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FB 14 - Interview Project

Individual Project
a) Mcdonlds b) Spotify

While putting screenshots in the submissions, ensure that cell size has been increased to fit one screenshot inside on

Tips to utilise
1. Spend your3-4
the initial time given
hours for project
of this the project (8-10hrs)
on putting down step by step thoughts of how would you really go about
strategising this campaign
2. Take an hour to refer to summary session recordings, case studies that you have already watched/attended in the
previous sessions of Facebook Ads
4. Take another hour
The remaining to before
hours finalisethe
your thoughts
be spent on setting up campaigns on the platform basis what you
have thought of and start putting screenshots
- Ensure that the submission is neat and tidy and other details on different sheets as per the charter
- Ensure that the explanations given for each point are clear and to the point
shot inside one cell.
Facebook Exercise 14 - Mcdonalds
This is an Individual exercise.

The menu
for be
burgeraas1 as
month from now, across key markets. Considering the menu will be launched for the first time, the marketing o
products, is launching
build recall and new
drive menu forleveraging
business the Indian the
new with 3 flavours viz. Italian, american and Indian. There is a mix of 3 new burgers
Italian burget - INR 149/-
American Burger - INR 129/-
You areburger
an agency-lead
needs to pitch a 3 months plan for FB ads, including strategies to drive awareness, recall and online orders. The
lac orders for all 3 products combined. The budget for the awareness phase is INR 75 Lakhs
Your submissions should include:
1. All campaign types to be used across phases with 3 months timelines. Explain in detail why are you choosing the campaigns like you
2. Budget distribution across different campaign types in next 3 months
3. Entire campaign structure for all phases
4. Audience and Delivery Optimization: Create adsets after listing down different types of audiences that this product is relevant for- Use S
6. Placement optimization
Creatives utilization thatphases.
across you would chooose
Headline, Description and CTA for the Ads. Frame and put down all of the parts required for you to
pick up images from McDonalds Facebook page or website, or explain what you have in mind.
Split of website to app business is 1:3.
Please use the sheets - Thought Process, Campaign Level, Adset Level and Ad Level to answer and put screenshots of the setup you will do
Submission Instructions :
1. Download this Excel Sheet
2. Work on this Excel Sheet
3. Save and rename the file in this format : FB_Exercise14_Mcdonlds_<Your Name>
4. Upload this on your Learn Platform
Please remember : Since this is an Individual Submission, each one of you will need to make the submission.
Make sure that you choose the correct files to upload - in case of a wrong upload, the platform won’t allow you to make another sub
Facebook Exercise 14 - Spotify
This is an Individual exercise.

Spotify is launching a new premium pack called - Premium Mini

The pack will be launched 1 month from now, across India. Considering the pack will be launched for the first time, the marketing objective
and drive subscriptions. The goal is to convert existing free and new potential customers to subscribe to this new package.

The pricing for Premium Mini Pack is

Rs. 7 per Day or Rs. 25 per week

You are an agency lead that needs to pitch a 3 months plan for FB ads, including strategies to drive awareness, recall and online subscription
50K Subscriptions. The budget for the awareness phase is INR 75 Lakhs

Landing Page:

Your submissions should include:
1. All campaign types to be used across phases with 3 months timelines. Explain in detail why are you choosing the campaigns like you
2. Budget distribution across different campaign types in next 3 months
3. Entire campaign structure for all phases

4. Audience and Delivery Optimization: Create adsets after listing down different types of audiences that this product is relevant for- Use S

5. Placement optimization that you would chooose

6. Creatives utilization across phases. Headline, Description and CTA for the Ads. Frame and put down all of the parts required for you to
pick up images from Spotify Facebook page or website, or explain what you have in mind.

Please use the sheets - Thought Process, Campaign Level, Adset Level and Ad Level to answer and put screenshots of the setup you will do

Submission Instructions :

1. Download this Excel Sheet

2. Work on this Excel Sheet

3. Save and rename the file in this format : FB_Exercise14_Spotify_<Your Name>

4. Upload this on your Learn Platform

Please remember : Since this is an Individual Submission, each one of you will need to make the submission.

Make sure that you choose the correct files to upload - in case of a wrong upload, the platform won’t allow you to make another sub
Explain step-by-step thought process basis your understanding of the brief and hence what is your
recommendation to the brand

Brand name name-Spotify

budget given for awareness - 75,00000.

