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Tell me the time when your students were excited in your lesson or

- How is it important to keep students interested all the time?
- Why do you think they had funny time then?
So regarding to the first question, when my students were exited in my lesson or activity, A I
remember it happened last year, when I was a new employee in my current workplace my all students
were all elementary and for this reason they found a little bit difficulties in learning new vocabularies.
As a result, I made up my mind to another method learning all new words. We tried to make up a new
interesting story, it was somehow nonsense to remember all new words in the same time, and it was
great fun for them. In addition, at the end of the lesson we said that they were excited in learning new
vocabularies with that way and it was real success for them.
Regarding to second question, it is always main thing for me to keep all my students attention during
the lesson. Because the lesson will be productive and fruitful if all students focus on the theme when I
explaining it. Otherwise, the lesson can be useless or boring. After the lesson, I cannot be satisfied my
Therefore, I usually try to change my methods of explanation
Finally I would say that why my students had funny time then, after using the new methods they
mentioned that they changed their minds with learning new languages not only English but also
Russian and German, so learning English was not main problem for them after that and them had a
great fun.

Is it important to explain a new theme in pictures or images?

- What do you do when your pupils do not understand the lesson?
- Is it beneficial being a visual learners or not? Why?
So regarding to the first question I would say that it is essential to explain a new theme in pictures and
images. If you really want to do your lesson more interesting and beneficial, you should use some extra
materials in order to make your lesson more attractive. You can utilize not only pictures but also
colorful slides and questioner Q cards. These all materials definitely make your lesson more fruitful for
learners. Above all, we shouldn’t forget about the learners’ age. If our learners are young it will be
great if we organize more activities with using some methods while explaining new them such as team
work or pair work are more vital than pictures.
Moving to the second question, a good teacher should be psychologist while explain new theme I
always pay attention to my students eyes. As a pure mirror it is always visible in their eyes the results
of my explanation. If their eyes are not sparking I always try to change my explanation.
For the final question, it is possible to say that it is essential not to forget what grade of learners we
are teaching. If we are learning with little learners I mean 1, 2, 3 grades of students we have to use
visual materials while explaining new theme the main reason of this they usually don’t know even
English letters in this case the teacher should explain everything with using of extra materials by
showing them to the little learners.

Masharipov Otabek
Tell me about a time you had to give information to a group of people
- How successfully do you think you explained it?
- Has technology made it easier?
To begin with, giving information to a group of people requires to take full of resbonsibility. As for me, I
had to give information in front of a bunch of people. It was a couple of months ago. I gave a
presentation for my collegues to enhance and exchange our methods and experiences. To be honestly, I
didn’t have enough time to well preparing. I was a little bit nervous beforehand I prepared. I just
strived whatever I could do. Before that day, I wrote my speech I just practiced more than 10 times in
front of mirror.
Moving to the second question, if I exchange my fellings on that day. My laptop and interactive
whiteboard would be helpful to provide my presentation successfully. After all I made a real success of
my presentation with the help of technologies and technicians of today.
Finally, we are living in the computer edge. It is impossible to ignore cutting edge technologies. The
impact of technologies is great to thrive not only educational system but also all spheres. Above all,
using new technologies that allows students to bring live content into the class and personalize the
learning experience with research and group activities.

Tell me about a time when your students find your lesson particularly difficult
- How effective were you to overcome with this difficulty?
- How important for students to be challenged in class?
Let me tell you about my lesson which all my students found it really challenging. It was two weeks ago and my
lesson was with high grades and the topic was grammar of conditional.
When I explained the theme accurately I saw that some of my students who were sitting at the end of the desk
couldn't comprehend the rules well. So I decided to use another methods which I had.
While doing some activities with cooperative method working in a group they found out everything due to that
grammar. Then I divided the class as personalisation method leaving them separately as an individual I knew that
everything was clear to them. So I was really pleased to catch up on everything while teaching .
From my point of view, students should have been challenged while learning. Why? because it helps them to
learn how to run away such kind of difficulties.
It also helps them to find out to achieve any success. We know that more challenging today more achievements
in future.

