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Qn. Scor To
Qns Answer Key/Value Points
No. e tal
Answer any seven questions from 1 to 9. Each carries 1 score.
1. (c) Face centred cubic 1 1
2. (b) Kohlrausch law 1 1
3. (a) Silver sol 1 1
4. (b) Phosphine 1 1
5. (a) HCOOH 1 1
6. Phosgene or Carbonyl chloride (COCl2) 1 1
7. Sandmeyer’s reaction 1 1
8. Isoprene or 2-Methyl-1,3-butadiene 1 1
9. Phenol OR C6H5-OH 1 1
Answer any ten questions from 10 to 22. Each carries 2 scores.
10. (a) p-type semiconductor 1
(b) n-type semiconductor 1
Schottky Defect Frenkel Defect
Arising due to the missing of equal Arising due to the misplacing of a cation
number of anions and cations from the from the lattice site to the interstitial
lattice site site.
Decreases the density of the solid No change in the density of the solid.
It is shown by ionic crystals in which the It is shown by ionic solids in which there
anionic and cationic sizes are almost is a large difference in the size of the
equal. ions.
(Any 2 Differences is required)
12. Salt Van’t Hoff factor ‘I’ for completedissociation of solute
NaCl 2 ½
Al(NO3)3 4 ½ 2
K2SO4 3 ½
Al2(SO4)3 5 ½
13. Overall Order = 2 1
Molecularity = 2 1
14. (a) Bauxite ore – Leaching 1
(b) Zinc sulphide ore – Froth floatation process 1
15. The principle behind zone refining is that the impurities are more soluble in the melt
2 2
than in the solid state of the metal.
16. By passing Cl2 gas through dry slaked lime, we get bleaching powder.
OR, 2Ca(OH)2 + 2Cl2 → Ca(OCl)2 + CaCl2 + 2H2O 2
17. (a) Due to lanthanide contraction. 1
(b) The electronic confgn. of Cu2+ is 3d9. Here the no. of unpaired electrons = 1 2
Spin only magnetic moment, µs = √n(n+2 = √1(1+2) = 1.73 BM 1
+2 Chemistry Answer Key Prepared by ANIL KUMAR K L, GHSS ASHTAMUDI Page 1
18. Primary valence = 0 1
Secondary valence = 4 1
19. i. Due to the resonance effect, the C-X bond gets partial double bond character.
ii. Due to the instability of phenyl cation, SN1 reaction does not occur.
iii. Due to the greater electronegativity of the sp2 hybridized C to which the halogen
2 2
is bonded.
iv. Due to the possible repulsion between nucleophile and electron rich benzene ring.
[Any 2 reasons required]
20. This is due to the presence of inter molecular hydrogen bonding in ethanol, which is
2 2
absent in methoxymethane.
21. Propanal (being an aldehyde) gives the following tests:
Tollen’s test: When heated with Tollen’s reagent, Propanal gives a bright silver mirror
Fehling’s test: When heated with equal volume of Fehling’s solutions A and B,
Propanal gives reddish brown ppt.
Schiff’s test: Propanal restore the pink colour of Schiff’s reagent. 2 2
The above tests are not answered by propanone (being a ketone).
Iodoform (Haloform) Test: Propanone gives an yellow ppt, when treated with sodium
hypoiodite or I2 in presence of NaOH. Propanal does not give this test.
[Only one test or the corresponding chemical equation is required]
22. Analgesics are pain killers. They reduce or abolish pain without causing impairment 1
of consciousness, mental confusion etc. E.g. aspirin, paracetamol, morphine, heroin,
codeine etc.
Antibiotics are anti-microbial drugs. They are substances produced wholly or
partially by chemical synthesis, which in low concentrations inhibit the growth or
destroys micro organisms by intervening in their metabolic processes. E.g. Pencillin, 1
Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol, Vancomycin, Ampicillin, Amoxycillin
etc. [Examples not necessary]
Answer any seven questions from 23 to 31. Each carries 3 scores.
23. a) No. 1
This mixture shows positive deviation from Raoult’s law.

2 3

24. a) The Arrhenius equation is k = A.e-Ea/RT 1

Or, logk = logA – Ea/2.303RT

b) We know that, log k2/k1 = Ea [T2 - T1] 1

2.303 R T1.T2
Here T1 = 300K, T2 = 300 + 10 =310 K, and R = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1
Suppose k1 = x, then k2 = 2x 3

