alf,  Wolf Blitzer, Olive Oyl, Levi Strauss, Liv Tyler, Liv Ullmann, 
Anton LaVey, Courtney Love, Virginia Woolf
Elab. aloof
Actions laugh, leave, live, loaf, love
Items alpha, lava, LEAF, levy, life, loaf, loofah, olive
Terrains levee

Subjects whelp
 Libbey, , , 
Elab. yelp
Actions elbow, elope, help, leap, lap, lop, lube, wallop
Items alibi, Alpo, elbow, lap, LIP, lobe, loop, loupe, wheel hub
Terrains lobby

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Subjects Jewess
 Jess, Jesse, Jessie, Joyce,  Jaws, Jay Z, Josiah,  Jesse Jackson, Jesse James, Jesse Owens,
J. C. Penney, Jesse Ventura,  Chevy Chase, James Joyce
Actions chase, choose
Items chaise, chassis, CHEESE, chess, choice, juice, jazz
Terrains washhouse, hash house
Subjects CHEETAH, shad, Shih Tzu
 Chet, Jodie, Judy,  Sade,  Judy Collins, Judy Dench, Jodie Foster, Judy Garland, J. Edgar
Hoover, Chet Huntley, J. D. Salinger,  Joan Jett, Ally Sheedy
Elab. shady, shoddy
Actions chat, cheat, chide, jot, jut, shade, sheathe, shed, shod, shoot, shout, shut
Items chit, chute, hatchet, jade, jetty, jute, shade, shadow, shot, SHEET, washout, Wedgewood
Terrains chateau, jet, Judea, shed

Subjects genie, Hessian, widgeon
 Eugene, Gene, Jane, Jean, Jeanne, Jenny, Joan, John, Johnny, Jon, June, Sean, Shaun, 
John, Jonah, Juno,  Gene Autry, Johann Sebastian Bach, John Backus, Joan Baez, Gene Barry,
John Belushi, Jon Bon Jovi, John Cage, John Candy, John Carpenter, Johnny Carson, Johnny
Cash, John Cleese, Jean Cocteau, Joan Collins, Sean Connery, Geena Davis, John Denver,
Johnny Depp, John Doe, Jane Fonda, John Glenn, Gene Hackman, John Houseman, John Hurt,
Eugene Ionesco, Jane Jetson, Joan Jett, John Katz, Gene Kelly, Gene Krupa, John Landis, John
Le Carre, John Lennon, June Lockhart, Gina Lollobrigida, Jon Lovitz, Jane Lynch, John Madden,
Jayne Mansfield, Johnny Mathis, Shawn Michaels, Joni Mitchell, Eugene O'Neill, Eugene
Ormandy, Sean Penn, Jean Piaget, Jean Renoir, John Ritter, Joan Rivers, Gene Roddenberry,
Gena Rowlands, Jane Russell, Jane Seymour, Jean Sibelius, Gene Simmons, Jean Stapleton,
John Steinbeck, Jon Stewart, Jon Stewart, John Travolta, Shania Twain, Jan Vermeer, Gianni
Versace, Jon Voight, John Wayne, Shaun White, Gene Wilder, John Williams, Johnny Winter,
 Jackie Chan, Lon Chaney, Dick Cheney, Elton John, Wallace Shawn, Charlie Sheen, Martin
Elab. ashen, Asian, shiny
Actions join, shine, shinny, shun
Items CHAIN, chin, gin, hygiene, June, ocean, sheen
Terrains Cheyenne, China, Juneau

 Jamie, Jim, Jimmy, ,  Jim Bakker, Jim Brown, Jimmy Buffett, Jim Carrey, Jimmy Carter,
Jim Croce, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Durante, Jamie Foxx, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Henson, Jim Morrison,
Jim Nabors, Jimmy Stewart, 

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Elab. chime, chummy

Actions jam, jimmy, shame, shimmy
Items chamois, chime, chum, GEM, jamb, sham, shim
Terrains gym

Subjects Hoosier, Jewry, jury, shrew, usher
 Geri, Jerry, Sherry,  Cher, J. R., Usher,  Jerry Brown, Jerry Falwell, Jerry Garcia, H. R.
Giger, Jerry Lewis, Shari Lewis, Jerry Maguire, Jerry Seinfeld,  M. C. Escher, Teri Hatcher,
Dinah Shore, Pauly Shore
Elab. ajar, chary, cheery, junior, sheer, sure
Actions adjure, assure, char, cheer, jar, jeer, share, shear, shower, usher, wager
Items CHAIR, cherry, chore, gyro, hosiery, jar, sherry, shower, usury, wager
Terrains hatchery, hedgerow, shire, SHORE

 Ashley, Jill, Joel, Julia, Julie, Juliet, Shelley, ,  Julie Andrews, Julian Assange, Julius
Caesar, Julia Child, Jill Ireland, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Joel Osteen, Juliet Prowse, Julia Roberts,
Shel Silverstein, Shelley Winters,  Dale Chihuly, Billie Joel, Billy Joel, Angelina Jolie
Elab. agile, chilly, jolly, shallow
Actions chill
Items cello, chili, Jell-O, jelly, jewel, jowl, July, SHELL, shale, shawl, shoal
Terrains JAIL

Subjects JUDGE
 Josh, Joshua,  Joshua, Xuxa,  Zsa Zsa Gabor, Josh Groban, J. Jonah Jameson, Josh
McDowell, Judge Reinhold, 
Elab. Jewish, wishy washy
Actions shush, josh
Items HASHISH, chowchow, choo choo, shchi (Russian cabbage soup)
Subjects chick, Czech, hedgehog, jockey, SHEIK
 Chuck, Jack, Jackie, Jake, Jacques,  Shaggy,  Jack Albertson, Jack Benny, Chuck Berry,
Jack Black, Jackie Chan, G. K. Chesterton, Chuck Colson, Chuck Connors, Jackie Cooper,
Jacques Cousteau, Jack Dempsey, Jackie Gleason, Shecky Greene, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jack
Kerouac, Jack Kevorkian, Chaka Khan, Jack LaLanne, Jack Lemmon, Jack London, Chico Marx,
Jack Nicholson, Jack Nicklaus, Chuck Norris, Jacques Offenbach, Jack Palance, Jackson Pollock,
Jackie Robinson, J. K. Rowling, Jack Sparrow, Jacques Tati, Chuck Yeager, 
Elab. chic, shag
Actions choke, chuck, chug, jog, joke, shake, shock
Items chalk, check, cheek, JUG, jig, shack

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Subjects CHEF, chief
 Jeff, Josh,  Jehovah, Jove,  Jeff Bridges, Chevy Chase, Jeff Daniels, Jeff Foxworthy, Jeff
Goldblum, 
Actions achieve, chafe, shave, shove
Items chaff, chive, SHEAF
Terrains Jaffa, Java
Subjects G.O.P., SHEEP
 Chip,  Job,  Chubby Checker, J. Paul Getty, H. P. Lovecraft,  Frederic Chopin, Earl
Scheib, Charles Schwab
Elab. cheap, chubby, choppy, shabby
Actions chap, chip, chop, jab, jibe, shape, shop
Items jib, job, SHIP, shop
Terrains Sheba

Subjects GOOSE, ox
 Casey, Gus, ,  Cass Elliot, Casey Kasem, Casey Stengel,  Andre Agassi, Howard Hawks,
Alicia Keys
Elab. cozy
Actions accuse, cuss, gaze, guess, kiss, quiz, wax
Items case, cause, chaos, gas, gauze, guise, hacksaw, haggis, hoax, KISS, wax
Terrains causeway, quay house

Subjects cad, CADDY, cat, cod, coyote, cutie, goat, guide, kid, kitty
 Agatha, Cathy, Kate, Katie, Keith, ,  Keith Carradine, Agatha Christie, Katie Couric, Katie
Holmes, Kate Hudson, Kathy Ireland, Katy Perry, Keith Richards, Kate Smith, Cat Stevens, Kate
Winslet,  J. Paul Getty, Dennis Quaid, Randy Quaid
Elab. catty, gaudy, giddy, quiet, acute, cute, good, wicked
Actions act, acquit, code, cut, goad, guide, hog tie, kowtow, quit, quote
Items agate, aikido, COAT, code, cootie, cot, cowhide, cud, cutaway, gait, gate, getaway, gout,
goatee, gut, kit, kite, quota, walkout, weekday, wicket
Terrains ghetto, Kuwait, Kyoto
Subjects con, iguana, QUEEN, Wiccan

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 Connie, Eugenie, Gwen, Gwynne, Kane, Ken,  Cain, Khan,  Connie Chung, Connie
Francis, Ken Jennings, Joaquin Phoenix, Keanu Reeves, Kenny Rogers, Gwen Stefani, Connie
Stevens, Kanye West, Gahan Wilson,  Spiro Agnew, James Caan, Herb Caen, Michael Caine,
George M. Cohan, Sacha Baron Cohen, Tim Conway, Fred Gwynne, Hulk Hogan, Madeline
Kahn, Gil Kane, Chaka Khan, Anthony Quinn
Elab. agony, acne, equine, hackney, keen, oaken
Actions awaken, can, con, gain, weaken
Items acne, can, cane, CANOE, coin, cone, cayenne, gown, guinea, gun, kendo, kin, kino, wagon
Terrains Gehenna, Ghana, Guiana, Yukon

 Cam, Kim, ,  Kim Jong-Il,  Perry Como, Mario Cuomo
Elab. acme, calm, gummy
Actions come, qualm
Items cam, cameo, chyme, coma, COMB, comma, game, oakum
Terrains Yokohama, Guam, wigwam

Subjects CAR, choir, crew, crow, cur, guru, hacker, hiker, hooker, ogre
 Carrie, Cora, Gary, Kerry,  Hagar the Horrible,  Garth Brooks, Gary Busey, Gary
Coleman, Gary Cooper, Keir Dullea, Carrie Fisher, Carrie Fisher, Cary Grant, Akira Kurosawa,
Gary Larson, Garry Marshall, Garry Moore, Carrie Nation, Garry Shandling, Igor Sikorsky, Igor
Stravinsky, Corrie Ten Boom, Carrie Underwood, Gore Vidal,  Drew Carey, Mariah Carey, Jim
Carrey, Robert Cray, Sheryl Crow, Russell Crowe, Marie Curie, Tim Curry, Teri Garr, Frank
Gehry, Richard Gere, Al Gore, Spalding Gray, Zane Grey, John Lee Hooker, Chuck Yeager
Elab. cry, eager, gory, hickory, queer, wicker
Actions accrue, agree, acquire, care, core, cower, cure, carry, grow
Items acre, auger, augury, core, curry, euchre, gear, gore, guy wire, Jäger, OKRA, query, walker
Terrains Cairo, quarry

Subjects collie, eagle, ghoul, gull, quail, yokel
 Chloe, Clay, Clio, Cole, Gil, Kayla, Kaylee, Kelly, Kyle, ,  Kelly Clarkson, Gil Kane, Kylie
Minogue, Cole Porter, Gale Storm,  Cab Calloway, Nat King Cole, Simon Cowell, Vince Gill,
Mickey Gilley, Robert Goulet, Frida Kahlo, DeForest Kelley, Emmett Kelly, Gene Kelly, Grace
Kelly, R. Kelly, Jean-Claude Killy, Annie Oakley, Dan Quayle
Elab. callow, cool, glee, ugly
Actions call, coil, cull, glow, kill, ogle, heckle, haggle, quell, wiggle
Items caul, clue, claw, clay, coal, coil, cowl, gale, gall, GLUE, goal, kale, keel, keyhole, kilo, quill
Terrains gala, galley, gully, hog wallow, igloo

Subjects GEISHA
, , ,  John Cage, Nicolas Cage, Johnny Cash
Elab. catchy

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Actions cache, catch, gash, gouge, gush, quash

Items acacia, cage, cash, cashew, coach, COUCH, gauge, quiche
Subjects cock, COOK, cuckoo, king, kook
 Kiki, ,  Coco Chanel,  Sam Cooke, Paul Gauguin, Wild Bill Hickok, Lee Iacocca
Elab. agog, cocky, khaki, quick
Actions gag, gawk, kick, quack, quake
Items cacao, CAKE, caulk, Coke, cookie, egg yolk, gag, gig, keg
Terrains Waikiki

Subjects CALF
,  Goofy,  Kofi Annan, Yakov Smirnoff,  Georgia O'Keeffe
Elab. guffaw
Actions cough, give, quaff
Items agave, cave, coif, COFFEE, cove, covey, cuff, giveaway, goof, guava
Terrains CAFE

Subjects cabbie, cop, COWBOY, cub
Gaby, Kip, ,  Kobe Bryant, Cab Calloway,  Al Capp, Ty Cobb, Andy Gibb, Barry Gibb,
Mike Huckabee, Charles Everett Koop
Elab. gob
Actions copy, go by, keep, gab, gape, cope, equip, occupy, quip
Items CAB, cape, cap, cob, coop, coupe, cubby, cube, cup, gap, KP
Terrains Cuba

Subjects fuzz, V.C.
, ,  Fess Parker,  Bob Fosse, Burl Ives, Charles Ives
Elab. fussy, fuzzy
Actions efface, effuse, fizz, fuse, fuss
Items FACE, fez, fuse, phase, vase, vice, voice
Terrains halfway house, office

Subjects aphid, vet
 Fido, Yvette,  Ovid,  Faith Hill,  Boba Fett, Elmer Fudd, Jon Voight
Elab. fat, fit, heavyweight, void, voodoo
Actions avoid, evade, fade, feed, fight, heft, video, vote, waft

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Items ephod, faith, fate, feat, feed, feta, fete, feud, Fiat, food, FOOT, Hefty (trash bag), photo, vat,
Terrains fight (boxing)
Subjects faun, fawn
 Evan, Fannie, Ivan, Van, Yvonne, ,  Fanny Brice, Van Cliburn, Yvonne DeCarlo, Vin
Diesel, Van Johnson, Van Morrison, Ivan Pavlov, Vanna White,  Larry Fine, Robert Vaughn,
Vince Vaughn
Elab. funny, phony, vain, woven
Actions fan, feign, fine, phone
Items avenue, fine, fan, fin, fauna, fun, haven, hyphen, oven, PHONE, vane, vein, vine
Terrains Havana, heaven, Vienna

, , , 
Actions fume
Items fame, FM, FOAM, ovum, vim
Subjects FAIRY, frau, heifer, pharaoh, weaver
 Avery, Vera,  Pharaoh,  Farah Fawcett,  Mia Farrow, Guy Fieri, J. Edgar Hoover,
Sigourney Weaver
Elab. fair, fiery, free, furry, fury, ivory
Actions aver, fear, ferry, fray, fry, hover, offer, veer, waver
Items affair, fairway, fare, fir, FIRE, foray, fur, furrow, ovary, wafer, waiver
Terrains aviary, fair, ferry, foyer

Subjects fellow, filly, fly, foal, FOOL, fowl, weevil
 Flo, Ophelia, Phil, Viola,  Flea, Philo,  Phil Collins, Val Kilmer, Evel Knievel, Phil McGraw,
Phil Silvers, Phil Spector,  Rudy Vallee, Frankie Valli
Elab. awful, evil, fallow, full, vile
Actions fall, foul, feel, flay, flee, fail, flow, fly, follow, fail, fill, value, whiffle
Items file, filet, folio, folly, flaw, floe, flue, fuel, hovel, offal, oval, uvula, valet, veal, veil, vial, villa,
viola, volley, vowel, WAFFLE
Terrains valley
Subjects FISH
,  Phish, , 
Elab. fishy, aphasia

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Actions fetch, vouch

Items effigy, fuchsia, FUDGE, voyage
Terrains Fiji
 Vic, , , 
Elab. fake, foggy, off key, vague, vogue
Actions evoke
Items fig, FOG, folk, fugue, havoc
Subjects FIFA
 Fifi, , , 
Elab. viva, woof woof
Items fief, FIFE, five
Subjects FBI, V.I.P., V.P.
 Phoebe,  Fabio, , 
Actions faux pas, fib, vape
Items fob, fop, PHOBIA, vibe

Subjects abbess, bass, BOSS, posse, pussy
 Bess, Bessie,  B.C., Boaz, Bozo, Hobbes,  Boz Scaggs,  Joan Baez, Count Basie, Georges
Bizet, Gary Busey, Ruth Buzzi
Elab. beaux, busy, obese, passé, pious
Actions abase, abuse, appease, buzz, oppose, pace, pass, pause, pose, whipsaw
Items apis, base, bass, bias, booze, byways, PEACE, peso, piece, poise, pus
Terrains abyss, BUS

Subjects abbot, bat, POET, whippet
 Betty, Buddy, Pat, Patti, Pete,  Buddha, Obadiah,  Bud Abbott, P. T. Barnum, Pat
Benatar, Pat Boone, Betty Boop, Bette Davis, Buddy Ebsen, Betty Ford, Buddy Guy, Buddy
Holly, Bat Masterson, Bette Midler, Piet Mondrian, Pat Morita, Pat Paulsen, Buddy Rich, Pat
Robertson, Pete Seeger,  Bud Abbott, Warren Beatty, Brad Pitt, Sidney Poitier

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Elab. apathy, bad, petty, piety, pithy

Actions abut, abate, abide, abet, abed, apt, bat, bait, beat, behead, bite, bid, bode, boot, bud, butt,
pad, pat, pet, pity, pot, pout, put, putt
Items abode, bait, bat, bath, bead, beauty, beet, BED, bid, bit, bite, body, boot, booth, booty, bout,
bow tie, bud, butt, habit, pad, pate, pâté, path, Payday, peat, pit, pod, pot, putty
Terrains BOAT, patio, U-boat
Subjects BUNNY, Pawnee, peon, pony
 Ben, Bonnie, Penny,  Bono, Pan,  Ben Affleck, Ben Kingsley, Penny Marshall, Ben Stein,
Ben Stiller,  Barbara Bain, L. L. Bean, Jack Benny, Sonny Bono, Daniel Boone, Debby Boone,
Pat Boone, Irving Penn, Sean Penn, William Penn, J. C. Penney
Elab. bony, bonny, ebony, open, puny
Actions ban, bone, opine, pawn
Items bane, bean, bin, bone, boon, bun, paean, pan, pane, pawn, PEN, penny, piano, pin, pine,
peony, pun, weapon
Subjects BUM, puma
, , ,  L. Frank Baum, Barack Obama
Elab. balmy
Actions beam, bomb, palm
Items balm, beam, BOMB, opium, palm, poem
Terrains BAHAMAS, Bohemia

Subjects BEAR, boor, burro, buyer, Hebrew, pariah, payer
 Barry, Perry, Pierre, ,  Barry Bonds, Pierre Cardin, Perry Como, Barry Gibb, Barry
Goldwater, Barry Manilow, Pierre Salinger, Barry White, Perry White, Oprah Winfrey, 
Theda Bara, Roseanne Barr, Gene Barry, Yogi Berra, Chuck Berry, Halle Berry, Niels Bohr,
Raymond Burr, Edgar Rice Burroughs, William Burroughs, Dennis Hopper, Grace Murray
Hopper, Hedda Hopper, Ross Perot, Katy Perry, Matthew Perry, Tyler Perry, Tyrone Power,
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Elab. highbrow, poor, pure, upper
Actions abhor, appear, bare, beware, borrow, bra, bray, brew, burrow, pare, parry, peer, pore, pour,
pray, pry, purr
Items apiary, barrow, BEER, berry, brew, brow, bore, borough, brie, bureau, burr, eyebrow, happy
hour, pair, pear, peer, pier, power, prey, pyre, whopper, wiper
Terrains bar, bower, Bowery, opera, Peru
Subjects BULL, bully, hoi poloi
 Belle, Bill, Billie, Billy, Paul, Paula, Phil, Polly,  Abel, Apollo, Pelé,  Paula Abdul, Bella
Abzug, Béla Bartók, Bill Bixby, Paul Cezanne, Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, Billy Crystal, Bela Fleck,
Bill Gates, Paul Gauguin, Billy Graham, Paul Harvey, Billie Holiday, Billy Idol, Billie Joel, Billy

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Joel, Bela Lugosi, Paul Lynde, Paul McCartney, Bill Murray, Paul Newman, Bill Nye, Bill
O'Reilly, Paul Reubens, Paul Revere, Paul Shaffer, Pauly Shore, Paul Simon, Billy Sunday, Paul
Verhoeven, Billy Wilder,  Beetle Bailey, Pearl Bailey, Christian Bale, Lucille Ball, Alexander
Graham Bell, Jessica Biel, Peter Boyle, Susan Boyle, Les Paul, Norman Vincent Peale, Colin
Elab. able, below, pale, uphill
Actions appall, appeal, apply, bawl, belie, bellow, blow, boil, bully, hobble, peal, peel, pile, play, poll,
plow, ply, pull, wobble
Items apple, bail, bale, ball, ballyhoo, BELL, belly, bill, bile, boll, bowl, eyeball, highball, hoopla,
opal, pail, pal, pall, pile, pill, pillow, play, plow, pole, polo, pulley
Terrains pool
Subjects Apache, bitch, pooch
 Butch, ,  Butch Cassidy,  August Anheuser Busch, George W. Bush, Laura Bush, Jean
Elab. posh, pudgy
Actions bitch, botch, bewitch, budge, patch, push
Items apogee, badge, batch, beech, bush, page, eyepatch, PEACH, pitch, pouch
Terrains beach, Bijou

Subjects bookie, buck, bug, PIG, pug
 Becky, Peggy,  Beck, Puck,  Peggy Fleming, Peggy Lipton,  Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach,
Johann Sebastian Bach, Glenn Beck, Gregory Peck, Wolfgang Puck
Elab. baggy, opaque
Actions bake, balk, beg, buck, pack, peak, peck, peek, pick, pique, ping
Items back, bag, beak, BIKE, Bing (browser), bog, book, bouquet, buckeye, buggy, Buick, epic,
epoch, hoagie, peak, peck, pica, pike, peg, puck
Terrains pokey
 Buffy, ,  B. F. Skinner, 
Elab. above, beefy, buff, puffy
Actions behave, buff, pave, puff
Items bay view, beef, BEEHIVE, bevy, buffet
Subjects BABY, papa, pappy, poohbah, pope, pup
 Bob, Bobby, Pepe, Pippi,  Boo-Boo, Pepe Le Pew, Popeye,  Bob Barker, Bobby Brown,
Bob Crane, Bob Denver, Bob Dole, Bob Dylan, Boba Fett, Bobby Fischer, Bob Fosse, Bob Hope,
Bob Keeshan, B.B. King, Bob Marley, Bob Newhart, Babe Ruth, Bob Saget, Bob Seger, Bob
Woodward,  Betty Boop
Elab. hip-hop

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Actions bob, peep, pop, pooh pooh, bye bye

Items bib, boob, hubbub, Pap (test), papaw, pep, pip, PIPE, poop, pop, poppy, pupa
Terrains pub

3-digit keywords
??0 – use a plural of a two-digit word (sauce -> sauces).
??1 – add past tense of a two-digit word (sauce -> sauced).
??7 – add -ing to two-digit word (sauce -> saucing).
Use one-digit Elab. on two-digit keywords (5## = yellow, wool, oily).
Use two-digit Elab. on one-digit keywords (51# = lewd, old, wild).

000 – SEESAWS, , , , 
001 – assistance, cistern, cyst, essayist, sauce dish, seaside, secede, siesta, sister, society, suicide,
sustain, sustenance, swastika, system, systolic, ZEST, , , , 
002 – ASSASSIN, house sign, season,  Susan, Suzanne, ,  Susan B. Anthony, Susan Boyle, Suzanne
Somers,  Paul Cezanne, Vidal Sassoon
003 – assessment, cesium, schism, SEISMOGRAPH, sesame, Sousa march, Swiss movement, , , , 
004 – assessor, Caesarian, saucer, SCISSORS, sea serpent,  Caesar,  Cicero,  Caesar Augustus, César
Chávez, Cesar Romero,  Julius Caesar, Sid Caesar, Edward Scissorhands
005 – assault vehicle, house sale, house slippers, isosceles, SEA SALT, Sicilian, sisal, sizzle,  Cecil,
Cecilia, Cecily, ,  Cecil B. DeMille, 
006 – association, cessation, House session, SAUSAGE, secession, Swiss cheese, Swiss watch, syzygy, ,
, , 
007 – ICE SKATER, Saskatchewan, sasquatch, Suez Canal, Susquehanna, , , , 
008 – SASSAFRAS, sissified, ,  Sisyphus, , 
009 – cesspool, saucepan, suspend, SUSPENDERS, suspense, suspension bridge, suspicion, suspiration,
, , , 
010 – citizen, hostess, HOSTESS CUPCAKES, ice yachting, sawdust, seduce, side splitting, sidestep,
sideswipe, sideways, sightsee, soothsayer, stoicism, Switzerland, ,  Sad Sack, , 
011 – acidity, assiduity, citadel, estate, ICED TEA, sawtooth, sedative, stadium, state, stateroom,
statesmanship, static, status, statutes, statutory, steed, stethoscope, stood, stout, stud, stud poker,
studio, studious, , , ,  Clint Eastwood, Anwar Sadat
012 – astonish, hesitancy, ostensibly, ostentatious, pseudonym, satin, sedentary, stain, stainless steel,
stanchion, stand, stand by, standard, standstill, stanza, staunch, stein, STEINWAY GRAND PIANO, stench,
stencil, stenographer, stint, stone, stone age, stone wall, stunt, Sudan, sudden, Sweden,  Austin,
Sidney, Stan, Stanley,  Satan,  Stan Freberg, Stan Getz, Stonewall Jackson, Stan Kenton, Stanley
Kramer, Stanley Kubrick, Stan Laurel, Stan Lee, Sidney Poitier, Austin Powers,  Steve Austin
Charlton Heston, Whitney Houston, Joel Osteen, Joseph Stalin, Barabara Stanwyck, Ben Stein, Gertrude
Stein, John Steinbeck, Gloria Steinem, Casey Stengel, Oliver Stone, Sharon Stone, Sly Stone, Peter
013 – esteem, estimate, sediment, sodium, Sodom, South America, Southampton, stamina, stammer,
STAMP, stamp collector, stampede, steam, steam heat, steamroller, stem, stimulate, stomach, stomping
ground, stumble, stumbling block, stump, stymie, sweetmeats, waste material, Westminster Abbey,
wisdom, wisdom teeth, , ,  Saddam Hussein,  George Eastman, Ruth Westheimer

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014 – asteroid, astray, astronaut, austerity, cedar, cider, estrangement, history, hoister, hysterics,
ostrich, oyster, satire, Saturn, setter, stair, STAR, starch, stare, start, starvation, steer, steerage, sterile,
sterling, steward, stir, storage, store, stork, storm, story, straggler, straight, strain, straitjacket, straits,
strand, strange, stranger, strategy, straw, strawberry, streak, stream, streamers, street, strength,
strenuous, stress, stretch, stretcher, strewn, strict, stride, strike, string, stringent, strip, stripe,
stroganoff, strong, stroopwafel, struck, structure, struggle, strut, strychnine, sturdy, sturgeon, suitor,
sweater, sweetheart, yesterday,  Esther,  C-3PO, Cedric the Entertainer,  Isadora Duncan, Esther
Williams,  Fred Astaire, Andre Citroen, Erik Estrada, Ann Sothern, Terry Southern, Tony Stark, Ringo
Starr, Howard Stern, Isaac Stern, Jimmy Stewart, Jon Stewart, Martha Stewart, Patrick Stewart, Rod
Stewart, Gale Storm, Levi Strauss, Richard Strauss, Igor Stravinsky, Darryl Strawberry, Meryl Streep,
Barbra Streisand, Sally Struthers, Preston Sturges, Donald Sutherland
015 – acetylene torch welder, city limits, city wall, hostility, SADDLE, satellite, Seattle, seedling, settle,
settler, stalemate, stall, stallion, stalwart, steal, stealth, steel, steel bars, stellar, stiletto, stool, stool
pigeon, subtle, swaddling clothes, , , ,  Sylvester Stallone, Danielle Steel, Ben Stiller
016 – citation, hesitation, hostage, sedition, STAGE, stage fright, stage name, stage struck, stagecoach,
station, statue, stature, stitch, stodgy, Stygian, sweat shop, Swedish, , , , 
017 – ascetic, astigmatism, haystack, sciatica, seduction, seductive, side car, sidewalk, siding, sitting
room, staccato, stack, stag, stagnation, stake, stakeholder, stalk, STEAK, stegosaurus, stick, sticker,
stickler, sticky, stigma, sting, stock, stock market, stockade, stockholder, stockings, stocky, stockyards,
stoic, stucco, stuck, sudoku, suitcase, waist coat, West coast, zodiac, , ,  Stockard Channing,  Neil
Sedaka, Rod Steiger, Alfred Stieglitz, Dean Stockwell, Bram Stoker
018 – acid free paper, citified, sad faced, sea devil, soda fountain, South Africa, staff, stevedore, stiff,
stifle, STOVE, stovepipe hat, stuff, stuffing, stuffy, wasteful,  Stephan, Stephanie, Stephen, Steve,
Steven,  Sid Vicious,  Steve Allen, Steve Austin, Steve Ballmer, Steve Carell, Steve Garvey, Stephen
Hawking, Steve Jobs, Stephen King, Steve Martin, Steve McQueen, Stevie Nicks, Steven Segal, Stephen
Sondheim, Stephen Spielberg, Steven Tyler, Stevie Wonder, Stephen Wozniak, Steven Wright,  Gloria
Estafan, Emilio Estevez, Gwen Stefani, George Stephanopoulos, Connie Stevens, Cat Stevens
019 – housetops, osteopath, side pocket, sideburns, stab, stability, stabilizer, stable, staple, steep,
steeplechase, step, step ladder, steppe, steppingstone, stipend, stipulate, stoop, stop, STOP SIGN,
stopper, stopwatch, stopwatch, stub, stubborn, stupefy, stupid, stupor, styptic pencil, sweetbreads,
wastebasket, , , ,  Jean Stapleton
020 – censor, census, Cincinnati, cynicism, essence, Sanskrit, science, seance, sensation, sense, sensible,
sincerity, sinister, SNEEZE, snooze, snowstorm, sun stroke, sunset, swoons, Zionist, , , ,  Camille
021 – ace hand, ascendancy, assent, asunder, cent, centaur, centenarian, centenary, center, centipede,
centrifuge, cinder, cinderblock, cyanide, saint, sand, sandal, sandalwood, sandbag, SANDWICH,
sanitarium, sanitary, sanitary, saunter, scent, scintillate, sea hunt, Senate, sender, sentence, sentiment,
sentimental, sentinel, sentry, snide, snout, Snow White, sonnet, sound, sundae, Sunday school, sundry,
suntanned, swindler, syndic, syndicate, synod, synthesis, zenith,  Cindy, Cynthia, Sandra,  Cinderella,
Saint Nicholas, Santana,  Sandra Bernhard, Sandra Bullock, Santa Claus, Cindy Crawford, Sandy Duncan,
Sandy Koufax, Cyndi Lauper, Sandra Day O'Conner,  Carl Sandburg, Bernie Sanders, Colonel Harland
Sanders, Adam Sandler, Carlos Santana, Maurice Sendak, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, Stephen
Sondheim, Billy Sunday
022 – sea onion, SON-IN-LAW, synonym, xenon, , , , 
023 – assignment, cinema, cinnamon, house number, sea anemone, sea nymph, sign maker, SNOWMAN,
zone map, , ,  Sun Myung Moon, 

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024 – house owner, scenario, scenery, senior, seniority, senorita, signor, sinner, snare, snarl, sneer,
snore, snorer, snort, snow fort, snow removal, sonar, sonorous, sun rays, SUNRISE, sunworshipper, ,
, ,  Ed Asner, Dwight D. Eisenhower

025 – senile, sign language, SNAIL, sunlight, , , , 
026 – ascension, censure, century, cinch, cynosure, essential, house insurance, scene change, sensual,
sentient, singe, snatch, snitch, SNOW SHOVEL, snowshoes, sunshine, , , ,  Julian Assange, Claudio
027 – cinquefoil, cynic, sanction, sanctity, sanctum, sanguine, sank, sing, Sing Sing, sink, sinker, snack,
snag, SNAKE, sneak, snicker, snooker, snorkel, snow globe, snug, snuggle, song, sun god, swank, swung,
synagogue, synchronize, syncopation, zinc,  Sinclair,  Sonic the Hedgehog,  Sinclair Lewis,  Isaac
Bashevis Singer, Hilary Swank, Stephen Wozniak
028 – hasenpfeffer, sinful, sniff, snow fort, snowfall, snowflake, snuff, sun fish, SUNFLOWER, synovia, U.
S. Navy, , , ,  Jerry Seinfeld
029 – sign painter, snapshot, snip, snipe, sniper, snob, snoop, snowball, SNOWBOARD, snowplow, snow
blower, snub, snub nose, sun bonnet, sun burned, sunbathe, sunbeam, sunburst, ,  Sinbad, Snoop
Dogg, Snoopy, ,  Severus Snape, Wesley Snipes
030 – Isthmus, seamstress, semester, SIAMESE CAT, swimsuit ,  Samson, ,  Gene Simmons,
Richard Simmons
031 – asthmatic, CEMETERY, housemaid, psalmody, scimitar, Semite, smattering, smite, smithereens,
smooth, smother, smut, Sumatra, summit, symmetry, Yosemite, , , , , Will Smith, Emmitt Smith,
Kate Smith, Jaclyn Smith, Tom Smothers, Dick Smothers
032 – cement, cyminum, easement, SALMON, Samoan, sea mine, sea monster, seaman, semen, seminal,
seminary, semination, Seminole, simian, simony, somnambulist, somnolence, summons, U. S. money, 
Samantha, Simon,  Iceman,  Simon bar Kokhba, Simon Bolivar, Simon Cowell, Simon Guggenheim, 
John Houseman, Donny Osmond, Marie Osmond, Neil Simon, Paul Simon, Carly Simon
033 – asthma medicine, House member, psalm music, SWIM MEET, , , , 
034 – Cymry, s’more, Samaritan, samurai, simmer, smart, smear, smirch, smirk, Smyrna, SOMERSAULT,
summary, summer, swimmer, , , ,  Jane Seymour, Yakov Smirnoff, Suzanne Somers,
035 – assimilate, sawmill, similar, simultaneous, small, smallpox, smell, smelling salts, smelter, smelts,
SMILE, smolder, U. S. Mail,  Samuel, ,  Samuel Clemens, Samuel Morse, 
036 – house measurements, smash, SMASHBURGER (thin hamburger with onions), smidgeon, smudge,
summation, , , , 
037 – smack, SMOKE, smoke screen, smoked meat, smokehouse, smoker, smokestack, smug, smuggler,
Zoom call, , ,  Smokey Robinson,  Robert Zemeckis
038 – cymaphane (cat’s eye gemstone), house mover, samovar, SEMAPHORE, Simi Valley, symphony, ,
, ,  Isaac Asimov
039 – assemble, assembly, cymbals, psalm book, samba, sampan, sample, simple, simpleton, simplicity,
simplify, somber, SOMBRERO, sumptuous, swamp, symbol, sympathy, zombie, , , ,  O. J. Simpson,
Homer Simpson, Marge Simpson, Jessica Simpson, Bart Simpson, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Rob Zombie
040 – Azores, cirrhosis, czarism, sarsaparilla, sawhorse, SEA HORSE, sea resort, series, serious, sorcery,
source,  Cyrus,  Zoroaster, ,  Miley Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus, George Soros
041 – acetate, ascertain, assert, assertive, assort, assortment, certainly, certainty, certificate, certify,
hazard, Saratoga wagon, sardine, sardonic, sartorial, sea route, seaward, seaworthy, sordid, sortie,
sourdough bread, spread eagle, surtax, swarthy, SWORD, sword swallower, wizard, , ,  Serena
Williams,  Jean Paul Sartre, William Seward

