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SPENDING RUIN Pace oi The Game Master may speha Ruin to do any ofthe following actions: ‘+ Activate Ruin Abitities: Manjy NPCs possess special abilities | © that sctvaté or improve when the GM spends Rua. PPP intetrpor the PCs: Normally, the Initiative Order says that one of the player characters acs first in any given combat | Name Narter sy spend a un for ane oh NPC to ac f fistinstead Once he has terrupted the PCS, the GM must allow a player character to act next. | + Seize the Initiative: The Game Master may spend Ruin to Seize the Iniative (see Initiative on page 205), coring ‘one Ruin to do so, The GM may not Seize the Inatve Sen epee + Re-roll Failures The GM may spend one Ruin to. re-oll failures on any test for an NPC. J+ Restore Shock: The GM mayspend a Ruin to restore 143+3 Of one NPCs Shock. Doing so counts as an action for that NPC. Fs Vermeer nw sck darage fe etey ar pege Tis open ty sense Paffrhereres and Monsees Cecmures tek Cae ae "ATTACK ROLL FLOWCHART Paox2is {Assemble die pool: Bring together a numberof dice equal ‘tothe atibute+ skill necessary forthe test, depending on the type of attack Any bonus die fr the test are included in this pool. ‘Rell and count icons: results of 1,2, 0° 3 are failures; results of 4 or 5 equal 1 con; results of & are exalted icons and count as 2 cons. ‘Compare cons to target's Defence: Take into account any DN |” penalties or Combat Options. AIF successful, shift any exalted icons for extra damage dice: Only exalted icons may be shited, and you must maintain “enough icons inte cic pool to equal or exceed the targets Defence. {Sail Ena Damage Die: Count ons, en add co the E Weapon's damage value to generate a total damage value 6.Compare total damage value to target's Resllence: Take into account any armour penetration oF weapon tats. 7. Check Wrath Dice result: Resolve any Complications, Glory.or | Gitical Hits. B.Soake: Some targets may attempt a Soak roll to reduce the ‘incoming damage. Player characters may do this by spending ‘a point of Shock. Adversaries and Elites may Soak i the GM spends a Ruin. Troops may not Soak | CALLED SHOTS acc 221 Medium (Arm ortea) =2 “ED Small Hond,head) +4 2D | Tiny ye stitjointete)_ 6 “30D Rib aaa ik Sai : 3 ER USES FOR SHIFTED DICE pics| The GM should work with the players to create interesting ways to spend shifts in a scene. Any opportunity to advance a characters personal storyine or the campaigns story interact with the environment in an interesting way, or otherwise take advantage of possiblities inthe scene are all great uses, Some examples of ways to spend shits are outlined below + Gain Information: Each shift spent may ether get one answer toa question or provide a piece of information that would otherwise be difficult to discern, Improve Quality: Making forged doctiments mare convincing, ‘ensuring that you've convinced the Imperial Navy commander to lend aid, or increasing the effects of your impassioned speech upon an Eldar Farseer— these are examples of spending shifts to improve the quality ofa task ‘+ Improve Speed: Each shift spent may increase the speed o 2 xV88 Battlesuit Gargantan Greater Daemon,tive *3dto hit. 3d to detect. ‘Tyrant, Land Raider, Banebiade REACTIONS Pace 253 Default ifficuty for Persuasion is DN 3 Hostile The NPCis openly hostile, They wor't help without an incredibly generous teward or significantly personal reason. The NPCs suspious o unfriendly They are not wing ‘tohelp unless theresa sigifcant advantage to them. ‘The NPC is willing to help for something in return, but only if che request is easy or relatively smal in nature. Mote difficult requests require substantial +2 Uncooperative N/A Neutral Z f¢asons or payment for the NPC to agree. 2 Friendly ‘The NPC goes out of their way for the hero. They perform easy favours for free (or for very litte), land are willing to consider mare dangerous of strenuous tasks for fair compensation. The NPCs actively willing tohelpand does so for ttle ‘orna recompense, depending onthe circumstances. RESOURCES: GETTING STARTED Pace 57 Hete are some helpful notes to assist you in play: Campaign Cards: Each player begins a session with 1 Campaign Card. ‘Wrath: Each character begins a session with 2 Wrath (Unless they have a talent or ability that modifies this) Glory: The glory pool starts at 0 forthe group at the beginning of the session, Ruin: The Game Masters begins with a