Byung Chocho I 2001

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1, FEBRUARY 2001

Modeling and Small-Signal Analysis of Controlled

On-Time Boost Power-Factor-Correction Circuit
Byungcho Choi, Member, IEEE, Sung-Soo Hong, and Hyokil Park

Abstract—A large-signal average model for the controlled

on-time boost power-factor-correction (PFC) circuit is developed
and subsequently linearized, resulting in a small-signal model for
the PFC circuit. AC analyses are performed using the small-signal
model, revealing new results on the small-signal dynamics of
the PFC circuit. The analysis results and model predictions are
confirmed with experimental measurements on a 200-W prototype
PFC circuit.
Index Terms—Average model, controlled on-time boost power-
factor-correction circuit, small-signal modeling and analysis.


T HE controlled on-time boost power-factor-correction

(PFC) circuit [1], [2] has been widely used for low-power
applications, however, research results on the modeling and
dynamic analysis of the PFC circuit are limited. There is no
existing report on an average model that predicts the time-do-
main dynamics of the PFC circuit. Accordingly, when studying
the large-signal transient behavior of the PFC circuit, reliance
is placed on a discrete-time model that requires excessive
computational time. Furthermore, since the high-frequency
small-signal model for the controlled on-time boost PFC circuit
has not been presented as yet, a low-frequency small-signal
model derived from the power balance condition [3] has been
used for the analysis and design of the PFC circuit. However,
this paper will show that the existing low-frequency model is
inaccurate in predicting the phase characteristics of the PFC
circuit. Accordingly, a control design based on the low-fre-
Fig. 1. Controlled on-time boost PFC circuit. (a) Schematic diagram. (b)
quency model can overestimate the phase margin of the PFC Major waveforms: s represents the slope of the ramp signal, s is the on-time
circuit. This inaccuracy of the low-frequency model becomes slope of the inductor current, and s is the off-time slope of the inductor
increasingly consequential when the control bandwidth of the current.
PFC circuit expands with the employment of auxiliary means
of removing low frequency ripple from the output voltage, for time-domain behavior of the PFC circuit. When implemented
example, the addition of a notch filter in the control loop [2]. with a general purpose circuit simulator such as PSpice, this
This paper proposes dynamic models for the controlled average model significantly reduces the simulation time while
on-time boost PFC circuit and presents new results obtained preserving the accuracy of a discrete-time model. Secondly,
from small-signal analyses using the proposed models. First, a small-signal model that overcomes the inaccuracy of the
an average model is proposed that predicts the averaged existing low-frequency model is obtained by linearizing the
Manuscript received December 17, 1999; revised August 11, 2000. Abstract average model. Finally, the ac dynamics of the PFC circuit
published on the Internet September 6, 2000. This work was supported by the are investigated using this small-signal model. It will be
Electrical Engineering and Science Research Institute and Korea Electric Power
Corporation, Seoul, Korea, under Grant 99-002. shown that the control-to-output transfer function of the PFC
B. Choi is with the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Kyung- circuit contains a pole–zero pair that is located at the same
pook National University, Taegu 702-701, Korea (e-mail: bchoi@ee.kyung- distance from the origin yet on opposite sides of the plane.
S. Hong is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Kookmin Univer- This pole-zero pair causes an additional 180 phase delay
sity, Seoul 136-702, Korea. and critically influences the phase characteristics of the PFC
H. Park was with the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Kyung- circuit. The analysis results and model predictions are verified
pook National University, Taegu 702-701, Korea. He is now with Samsung Elec-
tronics Company, Su-won, Korea. by frequency- and time-domain simulations and experimental
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(01)01001-2. measurements on a 200-W prototype PFC circuit.
0278–0046/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE