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042 – serenade, serene, siren, sour wine, surrender, surroundings, Syrian, SYRINGE, , ,  Srinivasa
Ramanujan, 
043 – ceramic, ceremony, housewarming, SERMON, serum, surmise, swarm, U. S. Army, , , , 
044 – sea warrior, sewer air, SORORITY, swear word, , , , 
045 – CEREAL, cerulean, Israel, Israelite, serial, sewer hole, sirloin, sorrel, surly, surreal, swirl,  Cyril, 
Sir Lancelot, ,  Rod Serling
046 – assertion, Sarajevo, sea urchin, search, search light, search warrant, serge, sergeant, surcharge,
surge, SURGEON,  Sergio, ,  Sergio Leone, Sarah Jessica Parker, 
047 – circle, circuit, circular, circulation, circumcision, circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigation,
circumvent, CIRCUS, Cirque du Soleil, house wrecker, housework, sarcasm, sarcophagus, sauerkraut,
sewer gas, sirocco, sorghum, surrogate, , ,  Sergei Prokofiev, Sergei Rachmaninoff, 
048 – seraph, serfdom, SERVANT, serve, service, serviette, servility, servitude, sorrowful, surf, surface,
surfeit, surveillance, survey, survive, swerve, ,  Cervantes, ,  Bennett Cerf
049 – acerbity, cerebrum, Serbia, serpent, serpentine, sewer pipe, surpass, surplus, surprise,
surreptitious, SYRUP, usurp, ,  Cerberus, Zerubbabel, , 

050 – celestial, hazel eyes, sales, salesman, saleswoman, seal skin coat, slice, SLICED BREAD, sluice,
sluice gates, solace, solecism, solicit, solicitor, soloist, zealous,  Celeste, Silas, , ,  Soupy Sales,
Beverly Sills, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
051 – assault, cell door, Celtic, household, household word, isolate, ocelot, oscillate, psalter, psaltery,
salad, salad days, salt, salt air, saltpeter, saltwater, salutary, salute, seldom, silhouette, silt, slate, slats,
slaughter, sled, sleet, sleight of hand, sleuth, slide rule, sliding scale, slight, slit, slit skirt, slot, SLOT
MACHINE, sloth, sold, solder, solid, solitaire, solitary, solitude, sultan, sultry, swallowtail, swelter, zealot,
 Oswald, , ,  Lee Harvey Oswald, Christian Slater
052 – assailant, cell window, cylinder, Iceland, saline, salon, saloon, SEA LION, selenium, senile, silence,
silent, slain, slander, slang, slant, slender, solenoid, solo number, sullen, swollen,  Selena, ,  Celine
Dion, Selena Gomez,  J. D. Salinger, Pierre Salinger, Peter Sellers, Sully Sullenberger
053 – asylum, cellmate, Islam, salaam, salamander, SALAMI, Salem, salmagundi, Selma, slam, slim,
slime, slimy, slow moving, slumber, slump, slum, solemn, soul mate, ,  Salome, Solomon,  Slim
Pickens, Salman Rushdie, 
054 – CELERY, cellar, hustler, sailor, salary, sleigh ride, slur, solar, solar panels, solar plexus, , , , 
055 – cellular, celluloid, cellulose, SOLILOQUY, , , , 
056 –isolation, oscillation, salacious, silage, Silesian, slash, sledge, SLEDGEHAMMER, slouch, slush,
slushy, slush fund, soldier, solution, syllogism, zoology, ,  Slash, , 
057 – ceiling, ceiling fan, selection, Silicon Valley, silk, silk lining, silk stockings, slack, slake, sleek, slick,
sling, slinger, SLINGSHOT, slink, slogan, slug, sluggard, sulk, swelling, , , ,  Jonas Salk, Grace Slick,
Renée Zellweger
058 – CELL PHONE, house livery, saliva, salvage, salvation, Salvation Army, salvo, sea level, Seawolf,
selvage, silver, silver, silver dollar, silver haired, silver lining, silver medal, silver spoon, silverware, Slav,
slave, slave driver, sleeve, slough, sloven, solfege, solve, solvent, soulful, sulfur, sylph, sylvian,
xylophone,  Sylvia,  Silver Surfer, Sylvester the Cat,  Salvador Dali, Sylvester Stallone,  David
Hasselhoff, Phil Silvers, Shel Silverstein, Ed Sullivan
059 – celebration, celebrity, celibate, cell bars, hustle bustle, SAILBOAT, slab, slap, slapstick, sleep,
sleeper, sleepwalker, sleigh bells, slip, slip knot, slippers, slippery, slob, slobber, sloop, slope, sloppy,
slowpoke, syllabus, , , , 
060 – ICE CHEST, sewage system, , , , 

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061 – associate, sage tea, sewage disposal, sewage water, SIEGE TOWER, , , , 
062 – sea channel, session, SESSION MUSICIAN, , , , 
063 – House chamber, house chimney, ice jam, switchman, ,  SATCHMO, , 
064 – easy chair, estuary, saturate, seashore, SEIZURE, sojourn, suture, switchyard, , , , 
065 – sage leaves, satchel, SEASHELL, social, socialist, sociology, , , , 
066 – sage shrub, situation, SITUATION ROOM, , , , 
067 – sage grass, sash cord, SASH CURTAIN, , , , 
068 – ICE SHAVINGS, Sioux chief, , , , 
069 – ice chopper, sachet bag, sage brush, sewage pipe, sewage plant, sociable, swashbuckler, switch
back, SWITCHBOARD, U. S. ship, , ,  Sacha Baron Cohen, 
070 – house expenses, house keys, psychosis, Saxon, saxophone, seacoast, sewing circle, sex, sextant,
sextette, sing song, six shooter, sixpence, SKI SLOPE, skyscraper, squeeze, success, succession,
successor, succinct, zigzag,  Socks, , ,  Jonathan Sachs, Oliver Sacks, Igor Sikorsky
071 – escadrille, psychiatrist, scat, scathing, scatter, scatter-brained, scoot, Scotland Yard, scout, scuttle,
sect, sector, skate, skating rink, skeet shooting, skid, skiddoo, skit, skittish, socket, squad, squadron,
squat, SQUID, whiskey tax,  Scooter, Scott, ,  Scott Hamilton, Scott Joplin,  Bob Saget, George C.
072 – askance, ice wagon, psychoanalyst, scan, scandal, Scandinavian, scant, schooner, scone,
scoundrel, second, sequence, sickening, sickness, signal, signet ring, significance, skein, skin, skin cream,
skinny, SKUNK, squander, squint eyed, , , ,  Carl Sagan, B. F. Skinner
073 – Eskimo, scamper, scamper, scheme, scum, segment, SEWING MACHINE, skim, skimp, squeamish,
succumb, sycamore, , ,  Sigmund Freud, 
074 – cigar, CIGARETTE, escort, escrow, esquire, sacrament, sacrifice, sacrilege, scar, scarab, scarcity,
scare, scarecrow, scarf, scarlet, scorch, score, scorn, scorpion, scour, scourge, scramble, scrap, scrap
heap, scrape, scrapple, scratch, scrawny, scream, screech, screed, screen, screw, scribe, scrimmage,
scrip, scripture, scrooge, scrubwoman, scruff, scruples, scrupulous, scrutiny, scurry, scurvy, secret,
secretary, secrete, security, seeker, segregation, Singer sewing machine, skewer, skirmish, soccer ball,
soccer player, square, squire, squirm, squirrel, sucker, whiskers,  Oscar, Zachary,  Oscar the Grouch,
Socrates,  Oscar Hammerstein, Sigourney Weaver, Oscar Wilde,  William Safire, Domenico Scarlatti,
Martin Scorsese, Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin, Ryan Seacrest, Pete Seeger, Bob Seger, Max Yasgur,
Mark Zuckerberg

075 – cycle, escalator, house cleaning, icicle, psychologist, scalawag, scald, scale, scallion, scallop, scalp,
scalpel, scalper, scholar, school, sclerosis, scold, scowl, scullery, sculptor, sculpture, seclude, secular,
sequel, sick leave, sickle, sickly, single, SKELETON, skeleton key, skill, skillet, skull, skylark, skylight,
skyline, squall, squalor, squelch, succulent, suckle, ,  Cyclops, ,  Steven Segal, George Segal, Red
Skelton, Zig Ziglar
076 – escutcheon, Scotch, section, sectional, sexual, SKETCH, squash, squash court, squeegee, suction,
suggestion, whiskey jug, , ,  Skitch Henderson, 
077 – PSYCHIC, sack cloth, sick call, squawk, squeak, squeaky voiced, swinging doors, whiskey glass, ,
, ,  Boz Scaggs, Luke Skywalker
078 – ice cave, sack flour, SCAFFOLD, scavenger, scuff, skiff, sycophant, , , ,  Andres Segovia
079 – escapade, escape, housekeeper, psychopath, scab, scabbard, scape, scapegoat, scapula, scoop,
scope, SCUBA GEAR, sewing basket, Skee-Ball, skeptic, skip, skipper, squab, squabble, squib, whisk
broom, ,  Ice Cube, Scooby Doo,  Isaac Bashevis Singer, 
080 – sophisticate, SOPHIST, suffice, suffuse, , , , 

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081 – asafetida, civet, safe deposit box, safe door, safety, safety pin, SAFETY VEST, sea food, sift, sofa
table, soft, Soviet, swift, , , ,  Taylor Swift, Jonathan Swift
082 – 7-11 convenience store, Savannah, savant, SIPHON, souvenir, Sphinx, , , ,  Doc Severinsen
083 – sea foam, SOPHOMORE, , , , 
084 – cipher, SAFARI, saffron, sapphire, Savior, savor, Sephora jewelry, several, severance, severe,
sovereign, sphere, suffer, suffrage, zephyr, , , ,  Paul Shaffer, Franco Zeffirelli
085 – asphalt, civil, civilian, housefly, ice floe, safe lock, svelte, swivel, SWIVEL CHAIR, , , ,  Telly
086 – savage, SAWFISH, sufficient, , , , 
087 – asphyxiation, civic, esophagus, safe combination, SAFECRACKER, safeguard, saving grace, savings,
sofa cushion, suffocate, ,  Sophocles, , 
088 – C-5 (Lockheed), , , , 
089 – sofa bed, SOFTBALL, , , , 
090 – asbestos, espouse, sea bass, space, space station, spasm, specific, spice, SPICE RACK, spouse,
subsoil, substructure, subservience, subsidy, substantial, substitute teacher, suppose, sweepstakes,
wasp sting, , , ,  Jean Sibelius, Sissy Spacek, Kevin Spacey, Boris Spassky
091 – hospital, hospitality, houseboat, Sabbath, sabotage, scepter, September, septic tank, spat, spats,
speed, SPIDER, spit, spit ball, spit fire, spit roast, spot, spotlight, spotter, spout, spud, Sputnik, sputter,
subdivision, subdue, subterfuge, subterranean, subtraction, ,  Spiderman, ,  Mark Spitz
092 – espionage, house paint, husband, Spain, span, Spaniel, spank, spawn, spendthrift, spent, spin,
spindle, spindle legs, spine, spinster, SPONGE, sponsor, spontaneous, spoon, spunk, supine, Swabian, 
Spencer,  SpongeBob SquarePants,  Spencer Tracy,  Brent Spiner, Baruch Spinoza
093 – soup meat, spam, SUBMARINE, submersion, submission, subway map, , , , 
094 – asparagus, asperity, aspersion, aspirant, aspirin, cypress, Esperanto, saber, saber-toothed tiger,
sapper, separate, Siberia, sober, sobriquet, SOPRANO, spar, spark, sparrow, Spartan, spear, spiral, spire,
spirit, spirits, spiritualist, sporadic, spore, sport, sprain, spread, spread-eagle, spree, sprig, spring,
sprinkler, sprint, sprite, sprout, spruce, spry, spurn, spurs, suburban, super, superb, superhuman,
superior, supernova, superstition, supper, supporter, suppress, sweeper, whisper, zebra, , 
Superman,  Spiro Agnew, Severus Snape,  Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne, Tony Soprano, Jack
Sparrow, Britney Spears, Bruce Springsteen, Charles Spurgeon, Abraham Zapruder
095 – esplanade, house plant, sable, sapling, saw blade, sea plane, sepulcher, soap holder, soap lather,
soup ladle, spell, spellbinder, speller, spelling bee, spill, splash, spleen, splendid, splendor, splice,
splinter, split, splotch, splurge, splutter, spoil, spool, sublimate, sublime, supplant, supple, supplicant,
supply, ZEPPELIN,  Isabella, Sibyl, ,  Spalding Gray, Cybill Shepherd,  Tori Spelling, Stephen
Spielberg, Mickey Spillane
096 – ICE PITCHER, seepage, spacious, special, specialist, speech, speech impediment, subject, subject
matter expert, , , , 
097 – aspect, ice pack, ice pick, icebox, soup kitchen, spackling, SPAGHETTI, speak, speakeasy, speck,
spectacle, spectacular, spectator, specter, spectroscope, spectrum, speculation, speculum, spigot, spike,
spoke, spokesman, spook, subclass, subconscious, subcontractor, subcutaneous,  Spike, ,  Spike
Jones, Spike Lee,  Phil Spector, Benjamin Spock
098 – SEPIA PHOTO, soap factory, soap flakes, spoof, subversion, subway fare, , , , 
099 – SOAP BUBBLES, soapbox, soup bowl, sub-basement, subpoena, subway passenger, , , , 

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100 – aid society, deceased, diocese, disassembled, disaster, disease, hat size, HOT SAUCE, thesis,
witticism, ,  Odysseus, , 
101 – atheist, decedent, deceit, decide, destination, destiny, destitute, destroyer, destruction,
disadvantage, distance, distemper, distillery, distinct, distort, distract, distress, distribute, distrust,
disturb, dust, duster, headstone, outside, tacit, taste, test, testament, testimony, TOAST, toaster, twist,
Twister (game),  Dustin, Tuesday,  Astro, Daisy Duck, Desdemona,  Dustin Hoffman,  Fyodor
Dostoevsky, Mao Tse-tung
102 – decency, decent, descend, descendant, descent, design, designer, disinfect, disintegrate, dissent,
dissonant, DOZEN EGGS, dysentery, idiosyncrasy,  Addison, Hudson, , ,  Walt Disney, Thomas
Edison, Rock Hudson, Kate Hudson, Mike Tyson, Sun Yat-sen
103 – atheism, backwoodsman, DECEMBER, decimal, disassemble, disembark, disembodied,
disembowel, dismantle, dismay, dismember, dismiss, dismount, disseminate, theism, twosome,
yachtsman,  Desmond,  Tasmanian Devil,  Desmond Tutu, 
104 – desert, deserve, desire, dessert, dicer, disarm, disarmament, discern, discernment, disorder,
disorganized, disrespect, disrobe, disrupt, dissertation, howitzer, TASER, thesaurus, tweezers, , , ,
 Benjamin Disraeli, A. W. Tozer
105 – dazzle, desolate, desultory, Diesel engine, disallow, disillusion, dislocated, dislodge, dissolute,
dissolute, dissolution, dissolve, docile, itself, outsell, TASSEL, Tesla car, thistle, toy soldier, tussle, , ,
 Dweezil Zappa,  Vin Diesel, Nikola Tesla
106 – adhesion, DAISY CHAIN, decision, discharge, disjointed, dissociate, dissuasion, dosage, , , , 
107 – day school, DC comics, description, desecrate, designate, DESK, disagree, disc, disc jockey,
discard, disclose, disconnect, discontinue, discord, discount, discourage, discourse, discovery, discredit,
discrepancy, discrete, discriminate, discus, discuss, disguise, disgust, disqualify, dissect, dusk, outscore,
outskirts, task, taskmaster, tusk, , ,  Itzhak Perlman,  Arturo Toscanini
108 – ADHESIVE TAPE, decipher, disaffected, disaffection, disavowal, disfavor, disfigurement,
disfranchise, theosophy, , , , 
109 – deception, despair, desperado, desperation, despise, despite, despondent, despot, disable,
disabuse, disappearance, disappoint, disapprove, disband, disbar, disbelief, disburse, discipline,
disobedient, disparage, disparity, dispassionate, dispatch, dispel, DISPENSARY, dispense, disperse,
displace, display, displeasure, disposal, dispose, disposition, dispossess, disproportion, disprove, dispute,
dissipation, dyspepsia, outspoken, teaspoon, thespian, tisane, widespread, ,  Desperate Dan, , 
110 – death sentence, deduce, detest, tedious, TIGHTS, toadstool, toots, , , , 
111 – attitude, DDT, dead tired, DEADHEAD, deadwood, death defying, death threat, death throes,
death trap, ditto, outdid, teetotaler, thought transfer, tide table, tidewater, tightwad, ,  Deadeye
Dick,  Dwight D. Eisenhower, 
112 – death angel, detain, detention, detonator, teeth gnashing, tetanus, Teuton, tighten, Titan,
TITANIC, two-tone, , , , 
113 – daytime, death march, death mask, diadem, hot tempered, Tate Modern, Te Deum, teatime,
tedium, titmouse, totem, TOTEM POLE, , , ,  Art Tatum, Channing Tatum
114 – auditor, auditorium, auto tour, autotype, daughter, daydreams, dead ringer, death rattle,
deodorize, deteriorate, determined, detour, detract, dewdrop, dietary, editor, headwaiter, outdoors,
TATER TOTS, teeter-totter, tetherball, theatre, theatrical, thought reader, tow truck, Tudor, tutor,
withdrawn,  Theodor, ,  Theodor Herzl, Theodore Roosevelt, 

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115 – dawdle, deadline, deadlock, deadly force, detail, doodle, Dudley, hot towel, tattle, tattle tale,
tidal, TIDDLYWINKS, titillate, title, titular, toddle, total, tutelage, twaddle, twiddle, ,  Dudley Dooright,
Tweedledee, Tweedledum,  Dwight L. Moody, Dudley Moore,  Bo Diddley
116 – audition, date shake, detach, detachment, diet chart, dietitian, hot dish, teeth chatter, tight shoe,
TWEED JACKET, , , , 
117 – aide de camp, dedication, deduction, detection, detective, didactic, duty call, HOT DOG, idiotic,
outtalk, teeth gritting, tidings, tooth cavity, toothache, toy dog, , , ,  Trace Adkins, Marlene
118 – auto-da-fé, doubtful, dutiful, duty-free shop, thoughtful, tight fitting, TOOTH FAIRY, tooth filling,
tutti-frutti, , , , 
119 – date palm, datebook, dodo bird, tadpole, Tate Britain, tea table, teddy bear, tidbit, TOOTHBRUSH,
toothpaste, toothpaste, toothpick, toy department, ,  Tweety Bird,  D. W. Griffith, 
120 – Athens, audience, DANCE, denizen, dense, density, downstairs, downstream, dunce, dynasty,
tenacity, Tennessee, tennis, tense, tinsel, tinsmith, tonsilitis, tonsils, townhouse, twins, utensil, witness,
 Denise, Dennis,  Adonis, Dennis the Menace,  Dennis Day, Dennis Hopper, Dennis Leary, Dennis
Quaid, Denise Richards, Denzel Washington,  Ted Danson, Kirsten Dunst
121 – addenda, adenoid, attend, attendance, attendant, authentic, dainty, dandelion, dandruff, dandy,
denote, dent, DENTIST, dint, donate, doughnut, dwindle, identical, identify, identity, taint, tandem,
tandoori, tantalizer, tantamount, tantrum, taunt, tend, tendency, tender, tenderfoot, tenderloin,
tendon, tendril, tenets, tent, tentacle, thunder, thunderbolt, tinderbox, tint, ,  Tiny Tim, Dante,
Tintin, Tony the Tiger, , 
122 – Athenian, Dannon yogurt, denounce, hootnanny, TENANT, tenon, twin engine airplane, ,  Don
Juan, , 
123 – Atheneum, denim jacket, Denmark, dénouement, dynamic, DYNAMITE, dynamo, tenement,
tinman, wood nymph, , , ,  Napoleon Dynamite
124 – DINNER, donor, itinerant tenor, itinerary, tannery, tenure, tin roof, toner, , , ,  Robert De

125 – denial, downhill skier, town hall, TUNNEL,  Daniel, Danielle, Donald,  Donald Duck,  Daniel
Boone, Daniel Day-Lewis, Daniel Day Lewis, Daniel Radcliffe, Danielle Steel, Donald Sutherland, Donald
Trump, Daniel Webster,  Jeff Daniels, Charlie Daniels, Rosie O'Donnell
126 – attention, auto engine, auto insurance, danger, Danish, dingy, donation, DUNGEON, tangent,
tangerine, tangible, Tangier, tenacious, tension, tinge, tonnage, township, twinge, wooden shoe, , ,
,  Rodney Dangerfield, Judy Dench, Robert Downey Jr.
127 – dangle, dank, dingleberry, dining room, dinky, DONKEY, downcast, Downing Street, dunk,
hoodwink, tang, tangle, tango, tank, tankard, tanning bed, tanning booth, thanks, Thanksgiving, think,
thinker (Rodin), thong, tin cup, tincture, tinker, tinkle, tongue, tongue lashing, tongue-tied, tonic, Tonka
(truck), town crier, town gossip, tunic, tuning fork, twang, ,  Danger Mouse, Thing,  Deng Xiaoping,
 Isadora Duncan, Sandy Duncan
128 – Denver, DOWN FEATHER PILLOW, downfall, tuna fish,  Donovan, , ,  Catherine Deneuve,
John Denver, Bob Denver
129 – Danube, downpour, Edinburg, tan bark, ten pins, TWIN BED, , , ,  Corrie Ten Boom
130 – Adam’s apple, admissible, atmosphere, atomizer, damask, damsel, damson, demise, domestic,
domicile, doomsday, dumbstruck, headmaster, teamster, Thames, Times Square, thumbscrew,
TOMBSTONE, utmost,  Thomas,  Demosthenes,  Thomas Edison, Thomas Gainsborough, Thomas

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Jefferson, Thomas Mann, Thomas Sowell,  Don Adams, Douglas Adams, Charles Addams, Danny
Thomas, Marlo Thomas, Clarence Thomas
131 – automatic, automaton, demitasse, diameter, dumbwaiter, dumdum, odometer, thumb twiddling,
time traveler, timid, TOMATO, tomato soup, tom-tom, wide-mouthed jar,  Timothy,  Tom Terrific,
Tom Thumb,  Timothy Leary, Dmitri Shostakovich, 
132 – adamant, administrate, damnation, demand, demean, demeanor, dementia, demon,
demonstrate, DIAMOND, dimension, diminish, domain, dominate, domineer, dominion, dominoes,
Ottoman, ptomaine, Tammany Hall, thumbnail,  Damon, Dominique, Edmond,  Atom Ant,  Edmund
Hillary, Domenico Scarlatti,  Matt Damon, Neil Diamond, Walt Whitman
133 – EDAMAME BEANS, team member, , , , 
134 – admiral, admire, admire, demarcate, demoralize, demure, tamari sauce, TAMARIND, Tamerlane,
temerity, timer, tomorrow, tumor, ,  Admiral Ackbar, ,  Honoré Daumier
135 – demolish, demolition, etymology, oatmeal, TAMALE, tumult, , ,  Tommy Lee Jones,  Cecil B.
DeMille, Lily Tomlin
136 – ADMISSION TICKET, damage, demijohn, demotion, time sheet, , , ,  Joe DiMaggio
137 – atomic bomb, demagogue, demigod, democracy, democrat, dough mixer, timecard, timeclock,
TOMAHAWK, tomcat, ,  Damocles, , 
138 – AUTUMN FOLIAGE, tomfoolery, tumefaction, wheat muffin, , ,  Tammy Faye Bakker, 
139 – automobile, damp, damper, dimple, dumbbells, dump, dumpling, tamable, TAMBOURINE, tamp,
Tampa, tampon, tempeh, temper, temperament, temperance, temperate, temperature, tempest,
temple, tempo, temporal, temporary, tempt, tempura, thimble, thumb print, thump, timber, Timbuktu,
time bomb, tomboy, tumble, tumbler, ,  Dumbo, ,  Jack Dempsey, Patrick Dempsey, Shirley
Temple, Emma Thompson, Justin Timberlake
140 – address, atrocity, authoress, authorization, deerskin, derisive, doorstep, drastic, Dresden, dress,
dresser, dressmaker, drizzle, dross, drowsy, terrace, terrestrial, terse, thirst, thrust, tiresome, torso,
TOURIST, trace, treason, trespass, tresses, trestle, triceratops, trousers, trousseau, truce, truism, truss,
trust, tryst,  Doris, Teresa, Theresa,  Doors, Tarzan,  Trace Adkins, Doris Day, Darius Rucker, Tracey
Ullman,  Don Drysdale, Dick Tracy, Spencer Tracy, Reese Witherspoon
141 – authorities, authority, Dardanelles, daredevil, dart, deride, dirt, Doritos, dread, dreads, hatred,
pterodactyl, tardy, tart, tartar, territorials, territory, thread, threadbare, threat, throat, throttle, thwart,
tirade, tired, toreador, tort, tortellini, tortoise, trade, trademark, trader, tradition, trait, traitor,
treadmill, treat, treatise, treatment, treaty, trite, trot, trotter, trout, truth, turret, TURTLE, turtledove,
water tank, water tap,  Dorothy, Edward,  Dora the Explorer, Daredevil, Darth Vader,  Edward
Elgar, Dorothy Hamill, Edward M. Kennedy, Dorothy Lamour, Edouard Manet, Dorothy Parker, Edward
G. Robinson, Edward Scissorhands,  Leon Trotsky, Bob Woodward
142 – adherence, attorney, darn, derange, drain, drink, drone, drown, drunkard, eternity, hawthorn,
tarantula, tarnish, thorn, throne, throng, thrown, torn, TORNADO, torrent, tournament, train, trance,
transaction, transfer, transform, transient, transit, transmission, transom, transport, transportation,
trench, triangle, trinity, trinket, trounce, truancy, trunk, tum, tureen, turnip, turnout, turnover, turnpike,
turnstile, tyranny, tyrant, utterance, , ,  Tyrone Power,  Charles Darwin, Bruce Dern, Jimmy
Durante, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Quentin Tarantino, Charlize Theron, Billy Bob Thornton, Ted Turner, Tina
Turner, Lana Turner
143 – diorama, do re mi, doorman, doormat, dormitory, dram, drama, dream, drome, drummer, durum
wheat, headroom, tearoom, term, terminal, terminate, theorem, THERMOMETER, thermos bottle,
thermostat, thrombosis, torment, tramp, trample, tremble, tremendous, tremor, trim, trim, triumph,
triumvirate, trombone, trump, trumpet, turmoil, watermark, watermelon, weather map, weatherman,
 Truman, ,  Truman Capote,  Uma Thurman, Mel Torme, Harry Truman, Donald Trump

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144 – drawer, dreary, Drury Lane, DRYER, iterate, terrier, terror, three ring circus, tree roots, water rat,
Waterworks, , , , 
145 – darling, derailment, derelict, door latch, door lock, drawl, drill, drool, hydraulic, hydroelectric, tar
heel, three leaf clover, thrill, thriller, tra la la, trail, trail blazer, trailer, trawler, trellis, trial, trilateral, troll,
trolley, trowel, twirl, Tyrol, water leak, WATER LILY, water line, water well, waterlogged, Waterloo,
waterwheel, , ,  Daryl Hannah, Darryl Strawberry,  Yvonne DeCarlo
146 – derision, dirge, dirigible, dredge, drudgery, hydrogen, outrage, outreach, thrashing, thresh,
threshold, thrush, tire chains, torch, torture, tragedy, trajectory, trash, TRASH BARREL, treacherous,
treachery, treasure, treasurer, treasury, tree chopper, tree shoot, Trojan, trudge, water witch,
watershed,  Trish, Trisha, ,  Trisha Yearwood,  Fran Drescher, Matt Drudge, Melissa Ethridge
147 – attraction, beadwork, dark, derrick, direction, director, door key, Doric, dragnet, dragon, dragoon,
drawing, drug, drug store, hat rack, target, trachea, track, tract, traction, tractor, T-rex, trick, trickster,
tricolor, trigger, trigonometry, TRUCK, Turkey, turquoise, water cooler, woodwork,  Derek, Derrick, 
Dracula,  Thurgood Marshall,  Bo Derek
148 – adrift, atrophy, dairy farm, derive, door frame, draft, draught, draught beer, draught horse,
draughtsman, drift, drifter, driftwood, drive, drivel, driver, driveway, drought, DWARF, dwarfed, tariff,
terrific, terrify, thoroughfare, thrift, thrive, Trafalgar Square, trafficking, travail, traveler, traverse,
travesty, trefoil, trifle, trivet, trivia, trivial, trophy, trough, trove, truffle, turf, water faucet, waterfall,
waterfront, weather forecast, weathervane, wheat harvest,  Trevor, , ,  Richard Dreyfuss, Linus
Torvalds, John Travolta, Francois Truffaut
149 – adorable, attribute, derby, drab, drape, drawback, drawbridge, dribble, drip, droop, drop, dropsy,
durability, hydroplane, tarpaulin, terrible, therapy, thoroughbred, throb, TORPEDO, trap, trapeze, treble,
trepanning, trepidation, tribe, tribulations, tribunal, Tribune, tributary, tribute, trip, tripe, triple, triplets,
tripod, trooper, troops, tropics, troubadour, trouble, turban, turbid, turbulence, twerp, ,  Droopy
Dog, ,  Don Draper, Twyla Tharp, James Thurber, Alex Trebek

150 – adolescent, atlas, dollhouse, dualism, dulcimer, idealist, idolize, talisman, TELESCOPE, The Holy
See, tollhouse cookies, utilize, , , ,  Charles Atlas, Daniel Day-Lewis, Dom DeLuise, Mel Tillis, Leo
151 – adult, adulteration, adultery, athlete, daylight, delight, delta, delude, dilate, dilettante, dilute,
doldrums, dolt, duality, Duluth, HEADLIGHTS, hotel desk, idolatry, outlet, telltale, tilt, toilet, Toledo,
twilight, utilitarian, utilities,  Adelaide,  Attila the Hun,  Delta Burke,  Roger Daltrey, Benicio Del
152 – Atlanta, Atlantic, delineate, delinquent, headline, headlong, Italian, outlandish, outline, talent,
TALON, towline, woodland,  Dillon, Dylan, ,  Thelonious Monk,  Matt Dillon, Bob Dylan
153 – DALMATIAN, dilemma, hoodlum, Talmud, tilemaker, toolmaker,  Thelma, , ,  Georg Philipp
154 – DEALER, Delaware, delirium, dollar, dullard, hotel register, hotel room, idol worship, tailor, tile
roof, tolerate, toll road, towel rack,  Dolores, Taylor, Tyler, ,  Tyler Perry, Taylor Swift,  Mortimer
Adler, Phyllis Diller, Adolf Hitler, Elizabeth Taylor, James Taylor, Liv Tyler, Steven Tyler
155 – hotel lobby, TAILLIGHT, tile wall, ,  Delilah, , 
156 – delicious, diligence, hotel chef, ideology, theology, TOOLCHEST, , , , 
157 – delectable, delegate, delicacy, delicate, delicatessen, dialect, dialog, hidalgo, hotel guest, idyllic,
italics, outlook, talcum, TELEGRAM, telegraph, wedlock, , , ,  J. R. R. Tolkien
158 – Delft, delivery, doleful, dolphin, outlive, tea leaves, TELEPHONE, tile floor, weightlifting,  Adolph,
,  Adolf Hitler, Dolph Lundgren, 

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159 – ad libs, deliberation, dilapidation, dill pickle, telepathy, toll bridge, toolbox, TULIP, ,  Dilbert, ,

160 – audacious, digest, digestion, dish soap (powder), duchess, HEADCHEESE, , , , 
161 – digit, dish towel, dishwater, ditch digger, touch typist, TOUCHDOWN, woodshed, , , , 
162 – addition, adhesion, audition, degenerate, edition, tajine, TOW CHAIN, tuition, ,  Diogenes
Titian, ,  Ellen DeGeneres
163 – attachment, Dutchman, TAJ MAHAL, , , , 
164 – didgeridoo, dishrag, dowager, hot shower, TEACHER, ,  Dodgers, ,  Margaret Thatcher
165 – Deutschland, DISH LIQUID, head shawl, , , , 
166 – DISHWASHER, douche sheet, douche shower, tissue sheet, , , , 
167 – attaché case, dejection, DISHCLOTH, white chalk, woodchuck, , , , 
168 – disheveled, Dodge Viper, wheat sheaf, WOOD SHAVINGS, , , , 
169 – dashboard, DODGEBALL, hat shop, tissue paper, toy shop, woodchopper, ,  Oddjob, , 
170 – adequacy, auto accessory store, auto accident, dachshund, dexterity, Dixie, Dixie cup, doghouse,
doxology, ethics, outcast, tax, TAXI, taxidermist, taxpayer, text, textbook, textile, texture, toxin, tuxedo,
, , ,  Cheryl Tiegs
171 – addict, adequate, decade, decadence, decode, dictate„ duct, dictator, Ding Dong, docket,
DOCTOR, doctrine, dog team, dog trainer, dogwood, duct tape, dugout, edict, etiquette, headache,
tablet, taco truck, tact, tactics, tea kettle, teakwood, thicket, tick tack toe, ticket, wedding day, white
coats, woodcut, ,  Doctor Doom, Dr. Dre, Dr. No, Dr. Seuss, Doctor Strange,  Dakota Fanning,  E.
L. Doctorow
172 – attic window, DEACON, decant, deck hand, diagnose, diagonal, dignitary, dignity, dock hand, tea
can, technical, technique, token, toy gun, tycoon, wedding anniversary, wedding night, ,  Divine
Toucan Sam, ,  Charles Dickens
173 – adding machine, Decameron, decamp, decompose, document, dog meat, dog muzzle, dogma,
outcome, TACHOMETER, tack hammer, Tacoma, tie game, wedding march, wedding morning, , , , 
174 – autocracy, autocrat, autograph, dagger, daguerreotype, decor, decorate, decoration, decorum,
decrease, decree, decrement, decry, degradation, degrade, degree, diacritic, diagram, docker, dockyard,
dog eared, headquarters, outcrop, outgrow, ticker, TIGER, tiger lily, waiting room, wedding ring, 
Edgar,  Tigger,  Edgar Rice Burroughs, Edgar Degas, Edgar Allen Poe, Edgar Winter
Tiger Woods,  Rene Descartes, Tanya Tucker, Forest Whitaker

