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Sewer Socialism

Sewer socialism was an originally pejorative term for the American socialist movement that centered in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin from around 1892 to 1960.[1] The term was coined by Morris Hillquit at the 1932
Milwaukee convention of the Socialist Party of America as a commentary on the Milwaukee socialists
and their perpetual boasting about the excellent public sewer system in the city.[2]

Victor Berger
Electoral history
Relationship with the Wisconsin Progressive Party
See also
Further reading
External links

With the creation of the Socialist Party of America, this group formed the core of an element that favored
democratic socialism over orthodox Marxism, de-emphasizing social theory and revolutionary rhetoric in
favor of honest government and efforts to improve public health. The sewer socialists fought to clean up
what they saw as "the dirty and polluted legacy of the Industrial Revolution",[3] cleaning up
neighborhoods and factories with new sanitation systems, city-owned water and power systems and
improved education. This approach is sometimes called "constructive socialism".[4] The movement has
its origins in the organization of the Social Democratic Party, a precursor to the Socialist Party of

Victor Berger
Victor L. Berger was one of the prime movers of sewer socialism,[3] often compared to Robert La
Follette and his representation of progressivism. He was an Austrian Jewish immigrant who published
English and German daily newspapers, distributing free copies to every household in Milwaukee before
elections. He was the best-known local leader of this tendency. In 1910, he became the first of two
Socialists elected to the House of Representatives, representing Wisconsin's 5th congressional district
(the second was Meyer London of New York). Berger was reelected in 1918, but he was barred from his
seat in the House because of his trial and conviction under the 1917 Espionage Act for his public remarks
opposing intervention in World War I. A special election was called in which Berger again emerged
victorious, but he was denied the seat and it was declared vacant. Berger served the 5th district again
from 1923 until 1929 and during his tenure introduced proposals for numerous programs that were
subsequently adopted, such as old age pensions, unemployment
insurance and public housing.

Electoral history

Victor L. Berger, Representative of

Campaign poster from the 1912 presidential Wisconsin's 5th district in the 61st
campaign where Emil Seidel was the running mate and 67th–72nd Congresses
of Eugene V. Debs

In 1910, the Socialists won most of the seats in the

Milwaukee city council and county board. This
included the first Socialist mayor in the United States, Emil Seidel, who also received the nomination for
Vice President on the Socialist Party of America ticket in the 1912 election when the Socialists netted 6%
of the vote, their highest-ever percentage. Seidel and Berger both lost their campaigns in 1912, but in
1916 a new socialist mayor was elected, Daniel Hoan, who remained in office until 1940. Socialists
never regained total control over the local government as they did in 1910, but they continued to show
major influence until the defeat of Daniel Hoan in 1940. The sewer socialists elected one more mayor in
Milwaukee, Frank Zeidler, who served for three terms (1948–1960). A member of a socialist party has
not been elected mayor of a major American city since the end of Zeidler's tenure, though independent
socialist Bernie Sanders was elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont in 1981.

Relationship with the Wisconsin Progressive Party

Although the Socialists had many ideas and policies similar to those of the Wisconsin Progressives,
tensions still existed between the two groups because of their differing ideologies. Socialist
Assemblyman George L. Tews during a 1932 debate on unemployment compensation and how to fund it
argued for the socialist bill and against the Progressive substitute, stating that a Progressive was "a
Socialist with the brains knocked out".[5] Although as a rule the Progressives and Socialists did not run
candidates against each other in Milwaukee, they rarely co-operated on elections. One notable exception
was the 1924 presidential campaign of Robert La Follette, who was endorsed by the Socialist Party of
America. A factor that affected this lack of collaboration was the relationship of each party to the
Republican Party. Socialists were outright opposed to the party while the Progressives sometimes worked
with their parent party.

In 1961, Progressive editor William Evjue wrote of the Wisconsin Socialist legislators he had known by
saying: "They never were approached by the lobbyists, because the lobbyists knew it was not possible to
influence these men. They were incorruptible".[6]
See also
Jasper McLevy
Progressivism in the United States

1. "Socialism in Milwaukee" (
&term_id=9192&search_term=socialism). Wisconsin Historical Society. Retrieved
October 11, 2009.
2. Louis Waldman, Labor Lawyer. New York: Dutton, 1944, p. 260. Hillquit was running against
Milwaukee mayor Dan Hoan for the position of National Chairman of the Socialist Party at
the 1932 convention, and the insult may have sprung up in that context.
3. "Milwaukee Sewer Socialism" (
=more_essay). Wisconsin Historical Society. Retrieved October 11, 2009.
4. Miller, Sally M. Victor Berger and the Promise of Constructive Socialism Westwood,
Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1973
5. Kaveny, Edward T. "$10,000,000 Tax: Assembly Passes Compromise Bill by 73 to 15 Vote"
Milwaukee Sentinel January 6, 1932; p. 1, cols. 7-8
6. Evjue, William T. "Hello, Wisconsin," Capital Times November 9, 1961, p. 3, col. 1.

Further reading
Beck, Elmer A. The Sewer Socialists: A History of the Socialist Party of Wisconsin, 1897–
1940. Fennimore, WI: Westburg Associates, 1982.
Bekken, Jon. "'No Weapon So Powerful': Working-Class Newspapers in the United States,"
Journal of Communication Inquiry, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 104–119 (1988)
Johnston, Scott D. "Wisconsin Socialists and the Conference for Progressive Political Action
05)" Wisconsin Magazine of History, vol. 37, no. 2 (Winter, 1953-1954):96-100.
Jozwiak, Elizabeth. "Politics in Play: Socialism, Free Speech, and Social Centers in
Milwaukee (
8/show/42441)" Wisconsin Magazine of History, vol. 66, no. 4 (Summer, 1983):10-21.
Kerstein, Edward S. Milwaukee's All-American Mayor: Portrait of Daniel Webster Hoan.
Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966.
Lorence, James J. "'Dynamite for the Brain': The Growth and Decline of Socialism in Central
and Lakeshore Wisconsin, 1910-1920 (
ject/collection/wmh/id/47703/show/47623)" Wisconsin Magazine of History, vol. 66, no. 4
(Summer, 1983):250-273.
McCarthy, John M. Making Milwaukee Mightier: Planning and the Politics of Growth, 1910-
1960. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2009.
Miller, Sally M. Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Early Twentieth-Century American Socialism.
Garland Reference Library of Social Science, vol. 880. New York and London: Garland
Publishing, 1996.
Olson, Frederick L. "The Socialist Party and the Union in Milwaukee, 1900-1912 (http://cont"
Wisconsin Magazine of History, vol. 44, no. 2 (Winter, 1960-1961):110-116.
Zeidler, Frank P. A Liberal in City Government: My Experiences as Mayor of Milwaukee.
Milwaukee: Milwaukee Publishers, 2005.
External links
John Gurda on How the Socialists Saved Milwaukee (
Socialism before it was a four-letter word (
Here, Socialism meant honest, frugal government (
Parsing Out the Legacy of Sewer Socialism (

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