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TESI4 Total No. of Printed Pages:3 [Duratio TE. (Electronics & TC/ Electronics & Comm Engg) Semester-V (Revised Course 2016-17) EXAMINATION JANUARY 2022 Transmission : Three Hours] {Total Marks : 100] Instructions: 1) Answer five questions. Two from part A , Two from Part B and One Ql Q2 Q3 from Part C 2) All symbols and abbreviation carry their usual meaning. 3) Assume suitable data, If necessary. PART A . Considering a transmission tine as n number of identical and symmetrical T-network 8 connected in series, derive an expression for characteristics impedance and propagation constant, b. Show that for an infinite tine, input impedance equals the characteristic impedance of the 6 line. c. Derive the general expression for attenuation constant and phase shift constant for a 6 transmission line. a, Determine the power passing along the line in terms of maximum and minimum current and 7 voltage on the line. b. Discuss the use of eight-wave line and quarter wave line in impedance matching and its 6 applications. 2.6 + j1.0which is 28° long Determine the input impedance of a line with a load of 2 Using a smith chart. d. What do you mean by distortion less line? State the necessary condition for minimum 3 line 3 attenuation, a. Consider a transmission line as a number of identical and symmetrical T network 10 10 connected in series, derive a general solution of the differential equation of a long, transmission line, b. A generator of 1.0 V, 1000 cycles supplies power to a 100 Km line terminated in Zand yg having following line constants: 6.74 ohm/km (687527561 FF80609A474E82A 13902502 Qa Qs Q6 Q7 TESI4 L=3.53 X10° H/km G=0.29 X 10° mho/km C=0.0087 x 10 F/km Find the secondary line constant Zo, velocity of propagation and Power delivered to the load. PARTB Define and explain the following w.r.t antenna (any five) 10 i, Polarization Beam efficiency Directivity Beam solid angle. v. Antenna height vi. Radiation Intensity Derive Friis Transmission formula, A radio link has a transmitter connected to an antenna 10 10 with Gain of 1000 and operating at 3GHz. The receiving antenna has a gain of 2500 and is located at 100Mm line of sight distance from the transmitting antenna, The receiver requires a power of 20dB over Ipw. What transmitting power is required to achieve this signal level? ‘What is a scanning array? Give one application. 2 . Derive the expression for maximum effective aperture of Linear N2 dipole. Also find its 6 directivity. Write a note on following:(any three) 12 a. Ferrite-rod antenna b, Comer antenna c. Cassegrain antenna d, Lens Antenna |. Derive an expression for the electric and magnetic field of a short dipole. 12 Derive the expression for total electric field of two isotropic point sources of the same 8 amplitude and in phase quadrature, If the sources are spaced N2 apart. Determine the direction of maximum field and sketch the relative field pattern. PART C Sketch the standing wave pattern for a dissipationtess line terminated in 6 1) Re=infinity 6687527561 F F80609A474E82A 1390252 Qs TESI4 2)Re=0 3) Rr =3Ro ‘Also explain the concept of standing wave with examples. What are incident wave and reflected waves explain with the help of equation, 4 . Derive an expression for total electric field for a linear array of n isotropic point source of 10 equal amplitude and spacing. Find the direction of maxima, null and minor lobes for an ordinary broadside array of 4-point sources with d=1/2. .._ Explain the various types of Horn Antenna, Determine the length L, E plane Aperture and 10 flare angles ®, and 61; of a pyramidal horn for which the H-plane aperture is 12 2. The horn is fed by a rectangular waveguide. Let 8 = 0.3 6 in E plane and 0.38 2. in H plane, Determine Directivity. Derive expression for the smith circle diagram and state its applications. 10 (6B7527561FF80609A474E82A139025A2 a : oa oe be = : : ees eee i er al E9415 Total No. of Printed Pages:2 S.E. Electronics &TC/ Electronics & Comm Engg) Semester- 1V (Revised Course 2019-20) EXAMINATION AUGUST 2021 Transmission Lines And Antennas [Duration: Two Hours [Total Marks: 60] Instew 1) Answer THREE FULL QUESTIONS with ONE QUESTION FROM EACH PART. 2) All symbols and abbreviation carry their usual meaning. 