Lesson 12: Multiple Choice

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Test 6

Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

11. According to the speaker, why is it a good time for DIY painting?
A. there are better products available now
B. material cost less than they used to
C. people have more free time than before

12. What happened in 2009 in the UK?

A. a record volume of paint was sold
B. a large amount of paint was wasted
C. there was a major project to repaint public buildings

13. What does the speaker say about paint quantity?

A. it is not necessary to have exact room measurements
B. it is better to overestimate than to underestimate
C. an automatic calculator can be downloaded from the Internet

14. What does Community RePaint do?

A. it paints people’s houses without payment
B. it collects unwanted paint and gives it away
C. it sells unused paint and donates the money to charity

Questions 21-26
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

21. Why is Matthew considering a student work placement?

A. he was informed about an interesting vacancy
B. he needs some extra income
C. he wants to try out a career option

22. Which part of the application process did Linda find most interesting?
A. the psychometric test
B. the group activity
C. the individual task

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23. During her work placement, Linda helped find ways to

A. speed up car assembly
B. process waste materials
C. calculate the cost of design faults

24. Why did Linda find her work placement tiring?

A. she wasn’t used to fulltime work
B. the working hours were very long
C. she felt she had to prove her worth

25. What did Linda’s employers give her formal feedback on?
A. engineering ability
B. organisational skills
C. team working

26. What was the main benefit of Linda’s work placement?

A. improved academic skills
B. an offer of work
C. the opportunity to use new software

Test 7

Questions 11-16
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

11. According to the speaker, in what way is Camber’s different from other theme parks?
A. it is suitable for different age groups
B. it offers lots to do in wet weather
C. it has a focus on education

12. The park first opened in

A. 1980
B. 1997
C. 2004

13. What is included in the entrance fee?

A. most rides and parking
B. all rides and some exhibits
C. parking and all rides

14. Becoming a member of the Adventurers Club means

A. you can avoid queuing so much
B. you can enter the Park free for a year
C. you can visit certain zones closed to other people.

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15. The Future Farm zone encourages visitors to

A. buy animals as pets
B. learn about the care of animals
C. get close to the animals

16. When is hot food available in the park?

A. 10.00. am – 5.30. pm
B. 11.00. am – 5.00. pm
C. 10.30. am – 5.00. pm

Test 2

Questions 21-25
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C
21. The main aim of Dave’s project is to
A. describe a policy
B. investigate an assumption
C. identify a problem

22. Dave’s project is based on schemes in

A. schools
B. colleges
C. universities

23. How many academic organisations returned Dave’s questionnaire?

A. 15
B. 50
C. 150

24. Dave wanted his questionnaire to be completed by company

A. Human Resources Managers
B. Line Managers
C. owners

25. Dr Green wants Dave to provide a full list of

A. respondents
B. appendices
C. companies

Questions 36-40
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C
36. In Dr Bialystok’s experiment, the subject had to react according to
A. the colour of the square on the screen
B. the location of the square on the screen
C. the location of the shift key on the keyboard

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37. The experiment demonstrated the Simon effect because it involved a conflict between
A. seeing something and reacting to it
B. producing fast and slow reactions
C. demonstrating awareness of shape and colour

38. The experiment shows that, compared with the monolingual subjects, the bilingual subjects
A. were more intelligent
B. had faster reaction times overall
C. had more problems with the Simon effect

39. The results of the experiment indicate that bilingual people may be better at
A. doing different types of tasks at the same time
B. thinking about several things at once
C. focusing only on what is needed to do a task

40. Dr Bialystok’s first and second experiments both suggest that bilingualism may
A. slow down the effects of old age on the brain
B. lead to mental confusion among old people
C. help old people to stay in better physical condition

Test 3

Questions 11-15
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

11. Joanne says that visitors to Darwin are often surprised by

A. the number of young people
B. the casual atmosphere
C. the range of cultures

12. To enjoy cultural activities, the people of Darwin tend to

A. travel to southern Australia
B. bring in artists from other areas
C. involve themselves in production

13. The Chinese temple in Darwin

A. is no longer used for its original purpose
B. was rebuilt after its destruction in a storm
C. was demolished to make room for new buildings

14. The main problem with travelling by bicycle is

A. the climate
B. the traffic
C. the hills

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15. What does Joanne say about swimming in the sea?

A. it is essential to wear a protective suit
B. swimming is only safe during the winter
C. you should stay in certain restricted areas.

Test 4

Questions 11-14
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

11. Jack says that in London these days, many people

A. see cycling as a foolish activity
B. have no experience of cycling
C. take too many risks when cycling

12. If people want to cycle to school or work, CitiCyclist helps them by

A. giving cycling lessons on the route they take
B. advising them on the safest route to choose
C. teaching them basic skills on quiet roads first

13. Jack works with some advanced cyclists who want to develop
A. international competitive riding skills
B. knowledge of advanced equipment
C. confidence in complex road systems

14. CitiCylist supports the view that cyclists should

A. have separate sections of the road from motor traffic
B. always wear protect clothing when cycling
C. know how to ride confidently on busy roads.

Test 5

Questions 1-7: Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

1.The librarian says that training always includes

A. computer skills
B. basic medical skills
C. interpersonal skills

2. All library service volunteers have to

A. record their arrival and departure
B. stay within staff only sections
C. wear a uniform

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3. The women would be entitled to a contribution towards the cost of

A. transport by minibus
B. parking at the library
C. public transport

4. One recent library project involved

A. labelling historical objects
B. protecting historical photographs
C. cataloguing historical documents

5. At present, the library is looking for people to

A. record books onto CD
B. tell stories to children
C. read books to the blind

6. The woman says she is interested in a project involving

A. taking library books to people in hospital
B. delivering library books to people at home
C. driving the disabled to the library

7. The woman agrees to work for

A. 2 hours per week
B. 4 hours per week
C. 6 hours per week

Test 6
Questions 21-23
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

21. What is the main thing Julia feels she has gained from her experience in retail?
A. better understanding of customer attitudes
B. improved ability to predict fashion trends
C. more skill in setting priorities in her work

22. Why is Julia interested in doing the postgraduate course?

A. it will enable her to develop new types of technology
B. it will allow her to specialise in a design area of her choice
C. it will provide managerial training focusing on her needs

23. What would Julia like to do after she has completed her postgraduate course?
A. work overseas
B. start her own business
C. stay in an academic environment

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