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Module I: Validating Feelings and Normalizing Reactions

• Identify feelings/reactions related to the pandemic/any form of disaster
• Accept that all feelings and reactions are normal and valid

ACTIVITY: Graphing Feelings

Using the sheet of paper, can you create a graph or a pie chart of feelings/emotions that you
have or may have had during all the crisis situations that you experienced?

Here is an example: On the x-axis, write down each of the feelings/emotions. On the y-axis,
write the numbers 25, 50, 75 and 100 to represent the percentage of time that you were feeling
that way. Rate each emotion/feeling based on how much or how often you would feel that way
over the past few months/weeks/days.

1. What did you notice about your reactions to the different situations? Are these normal
reactions to everything that you experienced?

Read: “When Terrible Things Happen” from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
1. How can you apply this learning to your life especially because the pandemic is not yet

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