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Unit I. Science Processes

Factual Knowledge


1. When measuring the volume of a liquid using a graduated cylinder, the eye of
the observer must be in level with which point?

a. at any point along the surface

b. lower point of the meniscus
c. upper point of the meniscus
d. middle point of the meniscus


2. A scientist reported a new discovery. This discovery did not agree with the
existing scientific theory, and caused controversy. What would be the best for
the scientific community to do?

a. Ignore the discovery that has been reported.

b. Reject the existing scientific theory.
c. Have other scientists repeat the scientist’s experiments.
d. Survey other people about the discovery.

3. Which of the following characteristics does not describe a scientist?

a. asks many questions about an object of event

b. observes the object and event including changes
c. makes conclusion based on one experiment
d. listens to other people’s ideas

For items 4 and 5, refer to the graph below.

A bar chart showing the accidents that commonly happen in some science
laboratories is given below.

4. Which accident was second to the most common?

a. Broken apparatus c. Electric Shocks

b. Burns d. Cuts

5. Which two types of accidents were less common than bruising?

a. Burns and cuts c. Electric shocks and hurt eyes

b. Broken apparatus and burns d. Cuts and electric shocks

Conceptual Understanding


6. Four students reported the volume of a block of wood measuring 10.2 cm

long, 2.2 cm high, and 5.2 cm wide. Who reported the volume correctly?

a. Student 1 - 271 c. Student 3 - 271.32

b. Student 2 - 271.3 d. Student 4 - 271.320

7. Which of the following statements in an inference or interpretation based on


a. Unripe bananas are green.

b. Ripe bananas have a sweetish odor.
c. The sweetness of bananas depend on the variety.
d. The ripening of bananas involve a chemical change.


8. Cecil kept track of how long it took water in a beaker to cool from 95°C to
70°C. She measured the time it took the water to cool in 5°C intervals.

Interval Amount of
Readings Cooling Time
95°C - 90°C 2 minutes 10 seconds
90°C - 85°C 3 minutes 19 seconds
85°C - 80°C 4 minutes 48 seconds
80°C - 75°C 6 minutes 55 seconds
75°C - 70°C 9 minutes 43 seconds

What is the best generalization statement based on the data gathered?

a. It took a long time to cool water from 95°C to 70°C.

b. The student measured the temperature of the water accurately.
c. The thermometer used may be broken.
d. The time taken for the temperature of the water to cool is not the same
for different intervals.

9. Four students are looking at some rusty metals immersed in a liquid. Here are
the statements they gave:

Helene said, “The liquid has caused the rusting of metals.”

Aaron said, “The liquid is an acid.”
Jonathan said, “Rust surrounds the metals”
Vivian said, “The metal has been in the liquid for a long time.”

Who gave an observation of what he/she saw?

a. Helene c. Jonathan
b. Aaron d. Vivian

10. A sample of water is being heated from 20oC to 30oC, and the temperature is
recorded every 2 minutes. Which table would be most appropriate for
recording the data?

a. Time Temp b. Time Temp

(min.) (oC) (min.) (oC)
0 20
2 22
4 24
6 26
8 28
10 30
c. d.
Temp Time Temp Time
(0C) (min.) (0C) (min.)
0 20
2 22
4 24
6 26
8 28
10 30

11. The following steps are taken in finding the mass of water in a bottle.

A. Find the mass (Mx) of the empty bottle.

B. Find the mass (My) of the bottle with water.
C. Find the difference between the masses (My Mx).
D. Pour water into the bottle.
E. Remove the water from the bottle.

Which is the best sequence of steps to follow?

a. D, A, B, C, E c. B, A, E, C, D
b. A, D, B, C, E d. D, B, E, A, C

Reasoning and Analysis

12. Some pupils wanted to test different brands of dye to see which was best at
dyeing a fabric. They dipped pieces of fabric into the different dyes, washed
and dried them. The pieces of fabric were then compared. Which set shows
three things that should be kept the same if this is to be a fair experiment?

a. brand of dye, kind of fabric, amount of dye

b. kind of fabric, amount of dye, length of drying
c. size of fabric, brand of dye, length of washing and drying
d. length of dipping into dye, length of washing & drying, brand of dye

Refer to the illustrations and graphs below for Question 13.

