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Soda Straw Rocket Science

Aerospace Engineering Projects for Grades K 12+

For permission to copy or republish, contact Eugene L. Fleeman, 4472 Anne Arundel Court, Lilburn, GA 30047, ,
4/13/2009 ELF 1

List of Projects
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

History of Rockets How to Make a Soda Straw Rocket How to First Check Out of a Soda Straw Rocket How to Demonstrate Galileos Hypothesis and Newtons 2nd Law Why Do Soda Straw Rockets Fly Differently? What is the Scientific Method? How Does Newtons 2nd Law Apply to a Soda Straw Rocket? Example of Scientific Method Hypothesis Test Design, Build and Fly Competition Structure Failure Prediction and Test Thrust Prediction and Test How to Measure Accuracy of Test Data Flight Trajectory Analysis Using a Digital Camcorder Technical Description of a Soda Straw Rocket House of Quality for a Soda Straw Rocket Design of Experiments for a Soda Straw Rocket

K+ K+ K+ K+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9 9+ 9+ 9+ 9+ 9+ 12+ 12+ 12+




Project # 1: Grades K+ History of Rockets



Who Invented Rockets?

Year 1232. Chinese Invent Fire Arrow Rocket

Year 1926. Dr. Goddard Invents Liquid Propellant Rocket

Year 1944. Dr. von Braun Invents V-2 Guided Rocket ..

Year 1957. Mr. Korolev Invents R-7 Sputnik Satellite Rocket ..

Year 1967. Dr. von Braun Invents Saturn Moon Rocket



Who Developed the Theory of Gravity and the Equations of Motion? q

Year ~ 340 BC. Aristotles Theory: Heavy Objects Fall Faster Than Lighter Objects ( Not True )

Year 1630 AD. Galileos Theory and Experiment: Objects Fall at about the Same Velocity, Due to Gravity.

Year 1687 AD. Newton Develops 2nd Law and Equation of Motion ( F = ma ) ..



How Far Do Rockets Fly?

Chinese Fire Arrow Rocket: 1,000 Feet Goddards Li id Propellant R k t 3 Mil . G dd d Liquid P ll t Rocket: Miles

von Brauns V-2 G Guided Rocket: 200 Miles .

Korolevs R-7 Soyuz Rocket ( Sputnik Satellite ): 25,000 Miles ...

von Brauns Saturn Moon Rocket: 240,000 Miles

Soda Straw Rocket: 90+ Feet

4/13/2009 ELF 6

A Soda Straw Rocket Has Thrust, Gravity, and Drag Forces, Like the Bigger Rockets g gg

Saturn V Moon Rocket Video

Space Shuttle Video

Sounding Rocket Video

Hellfire Missile Video


LOSAT Missile Video


Soda Straw Rocket Video


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 6.

The first rocket was invented in the year 1232 by the C______. In the year 1630, G______ demonstrated that the force of gravity i th same f b th li ht objects and h it is the for both light bj t d heavy objects. bj t The rocket equation F = ma is the 2nd Law / equation of motion that was invented in the year 1687 by Sir Isaac N_____. In the year 1944, Dr. von Brauns V-_ rocket flew from France to England, a distance of 200 miles. In the year 1967, Dr. von Brauns Saturn rocket flew from the 1967 Dr Braun s earth to the m___, a distance of 240,000 miles. Your soda straw rocket follows the same rocket equation as bigger rockets. It has the three f bi k t h th th forces of thrust, drag, and f th t d d g______.



Project # 2: Grades K+ How to Make a Soda Straw Rocket



It Is Easy to Make a Soda Straw Rocket

1. Cut Large Diameter Giant Soda Straw to Desired Length 2. Twist and Squeeze Foam Ear Plug to Fit Inside Soda Straw 3. 3 Slide Twisted / Squeezed Ear Plug Inside Soda Straw 4. Trim Nose to Desired Shape 5. Select Adhesive Tab(s) with Desired Number of Tail, Wing, and Canard Surfaces ( 2, 3, 4 ) and Fold Adhesive Tab(s) Around Soda Straw 7. 7 Cut Adhesive Tab(s) to Desired Height and Geometry of Surfaces 8. Overwrap Front of Ear Plug and Straw with Tape 9. Slide Giant Soda Straw Rocket Over Smaller Diameter Super J b S d St Di t S Jumbo Soda Straw L Launch Tube hT b




1. 2.

We need to wrap the front of the ear plug and soda straw with t___ to keep it from leaking air. The d t Th soda straw rocket should slide o___ th launch tube k t h ld lid the l ht b straw.




Project # 3: Grades K+ How to First Check Out a Soda Straw Rocket




First Check Out the Strength and Accuracy of Your Soda Straw Rocket
Blow air into soda straw rocket. Check to see if nose section is air tight and has structural integrity.

Slide soda straw rocket over soda straw launch tube. Blow air into soda straw launch tube to launch rocket at accuracy scoreboard. Check flight accuracy of rocket.

Accuracy A Scoreboard

Soda straw rocket Launch tube

4/13/2009 ELF 13

Soda Straw Rocket Accuracy Scoreboard for First Check Out Test
1 Yellow 2 White 3 Green 2 White 1 Yellow

2 White 3 Green 4 Blue 3 Green 2 White

3 Green 4 Blue 5 Purple 4 Blue 3 Green


2 White 3 Green 4 Blue 3 Green 2 White

1 Yellow 2 White 3 Green 2 White 1 Yellow


1. 2.

We need to blow air into the soda star rocket to check out the strength of the n___ section. We W need to shoot the soda straw rocket at a scoreboard to d t h t th d t k t t b dt check out its a_______.