175 – declare, decline, dog leash, dog license, dog lover, duckling, tackle, tequila, TEQUILA SUNRISE,
tickle, tie clip, tingle, waiting list, wedding license, yacht club,  Douglas, ,  Douglas Adams, Douglas
Fairbanks Jr., Douglas Hofstadter, Douglas MacArthur,  Charles de Gaulle, Mike Douglas, Michael
Douglas, Kirk Douglas, Alice B. Toklas
176 – addiction, deck chair, diction, dictionary, dockage, dog chain, DOG SHOW, education, head coach,
tactual, , , , 
177 – decoction, dog collar, DOG KENNEL, dogcatcher, hot cocoa, tea cake, wedding gift, woodcock, ,
, , 
178 – dog fancier, DOG FOOD, dogfight, duck feather, tug of war, wedding feast, wedding veil, wedding
vow, , , ,  David Duchovny
179 – decapitate, dog biscuit, dog bite, dog pound, duckbill, hiding place, TEACUP, tugboat, wading pool,
wedding bells, wedding present, whitecaps, yacht cup, , , ,  Leonardo DiCaprio

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180 – advice, deface, deficit, devastate, device, devious, devise, diffuse, divest, divisible, edifice, TOFU
SOUP, typhus, , , ,  Geena Davis, Bette Davis, Miles Davis, Sammy Davis Jr.
181 – DAFFODIL, daft, defeat, deviate, devoid, devote, devotee, devout, diffidence, dividends, divider,
dovetail, outfit, outfitter, taffeta, theft, tuft, typhoid,  David,  Daffy Duck, Dagwood,  David
Beckham, David Ben-Gurion, David Bowie, David Brinkley, David Carradine, David Copperfield, David
Duchovny, David Frost, David Hasselhoff, David Letterman, David Lynch, David Mamet, David McCallum,
David Lee Roth,  Larry David, Danny DeVito
182 – advance, advantage, advent, Adventist, adventure, deafening, defend, defendant, defense,
define, definite, definition, defunct, divan, divination, divine, divining rod, divinity, HEADPHONES, 
Daphne, Tiffany, , ,  Leonardo da Vinci
183 – deaf mute, defamation, defamatory, DIVE MASK, taffy making, , , , 
184 – adversary, adverse, advertisement, defer, deforest, deformity, defraud, devour, diaphragm, differ,
difference, differential, diffract, DIVER, divergence, diverse, diversion, divert, divorce, Dover, tavern,
wheat farm, wood fire, , ,  DeForest Kelley, Edvard Munch, 
185 – defile, deflect, deflower, defoliate, development, DEVIL, divulge, duffle bag, outfield, outflank,
outflow, Teflon, wheat field, wheat flour, ,  Theophilus, ,  Robert Duvall
186 – deficiency, division, taffy shop, WHITEFISH, , , , 
187 – advocate, defect, defection, deification, difficult, DOVECOTE, edification, hat factory, toy factory,
, , , 
188 – DOVE FEATHER, dove of peace, taffy vendor, , , , 
189 – OUT OF BOUNDS, taffy box, thief proof, wood fiber, , , , 
190 – adipose, autopsy, debasement, deep sea, deposition, depositor, dubious, Tabasco sauce,
TAPESTRY, tapis, tea biscuit, tipsy, top score, top sirloin, topaz, topsail, topsoil, topsy turvy, typist, , 
Oedipus,  W. C. Fields,  Claude Debussy
191 – adapt, adept, adopt, auto body shop, debate, debit, debutante, depth, deputation, deputy,
diabetes, diphtheria, output, tepid, tiptoe, top drawer, top hat, towboat, toy poodle, TEAPOT, , , ,

192 – autobahn, debonair, deepen, depend, dependability, dependent, Ethiopian, hatband, hatpin,
Taipan, T-BONE STEAK, tie pin, topknot, topnotch, Utopian, white bean, wide open, , , ,  James
Audubon, Bernie Taupin
193 – TAPE MEASURE, tip money, topmast, type measurement, wood beam, , , , 
194 – daybreak, debris, depart, deport, depraved, depreciate, depression, deprive, diaper, Hyde Park,
outbreak, outburst, outpouring, tabernacle, taboret, taper, tapeworm, taproom, tea party, tuber,
TYPEWRITER, wheat bread,  Deborah, Debra, ,  Deborah Harry, Debra Winger,  Gerard Depardieu
195 – audible, dabbler, debility, deplete, deplorable, deployment, diabolic, diplodocus, diplomacy,
double decker, double edged, double header, double-cross, Dublin, duplex, duplicate, duplicity, edible,
eight ball, TABLE, table manners, tableau, tablet, tabloid, tabulate, tippler, topple, wood pulp, woodpile,
, , ,  Brian de Palma
196 – adoption, debauchery, depot watchman, outpatient, TIP JAR, top sheet, top shelf, , , , 
197 – autobiography, daybook, debacle, depict, hatbox, tapioca, TOBACCO, toboggan, topcoat, Topeka,
topic, woodpecker, , ,  Deepak Chopra, 
198 – adobe village, deepfelt, dope fiend, hot beef, tap flow, tepee village, top heavy, tub faucet, TWO
BY FOUR, type font, type foundry, typeface, typify, , , , 
199 – depopulate, tape player, top balcony, top berth, TOP BUNK, tub bath, , , , 

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200 – ancestor, INCISOR, news association, nose spin, unceasing, wine sauce, , , ,  Jacqueline
Kennedy Onassis, Aristotle Onassis
201 – anesthesia, anesthetic, aniseed, honesty, incident, incidentals, inset, inside, insidious, insight,
instability, install, instalment, instance, instantaneous, instep, instigate, instinct, institute, instruct,
instrument, nasturtium, nasty, nauseate, NEST, nest egg, nostalgia, nostril, Winston,  Nostradamus,
 Winston Churchill,  Jennifer Aniston, Albert Einstein
202 – ensign, ensnare, incendiary device, INCENSE, incentive, incinerator, innocence, insane, nuisance,
unison, , , ,  Jim Henson, Liam Neeson
203 – ensemble, enzyme, handsome, hansom carriage, inseam, insomnia, newsman, NOISEMAKER,
winsome, , , ,  Michael Nesmith
204 – answer, encircle, insert, insurgent, insurrection, Nazarene, Nazareth, news report, news wire,
NOSE RING, uncertainties, , , , 
205 – ancillary, encyclical, ensilage, enslave, insolence, insoluble, insolvent, insular, insulation, insult,
nacelle, nasal, nestle, Nestlé’s chocolate, nozzle, onslaught, WINE CELLAR, , , ,  Kate Winslet
206 – INCISION, ionization, news agency, news sheet, , , , 
207 – encyclical, ENCYCLOPEDIA, honeysuckle, inescapable, inscription, inscrutable, insect, insecurity,
insignia, insignificant, news column, nosegay, unscrew, wainscoting, , ,  Hans Christian Anderson, 
Eugene Ionesco
208 – ENCIPHER, insufferable, insufficient, , , , 
209 – inception, inhospitable, inseparable, insipid, inspect, inspire, insubordinate, newsboy,
NEWSPAPER, nosebleed, unspeakable, unspoiled, ,  Inspector Gadget, , 
210 – annuities, antecedent, anticipate, enthusiasm, entice, entice, handspring, HANDSTAND, hindsight,
indecent, indecision, indiscretion, indisposition, induce, industrious, industry, intestines, knight’s tour,
notice, nudist, untwist, , , ,  Don Knotts
211 –annotate, anteater, antidote, antithesis, entity, hand out, indictment, net weight, night train,
WANT ADS, , , , 
212 – antenna, antonym, endanger, entanglement, entwine, indenture, INDIAN, Indiana, intense,
intensity, intention, intonation, net income, undone, wanton,  Anthony, Anton, Nathan, , 
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Anthony Hopkins, Indiana Jones, Anton LaVey, Anthony Quinn, Antonio Vivaldi, 
Susan B. Anthony, Marc Anthony, Marie Antoinette, Benjamin Netanyahu, Wayne Newton, Isaac
Newton, Helmut Newton
213 – anathema, anatomy, anthem, antimony, endman, endowment, entombment, entomologist, hand
mirror, handmade, handmaiden, indemnity, intemperance, intimacy, intimidation, nightmare, nutmeg,
ointment, WINDMILL, , , , 
214 – endear, endurance, endure, enterprise, entertain, entire, entourage, entrance, entrap, entrust,
entry, hundredfold, HUNTER, interest, interference, interim, interior, interment, intern, international,
interrogate, interrupt, interval, intervene, interview, intrigue, introduce, introspection, intruder,
intrusion, Netherlands, network, neutral, neutrino, nitroglycerine, notary, notoriety, understand,
understudy, undertaker, underwear, underwriter, Unitarian, wander, winter, wonder, wonderful,
yonder,  André, Andrew,  André the Giant, Underdog, Wonder Woman,  Andre Agassi, Andrea
Bocelli, Andrew Carnegie, Andre Citroen, Indira Gandhi, Andrew Jackson, Andre Michelin, Andre Previn,
Andres Segovia, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Andrew Wyeth,  Hans Christian Anderson, Pamela Anderson,
Ursula Andress, Julie Andrews, Skitch Henderson, Ralph Nader, Carrie Underwood, Johnny Winter, Edgar
Winter, Shelley Winters, Jonathan Winters, Stevie Wonder

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215 – Andalusia, antelope, anthill, antler, hand laundry, handhold, handle, handler, hind legs, indolent,
indulgent, intellect, intelligent, intolerant, knothole, nautilus, needle, net loss, night owl, nightlight,
NOODLE, window ledge,  Natalie, , ,  George Friederic Handel, Chet Huntley
216 – annotation, anti-itch, handshake, indigestion, intuition, night shift, night shirt, night watch, night
watchman, nightshade, notation, NUTSHELL, undigested, wind chimes, windjammer, window shade,
window washer, windshield, ,  Aunt Jemima, ,  Frederich Nietzsche
217 – antagonize, antics, antiquity, bandwagon, hand carved, hand clapping, HAND GRENADE,
handclasp, handcuffs, handgrip, handicap, handicraft, inadequate, index, index finger, indicate,
indignant, indigo, induct, integrity, intoxicate, nautical, netting, night hawk, nightcap, nightcrawlers,
nightgown, nightingale, nutcracker, , ,  Nat King Cole,  Jimi Hendrix
218 – endeavor, handful, hindfoot, inadvertence, indifference, individual, native, nativity set, needful,
net fishing, night light, NIGHT VISION GOGGLES, nightfall, notification, wind vane, wind velocity, windfall,
window frame, , , , 
219 – antebellum, hand bells, hand brake, hand painted, handball, handbill, handbook, inaudible,
independence, inedible, knee-deep, nightbird, NOTEBOOK, windbag, windblown, windowpane,
windpipe, windproof, ,  Winnie the Pooh, , 
220 – announcement, annoyance, nonsense, nuance, UNION SIGN, Union soldier, unionist,  Nancy, 
Ananias,  Nancy Drew, Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Reagan, Nancy Sinatra, 
221 – anoint, innuendo, NEANDERTHAL, non-denominational, noontime, Union troops, unwind, , , ,

222 – noon nap, Union Navy, UNKNOWN SOLDIER, , , , 
223 – ANONYMOUS (hacker group Guy Fawkes mask), inanimate, onion omelet, unanimous, , , , 
224 – nunnery, ONION RINGS, , , , 
225 – NINE-HOLE GOLF COURSE, union leader, , , , 
226 – annunciator, NINJA, nonchalant, nunchakus, onion chopper, uninsured, Union Jack, , , , 
227 – NANNY GOAT, nincompoop, noncombatant, non-conformist, , , ,  Doug Henning
228 – Nineveh, nonfeasance, ONION FIELD, Union officer, , , , 
229 – NINE PLANETS, ninepence, ninepins, nonpareil, nonpartisan, union boycott, Union Pacific railroad,
, , , 
230 – animism, animosity, animus, namesake, nemesis, numbskull, NUMISMATIC DEALER, , , , 
231 – animated cartoon, enemy attack, enmity, inimitable, inmate, mnemotechny, NAMETAG, nomad,
nome de plume, pneumatic, unmade, , , ,  Joe Namath
232 – anemone, HONEYMOON, inhumane, mnemonic, nomenclature, nominal, nominate, pneumonia, 
Norman, , ,  Paul Newman, Randy Newman, Alfred E. Newman
233 – ANEMOMETER, , , , 
234 – enamored, enumeration, Nimrod, numeric, NUMEROLOGY, numerous, , , , 
235 – animal, animal trainer, animalism, anomaly, ENAMEL POT, immolation, , , , 
236 – ANIMATION, enemy jail, name change, , , , 
237 – ANEMIC, inimical, ,  Ann-Margret, , 
238 – NYMPH, , , , 
239 – immobilize, nimble, NIMBUS, number, , , , 
240 – aneurism, hen roost, narrow-waisted, near sighted, neurasthenia, New Year’s Day, Norse, NURSE,
nursery, nursery rhyme, unrest, , , ,  Chuck Norris

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241 – inert, inheritance, innards, inroads, narrative, narrator, nerd, neuritis, north, North America,
NORTH POLE, North Sea, Northerner,  Henrietta, ,  Henry David Thoreau,  Bob Newhart, Jay
North, Alex North, Oliver North, Ed Norton, Loudon Wainwright
242 – inherent, NEURON, , , , 
243 – enormous, innermost, narrow minded, normal, one-armed bandit, WINE ROOM,  Norman, , 
Norman Lear, Norm MacDonald, Norman Mailer, Norman Vincent Peale, Norman Rockwell,  Greg
244 – HONOR ROLL, honorarium, honorary, , , , 
245 – enrollment, gnarled, honey roll, honor list, narrowly, NARWHAL, nearly, neural, neuralgia,
neurologist, unreal, unreality, unreel, unroll, unruled, unruly, , , , 
246 – energy, inertia, inrush, narration, narrow chested, narrow shouldered, NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINES,
Norwegian elkhound, nourishment, onrush, ownership, , , , 
247 – anarchist, anarchy, anorexic, HONOR GUARD, inorganic, narcotic, narrow gauge, New York, 
Enrico, ,  Enrico Caruso, Enrico Fermi, Enrique Iglesias, 
248 – nerve, nerve agent, nervous, NERVOUS BREAKDOWN, unravel, , , ,  Rudolf Nureyev
249 – honorable, near beer, neuropathy, unripe, UNWRAP,  Norbert, , , 
250 – analysis, enlistment, nail studded, nihilist, WINE LIST,  Nelson, ,  Niels Bohr, Nelson Mandela,
 Beyoncé Knowles, Leslie Nielsen
251 – analytical, enlightenment, inlaid, inlet, nail head, neolithic, NEWLYWEDS, , , , 
252 – aniline, knee length, NYLON STOCKINGS, online form, , , ,  Ozzie Nelson, Willie Nelson,
Harriet Nelson, Rick Nelson
253 – annulment, NAIL MANICURE, newly married, “Now I lay me down to sleep…”, , , , 
254 – enlargement, INHALER, , , , 
255 – Hawaiian hula hula, Honolulu, NAIL HOLE, , , , 
256 – annihilation, inhalation, knowledge, NEWLY HATCHED CHICKS, , , , 
257 – inelegant, NAIL CLIPPERS, nail gun, one-legged, onlooker, , , , 
258 – honey love, NAIL FILE, nullification, wine lover, , , , 
259 – nail biting, nail box, nail brush, NAIL POLISH, , , , 
260 – injustice, NACHOS, nauseous, Winchester rifle, , , , 
261 – initiate, INITIATED FEW, initiative, , , , 
262 – angina, enchantress, ENGINE, engineer, ingenuity, injunction, nationality, nations, notions, , 
Nijinsky, ,  Carrie Nation
263 – enjoyment, henchman, NACHO MESS, , , , 
264 – injury, INSURANCE, knee jerk, naturalize, nature, wine jar, , , , 
265 – ANGEL, Angelica, angelus, initial, Winchell’s donut shop, wine jelly,  Angel, Angela, Angelina, ,
 Angela Davis, Angelina Jolie, Angela Lansbury  Walter Winchell
266 – INITIATION CEREMONY, , , , 
267 – INJECTION, wine jug, , , , 
268 – ANCHOVY, Nashville, , , , 
269 – HUNCHBACK, wine shop, ,  Hunchback of Notre Dame, , 
270 – annex, anxiety, inexperienced, ink stained, inquest, inquisition, inquisitor, ONYX CHESS SET, wine
cask, Yankees, youngster, , , ,  Tom Hanks, Stevie Nicks, Richard Nixon

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271 – anecdote, enactment, hangout, honkytonk, inactivity, inequity, ingot, iniquity, inquietude,
knockdown, KNOCKOUT, naked, necktie, nectar, negative, nocturnal, nugget, Yankee Doodle, , 
Nicodemus, nougat,  Nikita Khrushchev, 
272 – encounter, hangnail, INCANTATION, incontinent, nick-nacks, knock kneed, nickname, , , , 
273 – encampment, encumbrance, enigma, HANGMAN, honeycomb, income, income tax, incompatible,
incompetent, incumbent, newcomer, , ,  Ingmar Bergman,  Henny Youngman
274 – anachronism, anagram, ANCHOR, angora, encouragement, encroach, engrave, handkerchief,
hangar, Hungary, hunger, inaccurate, inaugurate, incarcerate, incarnate, incoherence, incorporate,
increase, incredible, increment, incur, ingratitude, ingredient, inquiry, knickers, knocker, neckerchief,
neckwear, necromancy, necropolis, negro, Niagara, unicorn, , ,  Ingrid Bergman,  Debra Winger

275 – angle, angler, Anglo-Saxon, ankle, enclosure, England, English, English muffin, engulf, inclemency,
incline, ink well, inkling, knuckles, necklace, neglect, negligee, negligence, nickel, nickelodeon, NUCLEAR
REACTOR, nucleus, uncle, wine glass,  Nicholas, Nicole,  Uncle Scrooge,  Nicolas Cage, Nicole
Kidman, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikola Tesla,  Criss Angel, Maya Angelou, Jack Nicholson, Jack
Nicklaus, Henry Winkler
276 – anguish, anxious, engage, engagement, NECK CHAINS, negotiate, noxious, unction, unctuous, ,
, , 
277 – honey cake, HONEY COCKTAIL SYRUP, Hong Kong, incognito mode, wine keg, , , ,  Herbie
278 – HANGOVER, Yankee flag, , , ,  Weird Al Yankovic
279 – hen coop, incapacitate, incubate, incubator, incubus, INK BOTTLE, ink pad, innkeeper, kneecap,
neck brace, , , , 
280 – envious, infest, infuse, investment, invisible man, invoice, NAVY SEAL, novice, ‘nuff said, , , ,

281 – hen fight, inevitable, infidel, infidelity, invade, invite, naivety, NAPHTHA (moth balls), neophyte,
Nevada, nifty, , , , 
282 – infant, INFANTRY, infinity, invention, inventor, inventory, knife handle, knife wound, navy ensign,
navy uniform, New Haven, Newfoundland, , , , 
283 – infamous, infamy, navy men, NOVEMBER, unfamiliar, , , , 
284 – anniversary, enforce, environment, inference, inferior, inferior, infernal, inferno, infirmary,
inform, informal, informatics, information, infraction, infrared, infrequent, infringe, inverse,
invertebrate, Navy yard, Neverland, nefarious, uniform, universe, UNIVERSITY,  Winifred, , , 
Oprah Winfrey
285 – ANVIL, anvil chorus, envelope, envelopment, infallible, infielder, inflammation, inflate, inflation,
inflection, inflorescence, inflow, influenza, influx, invalid, naval orange, navel, novel, novelist, , , , 
286 – inefficient, infatuation, infusion, innovation, INVASION, knife edge, knife juggler, knife sharpener,
navy ship, novitiate, , , , 
287 – INFECTION, invocation, knife case, knifing, navigation, Novocain, , , , 
288 – KNIFE FIGHT, , , , 
289 – enfeeblement, knife blade, KNIFE POCKET, , , , 
290 – KNAPSACK, , ,  Nipsey Russell, 
291 – HENNA POWDER, honey pot, inhibit, naphtha, wine bottle, ,  Neptune, , 
292 – honeybun, honeybunch, KNEE PANTS, nubbin, , , , 
293 – Nepomuk, NO PAM (spray oil), , , , 

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294 – inborn, inbred, inebriate, knee breeches, nappy hair, neighbor, neighborhood, NEWBORN,
Newport, unborn, , , ,  Jim Nabors
295 – Annapolis, enable, inability, napalm, Neapolitan ice cream, NEBULA, nibble, nipple, Nobel prize,
nobility, noble, ,  Hannibal, Napoleon,  Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon Dynamite, Hannibal Lecter,
Napoleon Solo,  Alfred Nobel
296 – inhibition, NUPTIALS, , , , 
297 – henpecked, NAPKIN, , , , 
298 – UNPAVED ROAD, , , , 
299 – anabaptism, nabob, WINE BUBBLES, , , , 

300 – home society, homes association, mass ceremony, MASSEUSE, mezzo soprano, Mississippi,
misuse, Y. M. C. A.s, ,  Moses, ,  Grandma Moses
301 – Amsterdam, hemstitch, homestead, homestretch, homicide, Macedonia, mast, master, master
key, mastermind, mastication, mastiff, mastodon, mastoids, Mazda, mesothorax, mezzotint, midst,
midstream, misadventure, misdeal, misdeed, misdemeanor, misdoings, misdoubt, mist, mistake, mister,
mistranslation, mistreatment, mistress, mistrial, mistrust, moist, moose head, must, MUSTACHE,
mustang, mustard, mustard gas, muster, musty, mystery, mystic, ,  Mister T, Mr. Bean, Mr. Ed, Mr.
Fantastic, Mr. Magoo, Mr. Rogers, Mr. T, ,  Bat Masterson, Zero Mostel
302 – Amazon, AMAZON TRUCK, ham sandwich, mason, Masonic, messenger, messenger bag,
mezzanine, misanthrope, misinformation, misinterpret, misnomer, misunderstand,  Mason, , 
Mason Williams, 
303 – amazement, amusement, ham smoking, mass meeting, mass murder, mesmerism, miasma,
mismanagement, MUSEUM, , , , 
304 – emissary, maceration, masseur, MISER, miserable, misery, misrepresentation, misrule, Missouri,
, , ,  Modest Mussorgsky
305 – mausoleum, measles, mess hall, mess line, missal, MISSILE, mistletoe, Moselle, mouse hole,
mucilage, muscle, muslin, mussels, muzzle, , , ,  Abraham Maslow, Benito Mussolini
306 – Massachusetts, MASSAGE, message, mischief, mischievous, misogynist, moisture, musician, , ,
, 
307 – emasculate, homesick, hymn singer, mascot, masculine, mask, masquerade, massacre, mescal,
mesquite, mess kit, mess kitchen, miscarriage, mosaic, Moscow, mosque, MOSQUITO, moss covered,
muscatel, muscular, music, music hall, musical, musk, musk ox, musket, musketeer, muskmelon,
muskrat, whimsical, , , ,  Elon Musk
308 – hemisphere, massive, misfire, MISFIT, misfortune, missive, , , , 
309 – alms box, homespun, Mesopotamia, misapprehend, misappropriate, misbehave, misbelieve,
mishap, misplay, MISPRINT, mispronounce, , , , 
310 – amethyst, madhouse, MEDICINE, midst, midstream, midsummer, Midwest, modest, modus, mud
slinger, mud spattered,  Madison, Midas,  Medusa, Methuselah,  Modest Mussorgsky,  Johnny
Mathis, Henri Matisse, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
311 – hematite, humidity, imitate, MATADOR, math table, mediator, meditation, Mediterranean,
method, midtown, moth eaten, mud turtle, mutate, , , , 
312 – maiden, maiden name, maidenhood, matinee, midnight, midnight oil, midwinter, MITTENS,
mutiny, mutton, ,  Madonna, ,  John Madden
313 – madam, mademoiselle, madman, mathematics, meat market, MEDIUM, metamorphosis, modem,
,  Mighty Mouse,  Mahatma Gandhi, 

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314 – humdrum, humidor, maître d’, material, maternity ward, matrimony, matrix, matron, matter,
Matterhorn, MATTRESS, mediator, meteor, meteorology, meter, metric, metropolis, midriff,
moderation, modern, mood ring, mother, mother-in-law, motor, motorcycle, mouth harp, mutter, , 
Mother Teresa, , 
315 – maudlin, meadowlark, medal, medallion, meddle, medley, medulla, metal, middle, middleman,
MODEL, moth hole, muddle, mutilation, mythology,  Madeline, Madelyn, Matilda,  Meatloaf, 
Madeline Kahn, Meadowlark Lemon,  Bette Midler, Amedeo Modigliani
316 – imitation, meat hash, meat shop, mediation, MOUTHWASH, mutation,  Mitchell, , , 
317 – emetic, humdinger, madcap, meat cleaver, meat extract, meat hook, medic, MEDICATION,
mediocre, meeting, mitigation, mythical, , , , 
318 – emotive, humidifier, meat fork, medieval, metaphor, metaphysics, midwife, modification, motif,
motive, mudfish, MUDFLAPS, , , , 
319 – Home Depot, immutable, meat broth, meat packer, meat pie, meat platter, MEATBALL,
metabolism, mothproof, mouthpiece, mud bath, mudpie, , , , 
320 – amnesty, emancipate, immense, immensity, immunization, Main Street, mainsail, mainspring,
manse, manslaughter, manuscript, MAYONNAISE, menace, mince, mincemeat, mine sweeper, minister,
Minnesota, minstrel, monastery, monsignor, monsoon, monster, moonstone, moonstruck, municipal,
ominous, , , ,  Henry Mancini, Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Manson, Charles Manson, Idina Menzel
321 – amendment, human, immunity, maintenance, manatee, Mandalay Bay, Mandarin, MANDOLIN,
mandrake, Manhattan, Manitoba, mantle, mantlepiece, mentality, menthol, mentor, mind, mind reader,
mint, mint julep, minuet, minute, Minuteman, monitor, monotony, month, mound, mount, mountain,
mountebank, Mountie,  Amanda, Mandy, ,  Monty Hall, Mandy Patinkin,  Roald Amundsen,
Howie Mandel, Nelson Mandela, Benoit Mandelbrot, Mickey Mantle, Felix Mendelssohn, Eva Mendes,
Piet Mondrian, Ricardo Montalban, Joe Montana, Maria Montessori, Elizabeth Montgomery
322 – meningitis, Mennonite, mignonette, mine hunt, MINION, minnow net, , , ,  Karl Menninger,
Yehudi Menuhin
323 – minimalist, minimize, minimum, minimum wage, money markets, MONUMENT, ,  Minnie
Mouse, Eminem, , 
324 – manner, mannerism, manor, manure, menorah, minaret, MINER, mineral, mineral water, minor,
minority, monarch, monarchy, money order, monorail, ,  Man Ray, ,  Marilyn Monroe

325 – hymnal, main lobby, mainland, manhole, Manila, manual, Mauna Loa, menial, MONA LISA,
monolith, monologue, moonlight,  Emanuel, Manuel, , ,  Liza Minnelli
326 – amnesia, home insurance, management, manager, Manchester, Manchuria, mange, manger,
MANSION, menagerie, mensuration, mine ship, mineshaft, miniature, minutia, money changer,
moonshine, munch, munition, , , ,  Edvard Munch
327 – hummingbird, manacles, mangle, mango, mangrove, maniac, manicure, mannequin, mingle, mink,
minx, Monaco, Mongolia, mongoose, mongrel, moniker, monk, MONKEY, monkey wrench, monochrome,
monocle, monogamy, monogram, ,  MoNique,  Menachem Begin, Monica Lewinsky,  Margaux
Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway, Kylie Minogue, Thelonious Monk
328 – man of war, maneuver, manful, manifest, manifold, manufacturer, MINE FIELD, moonflower,
omnivorous,  Minerva, , , 
329 – amenable, manipulation, Minneapolis, money bags, money belt, MONOPOLY, Moon Pie,
moonbeam, omnibus, omnipotence, omnipresence, , , , 
330 – hymn music, MIMOSA, , , , 
331 – homemade, mammatus clouds, MAMMOTH, ,  Mohammed,  Muhammad Ali,  David Mamet

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332 – mammon, MEMENTO, moment, ,  Maimonides, , 

333 – memomaker, MEOW-MEOW-MEOW (Meow Mix cat food commercial), yum-yum-yum, , , , 
334 – home mortgage, memoirs, MEMORABILIA, memorable, memoranda, memorandum, memorial,
memorize, memory, mummer, mummery, ,  Muammar Gadhafi, ,  Oscar Hammerstein
335 – HAM OMELET, mammal, , , , 
336 – memo sheet, mime jar, YAM MOCHI, , , , 
337 – homemaker, mimic, mimicry, MIMEOGRAPH, , , , 
338 – HOME MOVIES, Memphis, , , , 
339 – home improvement, member, membership, membrane, memo book, memo pad, mumble,
mumblety-pegs, MUMM BOTTLE, mumps, , , , 
340 – amorous, humorist, humorous, immerse, Mars, Marseillaise, Marseille, mercenary, mercy,
morass, morose, MORSE CODE,  Emerson, Maurice,  Morrissey,  Maurice Chevalier, Merce
Cunningham, Marcel Marceau, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Sendak, Marisa Tomei,  Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Marcel Marceau, Rocky Marciano, Roger Maris, Alanis Morissette, Garrett Morris, Toni Morrison, Mike
341 – amortization, emeritus, immortal, marathon, marauder, MARDI GRAS, marital, maritime, mart,
martinet, martini, martyr, meridian, merit, mirth, moratorium, mordant, mortal, mortality, mortar,
mortification, Muir Woods, murder, muriatic, myriad, myrtle tree,  Martha, Martin, Marty, Meredith,
Miranda, Mort, Morty, Myrtle,  Mordechai,  Mortimer Adler, Marty Feldman, Martin Luther King Jr.,
Martin Landau, Martin Luther, Marty McFly, Mary Tyler Moore, Mort Sahl, Martin Scorsese, Martin
Sheen, Martin Short, Martha Stewart,  Dean Martin, Mary Martin, Steve Martin, Carmen Miranda, Pat
Morita, Jelly Roll Morton, Rupert Murdoch
342 – HOME RUN, Marines, marionette, maroon, Merino wool, morning, morning glory, moron,
mournful, mourning, Murine eye drops,  Marion, Marne, Myron, , ,  Helen Mirren, Rick Moranis
343 – home remedy, marmalade, Marmite, marmorated, marmoreal, marmoset, marmot, MERMAID,
merman, Merrimac, merriment, merrymaker, Mormon, murmur,  Miriam,  Marmaduke, ,  Ethel
344 – MIRROR, , , , 
345 – EMERALD, Emerald Isle, immorality, marlin, Maryland, moral, morale, moray eel, mural, 
Marilyn, Marlene, Marlon, Merle, Muriel,  Merlin,  Marlon Brando, Marlene Dietrich, Merle Haggard,
Marilyn Manson, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Lou Retton, Meryl Streep, Marlo Thomas, Marlon Wayans, 
Barry Manilow, Bob Marley
346 – emerge, emergency, hemorrhage, immersion, march, March, margarine, margin, marginalia,
marjoram, marriage, marsh, marshal, MARSHMALLOW, martial, Martian, Mauritius, Meerschaum pipe,
merchandise, merchant, merger, mirage, Moorish, mortuary,  Margie, Marjorie, ,  Marshall
McLuhan, Marge Simpson,  Garry Marshall, Penny Marshall, Thurgood Marshall
347 – America, home wrecker, maracas, margarita, marigold, mark, marker, MARKET, marketable,
marksman, marquis, mercantile, Mercury, merry go round, miracle, mooring, morgue, Morocco,
mortgage, murky,  Margaret, Mark, Morgan,  Mark,  Marc Anthony, Marc Chagall, Mark Cuban,
Morgan Freeman, Mark Hamill, Margaux Hemingway, Margot Kidder, Mark McGwire, Mark Rothko,
Mark Spitz, Margaret Thatcher, Mark Twain, Amerigo Vespucci, Mark Wahlberg, Mark Zuckerberg, 
Guglielmo Marconi, Zeppo Marx, Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Karl Marx, Groucho Marx, Freddie Mercury,
Piers Morgan
348 – amorphous, marvel, Marvel comics, MORPHINE,  Marvin, Murphy,  Morpheus,  Marv Albert,
Marvin Gaye, Merv Griffin,  Lee Marvin, Eddie Murphy
349 – emery board, hammer blow, MARBLE, marbled bread, marbled fudge, marrowbone, moribund,
, ,  Mary Baker Eddy,  Jim Morrison, Van Morrison, Samuel Morse

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350 – emulsified, hemolysin, Himalayas, homeless person, maelstrom, malice, milestone, millstone,
MOLASSES, moleskin, molestation, mollusk,  Melissa, Millicent, ,  Miles Davis, Melissa Ethridge, 
351 – amulet, humiliate, humility, immolate, mail truck, maladroit, malady, mallet, malt, Malta,
Maltese, mealtime, meld, melodrama, melody, melt, melting pot, mild, mild-mannered, MILDEW,
militant, military, millet, milt, mold, mold, molten, mulatto, mule driver, mullet, multiped, multiple,
multiplication, multitude, omelet,  Hamilton, Melinda, Mildred, Milton,  Hamlet,  Milton Berle,
Milton Friedman, Milt Gross,  Scott Hamilton, Linda Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Karl Malden
352 – emollient, homeland, Malayan, malign, malignant, malnutrition, melancholy, mélange, melon,
MILLENNIUM FALCON, milliner, millionaire, Moulin Rouge, mullion,  Melanie, ,  Melanie Griffith, 
353 – MAILMAN, , , , 
354 – amelioration, mail order, mailer, malaria, mallard, melioristic, miller, MOLAR, ,  Molière, , 
Gustav Mahler, Norman Mailer, Mitch Miller, Roger Miller, Glenn Miller
355 – MOLEHILL, , , , 
356 – emulation, emulsion, humiliation, immolation, maladjusted, Malaysia, malicious, mileage, militia,
MULCH, , ,  Miloš Forman, 
357 – amalgam, amalgamation, hemlock, mailing list, malachite, male choir, MILK, milkman, Milky Way,
Milwaukee, molecule, mollycoddle, mulligatawny, ,  Malcolm X,  Malcolm Forbes, Malcolm
McDowell, Malcolm McLaren,  Harvey Milk
358 – malefactor, malevolent, MILLEFEUILLE, mollify,  Malvina, Melvin, , ,  Herman Melville
359 – MAILBOX, malapropos, malpractice, mealy bug, Melba toast, mile post, millipede, mulberry, mule
pack, , , , 
360 – magistrate, MAGUS, majestic, majesty, , , , 
361 – MACHETE, mashed potatoes, match head, matchwood, midget, , , , 
362 – emission, emotion, homogeneous, imagination, imagine, MACHINE GUN, machinery, machinist,
mission, motion, omission, , , , 
363 – MATCHMAKER, mush mouth, , , , 
364 – imagery, immature, immeasurable, major, major domo, major league baseball, majorette,
majority, maturation, maturity, measure, measuring tape, MUSHROOM, , , ,  Lee Majors, Victor
365 – MAJOLICA POTTERY, match holder, mutual funds,  Michelle, , ,  Andre Michelin, Joni
366 – emaciation, machiche (wood), MAGICIAN, match jar, , , , 
367 – magic, MAGIC FLYING CARPET, meshuga, Michigan, , ,  Magic Johnson, 
368 – MATCH FACTORY, , , , 
369 – matchbook, matchbox, MATCHBOX CAR, mesh bag, mosh pit, , , , 
370 – MAGAZINE, Max Factor cosmetics, maxim, maximum, Mexico, mix, mixer, mixture, moccasin,
mucus, , ,  Maxim Gorky, Max Lucado, Maxfield Parrish, Max Planck, Max Roach, Max Yasgur, 
Peter Max, Tom Mix
371 – macadam, MAGGOTS, Mecca temple, Mikado, mock turtleneck, ,  Megatron, ,  Norm
MacDonald, Mary Magdalene, Ronald McDonald, Roddy McDowall, Josh McDowell, Malcolm McDowell
372 – Macintosh, mackinaw, mackintosh, Magna Carta, magnanimous, magnate, magnesia, MAGNET,
magnificent, magnify, magnifying glass, magnitude, magnolia, magnum, mahogany, mechanic, 
Mackenzie, Megan,  Magneto,  Megan Fox, 