3) Assume suitable data, If necessary. PART-A Considering a transmission line as n number of identical and symmetrical T-network connected in 8 series, derive an expression for characteristics impedance and propagation constant. b Show that for an infinite line, input impedance equals the characteristic impedance of the line. 6 ¢ Derive the general expression for attenuation constant and phase shift constant for a transmission 6 line, Q2a Determine the power passing along the line in terms of maximum and minimum 7 current and voltage on the line. b Discuss the use of eight-wave line and quarter wave line in impedance matching and 6 its applications. e Determine the input impedance of a line with a load of 242.6 + j1.0 which is 28° 4 A Jong, using a smith chart. 3 What do you mean by distortion less line? State the necessary condition for minimum line attenuation. Q3a Consider a transmission line as a number of identical and symmetrical T network connected in 10 series, derive a general solution of the differential equation of a long transmission line. b A generator of 1.0 V, 1000 cycles supplies power to a 100 Km line terminated in Zp and having 10 following line constants: R= 6.74 ohmvkm L=3.53 X10° H/km G=0.29 X 10° mho/km .0087 x 10° Frkm Find the secondary line constant Zo, @, PB velocity of propagation and Power delivered to the load. PART-B Qda Define and explain the following w.rt antenna (any five) 10 i, Polarization ii. Beam efficiency iii Resolution iv. Beam solid angle. iv, Antenna height vi, Radiation Intensity SED217D343B6C71 154289080CCIFBETB, Q5a Q6a QTa Qsa SE9a15 Derive Friis Transmission formula. A radio link has a transmitter connected to an antenna with Gain of 1000 and operating at 3GHz. The receiving antenna has a gain of 2500 and is located at 100Mm line of sight distance from the transmitting antenna. The receiver requires a power of 20dB over Ipw. What transmitting power is required to achieve this signal level. Derive an expression for the electric and magnetic field of a short dipole. Derive the expression for total electric field of two isotropic point sources of the same amplitude and in phase quadrature. Ifthe sources are spaced 2/2 apart. Determine the direction of maximum field and sketch the relative field pattern. What is a scanning array? Give one application. Derive the expression for maximum effective aperture of Linear 2/2 dipole. Also find its directivity. Write a note on following: (any three) a) Fertite-rod antenna) Comer antenna c) Cassegrain antenna b) Lens Antenna ©) Yagi Uda PART-C Derive an expression for total electric field for a linear array of n isotropic point source of equal amplitude and spacing, Find the direction of maxima, null and minor lobes for an ordinary broadside array of 4-point sources with d= M2 Derive expression for the smith circle diagram and state its applications. Explain the various types of Horn Antenna, Determine the length L, E plane Aperture and flare angles 6; and 6 of a pyramidal horn for which the H-plane aperture is 12 4. The horn is fed by a rectangular waveguide. Let 6 = 0.3 2 in E plane and 0.38 2 in H plane, Determine Directivity A transmission line of characteristic impedance 50 0 is terminated by a resistance of 100°. What will be the VSWR on the line? Calculate impedances at Vinin and Vmax Positions. ‘Show that the ratio of power delivered to the load (P) to the power transmitted by the incident wave Pi is given by: , Where S is the standing wave ratio. ‘SED217D343B6C71542B90S0CCIFBETB 12 2 10 10 10 TES14 Total No. of Printed Pages:02 T.E. (Electronics & TC/ Electronics Comm Engg) Semester-V (Revised Course 2016-17) EXAMINATION JULY 2021 ‘Transmission Lines and Antennas [Duration : Two Hours] [Total Marks :60] Instructions: 1. Answer THREE FULL QUESTIONS with ONE QUESTION FROM EACH PART. 2. Assume suitable data whenever necessary. PARTA Qu a) Explain the concept of infinite line with the help of general solution of a transmission line 10 equation. ) Derive the expression for ct and B for transmission line. Explain the phenomenon of 10 phase and frequency distortion. Qa a) Obtain the expression for voltage and current at any point on a dissipationless line. 8 b) Describe the Smith Circle diagram and derive the necessary equations. 