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Sinus of Morgagni is seen

1. *:-)  Between the upper border of superior constrictor and skull base
2.   ?    Between the superior and middle constrictor
3.   ?    Between the middle and inferior constrictor
4.   ?    In between the fibers of inferior constrictor muscles
2. Passavant's ridge is formed by
1.   ?    Middle constrictor muscle
2.   ?    Inferior constrictory muscle
3.   ?    Posterior 1/3 of tongue
4. *:-)  Fibers of superior constrictor and palatopharyngeus muscle
3. Nasopharynx is lined by
1.   ?    Squamous epithelium
2. :-)  Ciliated columnar epithelium
3. ?  Pavement epithelium
4.   ?    Glandular epithelium
4. Oropharynx extends up to
1. *  ?    C2
2. ?  C3
3.   C4
4.   ?    C6
5. Oropharynx is lined by
1. :-)  Squamous epithelium
2.   ?    Ciliated columnar epithelium
3. ?  Pavement epithelium
4.   ?    Columnar epithelium
6. Killian's dehiscence is present between
1.   ?    The skull base and superior constrictor muscle
2. :-)  Between the oblique and transverse fibers of inferior constrictor
3.   ?    Between the superior and middle constrictors
4.   ?    Between the middle and superior constrictors
7. Anterior pillar of the tonsil is formed by
1. :-)  Palatoglossus muscle
2.   ?    Palatopharyngeus muscle
3.   ?    Lingual muscle
4.   ?    Hyoglossus muscle
8. Posterior pillar of tonsil is formed by
1.   ?    Palatoglossus muscle
2. :-)  Palatopharyngeus muscle
3.   ?    Hyoglossus
4.   ?    Stylopharyngeus
9. The post trematic nerve of I pharyngeal arch is
1. :-)  Mandibular nerve
2. ?  Facial nerve
3.   ?    Chorda tympani nerve
4.   ?    Vagus nerve
10. The pre trematic nerve of II Pharyngeal arch is
1.   ?    Mandibular nerve
2. ***?  Facial nerve
3.   Jacobson's nerve
4.   ?    Chorda tympani nerve
11. The muscle of third pharyngeal arch is
1.   :-)    Stylopharyngeus
2.   ?    Styloglossus
3.   ?    Hyoglossus
4.   ?    Palatopharyngeus
12. Palatine tonsils develop from
1.   ?    First pharyngeal pouch
2.   ?    Ventral portion of III pharyngeal pouch
3.   )    The ventral portion of II pharyngeal pouch
4.   ?    Dorsal portion of I pouch
13. Zygomatic bone is derived from
1.   ****?    First arch
2.       Second arch
3.   ?    Third arch
4.   ?    Fifth arch
14. The pharynx ends at the level of
1.   ?    C4 vertebra
2.   ?    C2 vertebra
3.   )    C6 vertebra
4.   ?    C3 vertebra
15. Plica triangularis is seen in
1.   ?    Superior pole of the Tonsil
2.   ?    Anterior 1/3 of tongue
3.   ?    Uvula
4.   )    Inferior pole of tonsil
16. Plica semilunaris is seen in
1.   )    Superior pole of tonsil
2.   ?    Inferior pole of tonsil
3.   ?    Uvula
4.   ?    Anterior 1/3 of tongue
17. The inferior surface of palate is lined by
1.   ?    Ciliated columnar epithelium
2.   ?    Pavement epithelium
3.   )    Stratified squamous epithelium
4.   ?    Glandular epithelium
18. The second pharyngeal arch is otherwise known as
1.   )    Hyoid arch
2.   ?    Thyroid arch
3.   ?    Mandibular arch
4.   ?    Styloid arch
19. Inferior parathyroid gland embryologically originates from
1.   ?    Ventral section of III pouch
2.   )    Dorsal section of III pouch
3.   ?    Ventral section of I pouch
4.   ?    Ventral section of II pouch
20. Thymus gland embryologically arises from
1.  *** ?    Ventral section of III pouch
2.   ?    Dorsal section of III pouch
3.       Ventral section of II pouch
4.   ?    Dorsal section of II pouch
21. The pharyngeal plexus is situated in the
1.   ?    Superior constrictor
2.   ******?    Middle constrictor
3.   ?    Inferior constrictor
4.       Buccopharyngeal fascia
22. The motor component of the pharyngeal plexus is from
1.   ?    Abducent nerve
2.   )    Vagus nerve
3.   ?    Trigeminal nerve
4.   ?    Hypoglossal nerve
23. Stylopharyngeus muscle is supplied by
1.   ?    Pharyngeal plexus
2.   ?    Facial nerve
3.   )    Glossopharyngeal nerve
4.   ?    Vagus nerve
24. Main arterial supply of tonsil is from
1.   )    Tonsillar branch of facial artery
2.   ?    Tonsillar branch from internal maxillary artery