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373 – high muckamuck, HOMECOMING, magma, Mecca Mosque, mowing machine, mugwump, , 
Mickey Mouse, ,  Fred MacMurray, Ed McMahon
374 – haymaker, immigrant, macaroni, macaroon, mackerel, macramé, macrocosm, Magyar, meager,
microphone, MICROSCOPE, migration, mohawk haircut, muckraker,  Marguerite, , ,  Douglas
MacArthur, Rene Magritte, Tobey Maguire, Jerry Maguire, Paul McCartney

375 – IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, megalomania, mogul,  Macauley, Michael,  Michelangelo, 
Mikhail Baryshnikov, Michael Bloomberg, Michael Bolton, Michael Caine, Michael Crichton, Michael Dell,
Michael Douglas, Michael Flatley, Michael J. Fox, Mikhail Gorbachev, Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan,
Michael Keaton, Michael Kors, Michael Landon Jr., Michael Moore, Michael Nesmith,  Shirley
MacLaine, Curtis Mayfield, David McCallum, Tim McIlrath, Malcolm McLaren, Marshall McLuhan, Shawn
376 – hammock chain, makeshift, MICA SHEET, , , , 
377 – HAMMOCK HOOK, home cooking, mockingbird, , , ,  Ali MacGraw, Patrick McGoohan,
George McGovern, Phil McGraw, Mark McGwire, Steve McQueen
378 – make over, MEGAPHONE, ,  Machiavelli, ,  Elle Macpherson, Marty McFly
379 – amicable, homing pigeon, macabre, magpie, MAKEUP, Mecca pilgrim, Yom Kippur, ,  Macbeth,
,  Ally McBeal
380 – emphasis, home office, MOVIE STAR, ,  Mephistopheles, , 
381 – amphitheater, emphatic, ham fat, MOVIE THEATRE, mufti, , , , 
382 – movie enthusiast, movie industry, MUFFIN, , , , 
383 – MOVEMENT (watch interior), , , , 
384 – amphora, home furnishings store, maverick, MOVERS,  Humphrey, ,  Humphrey Bogart, 
385 – Mayflower, mayfly, muff lining, MUFFLER, , , , 
386 – HOME FACIAL, , , , 
387 – movie actress, movie camera, movie goer, moving day, MOVING VAN, , , , 
388 – MOVIE FANATIC, muff fur, , , , 
389 – A Moveable Feast, amphibious, hemophobia, MOVIE POPCORN, , , , 
390 – ambassador, EMBASSY, embezzle, embossed, imbecile, impassible, impostor, , , , 
391 – ambidextrous, AMPUTEE, embitter, embodiment, embody, empty, empty-handed, homeopath,
imbed, impede, impotent, impudent, Moabite, moped, ,  Moby Dick, ,  Lionel Hampton
392 – ambient, embankment, HAM BONE, impound, mop handle, , , , 
393 – mapmaker, WAMPUM, , , , 
394 – ambergris, ambrosia, embargo, embark, embarrass, embers, embrace, embroider, embryo,
emperor, empire, emporium, hamburger, hamper, imbroglio, impair, imperialism, impersonate, import,
importance, impress, imprimatur, imprint, imprison, impromptu, improve, imprudence, umbrage,
UMBRELLA, umpire,  Amber, , , 
395 – amble, ambulance, amiable, ample, amplification, amplitude, embalm, embellish, emblem,
embolden, employ, home builder, home plate, humble, impale, implant, implement, implore, imply,
impulse, maple, maple leaf, MAPLE SYRUP, May apple, mobile, mobile home, umbilical cord, Wimbledon
tennis courts,  Mabel, , , 
396 – ambition, HOME PAGE, impatient, impeach, impetuous, , , , 
397 – ambiguity, hemp grower, humbug, HYMN BOOK, impact, impeccable, , , , 
398 – hemp fiber, HEMP FIELD, map fold, , , , 

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399 – humpback, HUMPBACK WHALE, imbibe, mop bucket, , , , 

400 – irresistible, recess, REESE’S PEANUT BUTTER CUPS, resistance, resuscitate, , , , 
401 – aristocrat, arrest, horse thief, horse trough, horsehide, racetrack, receipt, recital, residence,
resident, residue, rest, restaurant, restitution, restorative, restore, restraint, restrict, risotto, roast, roast
beef, roost, ROOSTER, rose water, rosette, rosewood, russet, rust, rustic, wrist, wristwatch, , 
Aristophanes, Aristotle,  Aristotle Onassis, 
402 – Arizona, arsenal, arsenic, arson, horizon, horizontal, RAISIN, reason, reasonable, recent, rescind,
resent, resign, resin, resonant, rice wine,  Harrison, Orson, Roseanne, ,  Roseanne Barr, Harrison
Ford, Arsenio Hall, Orson Welles,  Rex Harrison, George Harrison
403 – harassment, heroism, horse meat, horseman, horsemanship, oarsman, resemblance, resumption,
ROSEMARY, warehouseman,  Rosamond, Rosemary,  Erasmus, , 
404 – eraser, horse ranch, horsehair, horse race, horseradish, race riot, racehorse, racer, razor, razor
edge, razorback, research, reservation, reserve, reservoir, resort, resource, Resurrection Day, risers,
ROSARY, , , , 
405 – horse liniment, razzle dazzle, resilience, resolution, resolve, result, rustler, WRESTLER,  Rosalie,
Russell, Ursula, ,  Ursula Andress, Russell Crowe,  Theodor Herzl, Leon Russell, Jane Russell, Nipsey
Russell, Kurt Russell, Bertrand Russell
406 – horse chestnut, horse show, HORSESHOE, recession, , , , 
407 – Herzegovina, horoscope, horse collar, race car, rascal, recycle bin, rescue, resignation, risk, risqué,
ROSE GARDEN, rusk, wire screen,  Roscoe, ,  Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle, 
408 – horse feed, horse flesh, HORSE FLY, R. S. V. P., receive, receiver, receivership, rice field, rice flour,
rose vase, wire sieve, , , ,  Theodore Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt
409 – horse blanket, horseback, horseplay, horsepower, horsewhip, rasp, RASPBERRY, receptacle,
reception, receptive, recipe, recipient, reciprocal, respect, respiration, respirator, respite, respondent,
response, responsibility, rosebud, ,  Rasputin, , 
410 – arduous, artisan, ARTIST, artistic, hearthstone, heartsick, iridescence, irreducible, radio station,
radius, rathskeller, Red Sea, redistribute, redskin, reduce, reticence, Rhodes, Ritz, roadhouse, roadster,
yard stick, , , ,  Vladimir Horowitz
411 – airtight, art dealer, hard hat, heart trouble, heartthrob, heredity, irritate, orthodox, radiate, rat
trap, ratatouille, red tape, red white and blue, red-eyed, REDHEAD, red-hot, redwood tree,
rhododendron, rotate, rotator, ,  R2-D2, , 
412 – ardent, earthen, hardening, irritant, ordain, ordinance, ordination, radiant, rattan, redneck,
redundant, retain, retainer, retention, retinue, riddance, right hand man, right-handed, rodent, rotten,
ROTUNDA, routine, war dance, warden, written, , ,  Rodney Dangerfield,  Gilda Radner, Mary Lou
Retton, Gene Roddenberry, Auguste Rodin, Rita Rudner
413 – air dome, arithmetic, art model, ART MUSEUM, earth mound, erratum, heirdom, iridium, radium,
redeem, redeemer, rhythm redemption, road map, rodman, rudiments, , , , 
414 – aerator, arteriosclerosis, artery, eardrums, earthworks, EARTHWORM, hair tresses, hairdresser,
hairdryer, hardware, hoarder, orator, oratorio, oratory, order, raider, reader, red haired, redirect,
retard, retire, retirement, retort, retrace, retreat, retribution, retrieve, retrogression, retrospect, retry,
return, rhetoric, rider, rotary, Rotary Club, Roto Rooter, router, rudder, wardrobe, writer,  Arthur, 
Road Runner,  Arthur Ashe, Arthur C. Clarke, Arthur Fiedler, Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Murray, Arturo
Toscanini,  Bea Arthur, Dan Rather, John Ritter

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415 – Airedale, artillery, hurdle, hurtle, ordeal, rattle, RATTLESNAKE, retail, retaliate, riddle,  Rudolph,
,  Weird Al Yankovic, 
416 – art show, artesian, ARTICHOKE, erudition, hardship, heritage, irritation, radiation, radish, retouch,
righteous, rotation, ,  Bathsheba, , 
417 – art collection, art critic, art gallery, article, articulation, EARTHQUAKE, eradicate, erotic, erratic,
heart ache, heretic, hurdy gurdy, radical, rating, Red Cross nurse, redcoat, reduction, ridicule,
rotogravure, , , ,  Daniel Radcliffe, Otis Redding, Vanessa Redgrave, Mark Rothko
418 – air defense, artificial, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, artificial insemination, ratify, right fielder, , 
Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer,  Rudolf Nureyev,  Robert Redford
419 – art object, art print, hard-boiled egg, heartbeat, heartbreak, heartburn, irritable, rawhide whip,
redbreast, ROOT BEER, wiretap, ,  Red Baron,  Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 
420 – earnest, erroneous, harness, horn spectacles, hornswoggle, rain soaked, rainspout, rainstorm,
rancid, ransack, ransom, reigns, reins, reinstate, renaissance, rhinestone, RHINOCEROS, rinse,  Ernest,
,  Ernest Borgnine, Ernest Hemingway,  Desi Arnaz, Jeremy Irons, Claude Rains
421 – errand, errant, hairnet, horehound candy, hornet, Orient, orientation, ornate, ornithologist,
raindrop, rainwater, random, REINDEER, render, rendezvous, rendition, rent, rind, round, round head
nail, roundabout, roundhouse, round-robin, roundtrip, round-up, runt,  Randolph, Randy, ,  Randy
Jackson, Randy Newman, Randy Quaid,  Ayn Rand, Tony Randall, Debbie Reynolds, Burt Reynolds,
Todd Rundgren
422 – iron handed, RAW ONION, renown, renunciation, reunion, Rhine wine, , , , 
423 – ironmonger, ORNAMENT, uranium, ,  Iron Man, , 
424 – horn rimmed glasses, iron ore, iron worker, ironworks, ornery, RUNNER, , , ,  Dale
Earnhardt, Carl Reiner, Django Reinhardt

425 – RENEWAL OF LIBRARY BOOK, Rhineland,  Arnold, Ronald,  Arnold the pig, Ronaldinho, 
Ronald McDonald, Arnold Palmer, Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger,  Benedict Arnold, Judge
426 – arrange, iron age, ORANGE, orange blossoms, rain shower, raincheck, ranch, range, ranger,
ruination, syringe, wrench, , , , 
427 – arnica, harangue, ironclad, ironic, orangutang, RAINCOAT, rancor, rank, rankle, reincarnation,
renegade, ring, ringleader, rink, rung, running board, warning, wrangle, wrinkle, wrong, wrung, , , 
Ringo Starr, 
428 – iron fist, iron foundry, RAINFALL, reinforce, renovation, Rhine Valley, , , , 
429 – heroin habit, horn blower, rain barrel, rain pipe, RAINBOW, rainproof, runabout, runaway bride,
, , , 
430 – armistice, rum-soaked, WAR MUSEUM, ,  Hermes, Rameses, ,  Louis Armstrong, Neil
Armstrong, Lance Armstrong, Harold Ramis, Dave Ramsey, Jon Benet Ramsey, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
431 – armada, ARMADILLO, Army doctor, aromatic, hermit, remedy, remit, remodel, remote,
rheumatism, rum and Coke, war medal, warmth, worm-eaten, wormwood, , , ,  Eugene Ormandy
432 – Armenia, Army nurse, Army uniform, ermine, harmony, remain, remainder, remains, reminder,
remnant, Roman, ROMAN CANDLE, Roman Catholic, romance, Romania, room number,  Herman,
Raymond, ,  Raymond Burr, Raymond Chandler, Armand Hammer, Hermann Hesse, Herman Melville,
Roman Polansky,  Pee-Wee Herman, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Ray Romano
433 – armament, remembrance, ROOMMATE, , , , 
434 – armor, ARMORED TRUCK, armory, Armour brand, earmark, remark, remarkable, remorse, roomer,
rumor, warm hearted, , , ,  Cesar Romero

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435 – AIR MAIL, armhole, , , , 

436 – armature, ARMCHAIR, Army chaplain, ramshackle, remission, rummage, rummage sale, wire
mesh, , , , 
437 – ARMAGEDDON, Army camp, Remington, room key, rooming house, , , , 
438 – armful, Army veteran, EARMUFFS, hermaphrodite, ramifications, remove, war movie, , , , 
439 – armband, armpit, Army bugler, Army post, rambler, rambles, ramblings, ramp, rampage, rampant,
ramparts, reimbursement, romp, ROOMBA, rum bottle, rumba, rumble, rump, rump roast, rumpus,
warm blooded, , , , 
440 – aurora australis, rare steak, rear seat, REHEARSAL, rehearse, warhorse, , , , 
441 – air raid, arrowroot, hair roots, rarity, rear attack, rear door, REWARD POSTER, , , ,  Amelia
442 – air horn, hair ornament, rear end, rear entrance, REAR WINDOW, , , , 
443 – HAIR REMOVER, , , , 
444 – hurry hurry hurry, rah rah rah, ROW ROW ROW (your boat), worry worry worry, , , , 
445 – REAR LICENSE PLATE, rear light, rear wheel, rye roll, , , , 
446 – rear chamber, RORSCHACH INKBLOT, , , , 
447 – EARRING, hierarchy, rear axle, rear exit, rear guard, reorganization, , , , 
448 – air rifle, rear fence, rear fender, REAR VIEW MIRROR, , , , 
449 – AURORA BOREALIS, hair ribbon, rarebit, rear pocket, , , , 
450 – hairless cat, railway station, realism, realization, release, ROLLS-ROYCE, wireless, , ,  Erle
Stanley Gardner,  Woody Harrelson
451 –harlot, herald, Our Lady, reality, realtor, realty, relate, relative, relay team, rillette, rolltop,
ROULETTE WHEEL, royalty, world, world champion, world famous, world war, worldwide,  Harold, , 
Roald Amundsen, Harlan Ellison, Harold Lloyd, Harold Ramis, 
452 – AIRLINE, hairline, Ireland, Orlando, railing, reliance, whirlwind,  Roland, ,  Orlando Bloom, 
Jill Ireland, Kathy Ireland, Tony Orlando, Gena Rowlands, J. K. Rowling
453 – HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS, heirloom, railway map, realm, , , , 
454 – high roller, RAILROAD, railway yard, relay race, roller skates, ruler, war lord, , , , 
455 – RAILWAY LINE, , , , 
456 – hourly wage, relationship, religion, RELISH, , , , 
457 – airlock, hair lock, harlequin, hireling, railing, relaxation, relegation, relic, relocation, reluctance,
roll call, ROLLING PIN, rulings, warlock, whirligig, yearling, ,  Rolling Stones, , 
458 – aerial view, railway freight, relevancy, relief, roll film, rye loaf, WEREWOLF,  Ralph, ,  Ralph
Bakshi, Ralph Bellamy, Ralph Ellison, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ralph Lauren, Ralph Nader, 
459 – earlobe, harelip, relapse, reliability, ROLY-POLY, whirlpool, , , , 
460 – arch supports, Irish Sea, regicide, REGISTER (heating), registrar, registration, rejoice,  Regis, ,
 Regis Philben, 
461 – archduke, earshot, RATCHET WRENCH,  Ashton, , ,  Salman Rushdie
462 – aeration, Argentine, erosion, Eurasian, oration, origin, original, originality, ration, rational,
regenerate, regent, region, rejoinder, Russian, URCHIN, urgency,  Reginald, , ,  Robert
463 – HAIR SHAMPOO, hour chime, Irishman, regime, regimen, regiment, Richmond, , , , 

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464 – archery, erasure, ORCHARD, rasher, row ashore, rush hour, rush order,  Richard, Roger,  Richie
Rich, Roger Rabbit,  Richard Avedon, Roger Bannister, Richard Benjamin, Richard Branson, Richard
Burton, Roger Clemens, Roger Corman, Roger Daltrey, Richard Dreyfuss, Roger Ebert, Roger Federer,
Richard Feynman, Richard Gere, Richard Hofstadter, Roger Maris, Roger Miller, Roger Moore, Richard
Nixon, Richard Rodgers, Richard Simmons, Richard Strauss, Richard Wagner,  Keith Richards, Denise
Richards, Richard Rodgers, Roy Rogers, Will Rogers, Kenny Rogers, Ginger Rogers, Fred Rogers
465 – HAIR GEL, racial, ritual,  Rachel, ,  Hershel Bernardi, Rachel Carson, Rachel Ray, 
466 – Rosh Hashana, RUSH JOB, , , , 
468 – AIRSHAFT, arrow shaft, rejuvenation, , , , 
469 – ARCHBISHOP, roach poison,  Archibald, , , 
470 – argosy, ORCHESTRA, raucous, request, requisition, rex, ringside, rock salt, Rockies, rockslide,
rucksack, workhouse,  Rex, ,  Rex Harrison, Rex Reed, 
471 – arcade, Arcadia, archetype, architect, architecture, erect, haircut, orchid, racket, rag doll, react,
reactor, rectangular, rectification, rector, regatta, rickets, rickety, rock drill, ROCKET, wire cutter,
workday, workout, worktable, , , , 
472 – air gun, archangel, arrogant, harken, hurricane, irreconcilable, oregano, organ, organization,
RACCOON, raconteur, reckon, reckoning, reconcile, reconstruct, recount, regain, , , ,  Alan Arkin,
Amy Irving, Nancy Reagan, Ronald Reagan
473 – argument, origami, rag music, ragamuffin, recommendation, requiem, rigmarole, RINGMASTER,
rowing machine, wargame, workman, , , ,  Sergei Rachmaninoff
474 – aircraft, harikari, record, recorder, recourse, recreation, recruit, recurrence, regard, regards,
regret, requirements, rigors, ringworm, ROCKER, rookery, war correspondent, wire walker,  Ricardo,
,  Ricardo Montalban,  Al Roker, Darius Rucker

475 – arc light, ARCHAEOLOGIC DIG, hieroglyphics, hourglass, irregularity, oracle, raglan, recalcitrant,
recall, reclamation, recline, recluse, recoil, recollection, regal, regale, regalia, regular, regulation,
ringleader, rock ledge, wriggle,  Raquel,  Hercules,  Jorge Luis Borges, Raquel Welch,  Don Rickles,
Charles Ringling, Norman Rockwell
476 – air cushion, air gauge, erection, irrigation, reaction, rickshaw, ricochet, rug store, wire cage, wire
gauge, workshop, wreckage, YORKSHIRE TERRIER, , , , 
477 – recognize, recognizance, rigging, ring cake, rock cave, rock crusher, rock crystal, rock quarry,
ROCKING CHAIR, rocking horse, rococo, wire walking, working class, , , , 
478 – archive, recovery, ring fight, ring finger, ROCK FISH, rock foundation, Rockefeller Plaza, Roquefort
dressing, work force, , , ,  John D. Rockefeller
479 – archipelago, herringbone, recuperate, rock a bye baby, rock bottom, rock pile, RUGBY BALL, rugby
player, workbench, , , , 
480 – HARVEST, orifice, refuse, revisit,  Rufus,  Orpheus, ,  Keanu Reeves, George Reeves,
Christopher Reeves
481 – horrified, RAFT, rafter, raw food, refutation, rift, rivet, riveter, rooftops, war veteran, , , , 
Yasser Arafat
482 – orphan, RAVEN, ravenous, ravine, refinement, refinery, refinishing, refund, revenge, revenue,
roughneck, ruffian,  Irving, ,  Irving Berlin, Irving Penn,  Washington Irving
483 – Orpheum, rave master, ROOF MATERIALS, wharfman, , , , 
484 – air freshener, Harvard, hoarfrost, irreverent, reefer, refer, referee, reference, referendum,
reform, reformation, reformatory, refraction, refrain, refresh, refreshment, REFRIGERATOR,

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reverberate, revere, reverence, reverend, reverie, reverse, revert, riffraff, river, roofer, rover, warfare, 
River, ,  River Phoenix,  Paul Revere, Geraldo Rivera, Joan Rivers
485 – arrival, raffle, ravioli, refill, reflect, reflector, reflux, refuel, revaluation, reveal, reveille, revel,
revelation, revelry, revolt, revolting, revolution, revolve, revolver, revulsion, RIFLE, rival, rivulet, ruffle,
 Orville, ,  Orville Redenbacher, Orville Wright,  Maurice Ravel
486 – refuge, refugee, revision, roof shingles, ROOF JUMPING, roughshod, , , , 
487 – irrevocable, Irving, REVIEWING STAND, revocation, roof garden, roof gutter, roofing, , , , 
488 – reef formation, REVIVAL, revive, roof fire, wharf fire, , , , 
489 – air vibration, ROOF BAG (for car top), wharf buoy, , , , 
490 – arabesque, HARPSICHORD, herbicide, rapscallion, rebus, repast, repose, repository, repossess,
rhapsody, ribs (BBQ), rip saw, robust, , , ,  Diane Arbus, Roy Orbison, Paul Reubens
491 – arbitrary, arbitrate, erupt, orbit, RABBIT, rabbit’s foot, rabid, rapid, rapidity, rapids, rapt, raptor,
rebate, rebuttal, repeat, reptile, reputation, robot, rowboat, rubdown, rye bottle, warpath, , , , 
492 – Arabian, European, hairpin, harpoon, rebound, repentance, Reuben sandwich, RIBBON, ripen,
robin, urban, war bond,  Reuben, Robin, ,  Robin Givens, Robin Leach, Robin Williams,  Jackie
Robinson, Smokey Robinson, Edward G. Robinson, Peter Paul Rubens
493 – air pump, HARP MUSIC, repayment, ,  Rehoboam, , 
494 – air brake, air pressure, arbor, arboretum, hairbreadth, harbor, herbarium, rapier, reaper,
reappear, reborn, repair, reparation, repartee, repertoire, report, REPORTER, represent, repress,
reprieve, reprimand, reprint, reprisal, reproach, reprobate, reproduce, reproof, rhubarb, robber,
robbery, rubber, rubber band, rubber plant, rubberneck, rubberstamp, ruby red grapefruit, rye bread,
wrapper,  Herbert, Robert, Roberta, Rupert, ,  Robert Cray, Robert De Niro, Robert DeLeo, Robert
Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Roberta Flack, Robert Frost, Robert Goulet, Robert F. Kennedy, Robert E. Lee,
Rupert Murdoch, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Redford, Robert Schuller, Robert Schumann, Robert
Vaughn, Robert Zemeckis,  Tony Roberts, Nora Roberts, Oral Roberts, Robbie Roberts, Julia Roberts,
Pat Robertson
495 – AIRPLANE, arable, herbal tea, horrible, rabble, rebel, rebellion, rebellious, rehabilitation, repeal,
repel, repellant, replace, replenish, replete, replica, reply, repulse, ribald, ripple, rope ladder, rubble,
ruble, warble, wearable, ,  RuPaul, ,  Barney Rubble
496 – ERUPTION, herbaceous, rapacious, rapture, rope jumping, rubbish, rupture, , , , 
497 – air pocket, Arabic, harbinger, rebuke, repugnance, RIB CAGE, Rubicon, yearbook,  Rebecca, ,
,  Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle
498 – herbivorous, raw beef, rebuff, rip off, rope off, RUB OFF DECAL, , , , 
499 – air bubbles, HARP PLAYER, republic, Republican, rib bone, , , , 

500 – ALSACE WHITE WINE BOTTLE, well-seasoned, ,  Ulysses, Louis C. K.,  Ulysses S. Grant, 
501 – aisle seat, elastic, elasticity, elicit, HAILSTONE, hillside, holster, Holy City, illicit, illustration, last,
lawsuit, list, lost, lucid, Lusitania, lust, luster, oil stain, Wall Street Journal, wool suit, wool sweater,
Yellowstone,  Lester, Lizette, , ,  Franz Liszt
502 – Elysian, halcyon, hallucination, LASAGNA, Lausanne, liaison, license, licentious, listen, loosen,
Louisiana, lozenge,  Lucinda, Lysander, Wilson, , ,  Harlan Ellison, Ralph Ellison, Owen Wilson,
Gahan Wilson, Flip Wilson, Brian Wilson
503 – Elysium, LACE MAKER, Lyceum, wholesome, , , , 
504 – illusory, laceration, LASER, laser pointer, lizard, loser, Lucerne, ulcer, ,  Lazarus, , 

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505 – lace lingerie, LOOSELEAF 3-RING NOTEBOOK, Lysol, Wellesley, wholesale,  Leslie, Lucille, , 
Lucille Ball, Leslie Nielsen, 
506 – Alsatian, hall switch, lace edge, LACE SHOP, loose jointed, , ,  Alicia Keys, 
507 – Alaska, lace curtains, LAW SCHOOL, oil skin, oil soaked, wall scaling, wool sock, , , , 
508 – allusive, elusive, lascivious, loose fitting, Lucifer, WALL SAFE, Wells Fargo stagecoach, , , , 
509 – allspice, lace apron, LESBIAN, Lisbon, lisp, oil spot, oil supply, wheel spoke,  Elizabeth, , 
Elizabeth Montgomery, Elizabeth Taylor, Alice B. Toklas, 
510 – lattice, lettuce, LIGHTHOUSE, loadstar, lotus, Oldsmobile, waltz, well disciplined, will o ’the wisp,
, , ,  Boris Yeltsin
511 – altitude, latitude, laudatory, lead weight, LIE DETECTOR, lightheaded, lightweight, Luddite, old
timer, wild eyed, yellow teeth, Yuletide, , , , 
512 – hula dance, laden, Latin, laudanum, lieutenant, LIGHTNING, lightning speed, litany, oil tanker, 
Alden,  Aladdin,  Elton John, Loudon Wainwright,  Conrad Hilton, Paris Hilton
513 – allotment, altimeter, leitmotif, lithium, LITMUS PAPER, ultimate, , , , 
514 – alder, alderman, altar, alteration, alternative, alternator, elder, elderberry, Eldorado, halter,
heliotrope, helter-skelter, illiterate, LADDER, later, lateral, lather, latter, Latter-Day Saints, leader,
leadership, leather, leatherneck, lethargy, letter, letterhead, lighter, liter, literary, literati, literature,
litter, liturgy, loiter, lottery, Lutheran, ulterior, Waldorf salad, well water, wilderness, willow tree, 
Luther, Walter, ,  Walter Brennan, Luther Burbank, Eldridge Cleaver, Walter Cronkite, Walter
Matthau, Walter Winchell,  Estee Lauder, David Letterman, Martin Luther, Lex Luthor, Barbara
Walters, Gene Wilder, Billy Wilder
515 – LADLE, lethal, little,  Ludlow,  Little Bo Peep, , 
516 – HOLIDAY SHOPPING, lead shot, light shaft, lightship, old age, old shoe, , , , 
517 – holiday gift, latecomer, LATKES (potato pancakes), litigant, litigate, ludicrous, well educated,
wildcat, ,  Lady Gaga, Lady Guinevere, Ludacris, , 
518 – health food, holdover, holiday feast, LADY FINGERS, lady friend, light fixture, light wave, wildfire,
wildflower, , ,  Ludwig van Beethoven,  Julia Louis-Dreyfus
519 – hilltop, holdup, holiday party, ladybug, lead pipe, lead plate, lead poisoning, light beam, light bill,
LIGHT BULB, light pole, lute player, walleyed pike, wildebeest, , ,  Wild Bill Hickok, 
520 – alliance, allowance, Illinois, illness, lance, lancers, LENS, linseed, lionize, lonesome, lunacy,
Lyonnaise,  Lance, Linus,  Linus,  Lance Armstrong, Alanis Morissette, Linus Pauling, Linus Torvalds,
 Angela Lansbury, Mario Lanza, Monica Lewinsky, Hal Lindsey
521 – alienate, Highlander, hole in the wall, Holland, island, land, landing, landlady, landlord, landmark,
landscape, landslide, landsman, lantern, laundry, LAUNDRY ROOM, lend, Lent, lentiform, lentil, line
dancing, linnet, linotype, lint, lintel, London, lunatic, walnut, walnut, whale hunt,  Landon, Leander,
Linda, ,  Linda Hamilton, Lyndon B. Johnson,  Martin Landau, Ann Landers, John Landis, Michael
Landon Jr., Jack London, Dolph Lundgren, Paul Lynde
522 – lenient, leonine, LINEN, lion hunt, yellow onion, , , ,  John Lennon
523 – alignment, lawnmower, lineament, lineman, liniment, LUNA MOTH, , , , 
524 – lanyard, linear, linear accelerator, EYELINER, lion hearted, lunar eclipse, lunar new year,  Eleanor
Leonard, ,  Leonard Bernstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo DiCaprio, Leonard Nimoy, Eleanor
Roosevelt,  Elmore Leonard

525 – lanoline, lien holder, LINOLEUM, lonely, lonely-hearts club, willy-nilly,  Lionel, ,  Lionel
Hampton, Lionel Messi, Lionel Richie, 

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526 – alienation, launch, linchpin, lineage, lingerie, loan shark, lounge, lounge lizard, lunch, lunch
counter, LUNCHBOX, , , ,  Jane Lynch, David Lynch
527 – elongate, language, languid, languish, length, Lenox china, Lincoln logs, lingo, linguist, lining, link,
LINK SAUSAGE, lion cub, loincloth, long, longhand, longitude, longshoreman, low hanging, lungs, lynx,
Oolong tea, , ,  Langston Hughes,  Duke Ellington, Burt Lancaster, Fritz Lang, Abraham Lincoln, Art
Linkletter, Eva Longoria
528 – law enforcement, Lee-Enfield rifle, LIONFISH, loan office, Yale University, , , , 
529 – Halloween prank, line up, LINEBACKER, , , ,  Charles Lindbergh
530 – helmsman, limestone, LIMOUSINE, , , ,  Katie Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Joe Williams, Ted
Williams, Andy Williams, Wendy Williams, John Williams, Esther Williams, Serena Williams, Robin
Williams, Vanessa Williams, Billy Dee Williams, Mason Williams
531 – Almighty, elm tree, HELMET, lime water, limeade, limit, oil motor, whale meat,  Helmuth, , 
Helmut Newton, 
532 – ailment, alimony, almanac, almond, aluminum foil, alumni, elementary, elements, elimination,
holy man, illumination, lament, layman, LEMON, lemon tree, lemonade, limoncello, luminary, luminous,
, , ,  Jack Lemmon, Meadowlark Lemon, Vladimir Lenin, Tracey Ullman, Liv Ullmann
533 – Alamo massacre, LAY MEMBER, , , , 
534 – all-American, hall mirror, HALLMARK CARD, limerick, oleomargarine,  Elmer, ,  Elmer Fudd,
Elmore Leonard,  Dorothy Lamour, Louis L'Amour, Louis Lumiere, Auguste Lumiere
535 – elm leaf, Lemuel, LIMELIGHT, wool mill, , , , 
536 – LAMB CHOPS, lamb hash, lamb shearing, lime juice, Limoges, , ,  William H. Macy, 
537 – ale mug, lambkins, LAWMAKER, oil magnate, , , , 
538 – lamb fat, lamb fleecing, lime flavor, lime phosphate, Limey officer, loom weaving, LYMPH GLAND,
wool muffler, , ,  William F. Buckley Jr., 
539 – lamb bone, Lambic, Lamborghini, lamp, lamp post, lamp shade, lampblack, lampoon, lamprey,
lima bean, limber, Limburger cheese, limp, limpet, limpid, Lombardy, lumbago, lumbar, lumber,
LUMBERJACK, lump, lump sugar, Olympic, Olympus, wall map,  Lambert, , ,  Rush Limbaugh,
Vince Lombardi, Guy Lombardo
540 – hilarious, larceny, WALRUS, , , , 
541 – halyards, hilarity, LARD, larder, lariat, laureate, Lord, lurid, Whole Earth Catalog,  Lauretta,
Willard, ,  Larry the Cable Guy, Lord Voldemort, 
542 – ailerons, laryngitis, larynx, learn, LORAN, LORGNETTE,  Lawrence, Lauren, Lorna, Lorraine, , 
Lorne Greene, L. Ron Hubbard, Lauren Hutton, Laurence Olivier, Lawrence Welk,  Ralph Lauren, Yves
Saint Laurent, D. H. Lawrence, Carol Lawrence, Sophia Loren
543 – alarm, ALARM CLOCK, allurement, hall room, well-armed,  Lawrence, , , 
544 – lorry racing, LOWER ROWS, , , ,  Tom Lehrer
545 – Hoyle rule, LAUREL CROWN,  Lorelei, , ,  Stan Laurel
546 – large, large eyed, LARGE INTESTINE, large-mouthed bass, largesse, lower jaw, lurch, oil region, ,
, , 
547 – hall rack, lark, larkspur, lay worker, LAYER CAKE, lurk, lyrics, oil rag, wool rug, , , , 
548 – LARVA, low roof, oil refinery, , ,  Lee Harvey Oswald, 
549 – ill repute, LYREBIRD, , , , 
550 – LOYALISTS, , , ,  Lucy Lawless
551 – lay leader, lilt, LOYALTY CARD, oil laden, oil light,  Leland,  Lilith, Lolita, , 