By applying the power balance condition to Fig. 2, it follows



which can be simplified as

Fig. 2. Subcircuit consisting of active–passive switch pair and inductor.
II. LARGE-SIGNAL AVERAGE MODEL where and represent the time-averaged value of the
Fig. 1(a) shows a schematic diagram of the controlled on-time associated currents. Equations (5) and (7) describe the time-av-
boost PFC circuit [1], [2]. Fig. 1(b) shows the major wave- eraged dynamics of the subcircuit.
forms of the PFC circuit assuming that the rectified line voltage
, output voltage , and control voltage , remain constant B. Average Model for Modulator
within each switching period . Initially, the PFC circuit as- The average model for the modulator defines the functional
sumes an on-time operation where the MOSFET is on and the relationship between the duty ratio and circuit variables in-
ramp signal, , increases with the slope of . When the volved in determining the statue of the switches. Referring to
reaches the control voltage , the comparator resets the Fig. 1(b), the slope of the ramp signal can be written as
latch and the PFC circuit commences the off-time operation by
turning the MOSFET off and resetting the . When the in- (8)
ductor current is reduced to zero, the zero-current detector sets
the latch and the PFC circuit resumes its on-time operation. and the on-time slope and off-time slope of the inductor
current can be given as
A. Average Model for Power Stage
The first step in developing an average model for the power
stage is to formulate a set of time-averaged equations for the
voltages and currents associated with the subcircuit that alters its
structure during each switching interval [4]–[6]. The subcircuit It can be seen from Fig. 1(b) that
that changes its structure during the circuit operation can be iden-
tified as an active–passive switch pair combined with an inductor, (11)
as shown in Fig. 2. Referring to Figs. 1(b) and 2, the instantaneous
voltage across the inductor can be given as which simplifies to


(1) Referring to Fig. 1(b), the time-averaged value of the inductor

where represents the time instant at which the PFC circuit current can be found to be
initiates its on-time operation and denotes the instantaneous
time. The time-averaged expression for the voltage across the
inductor can be given by by directly averaging the instantaneous value of the inductor
current. By incorporating (8)–(10) and (12) into (13) and sim-
plifying the resulting equation, the following equation can be

(2) (14)

that can be simplified as

which gives an expression for the duty cycle as
where and represent the time-averaged value for
the respective voltages, and represents the duty ratio of the
An average model for an entire PFC circuit can be obtained
active switch. Equation (3) assumes that
by programming (5), (7), and (15), along with other parts of the
for each switching interval. The averaged expression
circuit, using a general purpose circuit simulator. Fig. 3 shows a
for the voltage across the switch can be given by
circuit representation of the averaged model implemented with
(4) PSpice. In the PSpice program, (5) and (7) are transformed into
an ideal transformer and (15) is coded as a functional equation.
From (3) and (4), a time-averaged equation for and
The listing of the PSpice code is given in Fig. 11. Fig. 4 presents
can be written as
a comparison between the predictions of the average model and
(5) the results of exact cycle-by-cycle simulations using Saber [7].

Fig. 5. Small-signal circuit model of PFC circuit: F (s) = (1 +

sC R )=sC R , K = (1 0 D)=V , K = (1 0 D)=V , and
Fig. 3. Average model for PFC circuit. Equations (5) and (7) are converted K = 2Ls =(V V ).
into an ideal transformer, and (15) is coded as a functional equation.
solution to this problem is to consider PFC circuits as dc-to-dc
converters with an equivalent dc input that corresponds to the
rms value of the rectified line voltage. References [8]–[10] con-
firmed the validity of this approach. By adapting the aforemen-
tioned approximation to the average model developed in the pre-
vious section, this section presents a small-signal model for the
controlled on-time boost PFC circuit.

A. Small-Signal Model for Power Stage

Assuming the input of the power stage is a dc voltage identical
to the rms value of the rectified line voltage, (5) and (7) can be
linearlized to produce equations relating the ac components of
the circuit variables
with , , and
where is the average value of the output voltage, is the
average value of the load current, and represents the rms
value of the rectified line voltage.

B. Small-Signal Model for Modulator

By linearizing (15), the small-signal duty ratio, , can be ex-
pressed as a linear combination of the small-signal components
of the circuit variables associated with the average model of the
Fig. 4. Comparison between results of exact cycle-by-cycle simulations using (19)
Saber [4] (upper trace) and predictions of PSpice average model (lower trace).
(a) Inductor current. (b) Output voltage.
A small-signal circuit model of the PFC circuit can, therefore,
be obtained by converting (16)–(18) into linear circuit models,
The response of the average model during transition periods will
and subsequently combing the resulting models with the re-
be demonstrated in Section IV.
maining part of the PFC circuit. Fig. 5 presents a circuit rep-
resentation of the small-signal model that can be programmed
III. SMALL-SIGNAL MODELING AND ANALYSIS with a general purpose circuit simulator.
A small-signal model of the PFC circuit can be obtained, in
principle, by linearizing the average model. However, unlike C. Control-to-Output Transfer Function
cases for dc-to-dc converters, operating conditions of PFC cir- An analytical expression for the control-to-output transfer
cuits vary extensively within each line period. This substantial function of the PFC circuit is derived, thereby, addressing the
change in the operating point has presented difficulties in the de- difference between the new transfer function and the existing
velopment of small-signal models for PFC circuits. One simple low-frequency model.

