Lab 4

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Neel Nadpara

Intro to Sensors and Data: Lab 4

The purpose of this lab was to apply periodic voltage excitation to a piezoelectric motor and
analyze response characteristics, specifically the effect of sampling rate and frequency.

Piezoelectric materials are a type of smart materials as they have direct two-way
electromechanical coupling. In essence, the crystal structure in these materials is unique as
when these materials are subjected to deformation they generate a voltage potential. The
piezoelectric effect is formed since there is a non-central atom in the unit cell of a material and
when a net force is applied there is a great increase in polarization strength leading to the
generation of an electric potential. These materials also deform when subjected to an electrical
field which in turn generates a voltage potential. Piezoelectric materials are generally used as
actuators and sensors in a variety of applications (they are often used in lighters and torches to
generate a spark to ignite the fuel). Piezoelectric materials also exhibit many useful properties
such as high bandwidth, high precision, and compactness. In this particular lab, a piezoelectric
motor that is comprised of a piezoelectric stack actuator is utilized to make axial, linear motion
when it is subjected to voltage input. Thus, the response can be measured after the
piezoelectric motor is excited.

The experiment is set up with a piezoelectric motor and LVDT sensor connected to a computer
and a LabVIEW VI was set up in order to determine the response of the system. The LVDT
sensor was utilized to measure the motor displacement due to the voltage input. With this,
different parameters were altered to see what would happen to the response characteristics.
These parameters included the types of wave form, the excitation frequencies, the input
voltage, number of samples, and sampling rates. For our testing, we used sin and square waves,
varying frequencies and input voltage, number of samples, and sampling rate to determine the
effects of each parameter.

Figure 1: Sin Wave Form, 5 Hz, 3v

Figure 2: Square Wave Form, 5 Hz, 3v

Figure 3: Poor Output and FFT

Figure 4: Good FFT

Figure 5: Poor FTT

Figure 6: Good Output Poor FFT

Figure 7: Good Output and FFT

Figure 8: Low Samples

Digital data-acquisition systems record signals at discrete times and record no information about the
signal in between these times. Unless proper precautions are taken, this discrete sampling can cause the
experimenter to reach incorrect conclusions about the original analog signal. In order to prevent this
error the sampling rate must be greater than twice of the highest frequency component of the original
signal in order to construct the original waveform correctly. This was done in order to generate Figures 1
and 2 which actually look like their original waveforms (sin and square). In opposition, one can generate
a poor output and FTT when a low number of samples and sample rate are employed. Moreover, one
can obtain a good FTT by having a very large number of samples and large sample rate. A poor FTT is
generated with a lower number of samples than sample rate. Overall, one must employ the correct
parameters in order to obtain a respectable output and FTT.

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