Cooking Methods PrepFST

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· -- - · - · ···- MERITS DEMERITS
.. .
-- _,.... . _____ _
._/'\·J oI~ -1 HEAT METHOD~ .:,.

Boiling 1s a method of --t' oe -·-- foods by 1 • Simple method -It does 1 •
--- kj··-ng Continuous excessive boiling \
~--;~/i: just imm~rsing them in water at l 00° C not require special skillleads to damage in the structure \.
\K''i>t . ,:,~ ,, fi and maintaining the water at that
' I'~ " ". -~, ,,.,_
temperature till the food is l~nder. Rice, 1 •
egg, dhal, meat, roots and tubers are
· and equipment. ,
and texture of food. ·
Uni form cooking can be \ •
Loss. of h_eat labile. nu?"ients such \
fi.:,~: . achieved. as V1tamms Band C 1f the water 1
_cooked by boiling.
is discar_ded. .
I ' ..

...,f~'. • ,--:>: :.:.4I;?::-' ii -

• Time consuming - Boiling takes !
more time to cook food and fuel ':
may be wasted. ·,
• Loss of colour - water solub1e \
: Stewing i pigments may be lost. ---~
- -""' It refers to the simmering of 1·ood in a pan • Loss of nutrients is • The process _is time consuming \

:?- . '
~· . with a tight fitting lid using small avoided as water used for and there is wastage of fuel. ·
quantities of liquid to cover pnly half the cooking is-not discarded: I
Jood. This is a siow method of cooking. • Flavour is retained. \
-The liquid is brought to boilif1g point and .
the heat is reduced to maintai.b simmering 1
.temperatures (82°C -90°C).) The food
above the liquid is cooked q_y the steam '
generated within the pan. {"pple, meat 'I
:,q}ong with roots, vegetables ar d legumes I
· e_u_s_ually stewed.
_ _-t--ar_ . 1 I
/ Steaming
It is a method of cooking fo l;<l-;-:-in-s-:--te_a_m-r-.-
. ~L=--es_s_ c_h_a_n-ce--o-f-bum · St · · · • 1

generate 1rom
• ,
• . .
water and scorching mg • T earning
. . equipment
·. . 1s. required
· · I1
in a pan · • his . method 1s hm1te<l to the I
L____. 1 The
fo~d to be steamed is i~!a•~ed in a
... ____ ,____ ___

exture of food _is better
as it becomes hght and
preparation of selected foods. 1

- /t;_
91!'!"'-:""---:,y--,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - :' . - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ . : . . . . , . . . , . . . . _ - , - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - , - - - - - - ,
p~ .., ~-- - ef; / container and is not in direct contact wit(Y fluffy. Eg. Idli .
,.,fflf:~C' . \ :::; ; th~ water or Iiquid. · Idli, custard ~nfi • Cooking tim~ is less and
:· ·~,la 1d1appam are made by steamm~. fuel wastage 1s less.
. . . /~..~1 Vegetables can also be steamed. ) • Steamed · foods like idli
"J;~:f . "il~ and idiappam contain less
fat and are easily digested
and are good for children,
aged and for therapeutic
• Nutrient loss lS
, minimised.
,,--Pressure : When steam under . pressure is used th!! • Cooking time is . less • The in_itiai . investment may not
I ()0
.. : method is known as pressure cooking and compared to other be affordable to everybody.
I J the equipment used is the pressure cooker. methods. • Knowledge of the usage, care
I i In this method the temperature of boiling • Nutrient and flavour loss and maintenance of cooker is
i water can be raised above l00°C. Rice, I
is minimised. required to prevent accidents.
, dhal, meat. roots and tubers are usually • Conserves fuel and time • Careful w~tc;h on the cooking
: pressure cooked. as different items can be time is required to prevent over
cooked at the same time. cooking.
• Less chance for burning
and scorching. - ·
• Constant attention is not

; Poaching . This involves cooking in the minimum
amount of.liquid at temperatures of
80°C- ss:0c that is below the boiling poi~t. •
• •No special equipment is
Quick method of cooking
• Poached foods may not appeal to
everybody as they are bland in
. 1.,;_;";'lj ;;
Egg and fish can be poached. and therefore saves fuel. • Food can be scorched if water
_~f.··~~;. ~·. ·\Jj/
;fli 1
• Poached foods are easily evaporates due to careless
digested since no fat is monitoring.
; ' '• I ,:• •, • , • ,: . •• ~ • \