Project # 4: Grades K+ How to Demonstrate Galileos Force of Gravity Hypothesis and Newton s Newtons 2nd Law / Equation of Motion




How to Demonstrate Galileos Force of Gravity Hypothesis Using Soda Straw Rockets yp g
From the Same Height Simultaneously Height, Drop a Rocket and Horizontally Launch Another Rocket 2. According to Galileo, Both Rockets Should Hit the Ground at the Same Time th G d t th S Ti
1. 1




How to Demonstrate Galileos Gravity Hypothesis Using a Rocket Drop and a Horizontal Launch

Galileo Experiment Video Using Digital Blue Camcorder

4/13/2009 ELF 18

How to Demonstrate Newtons 2nd Law and Equation of Motion Using Soda Straw Rockets q g
According to Newton, the Force of Gravity Newton Will Cause a Rocket Launched at an Angle of 45 degrees to Fly the Farthest Distance Also, According to Newton, the Force of Gravity G it Will C Cause a R k t L Rocket Launched at a h d t Vertical Angle / 90 Degrees to Fly the Longest Ti L t Time




How to Demonstrate Newtons 2nd Law Using a Rocket Launched at a 45 Degree Angle g g

Newton Experiment Video Using Digital Blue Camcorder

4/13/2009 ELF 20

How to Demonstrate Newtons 2nd Law Using a Rocket with a Vertical Launch

Newton Experiment Video Using Digital Blue Camcorder

4/13/2009 ELF 21

Soda Straw Rocket Launcher

8. Inclinometer 7. Rocket on Launcher 6. Launch Tube 5. Solenoid Valve 4. Pressure Gauge 3. 3 Air Hose 2. Pressure Tank 1. Air Compressor


9. Rockets with Various Length and Geometry 10. Measuring Wheel 11. Launch Button ELF


What Is the Test Process for a Compressor Launcher?


Wrap Tape 1 from End of Launch Straw Insert Taped End of p Launch Straw 1 into Launcher Bushing Elevate Launcher to Desired Launch Angle Lock Friction Lid Support Connect Air Supply Socket to Launcher Plug Turn Valve to Off Turn on Compressor Regulate Air Pressure to Desired Setting Turn Valve to Launch Rocket Record Flight Time / Distance
ELF 23



4. 5.

6. 7. 8.



How Do You Conduct a Rocket 45 Degree Launch with a Compressor Launcher?

Newton Experiment Video Using Digital Blue Camcorder

4/13/2009 ELF 24

How Do You Conduct a Rocket Vertical Trajectory with a Compressor Launcher? j y

Newton Experiment Video Using Digital Blue Camcorder

4/13/2009 ELF 25




According to Galileo, if you simultaneously launch a rocket horizontally and drop another rocket, the force of gravity will cause them to hit the ground at the s s___ time time. According to Newton, the force of gravity will cause a rocket that is launched at an angle of 45 deg to fly the f_______ distance. di t According to Newton, the force of gravity will cause a rocket y y that is launched vertically to fly the l______ time.




Project # 5: Grades 5+ Why Do Soda Straw Rockets Fly Differently?




Why Do Soda Straw Rockets Fly Differently?

Tails and Wings
Front Tails ( Canards ) Wings with T il Wi ith Tails Large Tails: 3 or 4 No Wings or Tails Small T il S ll Tails: 3 or 4

Longest and M t A L t d Most Accurate Fli ht t Flight

Chamber Length
Shorter Than Launch Tube: 4 in Longer Than Tube: 7.5 in Equal to Launch Tube: 6 in q

Heavy: 2 gram Light: 1 gram
4/13/2009 ELF 28

Why Do Soda Straw Rockets Fly Differently ? ( cont )

Launch Angle Low Launch Angle: 20 Deg

High Launch Angle: 60 Deg

Medium Launch Angle: 40 Deg

Launch Pressure
Low: 15 psi High: 60 psi
4/13/2009 ELF 29

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5

Your soda straw rocket will fly more accurately and farther if it has no wings and 3 or _ small tail fins. Your soda straw rocket will fl f th if the chamber length is Y d t k t ill fly farther th h b l th i e____ to the launch tube length. Your soda straw rocket will fly farther if it is l____ weight. Your soda straw rocket will fly farther if has a m_____ launch angle. Your soda straw rocket will fly farther if it has a h h___ launch pressure.




Project # 6: Grades 6+ Scientific Method




What Is the Scientific Method?


State a Question of Something That Might Be True ( e.g., Galileos Question of Gravity )
Do All Objects Feel the Same Force of Gravity? j y


Form a Hypothesis
Heavy Objects Fall at about the Same Velocity As Light Objects, Due to the Same Force of Gravity.


Test the Hypothesis in a Controlled Experiment.

Drop 1 lb Ball and 10 lb Ball from the Leaning Tower of Pisa Measure Time of Ground Impact


Present Results on Whether th H the Hypothesis i T th i is True.




You Can Demonstrate Galileos Hypothesis Using a Heavy Ball / Light Ball Drop Test g y g p

Galileo Experiment Video Using Digital Blue Camcorder

4/13/2009 ELF 33

1. 2. 3.

The scientific method uses a c_________ experiment to test a hypothesis. Galileo G lil proved his hypothesis of gravity b d d hi h th i f it by dropped a light d li ht ball and a heavy ball from the Leaning Tower of P___. According to Galileo, if you drop a a heavy ball and a light ball they will hit the ground at the s___ time.




Project # 7: Grades 7+ How Does Newtons 2nd Law Apply to a Soda Straw Rocket?




Newtons 2nd Law Equation F = ma Applies to a Soda Straw Rocket

During launch, the force on the soda straw rocket is primarily due to the thrust from the air pressure launcher. Example for 1.5 gram rocket at 15 psi launch pressure:
F = Gravity = 0.015 Newton

After launch the force on the soda straw rocket is primarily due to the force of launch, gravity. It follows a ballistic trajectory. Example for launch 50 ft / sec velocity:

F = Gravity = 0.015 Newton




What Are Newtons Equations of Motion Due to the Force of Gravity? y

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Vertical Acceleration Is -32.2 ft / sec2 ( Toward Center of Earth )

az = a = g = -32 2 ft / sec2 -32.2

Vertical Velocity Due to Force of Gravity Vertical Distance Due t F V ti l Di t D to Force of Gravity f G it Horizontal Velocity ( Constant ) y Horizontal Distance Launch Angle for Maximum Range
= 45 dg X = VxInitial t + xinitial Vx = VxInitial h = a t2 + VzInitial t + hInitial Vz = a t + VzInitial

Maximum Range
X = R = V2 / a
ELF 37

1. 2. 3. 4.

After launch the primary force on your soda straw rocket is the gravity force. It follows a b________ trajectory. Your soda straw rocket will fly farther if the launch angle is Y d t k t ill fl f th th l h l i about __ degrees. After launch, your soda straw rocket has nearly constant horizontal v_______ ( small drag force ) After launch, your soda straw rocket has nearly constant vertical a a___________ of -32.2 ft / sec2. 32.2




Project # 8: Grades 8+ Example of Scientific Method Hypothesis Test




What Is the Scientific Method?