Three candles of the same size are kept burning inside three jars of different sizes.
The time for each candle to burn is measured from the time the jar is put over the
candle until the flame goes off.

Candle A
Candle B Candle C

13. A graph of the time taken for each jar is plotted. Which of the following
represents the correct graph?

a b c d

Unit II. Scientific Method

Factual Knowledge


14. A plan followed by a scientist to solve a problem is called

a. scientific inquiry. c. scientific attitude.

b. scientific method. d. scientific plan.

15. A hypothesis is best described as

a. a quick conclusion. c. a guess.

b. a thorough observation. d. indirect evidence.

Conceptual Understanding


16. Mario is studying the effect of temperature on the growth of mold. He wrote
in his notebook “Maybe molds need a higher temperature to grow”. This
statement is best described as:

a. an observation c. a generalization
b. a hypothesis d. a law

17. Raisins were dropped into a clear carbonated softdrink. After a few seconds,
some raisins started bobbing up and down. Which of the following statements
is an observation?

a. The raisins rose due to the bubbles formed in the softdrink.

b. The rising raisins were surrounded by bubbles.
c. The rising raisins had a lower density than the softdrink.
d. The bubbles around the raisins were formed by the reaction of sugar
with the softdrink.


18. A model of the Earth has a diameter of 1 cm. A model of the Sun on the same
scale would have a diameter of approximately. (Sun’s actual diameter =
1,391,000 km; Earth’s actual diameter = 12,742 km)

a. 10 cm c. 1 000 cm
b. 100 cm d. 10 000 cm

19. A glass of water has a temperature that is between 35oC and and 39oC. Which
of the following thermometers can give the most accurate reading?

a. alcohol thermometer (0 to100 oC range)

b. mercury thermometer (-25 to 200 oC range)
c. clinical thermometer (35oC to 40 oC range)
d. alcohol thermometer (-50 oC to 50 oC range)

20. The following instruments can be used in determining the density of a lump of
metal except,

a. ruler. c. spring balance.

b. graduated cylinder. d. electronic balance.

21. What is the purpose of the control setup in an experiment?

a. To manipulate the experimental variable in the experiment

b. To minimize the effect of extraneous variables
c. To ensure that the changes/effects are due to the experimental variable
d. To control the variations in the independent variable

22. Alvin took equal number of bean seeds and put them in two similar test tubes
each covered with wet cotton. He placed one test tube in a room while the
other test tube in the refrigerator for the same period of time. What was Alvin
trying to find out in the experiment?

23. Nora carried out an experiment using the setups A and B to show that plants
need air in order to grow. However, her teacher said that the experiment was
not fair. Why is Nora’s experiment not fair?

Unit III Matter

Factual Knowledge


24. What does the atomic mass of an element stands for?

a. Number of electrons c. Number of protons

b. Number of neutrons d. Number of protons and neutrons

25. Metallic needle does not sink when slowly placed horizontally on the surface
of water. Which explains this phenomenon?

a. Adhesion c. Density
b. Surface tension d. Capillarity

26. What is generally released when wood and other fuels are burned?

a. Carbon dioxide and oxygen c. Water only

b. Carbon dioxide only d. Carbon dioxide and water

27. In general, what happens to the particles of a substance when it freezes?

a. Stop moving
b. Move closer to each other
c. Move in a disorderly manner
d. Move farther away from each other

28. Matter generally expands when heated. The energy absorbed cause the

a. to move faster toward the same direction.

b. become strong enough to grow into bigger particles.
c. link tightly to one another and move to farther distance.
d. hit each other more strongly and bounce further away from each other.