From the small-signal model of Fig. 5, the following equa-

tions can be easily seen:



Equation (18) can be rewritten as


As shown in the Appendix, (20)–(23) can be simultaneously

solved to yield an expression for the control-to-output transfer



The , a polynomial consisting of the right-half-plane

(RHP) zero and left-half-plane pole (LHP) located at the
same frequency, does not affect the magnitude of yet
introduces a 180 phase delay around .
The presence of in is the unique characteristic of
the controlled on-time boost PFC circuit, that is not found in
Fig. 6. Comparison of control-to-output transfer functions. The solid line is the
other PFC circuits or dc-to-dc converters. plot of (24), and the dashed line is the prediction of the low-frequency model [3].
It can be shown that the existing low-frequency model [3] im- (a) Transfer function of the experimental PFC circuit with V = 160V and
plicitly assumes , and thereby incorrectly predicts R = 1:44 k
. (b) Transfer function of a PFC with L = 610 H, R = 412
V = 180 V .
the phase response of the transfer function. Fig. 6 compares the
Bode plot of (24) and the control-to-output transfer function de-
measured with a dc input justifies the validity of replacing the
rived from the existing low-frequency model. Fig. 6(a) shows
ac voltage with its equivalent dc value for small-signal analysis
the transfer functions of the experimental PFC circuit the param-
purposes [8]–[10].
eters of which are listed in the Appendix. With H and
, is found at 63 kHz and the effects of
are exhibited at high frequencies. However, when the power D. Frequency Range for Validity of Small-Signal Model
stage parameters are selected differently while complying with From earlier studies [11], [12], it is known that the predic-
design constraints [1], could appear at relatively low fre- tions of a small-signal model derived from an averaging tech-
quencies. Fig. 6(b) shows the control-to-output transfer function nique become inaccurate as the frequency range approaches half
of a PFC circuit where H and . In this the switching frequency. For the controlled on-time boost PFC
case, a feedback compensation designed without considering circuit, in which the switching frequency changes considerably
the impact of could easily overestimate the stability mar- within each line period, the minimum switching frequency can
gins of the PFC circuit. The implication of becomes in- be used to estimate the frequency range for the validity of the
creasingly significant as the control bandwidth of a PFC circuit proposed model. It can be shown that the switching frequency,
expands with the employment of auxiliary means of removing , of the PFC circuit will vary as kHz kHz with
the low frequency ripple component from the output voltage [2]. given power stage parameters and operating conditions [1]. Re-
Fig. 7 shows the Bode plot of (24) and control-to-output ferring to Fig. 7, the gain curves of the transfer functions show
transfer functions of the experimental PFC circuit measured a good correlation up to 30 kHz, thereby confirming the general
with two different input conditions: one with an actual ac input results of the averaging theory. However, the measured phase
and the other with a dc input corresponding to the rms value of responses exhibited a lower value at frequencies above 600 Hz,
the line voltage. There is a good agreement between analytical as compared to the model prediction. This indirectly indicates
predictions and measured data, thereby validating the analysis that the actual transfer function of the PFC circuit may have an
results and model accuracy. In addition, the close resemblance additional pole at high frequencies where the proposed model
between the transfer functions measured with an ac input and fails to predict the small-signal dynamics of the PFC circuit.

Fig. 9. Step line response of output voltage. (a) Rectified line voltage. (b)
Experimental waveform of the output voltage. (c) Prediction of the average
model. (d) Result of a discrete-time model.


Fig. 7. Control-to-output transfer functions of experimental PFC circuit. The The accuracy of the average and small-signal model is
solid line is the plot of (24), the dashed line is the measurement with an ac
input, and the dotted line is the measurement with the equivalent dc input. (a) demonstrated by comparing the model predictions with exper-
V = 160 V , R = 1:44 k
. (b) V = 200 V , R = 1:44 k
. imental measurements and exact cycle-by-cycle simulations.
Fig. 8 shows the output voltage of the PFC circuit when a
step load change from k to k occurred
at s. Fig. 8(a) is the experimental waveform, and
Fig. 8(b) is the result of a PSpice simulation using the average
model. The average model accurately predicts the transient
response as well as the 120-Hz ripple in a steady state. Fig. 8(c)
shows the waveform obtained from the discrete-time model
implemented with Saber [7]. Fig. 9 shows the output voltage
when a step line change from V to V
occurred at s. The close conformity among the ex-
perimental waveform [Fig. 9(b)], the prediction of the average
model [Fig. 9(c)], and the result of the discrete-time model
[Fig. 9(d)] confirms the accuracy of the average model.
Fig. 10 shows the loop gain of the PFC circuit simulated using
the small-signal model of Fig. 5, in parallel with the loop gains
measured with an ac input and measured with a dc input. The
loop gains were measured with an HP4194A impedance ana-
lyzer using the analog modulation technique discussed in [13].
The small-signal model closely approximates the gain and phase
characteristics up to high frequencies, well above 10 kHz. The
transfer function measured with an ac input shows fluctuations
Fig. 8. Step load response of output voltage. (a) Experimental waveform. at frequencies around 100–150 Hz. This fluctuation is due to the
(b) Prediction of the average model. (c) Result of a discrete-time model
implemented with Saber. The close resemblance among the waveforms combined effects of the 120-Hz switching at the bridge rectifier
demonstrates the accuracy of the average model. and the 120-Hz ripple component in the output voltage.