State a Question of Something That Might Be True.

Example: Does the flight distance of the soda straw rocket depend upon the p g p p chamber length?


Form a Hypothesis.
Example: The longest flight distance occurs when the chamber length parameter is i equal t l l to launch t b l th h tube length.

3. 4. 4

Test the Hypothesis in a Controlled Experiment.

Example: Build and test soda straw rockets of different chamber lengths.

Present Results on Whether the Hypothesis is True True.

Example: Give presentation on the results from the experiment.




Example of Hypothesis Poster

Hypothesis: Longest Flight Is When Chamber Length Equals Launch Tube Length
Flight Ra ange Based on d Tes Data, ft st 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Chamber Length / Launch Tube Length, in Chamber Length = 4, 6, 7.5 in
Note: Flight range at 10 psi launch pressure and 40 deg launch angle.
4/13/2009 ELF 41

Example of Hypothesis Poster ( cont )

Hypothesis: Longest Flight Is When Launch Angle Equals 40 Degrees
Flight Range Based on Test T Dat ft ta, 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 Launch Angle, Deg Angle
Note: Flight range at 10 psi launch pressure and 6 in chamber length.
4/13/2009 ELF 42




Hypothesis Test Data

Test Launch Pressure ( psi ) 1. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 6. Launch Tube Hypothesis Length ( in ) Chamber Length Launch Angle Chamber Length Launch Distance ( ft ) Angle ( deg )




Project # 9: Grades 9+ Design, Design Build and Fly Competition




Example of Customer Requirements Design, Build, and Fly

Objective Design, Build, and Fly Soda Straw Rocket with:
Flight Range Greater Than 90 ft, 3 Weight Less Than 2 grams Unit Production Cost Less Than $0.50

Furnished Property / Material

Launch System Launch Tube ( Super Jumbo Soda Straw: 0.25 in Diameter by 7.75 in Length ) Power / Power Cord Distance Measuring Wheel Weight Scale Micrometer Scale Engineer s Engineers Scale Scissors Tape Dispenser Giant Soda Straw: 0.28 in Diameter x 7.75 in Length Giant 0 28 7 75 Adhesive Strip Tabbing Foam Ear Plug: 0.33-0.45 in Diameter x 0.9 in Length



Example of Design, Build, and Fly Customer Requirements ( cont )

Specified Launch Constraints / Conditions
Launch T b Di L h Tube Diameter: 0 25 in t 0.25 i Launch Tube Length: 6 in Launch Pressure: 30 psi Launch El ti Angle: 30 deg L h Elevation A l d

Compare Predictions with Test Data




Test Scores
Name Team Launch Distance ( ft ) Dispersal Pressure ( psi ) Angle ( deg ) ( ft ) ( deg ) Integrity at 30 psi? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 12 13. 14. 15. 16.



Example of Team Score Poster

Name 1. Gene 2. Isaac 3. Robert 4. Wernher

Rocket Name Buzz Stinger Speedy Bad Bee

Range* Dispersal* 80 feet 55 90 5.1 degrees g 8.2 4.7 4.9 22.9 5.7

Integrity* Yes Yes Yes Yes

85 Total 310 Average 77

*Note: Flight range and dispersal at 15 psi launch pressure and 25 deg launch angle respectively. Structural integrity at 30 psi launch pressure.
4/13/2009 ELF 48

Project # 10: Grades 9+ Structure Failure Prediction and Comparison with Test




Soda Straw Rocket Side Wall Structure Failure Prediction

Failure = pmax r / t r p

Predicted Side Wall Failure Gage Pressure for Soda Straw Rocket: Failure = 4600 psi t = 0.04 in r = 0.14 in 0 14 pmax = Failure t / r = 4600 psi x 0.004 in / 0.14 in = 131 psi




Test Process for Structure Failure Test


Wrap Tape 1 from End of Launch Straw Insert Taped End of Launch Straw 1 into Launcher Bushing Slide Soda Straw Rocket Over Launch Straw Place Finger in Front of Soda Straw Rocket to Restrain It Connect Air Supply Socket to Launcher L h Turn on Compressor Regulate Air Pressure to an Initial ( e.g., 30 psi ) S tti i Setting Turn Valve on and Observe if There Is a Structure Failure If N Structure Failure, Repeat at No St t F il R t t Increasing Pressure Until Structure Failure Occurs
ELF 51





6. 7.




Example Structure Failure Test Data Sheet

Name Measured Failure Gage Pressure ( psi ) Predicted Failure Gage Pressure ( psi )* 1. Isaac______________________________75____________________________131____________________ 2. Robert ____________________________80____________________________131____________________

* Hypothesis: Predicted side wall failure gage pressure = Soda straw ultimate stress x thickness / radius = 4600 psi x 0.004 in / 0.14 in = 131 psi 4/13/2009 ELF


1. 2.

What could cause a difference between the prediction failure pressure and the actual test failure pressure? How do we prevent the soda straw rocket nose plug from blowing out under pressure?




Project # 11: Grades 9+ Thrust Prediction and Test




Soda Straw Rocket Thrust Prediction


Predicted Thrust for Soda Straw Rocket: A = Launch Straw Cross Sectional Area = r2 = ( 0.125 )2 = 0 0491 in2 0 125 0.0491 P = Gage Pressure T = 0.0491 p




Test Process for Thrust Stand


Wrap Tape 1 from End of Launch Straw Insert Taped End of Launch Straw 1 into Bushing Slide Soda Straw Rocket Over Launch Straw Place Scale under Soda Straw Rocket Connect Air Supply Socket to Th t St d t Thrust Stand Turn Valve to Off Turn on Compressor Regulate Air Pressure to Desired Setting Turn Valve on and Measure Thrust F Th t Force Compare Calculated Thrust with Measurement





6. 7. 8.





Example Thrust Test Data Sheet

Name Gauge Pressure ( psi ) Measured Thrust Data ( lb ) Predicted Thrust ( lb )* 1. Isaac______________________________60____________________2.4____________________2.94____ 2. Robert ____________________________60____________________2.6____________________2.94____

* Hypothesis: Predicted thrust = Launch straw cross sectional area x gauge pressure = 0.0491 x gauge pressure.
4/13/2009 ELF 57


What could cause a difference between the prediction thrust and the actual test thrust?




