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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify the 3 Laws of Motion.

II. Subject Matter

3 Laws of Motion

Materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation

References: Quipper Learning Package

III. Preliminaries

a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Review

IV. Procedure

a. Unlocking of difficulties
1. Law of Inertia
2. Law of Acceleration
3. Law of Action - Reaction

b. Motivational Activity
Picture Presentation
The teacher will show a picture and ask questions about it.

c. Analysis
1. Who discovered the 3 Laws of Motion?
2. What are the 3 Laws of Motion?

d. Abstraction

Isaac Newton – an English scientist and mathematicians famous for his discovery
of the 3 laws of Motion.

3 Laws of Motion
Law of Inertia
- An object at rest will remain in rest and an object in motion will remain in
motion unless acted by an external force.

Law of Acceleration
- The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to its Force and inversely
proportional to its mass.

Acceleration = Force / Mass

Law of Action – Reaction

- For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

e. Application
Why Laws of Motion is important in our Life?

Student activity:
Identify the following question following question.

1. Who discovered the 3 Laws of Motion?

2. An object is directly proportional to its Force and inversely proportional to
its mass?
3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
4. An object at rest will remain in rest and an object in motion will remain in
motion unless acted by an external force.
5. What is the formula for Law of Acceleration

V. Assignment
Make a poem about Laws of Motion.

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