29. When a graduated cylinder that is made of glass is filled with some water, the
surface of the water curves. What must be the reason for this?

a. surface tension of the water

b. adhesion among water molecules
c. cohesion between water and glass
d. adhesion between water molecules and the cylinder

30. Which is the best method way to separate a mixture of oil from water?

a. decantation c. distillation
b. filtration d. condensation

Conceptual Understanding


31. Which is an example of a heterogeneous mixture?

a. soil c. carbon dioxide

b. sugar d. carbon monoxide

32. Butter removed from the refrigerator after an hour melted. What happened to
the amount of butter after melting?

a. decreased c. remained the same

b. increased d. decreased then increased

33. What takes place when a glass of milk curdles as kalamansi extract is added
to it?

a. physical change c. a change in state of matter

b. chemical change d. the change is temporary


34. Two pieces of aluminum of the same length and width were cut from a thick
and thin aluminum sheets respectively. What can be said of their density?

a. different because they came from different sheets

b. different because one is thicker than the other
c. the same because they are of the same materials
d. the same because they have the same size

35. Why are materials made of iron painted?

a. to improve its appearance

b. to prevent contact with air
c. to prevent contact with dust
d. to protect from direct sunlight

36. What characteristic of oil accounts for the deaths of corals and fishes during
an oil spill?

a. density c. flammable
b. irritating odor d. free-flowing

37. To what is the rise of water from the roots to all parts of a plant due?

a. gravitational force c. friction

b. cohesion and adhesion d. capillary action

38. You are given a teaspoon of each of the materials given below. Which will
form a homogenous mixture with a glass of water?

a. oil c. starch
b. sugar d. face powder

39. In general, pages of books turn brown after a number of years. Why?

a. The paper has become dusty.

b. The paper has become very dry.
c. The water has reacted with oxygen from the air.
d. The paper has reacted with pollutants in the air.

40. Some cough syrups need to be shaken before use. What kind of mixture are
cough syrups?

a. solution c. colloid
b. suspension d. homogeneous

41. Which diagram best shows the arrangement of the particles of gas in an
inflated balloon?

a. c.

b. d.


42. Which procedure shows that there are spaces in between molecules of water?

a. Drop a sponge in a glass filled with water and measure the amount of
water absorbed by the sponge.
b. Add drops of ink to the known volume of water and get the resulting
c. Pour a given amount of oil into water and get the resulting volume.
d. Drop several stones in water and get the resulting volume.

43. A student wanted to compare the energy value of some food. He burned
different food samples under a test tube containing a fixed amount of water.
He used the increase in water temperature as a measure of relative energy
value. Which of the following variables must be kept the same to ensure
validity of results?

a. mass of food sample c. initial temperature of water

b. volume of food sample d. final temperature of water

44. A one liter flask containing air was connected to a vacuum pump to remove
some of the air. Which drawing below shows how the air inside would look
before and after some air was removed?





45. A stone was dropped into a beaker with water as shown.
The original water level was A and when stone was
dropped rose to B. What is the volume of the stone?

a. 10 mL c. 30 mL
b. 20 mL d. 40 mL

Reasoning and Analysis


46. Which pair of materials sink in water?

a. zinc and styrofoam c. cork and styrofoam

b. lead and zinc d. cork and zinc

47. Four solutes are placed in four glasses respectively. Water is then poured into
each container and stirred with the solute.

The sequence of increasing solubility of solutes in water is –

a. table salt, oil, candle wax, limestone.

b. limestone, candle wax, oil, table salt.
c. candle wax, oil, limestone, table salt.
d. oil, candle wax, table salt, limestone.

48. Refer to the Table below:

System Mixed Substances Observation/Result
A Sugar + water some sugar particles
remain undissolved
B Sugar + hot water all sugar particles
dissolved in hot water
C Egg shells + vinegar bubbles moving up to the
liquids’s surface
D Milk + lemon juice white, gelatinous solid
suspended in liquid

Which of the chemical systems shows chemical change?

a. A&D c. A&C
b. C&D d. B&C

Unit IV. Force and Energy

Factual Knowledge


49. What will happen to two magnets when their like poles are brought near each other?

a. repel each other c. neither attract nor repel

b. attract each other d. attract then repel

50. What force enables a man to float easier in sea than in a swimming pool?

a. friction c. buoyant
b. tidal d. weight

51. Which of the following alternative sources of energy does not contribute to air
pollution and warming of Earth as fossil fuels?

a. biomass c. dendrothermal
b. hydropower d. geothermal

52. Which of the following are energy conservation activities?

I. Defrosting refrigerators regularly

II. Cleaning bulbs and lighting fixtures often
III. Using incandescent bulbs rather than fluorescent lamps
IV. Cooking food with high flame/setting to have fast boiling

a. I and II c. II and III

b. I and III d. III and IV


53. What is common among nuclear, geothermal and fossil fired power plants?

a. They use steam to turn turbine.

b. They are renewable sources of energy.
c. Their energy sources can be traced back from the sun.
d. They emit pollutants that enhance greenhouse effect.

