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14/07/2022, 16:19 Advanced Question Search !!!

Sl No  QuestionID  Question  

1 1247406 Which of the following statements is/are true for P4 S3 molecule?

(A) It contains six P-S bonds and three P-P bonds (B) It contains six P-S bonds and ten lone pairs A;B;C
(C) It has all atoms sp3 − hybridised (D) It contains six P-P bonds and ten lone pairs
2 1247407 Which of the following process(es) occur(s) during the extraction of copper from chalcopyrites?

(A) Froth floatation (B) Roasting A;B;C

(C) Bessemerisation (D) Calcinations
3 1247408 The order among following correctly matched with given properties is/are

(A) (B)


(C) (D)

4 1247409 Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for below reaction sequence




(A) (B)

(C) Generation of ( A) is diazotization (D) ( C) is carboxylic acid

5 1247410 Identify the incorrect order(s)

(A) ns < np < nd < nf (penetration power) (B) Li < Na < K < Cs (reducing power)
(C) K + < Na
< Li
(hydration energy) (D) M gO < M g3 N2 < T iC (Lattice energy. Considering
the inter-ionic distance is same
6 1247411 Which of the following statement(s) is/are wrong?

(A) At equilibrium, concentration of reactants and products (B) Addition of catalyst speeds up the forward reaction more
become constant because the reaction stops than the backward reaction A;B;D
(C) Equilibrium constant of an exothermic reaction (D) Kp is always greater than Kc
decreases with increases of temperature
7 1247412 The standard emf for the cell reaction, Zn + C u2+ → Cu + Z n
, is 1.1V at 25°C. If 0.1M Cu2+ and 0.1M Zn2+
solutions are used then

(A) the emf of cell = 1.15V (B) emf of cell = 1.1V
(C) reaction will be spontaneous (D) reaction will be non-spontaneous
8 1247413 Select CORRECT statement(s)

(A) White phosphorus produce P H3 with NaOH conc. as (B) CN − is a pseudohalide ion
one of the products. A;B;C
(C) White phosphorous is poisonous in nature (D) F eI3 does not exist 1/14
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9 1247414   Comprehension

                                                                                                                        -- * --
   Question :
Product C and D are


∥ ∥ ∥ ∥ 18

(A) H − C − C − OH + M eOH (B) H − C − C − OH + M eOH


∥ ∥ 18 ∥ ∥ 18

(C) H − C − C − OH + M eOH (D) HO − C − C − OH + M eOH

10 1247415 Question :
Mechanism for hydrolysis of A will be

(A) AAC 2 (B) AAL1 A

(C) AAC 1 (D) AAL2

11 1247416   Comprehension

                                                                                                                        -- * --
   Question :
Compound ( A) is

(A) 2, 3-Dimethylbutane (B) 2-Methylpentane

(C) 2, 2-Dimethylbutane (D) 3-Methylpentane
12 1247417 Question :
Compound ( B) is

(A) 2, 3-Dimethylbutane (B) 2-Methylpentane A

(C) 2, 2-Dimethylbutane (D) 3-Methylpentane 2/14
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13 1247418   Comprehension
The following observation were made on N a2 CrO4 and N a2 C r2 O7
a) When CO2 was passed over N a2 CrO4 , then N a2 C r2 O7 was formed
b) When Zn is added to acidic solution of N a2 C r2 O7 the colour changes from orange to green, then to blue and then back
to green.
c) N a2 CrO4 when added to a nitrate salt solution gave a yellow coloured ppt. which after separation and drying followed by
flame test gave a green coloured flame. B
                                                                                                                        -- * --
   Question :
The reason for the colour N a2 C r2 O7 solution to first change from orange to green on adding Zn is because

(A) Zn is reducing agent and changes Cr+4 to Cr+3 (B) Zn is reducing agent and changes Cr+6 to Cr+3
(C) Zn is reducing agent and it reduces Cr+6 to Cr+2 (D) None of these
14 1247419 Question :
The second change in colour in the solution that is from green to blue is due to the conversation of