3.   ?    Tonsillar branch from lingual artery
4.   ?    Tonsillar branch from superior thyroid artery
25. Posterior 1/3 of tongue develops from
1.   ?    Hyoid arch
2.   ?    Mandibular arch
3.   )    Hypobranchial eminence
4.   ?    4th arch
26. Anterior 2/3 of tongue arises from
1.   ?    Hyoid arch
2.   ?    Hypobranchial eminence
3.   )    Mandibular arch
4.   ?    Styloid arch
27. Sensori innervation of anterior 2/3 of tongue is from
1.   ?    Facial nerve
2.   ?    Lingual branch of vagus nerve
3.   ?    Lingual branch of superior laryngeal nerve
4.   )    Lingual branch of trigeminal nerve
28. Sensation to posterior 1/3 of tongue is via
1.   ?    Trigeminal nerve
2.   )    Glossopharyngeal nerve
3.   ?    Facial nerve
4.   ?    Superior laryngeal nerve
29. Taste buds are present in
1.   ?    Filiform papaillae
2.   )    Fungiform papillae
3.   ?    Squamous papillae
4.   ?    Glazed papillae
30. Von Ebner's glands are found in
1.   ?    Fungiform papillae
2.   ?    Filiform papillae
3.   )    Circumvallate papillae
4.   ?    Glazed papillae
31. The parotid gland is intimately related to
1.   ?    Vagus nerve
2.   ?    Glossopharyngeal nerve
3.   )    Facial nerve
4.   ?    Trigeminal nerve
32. Stenson's duct drains
1.   )    Parotid gland
2.   ?    Submandibular gland
3.   ?    Sublingual gland
4.   ?    Minor salivary glands
33. Wharton's duct drains
1.   ?    Parotid gland
2.   )    Submandibular gland
3.   ?    Minor salivary glands
4.   ?    Lacrimal gland
34. Major amount of saliva is secreted by
1.   ?    Parotid gland
2.   )    Submandibular gland
3.   ?    Sublingual gland
4.   ?    Minor salivary glands
35. Thyroid cartilage is shaped like a
1.   ?    Signet ring
2.   ?    Incomplete ring
3.   )    Shield
4.   ?    Cylinder
36. The only complete cartilagenous ring in the whole respiratory path is
1.   ?    Thyroid cartilage
2.   ?    Arytenoid cartilage
3.   ?    Tracheal cartilage
4.   )    Cricoid cartilage
37. The cricoid cartilage is shaped like a
1.   )    Signet ring
2.   ?    Shield
3.   ?    Cylinder
4.   ?    Cube
38. The epiglottis is formed by
1.   ?    Hyaline cartilage
2.   ?    Bone
3.   ?    Fibrous cartilage
4.   )    Fibroelastic cartilage
39. In neonates the epiglottis is
1.   ?    Pear shaped
2.   ?    Leaf shaped
3.   )    Omega shaped
4.   ?    Circle shaped
40. The laryngeal surface of epiglottis is supplied by
1.   ?    Glossopharyngeal nerve
2.   )    Superior laryngeal nerve
3.   ?    Pharyngeal plexus
4.   ?    Facial nerve
41. The vocal folds are covered with
1.   ?    Ciliated columnar epithelium
2.   )    Squamous epithelium
3.   ?    Pavement epithelium
4.   ?    Cuboidal epithelium
42. The pre epiglottic space is
1.   ?    Cuboidal in shaped
2.   ?    Circular in shaped
3.   )    Wedge shaped
4.   ?    Rectangular shaped
43. The only muscle which opens the glottis is
1.   )    Posterior cricoarytenoid
2.   ?    Thyroarytenoid
3.   ?    Cricothyroid
4.   ?    Interarytenoid
44. The only intrinsic laryngeal muscle that lie outside the cartilagenous
framework is
1.   ?    Posterior cricoarytenoid
2.   ?    Thyroarytenoid
3.   )    Cricothyroid
4.   ?    Interarytenoid
45. The anterior surface of epiglottis is lined by
1.   ?    Ciliated columnar epithelium
2.   ?    Pavement epithelium
3.   ?    Cuboidal epithelium
4.   )    Squamous epithelium
46. The larynx is supplied by
1.   ?    Glossopharyngeal nerve
2.   )    Vagus nerve
3.   ?    Facial nerve
4.   ?    Trigeminal nerve
47. Cricothyroid muscle is supplied by
1.   ?    Recurrent laryngeal nerve
2.   ?    Internal laryngeal nerve
3.   )    External laryngeal nerve
4.   ?    Trigeminal nerve
48. Galen's anastomosis occur between
1.   ?    Facial and trigeminal nerves
2.   ?    Glossopharyngeal and facial nerves
3.   ?    Trigeminal and facial nerves
4.   )    Internal laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal nerves
49. The Adam's apple is a prominence seen in
1.   ?    Cricoid cartilage
2.   )    Thyroid cartilage
3.   ?    Arytenoid cartilage
4.   ?    Epiglottis
50. The arytenoid cartilages are shaped like a