+2 Chemistry Answer Key Prepared by ANIL KUMAR K L, GHSS ASHTAMUDI Page 2

log 2x = Ea [310 – 300] 1
x 2.303 x 8.314 300 x 310
Ea = 0.3010 x 2.303 x 8.314 x 300 x 310 = 53598.6 J mol-1 = 53.6 kJ mol-1
25. a) Electrophoresis is the movement of colloidal particles (sol particles) under the influence 1
of an electric field.
b) Hardy – Schulze rule. 1 3
The rule states that the greater the valency of the coagulating ion, the greater will be the 1
coagulating power.
26. Potassium dichromate is generally prepared from chromite ore (FeCr2O4). The
preparation involves three steps.
1. Conversion of chromite ore to sodium chromate
Chromite ore is first fused with sodium carbonate in presence of air to form
sodium chromate.
4 FeCr2O4 + 8 Na2CO3 + 7 O2 → 8 Na2CrO4 + 2 Fe2O3 + 8 CO2
2. Acidification of sodium chromate to sodium dichromate
The yellow solution of sodium chromate is filtered and acidified with sulphuric 3 3
acid to orange sodium dichromate.
2Na2CrO4 + 2 H+ → Na2Cr2O7 + 2 Na+ + H2O
3. Conversion of sodium dichromate to potassium dichromate
The solution of sodium dichromate is treated with potassium chloride
so that orange crystals of potassium dichromate crystallise out.
Na2Cr2O7 + 2 KCl → K2Cr2O7 + 2 NaCl
(Equations are not necessary) [Each step carries 1 score]
27. a) Diamminedichloridoplatinum(II) 1

2 3

(1 score for each structure)

28. a) 2-pentene Or Pent-2-ene (CH3-CH2-CH2-CH=CH2) 1 3
b) Zaitsev (Saytzeff) rule. 1
The rule states that “in dehydrohalogenation reactions, if there is possibility of formation of
more than one alkene, the major product is that alkene which contains greater number of 1
alkyl groups attached to the doubly bonded carbon atoms.”

Sl. Reactant Reagent Product Name of reaction
1. CH3CH2NH2 CHCl3/KOH(aq) CH3CH2NC (Ethyl Carbylamine reaction 1 3
isocyanide or
Ethyl carbyl
2. CH3CONH2 Br2/KOH CH3NH2 Hoffmann bromamide
degradation reaction. 1
+ -
3. C6H5NH2 NaNO2+HCl/273K C6H5N2 Cl Diazotisation
(Aniline) 1

+2 Chemistry Answer Key Prepared by ANIL KUMAR K L, GHSS ASHTAMUDI Page 3

30. a) In vulcanisation, rubber is heated with sulphur and a suitable additive at a temperature 1 3
of 373 to 415 K.
b) Addition polymers: PVC, Teflon
Condensation Polymers: Nylon 6,6, Terylene (4 x ½ ) 2
31. a) Fibrous proteins have fibre- like structure. Here the linear polypeptide chains are held 1 3
together by H-bond and disulphide bond. They are generally insoluble in water.
E.g. Keratin and myosin.
While in globular proteins the polypeptides chains are coiled around to give a spherical 1
shape. These are usually soluble in water. E.g. Insulin and albumins.
b) Vitamin A 1
Answer any three questions from 32 to 35. Each carries 4 scores.
32. a) Anode: Zn rod dipped in ZnSO4 solution Or, Zn/ZnSO4 ½
Cathode: Cu rod dipped in CuSO4 solution Or, Cu/CuSO4 ½
b) ∆rG0 = – nFE0cell
Here n = 2, F= 96500 C and E0cell = 1.1 V 2
So ∆rG0 = – 2 x 96500 x 1.1 = – 212300 J/mol = – 212.3 kJ/mol
0 2+
c) Ecell = E cell – 2.303RT log [Zn ]
2F [Cu2+]
OR, 1
0 2+
Ecell = E
– 0.0591 log [Zn ]
2 [Cu2+]
33. a) Because of the high bond enthalpy of N≡ N bond. 1
b) Due to the formation of HCl (g). 1
c) Chlorine reacts with moisture and form nascent oxygen, which is responsible for its
bleaching action. 1
OR, Cl2 + H2O → 2HCl + [O]
d) Because of the presence of only two –OH groups. 4

34. a) Lucas Test: Tertiary alcohols react with Lucas reagent and form immediate turbidity.
Secondary alcohols form turbidity within 5 minutes while primary alcohols do not produce 3
turbidity at room temperature. They give turbidity only on heating. 4
b) CH3-CH2-OH Conc. H2SO4 CH2 = CH2 1
443K Ethene (Ethylene)
35. a) Rosenmund Reduction: Acid chlorides react with hydrogen in presence of Pd
supported on BaSO4, we get aldehydes. This reaction is called Rosenmund’s reduction. 2
R-COCl + H2 Pd/BaSO4 R-CHO + HCl
Cannizzaro Reaction: Aldehydes having no α-hydrogen atom when treated with conc.
alkali (NaOH or KOH) undergo self oxidation and reduction (disproportionation) to 2
form one molecule of the alcohol and one molecule of carboxylic acid salt. This
reaction is called Cannizzaro reaction.
2 HCHO Conc. KOH CH3-OH + H-COOK [OR, Any other examples]

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