Project # 12: Grades 9+ Vertical Wind Tunnel Test




Test Process for Vertical Wind Tunnel


Insert Soda Straw Rocket Nose Down into Center of Pipe and Rest on Fins Connect Air Supply Socket to Vertical Wind Tunnel Turn Valve to Off Turn on Compressor Turn Valve on Regulate Ai P R l t Air Pressure to a Lift t Off Pressure ( drag = weight ) Record the Lift Off Pressure Calculate D C l l t Dynamic Pressure i P and Drag Coefficient


3. 3 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.




Example Vertical Wind Tunnel Test Data Sheet

Name Weight ( gm ) Gauge Pressure @ Liftoff ( psi ) Dynamic Pressure ( psf )* Drag Coefficient** 1. Isaac_______________1.6___________________25________________________16.6_________________0.5____ 2. Robert______________1.4___________________29________________________18.2_________________0.4____

*Note: Throat Area = ( / 4 ) x Minimum Diameter2 = 0.785 x 0.252 = 0.0491 in2 Exit Area = ( / 4 ) x Exit Diameter2 = 0.785 x 0.752 = 0.442 in2 Velocity = 646 x Throat Area / Exit Area = 71.8 ft / sec y y gauge g g Density = Ambient density x ( g g pressure + 14.7 ) / 14.7 = 0.0001617 x ( gauge pressure +14.7 ) Dynamic pressure = x density x velocity2 = 0.417 x ( gauge pressure + 14.7 ) **Note: Drag coefficient = Weight / dynamic pressure / soda straw cross sectional area = 5.15 x weight / dynamic pressure.
4/13/2009 ELF 61

Project # 13: Grades 9+ How to Measure Accuracy of Test Data




How Do You Measure Accuracy of Experimental Data?

Repeat a Controlled Experiment More Than Once to Compute
Average of the Data Standard Deviation of the Data

Equation for the Average

Average = ( Data1 + Data2 + + DataN ) / N
Example: Flight Distance of First Test = 80 ft and Flight Distance of Second Test = 100 ft Average Flight Distance = ( 80 + 100 ) / 2 = 90 ft

Equation for the Standard Deviation

Standard Deviation = {[( Data1 Average)2 + ( Data2 Average )2 + + ( DataN Average )2 ] / ( N 1 )}1/2 D t NA
Example: Flight Distance of First Test = 80 ft and Flight Distance of Second Test = 100 ft Standard Deviation of Flight Distance = {[( 80 90 )2 + ( 100 90 )2 ] / ( 2 1 )}1/2 = {[( -10 )2 + ( 10 )2 ] / ( 2 1 )}1/2 = {[ 100 + 100 ] / 1 }1/2 = [ 200 ]1/2 = 14 ft

4/13/2009 ELF 63

Example Slide of Student Team Test Results

Name N

Rocket R k t

Length Weight Thrust Drag Coeff M i L th W i ht Th t D C ff Maximum Time Range 6 in i 5 Average = 5.5 in Standard Deviation = 0.7 in 07 1.6 gm 16 1.4 1.5 gm 0.1 gm 01 2.4 lb 24 2.6 2.5 lb 0.1 lb 01 0.5 0 0.4 0.45 0 07 0.07 4.2 sec 120 f 42 ft 4.0 110 4.1 115 ft 0.1 sec 7 ft 01

Isaac I Robert

B Buzz Stinger

*Note: Maximum time at 40 psi gauge pressure and 90 deg launch Maximum range at 40 psi gauge pressure and 45 deg angle of launch. Measured thrust data at 40 psi gauge pressure.
4/13/2009 ELF 64

Project # 14: Grades 9+ Flight Trajectory Analysis Using a Digital Camcorder




How Do You Conduct Flight Trajectory Analysis Using a Digital Camcorder? g g

Frame 21_12: t = 0.00 sec, h = 4.3 ft, x = 0 ft Frame 22_01: t = 0.27 sec, h = 3.5 ft, x = 2.1 ft

Frame 22 03: t = 0.40 sec, h = 2 3 ft, x = 3 3 ft 22_03: 0 40 sec 2.3 ft 3.3

Frame 22 05: t = 0.53 sec, h = 0 ft, x = 4.5 ft 22_05: 0 53 sec ft 45

Available Software Sources to Extract Frames from Video Include Microsoft Movie Maker ( free ) and Roxio Easy Media Creator .
4/13/2009 ELF 66

How Do You Measure Flight Trajectory Velocity Using a Camcorder?

t, Time, sec 0.00 0 00 0.07 0.13 0.20 0.27 0.33 0.40 0.47 0.53 x, Horiz0ntal Distance, ft 0 0.3 0.9 1.5 2.1 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.5 X, ft 0 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Vx = x / t, ft / sec 4 10 9 9 10 9 9 10




How Do You Measure Flight Trajectory Acceleration Using a Camcorder? g

t, Time sec 0.00 0.07 0.13 0.20 0.27 0.33 0.40 0.47 0.53 h, Height ft 4.3 4.3 4.2 3.9 3.5 3.0 2.3 1.3 0 x, Horiz Distance ft 0 0.3 0.9 1.5 2.1 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.5 h Vz = h /t ft / sec 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -14 -17 Vz az = Vh /t ft / sec2 -33 -57 -29 -33 -29 -57 -50 X ft 0 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Vx = x /t ft / sec 4 10 9 9 10 9 9 10 Vx ax = Vx /t ft / sec2 57 86 -14 0 14 -14 0 14

0 -0.1 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.7 -1.0 -1.3

-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 -3

4 6 -1 0 1 -1 0 1




Example Drop Test or Rocket Horizontal Launch Test Data Sheet

Name Isaac Robert Height ( ft ) 5.0 5.5 Launch Velocity ( ft / sec ) 0 0 Impact Time ( sec ) 0.56 0.59

Hypothesis: Predicted time of ground impact = ( 2 x height / a )1/2 = 0.249 height1/2 Note: Digital camcorder can be used to measure the launch location, time of impact, and impact location. It can also be used to derive the launch velocity.