12 Q3 a) With a neat diagram explain them. With the help of neat waveforms, explain the concept 14 of standing wave, Obtain an expression for standing wave ratio in terms of reflection coefficient (K). b) State and explain the assumptions made while analyzing a transmission line at radio 6 frequencies. PARTB Q4 a) Evaluate the directivity of the following: 8 i, Isotropic sources ii, Sources with bidirectional cosine power pattern. ) State and derive Friss Transmission Formula. 6 ©) With the help of neat diagram derive the expression for maximum effective aperture of 6 short dipole antenna. Also find its directivity. Qs a) Define pattern multiplication theorem and determine the radiation pattern for 4 isotropic 8 elements fed in phase, sketch the field pattern. b) Write a short note on any two: 4t4-8 i) Yagi uda antenna BAFCFCS92EEIFC7BCF8EFS6F4CE261E1 Q6 Q7 Qs °) a) b) a) b) TESI4 ii) Logperiodic iii) Lens antenna iv) Comer antenna Write a short note on Loop antenna, 4 For an Linear array of n isotropic point sources obtain the expression for the resultant. 10 electric field. If n=4 and d=1/4 find the directions of major lobe, minor lobes and nulls for an ordinary end fire array. Derive the field for an array of 2 isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and equal 6 phase with d=2/2. Draw the radiation pattern for its maxima, minima and HPBW. Explain scanning array and its application. 4 PARTC Derive the expressions for the series constant, shunt constant, characteristic impedance 10 and propagation constant of a transmission line made up of cascaded symmetrical T- section and terminated in characteristic impedance. Obtain an expression for the electric and magnetic fields of a thin linear antenna. 5 Obtain an expression for the radiation resistance of a short dipole antenna. 5 With the help of a neat diagram explain the construction, characteristics and working of 6 parabolic reflector antenna. Give any two applications, With the neat diagram explain the operation of a directional coupler on a coaxial line 6 With suitable waveforms and phasor diagrams explain the reflection on a line not 8 terminated in Zo. 2 SAFCFCS92BEIFCTBCFSEF86F4CE261E] ‘Total No. of Printed Pages:3 [Duration : Two Hours] T.E, (ETC/ECE) Semester -V (Revised Course 2007-08) Examination March 2021 ‘Transmission Lines and Waveguides TES6S [Total Marks :60] Instructions:- 1) Answer THREE FULL QUESTIONS with ONE QUESTION from ANY ‘THREE MODULES MODULE 1 Explain what is meant by frequency distortion. Derive the necessary conditions for a distortion less transmission line. ‘The transmission line of length 100 km has the following line constants: R = 6.74 ohm/Km L=3.53 x 1073 H/Km 0.29. x 10-6 mho/km 0.00871 x 10-$F/Km Determine the secondary line constants Z,,a,,y and velocity of propagation for an operating frequency of 1000 cycles per second With suitable waveforms and phasor diagrams explain the reflection on a line not terminated in Zp Derive the expressions for a, Band velocity of propagation for ordinary telephone cable. Define reflection coefficient and, explain why is reflection considered undesirable on a transmission line, Write a note on the energy view point of reflection on a transmission line, Derive the expression for input impedance of a transmission line, and show that a finite line terminated in Z, appears to the sending end as an infinite ine. MODULE It Show that the ratio of power delivered to the load (P), to the power transmitted in the ‘incident wave P; is given by: é on Where S= Standing wave ratio. With a neat diagram explain the operation of a directional coupler on a co-axial line, A line has a SWR of 4. Given that Ro = 1502 and the maximum voltage measured on the liue is 135 units, Find the power being delivered to the load, the maximum and 1 SAFCFCS92EE1FC7BCPSEF86FAC182D71 o © (8) @ @ 6) © 8) ©) a) ¥ °) a) b) b) ‘minimum currents through the load ‘A lossless transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 50 ohms, Caleulate the standing wave ratio when the line is terminated in i) 100 ohmresistive 30-{50 ohm Short circuit i) Write notes on the quarter wave line. ii) A load having impendence of Zz = 140 ohms is to be connected to a line of R, = 100 ohms by a quarter-wave matching transformer. Find 2, of the matching transformer. Sketch the standing wave patterns for a di i) Rp=@ ii) Ry Explain the concept of a standing wave with neat