(A) C r+3 +1
to C r (B) C r+3 to Cr

(C) C r+3 to C r
(D) C r+3 to C r

15 1247420   Comprehension
For a gaseous reaction, 2A(g) → 3B(g) + C(g). Whose extent of dissociation depends on temperature is performed in a
closed container, it is known that extent of dissociation of A is different in different temperature range. With in a temperature
range it is constant. (Temperature range T0 − T1 , T1 – T2 , T2 – T∞ ) . A plot of P v/s T is drawn under the given condition.
Given; tan 55 = 1.42, tan 50 = 1.19, tan 60 = 1.73
                                                                                                                        -- * -- A
   Question :

If αT – Ti+1 is the degree of dissociation of A then in the temperature: range Ti → Ti+1


(A) αT 0 –T1
is lowest (B) αT 0 –T1
is highest
(C) αT 2 –T∞
= 1 (D) αT 2 –T∞
= 0

16 1247421 Question :
If initially 1 mole of A is taken in a 0.0821 1 container then [R = 0.0821 atm lit/k]



(A) αT 0 –T1
= 0.19 (B) αT 0 –T1
= 0.095

(C) αT 3 –T2
= 0.42 (D) αT 1 –T2
= 0.73 3/14
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17 1247422


(A) A - S; B - P; C - R; D – Q (B) A - S; B - R; C - P; D – Q;
(C) A - Q; B - P; C - R; D – S; (D) A – S; B - R; C - Q; D – P
18 1247423


(A) A - QR; B - PQ; C - RST; D – QP; (B) A - SQR; B - PQ; C - RST; D – PS;
(C) A - QR; B - PQS; C - ST; D – P; (D) A – SQR; B - PQS; C - ST; D – PS 4/14
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19 1247424 Match the reactions in List – I with major products obtained in List – II. ( given order of migratory aptitude on any hetero
atom is. Aryl > alkyl > hydrogen)

List - I List - II
(i)O2 /hr

P Cumene −−−−−−−→ 1Acetic acid

(iidil.H2 S O4

(i)H N2 /H2 S O4

QButanone −−−−−−−−→ 2Phenol

(ii)HCl.H2 O B
(i)m−CP BA

R Benzaldehyde −−−−−−−→ 3Acetone/td>

(ii)H3 O

(i)N H2 OH

S Propanoyl chloride −−−−−−−−−−−−−−→4Ethyl amine

(ii)C H3 COCl(iii)H2 O,Δ

(A) P – 2, 3; Q – 4; R – 1,2; S – 4; (B) P – 2, 3; Q – 1,4; R – 2; S – 1,4;

(C) P – 2,3; Q – 4; R – 2; S – 4; (D) P – 2; Q – 1,4; R – 1,2; S – 1,4
20 1247425 List - I List - II
P C vs t for zero order 1Unity
Qlog C vs t for first order 2Zero
R( ) vs c for zero order3-k
dt B
−dc k
S( ) vs C for first order 4 −
dt 2.303

(A) P – 4; Q – 2; R – 3; S – 1; (B) P – 3; Q – 4; R – 2; S – 1;
(C) P – 2; Q – 4; R – 3; S – 2; (D) P – 1; Q – 2; R – 3; S – 4
21 1247426 Let f is twice differentiable function defined in [-4, 4] such that f’(-4) = 10, f’(4) = -14 and f’’(x) ≥ −3 ∀ x ∈ [−4, 4] . If

g(x) = ∫ f(t)dt and f(0) = 0

0 B;C
(A) g(x) increases in (0, 4) (B) g(x) decreases in (0,4)
(C) g(x) is always concave down in (0, 4) (D) f(x) has maximum value at x = 2
22 1247427 1
Given that a⃗ and b ⃗ are two unit vectors such that angle between a⃗ and b ⃗ is cos−1 ( ) . If c ⃗ be a vector in the plane

of a⃗ and b ,⃗  such that ∣c ⃗ ∣= ⃗  ⃗ 

4, c ⃗ × b = 2a⃗ × b and c ⃗ = λa⃗ + μb
(A) λ = 2 (B) sum of values of μ = −1

(C) product of all possible values of μ = −12 (D) number of distinct values of μ is three
– 20
23 1247428 Let R = (8 + 3√7) and [R] the greater integer less than or equal to R. Then

(A) [R] is even (B) [R] is odd

1 (D) R + R[R] = 1 + R

(C) R– [R] = 1 −
– 20
(8 + 3√7)