Awareness Campaign (75 lakh )

objective - Brand awareness

Ad format - video creative, brand objective - Awareness
Campaign optimization - Video views, Ad set optimization- Thruplay
Total adset - 4

Consideration campaign (37.5 lakh )

Ad format - videos and carousel, brand objective - to buy the subscirption

campaign optimization- website traffic , Ad set optimization - landing page view
total adset -3

conversion campaign (37.5 lakh )

Ad format - videos , static image , Carousel brand objective - 50k subscription
total ad set - 3
Explain the different campaigns that you would choose for this campaign in order of execution alon
reasoning behind each

Campaign Order No. Campaign Type (Objective)

Awareness Campaign Awareness (Video views)

consideration campaign Consideration (Traffic)

conversion campaign Conversion (Conversion / subscription )

order of execution along with detailed

Budget (Percentage/Absolute Amt.) Explain why you chose/framed it this way.

we are launching a new pack that is premium mini , we want to
view this ad those are love to listen music. As mu audience are
very large . I am spending my half of the budget for the brand
75 lakh awareness campaign.
I want to people who are listen music can condiser me as a mode
of listening music. So I music lover come on my landing page and
explore different types of subcribsion. That is one day and seven
37.5 lakh days plan.
In this campaign we pushing people to go for the subscription
37.5 lakh either 1 days or 7 days.
campaign bidding strategy and placement optimisation along with detailed reasoning
behind each

Campaign Type Audience (SS or put in all elements of the audience)

1) Target audience - All the custom audience except those who are
already taken the subscription., 2) Launch Time- 15th July to 15th
Brand awareness_Spotify_ music Aug, 3)Audience-all the custom audience excluding the paid
Custom_ audience Ad set 1 subscriber, 4)Locations- All over India, 5)Age - 18 to 65 6)Gender -
all 7) Placements- Automatically, optimization -

1) Target audience - 1% of All the custom audience., 2) Launch

Time- 15th July to 15th Aug, 3)Audience- 1% of all the custom
Brand awareness_Spotify_ music
audience, 4)Locations- Top 20 cities of India, 5)Age - 18 to 65
Lookalike_ audience Ad set 2
6)Gender-All 7) Placements- Automatically,
optimization - Thruplay

1) Target audience - 1% of All the custom audience., 2) Launch

Time- 15th July to 15th Aug, 3)Audience- 1% of all the custom
Brand awareness_Spotify_ music Detail
audience, 4)Locations- Top 20 cities of India, 5)Age - 18 to 65
Targeting (core audience )_ audience Ad
6)Gender-All 7) Placements- Automatically,
set 3
optimization - Thruplay, Exclude - Custom audience, lookalike
audience, Spotify paid user

1)Destination - Website 2)Optimisation goal -Landing page view

Budget - Timing - 15 aug- 15 sep , Ad Scheduling -Run add all the
Consideration adset 1(Custom audience
time , custom audience -include - 15 sec view , exclude- Spotify paid
of 15sec video view)
subscriber Age -18 to 65 , Gender -all, Placement- Automatic
placement, Bid strategy- Highest volume , standard delivery
1)Destination - Website 2)Optimisation goal -Landing page view
Budget - Timing - 15 aug- 15 sep , Ad Scheduling -Run add all the
Consideration adset2 (1% lookalike of time , custom audience -include -lookalike(1% of 15 sec view) ,
Custom audience of 15sec video view) exclude- Spotify paid subscriber Age -18 to 65 , Gender -all,
Placement- Automatic placement, Bid strategy- Highest volume ,
standard delivery

1)Destination - Website 2)Optimisation goal -Conversion Budget -

Timing - 15 sep- 15 oct , Ad Scheduling -Run add all the time ,
custom audience -include -landing page view (1% of 15 sec view) ,
exclude- Spotify paid subscriber Age -18 to 65 , Gender -all,
Placement- Automatic placement, Bid strategy- Highest volume ,
standard delivery
Conversion adset 1 (custom audiences) land

1)Destination - Website 2)Optimisation goal -Conversion Budget -

Timing - 15 sep- 15 oct , Ad Scheduling -Run add all the time ,
custom audience -include -lookalike(1% of 15 sec view) , exclude-
Spotify paid subscriber Age -18 to 65 , Gender -all, Placement-
Automatic placement, Bid strategy- Highest volume , standard delivery
Conversion adset 2 1% lookalike of
landing page visitors(-) (custom
audiences) landing page visitors(-)

Awareness Campaign : Lowest
cost bidding strategy
Consideration Campaign :Lowest
cost bidding strategy
Conversion Campaign : Lowest
Campaign Bidding Strategy cost initially.