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552 – LOWLANDS,  Lillian, Llewellyn, , ,  Jack LaLanne

553 – OIL LAMP,  Wilhelm, Wilhelmina, , , 
554 – LILY WREATH, loyal hearted, , , , 
555 – hello hello hello, la la la, lily leaf, lily-livered, well well well, WHALE OIL LAMP, , , , 
556 – liliaceous, ULULATION (Lord of the Flies), Walla Walla Wash., Yale latch, , , , 
557 – all wool coat, hall lock, LILAC, lily gilding, Yale lock, ,  LL Cool J, , 
558 – LILY OF THE VALLEY, , , , 
559 – lallapalooza, law library, Lilliputian, lily bouquet, lily painting, lily pond, LOLLIPOP, lullaby, lulu bird,
,  Lil' Abner, ,  Gina Lollobrigida
560 – EYELASHES, legislation, logistics, luscious, , , , 
562 – allegiance, allusion, illusion, legend, LEGION OF SUPERHEROES, lesion, lotion,  Lucien, , 
Luciano Pavarotti, 
563 – lodge emblem, LODGE MEMBER, Welshman, , , , 
564 – lecher, leger, legerdemain, leisure, leisure suit, WHEELCHAIR, Welsh rarebit, wool shirt, , , ,
 Heath Ledger
565 – OIL SHALE DRILLING, wool shawl, , , , 
566 – LOGICIAN (Lewis Carroll), , , , 
567 – ale jug, elegiac, low jack, hollow cheeked, lashing, latch, LATCHKEY KID, lodging, logic, wool jacket,
yellowjacket wasp, , , , 
568 – haulage fee, LUGE FEDERATION, , , , 
569 – ALGEBRA, wool shop, , , , 
570 – elixir, helix, holocaust, lax, laxative, legacy, LEGOS, lexicon, Lexington, locksmith, locust, logos,
loquacious,  Alex, Alexander, Alexis, Lucas,  Alexander the Great,  Alexander Graham Bell,
Alexander Calder, Alexandre Dumas, Alexander Fleming, Alex Haley, Alexander Hamilton, Lex Luthor,
Alex North, Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Alex Trebek,  George Lucas, Bela
571 – ALLIGATOR, allocate, elect, elector, electric fence, electricity, electrocution, lackadaisical, lectern,
lector, liquid, liquidation, locate, locket, locket, lockout, lookout, low cut, wool coat, ,  Wile E.
Coyote, ,  Carmen Electra, Hannibal Lecter, Roy Lichtenstein, Gyorgy Ligeti, Max Lucado
572 – Alleghanies, elegance, eloquence, hill country, hooligan, laconic, lagoon, LICHEN, locknut,
loganberry, oil can,  Logan, , ,  Christopher Walken
573 – alchemy, leg amputation, leg muscles, legume, ligament, LOCOMOTIVE, oil company, welcome, ,
, , 
574 – allegory, lachrymose, lacquer, lacrosse stick, lager beer, laggard, Lake Erie, leg warmers, LICORICE,
linger, liquor, locker, log rolling, logarithm, lucrative, lucre, lukewarm, oligarchy, ,  Le Corbusier, , 
Edward Elgar, John Le Carre, June Lockhart

575 – ALCOHOL, alcohol lamp, alkaline, hall clock, hill climber, illegal, leg hold, legal, local, loculation, log
line, oilcloth, , , , 
576 – allegation, allocation, election, elocution, lakeshore, leakage, lecture, legation, ligature, location,
lockjaw, log jam, log sheet, loquacious, Lucky Charms, LUGGAGE, luxuriant, luxury, whaling ship, , , ,

577 – leggings, LOG CABIN, logging camp, whaling crew, , , , 

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578 – alcove, lake front, lake view, LEAKY FAUCET, leg fracture, liquefy, log fire, lookover, whaling
vessel, , , , 
579 – healing power, HELICOPTER, lake boat, lake breeze, leg bone, leg pulling, lock pick, lockbox,
logbook, lookup, whaling boat, wool cap, , , , 
580 – lava stream, law office, law officer, life sentence, life size, LIFESAVER, livestock, love seat, love
story, lovesick,  Elvis, ,  Elvis Costello, Elvis Presley, 
581 – aloft, elevator, hayloft, Isle of Wight, laughter, lavatory, leaf tobacco, left, LEFTOVERS, leviathan,
levitate, levity, lifetime, lift, lifter, loft, olive tree, , , ,  Demi Lovato, Lyle Lovett, Jon Lovitz
582 – ELEPHANT, elephantiasis, elfin, Laugh-In (TV), leaven, Levant, life annuity, life insurance, love knot,
love note, wolfhound, ,  Alvin, ,  Adam Levine
583 – la femme, laugh emoji, life imprisonment, LIFE MAGAZINE, love making, , , ,  Danny Elfman
584 – lay over, lever, leverage, live wire, LIVER, Liverpool, liverwort, livery, livery stable, loafer, welfare,
wolverine,  Alfred, Oliver, Wilfred,  Elvira, Wolverine,  L. Frank Baum, Alfred Hitchcock, Olivia
Hussey, Alfred E. Newman, Alfred Nobel, Oliver North, Oliver Sacks, Alfred Stieglitz, Oliver Stone, 
Laurence Olivier
585 – alfalfa, alluvial, LAVA LAMP, leaflet, level, lifeline, Louisville, love letter, oil fuel, olive oil, , , ,
 Evander Holyfield, Ada Lovelace
586 – Helvetian, LIFEJACKET, loaf sugar, olive jar, , , , 
587 – laughingstock, law faculty, leafcutter ant, LIFEGUARD, living expenses, living room, living wage,
olfactory,  Wolfgang, ,  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Puck,  H. P. Lovecraft
588 – Laugh Factory, LAVA FLOW, leave of absence, levee flood, life of ease, love affair, love philter, olive
fork, , , , 
589 – alphabet, levee break, LIFE PRESERVER, love birds, love potion, olive bottle, olive branch, wolf
pack, , , , 
590 – alabaster, Alps, El Paso, elapse, lapis lazuli, lapse, lip service, lipstick, lobbyist, LOBSTER, lopsided,
wall poster, , , ,  Jennifer Lopez, George Lopez
591 – albatross, elliptical, halibut, lap dog, lapidary, LAPTOP COMPUTER, law abiding, Lipton, , , , 
Fran Lebowitz, Peggy Lipton
592 – Albanian, Albany, ALBINO, Alpine, jalapeno, Lebanon, lupine, oil painting, whalebone, , , , 
593 – Alabama, ALBUM, albumen, elopement, helpmate, lip movements, oil boom, , , , 
594 – elaborate, elaboration, labor, Labor Day, laboratory, labyrinth, law practice, leap year, leopard,
leper, leprechaun, liberal, liberation, libertine, liberty, LIBRARY, lubricant, wheelbarrow, will power, 
Albert, Elbert, Wilbur,  Liberace,  Albert Einstein, Lebron James, Albert Schweitzer, Wilbur Wright, 
Eddie Albert, Marv Albert, Jack Albertson, Herb Alpert, Cyndi Lauper, Mark Wahlberg
595 – hullaballoo, label, LABEL MAKER, lapel, Lapland, liable, libel, lobelia, loophole,  Leopold, , , 
596 – elbow jab, ELBOW JOINT, libation, oil patch, , , , 
597 – alpaca, elbow grease, lab coat, law book, LIP GLOSS, lobby crowd, well bucket, , , , 
598 – all-beef hot dog, LEAPFROG, , , ,  Annie Leibovitz
599 – law papers, lay people, lip balm, oil pipe, WALLPAPER, ,  Alibaba, , 

600 – CHEESE SANDWICH, shoe size, , ,  Jesus Christ, 
601 – adjustment, chastise, chastity belt, chest, chestnut, gestation, gesticulate, gist, jazz trumpet, jest,
jester, Jesuit, joist, joystick, just, justice, justification, schist, Shasta dam, Shasta soda, shoe store,

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shoestring, SHOESTRING POTATOES, shyster,  Chester, Justin, Justine, ,  Justin Bieber, Justin
Timberlake,  G. K. Chesterton
602 – adjacent, chasten, cheese knife, chosen, JAZZ HANDS,  Jason, ,  Jason Bourne, 
603 – cheese monger, CHEESE OMELET, jasmine, ,  Shazam, , 
604 – chaser, chasseur, cheese rind, jazz orchestra, JEWS’ HARP, ,  Chaucer, , 
605 – chaise lounge, CHISEL, hash slinger, jostle, shoe sale, witch hazel, , , , 
606 – CHEESE SHREDDER, gesture, , , , 
607 – cheese grater, CHEESECAKE, cheesecloth, chess game, chess grandmaster,  Jessica, ,  Jessica
Biel, Jessica Simpson, 
608 – ash sifter, CHEESE FONDUE,  Joseph, Josephine,  Joseph, Josephus,  Josephine Baker, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph Pulitzer, Joseph Stalin, 
609 – CHEESEBURGER, Chesapeake Bay, chessboard, jazz band, watch spring,  Giuseppe, Jasper, 
Jezebel,  Giuseppe Verdi, Jasper Johns, 
610 – GEODESIC DOME, jetsam, jettison, Judaism,  Judson,  Judas, , 
611 – agitator, Chateau Thierry, HDTV, SHADE TREE, shutdown, watch duty,  Judith, , , 
612 – adjutant, Chattanooga, CHUTNEY, hatchet handle, shot wound, showdown, shut in,  Jayden, ,
 Ashton Kutcher,  William Shatner
613 – ash dump, chow time, sheet metal, SHEET MUSIC, shittim wood, , , , 
614 – ash tray, chatter, chatterbox, CHEDDAR CHEESE, chowder, shad roe, shoe tree, shutter, wash
water, watch tower, ,  Jethro, , 
615 – chattel, Jutland, Shetland, shuttle, SHUTTLECOCK, watch dial, , , , 
616 – agitation, CHEAT SHEET, chitchat, hatchet edge, hatchet sharpening, judicial, , , , 
617 – adjudicate, Asiatic, Chautauqua, hatchet grinding, shooting gallery, shooting star, SHOTGUN,
shouting match, show dog, watchdog, witch doctor, , , ,  Dmitri Shostakovich
618 – shadow fighting, SHUT OFF VALVE, , , , 
619 – Chateaubriand, shadow boxing, sheet pan, shoe department, SHOTPUT, washtub, , , , 
620 – agency, Ash Wednesday, CHAINSAW, chance, chancel, chancellor, chancery, chanson, chin strap,
chin whiskers, Chinese, Chinese puzzle, Genesis, genius, ginseng, hygienist, jeans, Johannesburg, 
Chauncey, Janice, Johnson, Jonas, ,  Johannes Brahms, Johannes Gutenberg, Johannes Kepler, Jonas
Salk,  Jasper Johns, Dwayne Johnson, Arte Johnson, Van Johnson, Magic Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson,
Dean Jones, Tom Jones, Davy Jones, Norah Jones, Spike Jones, Tommy Lee Jones, Indiana Jones, James
Earl Jones, Catherine Zeta Jones, Quincy Jones, Bridget Jones
621 – agent, CHANDELIER, chandler, chant, chanticleer, chin dimple, China town, chintz, gender,
genetic, genital, gentile, gentleman, gentry, giant, gin drinker, janitor, jaundice, jaunt, joint, June
wedding, shanty, Shinto shrine, watch hand,  Janet, Jeanette, Jonathan,  John the Baptist,  Janet
Jackson, John D. Rockefeller, Jonathan Sachs, Jonathan Swift, Jonathan Winters,  Raymond Chandler,
Garry Shandling
622 – JOHNNY ON THE SPOT (portable toilet), Shenandoah,  Shannon, , ,  Ken Jennings
623 – CHAINMAIL, chin mole, ginmill, June marriage, , , , 
624 – chin wart, chinaware, GENERAL, generalities, generalization, generate, generation, generator,
generic, generous, gin rickey, January, jinrikisha, joiner, junior, shiner, , , ,  Bruce Jenner

625 – chain letter, CHAIN LINK FENCE, chain lock, channel, chenille, genealogy, genial, ocean liner, , ,
 Jean Luc Godard, John Lee Hooker, Jean Luc Ponty,  Coco Chanel

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626 – change, changeling, chin chin (a toast), chinchilla, gentian, ginger, GINGERBREAD MAN, gingivitis,
ocean shipping, ocean shore, , ,  Ginger Baker, Ginger Rogers, 
627 – adjunct faculty, chain gang, chink, chunk, eugenics, gynecology, hijinks, hygienic, jangle, jinx,
johnnycake, jonquils, junction, jungle, JUNK, junker, junket, junkman, junkyard dog, shanghaied, shank,
Shining (film),  Washington, ,  Washington Irving, Chiang Kai-Shek, Jean-Claude Killy, Django
Reinhardt, Channing Tatum, Jean-Claude Van Damme,  Stockard Channing, Carol Channing, Connie
Chung, Erica Jong, Kim Jong-Il, Carl Jung, Ravi Shankar, Denzel Washington, George Washington, Booker
T. Washington
628 – Geneva, GENUFLECTION, gin fizz, ocean view, ocean voyage, ocean wave,  Genevieve, Jennifer,
 Joan of Arc,  Jennifer Aniston, Genevieve Bujold, Jennifer Love Hewitt, John F. Kennedy, Jennifer
Lopez, John Philip Sousa, 
629 – gin bottle, John Barleycorn, Johnny boy, June bride, JUNE BUG, juniper, ocean bed, schnapps, ,
,  Jon Benet Ramsey, Jean Paul Sartre, 
630 – chemise, GYM SUIT, jimson weed,  James, ,  James Audubon, James Bond, James Brown,
James Caan, James Cagney, James Cameron, James Dean, James Earl Jones, James Joyce, James K. Polk,
James Taylor, James Thurber,  Jesse James, Lebron James, J. Jonah Jameson
631 – gem theft, GEOMETRY, jam tart, jam tin, jim dandy, ,  Archimedes, , 
632 – Asia minor, chemin de fer, chimney, chimney sweep, chow mein, Gemini, GYMNASIUM, gymnast,
hegemony, hush money, showman, washwoman, watchman, ,  Jiminy Cricket, ,  Robert
633 – chime music, gem market, GYM MATS, gym member, , , , 
634 – chimera, gym workout, SHAMROCK, shimmer, , , ,  Amy Schumer
635 – GYM LEADER, ,  Ishmael,  Jamie Lee Curtis, 
636 – GYM SHOES, gym shorts, jam jar, shoe machine, , , , 
637 – gem cutter, GYM CLASS, Jamaica, jamaica (drink), watchmaker, , , , 
638 – chamfer, GYM FLOOR, watch movement, , , , 
639 – chamber, chambermaid, Chambray, champ, CHAMPAGNE, champignon, champion, chimpanzee,
chump, gym bag, jambalaya, jamboree, jumble, jump, jumpers, jumping jack, shamble, shampoo, , ,
 Shemp Howard,  Wilt Chamberlain
640 – GYROSCOPE, Jersey, Jerusalem, jurisdiction, jurist, show horse, , , , 
641 – charade, chardonnay, CHARIOT, charity, chart, charter, chartreuse, cherry tree, chortle, gyrate,
jardinières, joy ride, jury duty, shard, shirt, shirtsleeves, short, short circuit, short haired, shortcake,
shortcut, shortening, shorthand, shortstop, shred, shrewd, shroud, watchword,  Jordan, Sheridan, ,
,  Michael Jordan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Martin Short
642 – adjournment, assurance, charnel house, churn, GERANIUM, journal, journalist, journey,
journeyman, Sherry wine, shoehorn, shorn, shrine, Shriner, shrink,  Sharon, ,  Sharon Osbourne,
Sharon Stone,  George Shearing
643 – chairman, charm, charmer, germ, German shepherd, Germany, germinate, showroom, SHRIMP,
washerwoman, washroom,  Charmaine, Germaine, Jeremy, Jerome, Sherman,  Jeremiah,  Jeremy
Irons,  Allan Sherman
644 – cherry orchard, juror, jury room, SHOWER ROOM,  Gerard, ,  Gerard Depardieu, J. R. R.
Tolkien, 
645 – chair leg, charlatan, Charleston, charlotte russe, CHEERLEADER, churl, jury list, shareholder, shore
leave, shoreline, shrill,  Charles, Charlotte, Charly, Cheryl, Gerald, Geraldine, Shirley,  Charlie Tuna, 
Charles Addams, Charles Atlas, Charles Babbage, Charles Barkley, Charles Bronson, Charlie Brown,
Charles Bukowski, Charlie Chaplin, Sheryl Crow, Charlie Daniels, Charles Darwin, Charles de Gaulle,
Charles Dickens, Chris Evert, Gerald R. Ford, Charlton Heston, Sherlock Holmes, Charles Ives, Charles

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Everett Koop, Charles Krauthammer, Charles Kuralt, Jerry Lee Lewis, Charles Lindbergh, Shirley
MacLaine, Charles Manson, Charlie Bird Parker, Charles Ringling, Geraldo Rivera, Charles Schulz, Charles
Schwab, Charlie Sheen, Charles Spurgeon, Shirley Temple, Charlize Theron, Cheryl Tiegs,  Ray Charles
646 – charge, charge account, charger, cherry jam, CHURCH, church mouse, church steeple, churchyard,
 George, Georgia,  George of the Jungle,  Georges Bizet, George Burns, George W. Bush, George
Carlin, George Clooney, George M. Cohan, George Eastman, George Foreman, George Gershwin, George
Gobel, George Friederic Handel, George Harrison, George Jetson, George Lopez, George Lucas, George
McGovern, Georgia O'Keeffe, George Orwell, George Patton, George Plimpton, Georges Pompidou,
George Reeves, George C. Scott, George Segal, Georges Seurat, George Shearing, George Soros, George
Stephanopoulos, George Takei, George Washington,  Winston Churchill, Chief Dan George
647 – charcoal, Charing Cross, Cherokee, jargon, Jericho, jerk, SHARK, show ring, shriek, shrug, wash rag,
 Sharkey,  Shrek,  Georg Philipp Telemann, 
648 – giraffe, jarful, jury verdict, SHERIFF, shrivel,  Jarvis, , ,  Ricky Gervais, Omar Sharif
649 – chair back, cherry blossoms, cherry brandy, cherry picker, CHERRY PIE, cherry pit, cherub, chirp,
jury box, sharp, sharp eyed, sharp tongued, sharpener, Sharpie marker, sharpshooter, sherbet, sherry
bottle, shrapnel, shrubbery, ,  Jeroboam, , 

650 – chalice, chili sauce, jail sentence, jealousy, SHOELACE,  Jules, Julius, ,  Jules Feiffer
Jules Verne,  Al Jolson
651 – agility, child, child labor, childhood, gelatin, JELLY DOUGHNUT, jewel theft, jilt, jolt, shallot, shelter,
shield, shoulder, shoulder brace,  Juliet, , ,  Julia Child, Charles Schulz, Brooke Shields
652 – challenge, CHALLENGER ROCKET EXPLOSION, Chilian, julienned vegetables,  Julian, , ,  Rudy
653 – CELLO MUSIC, schlemiel, schlimazel, shalom, ,  Charlemagne, , 
654 – jellyroll, JEWELRY, ,  Jelly Roll Morton, ,  Robert Schuller
655 – cello lesson, CHILI LIME SHRIMP, jail wall, shoal light, , , , 
656 – GEOLOGY DISPLAY CASE, jail chains, jelly jar, shell shocked, wash lotion, , , , 
657 – cello case, hatchling, jail guard, jail key, jewel case, SHELL GAME, shellac, shilling, Shylock, , ,
, 
658 – JELLYFISH, jewel vault, shelf, shellfish, , , , 
659 – cello player, CHILI PEPPERS, jewel box, , , , 
660 – chow chow seasoning, HASHISH USER, joy juice, , , , 
661 – JIU JITSU, judge advocate, ,  Judge Dredd, , 
662 – SHOESHINE, watch chain, , , , 
663 – Jewish American, JUDGMENT, Judgment Day, , , , 
664 – CHESHIRE CAT, , , , 
665 – JEWISH LAW, , , , 
666 – CHOW CHOW JAR, hush hush hush, ouch ouch ouch, ,  Judge Judy, , 
667 – CHOO CHOO CAR, , , , 
668 – ASH SHOVEL, , , , 
669 – hashish pipe, JUJUBE, shoe shop, ,  Judge Wapner, , 
670 – check stub, chuck steak, jackass, JIGSAW PUZZLE, jocose, watch case,  Jackson,  Ajax, , 
Mahalia Jackson, Reggie Jackson, Alan Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Stonewall Jackson, Andrew Jackson,
Michael Jackson, Randy Jackson, Janet Jackson, Victoria Jackson, William Shakespeare

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671 – CHALK DUST, chewing tobacco, chickadee, chickweed, eject, jacket, jig dancer, shakedown, show
cat, ,  Jack the Ripper, Jughead, , 
672 – ashcan, chicane, CHICKEN, chicken coop, chicken feed, chicken pox, chicken sandwich, Jack in the
box, jackknife, Shekinah, shogun, , , , 
673 – chalk mark, checkmark, checkmate, cheek mole, chuck meat, jig music, WASHING MACHINE, , 
Joachim, Joe Camel,  Giacomo Puccini,  Hugh Jackman
674 – CHECKERBOARD, checkers, chicory, geography, jackrabbit, jaguar, jigger, joker, juggernaut,
shaker, showgirl, sugar, watch crystal, witchcraft, ,  Joker, Shakira, ,  Chubby Checker, Dean
Jagger, Mick Jagger

675 – chalk line, check list, chicle, chocolate, chuck hole, chuckle, ejaculation, Jack o’ lantern, jackal,
juggle, JUGGLER, jugular, shackle, shekels, shingle, washcloth, watch glass, witch caldron,  Jacqueline,
,  Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis, Shaquille O'Neal, Jaclyn Smith,  Marc Chagall
676 – CHOKE CHAIN, chokecherry, chukka shoes, ejection, hoochie-coochie, shakshuka (egg dish), , ,
, 
677 – chewing gum, CHICAGO DEEP DISH PIZZA, Jockey club, , , ,  Alfred Hitchcock
678 – hatch cover, jack of all trades, JACKFRUIT, shock wave, , , ,  Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
679 – CHALKBOARD, checkbook, cheekbone, chickpea, chokeberry, hitching post, Jacob’s ladder,
jokebook, jukebox, shock absorber, shoe cobbler,  Jacob,  Jacob,  Chief Dan George, 
680 – chief surgeon, Chiefs, WATCH FACE, , , ,  César Chávez
681 – chef d’oeuvre, CHEF HAT, chieftain, shaft, shift, shift key, , , ,  Albert Schweitzer
682 – CHEF KNIVES, chiffon, hedge fence, hush fund, Jovian, juvenile,  Giovanni, , , 
683 – achievement, CHIVE MASHED POTATOES, , , , 
684 – CHAUFFEUR, chevre, Chevrolet, chevron, jaw fracture, Joffrey dance, shaver, shiver,  Geoffrey,
Jefferson, Jeffrey, , ,  Thomas Jefferson, Francis Schaeffer
685 – chevalier, chivalry, javelin, jovial, Sheffield, shoo-fly pie, shovel, shuffle, SHUFFLEBOARD, , , ,
 Maurice Chevalier
686 – CHIEF JUSTICE (Supreme Court), , , , 
687 – CHEF COAT, shavings, shoe factory, , , , 
689 – JIFFY POP POPCORN (oven-top pan), watch fob, , , , 
690 – cheapskate, chop suey, chopsticks, GPS, gypsum, GYPSY, sheepshead, sheepskin, washbasin, , 
Cheops,  Gypsy Rose Lee,  Steve Jobs
691 – chapter, Egypt, Jupiter, Shabbat, SHEEPDOG, ,  Jabba the Hutt, , 
692 – Japan, Japanese, jawbone, job hunter, ship engineer, shop owner, shop window, WISHBONE, ,
, ,  Deng Xiaoping
693 – CHIPMUNK, H-bomb, sheep meadow, shipment, , , , 
694 – chaparral, chaperone, Gibraltar, jawbreaker, SHEPHERD, shewbread, shipwreck, shipyard, , ,
,  Deepak Chopra, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Franz Schubert, Cybill Shepherd
695 – chapel, chaplain, giblets, jubilation, jubilee, shibboleth, shoe polish, SHOPLIFTER, , , , 
Charlie Chaplin, Dave Chappelle, Scott Joplin, Janis Joplin
696 – EGYPTIAN, , , , 
697 – SHOE BOX, shoe buckle, shopkeeper, shopping mall, watch pocket, ,  Chewbacca, , 
698 – sheepfold, SHIP FEDEX, , , , 

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699 – SHIPBUILDER, , , , 

700 – access, accessory, axis, exacerbation, exasperation, exhaustion, existence, GAS STOVE, goosestep,
 Cassius, , , 
701 – accident, accost, acoustics, aghast, August, cast, castanet, castaway, caste, castigate, castoff,
castor oil, caustic, coast, cost, costume, custodian, custody, customer, customs, ecstasy, equestrian,
excitement, exit, exodus, exotic, extant, extension cord, exterior, extermination, external, extinct,
extinguisher, extol, extortion, extra, extract, extraction, extradite, extraneous, extraordinary,
extravagance, extreme, extremities, extricate, gazette, GHOST, guest, gust, gusto, hockey stick,
hogshead, huckster, Key West, keystone, quest,  August, Gaston, Gustav, ,  August Anheuser
Busch, Auguste Lumiere, Gustav Mahler, Auguste Rodin,  Caesar Augustus, Mary Cassatt, Butch
Cassidy, Carlos Castaneda, Fidel Castro, Lou Costello, Elvis Costello, Kevin Costner, Jacques Cousteau
702 – accent, accentuation, case knife, casein, CASINO, cousin, cuisine, eccentric, egg sandwich,
egocentric, gas engine, goose neck, oxen, waxen,  Cassandra, , ,  Oleg Cassini, Henry Kissinger
703 – chasm, cosmetic, cosmic, cosmopolitan, cosmos, easement, eczema, egoism, exam, example,
exemplary, exemption, exhume, gas main, gas mask, gas meter, gossamer, kismet, wax impression, WAX
MUSEUM, Xmas,  Casimir, , ,  Casey Kasem
704 – casserole, cassowary, cuss word, excerpt, exercise, exert, exhort, exorbitant, exorcism. guesswork,
geezer, GEYSER, gizzard, kaiser, waxworks, x-ray, , , , 
705 – accelerate, auxiliary, axle, axle grease, CASTLE, cowslip, excel, excellency, excelsior, exhale,
exhilarate, exile, exultation, gas leak, gas light, gasoline, gazelle, goose liver, gosling, guzzle, , , , 
Howard Cosell
706 – exaggerate, exchange, GAS CHAMBER, gas jet, oxygen, question, questionnaire, , , , 
707 – cascade, casings, cask, CASKET, cassock, Cossack, exact, excavate, exclamation, exclude,
excommunicate, excruciating, excursion, excuse, execute, executive, executor, gas can, gasket, goose
egg, goshawk, quizzical, , , , 
708 – cassava, exfoliate, ex-wife, gas flame, gas fumes, goose fat, GOOSE FEATHERS, Oxford shoes, , ,
, 
709 – accept, ax blade, cuspid, cuspidor, exception, exhibit, expand, expect, expedient, expedite,
expedition, expenditures, expense, experience, experiment, expert, expire, explain, expletive, explicit,
explode, exploitation, explorer, explosive, exponent, export, expose, exposition, express, express train,
expression, expulse, expunge, exuberant, gas bill, gasbag, gasp, gauze bandage, GAZEBO, goose pimples,
gooseberry, gospel, gossip, hocus pocus, occiput, wax paper, ,  Casper the Friendly Ghost, ,  Bill
710 – catastrophic, Catskills, catspaw, Gethsemane, Gettysburg, goddess, godson, godspeed, oak desk,
QUOITS, , , ,  Bill Gates, Stan Getz, Jane Jetson, George Jetson, John Katz
711 – cadet, cathedral, cathode, coat tails, KATYDID, kite tail, octet, , , , 
712 – cadenza, cat o’ nine tails, catnip, cotton, cotton belt, guidance, guillotine, Gutenberg Bible,
kidnapper, kidney, KITTEN,  Caden,  Cat in the Hat, Gideon, ,  Ogden Nash,  Johannes Gutenberg,
Diane Keaton, Michael Keaton, Buster Keaton
713 – academic, academy, agate marble, cadmium, cat mint, CATAMARAN, code message, gateman,
godmother, Gotham, Guatemala, hockey team, ,  Catwoman, ,  Benny Goodman, Nicole Kidman
714 – accoutrements, actor, actress, agateware, cataract, catarrh, cater, caterer, caterpillar, caterwaul,
cauterize, coat room, coder, coterie, cutter, cutworm, equator, gather, goat herd, guide rope, GUITAR,
gutter, guttural, Hague treaty, oak door, oak tree, quadrille, quadruple,  Catherine, Katherine, Kathryn,

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 Catherine the Great, Kid Rock,  Catherine Deneuve, Katharine Hepburn, Catherine Zeta Jones, 
Jean Luc Godard, Woody Guthrie, Arlo Guthrie, Margot Kidder
715 – Cadillac, cat lover, catalepsy, catalog, catalpa, Catholic, CATTLE, coat lapel, cod liver oil, coddle,
cuddle, cutlass, cutlery, cutlet, cuttlefish, gate lock, Gatling gun, kettle, winged heel,  Kaitlyn, Kathleen,
,  Kathie Lee Gifford,  Harvey Keitel
716 – cat show, coat check, cottage, COTTAGE CHEESE, cud chewing, godchild, Kaddish, kid shoes, kid
show, octogenarian, quotation, , , ,  Kourtney Kardashian
717 – aqueduct, cataclysm, catacombs, catcall, catechism, catgut, coat collar, coup de grace, CUT GLASS,
cuticle, gatekeeper, goody-goody, Gothic, guiding star, hectic, Kodak film, , , , 
718 – active, cadaver, caitiff, cat fight, cat food, catfish, coat of arms, codfish oil, gadfly, GODFATHER,
kite flying, octave,  Godfrey,  Godiva, ,  Muammar Gadhafi, Gilbert Gottfried
719 – catapult, Catawba, coat pocket, code book, good-bye, guidebook, guidepost, gutta percha, kid
party, oak table, October, OCTOPUS, ,  Yogi the Bear, , 
720 – agnostic, agonist, cancer, coincident, concealed weapon, conceit, concept, concern, concert,
CONCESSION STAND, conciliation, conscript, consecration, consensus, consent, consequences,
conservatism, conservatory, consider, consignment, consistent, console, consolation prize, consommé,
conspire, constable, constant, consternation, constipate, constitution, constraint, constrict, construct,
consul, consult, consume, consummate, consumption, council, counsel, gunnysack, Kansas, , , 
Quincy Jones,  Thomas Gainsborough, Allen Ginsberg, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sam Kinison
721 – account, accountant, Canada, candelabra, Candid Camera, candidate, candle, candor, candy,
candy corn, cantaloupe, cantata, canteen, canter, canticle, cantor, condemn, condition, condolences,
conduct, conductor, container, contaminate, contemplate, contemporary, contempt, contend, content,
contest, continent, continuous, contort, contraband, contract, contrast, contribute, contrite, control,
controversy, count, countenance, counter, counterblow, counterfeit, countermand, counterpart,
countersign, country, gauntlet, Kentucky, Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Fried Chicken, KINDERGARTEN,
kindle, kindling, quaint, quantity,  Candice, Kenneth,  Count Dracula, Gandalf, Gandhi,  Count Basie,
Candice Bergen, Kenneth Copeland, Gwyneth Paltrow, Condoleezza Rice, Quentin Tarantino,  John
Candy, Eddie Cantor, Indira Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, Wassily Kandinsky, Edward M. Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, Clark Kent, Stan Kenton
722 – canine, cannon, cannon fodder, canon, canonize, CANYON, conundrum, guinea hen, gun wound,
quinine, ,  Conan,  Conan O'Brien,  Dyan Cannon
723 – con man, economy, GUNMAN, key number, , , , 
724 – canard, CANARY, cannery, Cunard, ignorance, ignore, wagon ruts,  Connor, Conrad, ,  Conrad
Hilton,  Sean Connery, Mike Connors, Chuck Connors, Sandra Day O'Conner, Carroll O'Connor, Flannery
O'Connor, Porter Wagner

725 – acknowledge, canal, gun holster, gun license, KENNEL, wagon wheel, ,  Queen Elizabeth,
Queen Latifah, , 
726 – cane chair, cane sugar, cone shaped, congelation, congestion, conjugal, conjunction, conjure,
conscience, conscientious, gun shy, gunshot, IGNITION KEY, kinship, quench, weak natured, , , , 
727 – canker, cognac, coin collector, con game, concave, conch, conclave, conclude, concoction,
concomitant, concord, concourse, concrete, concretion, concubine, concurrent, concussion, conga line,
conglomerate, Congo, congratulation, congregate, congress, conic, connection, conqueror, conquest,
eggnog, equinox, gang, gangplank, gangrene, gangster, gangway, gingko, gong, guncotton, iconoclast,
KANGAROO, king, kink, ,  King Saul, King Tut, King Kong, ,  Merce Cunningham, Newt Gingrich,
Stephen Hawking, Alan King, Larry King, B.B. King, Stephen King, Carole King, Billie Jean King, Martin
Luther King Jr., Ben Kingsley

