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Weekly Home Learning Plan for Modular Distance Learning

Weekly Home Learning Plan for Grade 12

Week 1, Quarter 1, September 13- September 17, 2021

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

6:00 - 7:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!

7:00 - 7:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family.


7:30 – 8:30 Homeroom Guidance Identify your strengths and Homeroom Guidance Module Personal submission
weaknesses and their role on your 1, Lesson 1, Quarter 1, Week by the parent to the
12 HUMSS A personal development; 1 teacher in school
Show ways to enhance strengths
and overcome weaknesses on The students will write a
different aspects of pledge of commitment about
personality: physical, courage and determination in
physiological, mental, spiritual, life.
social, moral and emotional; and
Express an oath of commitment in The students will prepare a
valuing yourself. personal development
achievement plan.


7:30 – 12:00 Parents/Guardians will return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following

7:30 – 12:00 Cookery Recognize the Personal and Cookery Module 1, Lesson 1, Personal submission
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

12 FBS Entrepreneurial characteristics Quarter 1, Week 1 by the parent to the

(PECs) teacher in school
The students will assess their
entrepreneurial skills by
answering (PECs) Self-rating

1:00 – 5:10 Introduction to the Distinguish a holistic perspective Introduction to the Personal submission
Philosophy of a Human from a partial point of view Philosophy of a Human by the parent to the
Person Person Module 1, Lesson 1 teacher in school
Realize the value of doing
Quarter I, Week 1
12 ABM & 12 STEM philosophy in obtaining a broad
perspective on life The students will write their
insights on their journal
notebook about the meaning
and importance of
Philosophy and how they
apply philosophy in their


7:30 – 12:00 Introduction to the Distinguish a holistic perspective Introduction to the Personal submission
Philosophy of a Human from a partial point of view Philosophy of a Human by the parent to the
Person Person Module 1, Lesson 1 teacher in school
Realize the value of doing
Quarter I, Week 1
12 ICT & 12 EIM philosophy in obtaining a broad
perspective on life The students will write their
insights on their journal
notebook about the meaning
and importance of
Philosophy and how they
apply philosophy in their
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

1:00 – 5:10 Introduction to the Distinguish a holistic perspective Introduction to the Personal submission
Philosophy of a Human from a partial point of view Philosophy of a Human by the parent to the
Person Person Module 1, Lesson 1 teacher in school
Realize the value of doing
Quarter I, Week 1
12 FBS philosophy in obtaining a broad
perspective on life The students will write their
insights on their journal
notebook about the meaning
and importance of
Philosophy and how they
apply philosophy in their


7:30 – 12:00 Introduction to the Distinguish a holistic perspective Introduction to the Personal submission
Philosophy of a Human from a partial point of view Philosophy of a Human by the parent to the
Person Person Module 1, Lesson 1 teacher in school
Realize the value of doing
Quarter I, Week 1
12 HUMSS A philosophy in obtaining a broad
perspective on life The students will write their
insights on their journal
notebook about the meaning
and importance of
Philosophy and how they
apply philosophy in their

1:00 – 05:10 Introduction to the Distinguish a holistic perspective

Introduction to the Personal submission
Philosophy of a Human from a partial point of view Philosophy of a Human by the parent to the
Person Person Module 1, Lesson 1 teacher in school
Realize the value of doing
Quarter I, Week 1
12 HUMSS B philosophy in obtaining a broad
perspective on life The students will write their
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

insights on their journal

notebook about the meaning
and importance of
Philosophy and how they
apply philosophy in their


1:00-3:00 Cookery Recognize the Personal and Cookery Module 1, Lesson 1, Personal submission
Entrepreneurial characteristics Quarter 1, Week 1 by the parent to the
12 FBS (PECs) teacher in school
The students will assess
their entrepreneurial skills
by answering (PECs) Self-
rating Questionnaire.

Prepared by:
Checked by:
Assistant Principal II

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