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Answer Key

Quarter: 4 Module: 6 Week: 7

TOPIC: Eclipses
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. D
SUN- The center of our solar system
9. D MOON-The earth’s natural satellite
10. B ASTRONOMY-The study of everything in the universe beyond earth
11. B ECLIPSE- The total or partial obscuring of one celestial body
12. D UMBRA- The umbra is the darkest part of the Moon’s shadow
13. B PENUMBRA- The penumbra is the weak or pale part of the Moon’s shadow
14. A LUNAR-used to describe something that is related to the moon
15. B SOLAR- used to describe something that is related to the sun

Part I.
1. Total Solar Eclipse- The moon completely covers the sun as seen
LET’S EXPLORE from the Earth
Situation 1 Situation 2 2. Partial Solar Eclipse-The moon partially obscures the sun’s disk
The person blocking I am casting the 3. Annular Solar Eclipse-The moon’s disk is not big enough to
the television casts shadow to the cover the entire disk of the sun
shadow on me. object in front of Part II.
me. 1. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse- The Moon travels through the faint
The silhouette of the My own shadow/ penumbral portion of Earth’s shadow.
2. Total Lunar Eclipse- The Earth's umbra, the central, dark part of
person blocking Dark area
its shadow, covers all of the Moon's surface
the television.
3. Partial Lunar Eclipse- Only part of the Moon's surface is
obscured by Earth’s umbra


LET’S 1. B
Solar Eclipse Similarities Lunar Eclipse APPLY 2. C
-Occurs when the -involves the Sun, -Occurs when the Answers 3. C
moon is in between Moon, and Earth earth is in between may 4. A
the earth and the sun -occurs when one the sun and the moon vary. 5. D
- Occurs once in 18 celestial object - Occurs twice a year 6. A
months obscures another - Lasts for an hour 7. C
- Lasts for about 5-7 celestial object - Witnessed in many 8. B
minutes -can be total places 9. D
- Witnessed in a few -can be partial - Occurs during night- 10. B
places time 11. No
- Occurs during day- 12. No

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