DPP 03 NTSE Solution BY @class - 10 - Materials

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Is Matte r Arou nd us Pure

To P ies Covered : Solubility , Effect of Temperat ure and Pr

th ·r cha racteristics Collo1dal 1 . d th . h essure on sol bl
so utlons an eir c aracte ristics T u I ity, Suspensions bnd
e1 ' ' yPes of colloidal solutions

Q. l 2 1g potassi um nitrate dissolves in I 00 g of wa ter at I or, c. The so l b. . . .

uc I
( A) ,.,1 g/ I00 g of water at 10 (8) 2 l g/ ]2 ) g uf I. lty of n otass .
: ' •. ium nltrat<.:
1 .
L, 0 so 1ut1on at 1()"C
(C) 2 l g/ 100 g of water (D) non e of the above

Q.2 The ~olubility of a saturated solution at some kn own tempcr~turc on heating

(A) mcreases (B) decreases (C) remains same
none o f t he the~e

Q.3 The solubility of potass ium nitrate is 62 g/ 100g of water at 313 K. The amount of pot' .· • .
. . . . a~s1um nitrate required tc
prepare its saturated solution at 313 K m 50g water 1s '
(A) 31g (B) 33 g (C) 31 .5 g (D) 32.5 g

Q.4 The dispersed phase and dispersing medium in case of rubber is

(A) liquid and solid (B) gas and solid (C) solid and liquid ( D ) liqu id and liq uid

Q.5 The zigzag movement of dispersed colloida l particles in the dispersing phase is call ed
(A) brownian movement (B) linear movement
(C) translatory movement (D) oscillatory movement

Q.6 Scattering of light takes place in

(A) true solutions (B) suspensions (C) electrolytic solutions (D) colloidal sol utions

Q.7 Which of the following can be known as suspension ?

(A) Milk (B) Milk of magnesia (C) Vinegar (D) Salt solution

Q.8 An emulsion is a colloidal solution formed by mixing

(A) two immiscible liquids (B) two miscible liquids
(C) any two gases (D) any two soli ds

Q.9 Which of the following statements is not true about suspension?

(A) The particles of suspension can be separated from solve nt by the process of fi ltration .
(B) When the suspension is kept undisturbed the particles of suspension settle down.
(C) A suspension is homogene ous in nature.
(D) Scattering of light takes place in suspens ion .

Q.10 Which of the following statement is true about a coll oidal solution?
( A) Their particles are visible under powerful microsco pe.
(8) Their particles do not settle down with passage of ti me.
(C) Their particles are electrically charged.
(D) These are homogeneo us in nature.

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