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Liger Movie Is Kinda Interesting

The liger is a cross between a lion and a tiger. It's a rare hybrid and only
happens about once per million births. In the wild, they live in Africa, Asia, and
parts of Europe. There have been over 100 documented sightings since 1900, but none
have ever been verified.
2. Ligers Are Not Real
Ligers are not real. They're just a myth. People who think they've seen them are
actually seeing either lions or tigers. Lions and tigers don't interbreed
3. Ligers Have No Claws
Ligers have no claws. That's why people think they look like lions. A lion has
four toes on each foot and a tiger has five.
4. Ligers Don't Exist
They're just a myth. There's never been any proof that they exist.
5. Ligers Are Very Rare
There are less than 1,000 liger cubs born in the world every year.
6. Ligers Aren't Even Close To Being Real
People who say they've seen a liger are probably looking at a lion or a tiger.
7. Ligers Are Actually More Common Than You Think
In fact, there are more liger cubs born than any other type of cat.

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