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1. Which of the following Venn Diagram Describes the set a AU(BNC)* 2. In the polynomial x*6 - 3x5 ~ 5x" + 22x"3 - 39x"2 - 39x + 135, itis 1 point known that 1+ 2i and \3 are two of its zeros. Determine the product of all the roots. * OaAi Oso Qc © v135 3. Which of the following Polynomial satisfies the condition that all of its 1 point roots is a root of x°6+13x"5+3x"4-457x"3-988x"2+3300x+7200=0. * O Aws+1814+161'9+8172.948%-1369 O Bxts+20et4r93x'3+8x%2-484-1440 O cxtser6xt4+99x'9+1002-948%-1440 © dwser81'4+99%'9+0002-948%-1440 4.A shipping container in the shape of a rectangular solid must havea point volume of 84 cubic meters. The client tells the manufacturer that, because of the contents, the length of the container must be one meter longer than the width, and the height must be one meter greater than twice the width. What should be the height of the container be? * O Atm O ¢3m © dsm 5. If one of the roots of ax"2 + bx + cis 2/3 + 5/9i where a, b and c are 1 point integers, what is the value of ¢? * © ace QO 8st O v2 6. Given that 3+21is a root of the equation x"4-8x"3+30x"2- 1 point 56x+65=0 Which of the following quadratic equation gives the remaining roots * O awz2xe4-0 O ex2x5-0 O exis. © dx 7.Find the DC's of the line that is perpendicular to each of the twolines point whose directions are <2 -12> and<30 >. * O Ax1/26 (-4)/126 (-3)/\26> © B 4/126 (1/26 (-3)/\26> O Ca1N26 (3)/126 (4)/\26> BO D<4:'26 (1)/126 (3)/\26> 8. Find the z-coordinate of the foot of the perpendicular from A(1, 1, 1)on point the line joining B(1, 4, 6) and C(S, 4, 4). * @~ Oc Oo3 9. Determine the smallest internal angle of the triangle ABC where A(2, 3, 1 point 5), B(-1, 3, 2), (3, 5,-2). * O 1865 deg CO 825.35 deg © 055.28 deg 10. Determine the Direction Cosines of a line perpendicular toa triangle 1 point formed by A(2,3.1), B(6,~3,2), C(4,0,3).* O A3/\13 2/013 o> © B-o213 3/13» QO caisog/13> © 03/113 2/13 o> 11. Find the equation of the plane through P(4, 3, 6) and perpendicular to 1 point the line joining P(4, 3, 6) to the point Q(2, 3, 1).* O Baxryr62+6=0 O Cxtysz5-0 © dexs5y-92+7-0 12, In the circuit in Figure, each switch is closed with probability 0.3, 1 point independently of all other switches. For each circuit, find the probability that a flow of current is possible between A and B. * © 80.3256 © 0.0027 O vos 13. A lawyer commutes daily from his suburban home to his midtown 1 poe office. The average time for a one-way trip is 24 minutes, with a standard deviation of 3.8 minutes. Assume the distribution of trip times to be normally distributed. What is the probability that a trip will take at least 4 hour? * O 403265 © 80.0325 O 00.0653 14, Warren misses 40% of his shots. What is the probal achieve his third shot on his fifth try? * ity that he will poi O 80.32 O co4s 1 © Doss 15. Suppose that a certain type of magnetic tape contains on the average 1 point three defects per 1000 feet. What is the probability that a roll of tape 1200 feet long contains no defects? * © Boo © co2s O boss 16. At a construction project, the amount of material used in a day's, 1 point construction is either 100 units or 200 units, with the corresponding probabilities of 0.60 and 0.40. If the amount of material required in a day is 100 units, the probability of shortage of material is 0.10, whereas if the amount of material required is 200 units, the probability of shortage of material is 0.30. What is the probability of shortage of materi day?* © Aoss © B02 QO cos 17.* (Continuation of 16) if there is shortage of material in a given day, what 1 int is the probability that the amount of material required that day is 100 units. © ars O cw O ows 18. Among 625 random digits find the probability that digit 7 appears 1 point between 50 and 60 times inclusive. * O A025 O 8042 O doses 19. Aclass has 12 boys and 4 girls. If three students are selected at random 1 point from the class, what is the probability that that they are all boys. * O 825/26 O ces O 012/35 20. A space vehicle is designed to land on Mars. Assume that the ground 1 point, condition on Mars is either hard or soft. If hard ground is encountered during landing, the vehicle will be successfully landed with probability 0.9, whereas, if soft ground is encountered, the corresponding probability of a successful landing is only 0.5. Based on the available information, it is judged that the chance of hitting hard ground is three times that of hitting soft ground. Suppose a stick can be projected to test the ground condition before landing. It will penetrate into soft ground with probability 0.9, and hard ground with probability of only 0.2. If the stick were observed to penetrate into the ground, what is the probability that the ground is hard? * © co33 O poss 21.