Conceptual Understanding


54. Why is a heavy stone is easier to raise underwater than in air?

a. Water is denser than air.

b. The buoyant force of water is greater than that of air.
c. There is no gravitational force underwater unlike in air.
d. Water exerts an upward pressure while air a downward pressure.

55. What will happen to objects near Earth’s surface when Earth’s gravity
suddenly disappears?

a. They will fly away from Earth.

b. They will remain where they are.
c. They will be moving in all directions.
d. They will fall towards the center of Earth.

56. The Moon has a smaller mass than Earth. What situation supports this

a. The Moon is smaller than Earth.

b. Earth does not shine as brightly as the Moon.
c. An astronaut on the Moon seems to jump up and down slowly.
d. A feather and a bowling ball dropped on the moon fall at the same rate.

57. What force enables you to walk on the ground?

a. your downward force on the ground due to your weight

b. the backward force on the ground from your feet
c. the upward force of the ground that supports you
d. the forward force of the ground on your feet


58. Mark feels liquid pressure as he goes at different places/depths in a swimming

pool. What do you think does he feel about liquid pressure?

a. It is constant anywhere in the pool.

b. It increases as the depth increases.
c. It decreases as the depth increases.
d. It depends on the swimmer’s position.

59. A box of food has a mass of 600 grams. If the same box is taken to the moon,
which of the following will happen?

a. Its mass and weight will increase.

b. Its mass and weight will decrease.
c. Its mass and weight will remain the same.
d. Its mass remains the same, buts its weight is reduced.

60. The graph at right shows the progress made by a

car traveling along a straight road. What is the
speed of the car?

a. 25 km per hour
b. 50 km per hour
c. 75 km per hour
d. 100 km per hour

61. Meg wished to compute for the average speed of a moving bus on a straight
highway. She noted the distance covered. What other quantity should she

a. time c. velocity
b. direction d. acceleration

62. What makes a bicycle run on the road?

a. the force coming from the wheels

b. the movement of the pedals and wheels
c. the wind that is blowing against the bicycle
d. the friction between the bicycle and the ground

63. Which of the following situations illustrates the direct transformation of

potential to kinetic energy?

a. Spring of a mechanical toy car is turned

b. Baseball player catches a flying ball
c. An arrow is released from a bow
d. Car that moves from rest

64. Which of the following situations illustrate radiation?

a. Ironing of clothes c. Campers around a campfire

b. Broiling over live charcoal d. Spoon in a cup of hot coffee

65. Which of the following situations happen because of convection?

a. Heat from the sand is felt by the person walking on the beach.
b. Heat from the sun felt by a person lying on the beach.
c. Sea breeze felt by a person sitting by the beach.
d. Clouds forming over the beach.

66. Which sequence of energy transformation best describes what happens when
you switch on your battery run radio?

a. Mechanical Energy  Electrical Energy  Sound Energy

b. Mechanical Energy  Chemical Energy  Sound Energy
c. Chemical Energy  Electrical Energy  Sound Energy
d. Chemical Energy  Mechanical Energy  Sound Energy

Reasoning and Analysis


67. Equal force is applied on different objects of varied masses. If there are no
other forces acting on the objects, compare their accelerations.

a. the object with least mass has the greatest acceleration

b. the object with least mass has the least acceleration
c. data given is not sufficient to compare acceleration
d. all objects have equal acceleration

68. Two cars, A and B, traveled at constant speed on the same straight highway.
Car A’s speed is 12 m/s for 40s, while car B traveled at 20 m/s for 24s.
Which car traveled the greater distance?

a. Car A because it traveled longer.

b. Car B because it traveled faster.
c. Car B because it traveled in less time.
d. Cars A and B traveled the same distance.