1.   )    Pyramid
2.   ?    Cuboidal
3.   ?    Cylinderical
4.   ?    Shield
51. Parotid gland secretions constitute about
1.   ?    100% of salivary secretion
2.   ?    3/4 th of salivary secretion
3.   )    1/5 th of salivary secretion
4.   ?    90% of salivary secretion
52. During sleep the parotid gland is known to secrete about
1.   )    Parotid secretion ceases during sleep
2.   ?    50% of basal salivary secretion
3.   ?    100% of basal salivary secretion
4.   ?    75% of basal salivary secretion
53. Food stimulates secretion of
1.   ?    Accessory salivary glands
2.   )    Parotid gland
3.   ?    Sublingual salivary gland
4.   ?    Submandibular salivary gland
54. During sleep salivary secretion is maintained by
1.   ?    Sublingual gland only
2.   ?    Parotid gland only
3.   ?    Submandibular gland only
4.   )    Submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
55. Technitium pertechnetate scans are useful in the diagnosis of
1.   ?    Monomorphic adenoma
2.   ?    Sialadinitis
3.   ?    Pleomorphic adenoma
4.   )    Warthin's tumor
56. Parotid gland swellings are very painful because
1.   ?    The parotid glands suppurate easily
2.   ?    The parotid gland is closely related to the external auditory canal
3.   )    The outer layer (parotid fascia) is inelastic and firm
4.   ?    There is no outer layer of fascia covering the parotid gland
57. Chemical stimulation maximises the secretion of
1.   ?    Sublingual gland
2.   )    Submandibular gland
3.   ?    Parotid gland
4.   ?    Accessory salivary gland
58. Anesthesia over parotid gland area is caused by injury to
1.   ?    Marginal mandibular nerve
2.   ?    Orbital nerve
3.   ?    Buccal nerve
4.   )    Greater auricular nerve
59. Calcium content of saliva is low in
1.   ?    Sublingual salivary gland secretions
2.   )    Parotid secretions
3.   ?    Accessory salivary gland secretions
4.   ?    Submandibular salivary gland secretions
60. The parotid gland is divided into superficial and deep portions by
1.   ?    Internal maxillary artery
2.   ?    Mandible
3.   )    Facial nerve branches
4.   ?    Cartilagenous portion of external auditory canal
61. The first salivary gland to develop is
1.   ?    Sublingual salivary gland
2.   )    Parotid gland
3.   ?    Accessory salivary glands
4.   ?    Submandibular salivary gland
62. In parotid surgeries the most reliable way of identifying the facial nerve is
1.   ?    By tracing it from the mastoid cavity
2.   )    Searching at the tympanomastoid sulcus
3.   ?    By using the tragal pointer
4.   ?    By removing the styloid process
63. Warthin's tumor is commonly seen in
1.   ?    Submandibular salivary gland
2.   ?    Sublingual salivary gland
3.   ?    Accessory salivary gland
4.   )    Parotid gland
64. Warthin's tumor is known to develop from
1.   ?    Acinar cells
2.   ?    Myoepithelial cells
3.   )    Lymphoid tissue within parotid gland
4.   ?    Basal cells
65. Submandibular salivary gland is separated into superficial and deep portions
1.   )    Mylohyoid muscle
2.   ?    Sternomastoid muscle
3.   ?    Digastric muscle
4.   ?    Buccinator muscle
66. Sialadenosis commonly involves
1.   ?    Submandibular gland
2.   ?    Accessory salivary gland
3.   ?    Sublingual gland
4.   )    Parotid gland
67. Superfical parotidectomy is contraindicated in patients with sialectasis because
1.   ?    There is high risk of infection
2.   ?    There is risk of facial palsy
3.   )    There is a high risk of fistula formation
4.   ?    There is high risk of dry mouth
68. In Bulimia parotid glands are
1.   ?    Cystic in nature
2.   ?    Nodular
3.   )    Enlarged
4.   ?    Shrunken in size
69. Parotid calculi are diagnosed by
1.   ?    Plain radiograph occlusal view
2.   ?    Plain radiograph of parotid gland
3.   )    CT scan
4.   ?    Xray skull lateral view
70. Perineural invasion is common in
1.   ?    Acinous cell carcinoma
2.   )    Adenoid cystic carcinoma
3.   ?    Pleomorphic adenoma
4.   ?    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
71. Acini of parotid glands are formed by