24 1247429 Which of the following is/are true

(A) if y = f(x) is a strictly monotonic function in (a, b) with (B) y = f(x) is a strictly monotonic function in (a, b) with
f(x) ≠ 0, then the area bounded by y = f(x), the lines x = a, f(x) ≠ 0, then the area bounded by the lines x = a, x = b

x = b and y = f( c) where c ∈ (a, b) is minimum when and y = f( c) where c ∈ (a, b) is minimum when
a + b 2a + b a + 2b
c = c = or c = A;C
2 3 3
3 3
x x
(C) if the area bounded by f(x) = –x
+ a and the (D) if the area bounded by f(x) = –x
+ a and the
3 3
2 28
lines x = 0, x = 2 and the x-axis is minimum then a = lines x = 0, x = 2 and the x-axis is minimum then a =
3 81

25 1247430 Ram and Shyam select two numbers from the set 1 to n. If the probability that Shyam selects a number which is less
than the number selected by Ram is then

128 A;B;C
(A) n is even (B) n is perfect square
(C) n is a cube (D) none of these 5/14
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26 1247431 Which of the following statement(s), is/are correct

3 3
x − 4 x − 4
(A) the equation 3
= a has exactly two real root (B) the equation 3
= a has one real root
(x– 1) (x– 1)

4 4
∀a ∈ ( , 1) ∀ a ∈ (0, ) B;C;D
9 9

3 3
x − 4 4 x − 4
(C) the 3
= a has 3 real roots ∀ a ∈ ( , 1) (D) the equation 3
= a has one real root
(x– 1) 9 (x– 1)

∀ a ∈ (4, ∞)

27 1247432 Let tangents from A to x + y = 1 intersect third tangent at P on x2 + y 2 = 1 at B and C, then which of following
2 2

is/are true [given perpendicular distance of A from line BC is 4 unit]

(A) PB. PC is equal to 2 (B) PB. PC is equal to 3
(C) perimeter of ΔABC is 4BC (D) perimeter of ΔABC is 3BC
28 1247433 If A, B, C are angles of triangle ABC and tanA. tanC = 3 and tanB. tanC = 6, then

(A) A = (B) tanA. tanB = 2

4 A;B
tanA 3 (D)
(C) = 3 3 3
tan A + tan B = tan C + 3tanA. tanB. tanC = 0
tanC 2

29 1247434   Comprehension
Read the following write up carefully and answer the following questions Consider ΔABC whose vertices are
A ≡ (m, n), B ≡ (1, 2), C ≡ (2, 3) and vertex ‘A’ lies on the line 2x – y + 3 = 0 where m, n ∈ N and m > 2. Let area of

ΔABC be S such that [ S] = 2, (where [x] denotes greatest integer less than or equal to x)

                                                                                                                        -- * -- C
   Question :

If the equation of side AC of ΔABC is ax + by = 9, then (a + b) equals

(A) 4 (B) 15
(C) 5 (D) 11
30 1247435 Question :
If the point R(α, β) lies inside the ΔABC is such that the ΔABR, ΔBCR and ΔCAR are of equal area, then
(2α + 3β) equals
(A) 12 (B) 17
(C) 19 (D) 18
31 1247436   Comprehension
Read the following write up carefully and answer the following questions Let A(z1 ), B(z2 ), C(z3 ) lie on the circle
∣z– i ∣= 1 and satisfy the equation 3z 1 + i = 2z 2 + 2z 3

                                                                                                                        -- * --
   Question :

The distance between A and B is equal to


1 (B) √2
(A) –

3 (D) none of these

(C) –

32 1247437 Question :
The area of the quadrilateral with vertices A, B, C, D where D is centre of the circle ∣z– i ∣= 1

3 √7
(A) (B) B
4 4

1 √5
(C) – (D)
√2 4

33 1247438   Comprehension
Read the following write up carefully and answer the following questions Let f(x) be a real valued continuous function on R
defined as f(x) = x2 e−∣x∣
                                                                                                                        -- * --
   Question :

The value of k for which the curve y = kx (k > 0) intersect the curve y = e at exactly two points, is
2 ∣x∣

(A) e 2

2 2
e e
(C) (D)
4 8 6/14
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34 1247439 Question :
The area bounded by ordinates at points of local maximum, the curve y = f(x) and x-axis is equal to