number of Ruin in his pool equal to the rhumber of players. “4 Helpfut TEST FLOWCHART Paces -L Assemble dice pool: Bring together a number of dice equal to the attribute (or attribute + kil) necessary forthe tes. Ay bonus dice for the test are included inthis pool. 2.Roll and count icons: results of, 2,0r3 are failures; results of 4 or 5 equal icon; results of 6 are exalted icons and count as 2 icons. '3.Compare icons to Difficulty Number: Take into account any penalties to the DN, 4. successful, shift any exalted icons for addtional eect: Only exalted icois may be sifted you must maintain enough icons nthe dice pool to equal or exceed the DN. 5.Check Wath Dice result: Resolve any Complications, Glory, or Citical Hits, mT DE ar INTERACTION ATTACKS Pace 225 Interabtion Attacks afew Shedialderion that ttks, disofients, stuns, or otherwise hinders a target ani (eave them vulnerable Interaction attacks use one of the following skis: Athletics, Deception, (ntimidate,.Persuasioh, or Tech. The DN of the attack is the foes opposing skill or Resolve, whichever is higher. Fhe DN to use Intimidation, for example, isthe foe's Intimidation or Resolve, depending on which is higher. The ranged attack Suppressing Fire (see page 225) functions like an interaction Attack, but uses Ballistic Skil RANGE, ‘The target of an Interaction Attack must be in range to be affected. The range required depends on the type of teraction attack being attempted: ‘Athletics Target must be engaged with the character ‘making the attack Target must be able to clearly see and hear the character making the attack. Deception, Intimidate, Persuasion Tech Target must be within a number of metres equal to the attacker’ Intellect attribute. INTERACTION EFFECTS |Fyour Interaction attack roll equals or exceeds the difficulty ‘number based upon the opposing staf of the target, several effects are possible You must choose to make the target hindered ‘or vulnerable; this effect lasts until the end of the round, + Hindered: +1 to the victim's Difficulty on al tests. + Vulnerable: the victin suffers 1 Defence. 63, LIST OF COMBAT OPTIONS Paar 220 p ry Aim Sacrifice move to gain either 1d on @ ranged attack or Gre into melee without risk All-Out Attack —+2d on melee attacks,-2 Defence for the round. Brace Sacrifice move to brace a heavy weapon. Called Shot Suffer a +2/+4/+6 DN penalty for +1/+2/+5 ED ‘on a suecessful attack. Charge Make a full move and a melee attackat +44, Disengage Move up to half your speed and you are no longer engaged; Requires an Action. 1 FullDefence Sacrifice turn to roll Initiative, The result is added to your Defence for the round. Speed reduced to % i Grapple Opposed Strenath test to restrain an opponent. Hold Action Wait to.act later in the round. If you wish to interrupt. an NPC, you must succeed at ari ‘opposed Initiative test. ‘ Multi-attack Attack more than one target; +2 DN for each additional target. Multi-action Make more than one action during a tum; +2 DN for each additional action. You may not repeat actions. Salvo Sacrifice a Reload to gain a bonus on a ranged attack Suppressive Fire Sacrifice a Reload to make an Interaction attack using Ballistic Skill COMBAT EFFECTS Pac 229 Incases where a target may be made hindered or vulnerable Bleeding ‘Suffer a Mortal Wound at the end of your turn. | cord oa) net orent head inckcaies haere aaa EDA EES :: penalty. For example, hindered (1) means that the target. Burning On fire, suffer damage and must make leadership ‘means that the target suffers -2 Defence. If multiple targets Exhausted May only take a basic move action, a regular th ae oa ered matching Fear Victim suffers +1 DN to any tests involving the Pe eae Eee NO aa Frenzied ‘Must All-out Attack; immune to Fear and Pinning. Player's Call: Ifthe player shifts three or more Exalted leons 4, - = ‘on the Interaction attack, the result is known as a “Player's Hee ee ea Picsaeete ag Er epee oy oe Ese Eas Poisoned ‘Must pass Toughness test or suffer the poison’s AREA EFFECT TARGETS Puce 229 od Se scenes et mi Medium = 3 Frag Grenades, flamer ‘Staggered ‘Speed reduced to 1/2; may not run of sprint. : MSPS Utne cori fel ea Taine ara Victim suffers +20N penalty to all estregarding Very Large 10 Quake cannon shell the attacker; may not move closer-to the attacker, Huge) = c450) _ Ocbicat eames | Vulnerable Defence is reduced let Sates SY ed nope sara aca LE a

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