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N:hi Dr Binh,I just backed from the room12,there are some problems with the new patient Mr
Steve just got here this morning because of serious accident.
D:Ah yeah, how is he doing?is he still having fever?
N:his fever kind of cool down right now,but he has several facial injury.
D:ok, Where is the wound exactly?
N:there’re some scrapes in his left cheek, his left eye is swollen, look like his eyes coming out
D:that sound terrible, anything else?
N:there is a big bruised on his forehead.
D:ok, thank.
D:”this is an emergency room, pls take him to the radiology department.It’s on the 3rd floor,and
call doctor Martin the surgeon to make the surgery this evening”.
D:Hello Mr Duong.How is your day?
P:Hi doctor,mine is bad,my problem isn’t solved yet.
D:Ok,give me your chest X-ray Pic.Let me see what I can do.
P:here you go,doctor.
D:Sir,I’m afraid you got asthma.
P:What exactly is that?
D:It’s a respiratory sytems ilness, in your pic you can see your airway in brochial tube is
narrow,may be for some reasons.
P:that sound bad.I wonder my breath is weird.
D: that is the wheeze sound.It’s one of ccommon symtoms off asthma.
P:ok,I get it,so how can recover again?
D:I’m afraid to say that It is incurrable, but don’t worry we can slow down the processing by
P:So what I need to do?
D:First, I need to know why you got Asthma.Did anyone in your family got it?
P:I think not.
D:Do you smoke?
P:I smoke everyday
D:That’s the big problem,you need to give up smooking and wearing face mark on your
vehicle,finally take this inhalation and you use it when you feel hard tho breath.
D:Mr Tran, here is your genaral check-up.Unfortunately, ou have some problems.Your blood
pressure and cholesterol are really high.Both of them are common factors for coronary artery
P:Can I know exactly what this disease is?
D:Basically,It is the build up plague in your artiries.Plaque contains choleterol,fatty subtances.
P: That sound bad, what happens in this disease?
D:Your arteries is narrowed by plaque that limits or stops blood flow to heart muscles so heart
can’t get enough oxygen and nutrients it need to work properly.
P: So terrible, what is the symtoms,doctor?
D:Sudden chest pain, weakness,shortness of breath,If you have them,call the hopital right away.
P:ah yeah, how it can be treated?
D:It can be treated by medicine.But having a heathy and balance lifestyle is the most effective
P:Thank you, doctor

D:Hello Mr Trang.What brought you here today?

P:Hi,doctor.I hade the pain arround my navel las night but now it moves to my lower right
D:All right.Let me touch your painful area to check.
P:á ấ…á that’s so bad,My painful is worse.
D:ok, uou may have the appendicitis,I need your abdomial X-rays pic to know excact what cause
of your pain.Now you shold go to the radiology department and go back here after taking X-rays.
P:Where is this department?
D:Take a lift to the third floor,turn left,it’s on the end of the hall.
P:ok,thanks doctor.
P:Here is my X-rays pic doctor.
D:ok It says you get the appendicitis,you need a surgery to remove it tonight.
P:really?do you think is necessary?
D:yes,if your imflamed appendix is not removed, it may be lead to your death.But don’t worry
Surgeon will do laparoscopy surery to remove it.It allows you recover faster .
P:It sound good.What need to be done?
D:During the surgery,the surgeon inserts special surgical tools and video camera into your
abdomen to remove your appendix
P:All right,thank you doctor.
(after mr Tran surgery)
D:Sarah, let check the patient meds in room 3 Mr Tran.His appendix just was removed last night.
N:sure thing doctor.
D:He should have 150mg of antibiotics shoulf be taken pc.
N:Is it adminitered P.O or through in IM?
D:IM is better.He can’t chew the tablets
N:ok,anything else?
D:give him 350mg of paracetamol q6h.
N:Should that be taken through an IM too?
D:No, administer it sublingually a.c.You should give him snack with it.Let continue with Mr
Jame meds.He admitted lastnight because of serious burn.
N:what dose he need?
D:He should have two tablets of ibuprofen PRN but not more than 600mg a day.
N:I got it. Does he need some topical oitment?
D: Yes,he needs it ,too.He will apply it until his burn heal.
N:I got it.thank you doctor

Unit 1, 4, 5
P: May I come in?
D: Sure, no problem. Take a seat pls. What’s your name sir?
P: Uhmmm, Johnathan, but you can call me John
D: Alright, Mr John. Could you tell me what is your problen?
P: My back is really hurts
D: Where exactly is the pain?
P: Right here, the lower part of my back
D: For how long Sir?
P: It’s been 3 days since I felt down the stair.
D: Ohh really? That sound bad. Now, I barely know what is the main cause. But to be
sure, can you describe your pain, is it affect to other part?
P: On the first day, it hurts in the back then move to the right buttock. My problem
become worsen whenever I lay on this side.
D: Anything else ?
P: That’s all what I got
D; Now, I’m gonna take look. Please lie down on that mattress
P: Okay doctor.
D: It seems to be hip dislocation. To be sure, you had better take some X-rays at
radiology department. Don’t be worry, everything will be fine
P: Great, thank you Dr, I’ll do it right away. But could you tell me how to get there, this
is the first time I’ve came to this hospital.
D; Sure, it’s on the 2nd floor right behind the pharmarcy which you can see on your left.
P: I greatly appreciate your kindness. Good bye dr.
D: Okay see ya.

Unit 2
N: knock, knock
D: Come in
N: Can I ask you for a while?
D: Sure, no problem
N: There’s a middle-age man arrived at our hospital at the ER. He said that he got chest
pain and hard breathing, sometimes he felt exhausted and dizzy for a few days.
D: Alright, that’s all of the symptoms that he got
N: Oh, he also got a mild cough recently. Radiologist exam his lungs and u can look this
D: Not too bad. Let he take a rest, told him to stay hydrated, get enough sleep and take
vitamin C as needed. If his ailment doesn’t get better, I’ll take a prescription
N: All clear Dr. Thank you

Unit 3
1: Morning, Jones. How are you doing?
2: I’m doing great. What about you?
1: Neither do I, could I ask you to do something?
2: Yeah, go ahead
1: You’re in the storage room, right?
2: Yes, I’ve been here for an hour
1: The amount of patients come into the ER surprisingly get higher than other day and
because of that, there are some equipment need to be provided.
2: So, what thing do we need?
1: We need more latex gloves and syringes in room 101 and 102.
2: Wait, about the syringes, I got 2 different kind of it. which do you prefer? The big one
or the small one?
1: Both of them if you mind.
2: No problem, anything else Jones?
1: Yes, we are short of gauzes and cotton balls in every emergency room, there’s only a
few left in the closet. Beside, don’t forget to get rid of old syringes in the sharp container.
2: Will do, I’ll let you know when our equipments arrive.
1: Thank you, see you there. Bye.

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