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728 – CANVAS, confection, confectionery, confederate, confer, conference, confess, confetti,

confidante, confidence, configure, confine, confirm, confiscate, conflict, confluence, conform, confront,
confuse, convalescence, convection, convenience, convent, convention, converge, conversation,
convert, convertible, convex, conveyor belt, convict, convince, convivial, convoy, gunfire, kinfolk, , 
Confucius, ,  Evel Knievel
729 – can opener, cannibal, canoe paddle, canopy, cayenne pepper, coin box, coin palming, GUINEA PIG,
gun barrel, gunboat, gunpowder, ignoble, queen bee, ,  Janis Joplin, , 
730 – camisole, CHEMIST, chemistry, commiseration, commissariat, gum stick, , , ,  Selena Gomez
731 – accommodate, comatose, comedian, comedy, COMET, commit, commitment, committee,
commode, commodity, Commodore, commuter, gamut, gum disease, gumdrop, gumtree, Hague
meeting, Komodo dragon, , , , 
732 – acumen, Comanche, command, commandeer, commandments, commence, commencement,
commend, comment, common, commoner, Commons, communicate, communion, communism,
community, ecumenical, egomaniac, KIMONO, ,  Aquaman, Hawkman, ,  James Cameron, Nadia
Comaneci, Gene Hackman, Dwayne Hickman
733 – CHAMOMILE TEA, comma mark, commemoration, gum machine, ,  Agamemnon, , 
734 – cameo ring, CAMERA, commerce, commercial, comrade, cummerbund, game warden, gamer,
Gomorrah,  Cameron, ,  Cameron Diaz, 
735 – accumulate, CAMEL, chameleon, cumulative, cumulus, gimlet, kummel, whack-a-mole,  Camille,
,  Camille Pissarro, Camille Saint-Saëns, 
736 – commission, commissioner, commotion, game show, gumshoe, Kamchatka, KIMCHI, , , , 
737 – cameo carving, chemical, comical, comingle, gamecock, gamekeeper, gaming table, KAMIKAZE
PILOT, wigmaker, , , , 
738 – CAMOUFLAGE, camphor, comfort, comfortable, game of chance, , , , 
739 – accompany, accomplice, accomplish, akimbo, camp, campaign, campfire, campus, combat,
combination, combine, combust, comeback, compact, companion, company, compare, compass,
compassion, compatible, compensate, compete, competent, compile, complacent, complaint,
complement, complete, complex, complexion, complicate, compliment, comply, component, compose,
compound, comprehend, compromise, compulsion, compute, COMPUTER, cumbersome, gambler, gimp,
 Kimberly, , ,  Naomi Campbell, Glen Campbell, Forrest Gump
740 – accuracy, acrostic, aggressor, cares, carousel, chorus, christening, CHRISTMAS, chrysalis, coarse,
coerce, Corsair, corset, course, crass, craze, crazy, crease, cress, crest, crisis, crisp, cross, cross
examination, cross eyed, crossfire, crossroads, crow’s feet, crucible, crucifix, cruise, cruiser, crusade,
crust, crustacean, crusty, crystal, crystallization, curiosity, curse, cursory, garrison, grace, grasp, grass,
grasshopper, graze, grease, greasepaint, grizzled, grocer, gross, grouse, gruesome, kerosene, 
Christian, Christina, Christine, Christopher, Grace,  Christo, Curious George, Krusty the Clown, 
Christina Aguilera, Kirstie Alley, Criss Angel, Christian Bale, Christie Brinkley, Christopher Columbus, Chris
Cross, Kirsten Dunst, Chris Farley, Grace Murray Hopper, Garrison Keillor, Grace Kelly, Christopher Lee,
Christopher Lloyd, Grandma Moses, Christopher Reeves, Christina Ricci, Chris Rock, Christian Slater,
Grace Slick, Christopher Walken,  Johnny Carson, Rachel Carson, Enrico Caruso, Jesus Christ, Agatha
Christie, Bing Crosby, Chris Cross, Tom Cruise, Billy Crystal, Jerry Garcia, Dick Grayson, Clark Griswold,
Milt Gross, Michael Kors, Akira Kurosawa
741 – accord, accordion, accurate, acrid, awkward, car thief, carat, card, cardboard, CARDINAL,
caretaker, carrot, cart, cartoon, cartridge, chord, cohorts, cord, cordial, cordon, court, courtesan,
courtesy, courtier, courtship, courtyard, coward, cradle, crate, creator, credence, credentials, credible,
credit, creditor, creed, critic, crowd, crude, curate, curdle, curt, curtail, curtain, garden, garret, girder,
girdle, grade, grate, gratify, gratis, gratitude, gratuity, great, greeting, grit, grotto, growth, guard,
guardhouse, guardian angel, keyword, quart, quarter, quarterback, quarterly, quartermaster, quartet, 

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Greta, Curtis, Kurt,  Carrot Top,  Kurt Cobain, Greta Garbo, Kourtney Kardashian, Courtney Love,
Curtis Mayfield, Garrett Morris, Kurt Russell, Gertrude Stein, Kurt Vonnegut,  Dan Aykroyd, Pierre
Cardin, Keith Carradine, David Carradine, Jimmy Carter, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Michael Crichton, Tony
Curtis, Jamie Lee Curtis, Erle Stanley Gardner, Brad Garrett, Wayne Gretzky, Merle Haggard, Charles
742 – acorn, aground, careen, carnage, carnal, carnation, CARNIVAL, carnivorous, carrion, carry on,
chronic, chronology, coherency, colonel, coriander, corn, corn holder, corned beef, corner, cornerstone,
cornet, cornflower, cornice, cornucopia, coronation, coroner, coronet, cranberry, crane, cranium, crank,
crayon, cringe, crinkle, croon, crown, crown prince, crunch, currency, current, garner, garnish, grain,
grain elevator, grand, grand piano, grandparents, grange, granite, granny, granulated, green, green
room, Greenwich, greyhound, grin, grind, grindstone, groan, groin, ground, ground beef, groundhog,
guarantee, kernel, Koran, quarantine,  Grant, Karen,  Green Arrow, Green Giant, Grinch,  Karen
Carpenter, Colonel Harland Sanders, Grant Wood,  Dale Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie, Bob Crane, Frasier
Crane, Walter Cronkite, e. e. cummings, Hugo Gernsback, Amy Grant, Cary Grant, Ulysses S. Grant, Hugh
Grant, Al Green, Shecky Greene, Lorne Greene, Alan Greenspan, Matt Groening, Donna Karan
743 – acrimony, agreement, caramel, Carmelite, carom, chromium, cormorant, cram, cramp, cramped,
cream, cremate, crime, Crimea, criminal, crimp, crimpers, crimson, crumb, crumbled, crumpled,
curmudgeon, garment, gerrymander, gourmet, Graham cracker, gram, grammar, gramophone, grim,
grimace, grime, grommet, GROOM, grumble, grump, hook worm, huggermugger, Kremlin, quorum, 
Carmen, Graham,  Grimm, Kermit the Frog,  Carmen Electra, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Carmen Miranda,
 Roger Corman, Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Kelsey Grammer, Harvey Korman, Stanley Kramer
744 – agrarian, car repair, career, Carrara marble, carrier, CARRIER PIGEON, choir rehearsal, courier,
crier, gray hair, grower, wickerwork, , , ,  Rosie Grier
745 – carload, Carlsbad Caverns, choir leader, choir loft, choral, chorale, coral, corolla, corollary, corral,
correlate, creole, cruel, cruller, curl, garland, garlic, girl, girlhood, GORILLA, grill, growl, growler, gruel,
guerilla, quarrel,  Carl, Carol, Caroline, Carolyn, Karl, ,  Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Carol Burnett,
Carlos Castaneda, Carol Channing, Curly Howard, Carl Jung, Caroline Kennedy, Carole King, Carol
Lawrence, Carl Lewis, Karl Malden, Karl Marx, Karl Menninger, Carroll O'Connor, Carl Reiner, Carl Sagan,
Carl Sandburg, Carlos Santana, Carly Simon, Carl Maria von Weber,  Steve Carell
George Carlin, Lewis Carroll, Leo G. Carroll, Judy Garland, Boris Karloff, Charles Kuralt
746 – accretion, acreage, aggression, car shop, carriage, coercion, courage, cowrie shell, crash, creation,
creature, creche, Croatian, crochet, crotch, crotchety, crouch, crucial, crush, crutch, curio shop, GARAGE,
garish, gear shift, gorge, gorgeous, gracious, Grecian, grouch, wicker chair, ,  Krishna,  Groucho
Marx,  Jim Croce, Joe Garagiola, George Gershwin, Frank Gorshin, Nikita Khrushchev
747 – aggregate, agriculture, carcass, cargo, caricature, character, cork, corker, corkscrew, correct,
correction, crack, cracker, crackerjack, crackling, crag, creek, cricket, croak, crock, crockery, crocodile,
crocodile tears, crook, crooked, crux, cue rack, curio collector, curriculum, egregious, gargle, GARGOYLE,
Greek, gregarious, grog, groggy, gurgle, key ring,  Greg, Gregory, ,  Kirk Douglas, Gregory Hines,
Gyorgy Ligeti, Greg Norman, Gregory Peck,  Katie Couric, Davy Crockett, Lou Gehrig, Maxim Gorky, Jack
Kerouac, Ray Kroc
748 – aggravation, car fender, carafe, caravan, carefree, careful, carful, carve, carving knife, Corfu,
corvette, craft, craftsman, crafty, cravat, crave, crawfish, crevice, curfew, curve, curvet, graft, graphic,
graphite, graphophone, grave, gravel, GRAVEL ROAD, gravestone, graveyard, gravity, gravy, grief,
grievances, groove, grove, grovel, gruff, gryphon, wicker furniture,  Garfield, Grover,  Caravaggio, 
Grover Cleveland,  Dana Carvey, Cindy Crawford, Lara Croft, Art Garfunkel, Steve Garvey, Merv Griffin,
Andy Griffith, D. W. Griffith, Melanie Griffith
749 – acrobat, carbide, carbine, carbon, carbon copy, carbuncle, carburetor, carp, CARPENTER, carpet,
carpet bagger, choir boy, corporal, corporation, corporeal, corpse, corpulency, corpuscle, corroboration,
corruption, crab, crap game, creep, crib, cribbage, cripple, crop, croup, croupier, crowbar, cry baby,

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crypt, cryptic, cryptogram, curb, garb, garbage, gearbox, grab, grape, grape juice, grapefruit, grapple,
grappling hook, gray beard, grip, gripe, grippe, grope, group, grub, grubstake, kryptonite, wicker basket,
 Corbett, , ,  John Carpenter, Karen Carpenter, Buster Crabbe, Greta Garbo, Mikhail Gorbachev,
Josh Groban, Gene Krupa

750 – calcium, calisthenics, clasp, class, classic, classify, classmate, clause, cloister, close, closet,
clothesline, clothespin, cluster, colossal, Colosseum, ecclesiastic, equalization, EYEGLASSES, gallows,
gallstone, glacier, Glasgow, glass, glass eye, glaze, glazier, glisten, gloss, glossary, glycerin, Klezmer band,
oculist,  Kelsey,  Achilles,  Calista Flockhart, Kelsey Grammer,  Maria Callas, Santa Claus, John
Cleese, Glenn Close, Chuck Colson, Dizzy Gillespie, Philip Glass, Jackie Gleason, Julio Iglesias, Enrique
751 – caldron, clad, clot, cloth, cloud, cloudburst, coal tar, cold, collateral, collide, colloid, cul-de-sac,
cult, cultivation, eaglet, equality, equilateral, galoot, gelding, gilt, gilt edged, gilt lettered, glad,
GLADIATOR, glide, glitter, gloat, glut, glutton, gold, gold brick, gold medal, gold mine, gold rimmed
glasses, goldfish, guild, guilt, kaleidoscope, kilowatt, kilt, quality, quilt,  Claude, Claudia, Cletus, Clyde,
Gladys, Glen,  Goliath,  Glen Campbell, Claude Debussy, Goldie Hawn, Gladys Knight, Golda Meir,
Claude Monet, Gilda Radner, Claude Rains, Claudio Sanchez,  Alexander Calder, Whoopi Goldberg,
Rube Goldberg, Jeff Goldblum, Bobcat Goldthwait, Barry Goldwater, Sam Goldwyn, Elliott Gould, Glenn
752 – aquiline, calendar, clan, clandestine, clean, clean cut, clean shaven, cleaner, client, clinch, clinic,
clone, CLOWN, clung, colander, Cologne, colon, colonnade, colony, culinary, gallantry, galleon, gallon,
galloon, glance, gland, glean, glen, glint, kiln, Klein bottle, Klondike, Oakland,  Clarence, Clint, Colin,
Glenn, ,  Glenn Beck, Glenn Close, Clint Eastwood, Glenn Ford, Glenn Gould, Glenn Miller, Colin
Powell,  Tom Clancy, Patsy Cline, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, George Clooney, Judy Collins, Joan Collins,
Phil Collins, John Glenn, Jake Gyllenhaal, Calvin Klein
753 – acclaim, acclimatize, agglomeration, calamine lotion, calamity, calomel, calumet, calumny, claim,
clam, clam chowder, clambake, clammy, clamor, clamp, claw hammer, clay model, Claymore mine,
clematis, clemency, climate, climax, climb, clump, clumsy, coal mine, Columbia, columbine, column,
culminate, glamour, gleam, glimmer, glimpse, gloaming, gloom, golem, key lime, KEY LIME PIE,
Kilimanjaro, kilometer, Oklahoma, ,  Columbus, Gollum, KLM Airlines, ,  Samuel Clemens, Roger
Clemens, Gary Coleman, Val Kilmer, Otto Klemperer, Heidi Klum
754 – calorie, chlorine, chloroform, chlorophyl, cholera, clairvoyance, claret, clarify, CLARINET, clarion,
clarity, clear, clearing, clergy, clerical, clerk, collar, collar bone, color, Colorado, coloratura, cooler, culler,
eclair, gallery, galore, glare, glory, ocular,  Claire, Clara, Clarence, Clark, Gloria, ,  Gloria Estafan,
Clark Gable, Clark Griswold, Clark Kent, Gloria Steinem, Clarence Thomas,  Christina Aguilera, Roy
Clark, Petula Clark, Arthur C. Clarke, Kelly Clarkson, Uri Geller, Bruce Geller, Garrison Keillor, Helen
Keller, Sally Kellerman
755 – clay wall, coal oil, goal line, keelhaul, keyhole, UKULELE, , ,  Galileo Galilei, Kahlil Gibran, 
Galileo Galilei
756 – clash, closure, clutch, coalition, collage, collation, college, collision, collusion, culture, galoshes,
GLACIER, goulash, gulch, killjoy, , , ,  Calvin Coolidge
757 – calculation, calculus, Calcutta, calico, calix, calligraphy, calling, clack, click, cling, clique, clock,
clockwork, CLOG DANCING, clogs, cluck, colic, colleague, collect, collection, collector, colloquial, eclectic,
Gaelic, galaxy, Gallic, glee club, glucose, goalkeeper, kilogram, Klaxon horn, weakling, ,  Caligula,
Gallagher, ,  Dick Clark, Earl Klugh
758 – California, caliph, Calvary, cauliflower, clavicle, clavier, cleavage, cleave, cleaver, clef, cleft, cliff,
cloven footed, clover, cloves, culvert, eagle feather, gallivant, galvanism, galvanize, Galveston, gleeful,
glove, glue factory, glyph, golf, golf ball, golf club, GOLF COURSE, golf glove, golfer, gulf, oak leaf,

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qualification, qualify, quill feather,  Calvin, Cleveland, Clifford, Clive,  Clifford the Big Red Dog,
Gulliver,  Calvin Coolidge, Calvin Klein,  Eldridge Cleaver, Grover Cleveland, Danny Glover
759 – calabash, caliber, caliper, calliope, clabber, clap, clapboard, claptrap, clay pot, clip, clippers,
clippings, club, club footed, club sandwich, club soda, clubbing, collaborate, collapse, columbine, culprit,
ECLIPSE, equilibrium, gallbladder, gallop, globe, globetrotter, glue bottle, goal post, gulp, huckleberry,
keel plate, kleptomania, quill pen,  Caleb, Gilbert,  Cleopatra, Huckleberry Hound,  Gilbert
Gottfried,  Van Cliburn, Christopher Columbus
760 – CACHAÇA, cautious, coach house, oak chest, , , , 
761 – cage door, cash advance, cash deposit, cash discount, cash till, cash transaction, cow shed, gadget,
geisha dancer, GESTAPO, hog shed, , , , 
762 – action, auction, cash window, caution, cohesion, coition, cushion, equation, key chain, KITCHEN,
kitchenette, occasion, quotient, , , ,  Bob Keeshan
763 – accouchement, CASHMERE SWEATER, coachman, geisha music, hockey champion, , , , 
Hank Ketcham
764 – actuary, cash register, cashier, CATCHER, codger, egg sherry, kosher, oak chair, wing chair, , ,
,  Ashton Kutcher
765 – actual, cage lock, cajolery, cash loan, casual, casualty, coach line, coagulation, cudgel, EGGSHELL,
hog jowl, , , , 
766 – cash wager, couch edge, geisha shoe, WIG JUDGE, , , , 
767 – caoutchouc, cash account, cash customer, cash gift, couch cover, couch cushion, egg chocolate,
geisha girl, COOCHIE-COOCHIE-COO, , , ,  Chiang Kai-Shek
768 – CAGE FIGHT, cash fare, cash offer, cash value, catch phrase, , , , 
769 – cage bars, cash box, coach whip, couch pillow, hockshop, KETCHUP, , , , 
770 – acquiesce, acquisition, Caucasus, caucus, coke user, coxcomb, coxswain, goo-goo eyes, khaki suit,
oak case, QUICKSILVER, quickstep, Quixotic, ,  Quicksilver, , 
771 – acquit, CACTUS, cake dough, cock a doodle doo, cock eyed, cockatoo, cocktail, cocoa tree,
cocotte, cook tent, coquette, khaki dress, khaki trousers, kingdom, quack doctor, quick tempered, quick
witted, , , ,  Jean Cocteau
772 – cocaine, cock and bull, cockney, COCONUT, cocoon, cognizance, cuckoo nest, Hague conference,
khaki uniform, , , ,  James Cagney, Simon Guggenheim
773 – cake mold, coke making, CUCUMBER, gingham, guacamole, hockey game, Kokomo, quack
medicine, quagmire, ,  Cookie Monster, , 
774 – cockerel, COCKROACH, cookery, cougar, cowgirl, gag rule, go-cart, kicker, quack remedy,
quackery, Quaker, , , ,  Joe Cocker, Yuri Gagarin, H. R. Giger

775 – cackle, cockle, cocklebur, cockleshell, cogwheel, cuckold, giggle, GOGGLES, Google, Ku Klux Klan,
quicklime, , ,  Guglielmo Marconi, 
776 – Caucasian, COOKIE JAR, cookie shop, cowcatcher, khaki shirt, walking shoes, , , , 
777 – cake crumbs, coca cola, cocoa can, cocoa cup, CUCKOO CLOCK, going-going-gone, quick acting, ,
, , 
778 – cacophony, cake frosting, COCKFIGHT, coke fiend, coke oven, kick off, kingfish, quack physician,
quick footed, , , , 
779 – cake pan, cake plate, COCKPIT, cocoa butter, Kickapoo joy juice, kingpin, Waikiki beach, , , ,
 Bruce Cockburn

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780 – calfskin, coffee house, coffee spoon, coffee substitute, coiffeuse, COUGH SYRUP, egg phosphate,
gaffe, giveaways, ,  Caiaphas, ,  Sandy Koufax, Ernie Kovacs
781 – CAFETERIA, cave dweller, cavity, coffee drinker, cough drops, COVID-19, gift, gift box, guava tree,
hog fat, hog feed, , , ,  Dick Cavett
782 – café entrance, café owner, caffeine, cave entrance, cave in, COFFIN, coffin nail, covenant,  Kevin,
,  Kevin Bacon, Kevin Costner, Kevin Spacey,  Robin Givens
783 – café manager, calf muscle, CAVEMAN, coffee machine, coffee mill, coffee mug, , , ,  Andy
784 – cave hermit, cavern, CAVIAR, cavort, coffee aroma, coffee urn, coffers, coiffure, cover, cover
charge, covert, coverture, gopher, govern, government, governor, hog farm, kiwifruit, oak furniture,
quiver, , , ,  Kathie Lee Gifford, Frank Gifford, Che Guevara, Jack Kevorkian
785 – cavalcade, cavalier, cavalry, caviler, cufflinks, equivalent, GAVEL, , , , 
786 – COFFEE SHOP, cowfish, guava jelly, , , , 
787 – cave echo, coffee cake, coffee can, coffee candy, COFFEE CUP, coffee grounds, equivocation,
kaffeeklatsch, , , ,  Franz Kafka
788 – cavefish, COFFEE FILTER, coffee flavor, guava fruit, , , , 
789 – cave opening, coffee bean, coffee plantation, COFFEE POT, cuff pants, , , , 
790 – CABOOSE, capacity, capsicum, capsize, capstan, capstone, capsule, copious, copyist, cow pasture,
cubism, hiccup, keepsake, , , ,  Henry Gibson, Mel Gibson
791 – cab driver, Cape Town, capital, capitalist, capitol, capitulation, captain, captive, captor,
cohabitate, cow path, COWBOY HAT, cubit, eggbeater, gibbet,  Ichabod,  Captain America, Captain
Kangaroo, Cupid, ,  Truman Capote
792 – CABIN, cabinet, capon, coupon, Cuban, cup winner, Cup O’ Noodles (Styrofoam), hog pen,
occupant, ,  Cap'n Crunch, ,  Al Capone, Kurt Cobain, Mark Cuban
793 – CUP MATCH, equipment, oak beam, , , , 
794 – cabaret, caipirinha, caper, Capri pants, caprice, COBRA, cooper, copier, copper, copperhead,
coppersmith, copyright, gabardines, gibberish, gubernatorial, keeper, keyboard,  Gabriel,
Copernicus,  Gabriel Kaplan,  Frank Capra, D. B. Cooper, Alice Cooper, Jackie Cooper, Gary Cooper,
David Copperfield, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Peter Gabriel, Kahlil Gibran, Mitch Kapor, Stanley Kubrick
795 – cable, CABLE CAR, capillary, cobalt, cobbler, cobblestone, copulate, couple, couplet, cowbell,
cubbyhole, cupola, eggplant, gabble, gable, goblet, goblin, Kabala, kapellmeister, , , ,  Kenneth
Copeland, Aaron Copland, Francis Ford Coppola, Clark Gable, George Gobel, Gabriel Kaplan, Johannes
Kepler, Rudyard Kipling, Ted Koppel
796 – CABBAGE, caption, capture, cappuccino, Capuchin, cube sugar, equipage, occupation, , , , 
797 – cap gun, cop car, cowpox, cubic, cubicle, CUPCAKE, hokey-pokey, kopek, Kopp Kops (candy),
Quebec, , , , 
798 – CAB FARE, Cape Fear, cap visor, cowboy film, , , , 
799 – capability, cobweb, copybook, KEBOB, ,  Iggy Pop, ,  Ish Kabibble

800 – Ephesus, fauces, feces, office safe, PHYSICIST, , , , 
801 – eavesdropper, facade, facet, fast, fastidious, faucet, feast, fester, festival, FIST, foist, foster, foster
parent, heavy set, office telephone, offset, vast, vest, vest pocket, vestal, vestibule, vestige, vestment,
vestry, visit, visitation, visitor, vista,  Foster,  Faust,  Foster Grant,  Farah Fawcett, Jodie Foster,
Douglas Hofstadter, Richard Hofstadter

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802 – fascination, fasten, fastener, office window, PHEASANT, vicinity, , ,  Yves Saint Laurent, 
803 – effacement, face massage, FACE MOLE, face muscle, office manager, office memo, , , , 
804 – evisceration, officer, Vassar, vice raid, viceroy, viscera, VISOR, vizier, , , , 
805 – face lotion, facile, fissile, fizzle, FOSSIL, fuel oil, fuselage, fusil, fusillade, physiology, vacillation,
Vaseline, vassal, vessel, , ,  Wassily Kandinsky, 
806 – fistula, office chair, phosgene, PHYSICIAN, vesture, visage, , , , 
807 – face cloth, face cream, fiasco, fiscal, FISHHOOK, physical, physique, vascular, vesicle, viscosity,
viscount, Visigoths, , ,  F. Scott Fitzgerald, 
808 – evasive, office furniture, phosphate, phosphor, phosphorescence, VESUVIUS, vice versa,
vociferous, , , , 
809 – face powder, FACEBOOK, feasible, foosball machine, FSBO, office building, offspring, Vespa motor
scooter, vespers, vice president, , , ,  Amerigo Vespucci
810 – foodstuff, foot soldier, FOOTSTEP, ,  Phidias,  Fats Domino, Fats Waller,  Ella Fitzgerald, F.
Scott Fitzgerald
811 – feed trough, fetid, food ticket, foot traffic, VOODOO DOLL, , , , 
812 – avoidance, evidence, FOOTNOTE, halftone, photo engraving, photon, , , ,  Richard Avedon
813 – fat man (atomic bomb), fathom, food market, HALFTIME SHOW, , , , 
814 – aftereffects, afternoon, avatar, aviator, father, father-in-law, FEATHER, featherbed,
featherweight, federal, federation, Fedora hat, feeder, fetters, fighter, fodder, foot race, footrest,
footrule, footwear, futurity, veteran, vitriol, voter, , ,  Fyodor Dostoevsky, Federico Fellini,  Roger
815 – faith healer, fatal, fetal, feudal, fiddle, foothills, foothold, footlights, futility, PHOTO ALBUM,
victuals, vital, vital signs, vitality, vitals, ,  Fat Albert,  Fidel Castro, Vidal Sassoon,  Arthur Fiedler
Gore Vidal
816 – fetish, fiduciary, FOOD CHOPPER, food show, footage, heavyweight champion, , , , 
817 – fatigue, fight club, foot ache, footgear, footing, photograph, Vatican, viaduct, videocassette,
viticulture, VODKA, , , , 
818 – affidavit, faithful, photo frame, VAUDEVILLE, votive candle, , , , 
819 – feedbag, FOOTBALL, footbridge, footpath, footprints, , , , 
820 – fancier, fancy, FENCE, fencer, fiancé, finesse, offence, offense, Vans, Venezuela, Venice, venison,
Venus, Venus flytrap, Viennese,  Vance, Vanessa, Vince, Vincent,  Phineas, Venus,  Vince Gill, Vince
Lombardi, Vincent Price, Vanessa Redgrave, Vincent Van Gogh, Vince Vaughn, Vanessa Williams,  Dale
Evans, Vivian Vance
821 – affinity, event, eventide, faint, fanatic, fandango, fandom, Fanta soda, fantastic, fantasy, fender,
fiend, find, findings, fond, fondle, font, foundation, founder, foundry, FOUNTAIN, fountain pen, fund,
fundamental, hyphenated, offend, offender, oven door, phantasmagoria, phantom, phonetics,
vanadium, vandal, vanity, vendetta, vent, ventilate, ventricle, ventriloquist, viands, vignette, vindication,
vintage, ,  Fantasia,  Evander Holyfield,  Henry Fonda, Jane Fonda, Peter Fonda, Allen Funt, Jean-
Claude Van Damme, Dick Van Dyke, Jesse Ventura
822 – finance, financier, PHONE NUMBER, , , , 
823 – euphonium, oven mitt, phenomenon, phone message, VENOM, ,  Venom, ,  Richard
824 – finery, funeral, veneer, venerate, venereal disease, VINEYARD,  Werner, , , Hugh Hefner

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825 – fennel, final, finale, Finland, FUNNEL, half Nelson, heavenly, phenol, vanilla, vanload, , , , 
Eddie Van Halen
826 – avenger, EVANGELIST, finch, finish, finisher, finishing school, Finnish, Phoenician, Venetian,
vengeance, venture, ,  Evangeline, , 
827 – evening, FANG, finicky, fink, function, function, fungus, funk, phoenix, Phoenix, phone call,
phonics, phonograph, vanguard, vanquish, vinaigrette, vinegar, ,  Fang, ,  Dakota Fanning,
Joaquin Phoenix, River Phoenix, Vincent Van Gogh, Kurt Vonnegut
828 – FANFARE (…for the Common Man – A. Copeland), , , ,  Carl Maria von Weber
829 – FANNY PACK, funny bone, phone book, , , ,  Jacques Offenbach, Abigail Van Buren,
Wernher von Braun
830 – euphemism, famous, FAMOUS AMOS COOKIES, femicide, fumes, vamoose, , , , 
831 – VOMIT, , , , 
832 – effeminate, famine, feminine, feminist, foam kneeling pad, FOAM NOODLE, vehement, , , , 
Abbie Hoffman, Dustin Hoffman, Felicity Huffman
833 – Fame musical, FOAM MATTRESS, , , , 
834 – Ave Maria, ephemeral, femoral, FEMUR, foam rubber, hoof marks, , ,  F. Murray Abraham, 
835 – familiar, FAMILY, family circle, female, , , , 
836 – famish, FOAM CHEESE HAT, foam chair, , , , 
837 – foam cutter, FUMIGATOR, , , , 
838 – femme fatale, FOAM FINGER, wave movement, , , , 
839 – fumble, vamp, VAMPIRE, , , , 
840 – aphorism, avarice, averse, farce, FERRIS WHEEL, fireside, firstborn, force, forcemeat, forceps,
foresight, forest, frazzle, fresco, fries (French), frieze, frisk, frisky, frizzle, frost, frostbite, frosting,
frustrate, furious, overseas, overseer, oversight, Pharisee, phrase, veracity, Versailles, verse, virus, 
Forest,  Frosty the Snowman,  Frasier Crane, Forrest Gump, Forest Whitaker,  Harvey Fierstein,
David Frost, Robert Frost, Gianni Versace
841 – afraid, effort, Faraday cage, fiord, firewater, firewood, forehead, FORT, fortitude, fortnight,
fraternity, fratricide, freedom, freight, fret, Friday, fried egg, fright, fritter, froth, fruit, offertory,
overdose, overdraft, overtime, overturn, variety, verdict, verity, vertebrae, vertex, vertigo, vortex, 
Ford, Fred, Freddie, Frederick, Fritz,  Aphrodite, Fritz the Cat, Frodo,  Fred Astaire, Frederic Chopin,
Fred Flintstone, Fred Gwynne, Frida Kahlo, Fritz Lang, Fred MacMurray, Freddie Mercury, Frederich
Nietche, Freddie Prinze, Fred Rogers,  Chris Evert, Henry Ford, Betty Ford, Harrison Ford, Gerald R.
Ford, Glenn Ford, Sigmund Freud, Milton Friedman, Giuseppe Verdi
842 – affront, Fahrenheit, farina, FERN, forehand, foreigner, fornication, franc, France, frankfurter,
frankincense, French, frenzy, friend, friendship, fringe, frond, front, frontage, frontier, frontiersman,
frown, furnace, furniture, varnish, veranda,  Fran, Frances, Francis, Francois, Frank, Frankie, Franklin,
Vern, Vernon, Veronica,  Frankenstein,  Frankie Avalon, Francis Bacon, Frank Capra, Francis Ford
Coppola, Fran Drescher, Frank Gehry, Frank Gifford, Frank Gorshin, Francisco Goya, Franklin Graham,
Franz Kafka, Francis Scott Key, Veronica Lake, Fran Lebowitz, Franz Liszt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Francis
Schaeffer, Franz Schubert, Frank Sinatra, Francois Truffaut, Frankie Valli, Wernher von Braun, Frank
Lloyd Wright, Frank Zappa, Franco Zeffirelli,  Connie Francis, Anne Frank, Barney Frank, Aretha
Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Jules Verne
843 – affirm, affirmative, farm, ferment, ferryman, FIREMAN, firm, firmament, foreman, form, form
letter, formal, formaldehyde, format, formidable, formula, forum, frame, framework, Freemason, frump,

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pharmacy, vermicelli, vermin, Vermont, vermouth, ,  Ephraim,  Efrem Zimbalist Jr.,  Enrico Fermi,
George Foreman, Miloš Forman, Peter Frampton, Morgan Freeman, Jan Vermeer
844 – Ferrari, firearm, FIREWORKS, forearm, foreword, friar, furor, furrier, overhear, , , ,  Mel
845 – fairyland, farewell, ferrule, fire alarm, forelady, foreleg, forelock, four-leafed clover, four-legged,
frail, frailties, freelance, frills, frolic, furl, fur-lined, furlong, furlough, OVERALLS, overlord, variola, virile,
, , ,  Chris Farley, Will Ferrell
846 – average, ferocious, forage, forge, forgery, fortune, FORTUNE TELLER, fragile, fresh, freshet,
freshman, frigid, fruition, overage, overcharge, overjoyed, overshoe, overture, variation, verge, version,
virgin, Virginia, virtue,  Virginia,  Virgil,  Virginia Woolf, 
847 – Africa, evergreen, fairgrounds, figwort, fire extinguisher, firecracker, forecast, foreclosure, forget,
forgive, fork, forklift, fracas, fraction, fracture, fragment, fragrance, freak, freckle, frequency, frequent,
fricassee, friction, frigate, frock, FROG, frugal, frying pan, overcast, overcoat, overgrown, varicose,
variegated, virago,  Fergie, , ,  Louis Farrakhan, Lou Ferrigno, Al Franken, Sofia Vergara
848 – effervescence, fervent, FIREFLY, forefathers, forever, four-footed, frivolity, overflow, verve, , ,
,  Brett Farve, Paul Verhoeven
849 – euphorbia, Fairbanks, ferry boat, fire poker, fireball, firebug, FIREPLACE, fireproof, forbidden,
frappé, freebase, overboard, overpay, variable, verb, verbatim, verbena, verbiage, verbose, , , , 
Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Malcolm Forbes, Stan Freberg

850 – fallacy, false, falsetto, flask, FLEECE, floss, fluster, foolscap, Philistine, philosopher, valise, velocity,
violist,  Felice, Felicia, Phyllis,  Falstaff,  Phyllis Diller, Felicity Huffman,  Jose Feliciano, Lech
851 – affiliate, afloat, Eiffel Tower, falter, fault, Faultless spray starch, faulty, feldspar, felt, field, filth,
flat, flatfish, flatfooted, Flatiron building, flattery, flatulence, fleet, flight, float, FLOOD, floodgates,
flotilla, flotsam, flout, fluid, flute, flyweight, fold, folder, Philadelphia, philatelist, philter, vault,
velodrome, velouté sauce, violate, violet, volatile, voltage,  Fletcher, Floyd, Fulton, Violet, Vladimir, 
Voltaire,  Vladimir Horowitz, Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Putin,  Marty Feldman, Sally Field, W. C. Fields,
Michael Flatley
852 – affluence, aphelion, avalanche, feline, felon, felony, FLAN, Flanders, flange, flank, flank steak,
flannel, flaunt, flinch, flint, flintlock, flounce, flounder, fluent, flunk, phalanx, philanderer, philanthropist,
valentine, valiant, villain, violence, violin, volunteer, vulnerable,  Evelyn, ,  Flannery O'Connor, 
Frankie Avalon, Federico Fellini, Fred Flintstone, Errol Flynn, Larry Flynt
853 – filament, film, flambé, flambeau, flamboyant, flame, flamethrower, FLAMINGO, Flemish, flimsy,
flume, phlegm, vellum, volume, , , ,  Ian Fleming, Peggy Fleming, Alexander Fleming, Victor
854 – failure, flare, fleur-de-lis, flirt, flirtation, floor, florescence, florid, Florida, FLORIST, flour, flourish,
flower, flower show, flurries, foolery, foolhardy, fowler, Fuller brush, philharmonic, valor, velour, 
Flora, ,  Valerie Bertinelli, 
855 – filial, flail, flyleaf, flywheel, FOUL LINE, fuel oil, philology, Valhalla, , , ,  Jerry Falwell
856 – affiliation, evolution, fellowship, filch, flash, flashback, FLASHLIGHT, fledge, fledgling, flesh, flitch,
flush, foliage, foolish, valuation, village, violation, volition, vulture, ,  Flash, , 
857 – affliction, falcon, filling, FLAG, flagman, flagon, flagrant, flagship, flagstaff, flagstone, flake,
flaxseed, flexible, flick, flicker, fling, fluke, flux, fly cast, flying fish, follicle, fulcrum, phlegmatic, phlox,
phylactery, Vulcan, vulgarity, Vulgate,  Felix,  Falco, Felix the Cat,  Felix Mendelssohn,  Ben
Affleck, Peter Falk, Roberta Flack, Bela Fleck, Calista Flockhart

