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A. What are the specific components of the PE courses taught by the participants?

Theme Sub-theme Extracted Non-verbatim

Components of Wellness (topic) wellness…

Fitness (topic) Fitness…

(topic) physical fitness…

(topic) physical activity towards health and fitness…


Sports Individual and dual (topic) Individual /Dual Sports…


Team sports (topic) Team Sports…

(topic) Volleyball…

PE Active recreation (topic) Active Recreation

(topic) the common topic that I taught during this new normal is active
recreational activities…

recreational outside activity…

Rhythmic Activities Rythmic Activities…

Foundation of which includes first aid, history & basic skills of different sports, sports
Physical Education officiating, common injuries & prevention and etc…

Dances Cheer and dance Cheer Dance

Hip-hop dance Hip - Hop Dance…

Philippine folk Philippine Folk Dances…

Asian influences Asian Influences…

B. What are the common practices of the participants in teaching these PE courses during the face-to-face

mode of instruction?

Theme Sub-theme Extracted Non-verbatim

Lecturing Application …application, and activities where they will move their bodies.

…the lesson is all about or do performance tasks…

Demonstration …to interpret and demonstrate to them first the Literature of the dance

…do demonstrations and…

Execution …let my students experience on how to execute the different skills in Volleyball

Instruction …I discuss the most necessary information about the topic,

Individualized …individualised instruction for my students


Collaborative Task Teaching …task teaching ofcoures this may help me to determine my students on what do
they need to excel and what would they need to improve

… ofcourse cooperative learning

… peer station,

Recorded Video Lesson Sample

… simulation and active teaching

C. What are the creative strategies and techniques employed by the participants in teaching PE courses to

ensure the students’ acquisition of the desired knowledge and skills in the New Normal?

Theme Sub-theme Extracted Non-verbatim

Gadgets Application … I created a page per grade level, I do upload videos related to our

Online Class …google meet,online class,…

Video Themselves …for the activities and their performances I required video presentation

…I let them video their selves, at least to check if the students will do the
proper execution

GC … I maximized the use of social media.

… Thru groupchats

Messaging … Constant communication of parents, students, teachers and administrators is

done in our school

… and personal messaging

Links … And for the quiz and exams I use links and put a due time

Presentation (PPT) … I use powerpoint presentation for my discussion and

Individualized Improvise Equipment … improvise equipment that is similar to the actual equipment that they can use
Instruction … I just let them do the shadow movement

Demonstrate … I demonstrate to them first before they will execute it.

… Letting them to demonstrate the basic dance steps

Pointers Hints … give some pointers/hints in tackling their task or topic.

“No pressure policy” …We don't have deadlines because we promote 'No pressure policy'
…we always guide our students and encourage to pass on time and finish

D. The struggles which the participants met related to PE instruction in the blended classroom.

Theme Sub-theme Extracted Non-verbatim

Connectivity Poor Internet …most of them saying that they are struggling with their connections

Stability Of I.C … Internet Connections,(3)

…is the stability of internet connection of my students

Dishonesty Makes an Excuses They will always make an excuses just to refused those academic purposes.

Excessive access …students now learn the given dance through the dance video that they can search
it from youtube

Plagiarism They also copy each others answers which means, they are not really serious…

Financial Financial Support / … cannot attend due to financial in need.

need … no enough gadget to cope up with the trend in online class approach of

Time Management Difficulty in …some students cannot pass their output on time
passing performances
… difficulty in passing performances

Accessibility Working environment …can't execute the action properly because of the space

Online Application …can’t have an application


not doing their P.T Most students are not doing their performance tasks…
Peer Pressure peer pressure

Modules distribution difficulty on providing modules

Instruction Comprehension …can't check on the proper way how to do it step by step.

They are not reading … They are not also reading their modules that is why they keep on complaining
their modules and asking about our lessons.

E. How do participants cope with these struggles associated with PE instruction?

Theme Sub-theme Extracted Non-verbatim

Instructions Repetitive Teaching I'll make sure that in my instructions I will repeat it twice or mare that for
Style them to be cleared…

Advance Teaching we cannot interact with them physically now but still there is a good way to do
so with the help of social meet,online classes,online classroom

Teaching aid I am giving them as well links where they can get more knowledge on how to do a
certain task…

… I give my power point to my students for them to at least cope with into our

Documenting and …I document myself demonstrating each of the dance steps based on the literature

Simple Activity …I made their activities more simple…

Communication Classroom Management … I need to be angry just one time so that they will realize also their mistake
and to remind them for their responsibilities as a student.

… I will explain that even though this is just a Physical Education subjects
that anyone of them can ignore, still this is one of their subject that is
needed to pass for their moving up ceremony.

Motivation I always motivate my students

Teacher-parent I talk with their parents all the time.


Work place awareness …be more flexible, optimistic, patient, systematic, on what/how we deliver our

… changing old ways of teaching to a new one

Consideration No pressure policy I gave enough time for them to pass on their outputs.

I always tell them not to force themselves and just enjoy.

Counselling home visitation We usually give remediation to students through home visitation and counselling

SAMPLE FORMAT: The table above shows the responses of participants on what challenges they have encountered
affecting their well-being. There are eight generate major themes namely: Sleeplessness, emotional stability,
roles, frustrations, stress, procrastination, exhaustion, and body image. Emotional stability, roles and
stress generate 4, 3 and 2 subthemes, respectively. Depression, anxiety, overthinking, and mood swings were
subthemes of emotional stability. As for Roles, its subthemes are peer pressure, family pressure, and academic
pressure. While for stress, personal stress and academic stress are its subthemes.

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