2 2
4(e − 5) e + 5
(A) (B) A
e e

+ 5) (D) 4
(C) 2

35 1247440   Comprehension
Read the following write up carefully and answer the following questions The vertices of ΔABC are A(2, 0, 0), B(0, 1, 0),
C(0, 0, 2). Its orthocenter is H and circumcentre is S
                                                                                                                        -- * --
   Question :
The z-coordinate of H is
(A) 1 1

1 1
(C) (D)
6 3

36 1247441 Question :
The y-coordinate of S is

5 1
(A) (B) C
6 3

1 1
(C) (D)
6 2

37 1247442 f(x) + f(y) g(x) + g(y)

Let f(x) and g(x) be two distinct functions such that f −1 ( ) = g
( ) , then

2 2

List - I List - II
P If f(x) = x
∀x ≥ 0 and g(1) = 2, g(0) = 1 , then1No.of solutions of g(x) = 0 is 0
QIf f(x) = x
and g(1) = 7 and g(0) = 2 2No. of solutions of g(x) = 0 is infinite B

R If f(x) = tan x and g(0) = 1 and g(π/4) = √3 3-No.of solutions of g(x) = 0 is 1
S If f(x) = x
and g(0) = 5 and g(1) = 2 4No.of solutions of g(x) = 0 is 2
(A) P-2, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (B) P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-3
(C) P-4, Q-1, R-3, S-2 (D) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3
38 1247443 In the given figure ΔOBC is an isosceles right triangle in which AC is median


List -
List - I
The equation whose roots are (α + β) and (α − β) , where α, β(α > β) are roots of x2 + bx + c = 0 is D
P 18
x – px + 3 = 0, then p is

Minimum value of quadratic expression corresponding to quadratic eqn obtained in above question occurs at
Q 22
∣K ∣
R The sum of fifth power of roots of equation f(x) = −x
+ x
+ 1 is given by K then ∣ ∣ is equal to 34
∣ 5 ∣

S The no.of solutions of f(∣ x ∣) = 0 is 43


(A) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3 (B) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1
(C) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1 (D) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-3 7/14
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39 1247444 Let P be the plane parallel to y-axis and containing the points (1, 0, 1) and (3, 2, -1). Also
A ≡ (4, 0, 0) and B ≡ (6, 0, −2) are pts and P (x0 , y0 , z 0 ) is a variable point on the plane P = 0

List - I List - II
P If the equation of plane P = 0 is x + ay + by = c then ∣a + b + c∣ is 116
QIf PA + PB is minimum, then ∣4x0 + y0 + 2z 0 ∣ is = 212
−− A
R If ∣P A– P B ∣∈ [0, √N ] , then N is 33
x − 2 y − α z + β
S If the reflection of the line AB in the plane P = 0 is = = , then α4 + β
1 0 −1

(A) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1 (B) P-2, Q-4, R-3, S-1
(C) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2 (D) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
40 1247445 List -
List - I
P Area bounded by the curve y– sin−1 x = x– x
, and the x-axis is equal to 10
The area bounded by y = x
− 3 and the line y = ax + 2 attains its minimum value then the parameter ‘a’ is
Q 21
equal to
– –
R The area of the region represented by the expression √2 ≤∣ x + y ∣ + ∣ x– y ∣≤ 2√2 3π − 1 D
If k is a positive number and the area of the region bounded by the curves y = x– kx
and ky = x
S 46
its maximum value, then k is equal to

(A) P-3, Q-6, R-2, S-1 (B) P-1, Q-4, R-2, S-3
(C) P-4, Q-6, R-5, S-2 (D) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
41 1247446 On a train moving along east with a constant speed v, a boy revolves a bob with string of length ℓ on smooth surface of
the train, with same constant speed v relative to train. Mark the correct option ( s).



(A) Maximum speed of the bob is 2v in ground frame. 4mv


(B) Tension in string connecting the bob is at an

2 (D) Minimum speed of bob is zero in ground frame.
(C) Tension in string is at all the moments.

