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: 10 : PHYSICS

 It is the flow of heat from one place to another place by means of electromagnetic waves.
 It do not need any material medium to transfer heat, it can occur even in vacuum.
 Heat from the sun reaches to earth in the form of radiation (infrared radiation).
 It has all the property of electromagnetic waves, i.e. it travels with the speed of light, it is partly
reflected, partly transmitted & partly absorbed when it falls on an object.
 Radiation is emitted by all bodies above absolute zero ( -273 0C) in the form of infrared radiation.
 The hotter the object, the greater is the amount of radiation emitted.


 Black or dull-black & rough surfaces are good absorbers & also are good emitters of heat radiations
but are bad reflectors.
 White & shiny surfaces are good reflectors of heat radiations but are bad absorber & bad emitters.
 Two lid of same material, the inside surface of one lid is shiny & of the other dull black.
 The coins are stuck on the outside of each lid with candle wax.
 Are placed at equal distances from an electric heater.
 After a few minutes the wax on the black lids melt & coin falls off where as the shiny
lid stay cool & the wax un melted.
 This shows that, Dull black surfaces are better absorbers of radiation than white shiny
surfaces & also that, the shiny surfaces are good reflectors of radiation.
 OR Instead of wax a thermometer also can be used to measure rise in temp.
 Heat a copper sheet with one of it surface polished (shiny) & the other blackened or
dull blackened.
 Bring the back of your hand on either sides of this sheet.
 It can be seen that, the hand on the blackened side fills hotter than the polished side.
 This shows that, dull black surfaces is better emitter of radiation than the shiny surfaces.
 OR Instead of hand a thermometer also can be used to measure rise in temp.
 In general, surfaces that are good absorbers of radiation are also good emitters when are hot.

The third and last form of heat transfer we shall consider is that of radiation, which in this
context means light (visible or not). This is the means by which heat is transferred, for
example, from the sun to the earth through mostly empty space - such a transfer cannot occur
via convection nor conduction, which require the movement of material from one place to
another or the collisions of molecules within the material.
Often the energy of heat can go into making light, such as that coming from a hot campfire.
This light, being a wave, carries energy, as we saw in the last chapter, and so can move from
one place to another without requiring an intervening medium. When this light reaches you,
part of the energy of the wave gets converted back into heat, which is why you feel warm
sitting beside a campfire. Some of the light can be in the form of visible light that we can
see, but a great deal of the light emitted is infrared light, whose longer wavelength is
detectable only with special infrared detectors. The hotter the object is, the less infrared light
is emitted, and the more visible light. For example, human beings, at a temperature of about
37 o Celsius, emit almost exclusively infrared light, which is why we don't see each other
glowing in the dark. On other hand, the hot filament of a light bulb emits considerably more
visible light.

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