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In the fifteenth century we find the genius of all time, Leonardo da Vinci, painter, sculptor,
mathematician, scientist, engineer, designer and builder of many devices. He studied the flight of
birds and drew conclusions that until today are considered basic in aeronautical science The
parachute that he designed was pyramidal in shape, as can be seen in his drawings. His original
idea was to devise a device that would serve people who were in a tall building that was on fire.
Although we do not know if he tested this parachute, Leonardo da Vinci is considered by many to
be the “Father of Skydiving”.

In the year 1616 we find another Italian, Fausto de Veranzio, who published a book called
"Machinae Nova", in which a drawing called "Homo Volans" appeared, showing a man jumping
from a tower with a rectangular parachute, with four lines attached to the body in the form of a
harness. This parachute is very similar to the one currently used in Sport Parachuting.

This sport is dangerous

Todos los deportes como paracaidismo, aviación, aladeltismo, parapentismo, kayak,

automovilismo, motociclismo, ciclismo (descenso libre) y también algunas disciplinas como
escalada en hielo, escalada en roca y otros de más reciente creación como el puentismo y tirolesa,
son los deportes más extremos del mundo. Y extremo es todo aquel deporte o disciplina que pone
en riesgo la integridad física del que lo practica. Pero tener un factor de riesgo alto no significa que
tenga que ser inseguro.

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