What do you think new technology has replaced traditional one?

- How do you use technology in your lessons?
- Which one do you prefer new technology or old one?
Nowadays the world is changing day by day. So I can safely say that new technologies are also developing. It is
true that all human beings are using these kind of devises during their daily life which helps them make easier to
live. There is no doubt that new devises can replace the old one but in fact without traditional technologies new
one cannot increase

In regard to the second question I would always rather to use modern devises rather than old one like laptops,
gadgets, screens, tape recorder and so on They of course help me organize my lessons effectively enjoyable. With
help of them I can easily catch up everything and my students are able to comprehend the topic accurately.

Masharipov Otabek
As for the last question, I can surely say that I prefer new technology because it can help me to organize my
lessons much better than traditional ones. However, at times I have to use old ones like books, notebook, and
perhaps blackboard because students can be fed up with the new technologies.

Can you remember a time when you have to talk to a parent?

- When did it happen?
- What did you discuss?
To begin with, because of our job dealing with parents is more important and beneficial way to improve
pupils’ learning skills. I faced with next this kind of situation. It was a couple weeks ago. One of my pupils
who is smart and active came to school in bad mood. He was very sad and unhappy. In order to find the
reason what happened with him. I just tried to talk to him. I couldn’t be careless at that time. He said
that he wanted to become a pilot. However, his parents ignored his decision. They wanted to be a
Moving to the second question, I called his parents . The school psychologist and I explained them to
give him an opportunity. After giving some credible explanations, they understood that pupils must
choose a profession according to their interests, ability, and qualities.
Finally, not only parents but also pupil were very happy. I’m just pleased too.

What are the benefits of school trip?

- Did you organize school trip during your lessons?
-What do you think school trip is effective way for pupils?
1-Encouraging and discovering new interests
As humans and students our brain gets excited by different things, topics and teaching methods. School
trips can be a powerful motivation tool, encouraging further learning on a particular subject or sparking
their interest in new ones.
School trips abroad and indeed local school tours can inspire students. Kids who might not be
particularly interested in team sports for instance, might discover they enjoy skiing, hiking or even find a
new sporting passion.
2-Experiencing different cultures
Education is not only about growing intellectually or achieving results but also preparing youngsters to
be responsible citizens. Experiencing different cultures teaches them valuable lessons they will carry
with them into adulthood.
On school trips abroad, they get exposed to different cultures, traditions, food, languages and ways to
see the world; encouraging understanding, appreciation for other nationalities and diversity. This is
without a doubt one of the most important benefits of school trips abroad for all students.
3-Bonding with classmates and teachers
School trips also have an important social aspect, as they facilitate team building and bonding between
classmates. Often new friendships are developed during school trips, as students from different groups
might interact and mix.
They can also give teachers an opportunity to know their students better, their interests and
personalities, in a more informal context and relaxed environment; and gain their trust.

Masharipov Otabek
4-Personal development and confidence building
Many students get their first taste of relative freedom or independence during school trips. This is an
important rite of passage and has a positive impact on their personal development, building their
confidence as they are taken out of their home environment and comfort zone.
For instance they will learn to manage their own time and find their way around a new city, if the trip
includes free time to explore; they will be in charge of their personal budget for the duration of the trip
and they can even be encouraged to organise a saving plan at home to take responsibility for their own
school trip costs.
These valuable learning experiences can’t be recreated in a classroom environment or learned from

Detailed lesson plan

To begin with, detailed lesson plan is roadmap for teachers. It contains a detailed description of the
steps. As for me I almost always write lesson plan for my lessons. The last time was 2 days ago. As usual I
just tried to involve learning objectives like timeline, past lesson, learning activities, consoladation and
assessment procedures.
Moving to the second question, detailed lesson plan makes teachers to feel self confidence. As for me, I
exactly know what I teach, what kind of activities I use during my lesson. After all, I get self assured and
inspiration on my own.
To sum up, detailed lesson plan is very crucial for teachers. It makes them to take full of responsibility.
Without a lesson plan students can quickly lose focus and teachers may be left scrambling , thinking of
what to do next.

