4 COVID-19-pre-visit-letter

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23 M AR CH 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Pre-site visit information

To whom it may concern,

ABB is keen to support business continuity with our global partners during this rapidly
evolving situation. To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff and stakeholders during
this effort, we wish to make the following points.

ABB staff and contractors will be adhering to the latest government advice (including the
requirements for self-isolation and good hygiene practices) and require that all visitors and
contractors to our sites do as well. Individual personnel will also be carrying out self-checks
before departing for your site.

When we are visiting your facility, please:

· Confirm that your company is also proactively implementing the government
advice, specifically around personnel self-isolating when returning from the highest
risk countries or from other high-risk countries when showing symptoms.
· Ensure that facilities are available to allow the required high levels of personal
hygiene advised.
· Do not be offended if/when our staff maintain minimal personal contact or practice
social distancing.
· Advise us immediately if a member of our team has come into contact with
someone that you subsequently become aware has the virus.
· Notify us in advance of any site-specific requirements or processes we need to
comply with during our visit.

As with all matters of health and safety, avoiding any risk is preferred. ABB has facilities in
place to allow virtual meetings and conference calls where these are an appropriate
alternative and would suggest that these be considered where at all possible.

Please confirm by returning your receipt of this letter and intent to adhere to the points
noted. We thank you for your efforts to support our businesses and civil continuity during
and beyond this challenging period.

Equally, should you have any questions regarding ABB’s response or business continuity
plans during this period, please do not hesitate to contact us.

ABB and ABB Power Grids Coronavirus Task Force

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