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HOT WORK PERMIT Written authorization to perform operations activity capable of supplying ignition energy for igniting flammable mixtures or combustible materials that may be released to create a potential fire or explosion hazard. Grit blasting or abrasive blasting Operation of internal combustion engines in electrically classified areas Any release of flammable gases, toxic chemicals, or pyrophorie materials ~ Use of any sparks-producing machine or devices such as drills, grinders, etc. of flash photography inside the plant or hydrocarbon ares ~ Excavation work any depth when using spark generation tools in classified area > Lifting of any ebject by mabile eraine oF mobile equipment that are run by internal combustion engine or battery. Work on any equipment containing pyrophoric material > Use of non-classified electrical tools in classified area, Hazardous Material: Any material that cauld cause an exothermic reaction EEE —— Sulu MECHANICAL HOT WORK HAZARDS Fire Hazard. Fioiten metal, sparks, slag, and hot work surfaces CAP cause fire of explosion i { precautionary measures are not followed Flying sparks are the main cause of tres and [J explasions in welding and cutting Sparks can travel UP Cols meters from the work area. Sparks and malten metal can travel greater distances when falling. Sparks can pass through of become lodged in cracks, clothing, pipe holes. and ather small ‘openings in floors. wails, oF partitions which can cause fies [0 start HOT WORK HAZARDS. Combustible Materials are anything that is combustible or flammable and is subjected to ignition by cutting and welding The most common materials likely to become involved in fire are those of combustible building construction such as the following Sul HOT WORK HAZARDS Explosion Hazard Welding and cutting can cause explosions liquids, or combustible dusts, and tanks and vessels that con ing flammable gases, vapors, spaces cont ain or have held flammable substances. «Above Courtesy US CSB. Tanks involved in the 2006 accident that kiled three workers HOT WORK HAZARDS Fuel Sources: Fuel sources within 15 meters from hot wark are easily ignited, so within this area: ¥ Combustible materials must be removed ar shielded ¥ The floor must be swept clean of combustible materials. ¥ The absence of hazardous atmospheres and/or flammable materials must be verified, steps must be taken to ensure that none are introduced, and adequate ventilation must be assured Y Combustible floors must be covered with damp sand or fire resistant sheets. So Fire Tetrahedron THE FIRE Sul HOT WORK CONTROL + Only qualified persons will use flame or spark producing equipment ry Permit issuer will inspect to identify and correct potential fire hazards around the area where a hot work is requested Conduct gas test for all hot wark activitie: Isolate combustibles and flammables that cannot be relacated from ignition sources by flame-proofed covers or otherwise shielded with metal or fire- resistant guards ar curtains FIRE WATCHMAN ROLE Proactive to prevent fire Constantly watch for changing conditions. flammable and combustibles, spark containment and for any abnormal event Being familiar with the area and potential hazards and knowing how ta obtain assistance in an emergency. Where there is potential for smoldering fires, maintaining area during lunch, all breaks, and for at least ene-hall hour after completion of the hat work activity. stop the hot work if a fire (or unsafe situation) is noted and inform operations supervisor for emergency response. ‘Cover the area with fire blanket and also all openings in nearby area to control sparks and slags Shall use fire extinguisher to extinguish small fire in initial stage Nene ee et Solin WELDING, CUTTING AND OTHER MECHANICAL HOT ACTIVITIES WELDING, CUTTING AND OTHER eee Permit receiver shall deploy qualified welders only, For a particular type of welding job. welder qualification, experience and competency shall be verified by CONCERNED DEPARTMENT and recorded in Arc Welding checklist Appendix SHEM-06 10F & Conduct hazard recognition of formal JSA and implement recommendations or mou away fall moveable fire hazards in the vicinily al least 15 meters from the hot work sile if the Object to be welded or cul cannot be readily moved out from site for carrying the job in workshop. + Provide adequate ventilation (natural, mechanical, ar respiratar) for all welding. UTS brazing and related activities to ensure permissible exposure levels are not exceeded > Welder must know hazards associated with the elements: contained in the consumables, rovide local Cane metals, coating, or atmospheres of welding oF cutting operations Pr ooh aust ventilation and personal respiratory protective equipment 28 needed P Clean corroded and painted surtaces or metal covered wih any