Example Rocket 45 Deg Launch Test Data Sheet

Name Gauge Pressure ( psi ) Launch Velocity ( ft / sec ) Launch Angle ( deg ) Time ( sec ) Max Range ( ft ) 1. Isaac____________40___________________75__________________45_____________3.2__________120_ 2. Robert___________40___________________70__________________45_____________3.1__________110__ 2 R b t 40 70 45 31 110

Hypothesis: Predicted maximum range = 0.707 x Launch Velocity x Time of Flight = Launch Velocity2 / a = Launch Velocity2 / 32.2.




Example Rocket Vertical Launch Test Data Sheet

Name Gauge Pressure ( psi ) Launch Velocity ( ft / sec ) Launch Angle ( deg ) Max Time ( sec ) 1. Isaac____________40___________________75_____________________90______________4.2_______ 2. Robert___________40___________________70_____________________90______________4.0________ 2 Robert 40 70 90 40

Hypothesis: Predicted maximum time of ground impact for vertical launch = 2 x Launch Velocity / a = 0.0621 x Launch Velocity




Project # 15: Grades 12+ Develop a Technical Description of a Soda Straw Rocket




Soda Straw Rocket Initial Baseline Configuration

Foam Ear Plug

Giant Soda Straw

Adhesive Strip Tabbing

0.25 in 0.28 in 0.5 in

lc = 6.0 in l = 7.0 in




Soda Straw Rocket Initial Baseline Cost, Weight and Balance

Nose ( Plug ) Body ( Soda Straw ) Fins ( Four ) Total

Cost, Cost $
0.10 0.01 0.23 0.34

Weight, g Weight
0.6 0.5 0.5 1.6

cg Station, in Station
0.5 3.5 6.75 3.39




Soda Straw Rocket Initial Baseline Definition

Material type y, Material density, lbm / in3 Material strength, psi Thickness, in Length, in Diameter, in Fineness ratio Nose fineness ratio HDPE Plastic 0.043 4,600 0.004 7.0 0.28 25.0 0.5 Plastic Pl ti 0.25 1.00 1.00 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.78 0 6.625
ELF 75

Material M t i l Planform area, in2 ( 2 panels exposed ) Wetted area, in2 ( 4 panels ) Aspect ratio ( 2 panels exposed ) Taper ratio Chord, in Span ( exposed ), in Span ( total including body ), in Leading edge sweep, deg xmac, in

Soda Straw Rocket Initial Baseline Definition ( cont )

Material type Material density, lbm / in3 Average diameter Length Foam 0.012 0.39 in 0.90 in 0.0616 0.28 6.0 30 1.47 0.025

Reference Values
Reference area, in2 Reference length, in

Thrust Performance
Inside cavity length, in Typical pressure, psi Maximum thrust @ 30 psi pressure, lb , p Time constant, s ( standard temperature )




Soda Straw Rocket Initial Baseline Has Excess Static Margin g

( xAC )B xCG

xAC l

( xAC )T

For body-tail geometry, static margin given by

( xAC xCG ) / d = - {( CN )B {[ xCG ( xAC )B ] / d } + ( CN )T {[ xCG ( xAC )T ] / d }( ST / SRef )} / [( CN )B + ( CN )T ST / SRef ]

For baseline soda stra configuration ( xCG = 3 39 in d = 0 28 in l = 7 0 in ST = 0 25 in2, SRef straw config ration 3.39 in, 0.28 in, 7.0 in, 0.25 = 0.0616 in2 ) @ = 0 deg )
( CN )B = 2 per rad ( xAC )B = [( xAC )B / lN ] lN = 0.63 ( 0.14 ) = 0.09 in ( CN )T = AT / 2 = ( 1 ) / 2 = 1.57 ( xAC )T = 6.5 + 0.25 ( cmac )T = 6.63

( xAC - xCG ) / d = - { 2 ( 3.39 0.09 ) / 0.28 + [ 1.57 ( 3.39 6.63 ) / 0.28 ] [( 0.25 ) / 0.0616 ]} / [ 2 + 1.57 ( 0.25 ) / 0.0616 ] = 6.00 ( excess static stability ) xAC = 6.00 ( 0.28 ) + 3.39 = 5.07 in from nose



Soda Straw Rocket Has High Acceleration Boost Performance g

T = ( p p0 ) A = pgauge ( 1 e t / ) A a 32.2 T / W, V = a dt, s = V dt

80 V, Velocity, fps s




0 0

Thrust ( T ) from Pressurized Tube of Area A T = ( p p0 ) A = pgauge ( 1 e t / ) A A = ( / 4 ) ( 0.25 )2 = 0.0491 in2, = Valve Rise Time Example: Assume pgauge = 30 psi, lc = 6 in, W = 1.6 g = 0.00352 lb, = 0.025 s ( Average for Solenoid Valve ), s = lc = 6 in Thrust Equation Is: 0.025 40.00 T = 30 ( 1 - e t / 0 025 ) ( 0 0491 ) = 1.4726 ( 1 - e 40 00 t ) 0.0491 1 4726 Note: Actual Boost Thrust Lower ( Pressure Loss, Boundary Layer, Launch Tube Leakage, Launch Tube Note: Time Tics Friction ) Every 0.01 s Equations for Acceleration ( a ), Velocity ( V ), and q y Distance ( s ) During Boost Are: a 32.2 T / W = 32.2 ( 1.4726 ) ( 1 - e 40.00 t ) / 0.00352 = 13471.1 ( 1 - e 40.00 t ) V = a dt = 13471.1 t + 336.78 e 40.00 t 336.78 s = V dt = 6735 57 t2 8 419 e 40 00 t 336 78 t + 8 419 6735.57 8.419 40.00 336.78 8.419 End of Boost Conditions Are: 2 4 6 8 10 s = lc = 6 in = 0.500 ft t = 0.0188 s s, Distance Traveled During Launch, Inches a = 7123 ft / s2 = 221 g V = 75.2 ft / s 75 2 pgauge = 15 psi pgauge = 30 psi q = V2 = ( 0.002378 ) ( 75.2 )2 = 6.72 psf pgauge = 60 psi M = V / c = 75.2 / 1116 = 0.0674
ELF 78


