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Absorption rate 吸收率/分摊率

是一个 indicator, 如果 absorption rate 比较高的话,说明卖的、租的比较好,及时调整存量

Q1 Net Obsorption = Total square feet available 20400– vacant square footage

Leasing take-up = space newly leased + expanded leasing space - space
withdrawn from rental market; sales take-up refers to the space newly sold; overall
take-up equals to the sum of the leasing and sales take-up.

BREP (Blackstone Real Estate Partners) BPP(Broker Property Partners)?

总楼面面积 (gross floor area)

Real Estate Private Equity Definition: Real estate private equity (REPE) firms raise capital
from outside investors, called Limited Partners (LPs), and then use this capital to acquire
and develop properties, operate and improve them, and then sell them to realize a return on
their investment.
私募地产(收购,改善,收购):logistics, office
- LP 有限合伙人 95-99%机构;100w 美元个人(最短三年(短期转手卖),最长十年
- 拿到这笔钱去收购,转手卖出去盈利
- 针对非常大型的机构
- 大部分时间说服合伙人买资产

Residential vs commercial
- 工业:warehouse, distribution centre, data centre
- Retail: shopping mall, 长治公寓

公募地产:(REITS)地产 + 金融:好的金融产品把不动产盘活;
- 地产证券化(商业地产打包,发行股票,传统房地产资金回笼比较慢,证券化就比较
- 受证券监管(国内监管太严格)
Operating company:喜达屋(买/租 4 资产、经营管理):可能 focus 在单一种类

Acquisition vs asset
Seek deal: private sourcing
Negotiation: Seller negotiate and 内部 LP negotiate
PE track: analyst (非应届生):一般是 vendor (sell-side) 投行; analyst (3ys); associate (
PE 80%项目会死
老板带回来的项目流程:1)估值建模 LBO 计算出多少钱,赚多少钱 – 放在哪支基金下

Fixed Income:房贷给别人收利息
Core asset:更加 focus 在 negotiate 价格上,stable return
Value-added real estate: 需要 re-developed (需要解决问题)
Opportunistic real estate :黑石出名:风险汇报更高;不良资产,资不抵债:前期给资本注
入,熬过阶段,找到(收购老旧资产) :
2)pitch deck ppt:投资计划书,介绍项目来龙去脉, ppt 给投资委员会(投资权重比较大
3)pass 之后拿到钱
5)尽职调查:管理第三方 vendor:
a) 财务:类似审计,最终目的不同:查客户提供数字是否真实,报价是否合理(带投资的
b) 税务:过去交税记录,未来税务规划,收购资产税率结构,并购之后新的税率结构是什
c) 法务:请律所,劳动合同,在建工程
风 险 比 较 高 的 资 产 可 能 会 进 行 以 下 d) commercial dd 商 业 运 营 ( 类 型 地 产 strategy

e) human resources dd:通常发生在买了公司之后发生,买资产不需要

f) technical dd: 操作系统需要改善的地方,i.e.优化界面

IRR 去综合衡量,风控

Asset management:
前期制定的 strategy execution and implementation (项目收购之后经营管理,收租等等)
Business developer (路演和投资者沟通协调寻找潜在投资

Relation management (投后,季度报告,表现,分红)

Sensitivity analysis
Test what happens to output based on varying inputs; measure effects of changes in
operating assumptions on returns, exit, vacancy rate change etc

Loan to Value vs. Loan to Cost

Jason, 大致思路是用 what-if analysis 作预测,

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