Unit V Ecosystems

Factual Knowledge


69. What is an ecosystem?

a. All the producers in a given place.

b. All organisms living in a given place.
c. All organisms native to the given place.
d. All organisms and the physical setting of a given place.

70. What name is given to the global ecosystem?

a. atmosphere c. hydrosphere
b. biosphere d. lithosphere


71. What condition best illustrates a rainforest ecosystem?

a. denuded or bald mountains

b. abundant shrubs and small trees
c. patches of growth areas and patches of bare areas
d. presence of multi-layered growth of plants in all areas.

72. Which of the factors are true for all ecosystems?

I. materials cycle
II. the flow of energy is one way
III. different organisms living there interact
IV. the biotic factors interact with the abiotic factors.

a. I, II and III only c. I, III and IV only

b. I, II and IV only d. I, II, III and IV

Conceptual Understanding


73. Which of the following does not represent an ecosystem?

a. a pond c. a puddle of water

b. a rotting log d. an aquarium

74. Why is soil mixed with waste layers when composting?

a. Soil contains microorganisms.

b. Soil prevents rapid evaporation of water
c. Soil traps the heat for the decaying matter.
d. Soil prevents the escape of gas from the decaying matter

75. What is the best reason why it is good to plant mongo in between corn plants?

a. To prevent soil from drying

b. To increase the nitrogen content of soil
c. To have two sources of food
d. To emit more oxygen to the atmosphere


76. What happens to the amount of energy available for organisms as trophic
level increases?

a. decreases c. stays the same

b. increases d. varies, but not in a predictable

77. Which tropic level is represented by the greatest biomass in an ecosystem?

a. herbivore c. primary carnivore

b. producer d. top consumer

78. What can a farmer do to protect the soil if his farm is on the slope of a

79. Study the food web in a rice field. Which statement is not based on the
insect bird
rice grasshopper


a. Frogs feed on insects

b. Snakes eat mice
c. Birds may feed on insects
d. Mice eat other kinds of food aside from rice

80. How will increase in population affect water resources in a community? Give
two examples.

81. Everything is connected to everything else. How does cutting of trees in the
mountains affect the mangrove area? Give one specific problem and explain
how this could affect humans.


82. There are two ways to create imbalance in an ecosystem: adding materials to
the ecosystem much more than it can use or removing materials from the
ecosystem. Give one example for each.

Reasoning and Analysis


83. Study the following foodweb.



leaf snail

A. Give two food chains from the web.

B. If all organisms in the web are dependent on each other for food, what
happens if the snail population will be totally removed?

C. What organism can become a pest?

Unit VI. Changes in the Lithosphere

Factual Knowledge


84. If you dig a hole in the ground deep enough, you will reach a layer of partially
decomposed rock. What is this layer called?

a. topsoil c. bedrock
b. subsoil d. weathered parent material

85. How would you classify a rock sample that contains fossils?

a. Sedimentary c. Igneous
b. Metamorphic d. Conglomerate

86. When there is an earthquake near the seashore, the residents should

a. wait for any warning. c. evacuate to a higher place.

b. stay calm in their houses. d. evacuate to the town proper.

87. In what part of the ocean floor can you find the youngest rocks?

a. near the shore c. at the center of the ocean

b. near the oceanic ridge d. between the shore and the oceanic ridge


88. What is the source of information upon which the present understanding of
the nature of the Earth’s interior is primarily based?

a. density distribution inferred from the Earth’s rotational properties

b. magnetic field intensity values on the Earth’s surface
c. gravity field intensity values on the Earth’s surface
d. seismic surface wave evidence from earthquakes

89. Which is believed to be the cause of the phenomenon called seafloor spreading?

a. folding and faulting

b. flow of lava in mid-oceanic ridges
c. collision between two oceanic plates
d. erosion and weathering (action of water current)

90. Which of the following evidences strongly supports the continental drift theory?

a. formation of mountains
b. occurrence of earthquakes when volcanoes erupt
c. almost perfect fit of the outline of the continents
d. occurrence of tsunamis when earthquakes happen

Conceptual Understanding


91. What is the cause of most earthquakes near Mt. Mayon?

a. tectonic c. heating of magma

b. volcanic d. drawing of steam for geothermal
power plant

92. What is the best place to collect samples of igneous rocks?

a. on the seashore c. on the rivers and creeks

b. on cement mining site d. on the mountains with inactive

93. Why is the Philippines said to belong to the Pacific Ring of Fire?

a. It has many volcanoes. c. It is surrounded by trenches.

b. It is located near the equator. d. It is composed of many islands.