Most of the Soda Straw Rocket Drag Coefficient Is from Skin Friction
CD0 = ( CD0 )Body,Friction + ( CD0 )Base,Coast + ( CD0 )Tail,Friction = 0.053 ( l / d ) [ M / ( q l )]0.2 + 0.12 + nT { 0.0133 [ M / ( q cmac )]0.2 } ( 2 ST / SRef )
Example for Initial Baseline Soda Straw Rocket: V = 75.2 fps, ST = 0.00174 ft2, SRef = 0.000428 ft2 ST / SRef = 4.07 Compute: CD0 = 0.053 ( 25.0 ){ 0.0674 / [( 6.72 ) ( 0. 583 )]}0.2 + 0.12 + 2 { 0.0133 { 0.0674 / [( 6.72 ) ( 0.0417 )]}0.2 }[ 2 ( 4.07 )] = 0.58 + 0.12 + 0.16 = 0.86 Note: Above Drag Coefficient Based on Assumption ( Incorrect ) of Turbulent Boundary Layer Soda Straw Rocket Small Size and Low Velocity Laminar Boundary Layer Large Boundary Layer Thickness on Aft Body at Tails Compute Drag Force: Dmax = CD qmax SRef = 0.86 ( 6.72 ) ( 0.000428 ) = 0.00247 lb Compare Drag Force to Weight: Dmax / W = 0.00247 / 0.00352 = 0.70 Note: Drag Force Smaller Than Weight

CD0, Zero-Lift Drag Coefficient


0 2 4 6 8 10

ST / SRef, Tail Planform Area / Reference Area V = 40 fps


V = 80 fps

Soda Straw Rocket Initial Baseline Deterministic Ballistic Flight Range Is Greater Than 90 Feet g g
Rx = { 2 W cos i / [ gc SRef CD0 ]} ln { 1 + t / { 2 W / [ gc SRef CD0 Vi ]}} h = { 2 W sin i / [ gc SRef CD0 ]} ln { 1 + t / { 2 W / [ gc SRef CD0 Vi ]}} + hi - gc t2 / 2
h - hi, Height abo Initial Lau ove unch Heig ft ght, 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Rx, Rx Horizontal Range ft Range,
Gamma = 10 Deg

Example, Assume lc = 6 in, pgauge = 30 psi, i = 30 deg, = 0.025 sec, soda straw rocket initial baseline, h = sea level, t = timpact = 1.8 s Horizontal Range At Impact = Rx = { 2 (

Note: Time Tics every 0.5 s

0.00352 ) cos i / [ 32.2 ( 0.002378 ) ( 0.000428 ) ( 0.86 )]} ln { 1 + t / { 2 ( 0.00352 0 00352 ) / [ 32.2 ( 0.002378 ) ( 0.000428 32 2 0 002378 0 000428 ) ( 0.86 ) ( 75.2 )]}} = 249.8 cos i ln ( 1 + 0.301 t ) = 249.8 ( 0.866 ) ln [ 1 + 0.301 ( 1.8 )] = 93.7 ft i / [ 32.2 ( 0.002378 ) ( 0.000428 ) ( 0.86 )} ln { 1 + t / { 2 ( 0 00352 ) / [ 32 2 ( 0.00352 32.2 0.002378 ) ( 0.000428 ) ( 0.86 ) ( 75.2 )]}} + hi 32.2 t2 / 2 = 249.8 sin i ln ( 1 + 0.301 t ) + hi 32.2 t2 / 2 = 249.8 ( 0.5 ) ln [ 1 + 0.301 ( 1.8 )] 249 8 0 5 0 301 1 8 + hi 32.2 ( 1.2 )2 / 2 = hi + 1.9 ft

Height At Impact = h = { 2 ( 0.00352 ) sin

Gamma = 30 Deg

Gamma = 50 Deg

Pareto Analysis: Soda Straw Rocket Range Is Driven by Length and Launch Angle
Example: 10% decrease in inside chamber length 7.7% decrease in range at t = 1.8 s. Note: Result is nonlinear because inside chamber length = launcher length. Increase in lc also leads to decrease in range.

Note: Decreased chamber length shorter duration thrust ( decreased total impulse ) decreased end-of-boost velocity Soda Straw Rocket Initial Baseline: W = Weight = 1 6 g = 0 00352 lb 1.6 0.00352 lc = inside chamber length = 6 in = Time constant to open solenoid valve = 0.025 s pgauge = gauge ( launch ) pressure = 30 psi i = Initial / launch angle = 30 deg lt = 7 in V = Launch velocity = 75.2 fps CD0 = Zero-lift drag coefficient = 0.86 Sea level launch with no wind ( still air ) timpact = Time from launch to impact = 1.8 s Rx = Deterministic range = 94 ft




Because of Range Uncertainty ( +/- 2.4%, 1 ), Initial Baseline Does not Meet Range Requirement
Parameter 1. Inside Chamber Length 2. Launch Angle 3. Gauge Pressure 4. 4 Weight 5. Solenoid Time Constant 6. Zero-Lift Drag Coefficient Baseline Value 6 in 30 deg 30 psi 1.6 16g 0.025 s 0.86 Uncertainty in Parameter +/- 2%, 1 / +/- 3%, 1 +/- 3%, 1 +/- 6%, +/ 6% 1 +/- 20%, 1 +/- 20%, 1 R / R Due to Uncertainty +/- 1.5%, 1 / +/- 1.7%, 1 +/- 0.5%, 1 +/- 0.4%, +/ 0 4% 1 +/- 0.2%, 1 +/- 0.2%, 1

Estimate of Level of Maturity / Uncertainty of Soda Straw Rocket Baseline Parameters Based on
Wind tunnel test Thrust static test Weight measurement Structure static test Prediction methods

Total Flight R T t l Fli ht Range Uncertainty for 30 psi Launch at 30 d at S L l St d d At U t i t f iL h t deg t Sea Level Standard Atmosphere i Still Ai h in Air
R / R = [ (R / R )12 + (R / R )22 + (R / R )32 + (R / R )42 + (R / R )52 + (R / R )62 ]1/2 = +/- 2.4%, 1 R = 94 ft +/- 2.3 ft, 1

87 ft < R3 < 101 ft



Revised Baseline Meets Range Requirement with Lighter Weight and Lower Cost
Concept Tail Planform Area 0.250 in2 Length Weight Unit Cost $0.34 $0.13 Drag Static 3 Range Coefficient Margin @ 75 ft / s 0.86 0.75 6.00 diam 0.00 diam 87 to 101 ft 93 to 107 ft

