Tugas Bahas Inggris Budiman

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Prog.profesi Ners

Read 2 read this article. Complete the sentences with a word from the
1. Diarhoeal disease is the result of an intestinal infection.
2. After pneumonia,diarrhoea is the second main cause of dheath in
children under five.
3. Diarrhoea causes a patient to become dehydrated
4. If body fluids and electrolytes aren’t replaced, severe
dehydration can replaced in death.

Vocabulary 3 complete this word-buildingmtable with words from the

article in 2. Then use words from the table to complete sentences
Noun Verb Adjective

Diarrhoea 1.diarrhoeaed

2.dehydrate To dehydrate dehydrated

3.intestinal intestinal

Replactment 4. To Replactment

loss 5. to loss losst

1. A severe attack of diarrhoea can result in death

2. The lost of fluid and electrolytes can cause the body to become
3. Diarrhoea is caused by infaction of the intestinal.
4. The replaced of the body fluids lost during and attack of
dirrhoea is essential to the patient’s recovery.
5. Dirrhoeal desease is on the main causes of child mortality in
developing contries.

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