Average model for boost PFC circuit

*********** Parameters ************
.PARAM VIN = 160
.PARAM FS = 98E3
.PARAM L = 322.7U
.PARAM CO = 235U
.PARAM PO = 200
.PARAM VO = 380
.PARAM SE = 274 725.275
******** Input and output stage *******
VIN 8 f
9 DC VIN SIN(0 VIN*1.414 g f g fFLINEg 0 0 0)
D1 8 2A DMOD
D2 9 2A DMOD
D3 0 8 DMOD
D4 0 9 DMOD
VD2 2A 1 AC 0
C12 2A 0 0.47U IC = 1
CO 3 3A fCOg IC = f380g
RC 3A 0 0 02 :

RL 3 0 723
********* Boost power stage *********
L1 1 6 322.7U f g
RVD1 6 7 0:001
EIN1 7 2 VALUE = V(3,4)*V(12,0) f g
Fig. 10. Loop gain of experimental PFC circuit. The solid line is a prediction
of the small-signal model, the dashed line is the measurement with an ac input,
GO 4 3 VALUE = fV(12,0)*V(6,7)*1000g
and the dotted line is the measurement with a dc input. (a) V = 160 V , RD 5 0 1G
R = 1:44 k
. (b) V = 200 V , R = 1:44 k
. ED1 11 0 TABLE fV(5)g = 0.01,0.01 1,1
RD1 11 0 1G
V. CONCLUSIONS ED2 12 0 TABLE f10V(11)g = 0.01,0.01 1,1
RD2 12 0 1G
In spite of its widespread use, the controlled on-time boost .ENDS BOOSTAVG
PFC circuit has not received much research attention, particu- ********** Feedback controller **********
larly in the area of the modeling and small-signal analysis. One EAMP 13 0 TABLE V(12,11)*200 000f g = 0.01,0.01 2.5,2.5
reason for this might be a general conception that the existing VREF 12 0 DC 5
low-frequency model would be adequate for analysis and design EVO V1 0 301
purposes. The conception might be justified for cases of stand- RA V1
11 752K
alone PFC circuits with a narrow control bandwidth, however, RB 11
0 10K
for PFC circuits with a wide control bandwidth or PFC circuits R2 11
14 73K
for distributed power applications, a small-signal model which C2 14
13 0 089U :

is accurate at frequencies from dc to high-frequency band is a REA 13

0 1G
prerequisite for ac analyses and control design. ED1 50 TABLE f10 2*L*I(VD2)*SE/V(3)/V(13)g = 0,0 1,1
This paper has presented a high-frequency small-signal RD1 50 1 G

model for the controlled on-time boost PFC circuit that .OPTIONS ITL5 = 0 RELTOL = 0.1 VNTOL = 1U
overcomes the inaccuracy of the existing model. The ac
characteristics of the PFC circuit were then investigated using + ABSTOL = 1PA
the proposed small-signal model. It was shown that the con- .TRAN 0.1m 100m 0U 50U UIC
trol-to-output transfer function of the PFC circuit includes an
RHP zero and LHP pole located at the same frequency. This .MODEL DMOD D
pole–zero pair could appear at relatively low frequencies, and
critically affect the phase characteristics of the PFC circuit.
In addition, this paper presented an average model that can .PROBE
predict the averaged time-domain dynamics of the controlled .END
on-time boost PFC circuit. This average model can used as an
alternative to the costly discrete-time model when studying the
large-signal transient behavior of the PFC circuit. Fig. 11. PSpice code for average model of PFC circuit.