I will go for automatic placement

strategy, This will allow allows our
ad to be seen on all placements
available for our settings on
Facebook, Instagram, Audience
Network and Messenger. This will
help us find wider relevant
Placement Optimisation Strategy audience.
Explain why you chose/framed it this way.

1) people who have installed the app and currently using the free
version. 2)people who were the past subscriber of any previous plan.

people who are interested in music, Age limit (18-65), Intrest in

music, live in urban and semi-urban areas. People are using
competitor apps like Amazon music Exclude - custom audience and
Spotify paid user.

Now I want to show my ad to those who are love

music, but never use Spotify and also to people who
are using competitor products ( Amazone music,
sound cloud, etc) Age- 18-65.
Exclude - Custom audience, a lookalike audience,
Spotify paid user

out of 37L, I spend 12.3L for this ad set. Equal to

each consideration ad set. I am targetting those who
watch 15-sec videos. With website traffic and with
landing page optimization option.
out of 37L, I spend 12.4L for this ad set. Equal to
each consideration ad set. I am targetting a 1%
lookalike of (Custom audience of 15sec video view).
With website traffic and with landing page
optimization option.

Note:- in the screenshot I accidentally mention the

daily budget but actually, I took the lifetime budget.

I created 2 ad sets with CBO. I have 2 ad sets and

both are for retargeting that's why I choose CBO. So,
whichever ad set will perform well will spend on that
and bring more subscribers to us. I spend 37L for

In this ad set, I am targeting those who visit the

I createdpage
2 adbut did
sets notCBO.
with subscribe.
I have 2 ad sets and
both are for retargeting that's why I choose CBO. So,
whichever ad set will perform well will spend on that
and bring more subscribers to us. I spend 37L for

In this ad set, I am targetting a 1% lookalike of

landing page visitors excluding landing page visitors
and excluding subscribers.

landing page visitors are most close to converting as

a subscriber so I am targetting 1% lookalike
images from brands website/FB pages.

Campaign Type Audience Set

Awareness- video views Adset 1 : cust

Awareness- video views Adset 2 : looka

Awareness- video views Adset 3 : core

: people who
visited the
Consideration - video views website after
clicking on
the link

Adset 1 :
existing free
users who
Conversion- conversion watched
Adset 2 :
People who
watched the
video >50% +
Conversion- conversion
people who
website after
clicking on
the link
Ad Screenshot

Headlines - Your pocket friendly spotify mini pack.

Description - Enjoy unlimited ad free music, podcasts and more at
a price of Rs7/day and Rs. 25/week
CTA- click to know more.

Headlines - Your pocket friendly spotify mini pack.

Description - Enjoy unlimited ad free music, podcasts and more at
a price of Rs7/day and Rs. 25/week
CTA- click to know more.
Headlines - Your pocket friendly spotify mini pack.
Description - Enjoy unlimited ad free music, podcasts and more at
a price of Rs7/day and Rs. 25/week
CTA- click to know more.
Explanation behind using the ad/adtype/copy

This is to catch the attention of the viewer. Using the analogy with
a banana, creates a hook to engage the user to watch the full ad
and read the ad copy. The description also explains the feature of
the mini pack

This is to catch the attention of the viewer. Using the analogy with
a banana, creates a hook to engage the user to watch the full ad
and read the ad copy. The description also explains the feature of
the mini pack
This is to catch the attention of the viewer. Using the analogy with
a banana, creates a hook to engage the user to watch the full ad
and read the ad copy. The description also explains the feature of
the mini pack

This provides the user a comparative analysis of its pack and

competitor's streaming services. This helps user to weigh in the
benefits of the mini pack based on its low cost.

The primary text calls for the users to make their existing spotify
experience ad free. Thus this directly aims to those users who are
existing free users. Thus creating a direct communication with the
users. The carousel also contains the pack details and call for
subscription, hence increasing the possibilities of conversion.
This ad calls for new audiences who are not spotify users. It
actually asks them to kickstart their spotify journey for a low cost
of Rs. 7/day. Thus allowing the new user to consider the purchase
of subscription. There is a direct communication between the ad
and user as per the primary text.

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