Project work
To begin with, as a teacher we should design our lesson in such a way that it must involve to all types of
learners in the classroom like auditory learners, visual learners and likewise. To my mind, it is one of the
best way to devise as a project which learners work on.
Personally, I prefer to make a presentation and a role play as a project work. The last time was a couple
weeks ago. I did project work on the topic "Save the water" for 6th classes.
Moving to the second questions, in order to make a successfull project I worked for nearly two weeks on
it. Firstly, I just wrote the table of contents. It would consists of planing, writing its content, designing
and giving a memorable presentation. Morever, I made posters, slides and handouts in order to engage
novices. Before that day, I practiced much more time. After all, I did a successful project.

To sum up, project work allows pupils to consolidate the language that they have learnt and encourages
them to acquire new vocabulary and suggestions. Throughout project work pupils have extensive
practice of the skills. Reading, writing, listening and speaking

Masharipov Otabek
Have you had a task which you were unable to do?
- How did you feel about it?
- How important students to learn organizational skill.
Let me tell you about my lesson which all my students found it really challenging. It was two weeks ago
and my lesson was with high grades and the topic was grammar of conditional.
When I explained the theme accurately I saw that some of my students who were sitting at the end of
the desk couldn't comprehend the rules well. So I decided to use another methods which I had.
While doing some activities with cooperative method working in a group they found out everything due
to that grammar. Then I divided the class as personalisation method leaving them separately as an
individual I knew that everything was clear to them. So I was really pleased to catch up on everything
while teaching .
From my point of view, students should have been challenged while learning. Why? because it helps
them to learn how to run away such kind of difficulties.
It also helps them to find out to achieve any success. We know that more challenging today more
achievements in future.

Making decision
To begin with, to make a right decision is very important not only for our todayʼs life but also our future .
As for me, I faced with such kind of situation. It was couple months ago. It was unforgetable for me. I
have always dreamt about studying and working abroad. One day one of my friends who is in Germany
engouraged me to study there for Masterʼs degree.
Moving to the second question. If I exchange my feelings at that day. I was over the moon. I made the
decision to go there beforehand I knew that I had to leave my sons at home. I faced the dilemma of
leaving my family or going abroad. However, I would say that I understood not live happily without
them. My family is more important for me than my dreams and career.
Finally, I never regret my decision. Iʼm just very happy and lucky with my family.
Well, in this picture I see a person who stands in front of two ways . Each way has different nature.
However, the describtion is superpicial. If I describe this illustration morally it is full of meaning. It
depend on making decision.
Undoubtedly it is true that decisions play a vital role in our lives. One right decion makes life, on the
other hand , one wrong decision spoil one's future.
In some time we faced such kind of problem. We can't decide.
For instance, I had a problem when I was in late tens. My parents wanted me to be a doctor while I
wanted to be a teacher. It was the crusial time for me to decide on my future career. So I had to talk my
feeling And interistes even they were upset.
As may family is close nit family they supported my decision. Nowadays I work at school as a teacher.

Masharipov Otabek
Challenging lesson
To begin with teaching children is one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs. As for me, I have
faced with such kind of situations many times during my work experience. Let me remember, The last
time was 2 couple weeks ago Mostly, I find some difficulties when I explain complex and compound
sentences. Because there is a big difference between the Uzbek and English language. The last time I
had a lesson for 11 th grades. I started new grammar rules. After while, I realised that my pupils could
not understand the theme.

Moving to the second question, I just felt a little bit down. But I couldnʼt lose myself. In two minutes
silence I just strived whatever I could do. Firstly, I gave real examples and formulas by visual aids.
Secondly, I compared sentences to the Uzbek languages and analysed them. After all I used chain drill
for consolidation.

To sum up, I organized my lesson successfully. It was pleased for teachers to see pupilsʼ satisfaction
from the lesson.

Masharipov Otabek

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