APPENDIX [8] F. A. Huliehel, F. C. Lee, and B. H. Cho, “Small-signal modeling of the

single-phase boost high power factor converter with constant frequency
control,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’92, 1992, pp. 475–482.
A. Parameters of Experimental PFC Circuit [9] G. Zhu, H. Wei, P. Kornetzky, and I. Batarseh, “Small-signal modeling
of a single-switch ac/dc power factor correction circuit,” in Proc. IEEE
• Input and output voltage: V , PESC’98, 1998, pp. 601–607.
V. [10] R. Erickson, M. Madigan, and S. Singer, “Design of a simple high-
• Power stage parameters: H, F, power-factor rectified based on the flyback converter,” in Proc. IEEE
APEC’90, 1990, pp. 792–801.
, and k . [11] R. D. Middlebrook and S. Cuk, “A general unified approach to modeling
• Slope of ramp signal: V/S. switching converter power stages,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’76, 1976, pp.
• Voltage feedback compensation: k , 18–34.
[12] , “Small-signal modeling of pulse-width modulated switched-mode
k , k , and F. power converters,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 76, pp. 343–354, Apr. 1988.
• [13] , “Measurement of loop gain in feedback system,” Int. J. Electron.,
vol. 38, pp. 485–512, Apr. 1975.
B. Control-to-Output Transfer Function
Combining (20)–(22) yields
Byungcho Choi (S’90–M’91) received the B.S.
degree in electronics from Hanyang University,
Seoul, Korea, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering from Virginia Polytechnic
(26) Institute and State University, Blacksburg, in 1980,
that can be simplified as 1988, and 1992, respectively.
From 1980 to 1985, he was a Research Engineer
with the Agency for Defense Development, Seoul,
Korea, where he developed switch-mode power
supplies for pulsed laser applications. From 1992 to
1993, he was a Research Scientist with the Bradley
(27) Department of Electrical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, working on the analysis of the performance and stability of the
Space Station Freedom power system. From 1994 to 1995, he served as a
Combining (22) and (23) yields Team Leader of the Power Electronics Systems Team, Samsung Electronics
Company. In 1996, he joined the School of Electronic and Electrical Engi-
neering, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea, where he is presently
an Associate Professor. His research interests include modeling and design
optimization of high-frequency power converters for portable electronics,
(28) computer power systems, and distributed power systems.
Finally, by incorporating (27) into (28) and simplifying the re-
sulting equation, the control-to-output transfer function given
by (24) is obtained. Sung-Soo Hong received the B.S. degree in elec-
trical engineering from Seoul National University,
Seoul, Korea, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
C. PSpice Code for Average Model of PFC Circuit electrical and electronics engineering from Korea
See Fig. 11. Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Seoul, Korea, in 1984, 1986, and 1992, respectively.
From 1984 to 1998, he was an Electronics
REFERENCES Engineer with Hyundai Electronics Company.
During 1993, he was a Researcher with the Virginia
[1] J. S. Lai and D. Chen, “Design considerations for power factor correc- Power Electronics Center, Blacksburg, VA. Since
tion boost converter operating at the boundary of continuous conduction 1999, he has been an Assistant Professor in the
mode and discontinuous conduction mode,” in Proc. IEEE APEC’93, Electronics Engineering Department, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea. His
1993, pp. 267–273. research interests are in the areas of modeling and control techniques for power
[2] S. Ahmed, “Controlled on-time power factor correction circuit with converters and EMI analysis and reduction techniques for power electronics
input filter,” M.S. thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. State Univ., circuits.
Blacksburg, VA, May 1990.
[3] R. B. Ridley, “Average small-signal analysis of the boost power factor
correction circuit,” in Proc. VPEC Seminar, 1989, pp. 108–120.
[4] F. Rodriguez and J. Chen, “A refined nonlinear average model for con-
tant frequency current mode controlled PWM converters,” IEEE Trans. Hyokil Park received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
Power Electron., vol. 6, pp. 656–664, Oct. 1991. in electrical engineering from Kyungpook National
[5] Y. Amran, F. Huliehel, and S. Ben-Yaakov, “A unified SPICE compatible University, Taegu, Korea, in 1998 and 2000,
average model of PWM converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. respectively.
6, pp. 585–594, Oct. 1991. He is presently with Samsung Electronics Com-
[6] E. Dijk, H. Spruijt, D. M. O’Sullivan, and J. B. Klaassens, “PWM-switch pany, Su-won, Korea, where he is involved in the
modeling of dc–dc converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 10, development of high-frequency power supplies for
pp. 659–665, Nov. 1995. consumer electronics. His research interests include
[7] Saber Designer Reference, Release 4.1, Analogy, Inc., Beaverton, OR, the modeling, analysis, and design of switch-mode
1996. power supplies for consumer electronics.

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