*(Continuation of 20) What is the probability of successful landing if the 1 point stick penetrated the ground? * @ A032 © 8055 © does 22. When ordering a new car, you are given a choice of three engines, two 1 point transmissions, six colors, three interior designs, and whether or not to get air conditioning. How many different cars can be ordered considering these choices? * © 124 © 148 1 © 258 23, The parents of a newborn decide to start saving early for her college point education. On the day of her birth, they invest $3000 at 6% compounded annually. Find the amount of the investment at the end of each of the first four years and find a formula for the amount at the end of the nth year. Find the amount at the end of the 18th year. * © $6400.25 © $2416.36 Q_ 2847.95 24. A Federal Express driver must make ten deliveries to ten different 1 point addresses. In how many ways can she make those deliveries? * © 1,240,200 © 21443320 25. In rolling a pair of dice, what is the probability that the sumis 12orat 1 poi least one die shows a 2? * Ow O34 Ow 26. The Ritcher scale measures the intensity, or magnitude, of an 1 point earthquake. The formula for the magnitude R of an earthquake is R = log {alt) + B, where ais the amplitude in micrometers of the vertical motion of the ground at the recording station, T is the number of seconds between successive seismic waves, and Bis an adjustment factor that takes into account the weakening of the seismic wave as the distance increases from the epicenter of the earthquake. Find an earthquake’s magnitude on the Ritcher scale if a recording station measure an amplitude of 300 micrometers and 2.5 seconds between waves. Assume that Bis 4.2. Approximate the solution to the nearest tenth. * O 54 Oss 27, The measure of the largest angle of a triangle is 80° more than the 1 point measure of the smallest angle and the measure of the remaining angle is 10° more than the measure of the smallest angle. Find the measure of smallest angle. * 28. A bank pays interest at the rate of 6% per year, compounded monthly. If 1 point a person deposits $2500 in a savings account at the bank, how much money will accumulate by the end of 2 years? * © $2188.00 © $2881.00 © $1882.00 29. Aman plans to buy a $150 000 house. He wants to make a down 1 point payment of $30 000 and to take out a 30-year mortgage for the remaining $120 000, at 10% per year, compounded monthly. How much must he repay each month? * QO $1805.03 © $1308.05 2 © $1580.03 30. A merchant sold his entire stock of shirts and ties for $1000, the shirts 1 soins being priced at 3 for $10 and the ties at $2 each. If he had sold only 1/2 of the shirts and 2/3 of the ties he would have collected $600. How many of each kind did he sell? * © 150 shirts and 300 ties © 150 shirts and 250 ties © 120 shirts and 300 ties © 120 shirts and 250 ties 31, Determine how many solutions there would be fora triangle based on 1 point the given information: A=47.8 deg, a=13.48, b=18.2* @©o O2 © Cannot be determined 32. Two surveyors, Warren and MJ, need to determine the height of a steep 1 poin cliff. They stand 50 m apart where they each have clear view of the cliff and each other. MJ measures an angle of elevation of 61» from the base of, the cliff to its highest point. He also measures the angle between Warren and the base of the cliff as 72°. Warren measures the angle between MJ and the base of the cliff as 38°. How tall is the cliff in meters? * O 23 © 182 36.2 59.1 33, The area formed by given functions and the y-axis is to be rotated 1 point about the y-axis by 180 degrees. Determine the volume of the solid formed. * f@)=V9-x4, x20 