coatings prior to weldin cutting gor is (SEBA) or an airline entilation, Self-Contained Breathing Apparat ated metal, + Provide local exhaust healing or burning galvanized or cadmiu respirator when welding fauslis FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: All required fire protection, detection, and extinguishing equipment must be available, in service, and fully operable 5 to be considered include ou R Examples of equipment that need —— Sula LINE OPENING / LINE BREAK \SSUANCE OF PERMIT th Line Work/Line Break shi nplisher }. The permit issuer and those involved task that's to be performed can be ac whether th line or system viewed as the coordination meeting © dgeable of this policy 2. The initial meeting will b shall be thoroughly know 3. The permit issuer shall be present when the line is imttally pened y when performing line epening respective Work 4. The minimum of two people 5. Fie Watch Person is only Permit section of this document required on the cases which stated o 6 Before the otherwise opening are Sula CONFINED SPACES DEFINITIONS Confined Space A Gontined Space is any enclosure space (though not always entwely) havi limited opening for entey an t ards to accu is not intended ter contin yee occupancy Conlined space are not limited to, stc p vessels. ventilation and exhau: manholes, pits, and excavatio 2 than 1.2 meters in depth CONFINED SPACE ENTRY EXAMPLES Examples of Confined Space Tanks QO Pipes | | Trenches Manholes UW Reactors Boilers O Duets Furnaces UU Exchangers Sewers Pits Pressure Vessel Columns SPECIFIC TERMS USED Se eee TER Atmosphere Environment within the confined space that may expose the entrants to risk of death or injury due to presence of flammable or toxic materials, or oxygen deficiency Atmosphere may be hazardous, or safe LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) ‘The lowest concentration at which a flammable substance can catch fire upon contact with an ignition source. The LEL shall be Zero (0%) for any entry into Confined Space at all Breathing Air Apparatus ‘Self-Contained A positive pressure respirator in which the supply of alr § carried by the wearer. ——— ad Solis SPECIFIC TERMS USED Critical Confined Space Any confined Space which meets at least ane of the following conditions: » Working with an engulfment material that might cause an impairment or delay of an nmediate escape fram the confined space > Vettical Entry more than 1.51 into process equipment ratyon such that an entrant could be trapped. asphyxiated By 1d narrow to a smaller crass space with an internal conti inwardly converging walls oF by a floor that slopes downward < section, prevents the standby man from keeping eye contact with entrants, of requires more than one standby man. Solin GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT » All Confined Spaces s all be identified by respective area owner by posting signs stating “DANGER — CONFINED SPACE — ENTER BY PERMIT ONLY" at entry points in case of entry + Operation Departments shall prepare a Master List of conlined spaces as per Attachment | in their areas with the consent of Maintenance Department and shall get the approval from EHS Manager Only one Confined space entry permit shail be issued for entry lo specific confined space and shall governor the other groups entering the confined space to execute their activities. Formal JSA is mandatory for all conlined space entries irrespective of any criteria. All Confined Space Formal JSA's shall involve EHS representative to consult and ensure the quality. The earlier conducted formal JSA cannot be used nex’ time if the scope of job is changed Rescue plan shall be mandatary for all critical Confined Spaces. Operation/area owner shall ensure availability of following before issuing Confined Space Work Permit as package. Blind list with process equipment to be attached to the LOTO. Marked P & ID's Approved formal JSA shall be attached to the confined space permit. Rescue plan (SHEM-08. 10K) in case if critical confined space. a sr ends when SENS i Sola GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT nt Vil vation jobs there May be sone when Ventitation pheable due and no} being Us al havavd: an and El trical fay out pian 1s not thoraughly in Formal JSA or haza ay DE nal requite (any) by the tean For horizontal exe: plan 1s not required e cuscuss recognition ngeL which ake opened tram) both sunng he confined space entry, vertlation 7 The default maximum frequency for gas test inside the confined space is every 2 hours. In case Of continuous gas test requirement, this frequency (lagging in Gas Test Log sheet) should not exceed 30 minute: DO NOT assign Standby & Standby Man & Fire Watch Display confined space entry permit at the jab site or confined space entry paint fo allow entrants to confirm that permit entry requirements are in place In case