1.   ?    Cloudy cells
2.   )    Serous cells
3.   ?    Seromucinous cells
4.   ?    Mucinous cells
72. The parotid duct has constant relationship with
1.   ?    Marginal mandibular nerve
2.       Lower zygomatic nerve
3.   ?    Upper zygomatic nerve
4.   ***?    Buccal branch of facial nerve
73. Daily average volume of saliva produced in a human being is
1.   ?    8 - 10 litres
2.   )    1 - 1.5 litres
3.   ?    3 - 4 litres
4.   ?    3 - 5 litres
74. The antibiotic that is actively secreted in the saliva is
1.   ?    Ampicillin
2.   ?    Streptomycin
3.   ?    Cefixime
4.   )    Clindamycin
75. All major salivary glands arise from
1.   ?    Mesoderm
2.   ?*    All three embryonal tissue
3.       Ectoderm
4.   ?    Endoderm
76. Submandibular salivary gland swelling is differentiated from submandibular
lymphadenitis clinically by
1.   ?    Movement during swallowing
2.   ?    Palpation from behind the patient
3.   ?    Presence of transillumination in submandibular salivary gland
4.   )    Bidigital palpation
77. Carbohydrate-protein substances corresponding to the blood group antigens
are not secreted by
1.   )    Parotid glands
2.   ?    Sublingual salivary glands
3.   ?    Accessory salivary glands
4.   ?    Submandibular salivary glands
78. In patients with diabetes mellitus the parotid gland is
1.   ?    Shrunken
2.   ?    Cystic in nature
3.   )    Enlarged
4.   ?    Fibrosed
79. Oncocytoma almost exclusively occurs in
1.   ?    Sublingual salivary gland
2.   ?    Accessory salivary gland
3.   ?    Submandibular salivary gland
4.   )    Parotid salivary gland
80. Benign tumors of superfical lobe of parotid gland takes a very long time to
project outwards because
1.   )    The external surface of the parotid gland is covered by tough
parotid fascia
2.   ?    Ramus of the mandible stops tumor progression
3.   ?    Slow rate of tumor growth
4.   ?    The styloid process stops the progression of tumor
81. In submandibular salivary gland surgery, the branch of facial nerve at risk is
1.   ?    Buccal nerve
2.   )    Marginal mandibular nerve
3.   ?    Lower zygomatic nerve
4.   ?    Upper zygomatic nerve
82. Sublingual salivary gland is situated
1.   ?    Under the palatopharyngeous muscle
2.   )    Above the mylohyoid
3.   ?    Below the mylohyoid muscle
4.   ?    Posterior to the mylohyoid muscle
83. Parotid gland is a
1.   ?    Protenaceous salivary gland
2.   ?    Mucoserous salivary gland
3.   ?    Mucinous salivary gland
4.   )    Serous salivary gland
84. Salivary fistula is commonly originates from
1.   )    Parotid glands
2.   ?    Accessory salivary glands
3.   ?    Sublingual salivary glands
4.   ?    Submandibular salivary glands
85. Adenoid cystic carcinoma is known to commonly involve
1.   )    Minor salivary glands
2.   ?    Sublingual salivary gland
3.   ?    Parotid gland
4.   ?    Submandibular salivary gland
86. Tumors arising from deep lobe of parotid gland extending across the
parapharyngeal space is covered on their anterior aspect by
1.   ?    Stretched out fibers of middle constrictor muscle
2.   ?    Stretched out fibers of lateral pterygoid muscle
3.   )    Stretched out fibers of medial pterygoid muscle
4.   ?    Stretched out fibers of superior constrictor muscles
87. Sialolithiasis is common in
1.   ?    Accessory salivary gland
2.   ?    Sublingual salivary gland
3.   )    Submandibular salivary gland
4.   ?    Parotid gland
88. Multiple cystic lesions inside both the parotid glands in a patient should alert
the clinician for a possible diagnosis of
1.   ?    Malignancy
2.   )    HIV infection
3.   ?    Mumps
4.   ?    Measles infection
89. Parotid duct is known as
1.   ?    Finely's duct
2.   ?    Stylle's duct
3.   ?    Wharton's duct
4.   )    Stenson's duct
90. In superficial parotidectomy
1.   ?    Only a part of superfical lobe is removed
2.   ?    The whole of superfical lobe and part of deep lobe of the gland is
3.   )    The superfical lobe is removed completely
4.   ?    The deep lobe is removed completely

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