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Univariate Analysis of Variance

Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N
Kecerdasan Sosial 1,00 Kecerdasan 25
Kelas Eksperimen
2,00 Kecerdasan 25
Kelas Kontrol
Motivasi Belajar 1,00 Motivasi Tinggi 25
2,00 Motivasi Rendah 25

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable:Kecerdasan Sosial
Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi Belajar Mean Std. Deviation N
Kecerdasan Kelas Motivasi Tinggi 76,25 5,643 12
Eksperimen Motivasi Rendah 76,92 6,435 13
Total 76,60 5,951 25
Kecerdasan Kelas Motivasi Tinggi 85,00 5,523 13
Kontrol Motivasi Rendah 77,17 7,297 12
Total 81,24 7,457 25
Total Motivasi Tinggi 80,80 7,053 25
Motivasi Rendah 77,04 6,717 25
Total 78,92 7,076 50

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

Dependent Variable:Kecerdasan Sosial
F df1 df2 Sig.
,139 3 46 ,936
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the
dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept + Kecerdasan_sosial +
Motivasi_Belajar + Kecerdasan_sosial *

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:Kecerdasan Sosial
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 654,840a 3 218,280 5,582 ,002

Intercept 310250,160 1 310250,160 7933,729 ,000

Kecerdasan_sosial 252,360 1 252,360 6,453 ,015

Motivasi_Belajar 159,960 1 159,960 4,091 ,049

Kecerdasan_sosial * 225,760 1 225,760 5,773 ,020

Error 1798,840 46 39,105

Total 313872,000 50

Corrected Total 2453,680 49

a. R Squared = ,267 (Adjusted R Squared = ,219)

Profile Plots
Uji t
Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa
Dependent Variable:Kecerdasan Sosial
F df1 df2 Sig.
,139 3 46 ,936
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance
of the dependent variable is equal across
a. Design: Intercept + Antar_Kelompok

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:Kecerdasan Sosial
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 654,840a 3 218,280 5,582 ,002
Intercept 310250,160 1 310250,160 7933,729 ,000
Antar_Kelompok 654,840 3 218,280 5,582 ,002
Error 1798,840 46 39,105
Total 313872,000 50
Corrected Total 2453,680 49
a. R Squared = ,267 (Adjusted R Squared = ,219)

Multiple Comparisons
Kecerdasan Sosial
Tukey HSD
95% Confidence
Mean Interval
Difference Std. Lower Upper
(I) Interaksi (J) Interaksi (I-J) Error Sig. Bound Bound
Kecerdasan Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi -,67 2,503 ,993 -7,35 6,00
Sosial Motivasi Rendah (Kontrol)
Tinggi (Kontrol) Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi -8,75* 2,503 ,006 -15,42 -2,08
Tinggi (Eksperimenl)
Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi -,92 2,553 ,984 -7,72 5,89
Rendah (Eksperimenl)
Kecerdasan Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi ,67 2,503 ,993 -6,00 7,35
Sosial Motivasi Tinggi (Kontrol)
Rendah Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi -8,08* 2,453 ,010 -14,61 -1,54
(Kontrol) Tinggi (Eksperimenl)
Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi -,24 2,503 1,000 -6,92 6,43
Rendah (Eksperimenl)
Kecerdasan Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi 8,75* 2,503 ,006 2,08 15,42
Sosial Motivasi Tinggi (Kontrol)
Tinggi Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi 8,08* 2,453 ,010 1,54 14,61
(Eksperimenl) Rendah (Kontrol)
Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi 7,83* 2,503 ,016 1,16 14,51
Rendah (Eksperimenl)
Kecerdasan Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi ,92 2,553 ,984 -5,89 7,72
Sosial Motivasi Tinggi (Kontrol)
Rendah Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi ,24 2,503 1,000 -6,43 6,92
(Eksperimenl) Rendah (Kontrol)
Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi -7,83* 2,503 ,016 -14,51 -1,16
Tinggi (Eksperimenl)
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 39,105.
*. The mean difference is significant at the ,05 level.
Kecerdasan Sosial
Tukey HSDa,b,c
Interaksi N 1 2
Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi 12 76,25
Tinggi (Kontrol)
Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi 13 76,92
Rendah (Kontrol)
Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi 12 77,17
Rendah (Eksperimenl)
Kecerdasan Sosial Motivasi 13 85,00
Tinggi (Eksperimenl)
Sig. ,983 1,000
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 39,105.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 12,480.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group
sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed.
c. Alpha = ,05.

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