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San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur

AY 2021 – 2022


I. Subject: Discipline in Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences

II. Topic: Course Introduction (Applied Social Sciences)

1.1 Definition of social sciences
1.2 Definition of applied social sciences

III. Lesson Overview:

IV. Learning Strands and Outcome:

Content Standards: Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences

Performance Standards: Explain clearly public perceptions about the work

of Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences practitioners

Learning Targets:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the meaning of Social Sciences and Applied Social
b. Differentiate Social Sciences from Applied Social Sciences.
c. Appreciate the essences of Social Sciences and Applied Social
Sciences by writing a reflection paper.

V. Values Integration: Discipline, Communication

VI. 21st Century Skills: Collaboration, Critical Thinking

VII. Evidence of Learning:

VIII. Time Frame: 1 hour

Resources: Jose et al., Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Vibal
Group, Inc.

IX. Assessment
Formative: Picture Drill, Word Map
Summative: Cabbage Game

X. Lesson Structure: 3I’s (Introduction, Interaction, Integration)

 Greetings
 Prayer
 Monitor the cleanliness of the classroom
 Checking of attendance
San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur
AY 2021 – 2022

 Checking of assignment
 Recap of the past lesson

Presentation of the Title:

“Course Introduction (Applied Social Sciences)

Presentation of Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the students, should be able to:

a. Identify the meaning of Social Sciences and Applied Social

b. Differentiate Social Sciences from Applied Social Sciences.
c. Appreciate the essences of Social Sciences and Applied Social
Sciences by writing a reflection paper.


 Motive Question:
A.) “Picture Drill” – The students are going to identify the discipline in Social
Sciences through presenting pictures.


A.) Discussion: On the differences of Social Sciences and Applied Social

B.) Activity: “Word Map” – The students will be grouped into two groups and
each group will be given a task by creating a word map using a Cartolina.
Group A will be given the word “Social Sciences” and the Group B will be
the word “Applied Social Sciences”.


Content 50 %

Creativity 20 %

Organization 30 %

TOTAL 100 %

San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur
AY 2021 – 2022

 Activity: “Am I different” – Using a Venn diagram, the students are going to
differentiate Social Science and Applied Social Sciences, provided by examples
of Social Sciences)

Social Sciences Applied Social Sciences

A.) The teacher will ask this question to the students: Which discipline in the
Social Sciences were you able to find helpful for you as a student?
B.) The teacher will allow the students to share their responses.

XI. Reflection:

Prepared by:

Wina Mae B. Saballero

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