of radiation han ties while acting In the capacity of and allow leaving their po orkors are still Inside. aclivily mmside cantined spa The RSO shail not allow any entrants including stand by Man te enter the barricaded area except tadiographers. The Radiographers: can be trained as Stand by man to do stand by man roles inside barricaded area as well as his roles for radiography purposes. Sela sth GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT Ensure air supply is monitored and entanglement of air and / or lifelines are taken care of Prevent air lines being damaged so that the airflow is restricted or stopped, Ensure all entry and exit ways. are clear DO NOT exceed the duration of activities in Confined Space beyand the time required complete the task or job identified on the Confined Space Entry Permit Permit receiver & issuer shall inspect retrieval system prior to initial entry into the confined space area to ensure that the equipment is functioning properly. Comply with SHEM-08.09: Working at Height for use of scaffolding in confined space. Keep compressed gas cylinders and welding machines autside, when welding or cutting is being performed in any confined space as Welding gas cylinders are no! permitted inside the confined space Immediately prior to the use of gas welding equipment, the Maintenance Supervisor shall inspect and ensure that all equipment is tree of leakage. Any person entering to confined space shall have inspected O2 meter showing Oxygen concentration continuously and alarm in case of oxygen variation. In case of group entry, one person out of four shall have pocket oxygen meter Sula PREPARATION OF CONFINED SPACE FOR MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY % Draining and de-pressure Which moves a hazardous materials to flare ot sewers ( given in SOP ) @ Decontamination 7 Which clear out a trapped hazardous gas or vapor by Nitrog steam. (given in SOP and SHEM 08.10 req * Isolation, Involves either disconnecting lines or pulting blind flanges on the open pipe flanges, as close to Ihe equipment as passible, of installing blind flanges the pipes themselves, ( given in SOP } nor alr oF ements) > Lock out / Tag out locking out any electrically operated equipment, connected to or associated with confined space (Following SHEM-08.10 LOTO system ) Sul PREPARATION OF CONFINED SPACE FOR MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY \Venttation in Gontine Space breathing zone shall be in accordance with SHEM-08.10, ne ventilation rate in the Types of Ventilation: 4. Natural Ventilation Needs Exemptions The use of natural wind by opening man way, this way Is not very sufficient. 2. Forced Ventilation Mandatory The use of afan or air mover to move fresh air through a vessel pa ——— Syl PREPARATION OF CONFINED SPACE FOR MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY Ventilation in Ag 1 F wn watle wath 184 aspirators, ctavir Veni only = For any confine Space raumate driven blower, fang anc complete air chy rinted by ciaicirn ating) equipme OxygenNitragen 10 vertilate + Ensure am hazatcis in the @ The exhaust ov must ber to purge: 4 Da Not stap the tect ve that p rckouts abr led space etimauced aw venta sone aha be 2 minutes (capacity) ined space sine he i Tow ra mes tro clean source and should not increase the posed when a venta Is used upment ate nt exp . J space any case inet the contined Sp Sulu Scibic GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT > Area Owner shail establish @ master list of all critical confined space in their area by a team consists of Operation . EHSS engineer , supported maintenance team, technical discipline if required and to be approved by Concern owner Sr. Manager. Only one Confined space entry permit shall be Issued for entry ta specific confined space and shall governor the other groups entering the confined space te execute their petivities, Formal JSA is mandatory for all confined space entries respective of any criteria, All Confined Space Formal JSA‘s shall involve EHS representative to consult and ensure the quality. The eartier conducted formal JSA cannat can be used next time if the scope of job is Ghanged same with proper review validation: and approval. —————— SLIN arenarnaria bo ————— Syl GAS TESTING REQUIREMENTS INSIDE CONFINED. SPACE » Gas testing af the almosphere of Cont gas test by using only calibrated gas d gas tester shall perform the ectar + Different toxic substances produce different health effe; rent concentratians. 