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858 – effluvium, evolve, flavor, fluff, fluvial, fulfilment, ivy leaf, valve, Valvoline, varsity, VELVET,
velveteen rabbit, vilify,  Fluffy,  Flavor Flav, , 
859 – filibuster, flabby, flap, flapjack, flapper, fleabite, flip, FLIPFLOPS, flop, flypaper, fullback,
Philippines, valuable, volleyball, voluptuous,  Philip, ,  Philip Glass, Philip Roth, Flip Wilson,  Regis
860 – fatuous, FISHEYES, vicious, , , , 
861 – Faustian, fidgety, fish head, fugitive, officiate, offshoot, vegetable, VEGETARIAN, vegetation, , ,
, 
862 – aviation, efficiency, effusion, evasion, fashion, Fijian, fish knife, FISHNET STOCKINGS, fission,
fusion, ovation, vision, visionary, ,  Vishnu, , 
863 – FISH MARKET, fish mouth, Fujiyama, , , , 
864 – FISHERMAN, fissure, future, futurist, offshore, voucher, voyager, , , ,  Bobby Fischer, Carrie
Fisher, Carrie Fisher
865 – facial, FISH OIL, official, vigil, vigilance, visualization, , , , 
866 – FISH CHOWDER, fish hatchery, fish jaw, , , , 
867 – FISHHOOK, fishing line, fishing pole, , , , 
868 – fish food, fish fork, FISH FRY, , , , 
869 – fish bait, fishbone, FISHBOWL, fishpond, fudge bar, , , , 
870 – affix, efficacy, fax machine, fix, fixer, fixture, focus, folk song, FOX, fox terrier, vaccine, vexation,
vixen, , , ,  Megan Fox, Michael J. Fox, Jeff Foxworthy, Redd Foxx, Jamie Foxx
871 – affect, AVOCADO, evacuate, evict, fact, factor, factory, fagot, fictitious, fig tree, folk dance, folk
tune, vacate, V-cut, victim, victory, Victrola,  Victor, Victoria, ,  Victor Borge, Victor Fleming, Victor
Hugo, Victoria Jackson, Victor Mature, 
872 – Afghanistan, vacancy, vicomte, vicuna, VIKING, , , ,  Richard Wagner
873 – figment, vacuum, VACUUM CLEANER, , , , 
874 – fakir, figure, figurehead, finger, fingermarks, FINGERNAIL, fingerprint, fingertip, foghorn, vagaries,
vagrant, vicar, vigor, ,  Foghorn Leghorn, , 

875 – faculty, fecal, FIG LEAF, focal, folklore, vehicle, vocal, vocalist, , , , 
876 – affection, evacuation, eviction, faction, fiction, focaccia, VACATION, vocation, , , , 
877 – FAKE CHRISTMAS TREE, , , , 
878 – FAKE FIREPLACE HEATER, fake vampire teeth, ivy-covered, , , , 
879 – FOGBANK, vagabond, vocabulary, , , , 
880 – five senses, FIVE-STAR RATING, vivisection, , , , 
881 – fifty-cent piece, FIVE-DOLLAR BILL, Fifty Shades of Grey, , , , 
882 – Five Nights at Freddy’s, VIEWFINDER,  Vivian, ,  Vivian Leigh, Vivian Vance, 
883 – FIFE MUSIC, , , , 
884 – favor, favorite, February, FEVER, , , ,  Jules Feiffer
885 – A. F. of L., FAVELA, five love languages, half full, vive la France, , , ,  Antonio Vivaldi
886 – FIVE CHEESE PIZZA, vavishka (Iranian stew), , , , 
887 – FAVICON, five o’clock tea, Five Guys hamburger, , , , 
888 – FEE-FI-FO-FUM, va-va-voom, woof woof woof, , , , 
889 – FAVA BEANS, Five Below retailer, , , , 

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890 – Phoebus, VIP SEATS, , , , 

891 – hoof beats, WIFEBEATER T-SHIRT, , , , 
892 – halfpenny, viewpoint, VPN, ,  Fabian, , 
893 – fabi milk, FBI MOST WANTED LIST, , , , 
894 – evaporate, fabric, fabrication, fiber, FIBER OPTIC CABLE, fiberglass, Hofbräuhaus, hoof prints,
vapor, vibraphone, vibrate, viper, , , , 
895 – fable, fibula, foible, foppish, VIP LOUNGE, , , , 
896 – FBI SHOW, half-patched, vape smoking, , , , 
897 – VAPE CARTRIDGE, , , , 
898 – VAPE FLAVORED LIQUID, , , , 
899 – fob piece, VAPE PEN, , , , 

900 – abscess, basis, buzz saw, bass speaker, pacesetter, PEACE SIGN, possess, , , , 
901 – abstain, abstinence, abstract, apostate, bastard, Bastille, beast, beastly, best, bestow, boast,
boisterous, booster, Boston terrier, bust, bystander, episode, obesity, obstacle, obstetrician, obstinate,
obstruction, opposite, past, paste, pasteboard, pastel, pastille, pastime, pastor, pastoral, pastry, paucity,
peacetime, pest, pester, pestilence, pest control, pistol, piston, positive, post, postage, poster, posterior,
posterity, posthumous, postmark, postscript, Postum, POST OFFICE, upset, upstairs, upstate, upstream,
 Buster, ,  Buster Crabbe, Buster Keaton,  Louis Pasteur, Noah Webster, Daniel Webster
902 – absence, absent minded, absentee ballot, absinthe, basin, bassinette, bassoon, bison, Bosnia,
business, Byzantine, obscene, passenger, peasant, POISON, , , ,  Buddy Ebsen
903 – abysmal, BASEMENT, Bessemer oven, Bismarck battleship, bosom, Epsom salt soak, opossum,
pacemaker, peacemaker, pessimist, piecemeal, , , , 
904 – absorb, absurd, base runner, bazaar, bizarre, BUS DRIVER, bus route, buzzard, buzzer, haphazard,
observe, observatory, passerby, password, piecework, , , ,  Camille Pissarro
905 – absolute, absolution, apostle, bacillus, basal, basalt, base line, Basel, basilisk, Bass Ale, bezel, bus
line, epistle, hustle, obsolete, pestle, pussywillow, PUZZLE, , ,  Buzz Lightyear,  Brad Paisley
906 – bastion, bestial, obsession, opposition, passage, passageway, PASTURE, position, possession,
posture, , , , 
907 – abscond, basket, BASKETBALL, Basque, bazooka, beeswax, Biscay, biscuit, bisect, bisexual, bisque,
Bosco chocolate drink, boy scout, Episcopalian, habeas corpus, obscure, obscurity, obsequious, Paschal
lamb, Pesach, pesky, pousse cafe, pussycat, , , ,  Bella Abzug, Blaise Pascal
908 – abusive, bass voice, Bosporus, bus fare, Pacific, PACIFIER, pacifist, passive, Passover, peaceful, ,
 Bucephalus, , 
909 – BASEBALL, biceps, bass player, bus boy, bus passenger, Hapsburg, passport, possibility, , , 
Busby Berkeley, 
910 – bath salts, bathhouse, bedside, boat house, bodice, Buddhist, Budweiser, hypothesis, pathos,
pedestal, PEDESTRIAN, Pittsburgh,  Betsy, Patsy,  Pythias,  Patsy Cline, Betsy Ross, 
911 – apathetic, appetite, aptitude, bath towel, bathtub, beatitude, bedtime, body heat, ebb tide,
epithet, habitat, pathetic, petite, POTATO, potato chips, ,  Butt-head, , 
912 – bat handle, baton, batten, Bedouin, botany, BUTTON, buttonhole, obedience, patent, patent
leather, pedantic, potentate, potential, Pythian, python, uptown,  Peyton, , ,  Joe Biden, Red
Buttons, Mandy Patinkin, George Patton, Vladimir Putin

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913 – abatement, abdomen, abutment, badminton, bathmat, bituminous, boatman, bottom, epidemic,
epitome, optimist, Patmos, PEAT MOSS, pediment, pedometer, pet monkey, Potomac, ,  Batman, ,

914 – bathroom, batter, battery, bedrock, bedroom, betray, betrothal, better, bother, boudoir, butter,
buttercup, BUTTERFLY, buttermilk, butterscotch, buttress, epidermis, hippodrome, hypodermic,
patriarch, patrician, patrimony, patriot, patrol, patrolman, patron, patronize, patronym, patter, pattern,
petri dish, petrol, petroleum, pewter, poetry, powder, putrefy, putrid, upturn,  Beatrice, Patricia,
Patrick, Peter,  Peter, Peter Pan, Petrarch,  Peter Boyle, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Patrick Dempsey,
Peter Falk, Peter Fonda, Peter Frampton, Peter Gabriel, Patrick Henry, Peter Lorre, Peter Max, Patrick
McGoohan, Peter Nero, Peter O'Toole, Beatrix Potter, Peter Paul Rubens, Peter Sellers, Patrick Stewart,
Patrick Swayze, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Peter Ustinov,  Harry Potter, Beatrix Potter
915 –battalion, battle, battle-axe, battlefield, BATTLESHIP, bedlam, beetle, Bethlehem, boatload,
bootlace, bootlegger, bottle, butler, paddle, padlock, patella, pathology, pedal, peddler, petal, petulant,
potluck, puddle,  Abdul,  Beatles,  Beetle Bailey, Petula Clark,  Paula Abdul, Brett Butler
916 – BEDSHEET, beet sugar, boat hatch, boat shed, bootjack, habitation, optician, petition, pie dish, pot
cheese, potash, potshot, pottage, , , , 
917 – abdication, abduct, apothecary, bat wing, beauty contest, bedcover, boat club, BODYGUARD,
buttock, hepatic, optic, optical, paddock, pattycake, pedagogue, pedigree, petticoat, poetic, pudding,
uptake, ,  Pythagoras, , 
918 – about face, beatification, beautiful, bedevilment, bedfellow, boatful, epitaph, pathfinder, Pet
Fancy (magazine), PETIT FOURS, pitfall, pitiful, , , ,  Ludwig van Beethoven
919 – beauty parlor, bedbug, bedpost, body bag, BODYBUILDER, bootblack, Budapest, peatbog, potpie,
, , , 
920 – bonus, bounce, bouncer, open house, panacea, pansy, PENCIL, Pennsylvania, pensive, pianissimo,
pianist, piano stool, piano store, pince-nez, pincers, pounce, punster, , ,  Benicio Del Toro, Beyoncé
Knowles,  Roger Bannister
921 – abandonment, abundance, appendage, appendicitis, appointment, band, bandage, Band-Aid,
bandana, bandit, bandwagon, bantam, banter, bayonet, behind, bend, beneath, benediction, bind,
binder, bond, bondage, bondsman, bonnet, bound, boundary, bounty, buoyant, handy, hunting,
hypnotist, paint, painter, painting, PANDA BEAR, pandemonium, pander, pant, Pantheon, pantomime,
pantry, pants, pawn ticket, peanut, peanut butter, pendulum, penetrate, penitence, penitentiary, penny
dreadful, piano teacher, pint, point, point blank, pointer, pond, ponder, pontiff, pound,  Bennett, , 
Benedict Arnold, Bennett Cerf, Benoit Mandelbrot, Benito Mussolini,  Pat Benatar, Tony Bennett,
James Bond, Barry Bonds, Jean Luc Ponty, Ezra Pound
922 – BANANA, banyan, benign, bonanza, bone handle, bunion, opinion, opponent, penance, Penang,
peninsula, penknife, pennant, piano note, pinion, poignant, , ,  Benny Hinn, 
923 – bone marrow, bone meal, Pan American, Panama, PANAMA CANAL, penmanship, piano music, ,
, , 
924 – abnormal, banner, beanery, binary, HAPPY NEW YEAR, pannier, panorama, pennyroyal, penury,
pioneer, ,  Ben-Hur, , 

925 – banal, hobnail, panel, penal, penalty, piano leg, piano lesson, pinhole camera, PINWHEEL, , , 
Benny Hill,  Osama Bin Laden, Luis Bunuel
926 – banish, banshee, beanshooter, bench, bunch, panegyric, paunch, pawnshop, pension, pinch, pinch
hitter, PUNCH, punch bowl, punching bag, punish, Punjab,  Benjamin, ,  Benjamin Disraeli,
Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Benjamin Spock, Pancho Villa,  Richard Benjamin, Jon Bon

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927 – bang, bangle, bank, bank account, banker, bankruptcy, BINOCULARS, bong, bungalow, bunk,
bunker, Bunker Hill, obnoxious, painkiller, pancake, pancreas, pang, panic, piano key, ping-pong,
pinnacle, pinochle, pony cart, punctilious, punctuation, puncture, punk rock, ,  Obi-Wan Kenobi,
Pink, Pinocchio,  Bing Crosby, Benny Goodman,  Anne Bancroft, Tyra Banks, David Ben-Gurion
928 – benefactor, benefit, benevolence, bon voyage, bone fracture, bonfire, bowie knife, OPEN FACED
SANDWICH, painful, Penny Farthing bicycle, pianoforte, pine forest, pinfeather, , , , 
929 – bean patch, bean pole, bean pot, beanbag chair, bonbon, panoply, pawnbroker, pen point, peony
bed, piano player, pin up girl, pine box, PINEAPPLE, , , ,  Napoleon Bonaparte
930 – Bahamas, BOMB SQUAD, Palm Sunday, pomace, pumice, , , , 
931 – Appomattox, behemoth, PALM TREE, pomade, , , , 
932 – abominable snowman, abomination, Bohemian, payment, PIMENTO, , , , 
933 – bombmaker, BOOM MIC, , , , 
934 – bomber, BOOMERANG, palm reader, palm room, palmier, Pomeranian, , , , 
935 – palm leaf, palm oil, pomelo, POMMEL HORSE, pummel,  Pamela, ,  Pamela Anderson, 
936 – bomb shelter, BOMBSHELL, , , , 
937 – palm garden, palm grove, pemmican, POMEGRANATE, , , , 
938 – bomb factory, bomb fuse, pamphlet, POMME FRITES, , , , 
939 – bamboo, bombardier, bombardment, bombastic, Bombay, bumblebee, bump, bumper, bumpkin,
pampas, pamper, pimpernel, pimple, pomp, pompadour, Pompei, pompom, pompous, PUMP, pumpkin,
pumps, ,  Bamm-Bamm, ,  Erma Bombeck
Georges Pompidou
940 – barrister, brace, bracelet, brass, breast, breeze, bruise, Hebrews, oppress, oppressor, parasite,
parasol, parcel, Paris, parsley, parsnip, parson, percentage, perception, persecute, persevere, persist,
person, personnel, perspire, persuade, peruse, pierce, porcelain, porous, praise, precipice, precipitation,
precise, prescription, presence, present, preserve, preserves, president, press, prestige, presume, price,
priest, prison, PRISONER, prize, procedure, proceedings, proceeds, process, procession, prose,
prosecute, prospect, prosper, prostitute, purse,  Boris, Bruce, Priscilla,  Prince, Princess Leia,  Boris
Becker, Pierce Brosnan, Bruce Cockburn, Bruce Dern, Bruce Geller, Paris Hilton, Bruce Jenner, Boris
Karloff, Bruce Lee, Piers Morgan, Priscilla Presley, Boris Spassky, Bruce Springsteen, Preston Sturges,
Bruce Wayne, Bruce Willis, Boris Yeltsin,  Fanny Brice, Charles Bronson, Pierce Brosnan, Lenny Bruce,
Ellen Burstyn, Austin Powers, Elvis Presley, Priscilla Presley, Vincent Price, Juliet Prowse
941 – aboard, abroad, apartment, apparatus, bard, baritone, beard, bird, board, braid, brat, bread,
breed, bride, bridle, bright, British, broad, Broadway, brood, brother, brotherhood, brought, burden,
opportunity, PARADE, paradise, pardon, parody, parrot, part, participate, particle, partisan, partition,
partner, party, perdition, period, periodical, pirate, port, porter, portrait, prattle, predicament, predict,
pretense, pretzel, pride, prodigy, produce, product, protect, protegee, protest, prude, prudence,
Puritan, pyrotechnics,  Bart, Bartholomew, Bertrand, Brad, Bradley, Brayden, Brittany, Burt,  Borat, 
Burt Bacharach, Brett Butler, Brett Farve, Brad Garrett, Bert Lahr, Burt Lancaster, Brad Paisley, Brad Pitt,
Burt Reynolds, Bertrand Russell, Bart Simpson, Britney Spears, Porter Wagner, Burt Ward, Burt Young, 
Brigitte Bardot, Béla Bartók, Valerie Bertinelli, Larry Bird, Lizzie Borden, Ray Bradbury, Terry Bradshaw,
Tom Brady, Matthew Broderick, Emily Bronte, Eric Burdon, Tim Burton, Richard Burton, Roger Ebert, L.
Ron Hubbard, Dolly Parton, Cole Porter
942 – abhorrence, apprehension, apprentice, apron, auburn, barn, baron, barren, born, BRAIN,
brainstorm, bran, branch, brand, brandish, brawn, brindle, brine, brink, briny, bronchial, bronchitis,
bronco, bronze, brown, brownie, brunette, brunt, burn, burner, burnish, hibernate, parent, perennial,
pernicious, piranha, prance, prank, preen, prince, Princeton, principal, principality, principle, prone,
pronoun, pronounce, prune,  Barney, Bernie, Brandon, Brenda, Brett, Brian, Bruno, Bryan,  Barney, 

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Brian de Palma, Brian Eno, Barney Frank, Barney Rubble, Bernie Sanders, Brent Spiner, Bernie Taupin,
Brian Wilson,  P. T. Barnum, Hershel Bernardi, Tim Berners-Lee, Sandra Bernhard, Leonard Bernstein,
Jason Bourne, Marlon Brando, Richard Branson, Walter Brennan, David Brinkley, Christie Brinkley, Molly
Brown, Jim Brown, Jerry Brown, Bobby Brown, James Brown, Charlie Brown, Kobe Bryant, Yul Brynner,
Carol Burnett, George Burns, Conan O'Brien, Eva Peron, Freddie Prinze
943 – barium, barometer, bear market, Bermuda, Birmingham, Brahma bull, brambles, brim, brimstone,
bromide, broom, Burma, Paramount Studios, Parmesan cheese, perambulator, permanent, permeate,
permission, permit, permute, preamble, premature, premise, premium, premonition, prim, primary,
primate, prime, primer, primeval, primitive, primp, promenade, prominence, promise, promontory,
promote, prompt, PYRAMID, pyromaniac,  Abraham,  Abraham,  Abraham Lincoln, Abraham
Maslow, Bram Stoker, Abraham Zapruder,  F. Murray Abraham, Drew Barrymore, Johannes Brahms,
Otto Preminger
944 – bare armed, barrier, brewer, prairie, PRAIRIE DOG, prairie fire, prayer, prayerbook, prerequisite,
prior, priority, prurient, uproar, , , , 
945 – apparel, April, April fool’s joke, barley, BARREL, Berlin, Braille, brawl, brilliant, broil, broiler, burial,
burlap, burlesque, opera lover, parallax, parallel, paralysis, parlor, parole, payroll, pearl, pearl necklace,
peril, prelude, proletariat, prolific, prowl, puerile, purloin, purulence,  Burl, Pearl, ,  Pearl Bailey,
Burl Ives,  Milton Berle, Irving Berlin, Louis Braille, Minnie Pearl, Itzhak Perlman
946 – aberration, aborigine, abortion, abrasion, abridge, aperture, appreciate, approach, barge, barrage,
birch, borscht, bourgeoisie, brazier, breach, breeches, bridge, broach, brooch, brush, operation,
oppression, PARACHUTE, parchment, parish, partial, perch, perish, perjury, porch, portion, preacher,
precious, prejudice, pressure, project, projectile, projector, Prussia, purchase, purge,  Bridget, , 
Brigitte Bardot, Bridget Jones, Baruch Spinoza,  Mikhail Baryshnikov, Jorge Luis Borges, Lloyd Bridges,
Jeff Bridges, Maxfield Parrish
947 – approximate, apricot, bargain, bark, barracks, barricade, borax, bracket, braggard, brake,
brakeman, break, breakfast, brick, brig, brigade, bring, brocade, broccoli, brogue, broker, brook,
Brooklyn, bureaucracy, burg, burglar, paragraph, parakeet, park, paroxysm, peroxide, PORCUPINE, pork,
practice, praying mantis, precarious, precaution, precocious, preconception, pregnant, preoccupation,
proclamation, procrastinate, prognosis, progress, proximity, proxy, purgatory, uppercut,  Brooke, 
Porky Pig,  Barack Obama, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Brooke Shields,  Simon bar Kokhba, Bob Barker,
Charles Barkley, Candice Bergen, Ingmar Bergman, Ingrid Bergman, Busby Berkeley, Victor Borge, Ernest
Borgnine, Tom Brokaw, Mel Brooks, Garth Brooks, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Delta Burke, Fess Parker,
Sarah Jessica Parker, Dorothy Parker, Charlie Bird Parker, Rosa Parks, Sergei Prokofiev
948 – approval, barefoot, bereavement, bereft, bravado, brave, brevity, brief, briefcase, paraphernalia,
paraphrase, perfect, perforation, performance, performer, PERFUME, periphery, pervade, perverse,
powerful, preface, prefect, preference, prevention, privacy, private, privilege, profane, profession,
professor, proficiency, profile, profit, profound, proof, prophecy, prophet, proverb, providence,
province, purify, purveyor, ,  Prof. Lockhart, Professor X, ,  Andre Previn
949 – abrupt, barb, barbecue, barbed wire, barbell, BARBER, bourbon, bribe, parable, parabola,
parapet, perpetual, perplex, prepare, prepay, probation, probe, problem, prohibition, prop, propaganda,
propagation, propeller, property, proportion, proposal, proposition, proprietor, purple,  Barbara
Pierpont,  Barabbas,  Barbara Bain, Barbara Boxer, Barbara Eden, Barbara Hershey, Barbara
Stanwyck, Barbra Streisand, Barbara Walters,  Dave Brubeck, Luther Burbank

950 – ballast, balsam, balustrade, bellows, bilious, blasphemy, blast, blaze, blessing, bliss, blister,
blossom, blouse, blues, bluster, bolster, bullseye, obelisk, palace, Palestine, palisade, palsy, place, placid,
plaster, plausible, playhouse, plaza, pleasant, please, police station, POLICEMAN, policy, polyester, pulse,
upholstery, ,  Beelzebub,  Blaise Pascal,  Nancy Pelosi

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951 – ability, applaud, bald, balderdash, ballad, ballot, Baltic, belladonna, belt, billet, bladder, blade,
blatant, blight, blood, bloodhound, bloodshed, bloodshot, bloodthirsty, blot, blotter, blowout, BLT
sandwich, bold, bolt, boulder, building, built, bulldog, BULLDOZER, bullet, bullet, bulletin, epaulet,
palate, palliative, paltry, pilot, plaid, plate, plateau, platform, platitude, platonic, plead, plethora, plight,
plot, plotter, plutocrat, politician, politics, pollute, polyhedron, polytechnical, poultry, pullet,  Belinda,
 Billy the Kid, Blondie, Pilate, Plato, Pluto,  Billy Dee Williams,  Alec Baldwin, Wolf Blitzer, Usain
Bolt, Michael Bolton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Pulitzer
952 – appliance, balance, BALLOON, beeline, belong, belongings, bilingual, blanch, bland, blank, blanket,
blend, blinders, blindfold, blinds, blink, blinker, blond, blunder, blunderbuss, bologna, bouillon, bullion,
oblong, opulence, palanquin, paleontology, plain, plains, plainsman, plaintiff, plan, planchette, plane,
planet, plank, plant, plantain, plantation, Planter’s peanuts, plenitude, plenty, pliant, plunder, plunge,
plunk, Poland, pollen, pylon, upland,  Pauline,  Bullwinkle, Pliny, Pollyanna,  Apolo Anton Ohno, 
Jack Palance, Sarah Palin, Pat Paulsen, Max Planck, Roman Polansky
953 – aplomb, bellman, blame, blemish, BLIMP, bloom, bloomers, bull market, bull moose, palimpsest,
palm, palmetto, pell-mell, playmate, ploughman, plum, plumage, plumb, plumb line, plumbago,
plumber, plummet, Plymouth, Pullman railroad car, pulmonary, , ,  Paloma Picasso,  Steve
Ballmer, Ralph Bellamy, Orlando Bloom, Michael Bloomberg, Arnold Palmer, George Plimpton
954 – BALLERINA, ballroom, bell ringer, bell rope, billiards, blare, blarney, bleary, blur, blurt, boiler,
boilermaker, bowler, bull ring, bullrushes, bulwark, opal ring, pallor, pallor, pillar, pillory, player, player
piano, playwright, pleurisy, pliers, plough horse, polar, polo horse, poolroom, , ,  Billy Ray Cyrus, 
955 – BALALAIKA, pale ale, paleolithic, pool lights, pool lounge chair, , , , 
956 – apology, BELGIAN WAFFLES, belligerent, bilge, biology, bleach, bleachers, blotch, bludgeon, blue
jay, blush, Bolshevik, bulge, oblige, palatial, pillage, plagiarism, pleasure, pledge, plush, Polish sausage,
polish, pollution, Polo shirt, pool shark, whiplash,  Blanche,  Belshazzar,  Billie Jean King,  John
957 – application, appliqué, bailiwick, balaclava, balcony, Balkans, bellicose, bilk, black, blackboard,
blackface, blackhead, blackjack, blacklist, blackmail, blacksmith, bleak, block, blockade, blockchain,
blockhead, bloke, Bulgaria, bulk, bulkhead, bulky, oblique, obliquity, pilgrim, placard, placate, plague,
playgoer, PLAYGROUND, pluck, plug, polecat, polygamy, polyglot, pulchritude, ,  Black Widow, Black
Panther, ,  Mayim Bialik, Jack Black, Mel Blanc, Dan Blocker, Ray Bolger, Sandra Bullock, Linus
Pauling, James K. Polk, Jackson Pollock
958 – bailiff, ballfield, bay leaf, Belfast, belfry, belief, believable, believer, bellflower, beloved, bill of
lading, billfold, bluefish, bluff, boll weevil, boulevard, BULLFIGHT, bullfinch, bullfrog, oblivious, paleface,
pelvis, pilfer, pillow fight, plover, pole vaulting, polo field, pulverize, , , ,  Harry Belafonte, Simon
959 – apple brandy, apple butter, APPLE PIE, bail bond, ball bearing, bell bottom pants, bellboy,
billboard, blabber, blabbermouth, blowpipe, blubber, Bluebeard, blueberry, bluebird, blue-blooded,
bluebook, blueprint, bulb, bullpen, epilepsy, pallbearer, palpitation, pillbox, plop, pulp, pulpit, , , 
Bilbo Baggins, Billy Bob Thornton,  Rocky Balboa
960 – HOPE CHEST, , , , 
961 – BEACH TOWEL, beechwood, beechwood, Bewitched (TV), bijouterie, budget, bushido, pea
shooter, peach tree, pitch dark, upshot, , , , 
962 – beechnut, hip joint, option, page number, pageant, passion, passion play, passionflower, patience,
PATIENT, pigeon, pigeonhole, potion, , , ,  Al Pacino, Giacomo Puccini
963 – beach umbrella, bushman, PAJAMAS, peach Melba, , , , 
964 – badger, beach resort, botchery, BUTCHER, obituary, patchwork, peach orchard, pitcher, pitcher
plant, poacher, pusher, ,  Boy George, , 

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965 – BACHELOR, bush league, bushel, patchouli, pie shell, pugilist, , , ,  Andrea Bocelli,
Genevieve Bujold
966 – appoggiatura, BEACH CHAIR, peach jam, , , , 
967 – bushings, bushwhacker, hoop juggler, object, objection, objective, paycheck, PEACH COBBLER,
pushcart, , , , 
968 – beach volleyball, PITCHFORK, , , , 
969 – BEACHBALL, bishop, patch panel, peach brandy, peach pit, pitchblende, push button, push pin, ,
, , 
970 – abacus, apex, backseat, backslider, backstop, bequest, bogus, bookstore, box, box car, box knife,
box seat, BOXER, bucksaw, buckskin, buxom, pigskin, pigsty, pyx, ,  Bacchus, Bugs Bunny, Pegasus, ,
 John Backus, Bill Bixby, Barbara Boxer, Charles Bukowski, Paloma Picasso, Pablo Picasso
971 – back door, backwoods, backwoodsman, bacteria, bagatelle, Baghdad, bequeath, bigotry, book
title, BUCKET, buckwheat, Bugatti, pachyderm, pack train, packet, pact, pagoda, picket fence, pictorial,
pigtail, pocket, pocketbook, pocketknife, pokeweed, , , , 
972 – bacchanalia, back end, back entrance, back handed, back window, BACON, beacon, begin,
begonia, bikini, buccaneer, pack animal, pagan, picnic, ,  Pocahontas, ,  Kevin Bacon, Francis
Bacon, Bilbo Baggins, Menachem Begin, Anthony Hopkins, Sam Peckinpah, Slim Pickens
973 – bigamy, bogyman, bookmaker, bookmark, pack mule, Pak-Man, pigment, pockmarks, PYGMY,
pygmy pig, webcam, ,  Pac-Man, ,  David Beckham
974 – Apocrypha, baccarat, backroom, backyard, bagger, BAKER, bakery, beggar, biography, book
review, bookworm, Bucharest, hacker, hypocrite, packhorse, picker, pie crust, piker, pogrom, poker,
poker game, , ,  Booker T. Washington,  Burt Bacharach, Josephine Baker, Ginger Baker, Jim
Bakker, Tammy Faye Bakker, Boris Becker, Humphrey Bogart

975 – apocalypse, baccalaureate, back alley, backlight, bagel, baklava, Bigelow tea, booklet, BUCKLE,
bucolic, bugle, epiglottis, peculiar, pegleg, piccalilli, piccolo, pickle, weeping willow,  Abigail,  Piglet,
 Abigail Van Buren,  William F. Buckley Jr., Ivan Pavlov
976 – backwash, BAGGAGE, bookshelf, buckshot, package, picture, picture frame, picturesque, , , ,
 Ralph Bakshi
977 – backache, backgammon, baking powder, book cover, bookcase, Buckingham palace, ipecac,
PEACOCK, pickaxe, , , , 
978 – back fence, BACK FLIP, backfire, bike frame, book fair, , , ,  Mary Pickford
979 – back pocket, back porch, backbone, BACKPACK, bagpipes, beekeeper, bookbinder, bug poison,
hobgoblin, peek a boo, pickpocket, pickup truck, pigpen, ping pong, poke berry, whipping post, ,  Big
Bad Wolf, Big Bird, Big Bopper, , 
980 – beef sandwich, BEEF STEW, beef steak, obfuscation, PVC pipe, , , , 
981 – beef tallow, BEEF TONGUE, beefeater, Beefeater’s Gin, pivot, puff adder, , , ,  Warren
Buffett, Jimmy Buffett
982 – bowfin, buffoon, epiphany, PUFFIN, , , , 
983 – beef market, PAVEMENT, , , , 
984 – BEAVER, behavior, beverage, boyfriend, paver stone, poverty, puffer fish,  Beaufort, Beverly, ,
 Beverly Sills,  Luciano Pavarotti
985 – baffle, beef liver, bivalve, BUFFALO, pavilion, Pavlova, peafowl, piffle, ,  Buffalo Bill, , 
986 – beef hash, BEEF JERKY, , , , 
987 – beef extract, beef gravy, beefcake, BIFOCALS, bivouac, , , , 

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988 – beef fajitas, beef fat, beef filet, BUFFET FOOD, , , , 

989 – beef bone, beef broth, BUFFET BREAKFAST, puffball, , , , 
990 – bobsleigh, Pabst blue ribbon beer, papacy, papoose, pepsin, pipe smoker, POPSICLE, pubescence,
,  Pebbles, , 
991 – baby doll face, baby talk, baptism, Baptist, biped, bobtail, hip boots, HIPPOPOTAMUS, poppadom,
pipe tobacco, pup tent, puppet, , , , 
992 – BABOON, bobbin, bubonic plague, hip bone, PB&J, pie pan, pippin, popinjay, ,  Pippin, , 
993 – BABY MONITOR, pipe maker, , , , 
994 – bayberry, paparazzi, paper, paper airplane, paper clip, paper weight, paprika, papyrus, pauper,
pepper, PEPPER SPRAY, peppermint, pepperoni, pipe organ, pipe rack, piper, potpourri, whippoorwill,
, , ,  Justin Bieber, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn
995 – apoplexy, Babel, baby elephant, baby laugh, Babylon, bauble, BIBLE, bibliotheca, bobolink,
bubble, papules, pebble, peephole, people, piebald, pipe leak, pipe lighter, pipeline, poplin, populace,
popular, popularity, populate, population, public, publican, publication, publicity, publish, pueblo, pupil,
 Pablo, ,  Pablo Picasso, 
996 – baby shark, BABY SHOES, peepshow, pipe ashes, , , ,  Charles Babbage
997 – baby carriage, baby clothes, bobcat, hip pocket, hope box, pipe cleaner, pipkin, POPCORN,
popgun, Popocatepetl, poppycock, , ,  Bobcat Goldthwait, 
998 – baby face, BABY FOOD, pipefitter, pop fly, popover, , , , 
999 – baby bonnet, baby buggy, baby picture, BAOBAB, blueberry pie, booby prize, , , , 

Subjects by initial consonants

00 – Isaac Asimov, Steve Austin, Sid Caesar, Isaac Hayes, Saddam Hussein, Ozzy Osbourne, Soupy Sales,
Steven Segal, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Severus Snape, Wesley Snipes, Suzanne Somers, Stephen Sondheim,
Sissy Spacek, Stephen Spielberg, Sylvester Stallone, Isaac Stern, Sly Stone, Sally Struthers, Sully
Sullenberger, Stephen Wozniak, Zig Ziglar
01 – Salvador Dali, Sammy Davis Jr., Cecil B. DeMille, Celine Dion, Isadora Duncan, Sandy Duncan,
Spencer Tracy, Steven Tyler, Sun Yat-sen
02 – Susan B. Anthony, Skitch Henderson, Ozzie Nelson, Isaac Newton, Stevie Nicks, Stevie Wonder
03 – Scott Hamilton, Oscar Hammerstein, Steve Martin, Zeppo Marx, Steve McQueen, Sun Myung
Moon, Samuel Morse, Zero Mostel
04 – Yasser Arafat, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Smokey Robinson, Cesar Romero, Salman
Rushdie, Steven Wright
05 – Steve Allen, Estee Lauder, Cyndi Lauper, Stan Laurel, Spike Lee, Stan Lee, Sergio Leone, C. S. Lewis,
Sinclair Lewis, Sophia Loren, Oscar Wilde, Esther Williams, Serena Williams
06 – Stockard Channing, César Chávez, Stonewall Jackson, Steve Jobs, Spike Jones, Scott Joplin, Cybill
07 – Spiro Agnew, Caesar Augustus, Steve Carell, Santa Claus, Samuel Clemens, Sacha Baron Cohen, Sam
Cooke, Simon Cowell, Cindy Crawford, Steve Garvey, Stan Getz, Sam Goldwyn, Selena Gomez, Spalding
Gray, Zane Grey, Simon Guggenheim, Stephen Hawking, Sally Kellerman, Stan Kenton, Stephen King,
Sam Kinison, Sandy Koufax, Stanley Kramer, Stanley Kubrick, Sandra Day O'Conner
08 – Jose Feliciano, Sally Field, Stan Freberg, Sigmund Freud, Sofia Vergara, Sigourney Weaver