diagrams. MODULE Ir What is the significance of the following on a Smith Chart? i) The point at the center ii) The points at the extreme left and right of yq axis (resistance axis) iii) The outermost circle ‘What is the value of SWR(S) and reflection coefficient( |K|)for the above cases? Consider a loaded line with input impedance 2,/R, = 1.6 ~ j1.4, which is 28° long. Find the output impedance using a Smith chart. Comment on whether the output impedance is inductive or capacitive. Explain the Smith circle diagram, and derive the necessary equations. Obtain the line constants for the line of small dissipation, Derive the expressions for voltages and currents on a line of small dissipation, “ For an impedance “ = y + jx, plot the constant r (resistance) circles for 0, r=1 and R 10 on the complex K plane (representing the Smith chart), given the equation : ue +v?=2()u+ (S42) = 0 for the constant resistance circle family. (K =u + jy, is the reflection coefficient) MODULE IV Discuss the characteristics of TE and TM waves between parallel conducting planes. Draw the sketches of electric and magnetic fields between parallel planes for the TMyy 2 S8AFCFCS92EE1FCTBCFSEFS6F4C 182071 TESOS © 6) (6+2=8) o io} ©) (10) 8) 8) @ (12) a ©) Calculate the cut-off wavelength for a standard rectangular waveguide (b operating in TMy and 7M, modes Explain what are TE, TM and TEM waves. Derive the expressions for field components of TM waves in rectangular waveguides. Write Short notes on (any one) i) ii) ‘Waveguide discontinuities Impossibility of a TEM wave in a Waveguide. 3 $925 IFC7BCFREFNORACIS2D71 TES6R @) © (10) @) Total No. of Printed Pages: [Duration Instructions:- Paper / Subject Code: TES14 / Transmission Lines & Antennas T.E.Electronies & TC/Electronics Comm Engg) Semester-V (Revised Course 2016-17) EXAMINATION JANUARY 2021 ‘Transmission Lines and Antennas PART. 2) Assume any additional data, if necessary. Part A Two Hours} [Total Marks :60] 1) Answer THREE FULL QUESTIONS with ONE QUESTION FROM EACH a) Derive the expression for voltage and current at any point § on a transmission line of length (10 mks) b) Explain what is meant by frequency distortion. Derive the necessary conditions for a distortion less transmission fine, ©) Define reflection coefficient and explain why reflection is considered undesirable on a transmission line. a) Consider a loaded line with input impedance Z,/R.=1.6-j 1.4 which is 28° long. Find the ‘output impedance using a smith chart. Also find the output admittance and SWR S. b) Derive an expression for transfer impedance of a transmission line. ©) Derive the expression for voltage and current on a dissipationless line. ) A transmission line of length 100K, has the fotlowing line constants R=6,74 ohm/km L=3.53 x 10° H/Km, G=0.29x 10° mho/Km, C=0.00871 x 10 F/Km. Determine the secondary line constants Zo, a, B, 8 and velocity of propagation for an operating frequency of 1000 cyctes per second b) Write a short note on half wave line ©). Explain the use of a quarter wave line as matching transformer Part B ) Obtain the expression for radiation resistance of half wave antenna. b)_ Derive the field for an array of 2 isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and opposite phase with d = 4/2. ©). Determine the length L, H plane aperture & plane angles in both the planes of a pyramidal rectangular horn for which the E plane aperture a, = 12. let 6 = 0.242 in E plane and 0.396 2 in the H plane. What is the Ditectivity of the horn antenna. 1 4€3902C9DA74561D19861342CODDF6CI (6 mks) (4 mks) (6 mks) (6 mks) (8 mks) (10 mks) (6 mks) (4: mks) (6 mks) (6 mks) (8 mks) b) b) b) Paper / Subject Code: TES14 / Transmission Lines & Antennas TESI4 ‘A from principle of pattern multiplication determine radiation pattern of 8 isotropic element (6 mks) fed in space and placed in 2/2 distance, Sketch the field pattem & give the statement, Write a short note on microstrip patch antenna. ‘State and Derive Friss transmission formula, Define the following © Beam solid angle Directivity Radiation intensity FNBW HPBW With the help of a neat diagram explain the expression for the electric fields of a short dipole antenna. Part C ‘Write a short note on any 2 of the following 1) Yagi Uda antenna 2) Lens antenna 3) Parabolic antenna Define standing wave ratio. A transmission