115 aate ere cesentiat tg Know and find out what toxic substances, could present inthe confined Space so thal the correct gas testing equipment and 1nel& Srresponding alarm concentrations opens equipment can be preset to provide a warning In FESRoNse to a dangerous © Conduct gas test to ensure that Flammable conditions do not exist Eaiployees are not exposed to harmful cancentrations of toxic substances or oxvgert Geficient / enriched almospheres: a eee td combustible gases should be within safe lrnt Ly TWA'8) _ a Soli saiiic. TIAL GAS TESTING REQUIREMENTS INSIDE CONFINED SPACE > Stop ventitation / purging at least 15 minutes prior to conducting the initial gas tests. to allaw gas concentration to equalize © Perform gas tests thraughoul large spaces such as tanks, drums, lowers or excavations Where it may be possible for gas to be trapped in dead ends of nozzies, plugged down- comers, structural members, etc > The gas tester shall nol enter the confined space for testing purposes unless the results across the cross section (Lop, middie and bottom sections) indicate that the oxygen level |= 20.8 %, > Incase of the gas lester need to enter confined space he shall fulfil the following requirements: = Shall wear SCBA assign standby man le monitor his entry through lag sheet sagen hd When SENS mplementabon BoB —_ ELECTRICAL EQ! MEN’ REQUIREMENTS: > For confined spaces, where the presence of any hazardous material is suspected (polymers. catalyst, dust, desiccants, studge elc.), only 24V explosion proof light shall Be used for illumination. > All electrical equipment shall be inspected and tested including he GFCI before operating them prior te initial use. One GFCI can be used in distribution panel far number of Cables ae per capacity. nowever for ightingfilumimation it must be used for single line to avokd sudden black out in case It is above 24V Note: - In conducting confined spaces (where contact with metal eanno! be avoided) ecirical equipment shall anly be used in accordance with SHEM-08.05 procedure aectrical Shfety. In the absence of regulations, electrical equipment shall only be used when one of the following Is met. = Gwn source of energy (battery) = Extra Low Vollage: = SOVAG or 120VDG «Clase 2 connected to a galvanic separation transformer located outside ne confined space —————— Suu ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT'S REQUIREMENTS Hight > Each Confined Space shail have spare approved classified / explasion proof flash available with Standby Man + Flexible/extension cords, hand and stand tarts, shall be provided with an electrical Irepection sticker for Confined Space separaley. The sticker should include clear yellow eek “For Confined Space Only”, name of {he pasector, date of the Inspection and the dale of the expiration > Damageditrayed Flexible cords/cables/wires shall not be used. Cords should BE Paneoled before each use, Flexible cords smal wee used only in continuous fenaths without splice or ape a, —__t Sls RESCUE PLAN The Rescue Pian (SHEM.08 10K) is an integral pant of Confined ‘Space Entry Permit. No Eitical Confined Space Entry is allowed without approved Rescue Plan. For Rescue plan, below guidelines to be followed in addition of SHEM-08.10K * Rescue plan shall be conducted by a formal team consisting of Fire captainiG/ Fire Manager, Operation (Supervisor or above) and maintenance (Supervisor or above) Rescue plan (SHEM-0B. 10k) shall be attached wilh confined space entry permit at site Rescue Plan shall be signed by of Fire caplain/IC/ Fire Manager. belore start of any critical confined space entry and P. fermi issuer shall notify Fire caplain/IC/ Fie Manager about any change in the confined space during the time of entry + Ensure availability of a retrieval system (retrieval ling, full body harness. and a iting device) to retrieve personnel from vertical type confined spaces more than 1.5 meter deep “if applicable by rescue pian Atlach other end of the retrieval line to s confined space in such a manner that rescur aware that Scue 1s necessary RESCUE PLAN —-.4.49 S$ “> Fire captain/IC/ Fire Manager is responsible to provide specifications of Mechanical device used for rescue purpose in Rescue Pian + Use safety harness thal permits easy rescue of personnel fram the confined space during emergency conditions and avoid suspending a person in an upright position either due to hamess type that or the wrist type rescue hamess. (A hoisting device or other effective means far lifting personnel from contined spaces |s preferred) * The permit issuer (Supervisor) shall notify to Fire captain/IC/ Fire Manager about the activity each shift as per the rescue plan. “Rescue Man is required as per Formal JSA output; Rescue Man is required to be at location during the jab execution, % Rescue Man shall be available at location and responsible for: —Sulans RESCUE PLAN ‘* The Rescue Plan Team (in case of tical confined space) and formal JSA tearn (In ease of non-critical confined space) shall determine the maximurn allowed number at entrants based on the following factors Confined space size Type of process (toxic, flammable). Number and type of activities «multiple activity, interface activity, Incompatible activity « Depth in case of vertical entry Horizontal distance covered during horizon Available ventilation rate Entry trom higher elevation Confined space configuration Escape route Accessiegress size (manway diameter) Number of access / egress manways Evacuation time in ease of emergency Impact of other activity inside ar outside the confined space. Restricted working place and obstacles. Working at multiple levels. Se entry ¥ 7 ¥ ¥ Sulu PERSONNEL ENTERING CONFINED SPACE (ENTRANTS, Ensuring that Safe Wark Permit related to the physical entry for the c available onfined space IS Informing the Entry Attendant before entering and after exiting Ne confined space by filling and signing the Confined Space Entry Log Sheet, On columns vessels etc.. personnel whe enter from one mannole ard intend to exit On cous. vesnhole shal register at the manhole they intend to exit FOO At they re Zig tne Sartined space fog sheet and inform the entty attendant ‘at the manhole of their planned exit, before entering the vessel Complying with all the requirements af the safe work permit for entry 4 Knows and understand the hazards in the space. “Knows and uses equipment properly Is able to communicate with the attendant Knows whal the acceptable entry condiions for tne space are, SAFE CONFINED SPACES ENTRY PROCEDURES. Acceptable Atmospheric Conditions Confined Space entry may proceed only if tests indicate Oxygen shall be 20.8% Flammable gases (LEL) is at 0% Detected hazards must be eliminated. El LECTRICAL WORK PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Sol Electrical Work Permit shall be used in hazardous areas and is ff required to be completely pr Adequate grounding and banding should be provided Electrical equipment and win hazardous area classification standards! regulation, such Use only certified components or enclasures in hazardous areas classification shall be marked on the eq classification Electrical safety equipment inspected prior to each use Once the job is initiate epared before execution af the job. ing shall meet the requirement of the 4 nin accordance with the applicable ‘as NEC, IEC 79, EN50, APIRP 540, etc. Gas group and area pment and to be used in accordance with area (ie. gloves, sleeves, blankets. hot sticks) shall be used and 4, review of the job executian shall be eartied out, Then each step shat be carefully identified with help of relevant SOP ee Solis BONDING AND GFcI > Bonding: The process of f connecting two or mare conductive objects together by means of a conductor Ground Fault Circuit interrupter (GFCI): The fast acting circuit breaker which senses small imbalance in the circuit caused by currant leakage to ground and in a fraction of a second. shut off the electricity, The GECI centinually compares the magnitude of current feecing to an electrical device against the magnitude of current returning from the device along the electrical path Whenever these magnitudes differ by approximately 5 millkamps. the GFCI interrupts the electric power within 1/40 of a second. Sli ELECTRICAL PRECAUTIONS Pneumatic powered tools should be considered as an alternative where applicable Insulate and ground with Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) properly for all electrical equipment used Inside confined spaces. Flashlights approved far use in hazardous areas shall be used as standby in case of blackout or power failure All electrical equipment must be inspected and tested including the GFCI before operating them prior to initial use Flexible/extension cords, hand and stand lights shall be provided with an electrical inspection sticker. The sticker should include the name of the inspector, the date of the inspection and the date of the expiration Damaged/frayed Flexible cords/cablesiwires shall not be used, Gords should be insj pected belore each use. Flexible cords shall be used only in continuous lengths without splice or tape inawent onds when SHEN RADIATION WORK PERMIT Purpose: To minimize the exposure to any radiation amount and risk associated with it also to define safety requirements for working with or near radioactive gauging equipment. RADIATION HAZARDS Radiation energy is harmful to the human body only when it is absorbed at excessive rates. Basic Protection factors are: time, distance and shielding Alpha Particles ion —e sneer ee peer Se eS eS, tng Gamma Rays Stopped by Several feat of cancrete © Gra few inches of tend =oue Solin EXAMPLES OF RADIATION ACTIVITIES % + Weld joints Gama rays etc + Piping and vessels thickness measurement + Installation of nucleonic instruments: + Replacement of radioactive materials Sula PROTECTION/CONTROL THE RISK 1, Controlling Distance 2. Controlling Time 3. Shield > 4 Doing Radiation With Exist of RSO. 5. Monitoring Level of Exposure: ¥ TLD v EPD ¥ Survey the area 3

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