Initial Baseline

7.0 in

1.6 g 1.2 g

Revised Baseline 0.0784 in2 7.0 in




Project # 16: Grades 12+ House of Quality for a Soda Straw Rocket




House of Quality Translates Customer Requirements into Engineering Emphasis q g g p

0 -

Body ( Material, Chamber Length ) Flight Range Weight Cost 5 2 3 7 4 1

Tail ( Material, Number, Area, Geometry ) 2 1 2

Nose Plug ( Material, Length ) 1 5 7

46 = 5 x 7 + 2 x 4 + 3 x 1 18 = 5 x 2 + 2 x 1 + 3 x 2 36 = 5 x 1 + 2 x 5 + 3 x 7 1
Note on Design Characteristics Sensitivity Matrix: ( Room 5 ): ++ Strong Synergy + Synergy 0 Near Neutral Synergy Anti-Synergy

Note: Based on House of Quality, inside chamber length most important design parameter. 1 - Customer Requirements 2 Customer Importance Rating ( Total = 10 ) 3 Design Characteristics es g C a acte st cs po ta ce at g ota 0 4 Design Characteristics Importance Rating ( Total = 10 ) 5 Design Characteristics Sensitivity Matrix 6 Design Characteristics Weighted Importance 7 Design Characteristics Relative Importance

- - Strong Anti-Synergy



Project # 17: Grades 12+ Design of Experiments for a Soda Straw Rocket




DOE Approaches Are a Trade-off of Time Required for DOE Study vs Confidence in Result q y
DOE Approach Number Required R i d Designs Designs Required f R i d for Simple Pareto ( 2 Parameters ), 2L l Levels (3) Designs Required f R i d for Complex Pareto ( 5 Parameters ), 2L l Levels (6) Time Required R i d for Each Design Interactions / Confidence in C fid i Predicted Optimum

Parametric Study Adaptive OneFactor-at-aTime Full Factorial

1 + k ( l 1)

( None )




to ( Some ) ( Excellent )



( 32 )

S Superior i

Average A

Below A B l Average

Reference: Montgomery, D.G., Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley & Sons, 2001
4/13/2009 ELF 87

A DOE Parametric Study Changes One Factor at a Time, with All Others Held at Base Level
Example of Parametric Study: 4 parameters, 2 Levels Design Number 1 2 3 4
1. 1 2. 3.


1 + 4 ( 2 1 ) = 5 DOE Designs Result (y) y1 y2 y3 y4 y5

Parameter ( x1 ) Low High Low Low Low

Parameter Parameter Parameter ( x2 ) ( x3 ) ( x4 ) Low Low High g Low Low Low Low Low High Low Low Low Low Low High

Specify levels for each parameter Change one parameter at a time, with all others at baseline ( e.g., low ) level DOE Best design is best row result yBest )
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Compare y1, y2 Compare y1, y3 Compare y1, y4 Compare y1, y5 Compare y1, y6

( x1 )Best ( x2 )Best ( x3 )Best ( x4 )Best ( x5 )best

Assume ybest is row with ( ( x1 )Best , ( x2 )Best , ( x3 )Best , ( x4 )Best , ( x5 )best ) Compare yBest with baseline to determine optimum design
ELF 88


A DOE Adaptive One-Factor-at-a-Time Study Sequentially Selects Parameters, Based on Result

Example of OFAT Study with 4 parameters, 2 Levels Design Number 1 2 3 4 5
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


1 + 4 ( 2 1 ) = 5 DOE Designs Result (y) y1 y2 y3 y4 y5

Parameter ( x1 ) Low High Best Best Best

Parameter Parameter ( x2 ) ( x3 ) Low Low High g Best Best Low Low Low High Best

Parameter ( x4 ) Low Low Low Low High

Specify levels for first parameter x1 Compare results for first parameter x1 Set new level for x1 based on row that gives best result Move on to next parameter and repeat until all rows evaluated Assume row that provides best y is yBest Compare yBest with baseline to determine optimum design




A DOE Full Factorial Study Evaluates All Combinations of Parameters, but Takes Longer
Example of Full Factorial Study with 4 parameters, 2 Levels
Design Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

lk = 24 = 16 Designs
Parameter ( x4 ) Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low High High High High High High High High Result (y) y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9 y10 y11 y12 y13 y14 y15 y16

Parameter ( x1 ) Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

Parameter ( x2 ) Low Low High High Low Low High High Low Low High High Low Low High high

Parameter ( x3 ) Low Low Low Low High High High High Low Low Low Low High High High High


A DOE Study Should Search the Broad Possible Design Space

Example: DOE Geometric Design Space for Soda Straw Rocket No tail 2 Tails 3 tails 4 Tails Mono-wing Cruciform Wing Canards Short Length ( < 7 in ) Long Length ( > 7 in )
Adds unnecessary drag and weight Adds unnecessary drag and weight Adds unnecessary drag and weight Lighter weight and lower drag does not compensate for lower launch velocity Adds unnecessary drag and weight because lower launch velocity for launch tube limit Selection Filter Note: Required tail area / geometry will be dealt with in DOE study
4/13/2009 ELF 91

Statically unstable Probably unstable

A DOE Study Should Search the Broad Possible Design Space

Example: Geometric Design Space for Soda Straw Rocket
Engineering Characteristics Envelope Lower Value Upper Value nTails, Number of Tails 3 4 ST, Tail Planform Area in2 Area, 0.0392 0.25

Note: Lower value of ST, based on revised baseline tails area. It is considered a lower reasonable value because it is statically unstable. Upper value of ST, based on 2x revised baseline tails area. It is considered an upper reasonable value because it has excess static stability.
4/13/2009 ELF 92

Engineering Experience Should Guide DOE Study and Design

As an Example, Soda Straw Rocket Geometry Should Be Comparable to an Operational Rocket with Near-Neutral Static Stability ( e.g., Hydra70 )



l / d, Total Length / Diameter 25 15.1

b / d, Total Tail Span / Diameter 2.00 2.66

c / d, Tail Chord / Diameter 1 1

Revised Baseline Hydra 70

Note: For a subsonic rocket with the center of gravity in the center of the rocket slender body theory and slender center-of-gravity rocket, surface theory give total tail span and chord for neutral stability of bNeutralStability 2 d and cNeutralStability d respectively.
4/13/2009 ELF 93

A DOE Parametric Study Provides a Quick Evaluation of Soda Straw Rocket

DOE Parametric Study Example with 1 + k ( l 1 ) = 1 + 2 ( 2 1 ) = 3 Designs
Design Number 1 2 3
1. 2. 3.