94. Which of the following practices should farmers avoid in order to promote
conservation of soil?

a. terracing on steep slopes c. contour farming along slopes

b. planting root crops on steep slopes d. planting cover crops on barren

95. What is the advantage of constructing terraces for planting crops in hilly regions?

a. to prevent erosion c. to have better distribution of fertilizers

b. makes the site a tourist destination d. to obtain equal exposure to
sunlight and rain

96. A white rock when exposed turns reddish brown. Which statement best explains
what happened?

a. Dirt covered the rock.

b. Oxygen reacted with the rock
c. Heat from the sun burned the rock.
d. Water washed away all other minerals except reddish brown

97. Which of the following observations indicate that a rock has been weathered

a. The rock has a reddish color.

b. The rock is smooth with rounded edges.
c. The outer part of the rock is soft and crumbly.
d. The rock is covered with unconsolidated materials.

98. The Elastic Rebound Theory states that rocks bend as forces build up. What
happens when the forces become too great?

a. The rock bends even more.

b. The rock breaks and vibrates violently.
c. The rock stretches and becomes longer.
d. The rock breaks and each part simply assume new position.

99. How can our government lessen the effects of earthquakes?

a. Release a calamity fund.

b. Educate people on disaster preparedness.
c. Require developers to make buildings earthquake resistant.
d. Disallow construction of buildings in earthquake prone areas.

100. Planting near the edge of a mountain produced good harvest. Which of the
following statements could be used to explain such observation?

a. There is plenty of water in the place.

b. The mountain shields the plants from strong winds.
c. The mountain shields the plants from scorching heat of the sun.
d. Substances from weathered mountain rock materials supply nutrients for

101. When sideward forces act on sedimentary rocks they usually tilt or bend. If the
resulting folds are large, what landforms are formed?

a. lagoons and lakes c. rivers and streams

b. volcanoes and deltas d. mountains ridges and valleys

102. On the diagram, hills and valleys are shown by

means of contour lines. Each contour line
indicates that all points on the line have the
same elevation above sea level. In which
direction does the river flow?

a. northeast
b. southeast
c. northwest
d. southeast

Reasoning and Analysis


103. An earthquake happened in a mountainous region with an intensity of 6. In which

place will the damage be greatest?

a. on top of a mountain c. on the valley

b. on a mountain slope d. the same in all places

104. Why is it not advisable to place a climbing vine against a concrete wall?

a. The vine can hold water and wet the wall.

b. The vine can cause the breaking of the wall.
c. The vine can cover the structure of the wall.
d. The vine cannot absorb water and nutrients from the wall.

105. When a continental and an oceanic crust collide, the oceanic crust dives down
under the continental crust as shown by the figure at right. Which statement best
explains this observation?

a. The continental crust exerts pressure on the

oceanic crust.
b. The oceanic crust is denser than the continental
c. The weight of the continental crust pushes
down the oceanic crust.
d. The top portion of the oceanic crust is wet so it
tends to slide down the continental crust.


106. Why does the size of the earth remain the same despite of what happens at the mid-
oceanic ridges?

a. The edges of continents are maintained.

b. It is composed of continental and oceanic crusts of constant sizes.
c. Creation of crust at divergent margins is balanced by destruction at
convergent margins.
d. What happens at mid-oceanic ridge merely shakes the ocean waters and
does not cause these to rise to increase the size of earth.

107. The triangular graph below right

shows the percentage of sand, silt
and clay of four soil samples, C, D,
E, and F. Which of the four soil
samples corresponds to the pie
graph at right?

a. C
b. D
c. E
d. F

108. Differentiate physical and chemical weathering. Give one example for each.

109. What is the effect of the plate movements on evolution and diversity of animal


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