42 1247447 A smooth hemisphere of mass m and radius R is at rest. A smooth solid sphere of mass 2m and radius R moving with
velocity V0 between two horizontal smooth surfaces separated by a distance 2R as shown in figure. Solid sphere
collides with the hemisphere. If coefficient of restitution is , then



(A) The speed of hemisphere after collision is V0 V0

(B) The speed of solid sphere after collision is
2 th
mV 1
(C) The loss in kinetic energy of the system is (D) The final kinetic energy of hemisphere is the initial
4 4
kinetic energy of the sphere 8/14
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43 1247448 A car moves towards a hill with speed VC . It blows a horn of frequency ‘f’ which is heard by an observer following the
car with speed V0 . The speed of sound in air is ‘V’ .

V V – VC
(A) The wavelength of sound reaching the hill is (B) The wavelength of sound reaching the hill is
f f
(C) The beat frequency observed by the observer is (D) The wavelength of sound of horn directly reaching the
2VC (V + V0 )f V + VC
observer is
2 2
V –V f

44 1247449 A cylinder of mass M and radius R is resting on a horizontal platform (which is parallel to x-y plane) with its axis parallel
to about y-axis and free to rotate about its axis. The platform is given a motion in x-direction given by x = A cos wt .
There is no slipping between cylinder and platform.




(A) The maximum torque acting on the cylinder during its (B) frictional force f acting on the body is such that
1 1
motion is 2
M w AR 0 ≤ f ≤
Mω A
3 3

(C) minimum coefficient of friction without slipping is zero 1

(D) maximum kinetic energy of the body is 2
Mω A

45 1247450 A straight conductor carries a steady current. Assume in it all free electrons in the conductor move with same drift
velocity V. A and B are two observers in a straight line XY parallel to the conductor. A is stationary, B moves along XY
with a velocity V in the direction of free electrons

(A) A and B observe the same magnetic field (B) A observe magnetic field, B does not A;D
(C) A and B observe magnetic fields of the same magnitude (D) A and B do not observe any electric field
but opposite directions
46 1247451 Two conducting uncharged spheres of radius R1 and R2 (R1 > R2 ) are connected to a battery with a switch as
shown. Light rays of frequency f are incident on the bigger sphere and simultaneously the switch is closed. Work
function of bigger sphere is ϕ . After some time the charge on bigger sphere becomes q1 , and on smaller sphere
becomes −q2 remains constant there after spheres are seperated by large distance. Then



= V
(B) The number of electrons emitted by larger sphere is
q1 – q2
4π ∈0 R1 4π ∈0 R2
when e is the charge of an electron

= hf − ϕ
(D) The number of electrons emitted by larger sphere is
4π ∈0 R1 independent of the potential of the battery 9/14
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47 1247452 Two large on conducting plates having surface charge densities +σ and −σ , respectively, are fixed ‘d’ distance apart.
A small test charge q of mass m is attached to two non – conducting identical springs of spring constant k as shown in
the adjacent fig. The charge q is now released from rest with springs in natural length. Then q will [neglect gravity]



− σq
2k (B) perform SHM with amplitude
(A) perform SHM with angular frequency √
2k ∈0

(C) not perform SHM, but will have a periodic motion if (D) remain stationary
charges are removed on plates as well as on m
48 1247453 A very long uniform helix is made of thin metal wire. The axis of helix is vertical. A small bead begins to slide down the
fixed helix starting from rest. Considering friction between bead and wire of helix to be nonzero, which of the following
statements is/ are true as long as bead moves on helix.



(A) The speed of bead keeps on increasing. (B) The magnitude of frictional force on bead remains
(C) The speed of bead first increases and then remains (D) The magnitude of frictional force increases and then
constant. remains constant.
49 1247454   Comprehension
In a potentiometer circuit, two wires of same material of resistivity ρ , one of radius of cross-section ‘a’ and other of radius of
cross-section ‘2a’ are joined in series. They are of length l and 2 l respectively. This combination acts as the potentiometer
wire of length 3ℓ . The emf of the cell in the primary circuit is ∈ and internal resistance is 2
. This cell is connected to
the potentiometer wire by a conducting wire of negligible resistance with positive terminal of the cell connected to one end
(call it A) of longer wire.
                                                                                                                        -- * -- C
   Question :

The maximum voltage which can be balanced on the potentiometer wire is

∈ ∈
(A) (B)
4 2
3 ∈ (D) ∈
4 10/14
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50 1247455 Question :
∈ ρℓ
If positive terminal of cell of emf and internal resistance 2
is connected to point A and other terminal is joined
2 2πa
to the junction of the two wires, then the magnitude of current through this cell at e.m.f. ϵ/2 is

(A) Zero ϵ C

2 2
2πa ϵ 3πa ϵ
(C) (D)
7ρℓ 7ρℓ

51 1247456   Comprehension
AC and BC are rigid fixed rods in vertical plane. A soap film is trapped within them along with a horizontal movable rod of
mass m in static equilibrium. Height of the isosceles triangle formed by soap film is h. Ignore the weight of the soap film.