Number of Tails ( x1 ) 3 3 4

Tail Planform Area ( x2 ) 0.0392 in2 0.25 in2 0.25 in2

Notional Range (y) TBD TBD TBD

Compare y1, y2 Compare y1, y3

( x1 )Best ( x2 )Best

Compare DOE best design range with revised baseline design range to determine optimum design




A DOE Adaptive One Factor at a Time Study Provides a Quick Evaluation

DOE OFAT Study Example with 1 + k ( l 1 ) = 1 + 2 ( 2 1 ) = 3 Designs
Design Number 1 2 3
1. 2. 3. 4.

Number of Tails ( x1 ) 3 4 ( x1 )3 = ( x1 )2 = ( x1 )Best

Tail Planform Area ( x2 ) 0.0392 in2 0.0392 in2 0.25 in2

Notional Range (y) TBD TBD TBD

Compare y1, y2 Compare y2, y3

( x1 )Best ( x2 )Best

Set level for ( x1 )3 = ( x1 )2 = ( x1 )Best Compare DOE best design range with revised baseline design range to determine optimum design




A Full Factorial DOE Study Provides Enhanced Confidence in the Best Design
DOE Full factorial Study Example with lk = 22 = 4 Designs
Design Number 1 2 3 4
1. 2. 3.

Number of Tails ( x1 ) 3 4 3 4

Tail Planform Area ( x2 ) 0.0392 in2 0.0392 in2 0.25 in2 0.25 in2

Notional Range (y) TBD TBD TBD TBD

Assume y = 0 + 1 x1 + 2 x2 + 12 x1 x2 Find values of 0, 1, 2, 12,by solving equations from results of 4 designs Max / min occurs if y / x1 = 0 y / x2 = 0

4. 4

Compare DOE best design range with revised baseline design range to determine optimum design




Appendix Syllabus




Soda Straw Rocket Science Benefits

For University Aerospace Engineering: Provides Education That Complements Typical University Academics
Translate Customer Requirements to Engineering Design Emphasis Conduct Design Synthesis Process Compare System Prediction with Test Evaluate Robustness and Uncertainty

For K - 12 Aerospace Outreach: Young Students and Teachers Are I t d d t A Introduced to an Aerospace Environment A E i t
Design, Build, and Test Process Teamwork Competition Exciting / Fun




Soda Straw Rocket Science Explores Boundary Limits See the Forest, not Just the Trees




Soda Straw Rocket Science Is a Balance of Analytical Versus Experimental y

Albert Einstein: "The only real valuable thing is intuition."

Thomas Edison: "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninetynine percent perspiration." i t i ti "




Students Use Design, Build, and Fly Process, for Feedback That Leads to Broader Knowledge
Prediction Satisfies Customer Requirements? No
Understanding Wisdom Where is the wisdom we have lost in g g knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?--T. S. Eliot ( The Rock ) Knowledge comes by taking things apart: analysis. But wisdom comes by putting things together.--John A. together. John Morrison We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge.--John Naisbitt ( Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives ) We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.--Samuel Smiles ( Self Help )

Is P d ibl ? I it Producible? No



Fly ( Test )
Test Results Satisfy Customer Requirements and Consistent with Prediction?

Failure / Success



ELF 101

Why Use a Small Air Rocket?

Low Cost Fast Setup and Test in Classroom Allows Comparison of Predicted Physics with Flight / Ground Test Data
Controlled Chamber Pressure / Thrust Controlled Total Impulse

Advantage Over Estes-type Hot Exhaust Rocket g yp

No Cleanup
Advantage Over Water Rocket g
4/13/2009 ELF 102

Example of a University Aerospace Engineering Education Program g

Provide Information to Students to Initiate Design, Build, and Fly Process
Customer Requirements Furnished Launcher / Materials How to Make a Soda Straw Rocket Prediction Methods Baseline Rocket Description

Translate Customer Requirements to Engineering Design Emphasis Conduct A C d Assessment of Al f Alternatives i Select Preferred Design

Build Rocket Fly ( Conduct Flight Test ) Document

Design Selection Process g Design Characteristics Comparison of Prediction with Test
4/13/2009 ELF 103

Example of K - 12 Aerospace Outreach Program

Pre-school ( 1 Hour )
Videos of Rockets Vid fR k t How to Make Soda Straw Rocket Questions Build and Fly Rockets

Elementary School ( 1 Hour )

Above + History of Rockets Day 1 ( 2 Hours )


Video of my g y grandsons Nick ( 7 ) and Chris ( 4 )

Middle School Science Camp ( 4 Hours )

History of Rockets Videos of Rockets Galileos Hypothesis of Gravity Newtons 2nd Law Soda Straw Rocket Design Parameters
ELF 104

Example of K - 12 Aerospace Outreach Program ( cont )

Middle School Science Camp ( cont )
Day 1 ( cont )

Scientific Method How to Build Soda Straw Rocket and Launcher / Ground Test Stand Questions on Presentation Build Soda Straw Rockets Teams Build Launchers / Ground Test Stands Teams Conduct Thrust Ground Tests Teams Conduct Drag Coefficient Ground Tests

Day 2 ( 2 Hours )
Conduct Flight Tests Predict Thrust, Drag Coefficient, Boost Velocity, Vertical Terminal Velocity and Maximum Range Using Simplified Physics Compare Prediction Ground Test and Flight Test Prediction, Test, Develop Team Posters and Present Results

4/13/2009 ELF 105

Summary Soda Straw Rocket Science Program Has Good Value

University Aerospace Engineering Education
Includes Elements of Aerospace System Development Process Fast and Easy to Conduct Low Cost

K - 12 Aerospace Outreach
Educational Fun Low Cost




Recommendations for Soda Straw Rocket Science Program g

Include in University Aerospace Engineering Curriculum C i l
Undergraduate Capstone Design Class Graduate System Design Class

Include in AIAA Aerospace Outreach Program for K 12 Schools

Sponsor Visits to Elementary, Middle, and High Schools Sponsor How To Book on Soda Straw Rocket Science p Sponsor Computer Spreadsheet for Design of Soda Straw Rockets




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