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09 – Steve Ballmer, Simon bar Kokhba, Sandra Bernhard, Osama Bin Laden, Simon Bolivar, Usain Bolt,
Sonny Bono, Susan Boyle, Sandra Bullock, Sarah Palin, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sam Peckinpah, Slim Pickens,
Sidney Poitier, Ezra Pound, Austin Powers, Sergei Prokofiev

10 – Ed Asner, Dwight D. Eisenhower, David Hasselhoff, Whitney Houston, Donny Osmond, Adam
Sandler, Telly Savalas, Domenico Scarlatti, Edward Scissorhands, Doc Severinsen, Dick Smothers, Tom
Smothers, Tony Soprano, Terry Southern, Thomas Sowell, Tori Spelling, Tony Stark, Danielle Steel, Dean
Stockwell, Darryl Strawberry, Ed Sullivan, Donald Sutherland, Taylor Swift, Adam West, Dweezil Zappa
11 – Don Adams, Douglas Adams, Trace Adkins, Ted Danson, Dennis Day, Doris Day, Daniel Day-Lewis,
Dizzy Dean, Edgar Degas, Dom DeLuise, Danny DeVito, Don Draper, Don Drysdale, David Duchovny,
Thomas Edison, Edith Head, Adolf Hitler, Twyla Tharp, Danny Thomas, A. W. Tozer, Dick Tracy, Donald
Trump, Tanya Tucker, Ted Turner, Tina Turner, Desmond Tutu, Tiger Woods
12 – Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah, Doug Henning, Ted Knight, Don Knotts, Ed Norton, Debra Winger, Edgar
Winter, Tammy Wynette
13 – Dorothy Hamill, Don Imus, Douglas MacArthur, Tobey Maguire, David Mamet, Edouard Manet,
Thomas Mann, Thurgood Marshall, Dean Martin, David McCallum, Tim McIlrath, Ed McMahon, Yehudi
Menuhin, Idina Menzel, Ethel Merman, Tom Mix, Thelonious Monk, Dwight L. Moody, Demi Moore,
Dudley Moore, Toni Morrison, Edvard Munch, Eddie Murphy
14 – Diane Arbus, Desi Arnaz, Dale Earnhardt, Wyatt Earp, Woody Harrelson, Deborah Harry, Theodor
Herzl, Tony Orlando, Daniel Radcliffe, Dave Ramsey, Tony Randall, Dan Rather, Otis Redding, Donna
Reed, Della Reese, Debbie Reynolds, Denise Richards, Don Rickles, Diana Rigg, Tony Roberts, Edward G.
Robinson, Theodore Roosevelt, Diana Ross, David Lee Roth, Darius Rucker, Todd Rundgren, Dionne
Warwick, Trisha Yearwood
15 – Eddie Albert, Woody Allen, Danny Elfman, Edward Elgar, T. S. Eliot, Duke Ellington, Edmund Hillary,
Doc Holliday, Dalai Lama, Dorothy Lamour, D. H. Lawrence, Dennis Leary, Timothy Leary, Heath Ledger,
Tom Lehrer, David Letterman, Adam Levine, Daniel Day Lewis, Demi Lovato, Ada Lovelace, Dolph
Lundgren, David Lynch, Tracey Ullman, Ted Williams
16 – Dave Chappelle, Dick Cheney, Dale Chihuly, Deepak Chopra, Teri Hatcher, Dean Jagger, Thomas
Jefferson, Dwayne Johnson, Davy Jones, Dean Jones, Tom Jones, Tommy Lee Jones, Dinah Shore, Dmitri
Shostakovich, Denzel Washington, Deng Xiaoping
17 – Dan Aykroyd, Dyan Cannon, Eddie Cantor, Truman Capote, Drew Carey, Dale Carnegie, David
Carradine, Dana Carvey, Dick Cavett, Tom Clancy, Dick Clark, Ty Cobb, Tim Conway, D. B. Cooper, David
Copperfield, Davy Crockett, Tom Cruise, Tim Curry, Tony Curtis, Thomas Gainsborough, Teri Garr, Dizzy
Gillespie, Danny Glover, Dick Grayson, D. W. Griffith, Woody Guthrie, Tony Hawk, Ethan Hawke, Dwayne
Hickman, Donna Karan, Danny Kaye, Diane Keaton, DeForest Kelley, Edward M. Kennedy, Otto
Klemperer, Heidi Klum, Ted Koppel, Dennis Quaid, Dan Quayle
18 – Dale Evans, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Dakota Fanning, Tina Fey, W. C. Fields, David Frost, Dustin
Hoffman, Douglas Hofstadter, Dick Van Dyke, Eddie Van Halen
19 – Tammy Faye Bakker, Tyra Banks, Theda Bara, Drew Barrymore, David Beckham, David Ben-Gurion,
Tony Bennett, Tim Berners-Lee, Dan Blocker, Daniel Boone, Debby Boone, David Bowie, Terry Bradshaw,
Tom Brady, David Brinkley, Tom Brokaw, Dave Brubeck, Delta Burke, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tim Burton,
Audrey Hepburn, Dennis Hopper, Hedda Hopper, Dorothy Parker, Dolly Parton, Itzhak Perlman, Tyler
Perry, Edgar Allen Poe, Tyrone Power, Otto Preminger, Daniel Webster

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20 – Andre Citroen, Anwar Sadat, Neil Sedaka, Andres Segovia, Neil Simon, Nancy Sinatra, Han Solo,
Napoleon Solo, Ann Sothern
21 – Honoré Daumier, Neil Diamond, Nancy Drew, Napoleon Dynamite, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Nikola
Tesla, Henry David Thoreau, Andrew Wyeth, N. C. Wyeth
22 – Hans Christian Anderson, Wayne Newton, Henry Winkler, Neil Young, Henny Youngman
23 – Norm MacDonald, Norman Mailer, Henry Mancini, Nelson Mandela, Henri Matisse, Andre Michelin
24 – Hank Aaron, Neil Armstrong, Ayn Rand, Nancy Reagan, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Nora Roberts,
Norman Rockwell, Andy Rooney, Nipsey Russell, Andy Warhol
25 – Ann Landers, Angela Lansbury, Anton LaVey, Norman Lear, Hannibal Lecter, Annie Leibovitz, Andy
Williams, Wendy Williams, Owen Wilson
26 – Winston Churchill, Andrew Jackson, Angelina Jolie, Indiana Jones, Norah Jones
27 – Andre Agassi, Nicolas Cage, Naomi Campbell, Andrew Carnegie, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Enrico
Caruso, Nat King Cole, Nadia Comaneci, Indira Gandhi, Andy Gibb, Henry Gibson, Newt Gingrich, Wayne
Gretzky, Andy Griffith, Enrique Iglesias, Andy Kaufman, Hank Ketcham, Nikita Khrushchev, Nicole
Kidman, Henry Kissinger, Annie Oakley, Anthony Quinn
28 – Enrico Fermi, Ian Fleming, Henry Fonda, Henry Ford, Anne Frank, Antonio Vivaldi
29 – Anne Bancroft, Ingmar Bergman, Ingrid Bergman, Andrea Bocelli, Niels Bohr, Napoleon Bonaparte,
Anthony Hopkins, Norman Vincent Peale, Nancy Pelosi, Andre Previn, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Noah

30 – Miley Cyrus, Emilio Estevez, Marie Osmond, Mort Sahl, Martin Scorsese, Maurice Sendak, Homer
Simpson, Marge Simpson, Emmitt Smith, Mickey Spillane, Mark Spitz, Martha Stewart, Meryl Streep,
Mae West, Max Yasgur, Mark Zuckerberg
31 – Mortimer Adler, Matt Damon, Miles Davis, Michael Dell, Marlene Dietrich, Matt Dillon, Michael
Douglas, Mike Douglas, Matt Drudge, Mary Baker Eddy, Melissa Ethridge, Margaret Thatcher, Marlo
Thomas, Emma Thompson, Uma Thurman, Mel Tillis, Marisa Tomei, Mel Torme, Mao Tse-tung, Mark
Twain, Mike Tyson
32 – Maya Angelou, Marc Anthony, Marie Antoinette, Michael Nesmith, Marlon Wayans, Amy
33 – Mark Hamill, M. C. Hammer, Margaux Hemingway, Mary Magdalene, Marilyn Manson, Mickey
Mantle, Marcel Marceau, Mary Martin, Malcolm McDowell, Marty McFly, Mark McGwire, Malcolm
McLaren, Marshall McLuhan, Mitch Miller, Amedeo Modigliani, Marilyn Monroe, Maria Montessori,
Mary Tyler Moore, Michael Moore, Modest Mussorgsky, Mike Myers
34 – Amelia Earhart, Moe Howard, Amy Irving, Maurice Ravel, Mary Lou Retton, Max Roach, Mickey
Rooney, Mark Rothko, Meg Ryan
35 – Marv Albert, Muhammad Ali, Missy Elliott, Monty Hall, Martin Landau, Michael Landon Jr., Mario
Lanza, Matt Lauer, Mary Leakey, Meadowlark Lemon, Monica Lewinsky, Max Lucado, Martin Luther,
Mark Wahlberg, Mike Wallace, Mason Williams
36 – Marc Chagall, Maurice Chevalier, M. C. Escher, Mahalia Jackson, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger,
Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Amy Schumer, Omar Sharif, Martin Sheen, Martin Short
37 – Michael Caine, Maria Callas, Mariah Carey, Mary Cassatt, Mike Connors, Michael Crichton, Mark
Cuban, Merce Cunningham, Mario Cuomo, Marie Curie, Muammar Gadhafi, Mahatma Gandhi, Marvin
Gaye, Mel Gibson, Mickey Gilley, Mikhail Gorbachev, Maxim Gorky, Amy Grant, Merv Griffin, Melanie

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Griffith, Matt Groening, Milt Gross, Merle Haggard, Mike Huckabee, Madeline Kahn, Mitch Kapor,
Michael Keaton, Emmett Kelly, Margot Kidder, Martin Luther King Jr., Michael Kors
38 – Mia Farrow, Marty Feldman, Mel Ferrer, Michael Flatley, Malcolm Forbes, Miloš Forman, Megan
Fox, Michael J. Fox, Morgan Freeman, Milton Friedman, Amerigo Vespucci
39 – Mikhail Baryshnikov, Menachem Begin, Milton Berle, Mayim Bialik, Mel Blanc, Michael Bloomberg,
Humphrey Bogart, Michael Bolton, Marlon Brando, Matthew Broderick, Emily Bronte, Mel Brooks, Molly
Brown, Maxfield Parrish, Mandy Patinkin, Minnie Pearl, I. M. Pei, Matthew Perry, Mary Pickford, Max

40 – Erik Estrada, Hermann Hesse, Howard Hughes, Erik Satie, Ryan Seacrest, Rod Serling, Richard
Simmons, Red Skelton, Ringo Starr, Rod Steiger, Howard Stern, Rod Stewart, Richard Strauss, Ruth
Westheimer, Renée Zellweger, Robert Zemeckis, Rob Zombie
41 – Roger Daltrey, Rodney Dangerfield, Robert De Niro, Robert DeLeo, Rene Descartes, Robert Downey
Jr., Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Duvall, Harry Houdini, Rock Hudson, Rosie O'Donnell, Art Tatum, Arturo
Toscanini, Harry Truman, Reese Witherspoon
42 – Ursula Andress, Herbie Hancock, Ralph Nader, Harriet Nelson, Rick Nelson, Randy Newman, Richard
Nixon, Rudolf Nureyev, Aristotle Onassis, Ryan O'Neal, Weird Al Yankovic
43 – Roald Amundsen, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Armand Hammer, Ernest Hemingway, Rene Magritte,
Herbie Mann, Rocky Marciano, Rose Marie, Roger Maris, Harpo Marx, Ronald McDonald, Roddy
McDowall, Herman Melville, Harvey Milk, Roger Miller, Ricardo Montalban, Roger Moore, Rick Moranis,
Rupert Murdoch, Arthur Murray
44 – Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle, Rex Harrison, Ron Howard, Roy Orbison, Harold Ramis, Robert
Rauschenberg, Rachel Ray, Ronald Reagan, Robert Redford, Rex Reed, Oral Roberts, Robbie Roberts,
Richard Rodgers, Roy Rogers, Ray Romano, Rita Rudner, Orville Wright
45 – Herb Alpert, Harlan Ellison, Ralph Ellison, Arsenio Hall, Ralph Lauren, Robin Leach, Robert E. Lee,
Roy Lichtenstein, Rush Limbaugh, Art Linkletter, Ray Liotta, Harold Lloyd, Raquel Welch, Orson Welles,
Robin Williams
46 – Arthur Ashe, Raymond Chandler, Ray Charles, Ricky Gervais, Rudy Giuliani, Randy Jackson, Reggie
Jackson, Arte Johnson, Erica Jong, Earl Scheib, Robert Schuller, Robert Schumann, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Ravi Shankar
47 – Herb Caen, Rachel Carson, Roy Clark, Arthur C. Clarke, Roger Clemens, Aaron Copland, Roger
Corman, Howard Cosell, Robert Cray, Russell Crowe, Yuri Gagarin, Erle Stanley Gardner, Art Garfunkel,
Uri Geller, Richard Gere, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Robin Givens, Rube Goldberg, Robert Goulet, Rosie Grier,
Arlo Guthrie, Howard Hawks, Harvey Keitel, R. Kelly, Robert F. Kennedy, Rudyard Kipling, Earl Klugh,
Harvey Korman, Ernie Kovacs, Ray Kroc, Randy Quaid
48 – Richard Avedon, Roger Federer, Richard Feynman, Arthur Fiedler, Harvey Fierstein, Roberta Flack,
Errol Flynn, Harrison Ford, Redd Foxx, Aretha Franklin, Robert Frost, Richard Hofstadter, Regis Philben,
River Phoenix, Rudy Vallee, Robert Vaughn, Richard Wagner
49 – Ralph Bakshi, Rocky Balboa, Roger Bannister, Roseanne Barr, Warren Beatty, Harry Belafonte, Ralph
Bellamy, Richard Benjamin, Irving Berlin, Hershel Bernardi, Orlando Bloom, Ray Bolger, Erma Bombeck,
Jorge Luis Borges, Ernest Borgnine, Ray Bradbury, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, Eric Burdon,
Raymond Burr, Richard Burton, Red Buttons, Ruth Buzzi, Roger Ebert, Arnold Palmer, Rosa Parks, Irving
Penn, Ross Perot, Roman Polansky, Harry Potter

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50 – Langston Hughes, Olivia Hussey, Lee Harvey Oswald, Oliver Sacks, William Safire, Alexander
Nikolayevich Scriabin, William Seward, Luke Skywalker, Will Smith, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Alfred
Stieglitz, Oliver Stone, Levi Strauss, Hilary Swank
51 – Leonardo da Vinci, Larry David, Ellen DeGeneres, Leonardo DiCaprio, Walt Disney, E. L. Doctorow,
Alexandre Dumas, Lauren Hutton, Elizabeth Taylor, Alice B. Toklas, Leo Tolstoy, Lily Tomlin, Linus
Torvalds, Alex Trebek, Leon Trotsky, Lana Turner, Liv Tyler, Walt Whitman, Elijah Wood
52 – Albert Einstein, Helen Hunt, Liam Neeson, Willie Nelson, Alfred E. Newman, Helmut Newton, Leslie
Nielsen, Leonard Nimoy, Alfred Nobel, Alex North, Oliver North, Loudon Wainwright, Walter Winchell
53 – Alexander Hamilton, Linda Hamilton, Lionel Hampton, Ali MacGraw, Elle Macpherson, William H.
Macy, Lee Majors, Lee Marvin, Walter Matthau, Elaine May, Willie Mays, Ally McBeal, Lionel Messi, Liza
Minnelli, Helen Mirren, Elizabeth Montgomery, Alanis Morissette, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Elon
54 – Alan Arkin, Lance Armstrong, Louis Armstrong, William Hurt, Lou Reed, Lou Reed, Lionel Richie, Will
Rogers, Al Roker, Eleanor Roosevelt, Leon Russell, Wilbur Wright
55 – Alex Haley, Louis L'Amour, Lois Lane, Lucy Lawless, Louis Leakey, Elmore Leonard, Hal Lindsey, Lyle
Lovett, Louis Lumiere, Lex Luthor, Laurence Olivier, Olive Oyl, Liv Ullmann, Eli Wallach, Lawrence Welk
56 – Wilt Chamberlain, Lon Chaney, Alfred Hitchcock, Alan Jackson, Lebron James, Elton John, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Al Jolson, Albert Schweitzer, William Shakespeare, William Shatner, Wallace Shawn, Ally
Sheedy, Allan Sherman
57 – Alexander Calder, Al Capone, Al Capp, Leo G. Carroll, Lewis Carroll, Oleg Cassini, Eldridge Cleaver,
Hillary Clinton, Alice Cooper, Elvis Costello, Lou Costello, Lara Croft, Walter Cronkite, Lou Gehrig, Allen
Ginsberg, Al Gore, Elliott Gould, Ulysses S. Grant, Al Green, Lorne Greene, Alan Greenspan, Wild Bill
Hickok, Hulk Hogan, Lee Iacocca, Julio Iglesias, Helen Keller, Alicia Keys, Alan King, Larry King
58 – Louis Farrakhan, Will Ferrell, Lou Ferrigno, Larry Fine, Ella Fitzgerald, Alexander Fleming, Larry Flynt,
Al Franken, Elmer Fudd, Allen Funt, Lech Walesa
59 – Alec Baldwin, Lucille Ball, L. Frank Baum, L. L. Bean, Ludwig (van) Beethoven, Alexander Graham
Bell, Leonard Bernstein, Halle Berry, Larry Bird, Wolf Blitzer, Lizzie Borden, Louis Braille, Walter Brennan,
Lloyd Bridges, Lenny Bruce, Yul Brynner, William F. Buckley Jr., Luis Bunuel, Luther Burbank, William
Burroughs, Ellen Burstyn, Laura Bush, L. Ron Hubbard, Al Pacino, Louis Pasteur, Les Paul, Linus Pauling,
Luciano Pavarotti, William Penn, Elvis Presley, Wolfgang Puck

60 – Julian Assange, Julius Caesar, George Eastman, Charlton Heston, John Houseman, Sharon
Osbourne, Joel Osteen, Jonathan Sachs, J. D. Salinger, Jonas Salk, Jean Paul Sartre, George C. Scott,
George Segal, Jerry Seinfeld, Georges Seurat, Jane Seymour, Jean Sibelius, Shel Silverstein, Gene
Simmons, Jessica Simpson, O. J. Simpson, Jaclyn Smith, George Soros, John Philip Sousa, Jack Sparrow,
Charles Spurgeon, Joseph Stalin, Jean Stapleton, John Steinbeck, George Stephanopoulos, Jimmy
Stewart, Jon Stewart, Sharon Stone, Jonathan Swift
61 – Charles Addams, Charles Atlas, James Audubon, Gene Autry, Charlie Daniels, Jeff Daniels, Charles
Darwin, Geena Davis, Charles de Gaulle, James Dean, Jimmy Dean, Jack Dempsey, Judy Dench, John
Denver, Gerard Depardieu, Johnny Depp, Charles Dickens, Joe DiMaggio, John Doe, Jimmy Durante,
Joseph Haydn, Jennifer Love Hewitt, George Takei, Jacques Tati, Channing Tatum, James Taylor, Georg
Philipp Telemann, Shirley Temple, Charlize Theron, James Thurber, Cheryl Tiegs, Justin Timberlake, J. R.
R. Tolkien, John Travolta, Shania Twain, Shaun White

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62 – Julie Andrews, Jennifer Aniston, George Friederic Handel, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Henson, Chet Huntley,
Eugene Ionesco, Jim Nabors, Joe Namath, Jack Nicholson, Jack Nicklaus, Chuck Norris, Jay North,
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Shaquille O'Neal, Eugene O'Neill, Jesse Owens, John Wayne, Johnny Winter,
Jonathan Winters, Shelley Winters
63 – Shirley MacLaine, John Madden, Jerry Maguire, Jayne Mansfield, Charles Manson, Chico Marx,
Johnny Mathis, Josh McDowell, George McGovern, Shawn Michaels, Ho Chi Minh, Joni Mitchell, Joe
Montana, Jim Morrison, Jelly Roll Morton
64 – George Harrison, Shemp Howard, John Hurt, Jill Ireland, Jeremy Irons, Washington Irving, Eugene
Ormandy, George Orwell, Jon Benet Ramsey, George Reeves, Django Reinhardt, Judge Reinhold, Jean
Renoir, Charles Ringling, John Ritter, Geraldo Rivera, Joan Rivers, Julia Roberts, Jackie Robinson, John D.
Rockefeller, Gene Roddenberry, Ginger Rogers, Gena Rowlands, J. K. Rowling, Jane Russell
65 – Jack Albertson, Sherlock Holmes, Jack LaLanne, John Landis, John Le Carre, Gypsy Rose Lee, Jack
Lemmon, John Lennon, Jay Leno, Jerry Lewis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Shari Lewis, Charles Lindbergh, June
Lockhart, Gina Lollobrigida, Jack London, George Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, Joe Louis, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, H.
P. Lovecraft, Jon Lovitz, George Lucas, Jane Lynch, H. G. Wells, Gene Wilder, Joe Williams, John Williams
66 – Jackie Chan, Charlie Chaplin, Chevy Chase, Chubby Checker, G. K. Chesterton, Julia Child, Chief Dan
George, Janet Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Jesse James, J. Jonah Jameson, Joan Jett, Jasper Johns, James Earl
Jones, James Joyce, Charles Schulz, Charles Schwab, George Shearing, Charlie Sheen, George
67 – James Caan, John Cage, James Cagney, James Cameron, John Candy, George Carlin, John Carpenter,
Jim Carrey, Johnny Carson, Jimmy Carter, Johnny Cash, Jesus Christ, John Cleese, George Clooney, Joe
Cocker, Jean Cocteau, George M. Cohan, Joan Collins, Judy Collins, Chuck Colson, Sean Connery, Chuck
Connors, Jackie Cooper, Jacques Cousteau, Jim Croce, Sheryl Crow, Jamie Lee Curtis, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Joe
Garagiola, Jerry Garcia, Judy Garland, George Gershwin, J. Paul Getty, H. R. Giger, Jackie Gleason, John
Glenn, George Gobel, Jean Luc Godard, Jeff Goldblum, Shecky Greene, Josh Groban, Che Guevara,
Johannes Gutenberg, Jake Gyllenhaal, Gene Hackman, John Lee Hooker, George Jetson, Jane Jetson, Ish
Kabibble, Chiang Kai-Shek, John Katz, Gene Kelly, John F. Kennedy, Johannes Kepler, Jack Kerouac, Jack
Kevorkian, Chaka Khan, Jean-Claude Killy, Charles Everett Koop, Charles Krauthammer, Gene Krupa,
Charles Kuralt, Ashton Kutcher, Georgia O'Keeffe, Chuck Yeager
68 – Chris Evert, Jerry Falwell, Jules Feiffer, Jane Fonda, Gerald R. Ford, George Foreman, Jodie Foster,
Jeff Foxworthy, Jamie Foxx, J. Edgar Hoover, Charles Ives, Jacques Offenbach, Jean-Claude Van Damme,
Jesse Ventura, Giuseppe Verdi, Jan Vermeer, Jules Verne, Gianni Versace, Jon Voight
69 – Charles Babbage, Johann Sebastian Bach, John Backus, Joan Baez, Ginger Baker, Josephine Baker,
Jim Bakker, Charles Barkley, Gene Barry, John Belushi, Jack Benny, Chuck Berry, Joe Biden, Justin Bieber,
Jessica Biel, Georges Bizet, Jack Black, Jon Bon Jovi, James Bond, Jason Bourne, Johannes Brahms, Jeff
Bridges, Charles Bronson, Charlie Brown, James Brown, Jerry Brown, Jim Brown, Jimmy Buffett,
Genevieve Bujold, Charles Bukowski, George Burns, George W. Bush, Jack Palance, Charlie Bird Parker,
George Patton, Sean Penn, J. C. Penney, Jean Piaget, George Plimpton, James K. Polk, Jackson Pollock,
Georges Pompidou, Jean Luc Ponty, Juliet Prowse, Giacomo Puccini, Joseph Pulitzer

70 – Clint Eastwood, Gloria Estafan, Carl Sagan, Camille Saint-Saëns, Claudio Sanchez, Carl Sandburg,
Colonel Harland Sanders, Carlos Santana, Igor Sikorsky, Carly Simon, Christian Slater, Grace Slick, Yakov
Smirnoff, Kate Smith, Kevin Spacey, Gwen Stefani, Gertrude Stein, Gloria Steinem, Casey Stengel, Connie
Stevens, Cat Stevens, Gale Storm, Igor Stravinsky, Kanye West
71 – Claude Debussy, Catherine Deneuve, Cameron Diaz, Kirk Douglas, Keir Dullea, Kirsten Dunst, Kate
Hudson, Quentin Tarantino, Corrie Ten Boom, Clarence Thomas, Grant Wood

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72 – Criss Angel, Kofi Annan, Goldie Hawn, Gregory Hines, Gladys Knight, Ogden Nash, Carrie Nation,
Greg Norman, Yoko Ono, Carrie Underwood, Kate Winslet
73 – Gustav Mahler, Karl Malden, Guglielmo Marconi, Garry Marshall, Groucho Marx, Karl Marx, Curtis
Mayfield, Golda Meir, Karl Menninger, Glenn Miller, Kylie Minogue, Carmen Miranda, Claude Monet,
Garry Moore, Garrett Morris, Grandma Moses
74 – Curly Howard, Kathy Ireland, Gilda Radner, Claude Rains, Christopher Reeves, Keanu Reeves, Carl
Reiner, Christina Ricci, Condoleezza Rice, Keith Richards, Guy Ritchie, Chris Rock, Auguste Rodin, Kenny
Rogers, Kurt Russell
75 – Kirstie Alley, Carmen Electra, Cass Elliot, Conrad Hilton, Katie Holmes, Gary Larson, Carol Lawrence,
Christopher Lee, Carl Lewis, Gyorgy Ligeti, Christopher Lloyd, Guy Lombardo, Courtney Love, Auguste
Lumiere, Christopher Walken, Gahan Wilson
76 – Coco Chanel, Carol Channing, Connie Chung, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Ken Jennings, Catherine Zeta
Jones, Quincy Jones, Kim Jong-Il, Janis Joplin, Carl Jung, Garry Shandling
77 – Christina Aguilera, Cab Calloway, Glen Campbell, Karen Carpenter, Keith Carradine, Carlos
Castaneda, Agatha Christie, Kelly Clarkson, Grover Cleveland, Glenn Close, Kurt Cobain, Gary Coleman,
Christopher Columbus, Calvin Coolidge, Gary Cooper, Kenneth Copeland, Kevin Costner, Katie Couric,
Chris Cross, Clark Gable, Galileo Galilei, Greta Garbo, Hugo Gernsback, Kahlil Gibran, Kathie Lee Gifford,
Gilbert Gottfried, Glenn Gould, Kelsey Grammer, Cary Grant, Clark Griswold, Gil Kane, Gabriel Kaplan,
Kourtney Kardashian, Casey Kasem, Garrison Keillor, Grace Kelly, Caroline Kennedy, Clark Kent, Carole
King, Calvin Klein, Akira Kurosawa, Carroll O'Connor
78 – Chris Farley, Guy Fieri, Carrie Fisher, Carrie Fisher, Calista Flockhart, Glenn Ford, Connie Francis,
Joaquin Phoenix, Gore Vidal, Carl Maria von Weber, Kurt Vonnegut
79 – Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Kevin Bacon, Christian Bale, Count Basie, Glenn Beck, Candice Bergen,
Yogi Berra, Christie Brinkley, Garth Brooks, Kobe Bryant, Carol Burnett, August Anheuser Busch, Gary
Busey, Katharine Hepburn, Grace Murray Hopper, Conan O'Brien, Gwyneth Paltrow, Gregory Peck, Katy
Perry, Camille Pissarro, Cole Porter, Colin Powell

80 – Fred Astaire, Vidal Sassoon, Phil Silvers, Frank Sinatra, Phil Spector, Frank Zappa, Franco Zeffirelli,
Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
81 – Yvonne DeCarlo, Vin Diesel, Phyllis Diller, Fats Domino, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Fran Drescher, Faye
Dunaway, Francois Truffaut, Forest Whitaker, Vanna White
82 – Frederich Nietzsche
83 – Fred MacMurray, Victor Mature, Phil McGraw, Felix Mendelssohn, Eva Mendes, Freddie Mercury,
Van Morrison
84 – Vladimir Horowitz, Vanessa Redgrave, Fred Rogers, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Philip Roth, Frank Lloyd
85 – Faith Hill, Evander Holyfield, Veronica Lake, Fritz Lang, Yves Saint Laurent, Fran Lebowitz, Vivian
Leigh, Vladimir Lenin, Franz Liszt, Vince Lombardi, Eva Longoria, Fats Waller, Vanessa Williams, Flip
Wilson, Virginia Woolf
86 – Frederic Chopin, Victoria Jackson, Van Johnson, Francis Schaeffer, Franz Schubert
87 – Frank Capra, Fidel Castro, Van Cliburn, Phil Collins, Francis Ford Coppola, Frasier Crane, Frank
Gehry, Frank Gifford, Vince Gill, Philip Glass, Frank Gorshin, Francisco Goya, Franklin Graham, Forrest
Gump, Fred Gwynne, Victor Hugo, Franz Kafka, Frida Kahlo, Wassily Kandinsky, Francis Scott Key, Val
Kilmer, Evel Knievel, Flannery O'Connor

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Major system toolkit v1.0.9

88 – Frankie Avalon, Farah Fawcett, Federico Fellini, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Victor Fleming, Fred Flintstone,
Felicity Huffman, Frankie Valli, Vincent Van Gogh, Vivian Vance, Vince Vaughn, Wernher von Braun
89 – F. Murray Abraham, Francis Bacon, Valerie Bertinelli, Victor Borge, Fanny Brice, Fess Parker, Ivan
Pavlov, Eva Peron, Vincent Price, Freddie Prinze, Vladimir Putin

90 – Bennett Cerf, Paul Cezanne, Billy Ray Cyrus, Bob Saget, Pierre Salinger, Bernie Sanders, Boz Scaggs,
Pete Seeger, Bob Seger, Peter Sellers, Paul Shaffer, Beverly Sills, Paul Simon, Bart Simpson, B. F. Skinner,
Boris Spassky, Britney Spears, Brent Spiner, Baruch Spinoza, Benjamin Spock, Bruce Springsteen, Barbara
Stanwyck, Ben Stein, Patrick Stewart, Ben Stiller, Bram Stoker, Barbra Streisand, Preston Sturges, Billy
Sunday, Patrick Swayze, Peter Ustinov, Abraham Zapruder
91 – Bette Davis, Brian de Palma, Benicio Del Toro, Patrick Dempsey, Bob Denver, Bo Derek, Bruce Dern,
Bo Diddley, Benjamin Disraeli, Bob Dole, Bob Dylan, Barbara Eden, Billy Idol, Peter O'Toole, Bernie
Taupin, Billy Bob Thornton, Barry White, E. B. White, Perry White, Bob Woodward
92 – Pamela Anderson, Brian Eno, Patrick Henry, Benny Hinn, Beyoncé Knowles, Peter Nero, Benjamin
Netanyahu, Bob Newhart, Paul Newman, Bill Nye, Apolo Anton Ohno, Bruce Wayne, Oprah Winfrey,
Burt Young
93 – Benoit Mandelbrot, Barry Manilow, Bob Marley, Penny Marshall, Abraham Maslow, Bat Masterson,
Peter Max, Paul McCartney, Patrick McGoohan, Bette Midler, Piet Mondrian, Piers Morgan, Pat Morita,
Bill Murray, Benito Mussolini
94 – Benedict Arnold, Bea Arthur, Paul Harvey, Pee-Wee Herman, Barbara Hershey, Bill O'Reilly, Pierre
Auguste Renoir, Paul Reubens, Paul Revere, Burt Reynolds, Buddy Rich, Pat Robertson, Betsy Ross,
Barney Rubble, Peter Paul Rubens, Bertrand Russell, Babe Ruth, Burt Ward
95 – Benny Hill, Paris Hilton, Billie Holiday, Buddy Holly, Bert Lahr, Burt Lancaster, Bruce Lee, Abraham
Lincoln, Peggy Lipton, Peter Lorre, Bela Lugosi, Paul Lynde, Barbara Walters, Billy Wilder, Billy Dee
Williams, Bruce Willis, Brian Wilson, Boris Yeltsin
96 – Bruce Jenner, Billie Joel, Billy Joel, Bridget Jones, Brooke Shields, Pauly Shore, Peter Ilyich
Tchaikovsky, Booker T. Washington
97 – Pierre Cardin, Butch Cassidy, Petula Clark, Patsy Cline, Bill Clinton, Bruce Cockburn, Perry Como, Bill
Cosby, Buster Crabbe, Bob Crane, Bing Crosby, Billy Crystal, Peter Gabriel, Brad Garrett, Bill Gates, Paul
Gauguin, Bruce Geller, Barry Gibb, Whoopi Goldberg, Bobcat Goldthwait, Barry Goldwater, Benny
Goodman, Billy Graham, Buddy Guy, Boris Karloff, Buster Keaton, Bob Keeshan, B.B. King, Billie Jean
King, Ben Kingsley, Porter Wagner
98 – Ben Affleck, Peter Falk, Brett Farve, Boba Fett, Bobby Fischer, Bela Fleck, Peggy Fleming, Peter
Fonda, Betty Ford, Bob Fosse, Peter Frampton, Barney Frank, Benjamin Franklin, Abbie Hoffman, Burl
Ives, Abigail Van Buren, Paul Verhoeven, Pancho Villa
99 – Bud Abbott, Paula Abdul, Bella Abzug, Burt Bacharach, Bilbo Baggins, Beetle Bailey, Pearl Bailey,
Barbara Bain, Brigitte Bardot, Bob Barker, P. T. Barnum, Béla Bartók, Boris Becker, Pat Benatar, Busby
Berkeley, Bill Bixby, Barry Bonds, Pat Boone, Betty Boop, Barbara Boxer, Peter Boyle, Pierce Brosnan,
Bobby Brown, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Brett Butler, Buddy Ebsen, Bob Hope, Barack Obama, Brad
Paisley, Blaise Pascal, Pat Paulsen, Pablo Picasso, Paloma Picasso, Brad Pitt, Beatrix Potter, Priscilla

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