. . ~1,.,,;,.. I
- · • -- - -• - __ _l - -----~---
added. • Water soluble nutrients ma·
I .,,·-
· -~ - -- -- --------- - - -- - -- - - - - --
le~_ched into the water._- ~
Blanching - --{ Tl~; :-:~c;~iCvcd by bit ching/ In 1 • Peels can easily be Loss of nutrients if cooki11t i
I e

this method. food IS' dippe)i ;,, b'. ilmg ! rcmov_cd . 1mprovo I water is discarded. /
water for 5 St'.COnas to ·: f 2 · 1111 ,rntes d1gestibd1ty. ! I
depending on the texture of tb~(:f~-od: This • Destroys enzymes that !
helps to remove the skin orlpl~ eJ wi;hot.!t bring about spoilage.
softening food. tr Texture can be 111amtained
Blanching can also be don~ ·,w_. pouring while irnprovmg the i

! enough boiiing water on ., th~r 'food to colour and flavour of !
/ !mmer~e it f~r shor_t pe~iocis\~a~d then food. l
mmediately 11nrnersmg m_ c~•.ld w1tcr.
The process causes the skm ,\p become
__ ~ oose and can _bep~eled off ea-s i}y . ___ 1
-- - - - - - - -- -· ··· · ··· . - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ,
DRY HEAT METHODS ii.\ . . __ _________
' In this method ti.Jod is
cooh\f in• ; • Quick method ot' cooking.
• Food can be scorched Jue to \
! heated metal or frying pan k.-1tl1<.)'ut • J( improves the appearance,
carelessness. ,
' covering it. Eg. Groundnut. I, •./ flavour and texture of the
• Roasting denatures . proteins \
- food .
reducing their availability. \
i' • Sprees Jre easily powdered if

- - - - - - - - - - - - - ·--- they are first roasted. I_____________

/ G ri !ling or broiling refers co , the 1 •

cooking of food · by -exposinr;. it · to Enhances ~avour, appcara1~ • Constant atte?tion is required to

direct heat. In this method ~\ od is 1 •
and taste ot the product. ; prevent charnng.
placed above or in between _a :·.;:d hot •
It requires less time to cook. 1
surface. Papads, corn, !J;~:Cdkas,
Minimum fat is used.
chicken can be preparea ~;~; this
method. ·
I .- · - - ---
I ~- -

l _ _
__L ·- ---------·

~- --- - - - - - --------·- --L___________________________

Toasting . This is a method where food is kept 1 • . Easy and quick method. • Special equipment required.
~ -.--
';':.:: ! he1ween t\vo heated elements to , Flavour improved. • Careful monitoring is needed to
fal.:ilitate browning on both sides. prevent charring.
Bread slices are cooked by toasting.

- - -- --- -- : - : - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - -- -- - - - - - - - - - l - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - : : - 1
. In this m~thod, the food gets cooked • Baking lends a unique baked • Special equipment like oven is
: in an oven or oven-like appliance by flavour to foods. · required.
dry heat.
The temperature range • Foods become light and fluffy • Baking skills are necessary to
i maintained in an oven is 120°c - _ cakes, custards, bread. obtain a product with ideal
260°C. • Uniform and · bulk cooking texture, flavour and colour
j The food is usually kept uncovered in can be achieved. Eg. bun, characteristics.
i a container greased with a fat coated bread. • Careful monitoring needed to
· paper. Bread. cake, biscuits, pastries • Flavour and texture are prevent scorching.
; and rnea~,are prepared by this method improved.
( Variety of dishes can be

\2u tein_g - -- - - Sauteing is a method in whi9h food is t

Takes less time.
lightly tossed in little oil just enough • Simple technique.
• Constant attention is needed as
there_ is chance of scorching or
to cover the base of the pan. The pan Minimum oil is used. burning.
is covered with a lid and the flarne or
intensity of heat is reduced. The
product obtained is slightly moist and
tender but without any liquid ?r gravy. /
Foods cooked by sautemg are , / (
-~ g~ ~s~a_UX Y~~ta_bl_e_s.____. --·••·• •·-- - --~-- ~ ~---·· _ _ _ _ _ _
Fning . _£11 this nieth~d, the food to ~e cooked / • Very_ quick method .. of • Cart.:ful monitoring is required as
: _,s brought into contact with larger //' cooking. . . food easi!y gets .charred _when
__ __ _L ~~,o ~_n1 of hot fat. . ,~ T~?_(2alonfic value of food 1s the smokmg temp~ra~e 1s not 1

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