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ta) ete pt Manipal College of Medical Sciences Mid-semester examination VIII semester, 2017 Batch Subject, OBG Total marks: 80 Date ; 26" May,2022 Time: 9:30am-12pm Instruction to Candidates ‘* Write precise and legible answers © Answers should be clear. # Ilustrate with figures whenever possible. © All questions are compulsory Section B Short Answer Questions (5Qx6=30 marks) 1. What are the criteria to allow vaginal birth after previous cesarean section? (6) 2. What are the causes of missed thread of Copper T? What investigations will you send? (3+3) $ - 3. What is transformation zone? What are the different methods for screening for cervical cancer? (244) Discuss on management of eclampsia. (6) 5. Enumerate the risk factors for endometrial cancer. How is the staging of endometrial cancer done? (3+3) = Seetion C Problem Based Question (2Qx10) 1. A 19 years old Primigravida at 12 weeks period of gestation comes to emergency with history of pain lower abdomen with vaginal bleeding with passage of grapes like mass. On abdominal examination, fundal height is 20 weeks and feels doughy. On per vaginal examination, cervical os is open, bleeding is present with cystic grapes like vesicles. What is your diagnosis? What are the investigations done? How do you manage this case? (HSH) Fe mole qraetd 2. A 68 year old postmenopausal woman presenced with abdominal discomfort and feeling of mass in the abdomen, Ultrasonography revealed it to be an ovarian tumor, What are the other investigations you send? How will yop ifferentiate between malignant and benign ovarian tumor? How will you stage oe tumor? (24444) a 2: 3. 4. ‘sg Mid semester time-2hr3omins 8" sem SAQ (5 X 6= What is triple assessment of breast? Mention benign disease of breast? Classify thyroid disease? What are the modalities of treatment in breast disease? What are the blood components and its uses? PBQ(2 X 10= 20) 55 years male, diabetic and hypertensive presented to surgery OPD with the complain of pain and ulcer of the left foot for fast four months despite of multiple episode of treatment. a) Classify the wound healing? (2) b) How would you investigate the case? (4) ¢) How would you manage the case? (4) A 60 vears female presented to surgery OPD with painless, hard and lump over left breast. On exaniination there is palpabiz mass over left axilla. a) What is diagnosis? (2) b) What investigations will you do confirm the diagnosis ? (4) ¢) How do you nianoge the case? {4) SAQ 6 X 6) 30 Clinical features of ai abetes metit Define and classify cerebral palty| SF finding in acute bacteri ii ae crial meningiyis Physiological jaundice vee PBQ (2X 10) 20 : : 1. A newborn has been refered to you with eool extremities, lethersy, poor feeding and on Examination, child has bradycardia, respiratory rate is 30 breathsfmin with periodic apnea. The baby’s mother had history of prolonged rupture of the membranes. a) What is your diagnosis? (1) reonaped SEPsaS ') What are the other clinical features of sss condition? (4) ©) How will you investigate this ca:2, Mention the findings (5) 2. A 3 year old male child was brows ht to ER with a history of running nose and fever of 3 days duration Foliowing this, he developed generalized seizures and drifted in to an unconscious state. a.What is your probable diagnosis? (2) Feleile seize b.Mow co you approach to arrive at diagnosis? (3) c.Give steps of manangement (5) Manipal Coliege of Medical Sciences VHI Semester-2017 Batch Mid-Semester Examination Medicine and Allied Subject Section: *B? 15Q x 6= 30 Marks] 1. Mention the causes of hemoptysis. Discuss the management of Bronchiectasis. (2+4)., 2. Clinical features and management o1 Parkinson’s Disease. (2+4) 3. Management of Myocardial Infarction. (6) 4. Clinical features, investigations, end treatment of Enteric Fever (2+2+2) Write short notes a. Myxedema Coma. 3) b. Management of snake bite. (3) 12Q x 10= 20 Marks} 1. A 65-year gentleman who is known case of Diabetes Mellitus under insulin is brought to ER with history of loss of consciousness. (4+6) a. What are the likely causes for his loss of consciousness? b. Write in brief about the management of a patient with hypoglycemia. 2. A 17-year-old girl has been brought to Emergency Department with sudden onset of breathlessness since early morning. (446) a. What are the possibilitie: b. How will you manage a case of acute severe asthma?

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