line of characteristics impedance 500 is terminated by a resistance of 100 1. What will be the VSWR on the line? Calculate impedances at Vin and Vax positions What are incident wave and reflected waves explain with the help of equation. (6 mks) (8 mks) (10 mks) (10 mks) (10 mks) (6 mks) (4mks) Derive the expression for total electric field for a linear array of n isotropic point source of (10 mks) equal amplitude and spacing, Find the direction of maxima, minima and HPBW for ordinary end fire array of 4 point sources with d= A/2 Sketch the standing wave pattem for a dissipationtess line terminated in Also explain the concept of standing wave with examples. 2 4C3902C9DA74561D19861342CODDF6CI (10 mks) Paper / Subject Code: TESI4/ Transmission Lines & Antennas Total No. of Printed Pages:4 [Duration : Two Hours] a a a Qe Q @ Q @ @ TESA ‘TE. (Electronics & TC/ Electronics Comm Engg) Semester-V (Revised Course 2016-17) a) b) EXAMINATION OCTOBER 2020 ‘Transmission Lines and Antennas [Total Marks :60] Instructions:- 1) Answer THREE FULL QUESTIONS with ONE QUESTION FROM EACH PART. 2) Assume suitable data, if necessary. 3) All symbols and abbreviations carry their usual meaning, PARTA Show that a line of infinite length terminated in a toad equivalent to its characteristic impedance appears to the sending end as an infinite line A generator of 1 volt, 1000 cycles, supplies power to 100 mile open — wire line terminated in Z, and having the following parameters Re 10.4 ohms/mile (00367 henry / mile 0.8 x 10° mho/mile C= 0.00835 uF/mile Determine sending end current Is, receiving end current Ip, received voltage Ey and received power Pr How to avoid the frequency distortion that occurs in the line. Derive an expression for the characteristic impedance Zp and propagation constant for a T-section transmission fine in terms of short circuit impedance Zsc and open-circuit impedance Zoc. Write a note on eighth wave line and half wave line, Find the input impedance of a coaxial line having Ro = 1002. The line is 20m long, short citcuited at the far end and operated at 10 Megacycles. Neglect the line dissipation. Explain why reflection is considered undesirable on transmission line. ‘Show that ratio of power (P) delivered to the load to the power transmitted by the incident wave (Pi) is given by = cae where S is the standing wave ratio. Using a smith chart, determine the input impedance of a line with load of 28 = 2.6 + j1.0, which is 28° long. Also determine SWR. 1 90CD79ABS7433CA26D90FOD70FCBFSES [6 marks} [10 mks ] [4 marks] [6 marks} [6 marks] {6 marks} [2 marks] [ 8 marks} {6 marks] @ a a a Qs Qs Qs 6 6 qr qr q 8 b) a) » b) Paper / Subject Code: TES14 / Transmission Lines & Antennas TES14 With the help of neat waveforms, explain the concept of standing waves. [6 marks] PARTB Define the following w.rt antennas 18 marks] i) Beam solid angle ii) Direotivity iii) Effective Aperture iv) HPBW & FNBW Derive an expression for the radiation resistance of a short electric dipole. {8 marks] ‘Write a short note on scanning arrays, [4 marks] ‘An Antenna has field pattem given by E(8) = Cos8Cos26 for 0 < @ < 90°. Find i) HPBW ii) FNBW 14 marks] Describe the principle of operation of lens antenna. Discuss the relative merits & demerits of these antennas. 16 marks] ‘Two space crafts are separated by 100 Mm. Each has an antenna with D=1000, operating at 2.5 GHz. If craft A’s receiver requires 1SdB over Ipw, What transmitter power is required on craft B to achieve this signal level. State Friss transmission formula, [10 marks} Write short notes for the following [12 marks} i) Yagi-uda Antenna Microstrip or Patch Antennas iii) Hom Antennas Derive the field for an array of 2 isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and equal phase with d =»\2. Draw the radiation pattern, [8 marks} PART ‘A lossless transmission line having a characteristic impedance of 500 (resistive) and of length 50m is left open-circuited at the far end. If the open-circuited voltage is 10020°. Calculate the current and voltage at a distance of 10 meters away from the open-circuit, assuming the generator frequency to be 20MHZ. (7 marks} With the help of a neat diagram, derive the expression for maximum effective aperture and directivity of a short dipole antenna. [8 marks] ‘What are the conditions for a perfect