                                                                                                                        -- * --
   Question :
What is the surface energy per unit surface area of the soap film?

mg θ mg θ
(A) cot ( ) (B) cot ( )
4h 2 2h 2

2mg θ mg θ
(C) cot ( ) (D) tan ( )
h 2 h 2

52 1247457 Question :
If we pull the horizontal rod vertically down by a small distance x( < < h) and release it from rest at the instant t = 0,
then after what minimum time will the soap film store least surface energy? (Assume (θ = 45°))

−− −−
h π h
(A) π√ (B) √ A
g 2 g
−−− −−−
2h π 2h
(C) π√ (D) √
g 2 g 11/14
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53 1247458   Comprehension
There is an arrangement of n pulleys as shown in figure. All the pulleys are massless and frictionless and the strings used
are inextensible. Each of these springs have a spring constant k. We define the stiffness of the assembly kf , as the force
required to be applied at point A for its unit displacement. Each stage of the assembly (upto nth stage) is labeled as shown.

                                                                                                                        -- * --
   Question :

Find kf for n = 1

(A) k (B) k/2

(C) 2k (D) 4k
54 1247459 Question :
Find kf for n = ∞

(A) 2k (B) 3k
(C) 4k (D) 3.3k
55 1247460   Comprehension

A uniform and constant magnetic field B = (20^
i – 30^
j + 50k) Tesla exists in space. A charged particle with charge to
q 10 →
mass ratio ( ) = C/kg enters this region at time t = 0 with a velocity V = (20^
i + 50^
j + 30k) m/s. Assume that
m 19

the charged particle always remains in space having the given magnetic field. (Use √2 = 1.4)

                                                                                                                        -- * -- A
   Question :

During the further motion of the particle in the magnetic field, the angle between the magnetic field B and velocity of
the particle

(A) remains constant (B) increases

(C) decreases (D) may increase or decrease.
56 1247461 Question :
The frequency of the revolution of the particle in cycles per second will be

3 4
10 10
(A) −− (B) −− B
π√19 π√38
4 4
10 10
(C) −− (D) −−
π√19 2π√19 12/14
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57 1247462 An ideal monatomic gas undergoes different types of processes which are described in Column I match the
corresponding effects in Column II. The letters have usual meaning

Column - I Column - II
= constant P If volume increases then temperature will also increase
= constant QIf volume increases then temperature will decrease
C C = Cv + 2R R For expansion, heat will have to be supplied to the gas
DC = Cv – 2R S If temperature increases then work done by gas is positive
T If pressure increases the work done by gas is negative
(C) A-PRS; B-QT; C-PRST; D-QT (D) None of these
58 1247463 Column - I Column - II
A Boltzmann constant P [M L2 T −1 ]
B Coefficient of viscosityQ [M L−1 T −1 ]
CPlank constant R [M LT −3 K −1 ] D
DC = Cv – 2R S [M L 2

(A) A-Q;B-S;C-P;D-R (B) A-S;B-Q;C-P;D-R

(C) A-P;B-Q;C-S;D-R (D) None of these
59 1247464 Match list I of the nuclear processes with List II containing parent nucleus and one of the end products of each process
and then select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists.

List - I List - II
A αdecay P 15
O →
N +. . . . . .

Bβ +
decay Q 92
U →
T h+. . . . . . .
CFission R 83
Bi →
P b+. . . . . . .

DProton emissionS 239

Pu →
La+. . . . . . . . . . .

(A) A-Q;B-P;C-S;D-R (B) A-P;B-Q;C-S;D-R

(C) A-R;B-P;C-S;D-P (D) None of these
60 1247465 C 13/14
14/07/2022, 16:19 Advanced Question Search !!!


(A) a-f, b-e, c-g, d-h (B) a-f, b-h, c-g, d-e
(C) a-g, b-h, c-e, d-f (D) None of these 14/14

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