f(x)=x-3, x20 O 45 © s0(2) © 45n/2 34, Determine the total distance covered from t = 1 tot = 3 from the given 1 point parametric equations: x = t*3, y=2t-1, 2 = 4t*2* © 4719 @ 1093 O 13.09 35. Solve the solution set of the given inequality: * 1 point Arex? Sox 13 <7, QO [av139 use O @risaeg) O Biseia) 36. Determine the domain of the function: * 1 point f(x) = V1 —cosx © Allposi © Alinegative real numbers real numbers © Nosotution set 37. A hexagonal prism is inscribed in a circle of radius 2cm and has a 1 point height of 10 cm. It is recast to form a cube. What is the size of the cube? * O 592 O 5.65 BO 435 38. A tank shaped ina frustum of a cone has a lower base radius 1m, upper 1 point base radius 0.50 m and an altitude of 10 m. Its filled with water to a depth of 4m, The water is then transferred to a spherical tank with radius 5 m. What is the depth of the water in the second tank in meter? * © 0507 © o7es ant of static friction between the 200-kg crate and the flat bed of the truck is 0.3. Determine the shortest time for the truck to reach a speed of 60 km h, starting from rest with constant acceleration, so that the crate does not slip. * O 4128 1 point BO 323s 40. The 5-Mg bus Bs traveling to the right at 20 m/s. Meanwhile a 2-Mg car Ais traveling at 15 m/s to the right. if the vehicles crash and become entangled, determine their common velocity just after the collision. Assume that the vehicles are free to roll during collision. * O W414 ms O 159 ms O 164 ms 41. Find the equation of the parabola whose co-ordinates of vertex and focus are (-2, 3) and (1, 3) respectively. * O y2e6y-12x215 O w2+6y-12x215 O yr-6x-12¢=15 1 point 1 point 42. Abilliard table is in the form of an ellipse with one axis two feet longer | poin than the other. A ball is stuck from one focus and after bounding against two cushions returns to its starting point. At the halfway point in its trip the ball is eight feet from the source. How big is the table (in terms of axis lengths)? [Hint: Ellipse is the set of all points P in a plane whose sum of the distance from two fixed points (foci) is constant. Thus, moving from the first focus then bouncing it will pass through the second focus then. bounce again before coming back to the first focus] * © tsanavn O twandrait O Bena tort CO and 23 fr 43, A man started for a walk when the hands of his watch where coi between three and four o'clock. When he finished, the hands were again coincident between five and six o'clock. What was the time when he started? * ©3 © 3:26.16 O 3:25.12 O 3:12.25 36 44, Aman started for a walk when the hands of his watch where coincident 1 point between three and four o'clock. When he finished, the hands were again coincident between five and six o'clock. How long did he walk? * © 2hs and 19.09 mins © ats and 12.25 mins ® © 2hrsand 15.25 mins 45. To stimulate his son in the pursuit of partial differential equations, a + point math professor offered to pay him $8 for every equation correctly solved and to fine him $5 for every incorrect solution. At the end of 26 problems, neither owed any money to the other. How many did the boy solve correctly? * Ov O-u Ow 46. Two chords of a circle AB and BC intersect at an angle of 38degrees. point Find the central angle of ARC AC. * O 2.57 degrees CO b.114 degrees O 4.19 degrees 47. Two chords of a circle measure AB=10cm and BC=1écm. If the angle paint between the chords is 130degrees. Find the radius of the circle. * © »b.14.57em O ©.1754em O 4.18.490m, 48. Two chords of a circle AC and BD intersect at point O inside the circle. If 1 point OA=6m, OB=8m and OD=9m, find the measure of OC. * O 29m O b.18m © &15m 49, Two tangents OA and AB to a circle intersect at point O. If the area of point the smaller sector intercepted by the arc AB is 40% the area of the circle, find the measure of 2BOA. * © ».32.91° © «29.50° O 437.62" 50. An observer stands at a certain distance from a circular lake and 1 pore observes that the angle subtended by the lake is 104°. He moves 20m away from the lake and observes that the angle subtended by the lake was halved. Find the radius of the lake. * @ O 0.13.12 O 6.29.44m Jom O 4.24.75m

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