Line? What do you mean by smooth line. 15 marks} Define reflection coefficient. Derive the expression for the same. [6 marks} 2 90€D79AB57433CA26D90FOD70FCBFSES Paper / Subject Code: TES14 / Transmission Lines & Antennas 4 Qs b) State the assumptions for the analysis of the performance of the radio frequency [4 marks] line 8 ©) Determine the length L, H-plane aperture, and flare angles @; and 8, of pyramidal horn for which the E plane aperture is 10. ‘The hom is fed by a rectangular waveguide. Let 6=0.2> in & plane and 0.375 \ in H plane. [10 marks} Determine D. 3 90CD79ABS7433CA26D9OFODIOFCBFSES Paper / Subject Code: TES14 / Transmission Lines & Antennas TESI4 ‘Tie Complete Smith Chart ‘ Bhack Magic Design 4 90CD79ABS7433CA26D90FOD70FCBFSES Paper / Subject Code: TESI4 / Transmission Lines & Antennas TESI4 Total No. of Printed Pages‘03 T.E.Electronies & TC / Electronics Comm Engg) (Sem-V) (Revised Course 2016-2017) EXAMINATION MAYJUNE 2019 ‘Transmission Lines & Antennas [Duration : Three Hours} [Max. Marks : 100] Please check whether you have got the right question paper: Instructions: 1) Answer any two questions ffom PARTA 2) Answer any two questions ffom PART B 3) Answer any one question ffom PART C 4) Assume suitable data, if necessary, 5) All symbols and abbreviations carry their usual meaning. PART A Qu ) Derive the general expression for attenuation constant and phase shift constant on a 07 transmission ine, bb) Explain the effect of frequency: and delyy distortion on signals, Suggest a suitable solution 08 to reduce these distortions. Derive condition for distortionless ine. ©) Define reflection coefficient. Explain’ why reffection coefficient is considered as 05 undesirable on a transmission. line. Q2 a) Define 14 i Nodes ii, “Antinodes With a neat diagram explain them. With the help with ofneat waveforms, explain the concept of'a standing wave. Obtain an expression for standing wave ratio in a terms of reflection coefficient (k). b) With a neat diagram explain the operation of a directional coupler on a co-axial line. 06 Q3 a) Derive the input impedance of open and short circuited dssipationless lines. Abo draw and 12 exphin the reactance curves for the same, b) Derive the expression for voltage and current on a dissipationless line. 08 PART B Qa a). State and Explain the significance of Friss Transmission formula, 06 b) Derive the field for an array of 2 isotropic point sources of equal amplitude and equal phase 06 with d = 7/5. Draw the Radiation pattem, a i Qs Q6 Q7 Qs b) a) b) d) Paper / Subject Code: TES14/ Transmission Lines & Antennas ‘TES14 ‘An antenna has field pattem given by E(0) = cos@ cos20 for 0 <0 < 90° find o4 )HPBW i) FNBW Write a short note on Conical horn antenna ue A source has a unidirectional sine squared power patiern. Find its Directivity 06 Describe the construction and features of yagt-uia array with the help ofa neat diagram 06 Define the following 04 i) Beameffiency ii) Beam solid angle Exphin scaming arrays 04 Derive an expression for total electric: field ‘for a linear array of ‘n’ isotropi¢ point sources 10 of equal amplitude and spacing. Find the directions. of maxima, nulls & minor lobes for an ordinary end fire array of 4 isotropie point sources with d = 4/5 Define Antenna Aperture. Also with the help of a neat diagram derive the expression for 10 maximum efféctive aperture and directivity of a short dipole antenna, PART C Exphin reflection on a line not terminated in Z, 10 ‘Derive. an expression for the radiation resistance of a short electric dipok. 06 ‘What are the-concitions: for a perfect line? What is a smooth line? 04 Derive an equation’ for the vokage and current at any point ‘s’ on the ine of kngth ‘I. 06 Consider a loaded line with input impedance 29, = 16—/14 which is 28° long. Find 94 the output impedance using smith chart. Write a short note om lenis antenna. 04 ‘Two space crafts are separated by 100Mm. each has an antenna with D = 1000, operating 96 at 2.5 GHZ, forall A’s receiver required 15dB over pW, what transmitter power is required on craft B to achieve this signal level. D33F76722F B2926867EAA441399S1BB9 Paper / Subject Code: TE514 / Transmission Lines & Antennas ‘TESI4 The Complete Smith Chart Black Magic Design D33F76722FB2926867EAA44139951BB9

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